• 580 replies
    Here and there in the forums people are expressing their enthusiasm for particular candidates in the upcoming U.S. elections, while others are saying Enough Already, We Don't Want To Hear About It. So, this is the right place to discuss your favorites (or non-favorites) and other matters relevant to the campaign. If you're not into it, skip this topic! And as for all you non-U.S. residents, if you want a similar topic for what's going on in your part of the world, speak up and I'll start it. Thanks!


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  • Steve-O
    Who to vote for? I enjoyed the wealth of the Clinton years, could this be a repeat? I know absolutely nothing about Obama, except that he is younger. That could be a good thing. I know all about Bob, Phil, and Mickey's veiws, but do I want to support the California dream? I am really iffy on this issue. My primary is coming fast and I really need to make a decision, we shall see.
  • wolfsong
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    McCain is the only logical
    McCain is the only logical choice. as a registered independent i resent the fact that i feel the need to vote republican if only to vote against two not even remotely qualified people, either way the "party" decides. its scary to me that either are even up for nomination. Keep on rockin in the free world
  • Frankly
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    Oh,money supply..
    federal reserve,banks, inflation..i know a very interesting documentary called "Zeitgeist",theres a lot of information about all this stuff:-)(-:
  • 00
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    Libertarian party
    Bobbalee, I am actually a registered Libertarian and I registered for the party when I was in High school and always liked the idea that "nobody should tell me what to do while I am in my own home." But as I have many agreements with the Libertarian party I also have many disagreements such as no gun laws, no environmental laws, no social programs, little to no government. Maybe I am a bit out dated on these policies but this was the Libertarian point of view when I was following it closer. If I am wrong please correct me. I have been a fan of Milton Friedman (economics geek here) but I always had many questions about minimizing the role of government in a free market. This is sort of Bush’s policy on global warming. Let the market figure it out as it knows more that the government when it comes to such issues. I studied Friedman’s quantity theory of money and we can even say that Friedman is responsible for the connection between inflation and money supply and hence our current interest rate system that the Fed uses today. Federal Funds Rate etc. But I think you disagree with this right? Please tell me more about the Libertarian party as I have been out of touch with them for some time.
  • BobbaLee
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    Not much will change
    Sorry to burst everybodys bubble. The difffernce between OBama and McCain is about 15%,Dems and Repubs are two gangs that are constantly fighting over the turf called USA. I suggest you learn about the Libertarian party ot the libertarian philosophy. Ron Paul is a libertarian running as a republican in the primarys. I like Obamas attitude however his policies will not get through Congress. Clinton has the smarts to be president but is so politically slimey she inspires no one. McCain well it won't be Bush 3 however he will be tied to an old corrupt party. Look behind each parties stance: Dems will talk about education however what they mean is "as long as the NEA controls it." Repubs say school choice but what they really want is tax dollars going to religous schools. The same for defense, farm policy, Social Security etc. They use their power to reward their friends and punish their enemies until they cough up protection money. Both parties will do anything to stay in power. They start wars, find enemies everywhere and think nothing of stealing our rights to make sure they keep their system going. Our gov't owes between 10-15 trillion dollars in unfunded gov't pensions, subsidies, Social Security. Medicare. See the Fed lowering interest rates? (not for us) After the election they will rise sharply. Why? because our dollar is becoming weaker and weaker. It will not attract the people who buy our debt the people who own the debt will demand higher interest rates. Why do we still have troops in Europe and Japan? Why do we insist on surrounding Russia with NATO countries. Why? because our industrial military/welfare complex needs to have a large military to keep the economy humming. Dems will scream bloody murder when somebody wants to cut out the military base in their district. Repubs claim they want a smaller govt but have done nothing to shrink gov'r unless its to let corporations off the hook when they make a bad business deal. Both .parties use the fear of other peoples and countries to keep the military industrial complex going go into the ghetto every politican is running a welfare office-I used to insure an AIDS clinic in Miami-they never seemed to have the money to staff the clinic with doctors and medicine. But every board member got their $60,000 salary. and they were all connected pols. when my wife was a Masters degree candidate the welfare agency she worked at made up dozens of fake clients to get more grant money-she refused to sign off on it and was terminated. The owner was an elected official who plays the race card every election. Want to change the system? Read books by Ayn Rand, Milton Friedman and stop looking the other way. Free your self and your mind first. Oh and listen to the Good Ol Grateful Dead. And the road goes on forever.... BobbaLee
  • 00
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    I was not sure who I would vote for this time around but then I read “audacity of Hope" and I made up my mind. Barack Obama is what I think of when I read parts of the constitution. He is the memory I have of reciting the pledge of allegiance back when I was in 1st grade. Really, he is a reminder of what I was always taught and believed. I also feel his foregin policy will be more intuned with reality as he as actually lived outside the US. Lets see what happens but Barack Obama is change.
  • Jodester
    never trust a politician...
