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  • JackstrawfromC…
    cc eoj
    Zombie d Wulf has a list posted of all the songs. I just cant' remember which page/thread he posted it on???? "Escaping through the lily fields, I came across an empty space. It rainbow then exploded, left a bus stop in its place. The bus come by and I got on, thats when it all began. It was Cowboy Neal at the wheel of the bus to never ever land"
  • c_c
    anybody have a list of all the songs that they played this tour? it was something like 150 different songs. not the setlists, but you know, like an alphabetical list. or a website that listed them? please? peace.
  • hippyjameZ
    Sure do miss getting on
    Sure do miss getting on and checking the setlists and reviews.. All i gotta say is, "I wanna thank You, For a Real Good Time!."
  • bilee
    I just left the following on the “Shout Outs” page"Yo Godspal! You ever even been to a show with Jerry? Yea it was bigger and better..... after 25 years! Who cares about bigger and better, and the definition of cover band is a band that covers other peoples songs just the way they were done by the original. If you think that the Dead are a cover band then so is Van Halen (running with the devil and most of the songs on their 1st album are old 30s blues songs) and the Rolling Stones and Clapton and Led Zeppelin, and many other bands that take songs that they like or admire and redo them. So the Dead would have to be a tribute band.... but the core members are all in the band so it's a tribute to themselves! Like most people that claim to be Christians you sure are quick to judge. I see 2 to 3 hundred bands a year working. From the 29th of April to the 12th of May I worked Neil Young, James Taylor, Fleetwood Mac, Kenny Chesney and Billy Joel/Elton John. I took the time in all that to drive 7 hours to Chicago for the show on the 4th and to fly to Mountainview for the show on the 10th. The rest of the month will include Andre Rieu, Yani and Sugarland. Next month is a bunch of other national acts. I CHOOSE TO SEE THE DEAD BECAUSE THEY ARE STILL, HANDS DOWN, THE BEST BAND IN THE WORLD. i'LL TAKE TIME OUT OF MY LIFE ANYTIME THEY PLAY TO SEE THEM." I left it in response to someone calling this band a cover band. Sooo maybe I'm a little rabid but I am one loyal Motherf#%*er and I won't apologize for my response. I will say thank you to the band for lighting that space in my heart that has been dark for so long. Thanks for validating my conception of what the Dead means to me with my wife and my grown kids that have lived on the peripheral of my relationship with this huge part of my soul but now have experienced it. After Chicago my wife said “I Get It” she felt the magic. Same in Mountainview with my boys, 25 and 22 that have lived with this all their lives, listen to the music and now know the feeling. I meant what I said, this band, not the Grateful Dead, but the Dead is the best band in the world. If the Grateful Dead could be here then that might not be the case but that will never happen. It’s funny that the Grateful Dead went through what a handful of keyboard changes and there wasn’t a question of who they were. I hope that when other band members pass (you know… the wheel thing) that the band still plays the songs that I so want to hear and new ones that will reflect the band at that time with the same magic as in 69, 79, 89 or 09. I also hope when I’m gone that my children and my children’s children have the same opportunity to feel the magic.
  • Richard Vigeant
    Is there any chance we get the list of material they use for ligthts on tour?
  • Moye
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    Fall Tour?????
    Man, I can't wait till the morning I wake up and see the forum topic that says "THE DEAD TO TOUR IN FALL" :) I can almost say that this could definately happen:) The vibes on this site alone are offf the scales man. Everybodys reviews from the shows they attended seem fantastic. Special thanks to Charlie Miller for letting all us heads listen to some really great music off archives:) Everyone keep ur fingers crossed for the fall and I hope to see you all in the lots:)Peace- Moye
  • leshweirD
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    The end of Spring tour...
    Well, I feel a want for more, but know I am fortunate for the shows I was able to see (8 including Penn State). Then again, I need time to save up some money, as it sure wasn't cheap or without sacrifice (well worth it though, just saying...).The last show at the Gorge was fantastic for so many reasons. It turned out to be a 80 degree day, met some awesome Washington State folks, was center stage 7 rows back, and it was our 3rd wedding anniversary! Was a grate trip, we flew in to Seattle and picked up a rental vehicle in the pouring rain. Drove to Moses Lake to be closer to the venue so we wouldn't have to drive so far when they opened, and ended up driving through quite a snowstorm through the cascade mountains. It was surprising to see, as it was snowing so hard that it was accumulating on the roadway and we certainly didn't expect it. Fortunately, we drove out of that, and the weather improved. And as I mentioned, the day of the show was 80 and sunny! Back home on the east coast now and reading others viewpoints of the shows here. Love hearing about them. My take on the shows are that they definitely got better as the tour went on. Of particular note, I got to see the progression of Warren as he took