• 580 replies
    Here and there in the forums people are expressing their enthusiasm for particular candidates in the upcoming U.S. elections, while others are saying Enough Already, We Don't Want To Hear About It. So, this is the right place to discuss your favorites (or non-favorites) and other matters relevant to the campaign. If you're not into it, skip this topic! And as for all you non-U.S. residents, if you want a similar topic for what's going on in your part of the world, speak up and I'll start it. Thanks!


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  • c_c
    I used to be a "joe six-pack" then I became a "Joe 'fifth of John Daniels' in my back pocket" then I became a "Joe cheap burgandy red wine in a 3 quart box" finally, I reached my own personal NIRVANA by being a "Joe Cheese Whiz" living on the straight and narrow these days... people change. trouble is, I suppose, in some cases, no matter how clearly an opinion is presented, and no matter how carefully the 'directions' are written on the label, some people will always fuck it up or mis-understand the 'real' purpose of a "product" anyway, FREEDOM OF SPEECH, for everyone, and if it is your Cheese Whiz, and your clothes, do with it what you will, but please keep in mind, we all share this washing machine. doesn't it say on a box of Q-tips, do not insert into your ear? what the fuck?? even the obvious can remain unclear. peace.
  • Gypsy Cowgirl
    What the F__K!?!
    Greg SC-Phil believes in what he believes in, so what the hell? They all support Obama, so what's the big deal? Who ever said Obama is an Anti-Life candidate? I'll have to research that one. I agree with Hal R-the Republicans had their chance & they've screwed it up royally. Selfish sons of bitches........enjoy the music & be done with all this bullshit. Gypsy Cowgirl ps-if I felt like telling you who I am, I could tell you more, but I'd rather be a mystery
  • johnman
    shot down
    just a little clarification here....i 'm not supporting anyone or anything.....being "shot down" means the opposing side poked so many holes in your aircraft that it falls from the sky......you don't get " shot down" flying to pennsylvania.... your aircraft may fall from the sky for other reasons........like, mechanical failure, or pilot error, o.k.? thank you for your time.
  • Hal R
    Greg SC
    The Republicans had their chance and what do we get - 4,000 American's killed in Iraq for George JR and his big lies and future generations will be paying for it. McCain is still in a Vietnam War type mentality. He thinks that war could have been won and this one too. Sinking more American lives and money into death for nothing. Thank you for your service now go off and die for us. Something some of us have a major problem with. Those of us who aren’t fortunate sons see our relatives and friends end up maimed, psychologically damaged and dead for the lies of the rich Bush and McCain types of this country. Plus all the innocent Iraqis. And this is pro-life? I think a woman should not be forced by a patriarchal system to carry through with an unwanted pregnancy. That early in the pregnancy she should be given a choice. You and I obviously disagree on when an independent life begins. It is a difficult choice, I leave it up to the individual woman to decide, you don't, you feel that you have the answer for her. Sarah Palin strong, sure, maybe like an ox barging its way through a kitchen. Independent, sure, but being president is about working with others and reaching agreement. I don't think she has these skills. A wink doesn't do it in the realm of world politics. She is not dealing with Joe six pack here. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
  • Greg SC
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    right on.
    Billy and Is420 I couldn't agree with you more! Amen! The only reason I am even stating on these threads who it is I support, is because Phil and Bobby (and Bruce, and Neil), have decided to get political. So once that starts, it gets polarizing. That is why I am horrified that Phil and Bobby have twice now publicly designed fundraiser shows for Obama. I think it stinks. I never used to talk politics to anyone. I would just sit there, drink a beer, and have fun, keeping my political thoughts to myself. But now, these guys are out there stirring up a hornet's nest. They should really think about what they are doing. But then, maybe they now have enough money not to give a crap. I also can't help but wonder why Phil, a guy who went through hell with his liver transplant, is now supporting an Anti-Life candidate like Obama. It blows me away. Greg SC
  • ls420
    who would you hire
    I am totally agree with keeping music separate from politics. But since we have opened the can of worms, here are some things to think about. Obama: Occidental College - Two years. Columbia University - B.A. political science with a specialization in international relations. Harvard - Juris Doctor (J.D.) Magna Cum Laude & Biden: University of Delaware - B.A. in history and B.A. in political science. Syracuse University College of Law - Juris Doctor (J.D.) vs. McCain: United States Naval Academy - Class rank 894 out of 899 (meaning that, like George Bush, McCain was at the bottom of his class) Palin: Hawaii Pacific University - 1 semester North Idaho College - 2 semesters - general study University of Idaho - 2 semesters - journalism Matanuska-Susitna College - 1 semester University of Idaho - 3 semesters - B.A. in journalism Palin created a highway on an island across from Juno to link the mainland with an airport. When it was finished she vetoed the bridge to the mainland, wasting 17 million dollars. Before she was governor she was mayor of a town of 5000. She has never been out of the country. McCain only became a P.O.W. by being one of the worst naval pilots ever. The first time he was shot down he was trying to steal a plane to fly to Pennsylvania to see his girl friend. There is just about as much dirt on Obama. He did associate with terrorists, when he was six. In his books, Obama admits attending "socialist conferences" and coming into contact with Marxist literature. But he ridicules the charge of being a "hard-core academic Marxist," which was made by his colorful and outspoken 2004 U.S. Senate opponent, Republican Alan Keyes. Anyway, I don't think either candidate is totally honest or even a good American. I do believe in knowing the truth. You can find any of this via Google search engine. Make sure to triple cross reference, since there is a lot of dirt being thrown. STAY AWARE!!!!
    Hey GregSC...