    If I vote for someone and they later do something really fucked up, as they always do, then does that mean I am partly responsible? And if I don't vote to keep out the most evil one, what then? Obama seems like a nice guy. Talks the talk, but can he walk the walk? We have no real way to know. He kinda back stabbed his minister but had little choice as to not do so would have been suicide, perhaps. I would tend to favor him although I'm sure he has a snowballs chance in hell of beating McCain. Hilary, where to start... I find her to be completely false and untrustworthy. Having said that, her and Bill back in the White House would basically be a rerun of Bills term without the Monica thing. That wouldn't be so bad. But she has no chance of beating McCain. McCain, since Bush cheated him last time around he seems to have been playing the game of play submissive to the big dog until in a position to take over with the big dogs help. Has this changed him, or is he still the same maverick under the hood? He's actually the most liberal Republican of this era. He's a true war hero in an age where the term is loosely thrown around, and has the most experience. I think he's a man of conviction even if I don't agree with all of his positions. I think he will bring the troops home in the right way if given the chance. I don't think he really wants the war to go on any longer than necessary but u never tell the enemy your plans so it's intelligent to demoralize the enemy by saying you'll stay 100 years if necessary. I think when all the hoo-haa dies down Americans will take him as the most steady, stable choice. Are you kind?
  • Lady Deadhead …
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    Deadheads Unite for Barack
    Yeah, I missed the Dead "re-union", being in Idaho. Location notwithstanding, some bloggers missed it too, (the point, that is...). It's all about change."The sun will shine in my back door someday". Maybe that day has come. Barack Obama is a decent man. Hillary & McCain; more of the same. Everyone, please,open your eyes... They are part of the political machinery that has been steamrolling over Americans, bargaining with lobbyists, and selling out to the "pro-life-war-mongering", constitution stomping, big brother, elitist right! Educate yourselves and do some research to find out the depth and breadth of lies that spew forth from Hillary's pie-hole. We don't need another liar in the house; male OR female. She has lied about her experience. She never had security clearance and sleeping with slick Willy doesn't count...Talk to Northern Ireland. She brought peace to them don't you know? All of Ireland is laughing about that...Macedonia? She claims to have opened their borders... funny, they were open before she even arrived and Bosnia...well you know how she ran from the plane under sniper fire...liar, liar, liar. The list is long...She didn't even pay the health care premiums for her OWN STAFF!!! Liar, liar, liar!!!! S-Chip for childrens' medical care? Check out her claims on that issue...Don't be fooled by the wolf in womens' clothing. Ship of fools...sail away from me...
  • Ami
    scary times
    my husband's all for Obama, change, get a fresh start out of the washington bogged down with lobbyists,etc... but to be in a position to gain the nomination in the first place, you're already part of the 'old boy's network'. Hillary has connections, not experience. if she had experience it meant that she was privy to decision-making she wasn't allowed to be privy of. so Obama has a good enough record, keeps harping on the war vote, a vote like many that he refused to give a vote on, has dirty Chicago politics behind him- and all that against a war hero who is a hawk that wants to continue a non-sensical war because 'we' will show the world as leaders how it's done. I live in a very densely democratic area, eastern pennsylvania- and it'll give Obama the vote most likely, but the center of the state is rural, we call it Pennsyl-tucky, sometimes pennsyl-bama- and I have a feeling that like a lot of places everywhere, NRA card-carrying militia members and most southern men aren't giving Obama a vote. As much as many don't want more Clintonism, or a woman in the white House, they'd sooner vote for McCain to cancel out Obama. The vote swing this time is the young vote. I lost my first vote of Carter VS Reagan, but this time we need the USA to be concerned with world issues that don't revolve around where we get our oil. If McCain wins- then education is kaput! No child left behind isn't a possibility and is an utter travesty and affront to public education. $$$$ spent on waste- we will have no Social security at all, cost of living will push anyone out of the middle class, and the minority achievement and employment gaps will increase even more. Unemployment will be more epidemic than now, which is at an all time high.. I am scared because if I had to bet who will win, I think deep down that most Americans are going to go with McCain- I'll still go Democratic, but I think the young have to rock the vote and go to the polls in numbers! Now I have to decide if Hillary's politics are any better or worse than Obama's- so far tObama just appears to be more civil. get all your friends out to vote! get anyone you know registered republican to get it changed so they can vote in their state's primary... and then vote! We are our own worst enemies- remember, Bush got RE elected, people didn't get enough the first time going! Ami
  • thndrbill
    Rolling The Dice
    McCain promises to be a continuation of the Bush years, which by almost any measure have been a disaster. I really expected more from him but I know better than to put much faith in politicians. Of the three I'll take Obama.
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17 years 4 months
Here and there in the forums people are expressing their enthusiasm for particular candidates in the upcoming U.S. elections, while others are saying Enough Already, We Don't Want To Hear About It. So, this is the right place to discuss your favorites (or non-favorites) and other matters relevant to the campaign. If you're not into it, skip this topic! And as for all you non-U.S. residents, if you want a similar topic for what's going on in your part of the world, speak up and I'll start it. Thanks!
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17 years 1 month

