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  • GratefulTwinz
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    To the people we met in the Worc.Lot 4/19..(Little Tree Huggers)...Allen and his girl(Im sorry,I suck at remembering names) Thanks again for the 2 Jerry shirts for the twinz....They love 'em peace,George&Amy :-)
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    Philly Afterparties feat. Jay Lane and Rob Wasserman with BOB
    Band Of Brotherz is playing more afterparties - this time in Philly (May 1st and 2nd).
    Featuring Rob Wasserman and Jay Lane!
    Check out their site!
    Facebook RSVP
  • Gr8fulTed
    Dylan and company
    Bob Dylan opens in Milwaukee on 7/1, South Bend 7/4, stopping east of Cleveland 7/11, ending up in Fresno in mid-August.
  • rosa rugosa
    Have a wonderful time - will be thinking of you this weekend! And don't forget to take you phone out of the oven :)
  • mainehippiechic
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    Bummer about your phone;( My husband went swimming last summer with his. The hairdryer worked great at drying it out. NJ shows rocked. I agree with Mr. Pid that the band seems to sound better each show. See ya'll in Philly.
  • lzylightning
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    : ) xtras 4 both chicago shows : )
    ...where are my penn state gals.??..i have xtras again..lost your #'s though !!..l*j
  • leshweirD
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    Just arrived at Philly from Izod shows
    Get to rest up before the next 2 daze! Need it after the Izod shows. Very little sleep in the last couple days, have great memories, and am anxiously awaiting the next 2 shows!Shakedown continues to be risky with those peddling hippie drugs,in that there seems to be more then usual that will sell you something that is not as it is claimed to be. Be careful about the scams, they are skilled in getting you to part with your money. Otherwise, if you can catch a show or more, GO...and have a blast in whatever manner tickles your fancy! Grate to have them back on the road playing together again!!!
  • Moye
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    OK, SHOWS 3 & 4 FOR ME.........
    So this will be shows 3 & 4 off this tour, not to mention the Penn show. I'm gonna go ahead and call it now......Morning Dew > Wharfrat > Jack-A-RowSeems theres still about 16 songs (not including Dylan and JGB tunes) that they havn't done yet. Peace- Moye
  • Mr. Pid
    Now that I've actually attended a couple more shows, instead of just listening to them, thought I might make some observations. They definitely seem to be improving a bit with each show, and with the high baseline they set at the taxi tour shows this has made for a quite pleasurable experience. It is important to remember that this is The Dead, not the GOGD, and it is an evolution in perspective, practice and content. I also saw the 02, 03 and 04 incarnations and where they are now is better than any of those were. I have seen several others comment on one aspect that I find I must agree with, and that is that Warren just isn't loud enough often enough. Jerry would regularly play extremely loud, and that dimension (the loudness, not the particular notes or progressions) is just not present consistently. It's the thing that's holding back those crescendo points from ever really peaking the way they used to. Hopefully they'll figure that out, because most of what Warren is playing is quite good and fits well. Only the occasional spot of "there's that Allman Brothers thing again." Interestingly enough, they did have the good sense to mix Branford hot at times when he was really channeling Jerry. Listen to the Crazy Fingers from 4/29 for a good example. And throwing a meatball like Milestones straight into his wheelhouse, no surprise he hit that out of the park. I'm really glad I got to see the Branford shows because he really did fit in quite well, and was obviously having a great time being there. At points where he wasn't playing he was bopping and dancing right along. The onstage rapport and communication between all the band members seems really high and is certainly fun to watch. They are all quite clearly having a great time with it. Likewise Jeff is fitting right in as well, really kicking it up a notch where appropriate, otherwise providing a great deal of cohesion. Never obtrusive,always tasteful, and obviously an essential ingredient in the mix. It is good that Bob's guitar is more prominent because he is playing quite well despite the occasional equipment issue. He really is a much better guitar player than some people seem to think. I'll chalk up the "updated" vocal timings to "improvisation." Who ever said voice isn't an instrument anyway? And a show just isn't a show without a booted lyric somewhere, right? Phil just seems to never stop smiling, enough so that if you didn't know better you might be tempted to wonder if there wasn't some other reason why. But I'm pretty sure the reason is because he's just having a ball, and he's certainly playing like there's nothing else he'd rather do ever. I'm also happy to see and hear him singing more. I really don't get why some people have an issue with this. Is he Mel Torme, SInatra, Robert Plant? Hell no, he's Phil Lesh, and they're his songs. If he wants to sing them who the hell is anyone else to say no? How many times in the 70's did my friends and I stand in front of him yelling Unbroken Chain? Every show? Don't have to do that any more. Mickey and Billy are really, really on as others have noted. Both nights during Drums there were points where my chest was actually vibrating and my pant legs were flapping. Now if they would only learn to mix Warren that hot where appropriate... All in all, I am happy to have been able to be present where great music was being created, rather than merely replicated, and I'm really looking forward to Friday night. Any one else interested in that opportunity should get themselves to one of these shows. The only possible bad time is one that you might bring along, so do yourself a favor and don't bring one. Go expecting something new yet very familiar, and you will be rewarded. Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
  • c_c
    so far
    quick pop in here: so far, the shows have rocked, the scene has been cool, and the vibe is definately there. peace.
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15 years 9 months

