• 1,689 replies
    jq171(document).ready(function (jq171) { var covertArtDownloadMarkup = 'Looking for the digital cover art? You can download it here.'; setTimeout(function() { jq171('#digital_cart').append(covertArtDownloadMarkup); }, 500); });

    What's Inside:
    •144-page paperback book with essays by Nicholas G. Meriwether and Blair Jackson
    •A portfolio with three art prints by Jessica Dessner
    • Replica ticket stubs and backstage passes for all eight shows
    •8 complete shows on 23 discs
          •3/14/90 Capital Centre, Landover, MD
          •3/18/90 Civic Center, Hartford, CT
          •3/21/90 Copps Coliseum, Hamilton, Ontario
          •3/25/90 Knickerbocker Arena, Albany, NY
          •3/28/90 Nassau Coliseum, Uniondale, NY
          •3/29/90 Nassau Coliseum, Uniondale, NY (featuring Branford Marsalis)
          •4/1/90 The Omni, Atlanta, GA
          •4/3/90 The Omni, Atlanta, GA
    Recorded by long-time Grateful Dead audio engineer John Cutler
    Mixed from the master 24-track analog tapes by Jeffrey Norman at Bob Weir's TRI Studios
    Mastered to HDCD specs by David Glasser
    Original Art by Jessica Dessner
    Individually Numbered, Limited Edition of 9,000

    Announcing Spring 1990 (The Other One)

    "If every concert tells a tale, then every tour writes an epic. Spring 1990 felt that way: an epic with more than its share of genius and drama, brilliance and tension. And that is why the rest of the music of that tour deserves this release, why the rest of those stories need to be heard." - Nicholas G. Meriwether

    Some consider Spring 1990 the last great Grateful Dead tour. That it may be. In spite of outside difficulties and downsides, nothing could deter the Grateful Dead from crafting lightness from darkness. They were overwhelmingly triumphant in doing what they came to do, what they did best — forging powerful explorations in music. Yes, it was the music that would propel their legacy further, young fans joining the ranks with veteran Dead Heads, Jerry wondering "where do they keep coming from?" — a sentiment that still rings true today, a sentiment that offers up another opportunity for an exceptional release from a tour that serves as transcendental chapter in the Grateful Dead masterpiece.

    With Spring 1990 (The Other One), you'll have the chance to explore another eight complete shows from this chapter, the band elevating their game to deliver inspired performances of concert staples (“Tennessee Jed” and “Sugar Magnolia”), exceptional covers (Dylan’s “When I Paint My Masterpiece” and the band’s last performance of the Beatles’ “Revolution”) and rare gems (the first “Loose Lucy” in 16 years) as well as many songs from Built To Last, which had been released the previous fall and would become the Dead’s final studio album. Also among the eight is one of the most sought-after shows in the Dead canon: the March, 29, 1990 show at Nassau Coliseum, where Grammy®-winning saxophonist Branford Marsalis sat in with the group. The entire second set is one continuous highlight, especially the breathtaking version of “Dark Star.”

    For those of you who are keeping track, this release also marks a significant milestone as now, across the two Spring 1990 boxed sets, Dozin At The Knick, and Terrapin Limited, the entire spring tour of 1990 has been officially released, making it only the second Grateful Dead tour, after Europe 1972, to have that honor.

    Now shipping, you'll want to order your copy soon as these beautiful boxes are going, going, gone...