more of a stage presence as the tour went on. The gorge show was definitely a rock star Warren night IMO. He was on fire, first with the Allman's, and seemed to pick up steam with the Dead. My appreciation for him has definitely grown, and I now count myself as a huge Warren fan. LOVED his version of Althea that night, do I dare say even more then bobby's from earlier in the tour!? Anyway, thought I'd share just a bit now that the ride is over (for now). I am anxiously waiting for Rothbury, and at the same time glad that I have a little time to save up for it! Will probably end up having to skip a couple other shows I had planned on attending (DSO), but I do love those outdoor Dead shows! And as far as the Gorge goes, what a FANTASTIC venue! Would love to do that again if the opportunity arises. Now I feel the need to check out Red Rocks, as I have heard that setting is just as nice, but due to the distance, it would take The Dead to play there to really motivate me, thus the reason I am going to Rothbury. It was so nice to be part of the scene again, to be around so many newer, young folks intermingled with us older, still very much young at heart ones. Never would have thought that there would be another opportunity for a tour, never mind just a nostalgic show, but now I am thinking, how could they not do this again. I mean, it truly was a win-win. The band and all that are employed to stage the tour certainly made some money, but even more importantly, they all seemed to be having a most excellent time up there, and those of us that were fortunate enough to catch a show, know everyone else was digging it. So boys, if any of you actually find time to read any of these postings, lets do more together, as I for one will agree to do my part, which is attend show(s) that are feasible and be a part of the lovely deadhead community to welcome the next generation in with open arms. Speaking of this, at the Gorge show there was a 18 year old high schooler that convinced his dad to bring him, and that kid really got it! It was fun watching him react to the band and crowd. This is how it will never die. Musicians, sure, but the music will be passed on. Please bring on another tour! See ya at Rothbury!
  • rosa rugosa
    Spring Tour!
    We all had a real good time, didn't we? And I really enjoyed "meeting" and sharing the experience with you folks. I hope we have a chance to do it again soon, and I'm sure looking forward to RatDog this summer!
  • JackstrawfromC…
    Thanks Peggy O
    I totally agree with you. This is not the Grateful Dead it is The Dead. 2 pretty different bands really. Both grate in there own special ways (I know that sounds a little cheesy but hey it is true). It is impossible to replace Jerry and his unique guitar, vocals, perspective and soul are missed believe me. But if you went in to this tour with an open mind I just don't see how you could have been disappointed. I was not a Warren fan going in but coming out I am a huge fan. He made this tour folks just admit it. He brought his own style to the mix, he wasn't trying to be Jerry he wasn't trying to sound like him and he wasn't just sitting in filling space. There were times when he sounded hauntingly similar to Jerry (China Doll, Morning Dew for example), times when he sounded very soulful like Brent and times when he has just being Warren. He really moved me and not unlike what Jerry used to do for me. That is where I will disagree with Peggy-O, I was almost in tears several times. The same could be said for Jeff too. He brought his own style and it fit in beautifully. I love Ratdog and Phil and Friends and all but there is something special and kind of hard to explain when they are all together, then throw in Billy and Mickey and the raw power is back!! What also returned was the lot scene. Walking through the lots at Shoreline and Washington seriously made me feel like 20 years old again. I felt like I was back where I belong, and that is a very special feeling I will hold onto forever. They played this tour with emotion and power and they were as tight as I have ever heard them.. EVER. There were shows in the 90's with Jerry that didn't have a fraction of the power, emotion, magic or energy these guys are holding right now. Some of those shows felt like they were just going through the motions. NOT in 2009!! They hit this tour with a sense of "We are still the kings of the jam bands, and now we are going to show you". Sure some shows were better than others that is how it always was, is and will be. That's why I always suggest to catch as many Dead shows as possible because that one magical show that touches your soul and changes your life is out there. Although I haven't heard any of the shows from this tour that I would consider to be "bad". All I can say is "When can we do this again??" Seriously!! "Escaping through the lily fields, I came across an empty space. It rainbow then exploded, left a bus stop in its place. The bus come by and I got on, thats when it all began. It was Cowboy Neal at the wheel of the bus to never ever land"
  • southerntam
    Great reflections PeggyO, GD GRW and JackStrawfromCO...
    I just loved reading them, I think we all share the same sentiments only you guys know how to verbalize it better than I. But everytime I read one of your reflections or thoughts, I keep thinking "yeah, that's what I feel like"! Anyway, just wanted to throw it out there. ~Tam
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16 years 6 months

