• 580 replies
    Here and there in the forums people are expressing their enthusiasm for particular candidates in the upcoming U.S. elections, while others are saying Enough Already, We Don't Want To Hear About It. So, this is the right place to discuss your favorites (or non-favorites) and other matters relevant to the campaign. If you're not into it, skip this topic! And as for all you non-U.S. residents, if you want a similar topic for what's going on in your part of the world, speak up and I'll start it. Thanks!


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  • sakparadise
    Default Avatar
    The Vote
    This is an interesting thread. The beauty about politics is that everyone has a choice and everyone wants everyone else to vote for their choice, Gotta love it. Now, this nation is in dire need of universal health care. Also, this country needs to shore up it's borders and keep jobs here in the country instead of outsourcing. Greed--both corporate and personal--has ruined this country. I, for one, have a very good job, with benefits and a pension to boot, I earn a very good wage which enables me to provide for my family. My life views have changed as I have gotten older and I do not want to be taxed more in order to provide for others. That is how universal health care will work. That all being said, whomever is the Democratic nominee will be receiving my vote in November. I do believe that both parties have forgotten the common man, but I can live with Obama, Edwards, or Clinton.
  • c_c
    Electoral College
    the only 'higher' education I ever had was when I went to Psychotic State University for half a semester. and I even flunked out of that... ) -; http://people.howstuffworks.com/electoral-college1.htm http://www.howstuffworks.com/electoral-college.htm check these (and other links) out. but my take on the whole system is that the founding father's and the framers and writers of the constitution, basically didn't trust the masses. so if-- for example, a nutter like CCj somehow got enough popular votes, he would not actually get to be president because the other politicians (senators and house members) can still decide who they will vote for in the electoral college regardless of what the popular vote in that state was. so, heavily populated states like Cali, for the same reason they have more house members because they have a higher population (every state has 2 senators regardless of population) they have more electoral votes. is this fair? another debate. we all saw what happened with the Florida fuck-up and the other bullshit. when Bobby did his 'register to vote' raps on The Dead tour, I remember him saying stuff like "if every deadhead had voted in Florida..." oh, hey, for the dude who met Al Gore at a show, what year roughly? what was the way the conversation went? he actually said he wanted to be 'Vice' president? what was he wearing? was he already involved in politics? did he inhale? ( -: peace.
  • Cub42
    2008 Field
    The only way that anything that has been discussed here will change, is if more of the population gets involved and vote. The good news is that there was a record turnout in Iowa, with more young people getting involved in the process. My daughter is turning 18 soon and is eligble to vote in this election. I was very encouraged while talking with her and some of her friends, that they are all planning on voting, and they actually are talking about it! There seems to be many intelligent and positive voices on here. Don't be afraid to put your ideas out there in other mediums. This country is ready for change. Finally, now that I live in Florida, I found a way to try and make a difference. I sighned up to be a poll worker. I thought that since I still had some brain cells left, I could help prevent another debacle like in 2000. Thanks
  • iknowurider
    I posted this some time ago, and I'm still wondering....
    Where was I during Gov't/Economics Class back in Highschool?Maybe I didn't pay enough attention back then, but I just don't get the Electoral College. What's the point of MY vote, with this system in place? To get into the higher ups of politics, it seems to me you'd have to be shady somewhere along the line, but damn, I'd vote for the lesser of the evils if I thought it counted. A good number of people in my state- SC- don't have the same views as myself- which is fine and most of our elected officals act like "good ol' boys", so should I even try to find out about Platforms? * and the whole world full of petty wars singing I got mine & you got yours while the current fashions set the pace loose your step, fall out of grace the radical he rants & rage(raves?) singing someone got to turn the page the rich man in his summer home singing just leave well enough alone but his pants are down, his cover's blown & the politicians throwing stones so the kids they dance & shake their bones 'cause it's all too clear we're on our own...... Picture a bright blue ball spinning spinning free... * * Sorry If I was rude '71, I find it gets me nowhere in life PEACE