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  • marye
    you too. So sorry.
  • JimmyStraw
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    I also had a disc problem
    Disc number two from the Omni Show (4/1/1990) will not play in my car. The car radio says "disc error" when I called Deadnet they told me they would not be able to replace the disc because it was over 30 days old. Can you help me? Who did you talk to when you called customer service? I am not very happy about this. Thanks!!
  • marye
    send me your order # and the details and I'll see what the Dr. can do.
  • JimmyStraw
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    Spring 1990 TOO Defective Disc-DeadNet will not replace
    I must say I am very impressed with the sound quality and strong performances of all of these shows. I have been listening off and on for the past couple of months. However when I got to disc two of the first Omni Show (April 1, 1990) I discovered the disc was defected and would not play. When I called DeadNet they told me there was nothing they could do for me because the purchase was over 30 days old. Well they did tell me to repurchase the box set and return it with the defective disc. I do not want to go through all of that. I payed close to $250.00 for this and Deadnet is not willing to replace a broken disc. Any advice?
  • wjonjd
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    Audio inspector
    Audio inspector is the name of the software I was using. It makes some quick general assessments of the file and then starts to deeply analyze from the beginning. It takes a couple of minutes just to get through 15 seconds of a track, which is all I let it do as I didn't have much time. So keep in mind that I think those numbers are for the first 15 seconds. However, I coukd see and zoom into the entire file. It was immediately clear that the HD file was significantly narrower from top to bottom, indicating no gain (I don't know the technical terms for most of this, so I'm assuming yours is correct) or else much less gain had been applied to that file. Since everything I read indicates that the primary purpose for applying dynamic compression is to make room for gain, I believe that little or no dynamic range compression was used on the HD file (at least compared to the 16-bit file). The CD file on the other hand appears to use almost all the available amplitude range from top to bottom. Keep in mind that the -10db and -15dn peak numbers (and the other numbers as well) I referred to may be for just the first 15 seconds.
  • wjonjd
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    Hi JMT2010 - I posted a few links that go into a lot of detail about the technical aspects of digital audio - you can find them below. You're close, but not quite there in what you described. for instance, at the very end, you refer "the human ear does not pick up ..... it just hears a continuum". The issue here is that it doesn't have to pick or not pick up the individual samples. The digital to analog converter (DAC) takes the stored digital information and converts it back to an analog wave. The Nyquist theorm, on which the very idea of digital audio is based, states that as long as the frequency of sampling is as least twice as high as the highest frequency of sound being reproduced, then the ORIGINAL analog sound wave, of any complexity, can be reproduced EXACTLY. That's why the "stair step" concept that hi res websites like to display is a deception. When you look at a graph of a waveform stored digitally, yes if you zoom way in you can see "stair step" looking (jagged) edges to the waveform. It's a deception, because the DAC recreates from this the original sound wave EXACTLY - as long as the frequencies are below half the sampling rate. Another thing that was not quite right was your interpretation of bit-depth. It's even simpler than your first sentence. What is actually contained in each "sample" is one amplitude measurement, just a number between 0 and 65,536 for 16-bit and between 0 and 16,777,216 for 24-bit, representing the amplitude of the wave at that moment. Forget about the noise floor for a moment. The ONLY thing stored in each sample is a number representing an instantaneous measurement of the amplitude of the sound wave at that moment. Quantization error is the difference between the ACTUAL amplitude of the sound wave at that point, and the measured amplitude using a discrete number of only 65,536 or 16,777,216 possible values. Dithering is the process which mathematically converts those errors to white noise, and noise shaping actually moves that noise to largely inaudible ranges of the sound frequency spectrum. Ultimately, it is the level of noise in a digital file that determines the "noise floor" of the file. This is the exact equivalent of the signal to noise ratio (SNR) of an analog recording (LP or analog tape). Keep in mind that the SNR of even a 16-bit recording is many times better than the SNR of LP OR analog tape. Most people don't understand that, either. So, taking your Pink Floyd "Time" example, a 16-bit recording can capture the quietest elements of the clocks ticking. Of course, THAT is a recording that was NOT originally recorded digitally - it was originally recorded to analog tape. So the SNR can NEVER be better than on the original analog tape - there is a minimum noise level already inherent in the recording to begin with. Modern recordings are recorded to 24/192 digital files, and then if converted to CD (or 16-bit downloads) they are converted to 16-bit using noise-shaped dithering. Done properly, the resulting 16-bit files have a slightly lower signal to noise ratio, however it is already below the level of human perception. The noise floor of your listening environment is ALWAYS (unless you're in outer space or something) higher than the noise floor of a properly dithered 16-bit recording. Noise you don't usually notice, the hum of the refrigerator, your breathing and heartbeat, the water heater, etc. - even the quietest of most rooms still has a noise floor that is above the noise floor of a 16-bit recording let alone a 24-bit one. This is nit-picking a bit, isn't it???? The other thing you referenced is HOW does a stream of amplitude measurements capture actual music. Take out a piece of paper. Let's say you're sampling at 10 times per second instead of 44,100 times per second. So, 1/10th of a second you capture an amplitude measurement (the height of a sound wave). On the piece of paper draw a dot at that height. It might be easier if you draw a rectangle with that height (just of like the rectangles under a curve in pictures of integration from a calculus textbook). When you connect the dots, you can see the sound wave shape. The more dots, the more exact the representation of the wave. This is where the Nyquist theorem comes in. Higher frequency sounds are going up and down across the x-axis in narrower bands than lower frequency sounds which take more time (stretch out farther along the x-axis) before coming back across the x-axis). The theorem states that as long as the sampling is rate is at least twice the highest frequency, the DAC can