• 1,689 replies
    jq171(document).ready(function (jq171) { var covertArtDownloadMarkup = 'Looking for the digital cover art? You can download it here.'; setTimeout(function() { jq171('#digital_cart').append(covertArtDownloadMarkup); }, 500); });

    What's Inside:
    •144-page paperback book with essays by Nicholas G. Meriwether and Blair Jackson
    •A portfolio with three art prints by Jessica Dessner
    • Replica ticket stubs and backstage passes for all eight shows
    •8 complete shows on 23 discs
          •3/14/90 Capital Centre, Landover, MD
          •3/18/90 Civic Center, Hartford, CT
          •3/21/90 Copps Coliseum, Hamilton, Ontario
          •3/25/90 Knickerbocker Arena, Albany, NY
          •3/28/90 Nassau Coliseum, Uniondale, NY
          •3/29/90 Nassau Coliseum, Uniondale, NY (featuring Branford Marsalis)
          •4/1/90 The Omni, Atlanta, GA
          •4/3/90 The Omni, Atlanta, GA
    Recorded by long-time Grateful Dead audio engineer John Cutler
    Mixed from the master 24-track analog tapes by Jeffrey Norman at Bob Weir's TRI Studios
    Mastered to HDCD specs by David Glasser
    Original Art by Jessica Dessner
    Individually Numbered, Limited Edition of 9,000

    Announcing Spring 1990 (The Other One)

    "If every concert tells a tale, then every tour writes an epic. Spring 1990 felt that way: an epic with more than its share of genius and drama, brilliance and tension. And that is why the rest of the music of that tour deserves this release, why the rest of those stories need to be heard." - Nicholas G. Meriwether

    Some consider Spring 1990 the last great Grateful Dead tour. That it may be. In spite of outside difficulties and downsides, nothing could deter the Grateful Dead from crafting lightness from darkness. They were overwhelmingly triumphant in doing what they came to do, what they did best — forging powerful explorations in music. Yes, it was the music that would propel their legacy further, young fans joining the ranks with veteran Dead Heads, Jerry wondering "where do they keep coming from?" — a sentiment that still rings true today, a sentiment that offers up another opportunity for an exceptional release from a tour that serves as transcendental chapter in the Grateful Dead masterpiece.

    With Spring 1990 (The Other One), you'll have the chance to explore another eight complete shows from this chapter, the band elevating their game to deliver inspired performances of concert staples (“Tennessee Jed” and “Sugar Magnolia”), exceptional covers (Dylan’s “When I Paint My Masterpiece” and the band’s last performance of the Beatles’ “Revolution”) and rare gems (the first “Loose Lucy” in 16 years) as well as many songs from Built To Last, which had been released the previous fall and would become the Dead’s final studio album. Also among the eight is one of the most sought-after shows in the Dead canon: the March, 29, 1990 show at Nassau Coliseum, where Grammy®-winning saxophonist Branford Marsalis sat in with the group. The entire second set is one continuous highlight, especially the breathtaking version of “Dark Star.”

    For those of you who are keeping track, this release also marks a significant milestone as now, across the two Spring 1990 boxed sets, Dozin At The Knick, and Terrapin Limited, the entire spring tour of 1990 has been officially released, making it only the second Grateful Dead tour, after Europe 1972, to have that honor.

    Now shipping, you'll want to order your copy soon as these beautiful boxes are going, going, gone...