  • Mr. Pid
    Healthcare issue
    Hal, I completely agree that the heathcare system needs a very fundamental overhaul. My great grandfather was a country doctor in central Maine, one of the only doctors in the county. When people in need called him, he would come and tend to them. If they couldn't pay in cash, then they would offer what they could. Pigs, eggs, potatoes, firewood, maple syrup, lobsters, whatever. And if they truly had nothing, well, that was fine too. They'd square up as best they could when things were going better for them. And how did that approach work out for him? Well, my parent's generation is still reinvesting his money, and I suspect that one day I will be doing so as well. So what's changed between then and now? The prevalence of insurance. The basic problem with creating large pools of available capital as the fundamental revenue model in a business system is that the focus of the business changes from effectively delivering the product to effectively extracting the revenue. And healthcare, like it or lump it, is a business system. I believe that by permanently embedding the insurance based revenue model, by means of a universal and mandatory government administrated system, that this problem will only be exacerbated. Instead, I think it makes more sense to have employer provided health care benefits liquidated and distributed into employee owned and controlled health care accounts. People should also be able to contribute to those accounts directly themselves. Gains earned on those accounts should be able to accumulate without tax liability. Disbursements from those accounts should be made only to registered health care providers. Accounts should only be transferable to another upon the death of the account owner, free of tax consequence. And the amount a person has in their account should not be the only source of payment available to the providers. A person in need of service who claims hardship or inability to pay should have to be prepared to be very transparent about the truth of their economic circumstances. Likewise, providers should not be able to deny reasonably necessary services to a person based on their ability to pay in a timely fashion, or at all. By decentralizing the revenue source available to the healthcare industry, it will refocus the business back towards the provisioning of the services rather than the efficiency in collecting the payment for those services. It will also reintroduce the notion of competition in delivering those services. Perhaps it's just me, but I happen to believe quite strongly in the power of markets. A marketplace is a brutally efficient and effective means of discovering relative value. They are the ultimate democracy. If something offered in a marketplace doesn't appear to be a value to you, you are free to not buy it. As far as I'm concerned, markets are the third most powerful force in the universe. As a concept, they've been around for a very long time. And that's because they work. I think they should be put to work to solve this particular issue. Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
  • Steve-O
    Points well taken!! I am not into politics, alls I know is that the wife and I work way to hard to be going backwards. Corporate greed, and the downright lazy are running this country and it's time for change. That's all I'm saying!!!!
    Tom Wolfe
    IMO, Wolfe DID cover American politics - with one sentiment. If that makes me a pessimist, then I guess I have to accept that label. The reason I don't see any hope for American politics is illuminated by the plain fact that I still don't hear anyone, from any of the camps of front runners for office of presidency, asking for ideas to solve our current range of social and economic problems. In addition, those folks and businesses that will be hurt the most financially, in terms of lost income, and profits, if we follow the current trends and policies, also stand to gain the most from any solutions we find in the future. I've often said that in America (I can't speak for anywhere else) greed exists from the very poor to the very rich, in terms of mentality and I suppose the same applies to ignorance. Strike one! "Smokey, you're entering a world of pain... a world of PAIN!" "Ask not what your country can do for you, but rather, what you can do for your country!" Now that's "liberalism" folks! Or is it? My idea is that we've not seen true "liberalism" since JFK nor real "conservative" leadership since George H W Bush (# 41), which is ironic on many levels. Presidents Carter, Regan, Bush (41) and Clinton all have worked to achieve line item veto for the