- Post reply Log in to post comments147 repliesmaryeJoined:Here and there lately, folks have been mentioning some of the great T-shirts they picked up on tour and elsewhere. Several decades having passed in many cases, the shirts are no longer with us. Which ones did you wear till they fell apart, accidentally leave behind at the campground, give to your best friend, or otherwise part with, and now you'd really like to find another one?
- bozokarlJoined:Calvin and Hobbes shirt
I have a custom painted shirt my friend Big Mike made for me in '94. On the right shoulder was a small Calvin & Hobbes in their wagon coming at you, in the center was a big side view of C & H in the wagon, and on the lower left side they were small again going away from you. Across the top it said "enjoyin' the ride". I still have the shirt but the sleeves are gone, it's really ragged, and won't fit any more.
- memphis mikeJoined:my favorite was acquired…
my favorite was acquired late in life. it was a Beverly Hillbillies shirt saying let's get back to Tennessee Jed I got at the Memphis shows. it finally just fell apart after many wears. at 2003 Bonarroo we were approached by a guy who said , "hey, that's my shirt. I made that shirt." wish I had another one now.
- deadhead102Joined:My Second Dead Shirt
Boy do I wish I still had this shirt. I remember putting it in the laundry and it never came back. I have no idea for sure what happened to this shirt, but I have suspicions. I still have my first one, it's a S kull & Roses that has to be one of the first. It's too frazzled to wear, but I still display it proudly.
- Stan of StanistanJoined:In 1969, a clever student at…
In 1969, a clever student at Clark University printed a handful of Jerry t-shirts. I was lucky enough to get one, which I wore till it finally looked like Swiss cheese. The image consisted of Jerry holding his arms aloft ala Schwartzennegger. The creator of the shirt — I regret that I don’t remember his name — presented the shirt to Jerry, who replied in thanks, “Great shirt. I’ll have to give it to my wife.”
- juliehellJoined:Red Rocks 1982 for sure
I wore out my Red Rocks 1982 t-shirt in about a year. Soon after that I was working at Apple and someone had a silk screen proof of that shirt tacked to his wall - with a boot print on it! I admired it of course, and when he left Apple he gave it to me. It is now framed with archival glass and is a most treasured possession. I reached out to David Lundquist - the artist - and we have become friends. Calico was a friend of his as well. That weekend in 1982 changed my life in so many ways. It is one among so many Grateful Dead miracles.