The band says Happy New Year with an announcement of almost twenty shows in April and May.  More details to come!

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15 years 5 months

I have dial-up and it only took me 26 minutes from start to finish when ordering. I scored two great seats for Greensboro. Sure, the price was a little more than I thought we'd be paying, after the fees and such, but hell, it's the Dead! Definitely worth it! Anyone else have any luck for Greensboro?
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15 years 5 months

Hah, 75% of you sound like 12yr olds. Waaa Waaaa. Let me break out my tiny violin for you. All this back in the day $hit about $12 tickets and selling out. Go cry in your yurts folks. This is something I have been preparing for a long time to see and truly $100 per ticket is a steal. (Some of you need to leave the commune more often and see current prices on things) After damn near breaking my computer from frustration I got row 1 in denver for me and my crew. You see, this matters enough to me that I will make room for this by clearing out other costs somewhere else. Many of those complaining will easily spend $100-$300 on beer or smoke or something else between now and the tour so your priorities are where their at and others are going to make it happen. As for selling out, the "boy's" are old men now and all costs have risen so not only is the expense more but this may very well be the last hurrah. All I can say is this is well worth it and to those of you going to denver, "Lets Rage Homies!"
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15 years 5 months

All was going well. Good places at MSG and all but then there is no delivery option outside usa and canada. Couldnt finish my order and lost places and no tickets at all. Great. What can I say? No life outside USA?
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Member for

15 years 8 months

Got my tix for Worcester - both nights - and Hartford in about 40 minutes. A little nerve wracking at first but suddenly the site sped right up and I wasn't seeing much of a wait between pages. Can't wait, it's gonna be a long three months! Despite the high prices, which really aren't that high when compared to other big name acts touring today and the Jerry-less lineup, I can't wait to hear the music again and just soak it all in for a few nights. Many of us have fond memories of shows past, cheap tix, Garcia in his prime, etc but this is where we are today and I'll take it! These guys can still play circles around many of their peers and you can safely bet there will be magic created once again on this tour. I hope this is the start of many shows to come, but if this is it, I want to get as much as I can.
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15 years 5 months

I couldn't get into the site from 9 to 9:30, finally had to leave to bring my daughter to the dentist. Just got home and they're all sold out! How very frustrating.
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Member for

15 years 5 months

I got shut out for MSG! Looked at Stub Hub at 2:30 and saw 230 M.S.G. tix for sale -people asking up to $9,000 per seat. I need a mail order miracle to see the boys in 5 different decades. Good luck to all that got through. Take care all.
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Member for