office of presidency, on a bipartisan basis, which was achieved then ultimately found unconstitutional by the Supreme Court (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Line-item_veto). Imo, this was the last hope for fiscal conservatism in the federal government. It certainly dashed the idea that voting for one person could have the effect most voters fantasize. Strike two! "Am I the only one who cares about the rules?" For the record folks, I'm not saying to NOT vote for Obama or anyone else, for that matter. I've said how and for whom I'd vote, given the circumstances, in another thread here @ dead.net but I'm not endorsing any politician, ever. I feel totally betrayed by both parties, at this point in time, and I would encourage the idea of abolishing the political party system, altogether. The Constitution exists to uphold balance in government, not to be used as a weapon against opponents, or to inhibit necessary and positive change by the "opposition party", while problems fester that could be solved or abated, at the very least. Health care is a HUGE issue in this country. Why can't we deduct all of our health care expenses from our taxes, when we complete our returns each year? The current tax law, in this regard, requires a person to spend 7 % of their income on health care BEFORE they can begin to deduct those expenses. WHY? This is simply an outdated law that needs to be changed, NOW. Talk about an incentive for working poor... OK, one problem solved. NEXT! "Am I wrong?" (Casey puts on his engineer's hat... and picks up a baseball bat.) "Will you just take it easy... man." "...calmer than you are..." (Casey walks towards home plate) As a change of pace to this thread, I say we think of "fantasy" politicians we'd love to run the country as President. At this point, I'm leaning toward Lesh/Molo in '08! "You're not wrong Walter, you're just an asshole!"
  • Hal R
    Insurance etc.
    Steve -O. I work in a non-profit health agency and much of our clientele is poor, working and non-working. What I generally see is that there are more benefits for the unemployed or unemployable than for the working poor. I see families trying to dig themselves out of economic despair and lose benefits from the government when they go to work and then have to spend a large portion of income on insurance or go without. I would like our society to provide more protection and incentive for the working poor. That is why I am for universal health care for all in this country. I know it is socialistic, so I guess I am on this point. Medical costs for all of us have gone up in the past years with much of the privatization of the medical industry and non-profits becoming for profit and the rise of a whole batch of high paid legitimate scoundrels with masters degrees in Hospital Administration and business who cut jobs of lab technicians, nurses etc. and then give themselves a raise for doing so. Health care in this country has to change. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
  • cosmicbadger
    hmm this could get
    hmm this could get interesting just remember “Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish, and he will sit in the boat and drink beer all day.” :-)
  • D00Dah
    Careful, Steve-O...
    That's not a popular view in these parts. You start talkin' about earning your own way, personal responsibility and not wanting the government to hold your hand, and you're looking to upset alot of folks around here. Give a man a fish, he eats for a day - TEACH him to fish, he eats for a lifetime. It's always interesting and a bit sad how divisive political talk can be. It seems curious to me that a site deadicated to something as positive as the GD, with everyone here drawn together by the MUSIC, would even have have a political debate topic. I used to look forward to the shows because there was no politics, no skin color, etc..., just MUSIC. The shows and tours were an oasis from the BS. I know - I don't have to read it if I don't want to - this is just an observation. I tend to agree with the train comparison, that the train rolls on the same tracks no matter who is wearing the Casey hat. Watch yer speed! His job is to shed light, not to master...
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17 years 4 months
Here and there in the forums people are expressing their enthusiasm for particular candidates in the upcoming U.S. elections, while others are saying Enough Already, We Don't Want To Hear About It. So, this is the right place to discuss your favorites (or non-favorites) and other matters relevant to the campaign. If you're not into it, skip this topic! And as for all you non-U.S. residents, if you want a similar topic for what's going on in your part of the world, speak up and I'll start it. Thanks!
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17 years 1 month