    You said:>>And Sarah Palin is a sharp cookie ... but she became victim of a vindictive interview, and a editing designed to rip her to pieces. No matter what the woman would have said would have been wrong ... There have been tons of these types of interviews, gaffes, studderings, and confused moments, etc., of Obama, but the press sweeps those under the carpet. >>If this woman had been running for President for the last 2+ years, she'd be head and shoulders above Obama or anyone. At the moment she is playing catch up, but in the end, she has real substance, and will be light years ahead of any party-line politician like Obama. So let me get this straight...the VINDICTIVE questions like "What newspapers do you read?" and "How does Alaska's close proximity to Russia give you foreign policy credentials?" were GOTCHA questions? Unfair journalism??? SHARP??? Put down the crackpipe and slowly walk away. Medic? Over here in SC... Dude...she has yet to be able to sit down and answer ANY question with authority. TWO DAYS AGO, she was questioned on the export of Alaskan oil to China. I'm sure you've read one of many articles on this - here's a quick reference. It's an AP article - all sources verified: http://www.comcast.net/articles/news-politics/20081010/Palin.Oil.Export… Now, PLEASE stop pretending this woman is "on the ball". She came out swinging and energized her party to the point where I was getting nervous. Then the real Sarah Palin came through. She WILL make a good politician ONE DAY. She's not ready for prime time, bro. Obama - wet noodle? You mean the man who's rallied over 20 MILLION people, including THOUSANDS of hard-core conservatives (like 6 seperate households on my own street?!!) to back him? Yeah, wet noodle....classic. Read his plan. Read McCain's plan. One is filled with vision and common sense and shows how everything is paid for. The other does nothing but say how he thinks his opponent will bring this country to "the brink of disaster" (apparently worse than we already are). I'll let you guess which plan belongs to whom. They are both available on their respective websites for public download. I recommend some reading. ~ Pappy "Once in a while you can get shown the light in the strangest of places, if you look at it right." - Robert Hunter
  • Billy S
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    Just a thought....
    Now this is just a thought......but maybe.... just maybe.... the political landscape has changed over the years....I dunno, everything else has, so why not politics and the way that the monster is ran. I have no problem with ANYBODY stepping forward and presenting who they are or aren't supporting. They...just like you SC have everyright to to show support for one candidate or another. You don't have to agree with them, and if it's more than you can stomach, then by all means it's up to you to decide if you even wanna support the person that's doing the supporting. Pretty novel idea I know, but it's "your" choice to decide what to do with what you see and hear. Ever since the "Rock to Vote" campains started, it has grown into people from all aspects of life on BOTH sides of the party lines showing their support of a certain candidate. Since there seems to be people (and although very sad and pathetic) that can't decide for themselves what's best for them, You now have people trying to inform others on what they think is best. I may be totally misunderstanding you and the point your trying to make here, but in a way, your doin pretty much the same thing on this board as Phil, Bobby, Bruce, and Neil are doin in concert. You've been pretty vocal on who you support, and that's your right I guess...as far as Palin...I can't stomach her, and find the little winks and smiles at the camera repulsive. She's not your "average" joe...She's nothing like me, or anyone else I know....ya know..."Your Six Pack Joes". or whatever it is she calls them. But hey, If there is any beauty in Politics at all, and I don't think there is...It's that you have the right to your own opinions, and you have the right to voice them, and get this....YOU have the right to vote! What ever your convictions are that helps you decide what you think is best, you get to use them. Get what I'm sayin'....The 4 above metioned individuals, that you are so put off by right now, becouse of the stances they've decided to take...Right or Wrong...It's their choice my friend. That's why, me personally, hate discussing politics. It tends to lead to angry and hurt feelings most of the time. People can be so compassionate about their beliefs, they tend to forget, that the people their discussing it with, are just as compassionate. Oh well....I better quit rambling here...I tend not to make alot of sense most of the time,..lol.. So sorry if I've carried on. Just my 2 cents.
  • Greg SC
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    two threads are better than one.
    Hal R I think the Neil Young, Bruce, and Phil were from another thread... But since you brought it up, let me clear it up. I think music should be kept seperate from politics. Even Bob Dylan never named names, he would just get people thinking about political themes... What I see coming from Phil, Bobby, Bruce, and Neil Young these days is a bunch of telling people WHO to vote for, and being quite blatant about it. And, yes, it will cause their musical careers to FADE AWAY. I went to see Phil in Charlotte NC the other day, and the Phil show was blown out of the water by the Allman Brothers Band (who opened for them!). Phil needs to spend more time gettting his band sharp, getting good cameramen, and getting good mixing board techs, and possibly picking up one more guitarist, rather than going down the depressive road of politics -- especially for that wet noodle, Barack Obama. That was my point. And Sarah Palin is a sharp cookie ... but she became victim of a vindictive interview, and a editing designed to rip her to pieces. No matter what the woman would have said would have been wrong ... There have been tons of these types of interviews, gaffes, studderings, and confused moments, etc., of Obama, but the press sweeps those under the carpet. If this woman had been running for President for the last 2+ years, she'd be head and shoulders above Obama or anyone. At the moment she is playing catch up, but in the end, she has real substance, and will be light years ahead of any party-line politician like Obama. Greg SC
  • free idea
    sox held on
    the sox held on for the win.always liked my tv news in black&white, not so depressing somehow, and my baseball i like through the radio, so i can use my imagination more. 'and we bid you goodnight"
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17 years 4 months
Here and there in the forums people are expressing their enthusiasm for particular candidates in the upcoming U.S. elections, while others are saying Enough Already, We Don't Want To Hear About It. So, this is the right place to discuss your favorites (or non-favorites) and other matters relevant to the campaign. If you're not into it, skip this topic! And as for all you non-U.S. residents, if you want a similar topic for what's going on in your part of the world, speak up and I'll start it. Thanks!
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17 years 4 months