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  • wjonjd
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    Unkle Sam
    Unkle Sam - Obviously, people know what they like, and I prefer the sound of LP's myself. But science, the same science that allows radio waves to be transmitted and received (and analyzed) and developed the LP in the first place, confirms that you are making the logical mistake of going from "this sounds better to me" to "this has all the music and is closer to the original compared to the other", when simple sound alaysis equipment verifies that the exact opposite is true. Many theories exist for why many people prefer LP with the most common being that the "warmth" comes from the inevitable distortion caused by physical contact and the always imperfect nature of never flat physical media, never perfect needle, never zero pressure on the tone arm, never perfectly consistent rotation speed, etc., all adding up to significant distortion from the original recorded sound. In addition, you actually SEE on analysis equipment the drastically reduced dynamic range on the LP. This compressed dynamic range isn't even an accident - it's applied purposely prior to the cutting of the master LP's because the physical medium is incapable of storing more than 60db of dynamic range (compared to over 96db on CD and over 120db in a HD file) so the volume range of the recording has been altered to "smush" together the softest and loudest sounds so the entire range can fit properly in the grooves of an LP. In other words, the LP is far less like the original recorded sound being placed on it than the results of even standard 16/44.1 digital. No one disuptes that LP sounds better to many (myself included). But, how does one respond to a belief that your preference means that the LP contains a more accurate representation of the original (as opposed to one you simply like better), when this is demonstrably the opposite of the truth? How about your belief that a lot of low and high frequencies are in the LP that are lost to digital?? Again, not only is that demonstrably false, but when the LP is made they remove all ultrasonics (frequencies above 20khz) to avoid overheating the cutting equipment. Analysis equipment shows that frequencies exist on the final LP well over 22khz, but since they weren't in the music actually transferred it is clear that they are "errors" or "noise", although inaudible because it's above your hearing range. You can also clearly see that the CD contains the full range of audible frequencies in the original sound recorded, and when you pass, say, an analog tape recording through analysis software and then a CD made from it through the same software you can SEE that all the low and high frequencies on the original tape are right where they're supposed to be on the CD. The "warmth" you hear in the LP is coming from the opposite of what you are stating - it's not because it has "all" the music (it doesn't) or because it is closer to the original recording being transferred (it isn't). Clearly, whatever the "defects" are in the LP medium are perceived pleasurably by many (including me). When you refer to "a light reading 0's and 1's" it reminds me of original arguments engineers in germany faced when they were developing magnetic tape. Magnetic tape is also used as an analog medium, but can achieve similar or better signal to noise ratios and without the dynamic range compression required on LP's. But, original detractors would write things like "there's no way little magnetized particles can possibly sound as good as the lacquer recordings we currently have", and this was in the 40's when records were '78 and nowhere near current fidelity. The complete lack of understanding of how those "magnetized particles" work (although if they were interested they could have learned about how they really work) and how they are used to reproduce sound leads to a disbelief that this newfangled technology can be as good as the technology they DO understand. Those little 1's and 0's are capable of reproducing any sound, ANY SOUND, even ones way below and way higher than we can hear, as well as encode sound quieter and louder than we can hear (although we don't always have playback equipment capable of playing back these recordings), so any deficiency would be in the method of creating the correct sequence of 1's and 0's. But, your statement implies a lack of belief in the actual ABILITY of light reading 1's and 0's to reproduce sound as well, let alone the reality that they have the ability to (and currently do) reproduce the original sound waves with far GREATER accuracy than any analog medium. That in no way invalidates your preference (or mine) for LP. But that preference does not necessitate or justify the propagation of demonstrably false beliefs about either analog or digital sound recording.
  • unkle sam
    analog vs digital
    I'm old school but I can most definitely hear the difference in my old analog lp's over any digital recording. There is no way, in my opinion and thru my ears, that a light reading 0's and 1's can possibly reproduce the same rich, warm feeling and sound coming from a vinyl recording. Nothing beats the needle in the groove. I have tried this experiment in the past, even comparing a first press lp to a MFSL gold cd, there is no comparison, the vinyl sounds better, there are a lot of very low frequencies and high frequencies that are lost in the transfer. The cost of vinyl is more, but it is worth it if you like to listen to "all" the music. When I'm just using music as background, the digital is ok, but when I want to really listen to the music, it's analog all the way.
  • wjonjd
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    Two Sides
    Hi OneMan,I do realize you're NOT ignoring anything, and I DO appreciate the lengths to which you are going to investigate this. Please let me know if/when you get additional feedback from other sources. Thanks OneMan.
  • snafu
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    @DJMac520 & Neil
    You make an excellent point about Neil and how many people have reacted to him over the years due to personality and I would add his willingness to go his own way no matter what people think. I would add the point that geniuses are rarely nice people. 2 others I can think of in the music field are Dylan and Zappa. All 3 go their own ways and it takes time for many to catch up. But those that do are I think amply rewarded. For my money Zappa is highest on the scale that would be musically and following my reasoning being the biggest a$£#%^e at times. I don't need to be buddies with my musical heroes I just want to love the music. As to the specific item under discussion. .. Neil ' s Pono in this case I think he is unrealistic but hey even genius isn't right all the time. Hell if I play Zappa for someone I have to be careful especially with the live stuff. He can be beyond crude especially about women at times. That said to those who won't listen to him because of that, they are missing out on some of the best music of the 20th century
  • wjonjd
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    Different perspective