Hey Good ol GD-@ my granddaughter's (now 2 yrs old) baby shower, as "gifts" we were all given artwork by my grandson (he's 2 years older than her) & what did I GET???? the letter "F" in a glued on kid fashion piece of paper (still have it with pride)......OF course I immediately cracked up & started singing "GIVE ME AN F" to which my son, replied "mom, noone here is going to know what you're talking about" WHICH of course I educated the rest of the family about Country Joe McDonald, Vietnam chant, etc.......1 of the grandma's said something about the GD, SF & me & we all laughed...........Bet you're right on the Honest Abe also! We can all be proud Americans, no matter who wins the election, better here, than anywhere else, no matter how unhappy we are about our politics, regimes, etc....xoxo Gypsy Cowgirl
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16 years 7 months

Gypsy, thats pretty funny I like that, pretty ironic. I am proud to be an American and love my country, where else can you have so much FUN. Though I do or have done alot of things I don't completely agree with, for people I can't stand in many far away lands. I do it for all of us. So that others can live free and enjoy singing F songs and growing hair and go to shows.Able to Speak out against the madness. I'm really not political though it does affect my life greatly right now our situation worldwide isn't going to change overnight. Have you really ever seen some kind of drastic change or bettering by who was president. Mostly bad things come to mind but seems to be the way. Maybe some Americans just don't know how good they have it. Even the poor and homeless have it better than some others in the world. Old men sing about their dreams, Women laugh and children scream, And the band keeps playing on
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17 years 1 month

A tweak on Merle Haggard's "Proud to be an Okie from Muskogee".........I agree Good ol GD-change is slow........Hopefully being homeless & poor here is better than overseas in the 3rd worlds, except with the possibilities of our Native American reservations-they are still the poorest in the land (except the ones that have gotten the casinos going on-they got it better) I'm thinking of the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota in particular is supposedly the lowest income in our nation.......xoxox Gypsy Cowgirl......YEH! GIVE ME AN "F"...........What's that spell????? xoxoxo
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17 years 1 month

just realized & read your thing on "Introducing Ourselves" that you're the paratrouper in the Army.....now I see what you meant on the above post......my hubby is a Vietnam Vet from the Navy..........xoxo Gypsy Cowgirl
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17 years 2 months

I meant "I'm Proud to be a Gypsy Cowgirl" from San Francisco..........xoxox
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16 years 7 months

Here's some more for ya Gypsy "I don't how we're gonna stop the war if you can't sing any louder than that, let me hear it And it's 1-2-3-what are we fighting 4, don't ask me I don't give a damn next stop is land of sand, and it's 5-6-7 open up the Baghdad g8s, just hope we're ain't to late, 15 month's thank's to Bobby Gates, be the first one your block to get blown up by a bomb in a box. What do you think next career in music? Gotta be humorous helps with long tours. Really gotta remember that I might just have something. I have a friend back home who was Navy, a Seabee in Vietnam Wish I was a headlight, on a northbound train
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17 years 1 month

yes, Good ol GD-husband was in the SeaBees in Vietnam, division of the Navy, I'm told.......& please, remember, I grew up on these lyrics......but, thanks......"what are we fighting for?" the eternal question, I suppose.....since the beginning of timelike your change of lyrics...can apply to anywhere! "This land is your land, this land is my land From California, to the New York Island From the redwood forest, to the gulf stream waters This land was made for you and me" words & music by Woody Guthrie xxooxoxo Gypsy Cowgirl
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16 years 7 months

Gypsy. I know you know those lyrics I put them out there cause I thought you would appreciate them and hope it put a smile on your face. I gonna do a full version. Even printed off the guitar chords for it. Of course where I am no one has a clue who Country Joe is or even Garcia. Anyway I learned "This land" when I was in kindergarten. I wonder if it is still taught in schools today. My son goes to school in in Italy to Italian school so he can't answer the question. Your patriotism is inspirational, keep on truckin. Nothingleft to do but smile smile smile.
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17 years 3 months

John McCain's plane TO Pennsylvania WAS - shot down - by friendly (self) fire...pretty funny story - I recommend reading that Rolling Stone article. Funny (but very sad) stuff. To whomever it was that called Obama "Anti-Life": ...That's a complete and utter LIE. Do some fact-checking before you believe every handout from the RNC you get and post it on here (whoever it was that said it). Barack Obama is far from perfect. I wouldn't want to vote for someone who claimed to be perfect. He's got the best plan. Period. ~ Pappy "Once in a while you can get shown the light in the strangest of places, if you look at it right." - Robert Hunter
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17 years 3 months

Check out the last three verses we aren't taught in school, below is the address. Strong stuff. Thank you Woody. Country Joe who was mentioned with the Fish yell in the above posts did a tribute record for Woody consisting of his songs. I think it was his first post CJ and the Fish record. http://www.woodyguthrie.org/Lyrics/This_Land.htm If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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16 years 9 months

i'll look into that pappy....thanx fer yer input.....did i leave my keys in here?
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16 years 9 months

and pls don't put johnman and anti-life in the same sentence.......someone might mis-construe.........found my keys......seen my lighter?
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16 years 7 months