16 years 6 months

Well, I managed to FINALLY get through for a couple of colonnade (nosebleed) seats for the Forum in Inglewood, CA. The damnable thing is that I DID connect at 9:00 but the system hung me out to dry and I ended up having to log back in, by which time all the floor and all the loge seats and the CHEAP seats in the colonnade were gone. Still, I'd have kicked myself on May 10 if I chose not to pay the price and stay home...
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16 years 10 months

Wow was that harrowing. Whoever set that up did not know what was going on. I sat white-knuckled watching little icons spin for 45 minutes. That city/state thing was shit. I had to back out twice before that blue icon showed up. I also missed the captcha twice and I'm not even high (yet)! Got 4 row a section 122 for Worcester, "no floor seats left" - yeah friggin right because they were never in there! We fans have got to start boycotting all this corporate rock ticksheister bullshit and come up with something else. Ticketscheister is IN with the scalpers, and they ARE the scalpers! Well ok I'll start the boycott after the show. pokester
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Member for

17 years

Oh I wish it was sooner!!!!! If anyone's going to the Forum, let's chat..I'll be there with the hubby and some friends...ONe More Saturday Night!
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Member for

16 years 9 months

Whoever is in charge here needs to be fired. Imediately. I am over it. I am going to pay $400/ ticket on ebay because I am unable to use this retarded ticket site. YOU'RE FIRED! Calico Kaliope come tell me the news!
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Member for

15 years 5 months

I gotta email from an hour and 46 min after the pre-sale began letting me know it started.
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Member for

15 years 5 months

If anyone has 2 tickets to spare to the LA forum show; please get in touch with me...
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Member for

15 years 5 months

well, i had thought they were all sold out, and was just about to give up, when blocks of tickets started showing as available. perhaps the tickets being released that people weren't able to buy cause the site was so slow.
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15 years 5 months

"when i saw them in 2004 i was unable to find anything in the parking lot to help with the visuals if you know what i mean. my friends wanted to get right in so i didnt have time to look around. does anyone think ill have a problem finding stuff to make this show really out of this world?" are you retarded? it's either that, or 6up. i'm leaning towards the former.
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Member for

16 years 10 months

I will be bunking on the lot to re-up what I spent on tickets. I'll be the guy in the heady die. J/K about the bunking 8)
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Member for

15 years 5 months

i am just glad i got tickets!! haven't seen them since '93! goin' to denver baby!!!!
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Anybody clicked the links on the tour packages yet? Whew, tickets prices are high, so I thought I'd check it out and see what was on offer. I clicked on the Albany, Worcester run of three shows and the cheapest package was $1399. Ok, that would be six tickets, three nights in a hotel room, two t-shirts and two tour posters. You can buy the tix for less than $600. So, $800 for the rest? C'mon Dan, give us a break, haven't you heard the economy isn't doing so well lately? Guess I'll order tix, get the hotel rooms on Hotwire and buy the t-shirts in the parking lot and forgo the tour poster. Betcha' we get 4 star accomadation for around $225 and the 2 t-shirts for $30. Soooo $855 sounds doable.
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15 years 5 months

The Greensboro NC show APR 12, 2009 will be "End Stage" layout.… I already sent this to the Feedback asking that they try to add this info for each location on the tour. The seating plan for Greensboro was not mentioned anywhere on this site nor the pre-sales vendor site. I tracked it down via… and… They state they will be using the End Stage layout, which you can access here and… -- Habeas data.
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Member for

16 years 11 months

If you struck out on the internet, do the mail order thing with a postmark today. follw the instructions precisely. As a suggestion to and, can you sell tickets on successive/consecutive days for the shows as they occur? Selling tickets to all shows on one day has been a cluster.
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Member for

17 years

I got through to the ticket order page for MSG at 12:15 (EST), ordered ONE floor seat and it said nothing remained! So I tried 100 level and it said the same thing--no tickets available!
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Member for