    Your last suggestion - I would be VERY interested in the outcome of such a test. I would no longer be able to be a participant in such a test (at this point in my life, anything in my subconscious is STAYING THERE.). But, that would be a very interesting test ;). I used to, and maybe still do, subscribe to the belief in vast and undiscovered powers of the human mind which psychedelics tap into. It actually wouldn't surprise me either way.
  • One Man
    Two Sides
    I'm sure I can't hear the difference. I'm not sure no one can. I'm not ignoring anything -- I'm actively participating. There is another side to this that I want to explore (and NOT ignore). I'm not convinced there is absolutely nothing to the claim that 24 bit has merit. I may come to believe that eventually, and Jon you certainly have done more than your share to try to push me in that direction. But it ain't over for me yet. I know several people in the pro recording world and I want to hear what they have to say. Other 24 bit proponents may have evidence or counterarguments I have not heard. And I want to test some other listeners here at home. I'm not advocating this, but maybe a listener high on hallucinogens would have a different perspective.
  • wjonjd
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    Thanks for taking the time
    Thanks for taking the time to test using meticulous methodology, and reporting back results whichever way it went. Obviously, I'm still confused by the statement "I still believe it is possible for younger, less damaged ears to distinguish the difference." That's why understanding the science behind this is so important. What would younger less damaged ears have that would enable them to distinguish the difference more readily? An ability to hear frequencies over the 22khz that 44.1khz digital audio files already encode perfectly without encoding frequencies above that? Not unless they're infants. An ability to distinguish gradations of volume more finely than 65,536 gradations of amplitude? LP's, because of required dynamic compression, and analog tape because of inherent tape hiss causing a much higher noise floor, already have far less dynamic range than a 16-bit digital audio file. In other words, exactly what do you think is in files that use more than 16-bits and and higher sampling frequency than 44,100 times per second, that these younger less damaged ears would pick up??? When choosing the original CD standard, they specifically looked to the science to determine the minimum specs required to reproduce audio at the frequency and dynamic range limits that completely covers the abilities of human hearing (see my caveat about dynamic range below). Going beyond this was a waste of precious space (at the time), while not going this far would not provide maximum audio quality. No one disputed the usefulness of recording at higher bit rates and sampling frequencies for the purposes of digital manipulation of audio files, which was already standard. Again, what is it in 24-bit files or 96mhz or 192mhz files that you think younger ears could hear that is not completely contained in 16-bit 44.1mhz files? That's what I'm not getting. What is the difference between ignoring what the science says about how this works, and the assumptions made by people who don't understand the logical fallacy in stating that since flac is better than MP3, hi-res flac must be even better? Edit - it is possible someone will point out that my statement that 16-bits can encode the same dynamic range as the dynamic range capabilities of human hearing, is not strictly accurate. But, the point is moot, as no recording of music requires the full range. As stated, 16 bits already covers FAR more dyanamic range than LP OR analog magnetic tape. If you tried to record the sound of a slight breeze juxtaposed against the sound of a cannon with a microphone in the barrel, 16-bits would fall slightly short. BUT, of course this is NOT the argument hi-res proponents espouse. They refer to the actual music that people listen to every day, from jazz to hip hop to rock to whatever. It is recordings of THAT they believe derives some benefit, and the dynamic range of all of those are more than contained in 16-bits (way more than). So, for all practical purposes, the dynamic range issue is moot. Additionally, it's ironic that many of the proponents of hi res are also analog aficionados, where the dynamic range is TRULY impaired. Not all of them, of course. There are many lovers of analog who are also aware of its limitations and distortions, and are aware that digital audio is a more accurate and clear reproduction of the original sounds that were recorded; it is the specific and unique nature of the sound of the analog media themselves we have developed a love for.
  • floridabobaloo
    One Man and modern marketing
    I once tried a similar test.My friends all drank Bud. So I bought some Bud and some Busch, and did the Pepsi challenge so to say. To my surprise, the majority picked the Busch and said they were sure it was the Bud! The lesson we learned? Buy Busch when playing quarters! But now I will spring for the good booze, cause Everybody can tell, and the headaches arnt worth it Glad with my iPod, I remain.......Bobaloo
  • One Man
    I Tried It
    So this morning I transferred the studio version of "Candyman" from a previously-unplayed vinyl LP copy of American Beauty to two digital files -- one in 24 bit/96k and one in 16 bit/44.1. The levels for both were precisely the same (I didn't even touch any of the input controls other than switching file formats) and I trimmed the top of each file so the audio wave started at the same time. Of course, I cheated while doing this and listened to parts of each file. I thought man, this is going to be easy. The 24/96 file sounded so airy on top and rich and clear throughout, and the 16/44.1 not so much. Then I talked my wife into playing the first verse and chorus of each file randomly, using a random number generator to decide which one to play. We repeated the test 25 times, listening first on studio monitors, then on one pair of headphones, then another. I correctly identified the file format less than half the time. Sometimes I felt sure I had it right but this was not an indicator of success. I failed. I cannot hear the difference. This is not to say no one can. I still believe it is possible for younger, less damaged ears to distinguish the difference. I will try it on some other folks when they visit. But I won't be buying a PONO, since my iPhone plays lossless files and they sound great. I'm still rooting for old Neil, but he has some 'splaining to do. Interesting sidebar -- I discovered some audio feedback in the intro of the song I'd never noticed before, along with an unintelligible human voice shouting something. These were plenty audible on both file formats.
  • TheeAmazingAce333
    i'm personally not hip to this kinda stuff, but a good friend & fellow Head showed me the list of nominees for Best Limited Edition Boxset (or something like that) & THIS BOXSET WAS ON THE LIST, so again, CONGRATULATIONS TO EVERYONE INVOLVED IN MAKING THIS HAPPEN, ON THE GRAMMY NOMINATION!!! ♤
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17 years 6 months
jq171(document).ready(function (jq171) { var covertArtDownloadMarkup = 'Looking for the digital cover art? You can download it here.'; setTimeout(function() { jq171('#digital_cart').append(covertArtDownloadMarkup); }, 500); });