The band says Happy New Year with an announcement of almost twenty shows in April and May.  More details to come!

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17 years 2 months

ive been jumping back and forth reading the posts in this newest debate and i must piss tigerlilly off is quite an i have to ask....awest do you, have anything positive to say at all? it's a fair question i believe.
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17 years 7 months

Awest Please don't dominate the rap Jack if you got nothing new to say It's a far gone lullaby sung many years ago It all rolls into one and nothing comes for free If you got a dollar boys lay it on the line I have spent my life Seeking all that's still unsung I'm having a high time Living the good life May the four winds blow you home again
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16 years 2 months

That was very cool.
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16 years 2 months

Me thinks tigerlily+Awest need to smokem peacepipe and put on headphones and crank up Terrapin Station--anyone agree? Be Kind-Remember why you liked this band in the first place?
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16 years 5 months

I understand why everyone is pissed off,It was the same way with the Penn State tickets Sad fact is there are alot of people trying to make money on this and any band that has been around for a long time.You see GREED is alive and well. What I don't like even more is some SOCALLED deadhead Pissing off the good people of this site. So my fellow Deadheads,l say we don't buy into the greed and hate. Let'm choke on there Hate and Scalped tickets Peace Tina
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17 years 9 months

Well said, cassidysdada. Folks, I foresee that there will be a bit of sweeping up here when the dust settles, with attendant removal of some of the more over-the-top personal abuse, if only because the Internet seems to be forever in this regard, and who needs this stuff following them around all their lives? Meanwhile, this whole topic, scurrilous abuse and all, is a pretty classic example of a movie we've all pretty much seen numerous times already, and has a certain cautionary and/or exemplary value as is. As many have noted, there's plenty of room for diversity of opinion here; what there's not room for is name-calling, nastiness, private disputes paraded in public places, that kind of thing. Want to see some blasts from the past? Check out, for example, any topic containing the word "Obama." I seriously doubt than any two people here are in complete agreement on all issues--and yet, the folks here have built something pretty great. Thanks to the propagators of good vibes, whether you got on the bus in 1965 or 2005. Thanks to the folks who've helped build this place, and welcome to those who just got here. Mod hat off...
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16 years 2 months

Hey did anyone ever receive a "promotional code" from "Everybody's braggin' and drinking that wine, I can tell the queen of diamonds by the way she shines. Come to daddy on an inside straight, well I've got no chance of losing this time"
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17 years 5 months

Bob Kelly-- Tom Kelly always not fadeaway,, crank up the tapers section from this week,, second segment...turn on your lovelight...let it shine!!!,, and remember the Bring back Donna Jean campaign is gaining momentum..
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16 years 2 months

I have looked at this site in the past but never joined until the Tour was anounced..I had looked at the forums in the past but they didn't seem to have much movement or participation.. Since the tour was anounced it seem like alot of people from all walks of life with a shared interest where able to create a bond. I have seen so much potential from older members and newbies like myself to really make this place special..I have enjoyed being here the last few weeks and every day I come here I learn something new and interesting.. lets leave our negativities @ the door and help and smile with one another..This place is a great escape from the bad times going on in the world... Peace, love & understanding PS "Don't feed the Trolls" and they will fade away
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17 years 5 months