I'm being sarcastic, if he gets elected & we end up with his choice of VP......can't stand it........Can't stand how the vast majority (let's hope not) of America are stupid enough to go for it.........hope for the best!!! xoxox Gypsy Cowgirl
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17 years 1 month

ps-If I had to move to Canada (relatives up there) I'd be too far away from the grandkids........HOPE 4 THE BEST VOTE VOTE VOTEGC
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16 years 7 months

Gypsy did you see the pic, that's the first thing that came to my mind was AAAA AAAA where's my nitro. Look at his hand, it looks weird like long nails and creepy. Like that old bald vampire in old dracula movies. HMMM maybe he's a vampire, yes that's it he's a vampire and thats why he 's been around so long. An he sank his teeth in Palin and now she'll live forever. I know what it is you have to be a blood sucker to get along in DC.
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17 years 1 month

Hey GoGD-didn't see it.......great........xoxo GC
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16 years 9 months

tried to google it to no avail......what section is it in?
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17 years 3 months

I witnessed a ture patriot tonight, at 6:15 CMT on msnbc. He asked real questions, of both sides of this decision. He was factual, pointed and wanted a straight answer to a straight question. he pressed for it, he didn't take just an answer, he wanted an answer to the question that was asked. He did this at great peril to his "safety net". He persisted and asked the questions to get answers for all of us. Before the thought of "he must be democrat!", actually he was a lifelong republican, can't tell that about his show, because he is a true journalist and is consumed by the truth and the quest thereof.Don't let the truth off the hook, that was the message. It was real. It was powerful. It was such a search for the truth, for all of our behalf's that I believe I saw a true patriot. Who was this? Search this one out. Peace,pk
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16 years 7 months

It should come up as: Stars and Stripes, sure your familiar with it. download the paper, click mideast or european edition the only dif is the weather. 21 Oct page 8. I'll keep trying to copy it. PK- was it Hunter S. Thompson? I'm just guessing man.
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17 years 3 months

