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  • JackstrawfromC…
    cc eoj
    Zombie d Wulf has a list posted of all the songs. I just cant' remember which page/thread he posted it on???? "Escaping through the lily fields, I came across an empty space. It rainbow then exploded, left a bus stop in its place. The bus come by and I got on, thats when it all began. It was Cowboy Neal at the wheel of the bus to never ever land"
  • c_c
    anybody have a list of all the songs that they played this tour? it was something like 150 different songs. not the setlists, but you know, like an alphabetical list. or a website that listed them? please? peace.
  • hippyjameZ
    Sure do miss getting on
    Sure do miss getting on and checking the setlists and reviews.. All i gotta say is, "I wanna thank You, For a Real Good Time!."
  • bilee
    I just left the following on the “Shout Outs” page"Yo Godspal! You ever even been to a show with Jerry? Yea it was bigger and better..... after 25 years! Who cares about bigger and better, and the definition of cover band is a band that covers other peoples songs just the way they were done by the original. If you think that the Dead are a cover band then so is Van Halen (running with the devil and most of the songs on their 1st album are old 30s blues songs) and the Rolling Stones and Clapton and Led Zeppelin, and many other bands that take songs that they like or admire and redo them. So the Dead would have to be a tribute band.... but the core members are all in the band so it's a tribute to themselves! Like most people that claim to be Christians you sure are quick to judge. I see 2 to 3 hundred bands a year working. From the 29th of April to the 12th of May I worked Neil Young, James Taylor, Fleetwood Mac, Kenny Chesney and Billy Joel/Elton John. I took the time in all that to drive 7 hours to Chicago for the show on the 4th and to fly to Mountainview for the show on the 10th. The rest of the month will include Andre Rieu, Yani and Sugarland. Next month is a bunch of other national acts. I CHOOSE TO SEE THE DEAD BECAUSE THEY ARE STILL, HANDS DOWN, THE BEST BAND IN THE WORLD. i'LL TAKE TIME OUT OF MY LIFE ANYTIME THEY PLAY TO SEE THEM." I left it in response to someone calling this band a cover band. Sooo maybe I'm a little rabid but I am one loyal Motherf#%*er and I won't apologize for my response. I will say thank you to the band for lighting that space in my heart that has been dark for so long. Thanks for validating my conception of what the Dead means to me with my wife and my grown kids that have lived on the peripheral of my relationship with this huge part of my soul but now have experienced it. After Chicago my wife said “I Get It” she felt the magic. Same in Mountainview with my boys, 25 and 22 that have lived with this all their lives, listen to the music and now know the feeling. I meant what I said, this band, not the Grateful Dead, but the Dead is the best band in the world. If the Grateful Dead could be here then that might not be the case but that will never happen. It’s funny that the Grateful Dead went through what a handful of keyboard changes and there wasn’t a question of who they were. I hope that when other band members pass (you know… the wheel thing) that the band still plays the songs that I so want to hear and new ones that will reflect the band at that time with the same magic as in 69, 79, 89 or 09. I also hope when I’m gone that my children and my children’s children have the same opportunity to feel the magic.
  • Richard Vigeant
    Is there any chance we get the list of material they use for ligthts on tour?
  • Moye
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    Fall Tour?????
    Man, I can't wait till the morning I wake up and see the forum topic that says "THE DEAD TO TOUR IN FALL" :) I can almost say that this could definately happen:) The vibes on this site alone are offf the scales man. Everybodys reviews from the shows they attended seem fantastic. Special thanks to Charlie Miller for letting all us heads listen to some really great music off archives:) Everyone keep ur fingers crossed for the fall and I hope to see you all in the lots:)Peace- Moye
  • leshweirD
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    The end of Spring tour...
    Well, I feel a want for more, but know I am fortunate for the shows I was able to see (8 including Penn State). Then again, I need time to save up some money, as it sure wasn't cheap or without sacrifice (well worth it though, just saying...).The last show at the Gorge was fantastic for so many reasons. It turned out to be a 80 degree day, met some awesome Washington State folks, was center stage 7 rows back, and it was our 3rd wedding anniversary! Was a grate trip, we flew in to Seattle and picked up a rental vehicle in the pouring rain. Drove to Moses Lake to be closer to the venue so we wouldn't have to drive so far when they opened, and ended up driving through quite a snowstorm through the cascade mountains. It was surprising to see, as it was snowing so hard that it was accumulating on the roadway and we certainly didn't expect it. Fortunately, we drove out of that, and the weather improved. And as I mentioned, the day of the show was 80 and sunny! Back home on the east coast now and reading others viewpoints of the shows here. Love hearing about them. My take on the shows are that they definitely got better as the tour went on. Of particular note, I got to see the progression of Warren as he took