We have Muslims here. They are your fellow Heads. They are not "those people." Referring to Muslims or anyone else in such terms is not acceptable here. Don't do it. I say this as moderator.
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17 years 3 months

Tell that to fhe victims of the spanish inquisition, the native peoples of many countries (including america) who were slaughtered in the name of Chist. I disagree in the stongest terms that you can make such sweeping statements about different religious groups. Within each group there are zealots of that are intolerant to the point of genocide towards people different than themselves. And intolerance is the least Christ-like thing I can think of. But it is amazing how perverted dogma is fostered by so many of various 'professed' faiths. Greg, I believe that there are great and true persons of ALL faiths and they are known by their works. Just as there are persons involved in all faiths who make the practice of their beliefs so venomus and toxic that their efforts poison the culture around them. And I have seen and read about both both the glory and abject horror of the practices of groups in ALL the faiths. Including Christianity. Does that mean that I should judge all christians by such works. If not, please don't paint all persons of other faiths (different than yoursand including Islam) as being identical to those that profess, but instead practice prejudice, hate, and carnage. Some facts expressed and much stated is my opinion. Take care.
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17 years 3 months

Marye, I am aware of what you said, and will keep the tone down. In fact I've known some very nice Muslims in my day, and wouldn't trade them for the world. But there is a radical group out there, that should be differentiated from the more mainstream groups. And those I spoke of refer to more of the radical groups. So with that qualification in mind, what I spoke of them is true. So ... I guess I thought that with all of the swearing on these boards, it wouldn't be a big deal to state some facts. Sorry. Oroboros, The Spanish Inquisition was a State run Inquisition. There were many reasons for it. But the straw that broke the camel's back was the invasion of the Turks on the city of Oranto--where 12,000 people were killed and the rest made slaves. They killed every Catholic cleric, and even sawed the archbishop in two. So Isabella of Spain sent a fleet over to help the Italians. But eventually it became apparent that these Turks were capable of doing this to any coastal city, so the state sought out those people who claimed to have converted to Christianity (Catholicism), but really hadn’t. But those were different times. Greg SC
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17 years 3 months

