• 720 replies
    Cold rain and snow? Here comes sunshine? What's Mother Nature up to at your house?


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  • Anna rRxia
    Will there be food riots?
    If Congress decides to cut food stamp programs it is a distinct possibility. Free food distribution centers will have less and fewer commodities will be available through the Ag. Dept. This could be a multi-year drought where all of these conditions worsen. Thank you, Republicans, for denying global warming for 30 years and putting us in this mess. (I used up this space because of a double post)
  • Anna rRxia
    Half of all US counties now declared in drought
    With the temperature slated to break a 120 year all-time record today in OKC at 114 degrees, fully half the country is declared to be in drought. Prices will increase for food substantially next year, if not in the fall. No relief in sight as of yet. I have no compunction about running my air-conditioner these days...
  • Gr8fulTed
    How do you spell relief?
    Good weather reporting, Anna. Yesterday was almost comfortable, with cloud cover and intermittent showers. 2 day rain total was 0.05", so a shower was more like a faint drizzle. Forecast calls for triple digits again starting today. Uggh Like Poncho Bill says, it's crunchy and brown and our municipal water folks are asking for reduced water use, to 3 days a week . Folks with automatic sprinklers haven't made the effort to modify their watering cycles... My granddaughter Willow is visiting from Ft. Collins (no more smoke and fire!), so she's learned to feel the difference between hot and dry to hot, dry and humid. I use the water from her kiddie pool to feed the shrubs and garden veggies. June's electric bill was over $200. Arrgh! For some reason the hundred or so winfd turbines west of Salina KS haven't been spinning lately to enhance the power coming from the many coal fired plants. Anyone know why the wind turbines are not being used?
  • marye
    meanwhile in Oakland
    it's gray and overcast!
  • PonchoBill
    Damn hot! This has gotta be the hottest summer on record for northern Ontario. No end in sight either. I stopped caring about my green lawn weeks ago. It is an unsightly brown and very crunchy. My hydro bill is sky high. The CA is worth every penny tho.
  • Anna rRxia
    KC sizzle breaks
    Yesterday's high temp. in KC was 88. That breaks a 20 day string of 90+ temps for the KC metro. area. The forecast? Temps. at or above 90 for as far as the eye can see. Good luck staying cool Ted! At least you don't live in Las Vegas or Phoenix or Death Valley. In N. New England we are sizzling in or around 90 with high humidity. I think it's time for a tube trip down the White River. Unfortunately the water doesn't keep the beer cold!
  • Anna rRxia
    The heat boss, the heat!! (More water!)
    Poor Ted! The relief we've felt in the New England area -- morning lows in the high 40s -- didn't quite make it to the KC metro area. They had a "low" high temp. of 92 degrees last Monday and now temps. are headed back up to the triple digits. Man, that would just kill me! This makes more than 10 days of plus 90 degrees for those poor folks in the Plains. We'll be checking to see when you guys nose in under that mark. No end in sight. Other temps. around the country are staggering. Record highs almost everywhere except NE, where beautifully gorgeous endless summer continues unabated. We've been at the beach where water temps. are up this year already. You can now swim in Maine, which was an impossibility before 2000 unless you were a polar bear. In the rest of the country they are speaking of some really insane temps. like 127 degrees in Las Vegas. On average about 10 degrees more than the usual. Is this year the tipping point as far as Global Warming is concerned? I don't think from a scientific point-of-view a causal relationship can be proven but from a common-sense human and closely watched domestic animal point-of-view the case was closed long before this summer... Stay cool everybody! Alcoholic beverages are dehydrating. If you drink you should make every other one a 16 oz. water. Hey, if you don't believe me ask any EMT what shows up in the emergency room on hot days other than the elderly.
  • sherbear
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    Hot Days In the blazing sun where I was observing the grape vines with their thick, sturdy and jagged leaves...I gazed upon them finding that the beetles had paired up and were all making love freely in the light of the sun. Ahhh Mother Nature and her subjects of love. The unbridled passion of beetles on a leaf to stray cats of the city. The heat of the day to the cool of the dark of night is her nudging of love to sweeten the journey and make a new morning to begin the heat again. It's going to be hot, like the day before. They'll do it again, like ornaments or earrings placed to be seen.
  • gratefaldean
    Good point, Anna
    And I sure do remember. I think that one of the side-effects of A/C use is that I never get "hardened off" to the heat. I really do think that I'm less heat-tolerant after 6 years in central-air NC than I was when I lived in New England with no A/C and sleeping on the second floor of my 100-yr-old house with plenty of hot-and-humid summer days to go around.
  • Mr. Pid
    Born on the Sun?
    Check out Robert Wuhl in the control room. I don't think he was acting. Robin ad libbed a lot of this movie.
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17 years 9 months
Cold rain and snow? Here comes sunshine? What's Mother Nature up to at your house?
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16 years 9 months