GOGD - I haven't been able to find it. In what section is it?? PKPOTTER - who is it you're speaking of? I can't imagine it's Olberman (although I LOVE his commentary, it's pretty apparent he's a Dem - so that'd rule him out).... I do like MSNBC, but find myself watching CNN mostly. ~ Pappy www.theCAUSEjams.com "Once in a while you can get shown the light in the strangest of places, if you look at it right." - Robert Hunter
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16 years 7 months

Pappy try the site i posted above go to e-paper the last 7 days. BUT I was finally able to capture it I posted it in Fan Photos. It should show up within the next 24. I tried posting on this forum but couldn't do it. Just hope it will get posted, it's funny so we'll see. Hope it get's alot of feedback.
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17 years 3 months

It was Chris Matthews........I know,Iknow... He did all of us a grate service. Both spokespersons for each of the candidates on, he asked very relevant questions of both candidates, very even, watched for response....did they answer the questions, or not...did the other party think, the heats on them I'm fine...he observed all of that and came right back to each guest...both guest's. he asked them again, and again.. he pressed both sides until the bs dropped and the truth shown. He has pushed the envelope for this election, to our benefit. pushing harder as he is getting more and more heat. how many of us would keep pushing,after being reprimanded,keep pushing,because you thinks it's right. He is doing that and it is a noble cause and it needs to be witnessed. And in these times of the news recount of the daily events,this should be noticed. just an observation, that I believe shows a true patriot. there are many true patriots here at deadnet as well. many names come to mind. Oroboros,HalR, pappy,good ol gd, and others. These are minds that make you think,hard..and thinking is really good. Just an opinion ,one of many, from an observer of many views. peace,pk
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17 years 3 months

Nice to be included in such lofty company! Chris Matthews is great. Tim Russert was great, too (RIP)....anyone who can bring out the truth - the REAL truth and not some bs story someone is trying to turn into truth - is wonderful in my eyes. Peace! ~ Pappy www.theCAUSEjams.com "Once in a while you can get shown the light in the strangest of places, if you look at it right." - Robert Hunter
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17 years 3 months

Yes, lofty company it surely is. Grate patriots seeking the truth and discussing the issues in a universal sense. Something to be proud of as a member of this community. And I am proud and grateful.peace,pk
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17 years 2 months

I have to post this somewhere as I almost bust a gut, laughing....although it's pretty sad. Knucklehead of the Year Award Here's what she wanted you to believe: http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2008/10/23/woman-claims-attack-lin… Here's what really happened: http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2008/10/24/police-woman-lied-about… I can see her now - at her bathroom mirror with the butterknife....oy. ~ Pappy www.theCAUSEjams.com "Once in a while you can get shown the light in the strangest of places, if you look at it right." - Robert Hunter
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17 years 3 months

I saw a great man todaya man with hope a man with ideas a man with dignity a man with strengh a man with courage a man with vision a man with compassion a man with grace a man with presence a man with heart a man with soul and a man with the love of the common man I saw a great man today His name is Barack Obama And I was proud to see him
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17 years 3 months

Ask not what your country can do for youbut what can you do for your country a mission statement to guide a country. John F. Kennedy A patriot of the highest order. inspired by a friend and visionary in our midst.
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17 years 3 months

and their future. I voted (early) yesterday. Here in Nebraska, one of the VERY Red states and I cast my vote for Barak Obama. We may not win Nebraska, but the state is slated (according to the news) to have a 72% turnout! That is as it should be. Speak and be heard! That is what the founding fathers envisioned in this grand experiment of America. Get out and vote. And vote your conscience. For our future. And as Hubert Humphrey said "The measure of our society is how well we care for the poor, the disadvantaged, the children, the elderly, those who are least able to care for themselves". This is a great opportunity to reach for justice in our culture. We may all have different beliefs, truths, faiths, and experiences, but we have more in common that we have in differences. And this is our chance to make a difference, to have your voice heard, to affect our future, our children's future. Wasn't it Gandhi that said "Be the change that you want to see in the world"? Peace to all my brothers and sisters (including those who believe different truths than I). We can get there from here, whatever happens. But the boat ain't going to move, if we don't all get our oars in the water. Take care. A West African proverb: " You see the hut, yet you ask where shall I go for shelter?"
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17 years 3 months