mathematically recreate the EXACT analog sound wave. So, 44,100 samples per second is enough to EXACTLY recreate any frequencies below 22,050Hz. This is above the range of hearing for human adults. So, some people who don't understand the technical aspects will pay more for a 24/192 file than a 24/96 file. Keep in mind what the actual difference is. A 24/192 file is taking 192,000 samples per second, and a 24/96 file is taking 96,000 samples per second. The Nyquist theorem states that the 192k/s file can PERFECTLY reproduce any frequencies below 96kHz. The Nyquist theorem states that the 96k/s file can reproduce any frequencies below 48kHz. Um, most adults can't even hear much beyond 16-18khz let alone 20khz. The ONLY difference between the fidelity of the 24/96 and 24/192 is that the 24/192 can encode frequencies from 48kHz to 96kHz and the 24/96 can't. Those frequencies are all and entirely WAY WAY WAY beyond the human hearing apparatus. But, go through some of these threads and watch some people saying things like, "are we paying for 24/96 or are we actually getting the full 24/192?" The question is nonsensical. NO ONE can hear ANYTHING in the 48-96khz range AT ALL. Not only that - none of the microphones used to record the music capture anything in those frequencies at all AND on the off-chance they did, they're filtered out for technical reasons. Just WHAT do people think they're missing in the 96 vs the 192 file? It shows that they just don't understand what they're spending their $$$ on. They are assuming that 192 has to be better than 96, and/or that if its more expensive (and larger) it must be better. Anyone who understands sound at all knows that a audio with or without frequencies between 48khz and 96khz is going to be identical unless you're a hummingbird or something. It's like thinking that a picture that has light going up to the x-ray range encoded in it is going to look better than a picture that only includes light in the spectrum our eyes actually have the hardware to respond to. And then, they will actually post about how much more depth there is to the music, how much more full and somehow realistic the experience is. It's clearly entirely in the realm of psychological expectations. Actually, properly dithered, a 16/44.1 digital file made from the EXACT SAME SOURCE as the 24/192 digital file is INDISTINGUISHABLE from each other by the human ear. ALL scientific studies done in controlled environments confirm this. You will NEVER convince some people of this, however. The idea that more bits and more samples must be better seems to make to much sense to most people, and marketing has done it's job. Lastly, as you can see in one of my last posts, I compared the 16-bit CD files to the hi res files that are being offered for Wake Up To Find Out. I compared them using Audio Inspector. That comparison confirmed that these two digital files are NOT from the same source. This has nothing to do with the inherent ability of a 16/44.1 file to be as perfect to human ears as a 24/192 file. What is being done is common in the practice of making CD's. They compressed the dynamic range (the range of softest to loudest sounds) so that they could then increase the amplitude across the entire range, making the CD louder at any given volume setting than it would have been. This was either not done to the 24/192 file, or not to the same extent, because the 24/192 file is not as loud, the amplitude of the sound waves at any given point is lower than on the 16/44.1 file. This was done INTENTIONALLY (I'd rather they didn't). It is probably done because people "expect" their CD's be play at a certain volume - they think something is wrong if they put another CD on, and it's way louder without turning the volume up - they ask, "why is this one so damn low!". So, they're dealing with consumer expectations. It has nothing to do with 16/44.1 versus 24/96 or 24/192.
  • JMT2010
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    Confused about the meaning of bit depth and sampling
    From what I have read, the higher the bit depth, say 16 bit vs. 24 bit, the more decibels of signal is possible above a noise threshold. I get that. It is a metric of quietest sounds to loudest possible to be reproduced in fidelity perhaps. An analogy for that might be Pink Floyd's song 'Time' where you hear the clocks ticking very quietly in the beginning and then have the loudness of the alarms going off the next moment after. The loudness change is dramatic. OK, I am having a difficult time drawing analogies to the music we listen to on CD versus say cassettes or vinyl. The waveform for analog music is continuous if displayed on a graph. Music in the forms of ones and zeroes getting converted to analog is what escapes me. How doe the reproduction of the sound of a guitar and drums get unscrambled from the digital ones and zeroes? I get that the sampling rate captures 44,100 pieces of information per a second (44.1kHz rate) of a music passage, but what is the information stored in that 1/44,100th of second? Playback is at 44.1 kHz per a second I assume ( on a CD's WAV file format). The human ear doe not pick up the 1/44,100ths of a second "quantized" sound pulses. It just hears a continuum.
  • brianhahne
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    Word of advice....
    If anyone is a big collector like me and bought a few box sets/poster combinations.. do yourself a favor. Open the poster container and make sure what you ordered is in there. There's 1 poster left available to buy onlne... you can't add more than 1 to the cart. I decided to open mine tonight. Suffice to say, the 4" and 3" containers I have, which should have multiple posters, only had 1 each. Nervous, scared and terrified doesn't begin to describe the butterflies in the stomach or stomach acid reflux in my throat... since they've been sitting in my closet unopened and uninspected since July. Word to the wise... check to make sure you got what you ordered. :-( Called customer service. Suffice to say, this has to go higher for any hope of resolution. Not how I wanted to start Christmas... check what you ordered... at least I checked now and not 5 years from now. But still... my faith is w/ Dr. Rhino or someone, to help.
  • One Man
    Right, "make-up gain" is a post-compression volume increase that presumably brings the peak up to 0 dB (or wherever the engineer chooses). It's really odd that they chose -15 dB and -10 dB for the HD and CD files, respectively. That headroom (relatively huge) serves no purpose. So, how did you know the CD files were more dynamically compressed than the HD files?
  • rrot
    I expect they have to cater to consumer expectations.
    That's where my bet is too. Sadly. "Why do I have to turn *this* CD up louder than my other discs?" is a question that often (not always) can be answered "because it was better engineered."
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17 years 6 months
jq171(document).ready(function (jq171) { var covertArtDownloadMarkup = 'Looking for the digital cover art? You can download it here.'; setTimeout(function() { jq171('#digital_cart').append(covertArtDownloadMarkup); }, 500); });