another one of "those" deadheads.... yikes! ( -; * "There's no need for you to be worrying about all 'those' people You never see 'those' people anyway I guess it doesn't matter anyway Well I guess it doesn't matter anyway" -- Dobson . "Like knowledge gained by second sight That strokes a well fed cat Pictures of my past fly by Like petals from a cloud There's just time to wonder why" -- Hunter image hosted by ImageVenue.com peace.
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17 years 3 months

and to view any group as somehow monolithic (or the same) is a crucial error and a linch-pin for errors of historic proportions. Take a look at the current situation as well as history. Various groups/fatihs have told themselves that they could hate other groups/faiths out of existance, threaten them, abuse them, terrorize them, or exterminate them. Even if everything they were doing went counter to the principles of their belief system. Watch out before you become what you detest. Mark Twain said "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble, it is what you know for sure that ain't so."
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17 years 3 months

thanks man. cool link. definately a "clinch" in the Clinch Mountains for Obama with his support. Jerry definately loved tapers, since he was one, too. Though I can't ever really see Garcia dragging huge mic stands and reels through the rain and mud and trying to find the 'just exactly perfect' angle and position for the mic. I think he was more of a 'try to put it as close as possible to the musician' type of taper. ( -: http://www.morrispr.biz/releases/nr156.htm and Ralph ain't no sell out either, just 'cause Bush gave him an award a couple of years ago. (don't think the Prez. has the voting rights to decide that, not sure who decides who gets those awards.) National Humanities & Arts or whatever that 3 letter gov. agency is. http://drralphstanley.com/index.shtml I started loving bluegrass at about age 7 or 8. when I saw some bluegrass dudes play an assembly at school and started loving green grass (actually it was brown) by around age 9 or 10 or so when I... (ohhh, never mind....) and on tour by age 12. God Bless America!! My last serious comment about the up-coming election, please, if you live in a swing state, please, pretty please with sugar on top, even if you don't like Obama for 'any' reason, please hold your nose and pull that blue lever anyways. throwing more 'red' assed monkeys into the wrench is just going to be a barrel of grinding gears and nothing to laugh about. better dead than 'red' my 2 issues: Obama - says he will cut income tax for seniors earning less than 50 gees a year. McCaine would probably have the chance to appoint a right to lifer into the court. As I am personally the result of an un-wanted prgnancy, TRUST ME when I say, women need the right to choose. ( -: peace.
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17 years 2 months

Last night's debate in St. Louis was rather entertaining. I was impressed with the demeanor of both candidates and their ability to not slam each other, too much. The moderator did not remind either speaker to answer the question asked, so listeners had to endure rhetoric not related to the question. ..." I can't wait much longer Melinda, the sun is getting high...."
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16 years

The Grateful Dead scene never would have happened in a Muslim nation. It took a Christian perspective of limitless possibilities to seek the love and light that LSD teased us with. Thirty years ago the Dead went to the Middle East with plane loads of love. More recently Islam came to America with plane loads of death. "When people talk as if the Crusades were nothing more than an aggressive raid against Islam, they seem to forget in the strangest way that Islam itself was only an aggressive raid against the old and ordered civilization in these parts. I do not say it in mere hostility to the religion of Mahomet; I am fully conscious of many values and virtues in it; but certainly it was Islam that was the invasion and Christendom that was the thing invaded. "A good Moslem king was one who was strict in religion, valiant in battle, just in giving judgment among his people, but not one who had the slightest objection in international matters to removing his neighbour's landmark." G.K. Chesterton, 1911
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17 years 4 months

I am old enough to remember how when JFK (philandering, gangster ties and all) was running for president and the cry was, "Booga booga! You can't vote for a CATHOLIC because he'll take his orders from ROME!!!" Whereas even the 12-year-old Catholic schoolchild I was at the time knew it didn't work that way. I am similarly embarrassed for my Muslim counterparts who are no more responsible for the excesses of their co-religionists than I am for the excesses of the IRA. Or Mary Tudor. Or the aforementioned Inquisition. Or, for that matter, a raft of pedophiles. Add that to the fact that when Christianity was the age Islam is now it was massacring people with gusto on numerous theology-related-and-power-driven pretexts, and I just don't have much tolerance for the mine's-better-than-yours attitude.
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17 years 4 months