more of a stage presence as the tour went on. The gorge show was definitely a rock star Warren night IMO. He was on fire, first with the Allman's, and seemed to pick up steam with the Dead. My appreciation for him has definitely grown, and I now count myself as a huge Warren fan. LOVED his version of Althea that night, do I dare say even more then bobby's from earlier in the tour!? Anyway, thought I'd share just a bit now that the ride is over (for now). I am anxiously waiting for Rothbury, and at the same time glad that I have a little time to save up for it! Will probably end up having to skip a couple other shows I had planned on attending (DSO), but I do love those outdoor Dead shows! And as far as the Gorge goes, what a FANTASTIC venue! Would love to do that again if the opportunity arises. Now I feel the need to check out Red Rocks, as I have heard that setting is just as nice, but due to the distance, it would take The Dead to play there to really motivate me, thus the reason I am going to Rothbury. It was so nice to be part of the scene again, to be around so many newer, young folks intermingled with us older, still very much young at heart ones. Never would have thought that there would be another opportunity for a tour, never mind just a nostalgic show, but now I am thinking, how could they not do this again. I mean, it truly was a win-win. The band and all that are employed to stage the tour certainly made some money, but even more importantly, they all seemed to be having a most excellent time up there, and those of us that were fortunate enough to catch a show, know everyone else was digging it. So boys, if any of you actually find time to read any of these postings, lets do more together, as I for one will agree to do my part, which is attend show(s) that are feasible and be a part of the lovely deadhead community to welcome the next generation in with open arms. Speaking of this, at the Gorge show there was a 18 year old high schooler that convinced his dad to bring him, and that kid really got it! It was fun watching him react to the band and crowd. This is how it will never die. Musicians, sure, but the music will be passed on. Please bring on another tour! See ya at Rothbury!
  • rosa rugosa
    Spring Tour!
    We all had a real good time, didn't we? And I really enjoyed "meeting" and sharing the experience with you folks. I hope we have a chance to do it again soon, and I'm sure looking forward to RatDog this summer!
  • JackstrawfromC…
    Thanks Peggy O
    I totally agree with you. This is not the Grateful Dead it is The Dead. 2 pretty different bands really. Both grate in there own special ways (I know that sounds a little cheesy but hey it is true). It is impossible to replace Jerry and his unique guitar, vocals, perspective and soul are missed believe me. But if you went in to this tour with an open mind I just don't see how you could have been disappointed. I was not a Warren fan going in but coming out I am a huge fan. He made this tour folks just admit it. He brought his own style to the mix, he wasn't trying to be Jerry he wasn't trying to sound like him and he wasn't just sitting in filling space. There were times when he sounded hauntingly similar to Jerry (China Doll, Morning Dew for example), times when he sounded very soulful like Brent and times when he has just being Warren. He really moved me and not unlike what Jerry used to do for me. That is where I will disagree with Peggy-O, I was almost in tears several times. The same could be said for Jeff too. He brought his own style and it fit in beautifully. I love Ratdog and Phil and Friends and all but there is something special and kind of hard to explain when they are all together, then throw in Billy and Mickey and the raw power is back!! What also returned was the lot scene. Walking through the lots at Shoreline and Washington seriously made me feel like 20 years old again. I felt like I was back where I belong, and that is a very special feeling I will hold onto forever. They played this tour with emotion and power and they were as tight as I have ever heard them.. EVER. There were shows in the 90's with Jerry that didn't have a fraction of the power, emotion, magic or energy these guys are holding right now. Some of those shows felt like they were just going through the motions. NOT in 2009!! They hit this tour with a sense of "We are still the kings of the jam bands, and now we are going to show you". Sure some shows were better than others that is how it always was, is and will be. That's why I always suggest to catch as many Dead shows as possible because that one magical show that touches your soul and changes your life is out there. Although I haven't heard any of the shows from this tour that I would consider to be "bad". All I can say is "When can we do this again??" Seriously!! "Escaping through the lily fields, I came across an empty space. It rainbow then exploded, left a bus stop in its place. The bus come by and I got on, thats when it all began. It was Cowboy Neal at the wheel of the bus to never ever land"
  • southerntam
    Great reflections PeggyO, GD GRW and JackStrawfromCO...
    I just loved reading them, I think we all share the same sentiments only you guys know how to verbalize it better than I. But everytime I read one of your reflections or thoughts, I keep thinking "yeah, that's what I feel like"! Anyway, just wanted to throw it out there. ~Tam
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16 years 6 months