What's Inside:
•144-page paperback book with essays by Nicholas G. Meriwether and Blair Jackson
•A portfolio with three art prints by Jessica Dessner
• Replica ticket stubs and backstage passes for all eight shows
•8 complete shows on 23 discs
      •3/14/90 Capital Centre, Landover, MD
      •3/18/90 Civic Center, Hartford, CT
      •3/21/90 Copps Coliseum, Hamilton, Ontario
      •3/25/90 Knickerbocker Arena, Albany, NY
      •3/28/90 Nassau Coliseum, Uniondale, NY
      •3/29/90 Nassau Coliseum, Uniondale, NY (featuring Branford Marsalis)
      •4/1/90 The Omni, Atlanta, GA
      •4/3/90 The Omni, Atlanta, GA
Recorded by long-time Grateful Dead audio engineer John Cutler
Mixed from the master 24-track analog tapes by Jeffrey Norman at Bob Weir's TRI Studios
Mastered to HDCD specs by David Glasser
Original Art by Jessica Dessner
Individually Numbered, Limited Edition of 9,000

Announcing Spring 1990 (The Other One)

"If every concert tells a tale, then every tour writes an epic. Spring 1990 felt that way: an epic with more than its share of genius and drama, brilliance and tension. And that is why the rest of the music of that tour deserves this release, why the rest of those stories need to be heard." - Nicholas G. Meriwether

Some consider Spring 1990 the last great Grateful Dead tour. That it may be. In spite of outside difficulties and downsides, nothing could deter the Grateful Dead from crafting lightness from darkness. They were overwhelmingly triumphant in doing what they came to do, what they did best — forging powerful explorations in music. Yes, it was the music that would propel their legacy further, young fans joining the ranks with veteran Dead Heads, Jerry wondering "where do they keep coming from?" — a sentiment that still rings true today, a sentiment that offers up another opportunity for an exceptional release from a tour that serves as transcendental chapter in the Grateful Dead masterpiece.