and highly relevant to all this. Thanks to jackadiamonds: Egypt On August 3rd, 2008 jackadiamonds said: Hamza El Din sang and played like an ancient Egyptian priest; the eclipse is coming! Hymns from the Book of the Coming Forth by Day - the doors are opening. The solo tar of Hamza is joined by the Abbysinnan Youth Orchestra and lo and behold, one by one, strange beatnick wandering sadhus start to filter onto the stage and melt into the beat with a melody so sublime that it must have been wept from heaven. Ollin Arrageed! The people of Giza and the surrounds were convinced that in some subtle unspoken way that these three concerts were the peace talks 'in practice' as i were. "Salam; Shalom - who cares we just want peace" said Hasan Al-Gabray as we listened to the radio broadcast in his house. Children ran across the desert by the Pyramids shouting "Grateful Dead, Tom Jones!" Tom Jones was, apparently, the only other 'western act' that they knew the name of. Surreal!
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16 years

When moderate, peace-loving Muslim leaders step up and publicly denounce the actions of the jihad, they will convince me that they are serious about joining the "western act". Until then, I can only hope they exist. I wait, praying, and hear only crickets... Recall Blues for Allah... a song that recognizes the violence inherent in the so-called "Religion of Peace": "What good is spilling blood? It will not grow a thing "TASTE ETERNITY" the sword sings Blues for Allah" "…but out of the desert, from the dry places and the dreadful suns, come the cruel children of the lonely God; the real Unitarians who with scimitar in hand have laid waste the world. For it is not well for God to be alone." Chesterton
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17 years 3 months

Gr8FulTed Glad you watched the debate last night. I found it very exciting. It is amazing how between Saturday Night Live, and the leftist media in this great land, they had everyone thinking that this woman was nothing more than the proverbial "dumb blonde." Well it was good to see how she went toe to toe with old Joe Biden, and outright won the debate. He looked like a typical Washington politician, while she came across as a sharp shooting Main Street bulldog. It was funny how this morning the "truthometer" on MSNBC found 10 of Joe's statements to be out riight "untruths" and seven "barely truthful." While most of her shots were right on, with some others being questionable. I hope that Mc-Palin wins next month, and then within a year or two, we have a "President" Palin, if old John's health doesn't hold up. Go Mc-Palin! Greg SC
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17 years 3 months

I don't agree with you Greg SC but sincere thanks for getting us back on topic. I am on a steep learning curve here, getting used to the idea of right wing republican deadheads,but here you are and I am trying to understand. But adding religious bigotry to the mix is a bit too much for me to take in at one time. Maybe that could happen on some other clearly labelled forum and we could stick to the election here. Just a suggestion. Thanks for your consideration.
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17 years 3 months

Have taken over the topic. We need to revive the spirits of Allen Ginsberg, Hunter Thompson and Ken Kesey in times like this. Let your freak flag fly. Blow away the dew. I think people must have escaped from the Ted Nugent site. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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17 years 3 months

When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. Hunter S. Thompson If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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17 years 3 months

America, how can I write a holy litany in your silly mood? Allen Ginsberg If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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17 years 3 months

If you're a Conservative, why aren't you behind conserving the land? Ken Kesey If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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17 years 3 months

I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it. Voltaire and As long as people believe in absurdities they will continue to commit atrocities. Voltaire If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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17 years 3 months

My immediate impression of Sarah Palin, when McSame announced she was the running mate, was "holy smokes, that is the Flying Nun!!" Now that was a trippy TV show in the genre of other trippy TV shows like Gilligan's Island and I dream of Jeannie. What really dissapointed me about Palin in the debate, was here comment about waving the white flag of surrender in Iraq. That is quite the typical idiot, notion that wars can be 'won' in the old tradition of fights. The "say it ain't so, Joe" line was as predictable as the sunrise. "No, no, she can't take your mind and leave I know it's just another trick she's got up her sleeve I can't believe that she really wants you to die After all, it's more than enough to pay for your lie Wait a minute, watch what you're doing with your time All the endless ruins of the past must stay behind, yeah Well, can't you see that you're killing each other's soul You're both out in the streets and you got no place to go Your constant battles are getting to be a bore So go somewhere else and continue your cream puff war" -- Garcia trouble is, in the good o'l US of A, the booga booga shouters often talk louder than reasonable folk. In a lesser of two evils campaign, and in a basically 2 party system; it only makes me sigh that there are really only 2 choices for Prez. It would be nice if ALL of the politicos stopped wasting money on TV ads and such and used that money to help the people. I doubt I will live to see the day, though that day may come - thanks to technology and the ability to 'spread the word' faster and wider, that we have numerous choices who all have a reasonable chance of winning and the election became truly by the majority, not the electoral college system. When there are only two parties, you just gotta crash both. peace.
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17 years 3 months

