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  • greenjp33
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    I am going to guess that because live nation is running this...the first 20 rows will be 100...just like the allmans at the beacon...they were 150 and the rest were i bet 90% of the tixs are 55-65 $$ which is fine by me
  • peter07043
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    are they kidding me
    with this VIP tour package crap? how freakin' elitist can you get? who is dan of consideritdan? i can understand ticket prices to a degree, but i'm reconsidering ordering tickets if this is what has become of "the grateful dead". used to be we all had a good shot at good tickets -- now they're for the folks who have the extra cash. it's really sad.
  • SoPo Jody
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    re: doug
    i thought the access code was = to the number of pounds we've put on minus how much older we are since we last saw them with
  • enolan
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    I have a suggestion: save your money. Especially if you can draw upon fine memories of shows past. Lets face it, this is not the same band and these are not the same times. To try to relive them is futile. Even the lot scene has a "been-there-done-that" sort of vibe to it. If you have the means, the money would probably be better spent (and you'll probably have a much better time for a lot less of it) hanging out with some good friends and/or checking out some local music. These hard-working artists could certainly use our support more than these millionares. If you really need a Dead fix, you could always pop in a good bootleg, grab some microbrews or whatever else makes you happy, and have a good-ol' time with your buds (no pun intended ;-) ). Remember, the Dead (and esp. Jerry) never wanted to be about being the center of attention, just the background music for your good time. Even better, if you have this kind of disposable income, I suggest sending some of it to your local food bank or some other organization that will help people less fortunate than you. They could use the $100 a whole lot more, and it will put your love-thy-neighbor ideology to a lot better use than "miracle tickets" or buying t-shirts in the lot with cute sayings on them. These are just suggestions-please no flames, just do what seems right in your heart.
  • reech
    You know who is gonna get screwed? Any head that buys extra tickets for the show and has someone cancel out on them. Because, when you're at the arena and have an extra $100 ticket or even a pair of extra's, and you're dealin' with everyone who's looking for a "miracle", you're gonna eat a lot of your money. Even Madison Square Garden is going to have extra's available. I have never been to a show at the Garden for any show (except maybe U2) that didn't have people with extra's. Seeing how the Dead are flooding the NY market, with a Nassau, a NYC and 2 Secaucus shows, there are going to be plenty of tickets available, especially when most NY heads will only get tix for one or maybe two shows... remember... back in the day, we all did the whole NY run... even the 9 show stretch in 88.
  • kind1002
    no sarcasm this time
    go here: make sure you reg........ log in.... wait till noon EST, hit refresh on your browser, and bingo you are at the presale, ready to pick the show you want....looks like 6 tix limit, per show
  • kind1002
    the code!!
    Your access code is how many shows you saw with Jerry alive, minus the times you saw the Other Ones, or The Dead divided by your security code on the back of your credit card... It appears that if you are registered in the ticket page, you will have access to the presale at noon EST no code, just get yer ass all reg'd up on the site...go! Do it! Now!
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    Access Code
    One post mentions just before they go onsale?????
  • fillmore
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    new account
    I just attempted to set up a new account so I could get a new verification code just in case that is the access code. It wouldn't let me do it even with a new user name & password. Can't change the email address.
  • meaniesam33
    That's insane!
    There are currently 374 users and 1226 guests online. "You know it's gonna get stranger, so let's get on with the show!"
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16 years 6 months

The band says Happy New Year with an announcement of almost twenty shows in April and May.  More details to come!

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17 years 7 months

i hear you about hearing protection.....we bought our son a pair of nioce canaceling ear muffs..that are designed for kids..... he dosn't mind wearing them.....oh and about missing cool shit while you change a diaper or two thats just the way it is when your a parent. thanks for the advice openening acts......i don't realy care i am just there enjoying the ride they bring us on but ymsb is the bombdiggity (did i say that right)
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Member for

16 years 2 months

Obama's people really invited the boys to play this week? I voted for the man, but not because I thought he had any deadhead tendencies! Wow, maybe a new age is really dawning... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ One man gathers what another man spills...
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17 years 9 months