Hal Ichecked out that Guthrie site, yea pretty strong stuff thanks bro.
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17 years 1 month

Husband last night brought it to my attention that the lyrics to "Jack Straw from Wichita-GUNNED HIS BUDDY DOWN!" We should now probably change that to 'COSMIC CHARLIE FOR PRESIDENT" He's much more on our side than a gun-slinger-even being the cowgirl I am.........xoxoxox Gypsy Cowgirlps-CC's Back-CAN YOU CHANGE IT???? I haven't learned yet!! Oy, forgive me
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17 years 3 months

Gypsy Cowgirl... It's actually "Cut his buddy down." So, you're safe. Jack Straw, seemingly is a knife murderer, not a gunman! So, that should make things better!! ;) http://www.hunterarchive.com/files/HandwrittenLyrics/JackStraw.html ~ Pappy www.theCAUSEjams.com "Once in a while you can get shown the light in the strangest of places, if you look at it right." - Robert Hunter
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17 years 1 month

Really? Geez-is our hearing going? (must be) Sometimes it really sounds like, "gunned his buddy down"......thanks, wait til I tell husband! Maybe I should've googled the lyrics? either way-COSMIC CHARLIE FOR PRESIDENT! haha......Gypsy Cowgirl
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17 years 3 months

Did you check out that link? Pretty cool - handwritten by Hunter while writing "Jack Straw". There are TWO other lines that my buddies always used to sing incorrectly in that song: 1) MY FRIENDS: "Gotta settle one horse score" REALLY: "Gotta settle one old score" 2) MY FRIENDS: "Half a mile from Tucson by the borderline" REALLY: "Half a mile from Tucson by the morning light" Obama / Biden '08/'12 ;) ~ Pappy "Once in a while you can get shown the light in the strangest of places, if you look at it right." - Robert Hunter
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17 years 1 month

ps-just to let ya know, I've actually done this "leavin' Texas fourth day of July"........after a Willie Nelson 4th of July picnic......xoxox Gypsy Cowgirlhusband says, YES-our hearing has been going for some time now! Oy! too much loud R'n R when we were younger............
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16 years 9 months

apparently mccain's third crash was due to "engine failure" a flame out. tried reignition 3 times with no luck cuz he forgot to switch to his backup battery....his own damn fault, sure, but he was'nt "shot down". may i have a cookie now?....or some cake? huh? pls? can i? huh?
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17 years 1 month

I got it from the link-it didn't go through the 1st time, since I had left off the "l" on the htm part..........DUH.........cool! thanks! COSMIC CHARLIE FOR PRESIDENT Obama/Biden in the meantime...........Gypsy Cowgirl
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16 years 7 months

Jack Straw is a Bobby tune and could have been sang god knows how. Not being critical I like when Bob misses a beat or forgrts lyrics, changes for whatever reason, Throwing Stones is great example. The whole GD improv live thing man gotta love it. Yea Cosmic Charlie teamed up with Tommy Chong gets my vote. The madness never stopped
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17 years 3 months

I'm talking about the accounts of July 29, 1967 aboard the Forrester. http://www.rollingstone.com/news/coverstory/make_believe_maverick_the_r… Too much. The worst part is how he cowers from the fire, rather than helps. I thought the old man did well for the first 30-45 minutes or so in last night's debate, but he simply loses his cool when he realizes he's not getting under Obama's skin. One is ready to lead, the other is ready to have a caniption. ~ Pappy www.theCAUSEjams.com "Once in a while you can get shown the light in the strangest of places, if you look at it right." - Robert Hunter
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Member for

17 years 2 months

thanks for your research, Johnman on the plane/McCain thing.......find your lighter yet??? Let's hope it's a landslide for Obama........I don't know if I could stand another 4-8 years of the way it is now. (I do have Canadian relatives, ya know).......How's middle America doing behind Obama? (& for that matter the deep south?) Will have to look @ this link on July 29, 1967.................COSMIC CHARLIE & TOMMY CHONG! what a team! That might wreck Nancy Regan's "just say no" campaign........but I'm hoping she was talking the real BAD stuff........xoxox Gypsy Cowgirl
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17 years 1 month