Bob Kelly-- never got a promo code,,, I kept getting shut down,, kept on plugging away,, and than as if an angel came down,, I was in.. was able to get some tix for 2 shows..was ready to try for another when a little voice told me the budget is peaked.. anyway,, feel very fortunate to have what I have.. will try for a road trip, if they have half the juice they had on new years .. we will all be grateful.... so get your hands atta ya pocket and get some good ole lovin....
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16 years 5 months

I was looking for something like that,but no heads up on anything? So I went for the mail order. Peace Tina
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17 years 5 months

have faith Tina the tickets will shine on you,, if you mail ordered on day 1 .. you should be fine...and leave it on!!!
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17 years 5 months

its 15, degrees outside, almost too cold to walk the dog.. its 90 days till striper season , but dark star from 69 is crankin. and the band is back,,.this space is getting hot... god life is good....
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17 years 9 months

Just checking in to see if things were a little more positive than the last time I was on…obviously they’re not. I just don’t get all the anger and negativity. I mean frustration is one thing, I get why some people are frustrated with the pre-sale fiasco and the prices, but now it’s getting mean and hostile. People calling each other names…what’s going on? Aren’t we all adults? Can’t we find a nicer way to communicate our differences of opinions? I think the Boys would be very disappointed to see all the negative vibes flying around. Let’s play nice…it’s Friday for crying out loud – this is no way to start the weekend. I’m sending positive vibes out…please someone grab them and spread them around.
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16 years 1 month

I suppose everyone has said enough about the frustrating beginning to the presale but I'm over that now and am just worried about getting shut out of the only show I plan on attending this tour - Madison Square Garden. I mail ordered for tickets when it became clear that the internet presale was a complete debacle but I'd really like some guaranteed tickets for the show since I have already booked my airline and hotel arrangements for NYC. The presale ticket site appears to have 300 level tickets for MSG but when I try and order them they are 'unavailable in that quantity' etc. Does anyone have information on the promo/special offers code box? I have never received any special code that I am aware of when signing up for or musictoday. Alternatively, does anyone have an idea if Ticketmaster will be handling the general ticket sales when the presale is over and what date those might go onsale? When I look at Ticketmaster I see that show but it shows the tickets as unavailable while other shows have either the 23rd or 24th of January as onsale dates. Any information appreciated...
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17 years 8 months

My "I used to be disgusted, now I try to be amused" attituded can carry me just so far some days. The "disgusted" has started to seep back in...a lot of these posts seem as if they have bled over from the site, where there's a whole lot more of that stuff going on. Positive vibes passed on...
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16 years 2 months

I think once we get more topics started things will really chill out..It seems as though this thread is the most active and alot of it is rehashing the same ole same.. i normally plan for 1 big show a year and never expected this blessing in a million years..I am just happy to be going to the show and it has given me something special to look forward to every day
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17 years 9 months

And move on? Just a thought. Getting back to the tour, which is what this little thread is about, I'm still as excited as ever! Just wish it was sooner rather than later that they were playing in my neck of the woods. Get butterflies just thinking about it!!! Wish my 2 fave's were there...Jerry and Brent, but I know they'll be there in spirit!
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17 years 8 months

and for increasing the negativity of this thread. Was upset about a poster being called a "moron" and went too far. I am sorry people.********************************** Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you will still exist, but you have ceased to live. Samuel Clemens
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17 years 5 months

this is the season of ... what now,, time of returning... guess the first song of the tour and win a free weeks worth of smiles... any ideas...
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16 years 1 month

I want to say to my sisters and my brothersKeep the faith When the storm flies and the wind blows Go on at a steady pace When the battle is fought and the victory's won We can all shout together, we have overcome We'll talk to the Father and the Son When we make it to the promised land Chorus If we walk together, little children We won't ever have to worry Through this world of trouble We've got to love one another Let us take our fellow man by the hand Try to help him to understand We can all be together For ever and ever When we make it to the promised land Our bible reads Thou shalt not be afraid Of the terror by night Nor the arrow that flies by day Nor for the pestilence That walketh in the darkness Nor for the destruction That waiteth in the noonday hour [chorus] This world is not our home We are only passing through Our trail is all made up Way beyond the blue Let us do the very best that we can While we're travelin' through this land We can all be together Shaking a hand When we make it to the promised land [chorus] When we make it to the promised land children Make it to the promised land children Make it to the promised land children Make it to the promised land When we make it to the promised land sisters Make it to the promised land children We can all be together, forever and ever When we make it to the promised land [chorus] We can all be together, forever and ever When we make it to the promised land AMEN
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17 years 8 months