What's Inside:
•144-page paperback book with essays by Nicholas G. Meriwether and Blair Jackson
•A portfolio with three art prints by Jessica Dessner
• Replica ticket stubs and backstage passes for all eight shows
•8 complete shows on 23 discs
      •3/14/90 Capital Centre, Landover, MD
      •3/18/90 Civic Center, Hartford, CT
      •3/21/90 Copps Coliseum, Hamilton, Ontario
      •3/25/90 Knickerbocker Arena, Albany, NY
      •3/28/90 Nassau Coliseum, Uniondale, NY
      •3/29/90 Nassau Coliseum, Uniondale, NY (featuring Branford Marsalis)
      •4/1/90 The Omni, Atlanta, GA
      •4/3/90 The Omni, Atlanta, GA
Recorded by long-time Grateful Dead audio engineer John Cutler
Mixed from the master 24-track analog tapes by Jeffrey Norman at Bob Weir's TRI Studios
Mastered to HDCD specs by David Glasser
Original Art by Jessica Dessner
Individually Numbered, Limited Edition of 9,000

Announcing Spring 1990 (The Other One)

"If every concert tells a tale, then every tour writes an epic. Spring 1990 felt that way: an epic with more than its share of genius and drama, brilliance and tension. And that is why the rest of the music of that tour deserves this release, why the rest of those stories need to be heard." - Nicholas G. Meriwether

Some consider Spring 1990 the last great Grateful Dead tour. That it may be. In spite of outside difficulties and downsides, nothing could deter the Grateful Dead from crafting lightness from darkness. They were overwhelmingly triumphant in doing what they came to do, what they did best — forging powerful explorations in music. Yes, it was the music that would propel their legacy further, young fans joining the ranks with veteran Dead Heads, Jerry wondering "where do they keep coming from?" — a sentiment that still rings true today, a sentiment that offers up another opportunity for an exceptional release from a tour that serves as transcendental chapter in the Grateful Dead masterpiece.

With Spring 1990 (The Other One), you'll have the chance to explore another eight complete shows from this chapter, the band elevating their game to deliver inspired performances of concert staples (“Tennessee Jed” and “Sugar Magnolia”), exceptional covers (Dylan’s “When I Paint My Masterpiece” and the band’s last performance of the Beatles’ “Revolution”) and rare gems (the first “Loose Lucy” in 16 years) as well as many songs from Built To Last, which had been released the previous fall and would become the Dead’s final studio album. Also among the eight is one of the most sought-after shows in the Dead canon: the March, 29, 1990 show at Nassau Coliseum, where Grammy®-winning saxophonist Branford Marsalis sat in with the group. The entire second set is one continuous highlight, especially the breathtaking version of “Dark Star.”

For those of you who are keeping track, this release also marks a significant milestone as now, across the two Spring 1990 boxed sets, Dozin At The Knick, and Terrapin Limited, the entire spring tour of 1990 has been officially released, making it only the second Grateful Dead tour, after Europe 1972, to have that honor.

Now shipping, you'll want to order your copy soon as these beautiful boxes are going, going, gone...

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Member for

12 years 3 months

Just a few other thoughts... 1) I'd love it if we could all say what we mean and not say it mean. Alas, I can only control myself, so that is what I will do. 2) The lack of Brent/80's releases -- or releases outside of a few choice years -- is a valid complaint. If I went to a buffet that advertised "something for everyone," and they served way more of two or three dishes and barely any of the dishes I loved -- say 6 different types of pizza, but only 1 chicken dish -- I'd be annoyed and might not go back there again. 3) The release of Spring 1990 (TOO) is not, I believe, a valid response to the Dave's Picks needs more of a variety argument. First of all, it's not a Dave's Picks release. I subscribed to Dave's Picks the last two years, and I've gotta say that I've been a little disappointed with the breadth of the release years as well. Second of all, it's expensive. I don't have enough income/savings to buy everything, so I couldn't "spring" (pun intended) for the new box set, and opted for the stand-alone Branford show. But you know what, I was hoping they would've released that show as a Dave's Picks at some point. That would've saved me a some money. 4) I love me some Brent. The most played Dead music for me has Brent playing. Took me a while to hunt down all the View From The Vault Soundtracks, but I did. And I love them. It's not asking too much to throw a little more love for those eras of shows into the mix. Peace.
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Member for

17 years 2 months

I myself cannot really understand anyone saying that the subscription is too expensive. You get four, 3-disc complete shows plus 1 bonus disc. That is 13 discs for less then $100. That is $7.62 per disc. AND free shipping. Plus what you are receiving is available nowhere else. To me, this is a TREMENDOUS value. If you get a release that you do not want, do not open it and re-sell it. I GUARANTEE you will not lose any money on that sale and then you can sit back and wait for the next release, and it has cost you nothing. This way you will not be 'forced' to have something that you feel is not worthy of your consideration. Am I missing something here? This is a NO BRAINER!I myself would also like to see a little more variety in the eras released, but I am happy to see what DL releases. The shows always sound great, which to my uneducated mind, is amazing. How they can take tapes that are over 40 years old and restore them to such sonic quality is beyond my comprehension. Plus I love the great artwork and the liner notes. Maybe you are not happy with a particular release, but I really find it hard to believe that you would not subscribe next year. It is a no lose deal that offers the possibility to everyone that they will get "that" show, or "that" era, that they long for. Rock on.
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10 years 10 months

so, it's a rainy Saturday and I have some time to reflect and I want to sum it up into one word....... First, the Meet Up at the Movies was awesome. The sound quality and video was amazing. You got a really good example of that magic "chugging" rhythm that makes the Dead unique. Only loud clean tight playing makes that chug. Mr Charlie being the standout for this. I could barely keep still wanting to move the music. I loved the bands gear shots as well. I really hope this comes out on DVD, cause I think a lot of people once they bought it would be really stoked. Secondly, though my favorite era and years of the Dead are 1972 to 1979, specifically, 74 and 76, the awesome quality of the Spring 90 set soon to be released has me super stoked, that I will be able to complete my Spring 90 tour and hear the band at one of their many zeniths. Last, the announcement of Wichita from fall 1972 has me super super stoked. It's an amazing time for the band and it will be an amazing release with amazing chugging tone and playing. I'm stoked because we are being treated with so much and in my opinion, a good mix. This entire year has had some great, different, and really cool releases so far. Just imagine if NONE of it was happening? I shudder to think....... So to end how I began, I'm stoked
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10 years 4 months