Mickey in the CIA, thatwould be a trip... but,,,,,,,,,,,,,, uh oh; reminds me of when Elvi wanted to get involved with the DEA...
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17 years 9 months

well, I'm paranoid enough, or conspiracy theory obsessed enough to believe that some of Obama's people told THE MAN at that show NOT to make busts. wouldn't have looked too good in the media, if dozens of heads got busted during a benefit show. if you see what I mean... peace.
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16 years 2 months

Tickets to Pepsi Center .... CHECK Plane tickets to San Jose .... CHECK Hotel for 2 nights .... CHECK Rental car .... CHECK 3 tickets to Shoreline .... COME ON MAIL ORDER! Pretty please .. "Everybody's braggin' and drinking that wine, I can tell the queen of diamonds by the way she shines. Come to daddy on an inside straight, well I've got no chance of losing this time"
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16 years 5 months

greetings and salutations to all you wonderful people on this thread. I just want to say that it is a wonderful feeling to be a part of this. It has been so long since a dead show for me, I am so psyched, counting the days till greensboro. 84 to go. 1st show, first song "let the good times roll>feel like a stranger" would set the tone for a stellar return for the guys. can't wait, can't wait. have been reading this thread since it started and would like to thank marye for the awesome moderating, thank you Marye. :) Hope to meet some of you grate people at the shows, let the good times roll cause I feel like a stranger. "let there be songs to fill the air"
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16 years 1 month

Hey now to all . New to site but not scene. Have tix for Greensboro and VA shows and can not wait to get back on the road again. I want to share this,since I am new,with all who may not know.… this website has all dead shows everplayed and can listen to them all for free. A friend turned us on to this not long ago and it is a goldmine. Hundreds of other artists such as Ryan Adams, Keller Williams, etc, and all live. Hope to see all of you out there and be safe. "This could be the last time". Peace and love from the Morris family.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

My boy will be 1yr6mths for the Buffalo show. Might wait for a summer outdoor show to take him. I think the freedom of lawn seats might be more friendly and fun for him.Peace
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Member for

16 years 2 months

If ya need some hearing protection for yer kidz..... I've got osha rated 32db plugs. They are called spark plugs ( not trying to sell merch here folks ) they are white with day glo coloring and are very comfortable to wear for extended periods. Drop me a line and a SASE and I'll send you a couple of pairs - for no other reason than to be kind. Saint Stephen with a rose. In and out of the garden he goes. Country garland in the wind and the rain. Wherever he goes the people all complain.... Shine On! Saint Stephen
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16 years 2 months

Yeah our daughter is 4 and there is no way she would sit in reserved seats for more than about 10 minutes. She does really good in a general admission setting though especially outdoors. "Everybody's braggin' and drinking that wine, I can tell the queen of diamonds by the way she shines. Come to daddy on an inside straight, well I've got no chance of losing this time"
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16 years 2 months

THANK YOU ALL!!! I started using this website less then a week ago and can definatly see the love thats being passed around. And a special thanks to CC, you've been very helpful with this room. and info., and the Utubes. I hope to see some of you in the parking lot in Philly. THANKS AGAIN ALL OF YOU! Im PROUD to be a part of this FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Phatmoye
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16 years 2 months

As to the Inaugural Ball on Tuesday night, I understand they're limited to a single, one-hour set. My guess is that the setlist will look something like this. Morning Dew > Dark Star > Drums > Stella Blue - Encore: Viola Lee Blues "When it comes to humility, I'm the greatest!" - Bullwinkle Moose
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16 years 2 months

Damn, I wouldn't mind hearing viola lee blues somewhere on this tour. As for that set list above, thats almost to perfect. That would be a killer set list.Phatmoye
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16 years 1 month