With Spring 1990 (The Other One), you'll have the chance to explore another eight complete shows from this chapter, the band elevating their game to deliver inspired performances of concert staples (“Tennessee Jed” and “Sugar Magnolia”), exceptional covers (Dylan’s “When I Paint My Masterpiece” and the band’s last performance of the Beatles’ “Revolution”) and rare gems (the first “Loose Lucy” in 16 years) as well as many songs from Built To Last, which had been released the previous fall and would become the Dead’s final studio album. Also among the eight is one of the most sought-after shows in the Dead canon: the March, 29, 1990 show at Nassau Coliseum, where Grammy®-winning saxophonist Branford Marsalis sat in with the group. The entire second set is one continuous highlight, especially the breathtaking version of “Dark Star.”

For those of you who are keeping track, this release also marks a significant milestone as now, across the two Spring 1990 boxed sets, Dozin At The Knick, and Terrapin Limited, the entire spring tour of 1990 has been officially released, making it only the second Grateful Dead tour, after Europe 1972, to have that honor.

Now shipping, you'll want to order your copy soon as these beautiful boxes are going, going, gone...

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Member for

10 years 4 months

Thank you. I think?
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Member for

11 years 4 months

I brought out Dicks Volume 2 this past weekend. Short but definitely very sweet... The Dark Star>Jam is one of my all-time favorites. Also recently listened to England '74. Can't remember the number off top of my head. Very good.
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Member for

17 years 2 months

I also have always been led to believe tht the band we all know & love so much got there start in 1965. So imagine my surprise when I found this pic while looking at some old photos of the Fillmore Westhttp://cps-static.rovicorp.com/3/JPG_400/MI0001/769/MI0001769217.jpg?pa… It clearly is labeled Oct. 23, 1964! Can anyone comment on this? Rock on
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17 years 3 months

you're welcome? I think?not sure why i'm saying you're welcome... but you're welcome
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10 years 4 months

I think just placed an order with you on ebay. Didn't know it was you until I got the reply.
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Member for

13 years 1 month

Don't know where you came across that photo, but I wouldn't put too much stock in the printed info at the bottom. The photo itself looks to be from a 1990 show, and look closely, there are TWO Bobs in it! Fairly easy to type onto a photograph these days. Check your Deadbase. No shows in October '64.
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Member for

17 years 2 months

Thanks Wharf. The photo certainly confused me. Guess I am too gullible! I trust people too much perhaps.
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Member for

10 years 4 months

Look at the setlist on that bootleg. UJB PITB Ripple It sure isn't from the 60's.
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Member for

13 years 8 months

Well, the first Playing in the Band was 2-8-71, and the last King Bee was 12-15-71 (with PigPen). So, if this is all from one show, it would need to be between those dates. I checked and cannot find any shows (that we know of) that have all of the songs in the list for this CD at one show. It is probably songs culled from shows between those two dates. If anyone else wants to check, the song list on the cd is: Uncle John's Band NFA-GDTRFB Morning Dew Playing in the Band Ripple Sugar Magnolia Casey Jones Me & Bobby McGee King Bee. Interesting puzzle, though :)
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Member for

17 years 3 months

oh you did... ok? Then that's your road trips i just put in the mailbox. just a heads up... hit me up ahead-of-time next time via email.. I sell stuff there, but if you contact me, i will knock money off it if I know you're from here on this msg board.. can't do it after the fact though... but in the case of some folks here who buy a lot, it adds up
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Member for

10 years 4 months

Thank You. You can keep your mod hat on.
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Member for

17 years 3 months

Got your PM... you got one back. I'll send you my email too.
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Member for

12 years 4 months

That was quite a morning read over my yogurt and granola. The best part of this cyber-community is that it helps me to stay connected to a great time in my life. The music and conversation sustain me on many fronts. Even the arguments and diatribes have their place (had some very intense discussions in the hotels, arenas, campgrounds, etc). The reality for all of us tied to this band is that we share a passion willingly with others. Some of us are nuttier than others (why I have the same show in four media formats or five different recordings is very hard to explain to the uninitiated). To get too serious or angry about any of this makes no sense. The music and memories should transport us to higher places in our minds. Sure it is personal, very very personal. In sharing the experience we need to give each other the space and respect we would give our neighbors at a show. Experienced plenty of true idiots there ( getting pissed on at calaveras 87 or having my girlfriend's head split open by a quarter thrown from the upper reaches at Nassau 85, trampling gate crashers, etc.) I like to think of these forums as being free of the idiots, a gathering of folks into it for the right reasons. I hope we can get back to this place. Thanks to Mary E for cleaning up the mess. Let's try to leave nothing but educated passionate footprints.
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Member for