HUNTER: I wrote the words for “Touch of Grey” for a planned solo album that was dragging along. My version was much slower and Jerry asked if I minded him recasting it for the Grateful Dead. I And all of a sudden we had a hit single and I had enough money to buy a house. Interviewer: That song changed everything for the band. HUNTER: We were just about done. The Grateful Dead was virtually broke and there wasn’t enough money coming into the enterprise to cover expenses. I’m actually glad the success didn’t happen earlier because to my way of thinking everything went wonky after that. The old days were gone. There was suddenly huge money, which simply attracts huge problems. http://blogs.wsj.com/speakeasy/2014/07/18/lyricist-robert-hunter-on-fin…
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14 years 4 months

Aside from the special releases (SSDD and E72 - and can you really complain about those releases?) no show from 72 has seen the light of day since Dicks Picks 36 back in 2005. It was not represented in the Road Trips Series nor in Dave's so far. In terms of subscriptions and regular programming, we haven't seen 72 for nine years. Considering the level of play and the quality of these recordings, where's the beef? Since RT started, we've seen as much 93 as 72. And at the risk of poking a bear with a stick, we've been over saturated with the 80s in the last ten years. That and all that terrible 69 and 74. It's so frustrating as a fan that they were so well recorded, so creative and consistently on fire during those years. So please no more 80s and 90s unless it is a great show with great playing and recorded well. And I hope I don't have to wait another 9 years for another 72 show in the series (please sometime before DaP 47!)
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11 years

DL2 has been very transparent about the entire process. The stated mission is to release shows thata. are well-played b. sound great c. are complete d. not from 1994 and 1995, as the band has squashed those. He has never stated that the archival series was meant to be representative of their career. It's to bring us the best shows that sound the best. With those stated criteria, there should be no surprise that the majority of releases are from 1968-1978 (as they have always been; more than 70% of Dick's Picks and Road Trips are also from this time period). DL2 has been very clear that the sound quality of tapes drops off precipitously once you get in to the early 80s. This is also reflected by the shows that have been released. DP13, DP32, DP6, and DP21, while good shows, are amongst the worst-sounding releases in the catalog (The 82 RT is a bit better). Sometimes the quality of the performance can overcome the poor recording quality, sometimes it cannot. I think the fact that 1979, 1980, 1989, and 1990 are well-represented shows that DL2 doesn't have an anti-Brent bias. Rather, there happen to be well-recorded shows from these years, and they've been released. 1990 in particular, is more represented than any other GD year excepting 1972. Prior to 1980, there just happen to be a higher proportion of well-played shows and a higher proportion of well-recorded shows. That's all.
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Member for

17 years 3 months

Agree with the comment above that this was a great show. I was there, I loved it.
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Member for

14 years 10 months

Out of town for a wedding. I'll do a recap when I get back for those who care. I don't remember everything I said, so I'll have to go back and look at my posts. By the way, kudos to Zuckfun - he's the first one to go on record with the correct guess.
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Member for

13 years 1 month

I got really bored so I just decided to rip up a 20 dollar bill.Thank you for the inspiration. Not one, but two posts about destroying something of value. Yeah, we get it, you're a troller...congratulations.
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Member for

12 years 1 month

these are high times indeed for the tribeBremen the other night blew my mind a crispy fall 72 release on the way spring 90 for those so inclined the Branford show in all it's glory bob, Phil, Mickey and bill still fanning the flame And the 50th of dead on the horizon I find all of this extraordinarily fortuitous and choose to let all of it make me happy If you can't do that yourselves than I truly am sorry for you PSA the fall 77 road trips still available is shipping with the bonus disc Anyone wanting my extra copy of the main release hit me up on PM and I'll send it out to you
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Member for

17 years 3 months

Great candid interview with Hunter!!! I'm excited for the Spring 90 and DaP 11. All good for me. May need to pick up disc only Europe 72 at some point. If only they'd release Fillmore 69 box I'd have every official release, which prob qualifies me for a diagnosis of some sort. I'm visiting beautiful Whidbey Island across the pond from Vancouver Island. I got the binoculars out but no DL sightings for the seaside chat!!!
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Member for

16 years

Writing you here since I know you don't often see PMs.... Just wanted you to know that I didn't make the P.O. here in my small town before they closed today, so your package will go out on Monday. Sorry for the delay, but it will be worth the wait! I'll be mailing you a treasure trove of live & rare AKAK -- a "freak-folk" soundtrack for psychedelic travels. Peace, Neb PS - ANYONE reading this who is interested in an Akron/Family sampler can PM me & I'll be happy to turn you on.
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Member for

11 years 4 months

Disclaimer: I say this everytime I listen to a new Dead or Jerry release. This GarciaLive Volume 4 might be my favorite so far. Great fat sound, great recording, nice vocals. How sweet it is indeed.
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Member for