It is really good to see and hear so many people talking about bringing their kids to the shows. As a father of two 1 boy 11 and 1 girl 8 and plan to take them to the VA show my wife and I were a little concerned at first. They went with us the last time the dead toured. We did a mini inner state of NC tour, Raleigh then Charlotte. Both of these shows were outside and we had lawn tix. We all had a blast. Before we left for these shows we stayed at the family beach house on Oak Island, NC and hurricane Charlie came through. We sat on the front porch in rocking chairs and in less than thirty minutes it came and went. No, none of us were in any danger. But this excitement plus knowing we were going to these shows especially with the kids and it being their first I'm sure I felt like they do at Christmas. At the Raleigh show beach balls and balloons were bouncing and they had a clown on stilts walking around. My daughter loved it and at night when the glow sticks started flying around my kids really started getting into it. They also liked rolling down the hill on the lawn. The next night in Charlotte we rented them a couple of lawn chairs because we could tell they were worn out from the night before. They were in bed in the chairs by the end of the first set this allowed mommy and daddy some alone time to dance together for the rest of the show. Only close call was fellow head who with a combination of alchohol and a steep incline fell down a little too close to the kids. This is why I'm a little skeptical about an enclosed venue. My wife and I are going to the Greensboro show alone and in style I might add and decided to get upper level seats for the show with the kids in Charlottesville. But after seeing the get weird video and the footage of the little boy danceing in hallway, if things were getting a little to cramped we could do the same. Thanks for the ear cautions I did not think about it until someones post. Been since Charlotte 95 with Jerry since either my wife or I have been to a big indoor venue, and the inevitable ears ringing trying to find the car. Any way I've rambled long enough.Hope to see y'all in the south with your kiddies and ours. Peace and love.
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17 years 9 months

chasing a little one down the aisle is a pretty good excuse to get closer to the stage, though.( -; I think in the seating areas, most fellow heads are 'respectful' of a kid's space. looking back from when I was a small youth, well, the circle of bikers around me kept the area clear... so; it does, also, have to do with establishing your space for the kids from the very start of the show, and polite reminders if a freak seems to have a potential to flail into your children. did see plenty of little onees over the years, plenty of families were touring back in the day; even during the more recent 2004 tours, and certainly at NYE this year. just seeing the little ones at the show makes me smile so hard, as the torch of our joy is being passed onto the next generation. accidents may happen, however, and wasted folks do not have the best control of their motor skills. (warning label-- do not operate heavy machinary) printed on that 1/8 bag of schrooms... might wanna have a deep talk with the kids about some of the 'scary' looking freaks they may see. depending on your lifestyle, if this is their first exposure to ssome of the real freak shows who are part of our family. I would check with a audiologist about if the noise cancelling technology prevents nerve damage as well as the best option for protecting kids ears concirning certain types of earplugs -- something i don't really know too much about. believe me, it ain't no fun saying 'huh? what was that?' half the time.
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16 years 2 months

I don't know what song they might open with in Califonia, (Estimated profit perhaps, but very doubtful), but I can almost bet that they would play Hes Gone towards the end of the show. It would be a great ending for a tour. And yet a great reason to start a summer tour. Phatmoye
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17 years 9 months

thankx phatmoye, I think all of us here do our part to keep this site cool. when I have free time, I tend to have A LOT of free time, and this site has been a place to get into the scene when there is no scene or tour. so long as there is no name calling and other bullshit... I believe in the grateful philosophy. this is my religion. it is rather dis-organized, but it works for me. learnt lessons from the road, learnt lessons from un-likely sources... this site and our fellowship and sharing here is part of all that. sharing the woes, sharing the joys, giving a miracle ticket, giving a ride to a head with his thumb out. ALWAYS finding just one more seat on the bus so that EVERYONE can get to the next show. syphon my gas if you need it, eat my food if you are hungry, drink my water if you are thirsty. borrow my tape and copy it. (just don't mix up the boxes, please) getting a warm hug from an old tour friend, getting a copy of that long lost tape... caring and sharing. being nice to everybody. stopping strangers just to shake their hand. everyone here has a home. everyone here has a place to kick back and relax and get warm. no one sees tears in the rain, but that don't mean there ain't no tears. come in out of the rain. nothing to hide here. writing the above makes my heart swell with pride and joy that I am both a deadhead and here. "this must be heaven" love and peace.
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17 years 9 months

Really looking forward to the April 15 show in VA. I used to go to Grateful Dead shows in the old days with my now 30 year old son (he was 8 when we started). My 12 year old from my second marriage has been to 3 Phil and Friends shows, 3 Ratdog shows and has seen DSO twice. Never thought he would have this chance. We've got our tickets and I'll be going with both my sons plus my best friend on my birthday!!! What a birthday!! Hope to see you all there. Peace
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17 years 9 months