12 years 4 months

That was quite a morning read over my yogurt and granola. The best part of this cyber-community is that it helps me to stay connected to a great time in my life. The music and conversation sustain me on many fronts. Even the arguments and diatribes have their place (had some very intense discussions in the hotels, arenas, campgrounds, etc). The reality for all of us tied to this band is that we share a passion willingly with others. Some of us are nuttier than others (why I have the same show in four media formats or five different recordings is very hard to explain to the uninitiated). To get too serious or angry about any of this makes no sense. The music and memories should transport us to higher places in our minds. Sure it is personal, very very personal. In sharing the experience we need to give each other the space and respect we would give our neighbors at a show. Experienced plenty of true idiots there ( getting pissed on at calaveras 87 or having my girlfriend's head split open by a quarter thrown from the upper reaches at Nassau 85, trampling gate crashers, etc.) I like to think of these forums as being free of the idiots, a gathering of folks into it for the right reasons. I hope we can get back to this place. Thanks to Mary E for cleaning up the mess. Let's try to leave nothing but educated passionate footprints.
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Member for

16 years 7 months

Garcia Live, Vol 4. Start the spin this evenin'. BTW-saw Robert Hunter is appearing at Newport Folk Festival. Saw him last time around in Boston-great show. Listened to the CSNY 74 1 disc compilation from the new box set. Nice versions of some of the more well known songs on this 1 disc version. Ironically it makes me apprec. the Dead all that much more-less hype, more jams, more chances taken, less politics, more timeless IMHO.
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Member for

14 years 8 months

Mary Ramon(e) Tommy Ramone passed recently...hooray for the Ramones! or, Gabba Gabba Hey! Revolver sounds REALLY good right now :))) I recommmmmmmmmmmmmmend Love or Confusion by Jimi H Exp. Wanna blow your mind? Read Beloved by Toni Morrison. CREEPY. HARTFORD 83!!!
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Member for

12 years 4 months

you missed the original post that started it all...so, yea that should be removed as well... peace to you, Brother Seth... ♤
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17 years 2 months

Does anyone remember the Blair J and Big Donnie smackdown on the Europe 72 thread a few years ago? That was something to behold.Speaking of BlairJ, you never see his postings anymore. Could BlairJ be posing as Bolo24? Just wondering.
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Member for

15 years

That does make a lot of sense, indeed. Oh that mysterious Bolo...
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Member for

13 years 10 months

UnderTheVolcano: You are in for a treat... I was blown away by this release.The set list looks very ordinary but the performance is awesome. The sound quality is top notch. Love the background vocals with both Donna and Maria...
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Member for

17 years 2 months

Yep. Bolo, same first letter as Blair. J is the 10th letter of the alphabet. 24, or 2 + 4, = 6 6 + 6 = 12. Subtract 12 from the number of letters in the alphabet (26) and you get 14. Take the 4 from Bolo's name, and subtract it from 14, and you get 10 (J!) It's obvious! (The "olo" is just there to confuse us)
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Member for

15 years 8 months

Who cares who or what message started it? Please respect a very good moderator in Marye and just let the back-and-forth end. Marye does a great job and rarely gets involved in these spats between members. She isn't banning you guys, just saying cut it out. Now, where is the DaP11 announcement? The timing of this box announcement really will leave DaP11 little space of its own. I am sure it will get the love it deserves, but I wonder if some non-subscribers will have to forgo purchasing because of this $250 box already announced. Lastly, release of individual shows would be fantastic. My guess on the E72 individual releases is that there was a quick demand for the music-only box, but that did not live up the hype. So, they have them in-stock now. Personally, I love that the E72 tour is available individually-- I didn't get the box, but have been chipping away at shows. Someday, maybe I will have the tour...