The band says Happy New Year with an announcement of almost twenty shows in April and May.  More details to come!

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16 years 1 month

Only 104 days till the SPECTRUM shows!!!!!!!Thank you BOBBY, BILLY, MICKEY & PHIL!!!!!! And thank you DEAD HEADS for creating this positive environment. I LOVE YOU ALL E-Z-2-B-ME
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17 years 8 months

I don't recall seeing many opening acts for the Grateful Dead shows I went to but I did see New Riders at my first show at the Hollywood Bowl 1972, and I also saw Maria Muldaur (!) at the UC Santa Barbara soccer stadium...circa 'Midnight at the Oasis'. I'm fine with no opening act at all but if they had one, I'd like to see one of the newer bands like, as already mentioned, Yonder, Keller Williams (solo or with Moseley, Droll & Sipe), New Monsoon. I also really like Tea Leaf Green, Railroad Earth as good fits, too. I saw The Dead in both their 2003 and 2004 shows in Irvine and while it clearly wasn't the same as a Grateful Dead show, it was great to be part of the vibe and the whole Shakedown street scene again. IMO, the prices are in line with what I would expect to pay at an arena concert and, as previously mentioned, there is no fan club to pay to join to get access to presale tix. I think the online presale was a little shaky and I do feel lucky to have soem loge seats for the Forum show in LA. I'm enjoying reading all the comments on this topic and I have no problem with people speaking their minds as long as it doesn't devlove into personal attacks. I'm totally psyched for the 5/9 show at the Forum and hope to see some of you guys at the show.
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16 years 1 month

Its grate to see you back! If I had money to bet, id put it on shakedown at philley too. I can't wait for the spectrum!! E-Z-2-B-ME
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17 years 9 months

I'll pass. My opinion only, but I'm there to see the Dead. I love the Allman Bros, but still didn't go in to see them at Hippy Valley. Like I said, just my opinion.Peace
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17 years 7 months

Where does one exit the light rail train for the hike to Pepsi Center? I'll be travelling north from the I-25/Colorado Blvd station. Is there a downtown microbeer pub crawl to do along the way? I'm crazy about Great Divide Hercules. Openner: jam into Feel Like a Stranger. Call that one in, will ya cc?
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17 years 3 months

rosa rugosaDid anyone see Ratdog at Hampton Beach 5/31/08? They opened with Shakedown - now one of my best life's musical memories. When we listen to it now, my husband says he can hear me going WHOOOOO in the bakground!
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17 years 3 months

rosa rugosaSorry, I meant "background." Could try to blame it on wine in the laptop??
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16 years 2 months

You can take the light rail pretty close to the Can (Pepsi Center), however I would walk down the 16th St. Mall you can follow it all the way to the Pepsi Center and there are microbrews like the Wynkoop and Breckenridge Brewery along the way. There are many others I just can't think of the name of them right off hand. Also in lower downtown there are many places to eat and drink and that is usually where the partying takes place. You shouldn't have too much problem finding a Great Divide brew :-) "Everybody's braggin' and drinking that wine, I can tell the queen of diamonds by the way she shines. Come to daddy on an inside straight, well I've got no chance of losing this time"
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17 years 8 months

