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  • JackstrawfromC…
    cc eoj
    Zombie d Wulf has a list posted of all the songs. I just cant' remember which page/thread he posted it on???? "Escaping through the lily fields, I came across an empty space. It rainbow then exploded, left a bus stop in its place. The bus come by and I got on, thats when it all began. It was Cowboy Neal at the wheel of the bus to never ever land"
  • c_c
    anybody have a list of all the songs that they played this tour? it was something like 150 different songs. not the setlists, but you know, like an alphabetical list. or a website that listed them? please? peace.
  • hippyjameZ
    Sure do miss getting on
    Sure do miss getting on and checking the setlists and reviews.. All i gotta say is, "I wanna thank You, For a Real Good Time!."
  • bilee
    I just left the following on the “Shout Outs” page"Yo Godspal! You ever even been to a show with Jerry? Yea it was bigger and better..... after 25 years! Who cares about bigger and better, and the definition of cover band is a band that covers other peoples songs just the way they were done by the original. If you think that the Dead are a cover band then so is Van Halen (running with the devil and most of the songs on their 1st album are old 30s blues songs) and the Rolling Stones and Clapton and Led Zeppelin, and many other bands that take songs that they like or admire and redo them. So the Dead would have to be a tribute band.... but the core members are all in the band so it's a tribute to themselves! Like most people that claim to be Christians you sure are quick to judge. I see 2 to 3 hundred bands a year working. From the 29th of April to the 12th of May I worked Neil Young, James Taylor, Fleetwood Mac, Kenny Chesney and Billy Joel/Elton John. I took the time in all that to drive 7 hours to Chicago for the show on the 4th and to fly to Mountainview for the show on the 10th. The rest of the month will include Andre Rieu, Yani and Sugarland. Next month is a bunch of other national acts. I CHOOSE TO SEE THE DEAD BECAUSE THEY ARE STILL, HANDS DOWN, THE BEST BAND IN THE WORLD. i'LL TAKE TIME OUT OF MY LIFE ANYTIME THEY PLAY TO SEE THEM." I left it in response to someone calling this band a cover band. Sooo maybe I'm a little rabid but I am one loyal Motherf#%*er and I won't apologize for my response. I will say thank you to the band for lighting that space in my heart that has been dark for so long. Thanks for validating my conception of what the Dead means to me with my wife and my grown kids that have lived on the peripheral of my relationship with this huge part of my soul but now have experienced it. After Chicago my wife said “I Get It” she felt the magic. Same in Mountainview with my boys, 25 and 22 that have lived with this all their lives, listen to the music and now know the feeling. I meant what I said, this band, not the Grateful Dead, but the Dead is the best band in the world. If the Grateful Dead could be here then that might not be the case but that will never happen. It’s funny that the Grateful Dead went through what a handful of keyboard changes and there wasn’t a question of who they were. I hope that when other band members pass (you know… the wheel thing) that the band still plays the songs that I so want to hear and new ones that will reflect the band at that time with the same magic as in 69, 79, 89 or 09. I also hope when I’m gone that my children and my children’s children have the same opportunity to feel the magic.
  • Richard Vigeant
    Is there any chance we get the list of material they use for ligthts on tour?
  • Moye
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    Fall Tour?????
    Man, I can't wait till the morning I wake up and see the forum topic that says "THE DEAD TO TOUR IN FALL" :) I can almost say that this could definately happen:) The vibes on this site alone are offf the scales man. Everybodys reviews from the shows they attended seem fantastic. Special thanks to Charlie Miller for letting all us heads listen to some really great music off archives:) Everyone keep ur fingers crossed for the fall and I hope to see you all in the lots:)Peace- Moye
  • leshweirD
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    The end of Spring tour...
    Well, I feel a want for more, but know I am fortunate for the shows I was able to see (8 including Penn State). Then again, I need time to save up some money, as it sure wasn't cheap or without sacrifice (well worth it though, just saying...).The last show at the Gorge was fantastic for so many reasons. It turned out to be a 80 degree day, met some awesome Washington State folks, was center stage 7 rows back, and it was our 3rd wedding anniversary! Was a grate trip, we flew in to Seattle and picked up a rental vehicle in the pouring rain. Drove to Moses Lake to be closer to the venue so we wouldn't have to drive so far when they opened, and ended up driving through quite a snowstorm through the cascade mountains. It was surprising to see, as it was snowing so hard that it was accumulating on the roadway and we certainly didn't expect it. Fortunately, we drove out of that, and the weather improved. And as I mentioned, the day of the show was 80 and sunny! Back home on the east coast now and reading others viewpoints of the shows here. Love hearing about them. My take on the shows are that they definitely got better as the tour went on. Of particular note, I got to see the progression of Warren as he took