Another american hero? Yes. He's a "Brit" aka "a wonderful friend" Has all of our best interests at heart he cares about this country and speaks out for it Yes, He's a "Brit" Thank you John
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17 years 3 months

John Cleese on msnbc, speaking words of wisdom.The post above by Oroboros, speaking words of wisdom. And soon the one who guides this wonderful country, will speak words of wisdom That is hope That is all of our dreams Let it Be, Let it Be
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17 years 3 months

I would vote for you, could I be secretary of music? A new, but needed position. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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17 years 3 months

Here's to a better tomorrow!!! "you can't go back and you can't stand still, and if the thunder don't get you then the lightning will" The Truth is realized in an instant, the act is practiced step by step.
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17 years 3 months

I know that domestic issues will be uppermost in the minds of voters. That's quite understandable, but US voters find themselves in a unique position. The choice you make will affect the lives of everyone on the planet and maybe even the health of the planet itself. So when you make your choices, please think about which of the two possible regimes might best balance the inevitable pursuit of self interest with the need for a peaceful, sustainable and just world.
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17 years 3 months

I'll be voting for the first time in years on Tuesday. Gonna stand this country on it's ears! No more trillion dollar debt, no more killing, no more hate, no more racism and bigots, no Palin fem-nazis, no more world Domination and greed. No more getting or stealing our energy from other countries. This is the Greatest country on Earth. We are also the richest and no American should be without healthcare, food or homeless. The Republican's say they are Christians... but kill in the name of GOD. I thought the Ten Commandments said "Thou Shalt Not Kill"? Where is the small print that says, thou shalt not kill unless? We say we are a Nation under God. But live one way on Sunday and completely different on Monday. Money rules Everything in this country. Yet the Bible says it's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to get into Heaven. Somebody is telling us twisted lies! Too much Hate in this world. If I had my way we would have another 1960's uprising and THIS TIME.... Get it RIGHT! Love can Change the World! I'll not stand for another single day living on a planet filled with greed and hate and fear. If that's the way the people in this world want to live then I'm Ready to leave this Godforsaken place and go be with all our loved ones who have passed to the next level. There must be people with love and compassion in their hearts somewhere in this Universe. I don't expect Everyone to see things the same, but wouldn't it be nice if we could all get along and take care of each other? Hate breeds hate. We reap what we sow. If this world has lost the warmth in their hearts to want Peace and Love... Then I Pray for Jesus to come take me HOME! I know voting for Obama won't solve all our problems, but it's a step in the Right direction. And if he truly is the anti-Christ then you'll know it soon after he rises up after being mortally wounded. If that's the case, then see ya! I'm outta here! Until then... Can't we at least TRY one more time to reunite this country and bring back it's Goodness that was for so many years the envy of all the children in all countries to come live here where the statue of Liberty say's; "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. The wretched refuse of you teamming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" Or is that just for show and has no Real heartfelt meaning? I'm sick of the lies, greed and hate. So go vote and PRAY we get it Right this time! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Plan your next getaway with AOL Travel. Check out Today's Hot 5 Travel Deals! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Plan your next getaway with AOL Travel. Check out Today's Hot 5 Travel Deals!
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17 years 3 months

probably this post was copied and pasted from an email the dude was sending... I'd guess that. peace.
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16 years 9 months

it's a democratalist...uh......republicrat.........er,capitalcrat?.............oh my
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16 years 9 months

i'm still tryin' ta figure out when words like conservative and liberal became so insulting
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17 years 1 month

Jm-who cares when they became so insulting because look what has happened the last 8 yrs-insulting to all of us-any kind of Americans....xoxoo Gypsy Cowgirl
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16 years 6 months