Thank you jackadiamonds! Beautiful post. Life is all about different cultures, tastes, smells,and feelings, varied textures of the soul. Take the most wonderful of each and that is the perfect world. Thanks marye for reposting this. peace,pk
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17 years 3 months

Thanks, everyone! It is America, isn't it? But no, I think we stayed on topic ... but we certainly looked at the varied facets of politics. Anyway, I have never agreed with the Dead's take on politics, but have always loved the music. I know many Deadheads, and a lot have shifted their take on things over the years. I guess on an ideal level, the talk of utopia is great, but when the rubber hits the road, many of us have to pay bills, mortgages, car payments, etc. And these Democrats have been our worst enemies in terms of taking our money out of our pockets before we even get it. So, I really don't care what they have to say about the environment, because they do not really mean it. Hey, I recycle my cardboard, oil, plastic, etc., drive an old Geo that gets 40mpg, walk whenever I can do that instead of drive, ride a bike when the walk is too long, have 2 dogs, love them to death, say hi to people I pass. Hey, I may not vote with all of you guys, but I do more for the environment than that hypocrite Al Gore. I am sorry, but I cannot stomach the man. Obama is another one who is a real phony. He talks up a big storm, but will rob you blind once he gets into office. If you believe he is sincere, then check out his tax plan .... in it, he raises the rates on everyone at least 3 percent?? And I mean everyone. Of course he offsets some of the rate increases with tax credits, but why raise the rates at all if you want to give tax breaks?? I'll tell you why, it takes an act of congress to raise the rates, but only an executive order, or committee procedural vote to eliminate tax credits. And I'd say that within 3 years, all of the tax credits will just be eliminated, and all of us will get the tax shaft by this man. He is setting you all up. And you all must be prepared to swallow it, and say thank you. Later, guys, gotta make a payment on my son's college tuition ... Greg SC
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17 years 3 months

Better to strive for a better planet, than dwell on questionable facts and negative personal emotions. Recycling is great and commendable, if the belief is it's for the enviornment, then wonderful, but it's a whole different league trying to change the planets direction. Why is this negative? Thinking of it all as a little community that is trying to be self sufficient....... Have to water each others gardens, walk all the dogs, share your food, share the care and wellfare of the children, learn together and share that knowledge, care for the elderly, and most importantly, love one another through trust and actions. Does this sound utopian? It is. That's the idea, a vision to strive for, a world to make. This really what we on this planet are doing, some is working ,some not. It is when the negative, non-trusting, us vs them aspect creeps in that we stall in our journey. Got to pick ourselves up and focus on the positive. Lift your neighbor up, don't judge. Walk their dog, share the food, open the mind. peace,pk
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17 years 2 months

Republicans have been and still are liars and crooks. I recycle, too, by the way, while my Republican neighbors put out a bunch of trash. We don't have glass pick-up, so I go out of my way to visit a drop-off site in Missouri. Maybe you need to get out of South Carolina? Kansas is another red state, so being progressive is a tough call. I've paid college tuition for 2 sons and am waiting for my son in the Navy to become a civilian again, as he's tired of the bureaucracy and the mismanagement of the military over the past 8 years. He did his nuclear training in SC.Play some more Dead and maybe you'll come around. ...
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16 years 9 months

i've said it before and i'll say it again......all politicians are backstabbing lying cheating no good money grubbing bloodsucking rotten untrustworthy useless bureaucratic pocket lining slime. or am i being too harsh?
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17 years 3 months

I have met many people who are involved in politics and public office at the local level and they are doing the best that they can to help make their local communities a better place. They sure could make more money if they put their talents elsewhere. They do it for a higher calling. peace If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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17 years 3 months

Agree, it is something people do out of their hearts, not a greedy endeavor to get rich. Of course there are exceptions, but that is what they are, exceptions.
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16 years

...and keep on posting. You are not alone. Check out "Crunchy Cons: How Birkenstocked Burkeans, Gun-Loving Organic Gardeners, Evangelical Free-Range Farmers, Hip Homeschooling Mamas, Right-Wing Nature Lovers, and Their Diverse Tribe of Countercultural Conservatives Plan to Save America (or At Least the Republican Party)" by Rod Dreher, Roll a fatty, Wave that flag Wave it wide and high, and remember: We're guilty of the same old thing Talking a lot about less and less And forgetting the love we bring. "The need for mystery is greater than the need for an answer." - Ken Kesey
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17 years 3 months