"That this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom""And that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth." Quote from Gettysburg Address, by Abraham Lincoln Nov. 19, 1863 POWER TO THE PEOPLE!.......xoxoxo Gypsy Cowgirl
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16 years 9 months

that's a word ya don't hear often. my boot camp company commander was part of the flight deck crew when the fire started and told us many stories. he was on the second fire team to attack the blaze and saw the team in front of his obliterated when the burning fuel under mccains aircraft exploded the bomb that had been jarred from his aircraft by the explosion of the zuni rocket hitting the plane next to his. there were holes blown in the flight deck, allowing burning fuel to pour down in to hangerbay where, by reports, mccain was helping enlisted men jettison un-exploded ordnance out the hanger bay doors so it would'nt cook off by the excessive heat. mebbe he should have stayed on the roof, i dunno. we're trained to leave the scene once properly equipped personnel arrive on scene or when the on-scene leader orders it, whichever comes first. there may have been more he could have done on the flight deck....we'll never know. it was a tragic accident that cost many young lives. the films of the fire and subsequent attempts to control it are now used to train young recruits on proper firefighting tecniques. many mistakes were made that day. the forrestal did recover from her wounds to sail again. guess i went off on a tangent.....he still was'nt shot down.
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17 years 3 months

He was shot down - just accidentally. My whole point to McCain is that he's not this incredibly brave, Patton-esque supersoldier hero everyone thinks he is. That whole artice (10 pages long, btw Gypsy) is fantastic information and it shows his true colors. A Navy brat who has a VERY long history of making VERY poor decisions. ~ Pappy www.theCAUSEjams.com "Once in a while you can get shown the light in the strangest of places, if you look at it right." - Robert Hunter
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17 years 4 months

I gotta quell the rumors that have been flying around, I am NOT Joe the Plumber! ( -: I'm CC Joe, the Cheeze Wiz! peace.
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Member for

16 years 7 months

I'm glad you guys enjoyed the R. Stone article. I read it one day in Barnes and Noble when I was gettin a paper to find a job.uugg.Anyway I wasn't startin s_it,just wanted to help Obama along. I didn't live in Fl during the last election but I don't want to be one of those deadheads Bobby was talking about(at the show).Hey Ted if I see one of those bumperstickers,I'll let you know. Thanks Hal R for the link.So who will be in the Cabinet...big prizes for the correct guess..........drumz>space
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17 years 3 months

Great question, billdrumz!!! Sec of State - Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton? Al Gore? Sen. Dick Luger? Sec of Defense - Sen. Jim Webb? Gen. Wesley Clark? I would really put HRC as the next Supreme Court Justice, actually. ~ Pappy "Once in a while you can get shown the light in the strangest of places, if you look at it right." - Robert Hunter
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16 years 9 months

and as i have said before i'm not for or against either candidate....but if an aircraft is not "up in the air" but "parked on the flight deck" it cannot be "shot down" and the missile in question did not hit his aircraft, although he said it did, anyway pappy i have found your posts informative and interesting, thank you for your time.
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17 years 1 month

CC's Back is Joe the Plumber in disquise....don't let him fool you......just kidding CC... Oh, I once knew a Hog Farmer that went by the name of Chee-Wiz....Are you related? She was a nurse, I think.........don't worry, Pappy, I can't stand to look @ McCain......& like my 92 yr old mom said about our current pres (with his 73% dis-approval rate according to the news last night) after his re-election/theft/ "God, I have to look @ his face again?" I said-don't look.............. xoxoxo Gypsy Cowgirl
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17 years 1 month

Oh, it was actually "I have to look @ his ### face" she was cussing.......GC
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16 years 9 months

and to think all i wanted was a little cake........or a cookie.....sigh!
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17 years 2 months

Johnman-go git yer cookie & make sure it's the Alice B. Toklas type..........xoxoxo Gypsy Cowgirl
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16 years 9 months

jeez!...... wot kind didja think i wanted anywayz? mebbe made wif a little "special" butter? heehee
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17 years 1 month