Member for

10 years 4 months

Does bolo24 have part of the cover art for DaP11 up as an avatar?Saw it this morning and it's been bugging me. Is that it? So much confusion, so little mind. Bobaloo is curious..............
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Member for

11 years 1 month

...or the "olo" are not letters, but numbers. Hmmmmm
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14 years 6 months

This is pretty random, but Manuel Neuer is Germany's Goalkeeper. His name is abbreviated Ma. Neuer. And his nickname is "The Horse" Ma. Neuer. That is total BS. Of course his last name is pronounced "Noyer."
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Member for

15 years 8 months

Do we know if more than the entire box and the Branford show is available for individual purchase? I want several of the shows with a Branford hardcopy but not necessarily a complete run...
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Member for

11 years 1 month

Very interesting! But I don't think it's BS. HS, maybe.
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Member for

17 years 2 months

Dantian, that's it! You've figured out the code. I can't reveal what I now realize though, it would not be fair. PS - “If you go flying back through time, and you see somebody else flying forward into the future, it's probably best to avoid eye contact” - Jack Handy PPS - Cosmicbadger - I think Peace, Love, and Understanding are freakin' hilarious.
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Member for

10 years 8 months

Great tune! sort of bang it out on my acoustic from time to time
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Member for

12 years

...at Bolo's avatar, and you can see (in VERY tiny print) "9/14/82" !
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Member for

17 years 3 months

nice pick
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Member for

17 years 3 months

DUDE! I got your PM.I have what you're looking for. 1 left. Check PM for my direct email and info... check SOON though....
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Member for

10 years 4 months

...at anything and you can see anything. In tiny print. I'm really liking the new Jerry Band release. Wonderful music for a long summers day and night.
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Member for

16 years

Looks more like 7/10/81 to me. :-D
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Member for

11 years 1 month

I've finished translating the rest of it. Don't get on that ship! The rest of the book, it's... it's a cookbook!
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Member for

12 years

So, as we sit twiddling our thumbs in anticipation of DaP 11... In heavy rotation: Sturgill Simpson's "Metamodern" Howlin' Brothers' "Howl" Rodney Crowell's debut Hey - music beyond the Dead. Whodathunk?
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Member for

15 years 8 months

Fennario, How does the JGB Vol 4 compare to the Pure Jerry Warner Theatre Release? I love the Warner version of Mission - just bursting of energy and my wife loves Midnight Moonlight, so the second disc gets a lot of rotation in the car. Trying to figure where to spend my grateful music dollar... Music in play: Box TOO, JGB Vol4, GDMovie Soundtrack, SSDD, new CSNY box, Led Zep remasters, E72 boxset - Love it all, but can't get it all. Listening to the Spring 90 shows from bttree/archive, digging what I'm hearing thus far...
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10 years 4 months

I missed out on the Pure Jerry which is one reason this release makes me so happy. One caveat: It's missing the last few minutes of Midnight Moonlight according to the small print on the CD case if that matters to anyone (tape apparently ran out). I'm sure it does matter to some of you :) IMHO It's worth it for the piano playing alone. Keith and Ozzie must have been competing for Jerry's approval!
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10 years 4 months

...it might matter to your wife, huh?
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10 years 4 months

it says "the first few minutes". My eyes are horrible...double vision.
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10 years 4 months

It's the end that's missing. The song ends abruptly. Pretty ugly actually. Unless I have a defective CD?
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16 years

Cy Dune - "Shake"Wooden Wand - "AZAG TOTH" People of the North - "Judge A Man By His Fruits" William Tyler - "Blue Ash Montgomery" M. Geddes Gengras - "Ishi" Ghost - "Snuffbox Immanence" When the Sun Goes Down Vol.1 - "Walk Right In: The Secret History Of Rock 'n' Roll GD - "Formerly the Warlocks"
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11 years 11 months

If you're thinking of the CSNY box, I'd say go for it. It's fantastic. Sure, it was cleaned up a bit by Nash, but the music is phenomenal. It's a nice portrait of the tour. The single disc version at Best Buy isn't too shabby a sampler, but the full three set summary is worth the cash. I've had it in since I bought it last week.
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10 years 4 months

I bought the single disc from Amazon and it came with Auto Rip. The auto rip included all 40 tracks - YMMV of course.
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