Someone asked about the scalping laws. It varies state to state. Here in Florida it's legal to scalp and has been for a few years. Thank (who else?) a Bush: (if the link is dead, google "Florida scalping laws") And I'm psyched about Warren. I've seen him with the ABB and Govt. Mule many times. There are few guitarists these days capable of the intricate yet defined noodling -and- jamming who can meld it and get it -just right.- While no one will ever replace Jer's tasty licks, Warren can hang just fine. The economy being what it is, it did not come as a shock today when I learned the ax is falling on my day job in about 90 days. Let's see . . . 90 days takes me into the first week of the tour so my heart's not exactly breaking with this deal that's going down. The boss is going to have to deal with me cutting out after 84 days, though. The original plan was to catch Greensboro, come back for a week, take my vacation and catch up with the tour in Pa. However, now I don't have to return after Greensboro so I'll be looking to pull a rabbit out of a hat for additional tix for Charlottesville, DC, NY and Mass. Look for the Fla. plates and stop and introduce yourself. See you all on Shakedown Street. Much love and good vibes to all!
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16 years 1 month

ROSA RUGOSA, careful with that wine dear, wat shows was you going to again? And for that matter, have you looked at the way the tour does 2 shows in the same state-then a different state-then back to the original state they just did???1980-10-07 "HEAVEN HELP THE FOOL" warfield theatre thats a great instramental !!! Now I know I didn't spell that rite.....
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16 years 1 month

Just was scanning some of the online users pictures, theres alot of great pictures of (young) Bobby & Jerry. This tours going to be the OBAMA-DIGGITY!!!!! ("NOTHIN LEFT TO DO BUT SMILE,SMILE,SMILE!-_-_-_-_-_) -_-_-_-_-_-_)-_-_-_-__-__-_)
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17 years 8 months

All sorts of bands played before the Grateful Dead at the Fillmores, Winterland and Avalon Ballrooms. That was a long time ago though. Before my time on the bus. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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17 years 8 months

Got tix for LA and am looking for three Shoreline tix!!! Been a long time since I danced in the promised land!!
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16 years 1 month

Who are you?Where are you? How are you? -Peace- Moye do you think if every thing goes well on this tour that theyd have a summer tour?
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17 years 9 months

Feel Like a Stranger opening in Denver?? I'll check with the west coast bookies, but I really don't 'feel' it, ted. Alabama Getaway is at the top of the line for that city from my Denver source, Lewie "the sewar" but anyways, Denver, you may know, (like LA) is an "open" city, so the rackets aren't as contolled as the more traditional places and the odds are all over the place. as you know all too well, half of my life has been spent 'calling the tune' the other half??? hosting an ill-fated, poorly rated game show... sigh. ( -; peace.
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16 years 1 month

I'd like to see Mark Karan play with the Dead.He's got the sweetest Jerry guitar vibe IMHO, but if that's not in the cards, then his own band (when he's not playing with Ratdog), Jemimah Puddleduck, would be a good opener... Peace, Bearly
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16 years 4 months

Hey now, hey now.....Aiko.... I'm so excited for this tour that my shoes are shakin in this cold rain and snow. Please boys, play Dark Star and That's It......I'm thinkin about pullin out my 45, and laughing and singing to the music! YEEEEEHAAAAW! Please say I can go home to the Shoreline......Darn those Munks have been in my mind since '95~ Love you all, and dude, I can't wait! _________________________________________________________ Will you come with me? Once in awhile you can get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right!
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17 years 8 months

Way back in a day, I remember the first time I heard String Cheese Incident, They opened two years in a row for the Grateful Dead @ Alpine Valley, I have loved them since then.
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16 years 2 months

Reading some posts about opening acts made me think back... I remember a show at UMASS sometime in the mid 70's where Patti Smith opened (that was different). Also, I caught the Nov. 2nd PAF Nokia show (brought my 14 year old son, his first) where they went from "the eleven" into "the elevator". I want to hear any of my old favorites, but I wouldn't mind melding in something new like that.
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16 years 2 months

Mornin Grates..had to remove myself from chatroom within the past week..didn't sound like the original "Dead' community like back in the early 70's! Glad it's back to the old positive Dead vibes! See ya in Worcester, MA, the 18th! Am taking my 19 year old son with me! So psyched! Momma and Son!! OH YEAH..."One More Saturday Night"!!!
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16 years 1 month

It would be awsome if they would play the eleven. I think it would be interesting for a dark star>china cat>the eleven. And maybe a days between in there somewhere.
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17 years 6 months