She was born Alice Babette Toklas in San Francisco, California-April 30, 1877 – March 7, 1967........Wow, now we're completely off the titled subject.....oh, well.....sorry Mary E.........xoxoxo Gypsy CowgirlONLY S.F. could have Alice B. Toklas & the GD to their name! I'm so proud to be from here for many generations, actually! Yee-Haw....
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17 years 1 month

THAT CAN BE ENJOYED BY BOTH PARTIES!NOT ONLY THAT-- it is POLITICALLY CORRECT!! While walking down the street one day a US senator is tragically hit by a truck and dies. His soul arrives in heaven and is met by St. Stephen at the entrance. 'Welcome to heaven,' says St. Stephen. 'Before you settle in, it seems there is a problem. We seldom see a high official around these parts, you see, so we're not sure what to do with you.' 'No problem, just let me in,' says the man. 'Well, I'd like to, but I have orders from higher up. What we'll do is have you spend one day in hell and one in heaven. Then you can choose where to spend eternity.' 'Really, I've made up my mind. I want to be in heaven,' says the senator. 'I'm sorry, but we have our rules.' And with that, St. Stephen escorts him to the elevator and he goes down, down, down to hell. The doors open and he finds himself in the middle of a green golf course. In the distance is a clubhouse and standing in front of it are all his friends and other politicians who had worked with him. Everyone is very happy and in evening dress. They run to greet him, shake his hand, and reminisce about the good times they had while getting rich at the expense of the people. They play a friendly game of golf and then dine on lobster, caviar and champagne. Also present is the devil, who really is a very friendly & nice guy who has a good time dancing and telling jokes. They are having such a good time that before he realizes it, it is time to go. Everyone gives him a hearty farewell and waves while the elevator rises... The elevator goes up, up, up and the door reopens on heaven where St. Stephen is waiting for him. 'Now it's time to visit heaven.' So, 24 hours pass with the senator joining a group of contented souls moving from cloud to cloud, playing the harp and singing. They have a good time and, before he realizes it, the 24 hours have gone by and St. Stephen returns. 'Well, then, you've spent a day in hell and another in heaven. Now choose your eternity.' The senator reflects for a minute, then he answers: 'Well, I would never have said it before, I mean heaven has been delightful, but I think I would be better off in hell.' So St. Stephen escorts him to the elevator and he goes down, down, down to hell. Now the doors of the elevator open and he's in the middle of a barren land covered with waste and garbage. He sees all his friends, dressed in rags, picking up the trash and putting it in black bags as more trash falls from above. The devil comes over to him and puts his arm around his shoulder. 'I don't understand,' stammers the senator. 'Yesterday I was here and there was a golf course and clubhouse, and we ate lobster and caviar, drank champagne, and danced and had a great time. Now there's just a wasteland full of garbage and my friends look miserable. What happened?' The devil looks at him, smiles and says, 'Yesterday we were campaigning.. .. Today you voted.
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15 years 11 months

People are saying that Barrack's middle name is actually "Hussien" or however you spell it. So, that would make him Barrack Hussien Obama. Osama and Obama sound almost alike to me. Am I crazy? We supposedly dont have a copy of his birth certificate. Was he born in the U.S. If everyone wants change. What kind of change are we going to have. If the U.S. changes, it could get even worse. I'm thinking about Russia and how it is over there now. I see alot of crazy stuff about Russia online. Or whatever the country is called now. Are we going to have terroist attacks after the election. Are the terroists that are still out there going to test the new president. Whoever it is. Are there even terroists still out there? Is the new president going to take action or is he just going to let it happen or is he not going to know what to do. If the terroists attack, should we just sit around and let it happen? They drove planes into the world trade center. Does that matter? Do we even care if we are attacked. I used to be a bleeding heart liberal mainly because of the environment and a peaceful planet would be nice, but does it seem like Barrack really gives a crap about that stuff? Yes, hes a democrat, it really doesnt seem like he is gonna do much of anything except let the country fall to pieces. Does that mean that the world is going to be in a blissful state of happiness, where I get mine and we brought the man down? As you can see I'm not much of an Obama fan. I think he is likely to make it much worse. Sure he can bring about change but, I fear it is a change for the worst.
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Member for