15 years 5 months

I had already good seats to MSG. Then there was not delivery option outside usa or canada and I couldnt finish my order. When I finally found a friend of a friend living in usa whose address i could use the tickets were gone. I was timed out. Then no tickets left. That was it. It was so close. Think of it: no delivery outside usa. No trip to US for us then.
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16 years 5 months

the storyteller makes no choice... I'm supposed to meet some buddies tonight to try and get 4 tix together for Buffalo and Albany. Seemed like a good idea at the time, but now I'm wondering. Just heard from my buddy that he could only get a single ticket for MSG. Anyone know the score at Buffalo and Albany? Tix still avail? In multiples? Also wondering if anyone knows how many tix they're holding back for regular sales (as opposed to pre-sales).
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Member for

17 years

need 2 for MSG,3 for Saturday in Philadelphia and 2 for Nassau PLEASE!!! anyway, what is the story, next week more tix will be available through ticketmaster or through the same vendor ?? damn that site was S L O W!! had seats for MSG but by the time my screen loaded it went past the time limit. please help! I'll be your best friend. ( -; peace.
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Member for

15 years 5 months

That vendor sucked sucked sucked. I build servers and the tech to run them. There is no way in the world people should have had that many problems. I was planning an east coast tour from albany through msg. I had floor for the lead up week and 334 for msg and it timed everything out but the msg because the site was so slow. A complete disappointment. So if you need 4 tix together at msg pm me. I'll sell them to site members for what I'm paying. I'll even pay to ship them to you. Wish I could miracle these but at $100/ticket I just can't do it. I will give preference to elders and those taking their kids for a shared show. Keep it in the family. I did get 4 lawn tix for shoreline and that makes me smile. The Dead need to be seen in the light of day anyway and I'm on the West Coast and Shoreline was built for the Dead. I would reiterate that these ticket prices were outrageous and the internet presale vendor was absolutely terrible. Sorry guys, I think this has taken a strange turn that I'm not going to follow. The VIP tickets are an insult to Heads. The fans made the dead. Seems like you've left us behind. Shoreline will be my last show.
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17 years

Thanks for nothin man... prices are rediculously high I WOULD BE clearing monies from other places (jayhawkfrank) just to get tix if i could afford them not to mention travel and somewhere to sleep... maybe they will come closer to home or drop the prices later but this tour is a friggin bust for me... just so the people like mr jayhawkfrank are aware not everyone has that kinda dough man... so if you wanna flame me for bitching about the price... so be it but for many of us this is a legitimate bitch not whining like a 12 year old
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16 years 11 months

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17 years

Whooo hooooo! Got some Loge seats for the Forum on the aisle!! It was a chore, took about 45 min's but it was worth it. They were out of the "cheap seats" by the time I was able to get to the tickets (915) but I sucked it up and @ almost 100 a ticket, we're going, we're going, we're going!!!! If I were a rich person, I woulda picked up Shoreline tickets too, but the cost of the Forum tickets, plus Shoreline, plus hotel, gas etc...just wasn't going to happen. But that's okay, cuz I got mine!! Since I didn't get a Christmas present this is a combo christmas/mother's day present to myself! Wish I coulda purchased more tix for the kids, then it woulda been a perfect mother's day, but at least I get to go with my honey & my favorite dancin' partner. Yay!!!
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15 years 5 months

Ticket site was slow, very slow, but got tix. Had the same issue as someone else did with having more than 1 browser window open, but still got my DC tix. Then was able to help a friend with NY/Philly tix. Those that didn't get tix, go for the mailorder or try getting tix when they go on sale to the general public. Don't give up the ship yet. I do already see a lot on sale on stubhub, etc. Steep prices there. Sometimes we live no particular way but our own
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17 years

I only have a discover and was planning on a string of shows--as ticketmaster and other sites take discover. Had to scramble at the last minute to find cash for 4 tix to 2 shows.
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Member for