I've always thought of a train horn at the beginning of China Cat and then again right after the first "I wish I was a headlight on a north bound train"... would be very cool... Like an old narrow gauge engine horn. I guess ever since '92 when during drumz they blew the really loud modern horn. Kinda silly but it would work. Oh and birds singing at the beginning of bird song. I think they did that at some point but I can't find the show... Anyone know?
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16 years 1 month

Been thinking adout jumping on tour. My job laid me and others off on X-mas eve. I draind my bank account for 8 tickets to the spectrum shows in p.a. (4 for may 1st & 4 for May 2nd) Going up with some good heads. So im thinking to myself, why not just keep going and finish off the tour? Maybey sell some veggy burritos and other things in the parking lot. If anyone thinks its a good idea, feel free to message me.---LET THE GOOD TIMES ROLL----
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17 years 7 months

i so remember that horn bit i was sitting there relaxing and smoking.....the vibe seemed to mellow a bit being drums and all.....then all of a sudden WOOOO cool...i remember everyone jumping up started cheering.... I can't wait for spring tour so much fun will be had......
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17 years 6 months

Yo Phatmoye! If You got Nothing You got Nothing to Loose! Hit the road
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16 years 1 month

Its grate to see all these parents taking there sons or daughters to the dead shows. Its grate to see the good vibes and music passed on from generation to generation. Im proud to be a part of the dead family.THANK YOU EVERYBODY
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16 years 1 month

Thanks Drumhead,Im giving it alot of cosideation. Only 103 days left to the Spectrum show. Im startin to get giddy!!! -_-_-_-####-_-_-_-#### GOOD VIBES
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17 years 6 months

noonie - I'll never forget it... one of the coolest drum segments that I've ever heard... And it was just like that... really mellow with a little beat going and then.... WOO! slammed!
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16 years 1 month

Brushed off the old bongos tismorning. Im so pumpd about this tour! Does anyone know if dead archive will carry these tour shows? Id love to hear the 1st N.C. show. bubble,bubble,bubble ( COF,COF!)
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16 years 1 month

I'll be in Greensboro for the first note of the tour, I'm thinking Jack Straw. Bobby opened up with it at Wanee Fest last year. Here's hoping anyway. For any newheads, remember to come early and stay late. See you at Shakedown street. ________________________________________________ "we can share what we got of yours, 'cause we done shared all of mine"
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17 years 7 months

hey this will be our first show as a family and we want to make sure our son (19 months) will have fun is there a place inside grrensboro colleseum where other families will be hanging out
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16 years 1 month

Haven't been there yet, so I don't know.
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16 years 1 month

I bet they start off with Estimated Profit at the last show in California. You can almost put that 1 in the books.
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16 years 1 month

That would be perfect. Ratdog did an Estimated Profit in Ft. Myers, Fl in the second set that blew me away.
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17 years 2 months

That would be a first I think. Never happened with the GD. Almost always set 2 stuff, and usually either the launching pad or countdown into space. Oh, and Chinat Cat>Eleven might be a rough transition, unless they drop Eleven in during the key change in China Cat which would work pretty much seamlessly, and offers the same graceful return for the third verse. Actually, that's a really cool idea. Think I'll try that out! Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
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16 years 1 month

They have darkstar-china cat-the eleven on the 1st box set of the grateful dead. Its very rare 2 find that combanation though. For that matter its hard to find the eleven on alot of shows. Oh, and Bonehead Tom, I think your right, I dont think Ive ever heard Estimated Profit as an opener for any show. Estimated Profit into Eyes Of The World would be interesting too.
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17 years 8 months

chicago bob I want the DEAD by themselves, but my vote went to Bush for president, that is SLAMMIN' SAMMY BUSH so if no one else voted for SAM BUSH BAND, DAVE GRISSMAN QIUNTET, or DONNA JEAN & the TWISTERS I want them all there!!! Anybody see DJG @ Lucas School House in STL - simply marvelous!! AGREED?!!!!
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16 years 1 month

Download this show on Grateful Dead Archives / its at Dupont Gym-MIT/ theres songs like I Dont Know You, Six Days On The Road and others ive never heard of. Its got a countryish sound to it and not the best recording, but not the worst. CAN'T WAIT TO SHAKE MY BONES AT THE SPECTRUM!
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16 years 5 months