17 years 3 months

That there seems to be people getting on this site just to say some very mean things and to redbait and now to make statements about Obama and Islam and terrorism. People are getting on and there first posts are anti- Obama and that is all they post about. They do not write anything about themselves in the bio section or how many shows they went to, etc.. Not that people need to do that but these posters never do. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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Member for

17 years 3 months

Do yourself a favor, Danny C. Put the stereotypes away and go visit (as I just advised someone else to do) www.snopes.com and put "Obama" in the search bar. You'll find all the ridiculous myths that you are apparently clinging to, put to rest and proven false - with sources. AFTER you do that, you may want to read his PLAN FOR CHANGE which is available on his website: www.barackobama.com . Read it. I'm not saying you will vote for him, but if you want to know what he actually plans to do with this country, rather than believe the fear and smear you are prone to believing, you should simply read what he wants to do (and how he wants to do it - paying for everything). FYI - his birth certificate is here: http://i305.photobucket.com/albums/nn227/Polarik/BO_Birth_Certificate.j… The link from where I got THAT is here: http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/birthcertificate.asp ALSO, check THIS out: http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/citizen.asp Do some actual reading, before believing all the crap you're spouting (apparently heard on right-wing radio/tv or read on emails). No offense - but bring SOMETHING to the table. ~ Pappy www.theCAUSEjams.com "Once in a while you can get shown the light in the strangest of places, if you look at it right." - Robert Hunter
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Member for

16 years 7 months

Pappy / Hal agreed think that the above has targeted the wrong audience, sounds like that person themselves should run a campaign. I like this forum cause there are some interesting discussions not a bunch of FU statements. There are many that only discuss pro's and cons of each or stating thier opinion on who the support but not in a FU manner. Maybe that dude should come join me for a year-15 month's if he's worried about terrorist's and insurgents. Hal bro also agree on your Bios statement, I like checking them out. Wonder if this is one of those guys who goes to shows and leaves trash everywhere. FYI mines Deadhead Paratrooper on intro's. I want to load some cool pics I got too, like on Haight street and at Red rocks but I gotta dig em out and scan them when I get home there was no digital cams at that time. Cause on the net it's like a blind date. And espcially here check peoples stuff, say wow man I was at that show or been there etc. Internet question? Anyone ever thought about what DSL is backwords. Hey Pappy checked out you site, listened to some GDTRFB, sweet, sounds really good. if I'm ever going through Pitt I be sure to look for you all. Strangers stopping strangers just to shake their hands.
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Member for

16 years 9 months

Is broadband for your brain! Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
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Member for

17 years 4 months

XYZ PDQ!!! quid pro quo?? huh? ok, I'll go back to being CC eoj never been a plumber, though I was a 'joint fitter' from time to time. peace.
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Member for

16 years

Thanks guys, maybe the internet is really not the best place to talk about that kinda stuff. See-ya later, Dan
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Member for

16 years 9 months

but didn't really think about it as i don't always check profiles....mebbe i should start...no matter the candidate, mean spirited posts just don't belong....thanx hal!!
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Member for

17 years 3 months

You keep after those villains for us, eh?********************************** Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you will still exist, but you have ceased to live. Samuel Clemens
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Member for

17 years 3 months

Thank you, Good Ol' GD - glad you liked it. We've got some pretty good vids up, too from this past summer (if you check out the "links" page on our website). Thank you for all you do, bro. Lemme know if ever you come to the 'Burgh. Thanks to you too, Hal!! Check THIS out for something funny...(well, actually kinda sad).... http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-fraud18-2008oct18,0,1216330.sto… Figures, eh? ~ Pappy www.theCAUSEjams.com "Once in a while you can get shown the light in the strangest of places, if you look at it right." - Robert Hunter
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Member for

16 years 7 months

There's a good picture on of ol John having a heart attack in Stars and Stripes today 21 Oct. page 8. Itried to copy for everyone but it won't let me. Just google the paper and open it.