more of a stage presence as the tour went on. The gorge show was definitely a rock star Warren night IMO. He was on fire, first with the Allman's, and seemed to pick up steam with the Dead. My appreciation for him has definitely grown, and I now count myself as a huge Warren fan. LOVED his version of Althea that night, do I dare say even more then bobby's from earlier in the tour!? Anyway, thought I'd share just a bit now that the ride is over (for now). I am anxiously waiting for Rothbury, and at the same time glad that I have a little time to save up for it! Will probably end up having to skip a couple other shows I had planned on attending (DSO), but I do love those outdoor Dead shows! And as far as the Gorge goes, what a FANTASTIC venue! Would love to do that again if the opportunity arises. Now I feel the need to check out Red Rocks, as I have heard that setting is just as nice, but due to the distance, it would take The Dead to play there to really motivate me, thus the reason I am going to Rothbury. It was so nice to be part of the scene again, to be around so many newer, young folks intermingled with us older, still very much young at heart ones. Never would have thought that there would be another opportunity for a tour, never mind just a nostalgic show, but now I am thinking, how could they not do this again. I mean, it truly was a win-win. The band and all that are employed to stage the tour certainly made some money, but even more importantly, they all seemed to be having a most excellent time up there, and those of us that were fortunate enough to catch a show, know everyone else was digging it. So boys, if any of you actually find time to read any of these postings, lets do more together, as I for one will agree to do my part, which is attend show(s) that are feasible and be a part of the lovely deadhead community to welcome the next generation in with open arms. Speaking of this, at the Gorge show there was a 18 year old high schooler that convinced his dad to bring him, and that kid really got it! It was fun watching him react to the band and crowd. This is how it will never die. Musicians, sure, but the music will be passed on. Please bring on another tour! See ya at Rothbury!
  • rosa rugosa
    Spring Tour!
    We all had a real good time, didn't we? And I really enjoyed "meeting" and sharing the experience with you folks. I hope we have a chance to do it again soon, and I'm sure looking forward to RatDog this summer!
  • JackstrawfromC…
    Thanks Peggy O
    I totally agree with you. This is not the Grateful Dead it is The Dead. 2 pretty different bands really. Both grate in there own special ways (I know that sounds a little cheesy but hey it is true). It is impossible to replace Jerry and his unique guitar, vocals, perspective and soul are missed believe me. But if you went in to this tour with an open mind I just don't see how you could have been disappointed. I was not a Warren fan going in but coming out I am a huge fan. He made this tour folks just admit it. He brought his own style to the mix, he wasn't trying to be Jerry he wasn't trying to sound like him and he wasn't just sitting in filling space. There were times when he sounded hauntingly similar to Jerry (China Doll, Morning Dew for example), times when he sounded very soulful like Brent and times when he has just being Warren. He really moved me and not unlike what Jerry used to do for me. That is where I will disagree with Peggy-O, I was almost in tears several times. The same could be said for Jeff too. He brought his own style and it fit in beautifully. I love Ratdog and Phil and Friends and all but there is something special and kind of hard to explain when they are all together, then throw in Billy and Mickey and the raw power is back!! What also returned was the lot scene. Walking through the lots at Shoreline and Washington seriously made me feel like 20 years old again. I felt like I was back where I belong, and that is a very special feeling I will hold onto forever. They played this tour with emotion and power and they were as tight as I have ever heard them.. EVER. There were shows in the 90's with Jerry that didn't have a fraction of the power, emotion, magic or energy these guys are holding right now. Some of those shows felt like they were just going through the motions. NOT in 2009!! They hit this tour with a sense of "We are still the kings of the jam bands, and now we are going to show you". Sure some shows were better than others that is how it always was, is and will be. That's why I always suggest to catch as many Dead shows as possible because that one magical show that touches your soul and changes your life is out there. Although I haven't heard any of the shows from this tour that I would consider to be "bad". All I can say is "When can we do this again??" Seriously!! "Escaping through the lily fields, I came across an empty space. It rainbow then exploded, left a bus stop in its place. The bus come by and I got on, thats when it all began. It was Cowboy Neal at the wheel of the bus to never ever land"
  • southerntam
    Great reflections PeggyO, GD GRW and JackStrawfromCO...
    I just loved reading them, I think we all share the same sentiments only you guys know how to verbalize it better than I. But everytime I read one of your reflections or thoughts, I keep thinking "yeah, that's what I feel like"! Anyway, just wanted to throw it out there. ~Tam
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16 years 6 months