around 44 but it is droping today with a steady rain for the last two days here in Dirty Jersey
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17 years 9 months

and if it's gonna look like this it should rain already.
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17 years 9 months

weather? We don't need no stinking weather! forget about the weather... it's 5:15!! Time to RIDE!! peace.
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17 years 9 months

All is white here. Snowflakes were as big as quarters for bit. The view is beautiful across the pond.
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17 years 9 months

Here it comes! Cold Rain, and snow,snow,snow! Getting ready for the big snowstorm tonight! Would love to go out and make snow angels with my beautiful daughter, but, shes 8 months pregnant and I may not get her up again.Have a grate day everyone! peace,pk
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17 years 9 months

Well it seems as if we have returned to the November and Decembers I remember as a kid 50's at night and upper 70's during the day.A/C has been off almost the entire past 6 weeks. Nicest weather since the late 70's. And the road goes on forever.... BobbaLee
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16 years 11 months

Been a beautiful fall here in Oregon, that's for sure. Just watched an awesome sunset over the Pacific. Listening to Sirius it lasted throughout Truckin, Standing on the Moon, Cassidy, and Wang Dang Doodle. Venus and Jupiter came out, and sunbeams sparkled. Happy Birthday Jim Morrison, and praise to you John Lennon, hey man, I fucked up when I told them it was my 18th birthday when you died, it was my 19th. Anyways, I'm kinda trashed and I think I better go home. I love you all.
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16 years 11 months

sun coming upand then the sun it going down shine through my windows and my friends they come around come around, come around
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17 years 9 months

Snow on Mount Diablo? Hearing it might snow on Grandma's mountain - thats what we call it in our family, used to take rides up there with grandma back in the day. Her dad was the first mayor of concord. Mom and Dads place in Livermore now has a window that looks out to the beautiful little mountain.
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16 years 11 months

let's all listen to a Hot version of Cold Rain & Snow!
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17 years 9 months

and Sunday was 6 degrees here in Lincoln, Nebraska (the middle of the USA).And we are at - 3. I am sure 'Cold Rain & Snow" won't be far behind. The Truth is realized in an instant, the act is practiced step by step.
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17 years 8 months

Ah, what a grate place to live: in Lincoln or KC on an arctic blast morning. ditto the 60 to 2 freefall in temps, with snow on the way!! " I picked up my matches, I was holding the door...had one of those flashes..."
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17 years 9 months

i was where the climate suited my clothes...not so today! BRRRRR
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17 years 9 months

and piles of hail on the ground when I got up. This explains the unusually percussive effect in the middle of the night. It's very nice to see rainwater in the various buckets!
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17 years 9 months

But a little chilly....... It was -18 windchil at daybreak today. Ouch!
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17 years 9 months

