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  • Hal R
    my oh my
    look at all the stereotyping around here, whatever happened to open minds? C'mon people now good thought lamagonzo If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
  • Anonymous (not verified)
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    C'mon people now...
    ... Smile on your brothers and sisters. Try to love one another right now. Bought my first DSO ticket today fer Higher Ground, Burlington VT 12/3 Trucking down to Wallingford CT to see FURTHUR soon after -- Neato! Christmas presents! ~ I guess they can't revoke your soul for tryin' ~
  • Weedmaster
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    New Pictures of Jerry Garcia
    I am happy to say that in the soon to be released Treating Yourself issue # 19 that we have 2 never before published pictures of Jerry Garcia. 1 is of Jerry Garcia in Mickey’s Barn studio. He worked on the soundtrack to the film "Zabriskie’s Point" soundtrack. And the other 1 is of Steve Brown and Jerry Garcia at Golden Gate Bridge. The photo was taken by Jim Marshall during the Rolling Stone Magazine’s 10th Anniversary cover shoot. All previously published issues of Treating Yourself is available for FREE as a PDF download and this issue will be available as a FREE download Jan.1/10 Take Care and Peace Marco Renda Federal Exemptee Publisher Treating Yourself The Alternative Medicine Journal
  • starsleeper
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    mindless morons
    These "idiots" who are "governing" us should all get together and eat a big bag of mushrooms, maybe they'd wake up. And they should "legalize it" (pot) quickly so people who want real change can get in there and try to clean up their mess. Corporate Wall St. capitalism has run its course and is the Devil's best friend. There's about 20 years left until the 2000th anniversary of Jesus death and everythings looking right on track for his return by then, I'm not too optimistic about us turning this world around but ya gotta keep trying. The next 20 years will be the most important in human history. And I saw a new heavens, and a new earth Love, hope, charity, faith, and more lovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelove! and peace
  • johnman
    mindless lemings??
    anyone who thinks ANY politician has the right answers and blindly votes for them because of supposed change fits that description to a "t". you can't trust any of the money grubbing backstabbing lying cheating rotten nogood twofaced thieving bloodsucking bullcrap artists.......i'm still trying to figure out how, why, and when words like "liberal" and "conservative" became four-lettered. one means to share, the other to save some for later...both ideas have merit, fer crine outloud. I will say though that the government does not need to get any bigger...and it needs to get it's damn hands out of my pockets, i liberally share with those that need it, when i can, but i reserve the right to conserve for later.......(grumble....mutter.....^!*&$#@ politicians.....)
    Hey Lame O Gonzo :-)
    I believe in moderation and living within your means as well. What set me off was your use of Conservative talking points like "Great " and defending the Faux News Tea Bag movement. The tea baggers are not simply physcally responsible citizens that are "outraged" by overspending. They are mindless lemings who are following the commands of the right wingers in order to derail any meaningful legislation proposed by the Obama Administration. This includes fighting against green energy, stricter emisions for vehicles, polution controls and the corporatization of our economy and our military for that matter. The health care "debate" is not even discussing the issues. It is centered on lies and distortions. Anyway, this debate will not end any time soon. Peace - David
  • stuman
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    jefferson airplane meets star trek trip
    That is too funny ! Thank you Cosmicbadger !!
  • Anonymous (not verified)
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    Hey Grade A Deadhead
    Boros thinks I'm a communist and was redbaiting me, quoting Lenin and you think I'm a conservative. Actually, I'm neither. But I do go ballistic from time to time about about this stuff and usually my point is: The Repubs/Demos are two sides of the same coin and we need to throw out the small change. You ask me what I'm proposing? Nothing. I'm not running for anything. But I know you can't work from within this system to get meaningful change. You can see some of my posts in the Obama topic (if its still there). I also tend toward the ecological catastrophe looming on the immediate horizon. So, if I had a position, I'd be talking about how to decrease our lifestyle and use less plastic and stay the fuck out of our cars as much as possible. We need to stop living beyond our means in this country. As my previous post about the 'The Great Enabler' stated, Obama is just postponing the inevitable pain that is coming. At some point the Chinese and others will stop buying Treasuries and the dollar will no longer be the world's reserve currency (giving us many ways to manipulate how the US pays back those debts) and America will have to face the music OR JUST START PRINTING MONEY WITH NOTHING TO BACK IT UP. That will create pure inflation, triple digit stuff, very quickly. If we live on less maybe we will become responsible citizens of the world instead of the ruling class of an empire. We'll spend more time with our family, friends and neighbors and less time chasing a lifestyle that doesn't bring us any happiness. Making do with less doesn't mean you are less. ~ The work of his day measures more than the planting and growing ~ (Hope everybody is enjoying this year's crop under the harvest moon)
  • buddy plant
    Mongo no undastand...
    ... eccomomics :((
    Hey Lamogonzo..............
    Just like most "conservatives" , I am hearing no suggestions from you on how this mess should be handled. I hope you are not emplying that Obama created this recession. (I was laid off last August). I agree that the stimulus package is hard to swollow, but it does a hell of a lot more for our economy than Bushes blank check "refunds" he sent out. He may as well have burned the cash. Despite what those Tea Bag wacos would have you believe, these "bail outs" are not simply an open ended plan and the government is NOT trying to take over everything or put private companies out of business. In fact, some of the banks have already begun repaying the money. I heard that Bank of America is desperate to pay back Billions so they can be free of any government involvement. Cash for clunkers was a huge success and has stimulated the car industry. OK, don't get me started or I'll have to explain to you why the public option for healthcare is the only viable way we will create competition and lower prices. Put that in your tea pot and smoke it!
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17 years 9 months
continuing the free-form from where we left it...
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17 years 4 months