16 years 11 months

Make your asinine comments about people crying and all that shiznit, but this has been a stressful day for a lot of Deadheads. I've been fielding calls all day from frustrated friends, confused with the website and freaked about the prices. I've told them all to do mail order and pray. Putting a price on loyalty is an old marketing trick that doesn't look too pretty mounted on the front of the Dead legacy.
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Member for

15 years 5 months

50 minutes of hell but got 4 close on the side of stage. What a nightmare. They need a new plan for tix sales, but now I'm all smiles. Listen to the Dead channel on satellite radio as much as possible...doc's orders!
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15 years 5 months

well, just like tons of others, i got very frustrated with the computer when it took five minutes between pages, the first time my code i had to type in didn;t load, but i got lucky. two tickets for nassau coliseum lower level and two for msg lower level. i'm pumped. didn;t even try for floor seats.
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17 years

Just wondering, I was getting so angry watching the website try and load I called musictoday's 800 number and got through on the third try. Still this was almost two hours after they went onsale. Then I left and got lunch and when I came back 3 hours after the tickets went onsale the website had finally loaded!
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15 years 5 months

That was a ridiculous experience. Not only were the pages slow to load, but some wouldn't load completely. I "guessed" at the "add to cart" or "continue" button half the time. And the city/state button? Never saw the "button" for that. It was sheer luck that I found myself on the next page with that sorry applet that looked like it was developed by a 6th grade kid. Damn. Anyhow. Rant over. We're going. By the time I got around to finding four tix together we were in the upper altitudes, but that's cool. And yeah, the price is kinda steep but here's the thing.. My gf kids, ages 19 and 17 are coming too. They've grown up with the Dead and I think I may be more excited that they get to see them then they are. Probably not though. We were their age when we were going back then. I gotta ask her if she ever thought she'd be seeing them one day with her own kids.
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Member for

17 years

These prices are way out of control. $100 for every seat at MSG?? No way. As much as I would love to see these guys I am not paying that kind of money. After watching the videos on the only thing that I can think is that these guys are hard up for cash and they are going to rip off and alienate their true fan base. I was all psyched to take my 12 year old son to his first Dead related show to let him see the scene firsthand. It is a shame that this will not happen because they need to make some money. Yes, it's true that they may be struggling but what about the rest of us??? (I know moan, moan, whine, whine-I had to get it off of my chest!!!)
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15 years 5 months

Got my six tix for Chicago... I was thrilled to see them book a venue a half hour from my house, so lets get on with the show!! Yeah, the order site was painfully slow, but I expected that- kept my cool and plugged on through and got the tix. Nothin' left to do but SMILE SMILE SMILE
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15 years 5 months

Man, what a frustrating presale. As everyone saw, the pages simply did not load. I had four great seats for MSG in my basket, and by the time I was able to enter all of my information, the system informed me that the tickets in my basket were unavailable, because "I" has taken too long!! It instructed me to empty my basket (man that was hard to make myself do!), and start over. Of course, there were no tickets left at any price. Of course I did not take too long - the pages simply would not load. What a disappointing experience.
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Member for

15 years 5 months

Not trying to flame here but i'm not rich either folks. We are a 1 income fam with my wife in med school and a kid and another on the way. This is "The Dead" People. Although I am older I just wasnt into the the dead in the 90's and missed the last tour so this tour "had to happen". Failure was not an option. That being said. This was announced on jan 1 exactly 12 days ago which is plenty of time to scrape together the funds and to go. I mean really, you can't see friggin celine dion (not my cup o tea) for less two hundred. So a good seat at great show is well worth $100. As for travel and somewhere to sleep?? Are you kidding me? I will hitch hike or walk to Denver from Kansas City and sleep on a f#cking rock to see this show. Once again it's all about priorities. To those who tried to buy but got screwed over, i.e. soldout, credit card not accepted, etc I really feel for you as you were genuinely screwed over. And I pray that all of you catch a miracle or 2.
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15 years 5 months