I am kind of like Johnman, and really do not trust any of the poliicians. Yes, I do think there are a few good ones, but most are corrupted within a few years of being in federal office. It is sort of funny, I like pkpotters thoughts, but also we need to admit when we've gone wrong. I just had a laugh today on the internet, watching an apparent interview with Barney Frank and Bill OReilly. Here you have Frank, a Democrat, who since 2003, has roadblocked every piece of legislation whatsoever to regulate Fanny Mae, Freddie Mac, continually stating how Fanny and Freddie are "financially sound, and need no regulation," and, who, even as late as 5 months ago, said on public airwaves that Fanny and Freddie were not the best investments right now, but that were solid for the future. Many people then in invested in the stock, looking ahead, and lost millions of dollars. The crazy thing is this guy has the nerve to sit there and say how the financial train wreck had nothing to do with him, and that it was entirely the Republicans' fault. That is an outright lie, and this man should step down. The whole crisis was created by government, and is going to cost us all dearly. And if one were to assign blame, it would in my opinion mostly go to the Democrats, but many Republicans were with them, but these are all corrupt politicians who have cost us all our 401k's. They apparently do not know how important it is to turn to the American public and say, "I am at fault; I have failed you." Instead they sit there and blame the other party. These people are shameless. Before it is all said and done, names will be named, and I can guaranty you that more Democrats than Republicans will be on the list, and big names at that. So until I hear politicians like Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Charles Shumer, Barbara Boxer, and the others admit they had a big hand in this recent crash, then they have no support from me. If they were honorable people, they'd have stepped down already, leaving the door open to more competent, and less corrupt candidates. And ... hey, maybe pkpotter should run. Sounds like I could vote for him, regardless of party. But anyway, I do help my neighbor, share what I have with others. See ya. Greg SC
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17 years 4 months

"The task is, not so much to see what no one has yet seen; but to think what nobody has yet thought, about that which everybody sees. ." - Erwin Schrödinger
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16 years 9 months

that's pretty much what i meant, tho you put it much more eloquently, greg. and hal you are correct but the crooks seem to outweigh the people with a purpose. it's not the ones at the local level that are the problem (mebbe cuz the feeding trough is so much smaller?) i just get so fed up with the blaming and finger pointing that periodically i 'splode (grumble,grumble) .....now....who wants to hear china cat and have a cookie?
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16 years 7 months

Good ol GD China Cat and cookie mmmmmmmm
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17 years 3 months

Obama. He'll win and it's about time. I'm 100% behind him and I believe he's truly about what's best for this country and us middle class citizens. Seeya in Happy Valley!!! ~ Pappy "Once in a while you can get shown the light in the strangest of places, if you look at it right." - Robert Hunter
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16 years 7 months

Hey Ted, If I was thowing stones by posting that link, please forgive me. I guess i was surprised by the ammount of Pro -Republicans posting here. I am sure that some of my oldest friends are republican.Cool, they're still my friends. Certainly I agree that many incumbant Dems need to be voted out.Maybe most incumbents in the House and Senate, but I plan to cast one for Obama.I actually liked what Hillary said about what she would do in her first day of office, kind of extending her hand to the world in a diplomatic way. ...I don't trust in nothin' but I know it come out right.... Yippie Bill
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17 years 3 months

Billdrumz, It certainly looks as if you are going to get your wish by voting for B.O. But I would say to anyone who votes for the man, to please, not complain when your taxes go through the roof. What you are experiencing here is typical Democrat election year tactics. They promise the world, then deliver nothing but tax increases so they can spend more of your money. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me! The man as I see it is a pure Chicago style politician: no substance, but great delivery; great promises, but they will be broken within 6 months ... and pure corruption will ensue. Show me one thing the man has ever accomplished in his career, besides raising taxes?? There is nothing. ACORN, the corrupt Democrat arm, full of corrupt voter registration scatterbrains, is as corrupt as it gets. They have registered some people 72 times. There is nothing right about winning an election by fraud. But then, Barack is a Chicago politician, where people rise from their graves to vote. I cannot believe the slack jawed people out there actually Do Not Give a Hoot. I hope you enjoy what you have sewn. Greg SC
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17 years 4 months

Bush is gone. Time can't move fast enough!
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17 years 3 months