Tonight a rare occurance of a big winter system bearing down from the Dakotas, and another comming up across Kansas, and both meeting here in Nebraska. They collide complete with snow, freezing rain, thunder AND lightning. Actually quite spectacular, however I'm thinking that driving tomorrow after a couple of inches of freezing rain on top of snow will be a challenge! The Truth is realized in an instant, the act is practiced step by step.
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17 years 2 months

all day....we have a spectacular 1-3 inchs....jeez......'course the real problem is the 1.5 inches of ice underneath.....not unusual...we always have more ice than snow here, jus' gonna make the job search harder and we may have a freezing rain over the weekend and i'm not thrilled with that.....they are treacherous..........24 degrees, no wind
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17 years 3 months

It`s been like near 80 degrees here .. Tha banana tree`s are still flowering , more home grown banana`s ,,after a cold snap a few weeks ago the vegi garden is coming back ..flower bulbs poppin up from the grownd .. pretty nice but really do miss the snow I used to know when i was a young child growing up in Jersey ...
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17 years 9 months

It's made it's way up here. Got about 8 " so far with another 4" coming down. All schools closed, so the hills in the parks here will be filled with kid's on sleds.
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17 years 9 months

kids to have fun! and it's not electronic!!!! amazing!!!!have fun kids.
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16 years 3 months

Wow, it's really coming down now, and sticking,here on Long Island. About 4 inches predicted with windy conditions so I'm stayin' in and crankin' up some GOGD. Cold Rain and Snow seems appropriate as one selection, Bird Song too...I'll show you...the snow and rain!!!Good day for some hot chocolate, maybe some Baileys too!!! True nobility comes not from being better than others But from being better than you used to be
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17 years 9 months

rained during the night, and looks like another storm coming in. I think the ski places in the Sierra are in for a good Christmas.
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17 years 8 months

In North Carolina. The sun and '40s are on the way. The start of our 3rd winter here and so far I do NOT miss the snow.
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17 years 8 months

Spokane set a new record with 2 feet of snow in a 24 hour period. I'm hoping my son can make it across Puget Sound and off the ground at SeaTac this afternoon....
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17 years 8 months

From Idaho to Wisconsin and down to Kansas: it's below 0 defrees F ( what is that in C TigerLilly?) Great day for making ice cubes. KC is without snowcover....
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17 years 9 months

Yes it's wicked cold. Wind chill is -35 here in Madison. Beautiful sunny morning though, if you are inside looking out.
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17 years 2 months

to a sweltering 32 degrees and the snow stopped for about 6 hrs........just long enough to acquire a fine layer of ice on top. it's snowing again and we expect " winter precipitation", a fine euphemism for freezing rain, sometime this evening. apparently it's solid snow across the northern states from Washington state to New york. they are predicting snow here the rest of the week......first white Christmas we've had here in quite some time. was amusing watching ben the dog attempt to walk across the top of the frozen snow. he spread his toes out as much as he could to keep from breaking thru....to no avail.
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17 years 7 months

RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!Its only 14 degree in NJ! Ouch it hurts to go out! The wind is killer and makes it feel like 30 below BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!
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17 years 2 months

for me to find my shovel.....at least now i won't break my neck on the stairs. no snow today, a little sun......and it may snow again tonite.
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17 years 3 months

to the mid 40`s last night , 60`s this afternoon .. think I`ll mow the yard today ..
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16 years 9 months

think it made it to 25 degrees wooohooo.I can feel the spring in the air allready!!!!!!looks like it is gona be a white Christmas
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17 years 9 months

here in the OC, where I am for the family festivities.
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17 years 9 months

Just broke the all-time record for snowfall here in madison,wisconsin for the month of december. A beautiful sight really, nothing like christmas lights reflecting in the snow and fresh fallen snow hanging on the branches of all the trees. Reminds me of the days at lake tahoe. Have a warm and wonderful christmas eve all you beautiful people out there. Your spirit shines brightly on this planet we call home.
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17 years 8 months