very nice CC. god if wong sees that this place is gonna be censored like that. *snaps fingers* i gotta riddle for yall.whance that april withe the shoore soote..... finish the quote Peace, The Kid
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17 years 9 months

hath perced to the rooteand bathed every vein in swich liquer of which vertu engendered is the fleur after that it's all garbled.
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17 years 9 months

You got it girl!!
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17 years 4 months

very nice. congratulations, you win a fabulous prize! a three year old pit bull.garbled indeedy. Peace, The Kid
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16 years 9 months

Merl Saunders Washington :: 02/14/34 - 10/24/08 Merl Saunders by Bob Minkin Merl Saunders was born Merl Saunders Washington (he dropped the "Washington" for show biz purposes) in San Mateo, California on February 14, 1934; he passed away early this morning (October 24, 2008) at Kaiser Hospital in San Francisco. Saunders grew up in San Francisco and was a proficient piano player by age 10. He attended Polytechnic High School, Served in the Air Force and Attended University of Mainz in Germany. Saunders married Betty Crenshaw and leaves behind three children (Anthony Saunders, Merl Saunders Jr., Susan Saunders) and a number of grand kids. Saunders became one of the preeminent Hammond B-3 player of his generation; beginning his long strange trip by apprenticing with the great Jimmy Smith. In 1970 Saunders began playing with Jerry Garcia in the Bay Area under bands called Legion of Mary and then Garcia/Saunders. The duo recorded a number of famous albums including Heavy Turbulence, Fire Up, and Live at the Keystone. Their 1990 collaboration, Blues from the Rainforest, was a Billboard Top 10 in the New Age category. Saunders contributed to the Grateful Dead album Grateful Dead (1971), and in the mid-1980s worked with the band as musical director for the "Twilight Zone" television show. He became known as the senior member of the jam band scene having played with Phish, Blues Traveler and Widespread Panic. He was instrumental in allowing young talent to play and record with him, giving first opportunity to the likes of Sheila E, Chris Hayes (Huey Lewis & the News), Bonnie Hayes (Billy Idol) and Bob Steeler (Hot Tuna). In parallel to his rock career, Saunders worked as a jazz trio player, performing and recording with Harry Belafonte, Frank Sinatra, Lionel Hampton, Miles Davis, B.B. King, Bonnie Raitt, and Paul Butterfield. He also contributed to the scores of the films "Heavy Traffic" and "Fritz the Cat."
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17 years 4 months

I saw Merl with JGB a few times and spoke with him briefly at the Stone on Broadway in SF. He was a great musician and a wonderfully warm human being. The world was a better place for him having lived in it.
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17 years 4 months

jeez. thats too bad.Peace, The Kid
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17 years 9 months

Merl, so sad, what a wonderful man. I am very lucky to have lived in his time. Warm wonderful creative soul. May you go on to the skies and play again with your friends.We will miss you Merl.
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17 years 9 months

RIP Merl. thankx so much for everything. may the four winds blow you safely home... love and peace.
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17 years 9 months

look out into the night sky in the next few weeks about two hours before dawn and see the zodiacal lights. once thought to be light reflecting from earths atmosphere, is now known to be light reflected from random particles from one meter to microscopic in size extending from the atmosphere of the sun to the orbit of mars and are spread out along the plane of the ecliptic (the path the sun follows throughout the year). Hence the reason for the name Zodiacal Light is because it is seen projected against the zodiacal constellations.The best time to see the Zodiacal Light is when the ecliptic appears most nearly vertical to the horizon. For those in the Northern Hemisphere, the best morning views in the eastern sky will come during the next few weeks without the interference of bright moonlight. Conversely, for those who live in the Southern Hemisphere, the best views now are in the western evening sky right after sunset A ghostly slanted pyramid,the Zodiacal Light is something you have to see to believe.
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17 years 4 months

yall wont BELIEVE what happened last night. a tornado touched down down the street from my school, followed the road to the school, and ripped up the fron tlawn before moving on past the school building and into the woods where it dissipated (is thqat the correct word?) it was scary shite (excuse my french) no one was hurt thank god and we regained power and phone service really quickly. Peace, The Kid
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17 years 2 months

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17 years 7 months

So glad you are ok!!
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17 years 8 months

what Gigi said! Glad you are alright, Kid! AM BACK!! ********************************** Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you will still exist, but you have ceased to live. Samuel Clemens
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17 years 4 months

i will admit, it was REALLY cool. as bad as that sounds, its an interesting experience.Peace, The Kid
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17 years 9 months

one for the holiday: math teacher: What do you get if you divide the cirucmference of a jack-o-lantern by its diameter? cc joe in 6th grade: Pumpkin Pi Happy Halloween!! that thing damn near goes on forever.... yuk yuk yuk ( -; peace.
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17 years 7 months