15 years

I want more 80s/90s releases (God, I am SUCH a troll!). 70s releases are great too. Dave's Picks are not enough! Last year I suggested a series focussing on releasing the Charlie Miller remasters. I suggest it again. There are hundreds of well mastered soundboards that Charlie miller has worked on. GDM has blocked the downloading of these works from LMA. How about you and Charlie get together and make some money! The masters are ready, so that cost is eliminated. Dave's Picks are not enough!
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Member for

11 years 1 month

Google "Bittorrent" and "etree.org"
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Member for

11 years 4 months

I wonder how many of the Spring 90 Too sets have sold. If there's any left in a couple weeks I may have to take the plunge. I would think if they were down significantly they would show it on the site. Tempting I must say. Reassuring knowing there will be digital format although still no word on individual shows.
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Member for

17 years 3 months

My Dick Latvala signed Dick's Picks cd just arrived.. I could cry.
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Member for

15 years

I know about the torrent option. I have have a few reasons why i haven't gotten into that world, but If I ever buy a new laptop I will. There are some very kind people out there who make a practice of pulling torrent posts and then making that content available as D/Ls from free-access storage sites. I rely on these people's kindness for more than half the music I accrue each month. One of these people is currently engaged in posting every non-released Dead show from '69, but he is in the middle of relocating and so his internet access and time for this project has been extremely limited. He is still working through February (2/7 is a super-high quality sdbd of hot music!). My policy is to buy what is commercially released and happily D/L whatever I see that isn't commercially available. Thanks for the suggestion. I hope other folks take your advice. Almost every concert you can think of was recorded by somebody (or the sdbd has slipped into fans' hands) and can be found as a torrent! You need plenty of free Hard Drive space and a willingness to allow remote access to your HD. If that is no problem for you, you are able to access 1000s of shows, Dead and otherwise!
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Member for

10 years 5 months

Yes...very well done, Zuckfun. Being the first to guess 11/17/72 was very impressive. bolo24: I would also enjoy your breakdown of the clues, when you get a chance. The obvious hints were Sugaree, Box of Rain, Brokedown Palace Casey Jones and Johnny B Goode. Thanks.
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10 years 5 months

Another great week in DeadLand. Excited for the folks who are lovin the 90's Box. Personally it does nothing for me, but that's a stash of cash still in the BAccount, good for me. Dave 72 right up my ally, but still hear the folks wanting more from Dave in Diversity. Kick myself for not hearing about DAP's till about a year and 1/2 ago. Missed out on some great shows, especially Pauley P from 73. That year really amuses the S..... out of me. Let's be a Jazz band for a year, Brillant.I've always been of the opinion that if the Dead had figured out a way to have gotten a lot of these releases in the Day they would have exploded. That might have been a bad thing, who knows. But remember Europe 72 3 record blowing people away that only casually liked the Dead. We are so lucky that the dead spent the extra cash ( something they were very good at) to record a ton of stuff. They didn't fly the Grateful Dead Jet and surely didn't make much cash for most of their careers, had way too many on the payroll which for all intents kept them from caving to the record industry and kept going on their own path. Claney, I also live in the Berks and am lucky to do so, except for this past March. Heading to Gathering in a couple weeks? If so give me a shout, I'll buy you a clean crisp Rollin Rock.
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Member for

11 years 10 months

Any other subscribers not receive the e-mail about vol.11?
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Member for

11 years 10 months

I can see the point of more variety. I can also see the point of being completely STOKED for fall 72!! :)

Member for

17 years 3 months

Heading out to an overnight musical jamboree in the forest. For driving soundtrack, will replace Ladies & Gentlemen (its Dark Star jam being perhaps TC's finest moment--perhaps tied with Caution jam from Dave's 10) with Dick's 36 (released 9 years ago, as opposed to Sunshine Daydream, released 1 year ago)...which itself boasts a fine He's Gone > Other One from 9-03-72 in anticipation of Dave's 11. Maybe I'll pack Dave's 10 also, and Eric Dolphy's Out to Lunch. Happy Saturday all...!
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Member for

15 years

4/28 Dark Star is love!A Box of 4/71 Fillmore East complete shows would get nothing but love from me! Probably impossible due to guest artists issues, but maybe it will be part of the 50th Year releases?

Member for

17 years 3 months

Ok, so it's not Dave's 10, it's RT 1.3 (summer '71) & "24 of Hank Williams' Greatest Hits" --what could be better road music than that? Yeah, I hadn't heard that 4/28 Dark Star in a long time, I remembered it being kind of short--was really delighted how rich it is. Ok, I'm really running away from the 'puter now..... (anybody remember Deathlok?)
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Member for

17 years 3 months

I bought 2 Dave's Picks subscriptions (one for my friend) and I always get the notice for each one at different times. You can ways log into the site and check on your order for reassurance, but if they sent them to you before you should be good.
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Member for

14 years 11 months

Check your PM.
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Member for

17 years 2 months

Neb - wow, that sounds fantastic, can't wait to hear it. I'll be sending you something in return soon... Right you are about the PM, I basically never check that (not sure why). But I do check my email a lot - so that email address I sent you is a good way... Hopefully A/F will tour soon.. would love to see them (going to see White Denim in September, actually at a pretty small club in Western Mass, so pretty thrilled about that). Sanfran - holy crap, really, you live in the Berkshires? Agreed about last March (and much of April for that matter) - especially since we were starting a farm. (Been a freaking gorgeous summer though). I'll send you a PM with my email (for reason stated above!)
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Member for