Yeah, the name-calling and drama is something we could all do without. That said, it is equally ridiculous for people to be calling for "an end to the negativity" just because MANY people are upset with the ticket snafus and the inflated price for seeing the band. This is a DISCUSSION page, not an "everything is rosy in our little bubble" page. From my perspctive, people are justifiably pissed and others are justifiably happy. Period. For me, I think the prices are too high to justify the "event", given the uneven performances in the past and the fact the Warren Haynes (wonderful player and person that he is) is simply not the greatest fit for this band, (Don't get me started on why Hornsby or Larry or Jackie or even Kimock(despite his and Phil's "history" weren't considered)... But what the hell, it's their job to pick the players, do their best and for those of us willing to shell out a hundred bucks a piece, to enjoy and judge whether it was worth it. It would have to be one of the best dead shows I have seen in 37 years of being a fan to justify the cost of the flight, ticket, lodging, etc, so I am simply going to take a pass on this one. And then hope Phil and Friends make a run through at some point, or even Dark Star---That, to me, comes closer to the bone of what Jerry's spirit brought to the band--- But that's just me. Everyone going, enjoy the show! Everyone not going, oh well, maybe next time.
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16 years 2 months

Unfortunately there are a few people in here who like to antagonize others just to start a confrontation. That is true on any site that let's you post your thoughts. I am guilty of lashing out at those people too because you get tired of hearing their crap but the most effective thing we all can do is just ignore them. They are looking for a response out of us - a confrontation. "Everybody's braggin' and drinking that wine, I can tell the queen of diamonds by the way she shines. Come to daddy on an inside straight, well I've got no chance of losing this time"
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17 years 8 months

Jackstraw, thanks!!********************************** Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you will still exist, but you have ceased to live. Samuel Clemens
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16 years 1 month

i was just listening to it at work so I thought I'd share
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16 years 2 months

I can't wait to get some shopping in @ Shakedown Street..I always enjoy the prefunk fair atmosphere that you can only get at a dead show.. I will definately be sporting the kilt
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17 years 9 months

I just don't want to see all the name calling and hostility. I hope no one has misinterpreted my posts, I realize this is a discussion board where people share thoughts and just seemed to get really down and dirty there for a while - ya know? I can handle arguing points back and fourth, but it just kind of crossed the line a couple times - at least in my opinion. But hopefully we're heading down a better, more amicable path now.
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16 years 2 months

I would say that no one is supporting you awest27 you may as well give up. I know I know I was supposed to follow my own advice and ignore him :-) "Everybody's braggin' and drinking that wine, I can tell the queen of diamonds by the way she shines. Come to daddy on an inside straight, well I've got no chance of losing this time"
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17 years 9 months

now someones pissed off Tigerlily!!!??? i'm outta here, ya'll ain't very jerryish!
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17 years 9 months

that awest's latest attempts to provoke arguments have been unpublished, and that a similar fate will befall such posts by anyone else. Thank you.
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17 years 9 months

I can't wait for all the yummy homecooked food! Veggie burritos, here I come! And all the new friends. I always leave a show with more friends than I came with - how cool is that!?!?!
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17 years 8 months

Yep, I agree southerntam, I haven't witnessed all the scorched earth talk back and forth, I see them at a glance and pass them by for more, uh, mature discussions, but I guess there is bound to be some of that in any discussion with differing outlooks (just look at the last election) but it is nice to agreeably disagree as a community. I think folks are going to have a great time at the shows, but I have to see I wa a bit put off, as this tour really struck me as more "corporate" and profit-driven than any other one I have seen by our beloved band. In a time of economic distress caused by blatant high roller greed, it is easy to see why many people are put off by these particular prices being asked. And equally easy to see why many could care less, as long as they get to hear the boys gather again for music. That said, I think Jerry, if he was in good mental and physical health, would be much happier to be playing intimately in a club-than dealing with all of this. But he never really stopped that train.
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17 years 7 months