The band says Happy New Year with an announcement of almost twenty shows in April and May.  More details to come!

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17 years 7 months

I don't have much experience with pre-sales but I wasn't surprised to see the site overwhelmed and the tickets going fast. I logged on at noon at got tickets 15 minutes ago. Just happy to have the deal done and now I can look forward to the show, first time seeing any of the guys in .... THIRTY years!
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Member for

16 years 1 month

This presale was unbelievably fucked up! I hope the boys are reading this after all that "we love the community" stuff in their videos.Been going to shows since 1970. I work as a web developer. The boys should fire musictoday and seriously consider ever doing this again! They could have staggered the venue sales, and so many other things, not to mention the screwed up webpages at music today. Just an incredible boondoggle and kind of sours me on the whole thing. I got tix, but only after 45 minutes of confusion and frustration and pages not loading and utter crap.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

This is an ugly scene. Cyber version of the last tour in '95. This crap is over for me. It's a bittersweet feeling. I loved hearing Jer's notes float through the sky over my head in Red Rocks. Now I can't even get a ticket on a lame web site. It's not the same any more, gents!!
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16 years 2 months

I picked up 4 tickets for the DCU (aka the Centrum) for the 18th. Online experience slow but steady. Of course, I haven't been inside the Centrum since probably 1988 when I last saw the Dead there (narrowly missing a recent Hannah Montana concert with my daughter after getting frozen out on tickets). I am thinking about taking my kids to the show -- 12-year old boy, 9-year old girl. Any thoughts on the appropriateness of that, based on recent similar shows? I saw Bob Weir with the Waybacks at Merlefest a couple of years ago, and I would have been happy to have brought the family.
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17 years 9 months

Wanted floor but with all the time outs there were none left so I got Lodge, not bad but I'm down at the opposite end of the stage. And yes it took forever, the site weas totally overloaded...but I"m relieved it's done!
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17 years 2 months

anyone else horrified by the tix prices ????? how are you supposed to fill up the old tour bus at 95 dollars a ticket... Its a shame im going to have to go from seeing you at almost all the shows to one I understand this isnt 1989 when i saw the greatful dead for 13 dollars with JERRY.. I then continued on to see them 42 more times but seriously is this about the music or the money ? One bummed out dead head See you in Wilkes-Barre Pa.if i can swing it
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17 years 7 months

I balked at the prices a couple days ago, and was in shock.but today after mail ordering for a few shows I got that old familiar feeling again. cheers, cya on tour.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

Wanted floor but with all the time outs there were none left so I got Lodge, not bad but I'm down at the opposite end of the stage. And yes it took forever, the site weas totally overloaded...but I"m relieved it's done!
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17 years 9 months