Have fun with the trick or treaters!! Another good one from CCJoe!!!!
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17 years 9 months

that's a little too much of the spinnin' spinnin' free!
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17 years 4 months

happy halloween to all of ya out there!Peace, The Kid
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17 years 9 months

Nailin Pailin, Riding Biden, etc.... continue an old porn industry tradition. who remembers the 8mm classic 'Getting it down Pat' from the Nixon years? (snare drum and high hat - ba da dum) ( -: yuk yuk yuk ( -; peace.
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17 years 2 months

and to think all i wanted was a slice of cake........
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17 years 2 months

wif frosting!!!
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17 years 8 months

Hi. I'm not sure if this is the right place for this question but....Did anyone see the Feb 14th 1970 video of Dark Star that was on youtube?? The video (yes video not Aud) went for 10 minutes and looked like it was taken from the front row or so. And it def was of the Feb 14th dark Star as I have this on tape and double checked. If so, it would have to be the earliest Dark Star on video. Who posted it???and does anyone have a copy of that???? I even emailed the bear and he seemed to think it was a fake, but i have no doubt about it.. Cheers
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17 years 9 months

can't find it on youtube. please post up the link or embed it into a post. to do that, simply copy and paste the embedded link into your post. peace.
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17 years 8 months

Hi. Nope it was taken down a few months ago. It was posted by someone called Username99999 or something like that whose account has since "been suspended". I'm telling you it was the exact Dark Star, and this guy posted absolutely heaps of GD stuff. He wrote at the time a detailed account of how it was recorded etc. and transferred. I tried to copy it to a cd but it didnt work. I also added it to my list of favourites but was taken off youtube. I wrote about it to my yahoo group dead_heads. Anyone else there saw it???????????
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17 years 9 months

run it backwards from 5:06 -- back to 5:01, Jerry clearly says "I am the walrus" ( -;
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17 years 4 months

nice vid. the play im in opens on thursday, so wish me luck every one! My role isnt major, but the scene im in is a train wreck so far. Peace, The Kid
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17 years 9 months

break a leg ; )
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17 years 2 months

ok, what is the play called, and why won't they give you top billing?? don't take no for an answer!!
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17 years 9 months

trippy thought of the day: The sentence I am writing now is the sentence you are reading now. When is "now"? ( - :
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17 years 9 months

yesterdays tomorrow.thats where i'm at!
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17 years 4 months

Good Luck Kid :) CCJ ~ Maybe "Now" is a dream we dreamed some afternoon long ago ??? PEACE
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17 years 2 months

is tomorow's day before yesterday
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17 years 4 months

oh well, what else is new? thanks for the wishes of good luck yall. play is called Approaching Zanzibar by Tina Howe. its a good play, a comedy, but its not what i voted for in regards to play. oh well...OBAMA WON!!!!!!! WOOOO HOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! sorry, just had to get that out. Peace, The Kid
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17 years 2 months

Now is whenever you are. Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
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17 years 9 months

now is the time! now spelt backwards is 'won' I'm also living in yesterday's tomorrow. peace.
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17 years 9 months

my dearest duckie, is yesterdays tomorrow! quack quack quack!! yesterday is past us and tomorrow never comes(glad i'm not tomorrow)hi jer! peace!
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17 years 4 months

" Tomorrow never happens, It's all the same fucking day, man. " ~ Janis Joplin I thought she said " as we discovered on the Terrain" but I've read in several place "on the train" ???? PEACE
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17 years 9 months

yes, it's the train. it's a reference to the train tour across canada, rider. u quacked me up!!! Great North Special, were you on board? You can't find a ride like that no more Night the chariot swung down low Ninety nine children had a chance to go One long party from front to end Tune to the whistle going round the bend No big hurry, what do you say Might as well travel the elegant way oh well , might as well peace2U
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17 years 9 months

"Don't worry about tomorrow, Lord, you'll know it when it comes When the rocking, rolling music meets the rising, shining sun" - Weir "All the things I planned to do, I only did half way Tomorrow will be Sunday, born of rainy Saturday There's some satisfaction in the San Francisco rain No matter what comes down, the mission always looks the same" --Hunter/Garcia
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17 years 9 months

that play on Mission and mission. (for non-Bay Areans, the Mission is a nabe in SF, and I guess Hunter was walking there one rainy day and the rest is history.)
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17 years 2 months

keeps the flyin' monkeys down....that way they don't steal yer beer
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17 years 9 months

on a visit to your city(across the bay)on a rainy day, thinkin bout what hunter was thinkin and gettin a feel for where jerry got the feelin... Ten years ago I walked this street, my dreams were riding tall Tonight I would be thankful Lord, for any dreams at all Some folks would be happy just to have one dream come true But everything you gather is just more that you can lose flying monkeys in washington, damn invisible floresent orange snakes in arizona, wheres my attorney, it's getting weird again! time to turn pro