HeyNow Janis, thanks again for this song, maybe you can tyhrow in a few DEAD tickets to Uncle BUDD!!! "Mercedes Benz" Oh Lord, won’t you buy me a Mercedes Benz ? My friends all drive Porsches, I must make amends. Worked hard all my lifetime, no help from my friends, So Lord, won’t you buy me a Mercedes Benz ? Oh Lord, won’t you buy me a color TV ? Dialing For Dollars is trying to find me. I wait for delivery each day until three, So oh Lord, won’t you buy me a color TV ? Oh Lord, won’t you buy me a night on the town ? I’m counting on you, Lord, please don’t let me down. Prove that you love me and buy the next round, Oh Lord, won’t you buy me a night on the town ? Everybody! Oh Lord, won’t you buy me a Mercedes Benz ? My friends all drive Porsches, I must make amends, Worked hard all my lifetime, no help from my friends, So oh Lord, won’t you buy me a Mercedes Benz ? That’s it!
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16 years 1 month

You think the band ever reads this post?CAN'T WAIT TO SHAKE MY BONES AT THE SPECTRUM
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16 years 1 month

"Dear lord, won't you buy me a ticket to the dead,, My friends are going on tour, I must meet up with them, Worked hard all my lifetime, a little help from some heads, So lord won't you buy me a ticket to the dead." PEACE
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16 years 2 months

phatmoye im gonna keep singing that song to myself even though i got tix. thanks love the new words
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16 years 1 month

Boy I hope I spelled that right.JUST ANNOUNCED-_-_-_-_- DEAD MEMBERS TO PLAY AT INOGRIATION BALL-_-_-_-_-_ BEAUTIFUL VIBES FOR 2009-_-_-_-_-_--__
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16 years 1 month

Sunshine day dream....Hope I get tickets through mail in, I tried at 9 on the dot on line and screen froze and never got back in....
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17 years 9 months

for the folks bringing the real little kiddies: someone mention an 18 month olld? anyways, kids have always been part of the scene. you may want to: pack lots of extra snacks -- you do not wanna have to go to the concession stannd during Dark Star, do you? pack some kiddie drinks, gotta be in 'sealed' plastic bottles though. an extra sweatshirt or something in case they get chilly AND ear plugs. while this ain't gonna be no wall of sound, they are still pretty loud. my hearing got all fu8cked up in my youngin years on the road, and I'm half deef now because of it... SERIOUSLY, no joke that. peace.
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17 years 9 months

noonie: I wrote a longer post about this, but it went into the que: ADVICE for bringing kids: ear plugs!! snacks drinks (but don't let them drink too much, for fear of having to go to the restroom during Alligator) this from me, never had no kids as far as I know... peace.
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17 years 9 months

ok about them ear plugs, you can get those gel types, which form into the shape of the kids ears, quite good actuially. this is no wall of sound, but as a youngin' my own hearing was seriously damaged by loud rock and roll concerts. half deef now, because of it. no joke. not sure about the venue you were talking about, but SOMETIMES places let kids congregate in the wheel chair areas (if they have those places at all) depending on how strict they are with people going where their tix say they should be. AND, hey, haven't been to many of these venues for years... how is the security scene INSIDE?? (don't get me started on stories of nightmares outside of Brenden Byrne from the 80's) many of the 2004 Dead tour places, Tweeter, the other one in NJ, etc. were a nightmare; with asshole security Nazis literally slapping bones out of people's hands and threatining to have them kicked out if they sparked up again. peace.
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16 years 1 month

The security scene at the Penn show wasn't to bad, the only thing i saw that they didn't care for to much was cameras inside the show. We had floore seats and had no issues with security about people fireing it up.They had outside smokers pitts too, witch grew crowded fast. As for security in the parking lot, there really wasn't a whole lot. Just remember to try to keep the parking lot respectable (broken bottles, trash, etc.)For the most part, security wasn't bad at all. Phatmoye
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17 years 5 months

Not a bad try for your age though - if that's a current picture of you there above your username. That's cool of Obama to ask them! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * -enjoyin' the ride -There'll never be another Jerry