Spent 40 mins waiting for the damn servers to rev up only to be told no reserved seats available at Snoreline!Lame!! They must be holding everything down front for friends and family, home town reunion. Oh well ... got 3 on the lawn, anyways .... Happy Daze!!
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16 years 2 months

Had 6 seats reserved MSG but site took too long and they expired!!! Damn it. Will settle for 4 Nassau. Cant complain but damn it!!
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17 years 7 months

OK then, Got Albany, Worcester and Sat/Philly. The only thing I didn't get was MSG because they only were listing $95 tix available. I'll try again after 1/23. One thing I found out that was when I had multiple browser tabs open, my shopping cart and the venue I was looking for seemed to change depending on where I was at in the searching process, causing error on page and time outs. As soon as I went to one tab, I was cruzin through the site (relatively) and got my shows bang,bang,bang. Maybe that is what happened to some of the above posters. Hopefully, all's well that ends well. Good Luck to all and see you all on tour!!!!! I can Tell the Queen of Diamonds by the way she shines!
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17 years 9 months

Hello Nice experience too logged in at 12:00 and was just able to get 4 tickets to April 19th at 1:35PM I am looking for someone that might have extras to Saturday night April 18th to trade My seats for Sunday are sec 232 Row L I know there not the best but that was what was availble to me Send me a message if interested Marcus
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16 years 2 months

There have been alot of grate people on here since the tour was anounced and I think we need to stay in contact throughout the tour to share experience... Will there be a new thread started that will stay active on the forums.. It seems to me there are alot of threads but they don't have alot of traffic
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16 years 2 months

I got locked out and don't know if it is too late - I was never emailed the code. Can someone help me out?
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16 years 2 months

May the force of the Vibe be with you. Four on the floor at Nassau. It took 44 minutes. Coincedence? I think not It's the Dead Vibe. My buds got me a tix for MSG and Jersey. Theres gonna be a high time. The kids they dance and shake them bones. "Oh if a man tried To take his time on earth And prove before he died What one man's life could be worth I wonder what would happen To this world."
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17 years 9 months

that totally sucked, after waiting and waiting with tix in the basket I was told that I didn't fulfill my order fast enough...."if you get confused..."
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16 years 1 month

That was really sloooow, but I was able to get tix and helped a friend get tix to a few shows. Someone mentioned the multiple browser thing, where one will take over the other depending on the order process. I had the same thing happen, but it still worked. Sometimes we live no particular way but our own
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16 years 2 months

At about 11:56 am the forums went down. Then the ticket site went down before 12. When it finally opened about 12:10 or so, I put in my MSG order for floor tix, put in the code, and hit continue. Then a page opened (about 5 minutes later) saying I had clicked back in my browser so my info was lost (which I had not done). By the time the slow slow slow site opened again, and i put in floor, they were gone. Put in 100 level-gone. This took 30 minutes. Of course there were still nose bleeds for 100 bucks. Not worth it to me. This was just a huge waste of time. My crew of 5 has decided to just use our memories of past shows over the years and 2004 when the dead last toured. What a waste of time trying to get presale. This was not planned out well by whomever was in charge of the presale. To those going- enjoy the shows. Me- I'm using the $500 that I was blowing on tix for something else.
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16 years 6 months

90 minutes and I can't close the deal because there's no fucking box for "city" and "state" on my fucking screen. How fucking basic is that, to write code that allows the purchaser to type in his address? Fucking Amateurs. How hard do I have to fight to spend $600? "All the good lyrics are taken."
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16 years 2 months

What a great idea! Let's put the entire tour on sale at the same exact time! And let's tell our loyal fans that seat will be one price then up the price $6-$12 each as soon as they go on sale and then tag on another $7-$15 each ticket for service charge, and we'll throw in inflated mailing costs just to really make you feel special! That on top of $100 plus reserved seats...and all this during the worst economic crisis the world has seen since the great depression!!!!! I logged on right at 9est, waited in the queue, waited, waited, waited, waited.... finally got a shot at tickets. Forget about the 4 reserved seats I wanted to get for me and some friends, or even a pair for me and my gal....NOT ONE reserved seat seat left for Shoreline!!?? WHO gets all those seats? Ticket agencies??? They always seem to have a ton of good seats for sale at greatly inflated prices! I thought we, as DeadHeads were supposed to be getting a special pre-sale shot at some good seats. Oh well, I settled with lawn tix, better in than not.
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16 years 6 months