15 years 2 months

Hi people, Aussie Dead fan here. Anyone else not excited about the new Dave's Picks release? I just feel like he has taken the safe option most times. The man even started the series with a show from May '77. 1990 is my favourite year and even though 68-77 is prime Dead I would love to see some 80's releases. Dick's Picks 21 (11.1.85) kicks major ass. Awesome Dead. Daves's Picks 7 & 8 were nice changes of pace (78 & 80) and I always welcome a 1969 album but I think he needs to lay off the famous years for a few releases. Road Trips Vol.2 No.4 Cal Expo '93 is sooo much fun to hear. Great release! Some mid 80's Dead (not the safe 1989 option) or even some post 1990 Dead would be a nice change of pace. The Dick's Picks releases were great because chances were taken (just like the band) Imagine this place go off if a 1994 release was coming...
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Member for

12 years 11 months

Funny, the crowd at Archive may be older - and sometimes grumpier, though certainly not more factionalized - but they damn well know their Dead. Your post is hyperbolic to the point of fiction: "even though 68-77 is prime dead" and/or "the famous years", Dave has allegedly "taken the safe option most times" by selecting shows from this self-admittedly peak era. Oi vey. I realize that I likely just fed the troll, but c'mon.../K
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Member for

10 years 5 months

'Not to be a downer, but please folks. We hear ya that you want more 80's, more 90's and that you are subjected to way too much 70's and 60's. But Holy SHIT if you don't get the fact that these were the years that the Dead were in their peak you simply don't get it. Someone has to say it, but wake up. I get the fact that many caught their first show in the last half and want more releases from that era, but compared to the pre 80's this was lacking in so so many ways. Bobby likes to point out that the later years were tight, but it's simply not the case musically. The releases are way too many for complainers and to see the 90's box release after the 90 a spring would make most thank their lucky stars the the PTB have heard you, bent over backwards and fulfilled your wildest dreams. But still the complaints continue. Thank God Dave is in charge, we have person who's first Dead experience is late Dead, has access to the entire history and as much as he would love to push his era, still gets the fact that pre 80's is the best of the best. Love for all to be fulfilled, but if anything the Dead have done right, it's providing a proper history lesson of what they were and the material that represented their best efforts. Yes they had larger crowds in the later years, but those numbers never represented the best music they produced. For a clearer picture of that fact just check out the top selling albums in Rolling Stone each month, great #ers,rating, etc, pure garbage. Give Dave Break and take what you like and avoid not your taste, not that hard.
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Member for

13 years 7 months

Sometimes they go over the line but in general we should welcome them. I doubt Dave is offended, but, it will make him stronger eventually.
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Member for

17 years 2 months

...if it doesn't have a Wizard of Oz or Superman/Smallville reference, I'll be surprised. Methinks a tornado is in order....
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Member for

14 years 6 months

Before the belief is paraded that pre 80's is "the best" Dead, perhaps it's worth remembering the entire Spring '90 tour is now released. The best Grateful Dead? Any night they are on is the best Grateful Dead, IMO.
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Member for

15 years

Very happy about this pick! Great set list, playing, and era for recordings - what more could you ask for? I do hope in the future we get an 80s pick with some of the early versions of In The Dark tunes (early 80s) - but for now I am content to wait, especially with plenty of Brent being provided with the TOO box. I think Dave has been very adventurous with his picks and the only pick that isn't as solid as I would like is the '78 pick but its true to the year and I think I will just have to go back and try it again. Getting into the 90's is risky for me- I really like some of it but there are a lot of pitfalls - thin bass sound, guitars sounding too metal, midi (some is good, others not so much), electronic drums, calypso keys, bad vocals, missed lyrics - some of these negatives are in a lot of the eras but sometimes the later era playing could not make up for it. Just my opinion to each his own- but is the call for more '90s based more on nostalgia or is it really for the playing - playing wise I just don't see how that version of the band could hold a candle to fall '72-'74. Hoping for another '73 box in 2015 - Utica, Nassau, Boston run...
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10 years 8 months

Just saw CSN at Ravinia in Highland Park Il. Great concert!!! If they show up in your town, see them. OUTSTANDING!!!
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Member for

16 years 10 months

That's like complaining about eating or breathing. There is no way we'll ever get everything we want from these releases. The way I see it, these releases are shows I've neglected and should pay attention to. I didn't want a '78 Pick but got it. And you know what? I like it! Enjoy this stuff as it comes out. You could be a Doors fan who was promised a 10 CD set of outtakes from the band's last album only to have the release quietly cancelled, never to be heard from again. Trust me, it could be worse! Everyone should head on over to the Archive for some 11/19/72 listening. Phil is especially prominent on this recording. And the little WRS jam after DS is a treat. Should prep you all nicely for DP 11.
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15 years 2 months

katky111 There was really no need for the line "I realize that I likely just fed the troll" I love The Dead and would not waste my time here starting trouble. I read a lot of comments here but hardly ever comment myself, and when I do I get your rude replies? Look, I understand there are going to be more releases from certain years and era's than others, but the amount of official live material from the 80's (apart from '80 & '89) is very thin to the point of being ridiculous. Correct me if I am wrong but isn't there just one cd release from 1987? None from 1986 and 1984 and just one from 1985? Releases from the prime Dead years will always form the bulk, and that is fine. Just do not like the fact that an era of Dead has been ignored for decades. Dick's Picks and Road Trips both went through all 4 decades the Dead were in and I hope David will do the same. D.P 17 (9.25.91) and D.P 27 (12.16.92) are also a taste of how great the 90's could be.
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10 years 2 months