No problem Tigerlily - I bit yesterday but not today. It's Friday and Beautiful outside. Besides I see the Mod has deleted his recent comments... And, It's getting better already!!!
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17 years 9 months

And I strongly support it everywhere including this board. So telling this one to you know what or that one to get lost because they didn't drink your flavor of Kool Aid is just .....well not cool with me. I've been on this site for a fair shake now. Even was around for the re-launch which Mary and team did such a great job with... but man. This mob approach to everyone and everything not aligned with your view is just Bush. Like the presiden Bush. Small minded and dangerous to others. So when the Mob gathers again to chase someone off I'll be there to stand with that person. Always. NBT
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17 years 9 months

to be perfectly clear, dissent is fine and heartily encouraged. Personal invective after my most recent post on the subject is not, and will be summarily dealt with. Thank you.
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17 years 9 months

No worries Mary. I have no fondness for harsh language and name calling. Just creeps me out when I sense the Mob gathering and torches being lit. NBT
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17 years 9 months

One of the many ever-present dangers. Thanks!
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16 years 2 months

I can't wait for the cheese pizza's made in a skillet on a soft shell taco skin after the show..Southern this is a thread in these forums where a member is selling a cook book on recipes for beggie burritos from past shows..I am thinking of getting it and proceeds go towards the REX foundation
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17 years 5 months

the omniputant Grateful Dead Saint Stephan... with a rose, in and out of the garden he goes..first show 74,, last show,, new years eve this year,, next show spring time to hate... first song forst show:Golden Road.. Bobby on vocals....
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17 years 5 months

you know our love will not fadeaway...opening big jam into not fade away... hows the parking lot scene down at the spectrum used to be very kind..
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17 years 9 months

Trust me, I agree with you that dissent and criticism is important and should not be censored. However, when it becomes personal or obscene, it should no longer be tolerated. The moderator on this site does not need my support as she is fully capable of explaining and defending her actions. However, from my experience this site is extremely free and it is the rare case when she needs to intervene. I also think that people who only want positive statements should re-think their stance, as well. If someone is upset with the price or how the pre-sale went off, they have the right if not the duty to criticize. Many Deadheads have had a long and honorable tradition of bitchin' and moanin'. Doesn't mean they don't love the band any less. Now its my turn to upset some people. I do not want to see Donna Jean anywhere near any of the shows unless she is in the audience dancing with me. "Let there be songs to fill the air."
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17 years 9 months

I might have to investigate that cook book then! Thanks for the heads up!
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Member for

17 years 5 months

bring Back Donna Jean,, and for the msg show they will drop TC down on a giant pipe organ from the rafters as he breaks into saint stephan.. you heard it here first sports bring up some very good points Pomo..but if Donna Jean is dancing next to you give me a call ok..
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16 years 2 months

Go to "Shakedown Street' forum then click on "Hot Fresh Veggie Burritoes " thread ..I definately need to get it... Happy Panda
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17 years 8 months

Re: Donna Jean.... I know, it's kinda mean, but I still remember the bumper sticker I once saw... "Donna Jean ruined my tapes"
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16 years 6 months

Maybe it is no coincidence that Warren is playing this tour with them...The fact that he was the chosen 1 perfectly sets up the potential for a Dead / Allman's Summer Tour. The Allman's currently have nothing scheduled after the Beacon run, the Dead's tour is fairly short with almost no West Coast shows & Derek Trucks isn't booked after the end of April... I may be crazy but I have a feeling that there is something to this & the potential is there for Outdoor show Heaven in Summer 09'! if this proves true, maybe they'll pull Levon & the Boys along for the ride, the Ghost of Watkins Glen Tour!!!It's no sin to dream... As for Warren and all of his detractors, give the guy a break & the respect he deserves. Personally, I have no doubt that he will more then step up to the plate. Let us not forget that he sings like a bird, none of the other short list candidates to my knowledge have the vocal talent or range to pull it off. He is the complete package & will surprise, I guarantee it. Hail! Hail! Rock N' Roll!
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17 years 9 months

Funny, I remember hearing her interview on Tales From the Golden Road...talking about her cooking, vending, shows ect. Thanks again!