Had 2 tix for Albany, Floor but 217 and change was just too much. Declined, heartbroke... My first show was less than 20 bucks GA, times they are a changin'. I ain't complaining, you guys deserve to retire well but I guess I'll be missing this run...
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16 years 6 months

How screwed is this? 90 Minutes to get tickets and then I can't close the deal because the site will not bring up a box to type by city and state in. Name, street address, country -- but no place for the city and state. I hate ticketmaster, too, but they're professionals.
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16 years 2 months

What a cluster that was. Lost my floor seats in the aisle due to 'out of time' issue because I was too scared to hit the refresh button. when they're server got hung up on the small village I live in. I didn't like the City/State search button at all. Still got my tickets, although not as good and not on the floor. Just complaining cause my head hurts. Happy to be going to the show though. :-)
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17 years 7 months

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16 years 1 month

It's nice to see that some people here have managed to get tickets through the online pre-sale process. I got in relatively quickly, had the site keep bogging down as I tried to order my Worcester tix, got to the credit card page and now I've been sitting on "We are processing your order..." for 45 minutes. I tracked down the MusicToday support folks and they were great, but basically told me to "hang in there". Anyone else stuck at the order processing page but haven't timed out? I'm trying to take a diagnostic approach to figuring out whether I'm hosed or not. I was excited about the tour when I first found out about it, a little less excited when I saw the prices, and now I'm completely discouraged by this ordering process. If the order ultimately times out, I think I'm just gonna bag the idea of seeing The Dead and move on...
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16 years 2 months

That was the worst tix purchasing ordeal ever....... So I'm on an hour before tix are on sale, just to get put in a waiting area. Thanks to a lack of patience i got around that, (waiting page never changed), got to the purchasing pages to have the letter password pictures never change, so after several attempt to get a tix, my account was locked,, Start over on a server that is overloaded.... So finally new accaount, restarted comp, pictures loading, i get nothing good, its all gone already, what what what what ,,, all i wanted was a floor tix, a pavilion tix,,, to one of four shows. All we could get within these two hours was a couple of lawn tix to the last show.....We will be lookin hard for tix to the floor or pavilion heading west of chicago. Hope we get some. THAT WAS A MESS. and for lawn tix.......... BUT AT LEAST ITS DEAD TOUR!!!!
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16 years 2 months

I think it would be great to bring your kids! What an awesome experience that it would be. Other than some drinking and "Daddy what is that funny cigarette that guy is smoking?" there shouldn't be any problems!
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16 years 2 months

this was the worst process ever...logged on a little before 11 and didnt get to purchase tickets until 12:50. i was in the waiting room for over an hour and kept getting kicked out and had to start over. now theres no tickets. really disappointed in the ticket sales
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16 years 2 months

Over 5,600 people online...I don't think there will be any seats when they go on sale to the public 1-23
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17 years 6 months

Got 2 for each night at the spectrum and 2 for the ol' rosemont horizon. $620! for nosebleeds. At least I'm in. And as for the commodore64 servers. It was like one of the first pc's available back in the 80s
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Member for

17 years 9 months

Thanks for wasting my time and screwing me and my wife with your little ticket experiment.No help from the guys in Mountain View? with some servers? Sheesh Central Pissed JT PS Nice gratuitous use of two hours of my life ....
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16 years 2 months

5,600 people viewing the web-site and forums..I don't think there will be seats left for the general public sale 1-23
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Member for

17 years 9 months

Thanks for wasting my time and screwing me and my wife with your little ticket experiment.No help from the guys in Mountain View? with some servers? Sheesh Central Pissed JT PS Nice gratuitous use of two hours of my life ....
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17 years 3 months