Yes, the squeaky clean McCain camp should be far ahead of the sleazy Chicago man, by now, shouldn't they? Listen - many politicians make many promises. I get it. I fully expect Obama to NOT deliver on several promises. However, I do expect him to help turn this country in the RIGHT direction. I have no problem paying taxes. I do not think for one minute that my taxes will blow up and I'll be paying way more than ever. I'm already on the hook for $2300 per family member with this bailout, remember? That's not entirely an Obama thing. McCain helped, as did the rest of Congress...so, oh well. Obama is far and away the superior choice in this election. He has not resorted to outright lying, although he's stooped to McCain's level a couple of times (which p*ssed me off). He hasn't stooped quite AS low (the whole "teaching sex ed to Kindergartners" was about the lowest thing I ever saw a politician advertise & McCain should be very ashamed of running it). Barack has the biggest brain and I truly believe he believes in making this country a better place for everyone. I'd rather live in the world HE'S trying to create than to go & live like Ted Nugent forever or the world McCain & Palin want to create. Any day. That's my .02. ~ Pappy "Once in a while you can get shown the light in the strangest of places, if you look at it right." - Robert Hunter
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17 years 3 months

You sound hoodwinked, Greg. No offense. With all due respect, this man brings a bit more to the table than Jimmy Carter. Carter was a pushover w/ the American people and the government. I get a little more "backbone" feel outta Obama .... a LOT more, actually. ~ Pappy "Once in a while you can get shown the light in the strangest of places, if you look at it right." - Robert Hunter
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17 years 3 months

Pappy, I might believe you if you said that Hillary has displayed and given off a feel of having "backbone," but Obama? I myself see the man as a pushover, and a hand-wringer. He has never once challenged the Democratic party on anything. He will be a rubber stamp for anything the Dems push across his desk. Greg SC
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17 years 2 months

We'll see, Greg. Since he's gonna be elected, we will see. My guess is you're incorrect. The Dems pushed him for total national health-care (a la Hillary). His plan is better (still not perfect, but better - and better than McCain's, IMO). But, we will see. ~ Pappy "Once in a while you can get shown the light in the strangest of places, if you look at it right." - Robert Hunter
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17 years 3 months

Hello, I'm Alex, from Italy..obviously I can't vote neither Obama nor McCain, but let me say, I read the newspapers and, since the U.S. are so influent in the world and there's more than a good link between your country and my country, I try to be well-informed about the candidates. Well, here in Italy we have this man Berlusconi holding the government (our system is a little bit different from yours, there is a President of the Republic too, a very good man) he (or members of his family) owns three or more tv channels, he has so many business and affairs and..lawsuits against him goin' on, and come from a coalition of parties very similar to your Republican party (and with some fascist ones inside). He is surrounded from this women Palin-kind, apparently very strong, decision-makers..lipstick in their hands..and very few thoughts in their minds! To me, a woman should bring something new in the world where you and me live, a new way of seeing things, not should be just an imitation of a (rude) man.. I think that there is a time for a new hope, new ways of being together in this world, I don't know if Obama will win but he seems to me the best option, at this time, better if he will work with some real clever women on his side and a real new way of acting in the foreign policy affairs.
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17 years 3 months

'Wow; Italy! I just wanted to clear up the impression you have of Palin. The television networks here have painted her to be nothing more than a dumb-blonde. That is a farce. She is a sharp woman, with a good mind and can exercise quick decisive judgment. I myself would rather see a Palin-McCain ticket, rather than a McCain-Palin, but we have what we have. But something you probably miss being so far away, is that our government over here is about as corrupt as corrupt can be. And what we need at the moment is a no-nonsense team to clean and reform this political cesspool. As much as B.O. has rehearsed his lines, and sounds commanding at times, he is a wet noodle. What we need is a hard hitting team. And I think we have that in McCain-Palin. Lipstick aside, she is a solid woman. Greg SC
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17 years 1 month

This actually came to me in an email from an old compadre @ GDTS.......if I screw it up, please ask CC's Back to do it......xoxox Gypsy Cowgirl www.michaelpalinforpresident.com My 1st video attempt is not working-so copy & paste into your browser, until I can convince CC to do it for me.....! Yee=Haw......xoxxox Gypsy Cowgirl
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17 years 3 months

poke me with a soft cushion why don't you? youtube.com search for any vid. copy and paste the link marked embedded into your post. (apprears in the info are, to the right of the vid that is playing) Elementary my dear, Watson! easy as pie. peace.
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17 years 3 months

no computer wiz, I. more of a Cheese Whiz I have modeled my character afte the personality of Cheese Whiz. ( -;