I've been waiting for tomorrow for a long, long, long, long time. Go big "O". Peace! New ones coming as the old ones go Everything's moving here, but much too slow now
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16 years 9 months

I care, because we are all americans.......even the two fools running for office....this goes alot farther back then the "current" bush administration. the divisive nature bugs me because we are all entitled to have differing opinions, we are guaranteed that by the constitution which, i must add, i have sworn an oath to defend against all enemies, foreign and domestic. i hope whoever takes home the cake tomorrow remembers that single vital document because it defines us all as a country and it gives us rights AND responsibilities that we too often take for granted, others dream of, and blood was spilled to secure........now....about that cookie
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17 years 2 months

Someone recently made mention of the fact that most Christians are Republicans. I have found that to be true, to a degree...maybe it's more vice versa. Funny though, not the killing part, but the fact that some of Senator Obama's views are being considered "socialist" by the Republicans....sorry, isn't it part of Christianity to "help thy brother?" And didn't a WHOLE bunch of Republicans (including their presidential nominee) recently vote in a bailout for Wall Street? What's more socialist than THAT?A little socialism never hurt anyone....it's not like Obama wants the US Government to control everything....such a silly attempt at creating a "buzzword". For those still "on the fence"....I'll just let you in on a few things that happened to me here in the swing-state of Pennsylvania within the past 24 hours. I received 3 mailers and 4 phone calls from the McCain campaign and 5 phone calls (no mailers) from the Obama campaign. The calls & mailers (some of which are downright hilarious, yet sad) from the McCain campaign were ALL attacks on Barack Obama. EVERY one of the 5 calls from the Obama campaign were asking me to volunteer to get people to vote. Quick note on the McCain mailers...the first was one reminding me that Obama said Western Pennsylvanians were clinging to guns & religion. The second mailer asked if I really thought Obama was a Christian, or a Muslim and warned me that a vote for Obama would mean a 500% increase in guns & ammo tax. Er....uh...what do you think I am? A gun-toting religious freak? Hahahaaaaaa......I had to laugh...really. The phone calls were robocall surveys. When I would answer that I was voting for Obama, the machine started spewing "facts" that Obama's first legislation would be in favor of partial-birth abortions. Right. Not on an energy bill, or anything like that - he's gonna go right for that. Another wonderful "fact" was that he would make states like Pennsylvania recognize gay marriages from Cali & Mass and I wouldn't want that, would I? I answered "That wouldn't bother me in the least." Fear....oooooooohhh, the multi-cultural boogeyman is coming! ~ Pappy www.theCAUSEjams.com "Once in a while you can get shown the light in the strangest of places, if you look at it right." - Robert Hunter
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17 years 3 months

buy your beer today!! and of course VOTE TOMORROW!!
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16 years 9 months

tc....in washington state i can buy beer anytime.....but thankfully i received 32 beers yesterday as a birthday gift. strange quantity, i know............
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16 years 9 months

it is not necessary to be religious, or a nut to own firearms. ya don't hafta be a republican, or a democrat,or even have any political affiliations. ya don't hafta have short hair, or long hair. or wear a tie, or tie-dye, wing-tips or sneakers, birkenstocks or western boots or any shoes at all. you don't even hafta like other peoples music. over 75 million americans legally own firearms. i am one of those americans, as are many deadheads-believe it or not!!. it's one or the rights that i spoke of that people take for granted.....of course you don't have too either. you don't even have to LIKE them, but i firmly believe that it is one of our checks and balances and a right that we should not lose.....i would prefer to not have prices go up any farther..........now to all of you who disagree with me.....that's another of your rights....just please don't hate me or insult me or think badly of me, i love you all-we are brothers and sisters.....jeez, even PIG sang of a shotgun fulla rock salt. nw......c'mon......lets all have a cookie and a beer.......please??oh......and i'm not voting for sen. mccain either.........ok beer and cookies ,ok? puhlease???
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17 years 3 months

http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7706572.stm I got 9/10. would have gotten 10/10, but went straight to the sad grampa answer, didn't read the question carefully asking which one was NOT mentioned; but I didn't see the SNL show,just sound bites from it, the only bit I saw was the sad grampa. might have gotten that one wrong anyways. the other day my old lady mentioned something she read about Obama's aunt, I wouldn't have known that one otherwise. Totally guessed on the after voting thing for McCain and got it right. I was thinking along other lines (go home and _ _ _ _ ) which wasn't a choice in that 'poll' "uhhh, huh huh huh. he said 'poll'" - Butthead voice. peace.
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16 years 9 months