2 hours later. no tickets left for MSG but ebay has tickets up already. how the band could allow such a piss poor ordering system is beyond me.
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16 years 1 month

To Hell with the Greedful Dead. Jerry must be spinning pretty fast.
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16 years 2 months

I just tried for 2 more seats reserved and lawn to see if available...Nothing
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16 years 2 months

that was for sure a nightmare, but i am just glad to have the tickets! i couldn't even get on the website for 30! then, when i did i was in the "waiting area" for another 40! i did get good seats on the level above the floor-thirteenth row, in denver. i went back to see what else was available right after i got mine and there was nothing in the entire level my seats are on. i wonder what seats will be available on the regular release day?!?
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16 years 2 months

Like many others here it said I ran out time. Went through the whole process had my tickets in the basket. What a disapointment.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

My nerves were shot during that whole thing...I swear I thought I was going to have a heart attack or throw my computer to the floor. Yes it was way overwhelmed, hopefully if there's ever another tour of any kind they will learn from this. I can finally breath again...
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16 years 2 months

As Allison & I were ordering (DC, Charlottesville, Albany) here in cold, flat Holland, the door bell rang. It's never anyone good and I don't speak much Dutch after 12 years here expat. But THIS time, as entering card info, it was 2 HEADS who are moving in down 3 from me. She only speaks English, too. Phew. I am TIRED. Hotels? Air? Magick, for sure.
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16 years 1 month

attention whoever thought $100 tickets were a good idea - not all deadheads are yuppies. thanks for confirming the suspicions of many that were aroused during the obama shows that yall have lost the spark and sold the spirit of the grateful dead down the river. have a great time with warren "whiskey drenched southern rock does not fit with grateful dead music" haynes and all the quarter-full stadiums this spring. ps - if you're only in it for the money, you would've made a lot more selling tickets for $40-$50 and actually selling out shows. you might want to fire whoever is currently doing your tour production. unless the whole idea was keep out kids, students, etc and welcome in yuppies, in which case, you should give that guy a raise, cuz he succeeded.
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16 years 2 months

50 minutes of torture and finally 4 tix for Greensboro close up on the side of stage. They need a new plan for sales. What a terrible experience. Support the Dead channel on satellite radio!
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16 years 1 month

Spent 2 hrs trying to get tix to chicago. Finally got the 6 tix I needed for my friends and I in the upper bowl. Literally spent $95/ticket for upper bowl tickets. Don't mean to share my negative vibe, but I'm literally in tears because of how bad this process sucked and how bad it turned out. I know that I need to turn my feelings around, but I was so excited and now our seats suck. Nosebleed at $100/pop. Can't believe how much this ticket process didn't work.
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16 years 1 month

Total BS. I was getting two ticket for each of three shows and their damn server takes so long that it does not allow me to check out. Time I empty cart and start over, all good seats are gone! I cannot believe how bad of an experiece that was. That will leave a bad taste for a long time.
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16 years 1 month

Damn!! Stopped at the bank before work to deposit the rest of this weeks money back into my account. Went to work and waited for noon. After about 45 minutes trying, I got in, selected my tickets and discovered I was $5.05 short after the delivery charge was added. GRRR!!! Borrowed $10 from my boss. Ran back to the bank. Deposited the money. Ran back to work. Finished the check-out process only to have it say that I had taken too long. Started over. After about 45 minutes I got back in. All floor seats gone as well as any of the decent seats. I got 1 mediocre seat for $118.55!!!! :-( I can't wait to see the boys, but damn!! Hell of a way to run a railroad.
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16 years 2 months

I got two Loge tickets (Section 103) for Albany. I've booked the hotel too. Nothing left except to wait for April to roll around. "When it comes to humility, I'm the greatest!" - Bullwinkle Moose
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16 years 1 month

"May the four winds blow you safely home " Why dont you guys just order your tix direct from GDTSTOO like I always do. I know its snail mail but its hassle free and they usually hook ya up with a kind seat?