What an abomination this "pre-sale" was! Perhaps I'll try for a better result with mail order; I'd still like to catch one show.... ...but for the first time in my life, I don't feel good about giving money to this organization.
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17 years

any Miracle seats for a handy capper ? DOOMSDAY 2112
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17 years

As I wrote before, I got through to the ticket order page for MSG 15 minutes after they went on sale. Even though I only ordered one ticket, it returned a message saying nothing was available for the floor, and I tried again for section 100, and again, same message, nothing available. So I'm a bit confused by the people who said that after 45 minutes they were able to get tickets (even if it wasn't MSG). So I bummed out for a while, came back here and saw Gr8ful Ted's post about the mail order. I have ordered tix from GDTS-Too before, but in my bummed-outness it slipped my mind, so I am grateful for the reminder. I just got back from the Post Office, my order is on the way!
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Member for

15 years 9 months

FYI - I just got off the Buffalo show site & there are still tickets coming up...I just pulled 22nd row floors less then an hour ago. Be persistent! And yes - completely concur on the pre-sale... Great job setting up that fiasco... Good luck everyone, if you're true, it will work out, it always does...(well usually anyways!)
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Member for

15 years 6 months

People all rip on Ticketmaster but you know what Ticketmaster doesn't fuck these kind of things up. They can handle 1000's of orders at once without their site crashing. The best thing about them is that they don't put you in that waiting line where you just watch your computer spin around for 2 straight hours then you watch your computer time out or error. I'll take Ticketmaster any day of the week. That being said - at least I am going to the Pepsi Center!!! If the mail order pans out I'll be at Shoreline too. Not too shabby considering... "Everybody's braggin' and drinking that wine, I can tell the queen of diamonds by the way she shines. Come to daddy on an inside straight, well I've got no chance of losing this time"
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15 years 5 months

I had all my crazy expensive tickets by 1pm. But it was difficult. I know they're pretty costly, but I don't care. I'm not gonna be thinking about the $$$$$ years from now when I'm thinking back on this tour. I never thought this day would come so I'll pay whatever it costs! *****I'm looking for tour people from 92' - 94'. San Francisco 92', Roland from Philly, River Rat from Long Island, Rosslyn from San Francisco and Mango from Ithica. Smile, Smile, Smile
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17 years

I just went back on just for shits cause I was all pissed that only price level 1 tickets were available. And, after debating it for a while, they were all sold out anyway. Now, they recently put up price level 2 tickets for almost half the cost! Go back and check if you missed out, there's more out there!
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Member for

15 years 5 months

I've never been able to get decent seats through musictoday's website - their servers ALWAYS screw up the ordering process. This morning I had 3 reserved seats in my basket, and it was taking like 7-10 minutes for each page to load. I finally get to the end, submit my order, and it tells me I took too long to complete! What kind of utter garbage is that? I went as fast as I possibly could on a T1 line! I could not have gone any faster because their servers SUCK! So I go back to the beginning and of course reserved seats are all gone by then. Unbelievable. Why would any band want to use these idiots for ticketing? Hey guys, take a look at how DMB does it - everyone gets in a raffle and at least you have a shot at a seat without having to spend an hour or two of your time praying pages finish loading...
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15 years 5 months

I still remember the West side heads perpetually boasting of how much greater the west coast shows were than the east coast shows. (prah'lee cause they always played NYE out there..the band was from there...blah,blah). Looks like the west coast AND the east coast - except new england- lost out on this tour. Whomever booked this schedule must have lost their fargin' last braincell - the one remaining braincell that was singed on three sides is crispy toast. Selling tickets for nearly $100 per is certainly easier in areas of the nation least affected by this thing we're experiencing that is not a "recession". One should think Atlanta would have at least made the list right? I'm headed to Cali to see the Derek Trucks Band for three nites and press "rewind" in my mind of the good ol' mail order days to San Rafael 94929 when good tickets were to be had for far less than 350 (to 475 + 30 each charges).... Good Nite Good Ol' Grateful Dead