After taking in a few of these recent comments, I've been compelled to quit lurking. Why is it that anyone who disagrees with the majority here is branded either a "troll" or "too stupid to realize that the '70s were the Dead's peak years?" The counterargument seems pretty straightforward: other years are underrepresented, even given the quality differential. So why all the mob-like foot stomping?
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Member for

15 years 11 months

just listened to the bird song from 3-29-90, beautiful. Then I listened to the bird song from 11-17-72, not bad but really no comparison. Then I listened to the Dark Star from 3-29, wow. Then I listened to the other one from 11-17, once again, no comparison. The 11-17 show has Donna singing that mussel shoals sound and I can't stand it, Sorry Donna but for me you did not fit in. So just go and listen to the two and you can hear the difference, one is a great show, almost perfect, the other is just ok, barely. So Dick wrote a note about the 11-17 show being off the hook, if it was so good, why was it not released before now? I'll tell you why, cause it's just not that good. Think about it, 500 people in attendance, very laid back crowd and this is what you get, the dead sounding like they were just going thru the motions and trying to get thru another show. Once again it's just an opinion and my opinion is 3-29-90 is head over heels a better show. What I see here is a total lack of respect for the later years the band performed, even when they themselves stated that after 25 years, it was like opening a bottle of fine wine. So I stand by my last post, 11-17-72, yawn, nothing here to really shout about, move along now. There were a lot of great shows in the 80's and 90's, I saw a few myself, and the total dismissal of these shows says to me that rhino is in it for the money. They sold these subscriptions for dave's picks and they all but sold out this time, so they can release what ever they please, even if it ain't that good, it's a captive audience and I for one feel let down again by the powers that be.
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Member for

17 years 2 months

unkle sam wrote: "So Dick wrote a note about the 11-17 show being off the hook, if it was so good, why was it not released before now? I'll tell you why, cause it's just not that good." According to that logic, 3/29/90 is an even worse show, since it is being released *after** 11/17/72. :)
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Member for

11 years

"They sold these subscriptions for dave's picks and they all but sold out this time, so they can release what ever they please, even if it ain't that good, it's a captive audience and I for one feel let down again by the powers that be." So by this "logic", Rhino is run by a bunch of sadists who derive pleasure from tricking mindless Deadheads into buying subscriptions, and releasing the opposite of what they want? That's not a business model. It's also borderline insane to think it is a business model. It's also not sustainable. For example, if I started selling...oh, I dunno...burritos that weren't very good and gave people terrible gastroenteritis, eventually people would stop buying my terrible burritos and go to the stand next door (ie archive.org) that was giving away supposedly better burritos for free. You certainly wouldn't expect my burritos to sell out every day to the point where I was having to work longer and longer hours every day just to get the burritos out there. And yet, all of the releases sell out...and the subscriptions increase every year. I've had this conversation with others here before. No one cares if you really love 1986 Jerry and can't stand 1970. That's wonderful for you. Also, no one is saying that no one has the right to express an opinion. The problem is when people erroneously assume that Rhino/DL2/TBTB have some weird agenda to mess with Deadheads or release inferior product. But anyways, this argument is old, tired, and boring. I think I'm going to start resisting the urge to engage. Some people might like that anyway.
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Member for

13 years 4 months

Of course Rhino is in it for the money. What else would they be in it for? None of this would exist if they didn't make a profit. The 70s get more love from them because they sell better, simple as that. It is pointless to argue about which era is best. TPTB care about what is popular, just like all merchants. They are working inside a tight niche market and are managing their risks very well -- the success of their stewardship of the vault is testament to that. I think it's awesome. Who would have thought that this business model would succeed? I am amazed. And why does anyone thank Dave for "giving" us anything (other than 30 Days of Dead)? He is selling us stuff, not giving it, and that works great for everyone -- Dave, Rhino, and Heads. While I'm here, can we stop calling people trolls? I don't think we hear from actual trolls on this site. Mary squashes them before they get published. People with opinions that don't match yours do not deserve the abuse they get around here.
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Member for

12 years 1 month

folks lamenting the lack of releases of a certain line up of the band, in a thread promoting the simultaneous release of EIGHT shows featuring that line up priceless...
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Member for

10 years 2 months

One potential (if admittedly imperfect) resolution to some of the expressed "era aggravation:" Dave could reveal each subscription's lineup before sales commence. Yes, this would require some planning. But so what? The only other reason to keep subscribers in the dark would be to bump sales to fans uninterested in all four shows. While this doesn't resolve the underlying issue of era representation, it WOULD provide Dave with a better idea of true demand and allow uninterested Heads to "tune out" until their number comes up. @ Chris Grand: Years, rather than lineups, seem to be the issue. But I think you know that. Funny, though... no one will call you a troll!
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