We have had 59.7 inches of snow this month. Mail delivery has been sporadic. I am walking just about everywhere, in the street, which I don't like because some people have not cleared the sidewalks. The piles of snow we have made from clearing the sidewalk and drive are over 6 or 7 feet tall. The roof of an electrical business at the end of our block fell in yesteday from the weight of the snow and one of my neighbors just fell off his roof clearing it. I usually like snow and winter but this is testing my patience. I am too tired from shovelling and walking in deep snow and pushing people out to have much time or energy to snowshoe or ski! And more is on its way. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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17 years 2 months

our snow here on the west side of the cascades has all but disappeared. at least in the south sound, and close to water. sorry to hear you guys are still buried, hal.....41 degrees with winds at 33 mph....70% chance of rain
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17 years 9 months

it is cold and socked in with fog, but nothing like what you guys are having!
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16 years 7 months

They just announced that is currently -25 in Saranac Lake at 10 pm. That's pretty righeous. Everything is really trippy when it gets this cold. Even the planes going over head sound really weird in extreme cold. I love it! It's gonna get colder, so let's get on with the show... And if you're up in the North Country, bring your pets in!!!!!
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17 years 9 months

Here in Erie today, wind chills of -30. Ouch!
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17 years 8 months

Two of my employees went to work in 40 below temps, before wind chill, in Aberdeen SD and up in Bismarck ND, yesterday, 1/14. Fortunately, their cars didn't break down or go off into a snowdrift, as I spoke with both today: heck it was above 0 today. In Aberdeen, the public schools were still in session....
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17 years 3 months

28 F. here in jacksonville this morning , thats f-in cold for here ! I think i`ve been in the south for too long, I don`t want to leave the house . Born & raised in n.j. I should be ok with this ..but BRRRRR... just glad we did`nt get any snow , folks here can`t drive when the sun is shining on a warm day .. Stay warm folks !! if we have any sunshine to spare I`ll send it up north .. sorry to here abt. the hard time you`r having Hal .. and everyone else stuck in the snow ...
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Snowed like hell today. We got maybe 10 more inches on top of 10 already on the ground. It's pretty polar out there! Brings the deer down off the mountain and it's always a trip to see these gentle creatures just minding their own business. It sucks that they have to cast a wary eye at the humans around here who often shoot them. Anyway, it's only the end of January and the way it's going this year I fully expect to be walking through three feet of snow by the end of March. Hopefully we'll catch a break before the Dead & Albany, Worcester and Hartford roll along this spring. Ahhh, Spring. Ther mere thought if it makes me feel better!
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16 years 2 months

Ohio.'.'.'.'.'. .'.'.'.'.'.' .'.'.'.'.'.'. .'.'.'.'.'.'.' A foot and a half of snow!! Phatmoye
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16 years 11 months

Walked the beach in the morning picking up agates, walked through the forest in the afternoon picking hedgehogs, chantrelles, and yellow feet, made $32. Hedgehogs go for $5 a pound and black chantys $6. Have had quite a number of 60 degree days and a couple in the 70's since new years. I love Oregon!
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17 years 9 months

which was pretty scary, we are having almost comical bad weather here in lovely Oakland, causing me once again to be pathetically grateful not to be lining up in the downpour and swapping every germ known to man at one of our fine local venues, as in years past. Loved those CNY/Mardi Gras'St. Paddy's shows, but I'm appreciating being warm, dry and inside at the moment too. I'm old and I'm proud... Thunder! Lightning! Hail! Flooded streets!
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17 years 9 months

We had some almost comical weather last week 2/11,and 2/12 we had wind gusts up to 60 mph. 19,000+ without power, we were 1 of the lucky ones. Our electric was out from early am on 2/11 until mid day on sat. the 14th. Living in Erie, Pa this time of year one does not require a fridge to keep there food from spoiling. We emptied the contents of the fridge onto our sun porch, which is not insulated. We used our gas stove for heat and tried to make the best of it.Peace
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17 years 9 months

apparently we get a dry day or two before it all starts again. All good from a drought mitigation standpoint...
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17 years 7 months

i live next to 4 major ski areas and no snow or it snows then melts the next day we still have a good base but come on i finally start snowboarding and rain .. rain.. rain.