You got to "score" with your "poll."Heh heh. Heh heh. Heh heh heh... Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
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17 years 2 months

I'm withya all the way, brother. It's anyone's right to bear arms....just try not to arm any bears, they're already dangerous enough, as it is. My point was simply that McCain's team was trying to say, "Look what he's calling you!" Then, they go ahead and basically make the same remark. Stoooopid. Anyhooo - I've already voted and now, we wait. What a glorious, historic day. Sunny & approaching 70 in the 'Burgh!!! ~ Pappy www.theCAUSEjams.com "Once in a while you can get shown the light in the strangest of places, if you look at it right." - Robert Hunter
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17 years 2 months

In line at 5:25 am, I cast my ballot in 5 minutes: good grief there were a lot of judges to retain. I didn't realize there were 5 folks running for president. Finally, we can look forward to car commercials again. As far as cookies and beer: I'll pass on the cookies, but an India Pale Ale is in the near future: Hercules, 90 day IPA, Racer 5, Flying Dog???
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Member for

16 years 7 months

how's a-boot a jelly doughnut and some Molson ey! I own firearms too, guess I'm just a Freedom fighter or maybe freedom rider. choclate chip cookies go great with beer but maybe not as good as bear claw. nummy
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16 years 9 months

i don't much care for canadian beer, tastes too much like bud(weiser), but i'll keep one on ice!!i drove past my polling place just after mass...like 0815......line around the block!! figured, ok, have breakfast and go back....people will be at work....0930....line has DOUBLED!! it's great to see americans taking advantage of their rights!! HEY, HEY, USA!!! i got some dead loaded on my phone.....and it has a speaker....that should thin the line out....or i can sneak in while everyone's twirlin'!! heehee!!
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16 years 7 months

How bout a Guiness my friend, or your choice I'll buy. Got a question ever thought of this I'm a federal gov employee but pay federal income tax to which military pay is derived from. so I'm paying my own paycheck, hmmm. And I go walking out chooba, chooba
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17 years 2 months

I took my 18 year old twin daughters, 1st time voters to the polls today! We walked right in ,no line here, til they srcewed up the machine...leave to my twins heehee..we left a nice line behind us though! Hey I didn't get a cookie or a beer for voting :( Change Rocks!!
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Member for

16 years 9 months

the tax thing is sumpin i realized right after i re-enlisted the first time...and now as a retiree it REALLY hits home....carap! usta tell my chief that i was paying my own paycheck.....so i must be self employed.....so i was goin' home early......(he did'nt see things that way for some strange reason). hey bro...i was gonna keep that molson on ice for YOU!! if yer deployed from ft. lewis i'll meetcha on the ramp when the plane lands!!.......mistah cholly tol' me so!!
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Member for

16 years 9 months

all voting together. hit the store mom....tell 'em put it on johnman's tab!! heehee
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Member for

17 years 4 months

when I went to vote too. Took about an hour, well worth it... I'd venture to say people who have never voted in this nabe are out in droves.
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Member for

16 years 7 months

Yea wish I could just go home early. No man not outta Lewis from Leonard Wood, MO.But hopefully there is going to be a tour this spring and summer and I plan to go where ever, use my combat pay to jetset to where the wind don't blow so strange. May just be up your way. Well I guess it's time to see who's winning this thing. Get to watch some TV tonight yippee.
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Member for

17 years 3 months

i'll take of those flying dogs, johnman thats a grate idea for moving a line along, and marye, i know you are right about that... time for change!