Just right on and beautiful cc. Makes my heart swell with pride reading that also. You came back and there you go, showing many your magic. Proud to share a slice of heaven with you.peace,pk
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16 years 2 months

I love it when I see people with their kids at shows. I hope to take my grandkids to their 1st show - just can't afford it right now. I would feel better about taking my grandkids to see The Dead than many of the other bands I see. I saw lots of kids at AC/DC as well as Roger Waters - I think hearing protection for kids at in door venues is a good idea. My hearing is getting bad already. Saint Stephen with a rose. In and out of the garden he goes. Country garland in the wind and the rain. Wherever he goes the people all complain.... Shine On! Saint Stephen
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17 years 9 months

pk, regretted when I stopped going to stadium shows back in the late 80's... good to be back so long as the scene stays cool. "walk a mile in another man's shoes. you will be far away, and you got his shoes, too" ( -;
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17 years 5 months

Steve-O - cmon seriously? A <2-yr old to an arena show? Is getting a babysitter you can trust an issue?Because if you can it would be better for both of you. Your kids will not get his ears blown out . And he won't really enjoy the experience that that sustained a time. And he won't remember to appreciate anyway. (There are other ways to share the god love GD head vibe with him beside bringing him inside an arena show at that age). . If you can get a sitter you can trust you'll have a much better time and will be able to enjoy the whole show too. That's my opinion/advice anyway. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * -enjoyin' the ride -There'll never be another Jerry
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17 years 9 months

Bring him along Steve, this community is about family, and as one of my fellow viners, a wonderful man whom I respect greatly told me recently, there's nothing more important than family.The experience will seep deep into his soul Steve and enrich him forever.
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17 years 8 months

Anyone have their tickets yet? Just checking. I sent my request in for 4 in Albany on the 13th...and was just wondering when they would start mailing them out.
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17 years 5 months

There were a lot of typoes and missed sentences in my last post. It's tough posting from a blackberry. I meant to write "good love, .." Not "god love, ..." Anyway I was really just saying I think a sitter is a better option for both of you at that age for an arena show. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * -enjoyin' the ride -There'll never be another Jerry
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17 years

caring for a two year old is not an arena deal. save the love for later sure that little nug will unsterstanad.
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16 years 2 months

Given the time lag between pre-sale day #1 (1/13) and the start of the tour in mid-April, I'd expect the GDTS staff to start mailing tickets sometime in February. The best way to stay in the loop on this is to sign up for GDTS e-mail updates (sign up at They're very good about sending out periodic updates to nervous 'heads that're brooding about their orders. The only downside to mail order is waiting to find out what tickets ya got (versus the 'sorta' instant gratification of on-line sales), but in my experience, the kind folks at GDTS take very good care of their customers. My friends and I have ordered from them so often over so many years that we've almost stopped being surprised when they've recognized our separate orders and issued us tangential seats. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ One man gathers what another man spills...
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16 years 2 months

SO THE KIDS THEY DANCE AND SHAKE THEIR BONES, it truly is a great thing to see all these parents taking there children, its awsome to see how the music gets passed down from generation to generation. I hope my son gets his son or daughter into this like i am with him.Phatmoye
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16 years 1 month

we now have 3 kids three and under. had planned on brining the whole family to shoreline to meet their extended family...but now we are thinking that we may leave the babes at home for the day. it's hard - we keep going back and forth b/c we want the kids to have the experience and to feel the love...but keeping in mind that our kids don't groove crowds or loud noises, and like to go to bed at, they just wouldn't understand why jerry wasn't there....too bad they aren't playing mid-day outdoor shows
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16 years 2 months

"They wouldn't understand why Jerry wouldn't be there."Hey any good human being loves kids... right up until they scream for something they do not have at a concert... in an airplane.. inside a movie theater... come on. Lets enjoy one of the last classic Dead shows with adults... $100 a ticket is nothing to cry about... but would the little-bitty ones understand this? Like I said... in the title.... LMAO See ya in Shoreline! We will have fun NO matter WHAT!!!!! SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS 1st show was in Winterland for me.. if that matters to anyone regarding my single solitary comment on ALL of this. :))) DwB
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17 years 9 months

anybody know why the Philly shows are not currently listed on the ticketmaster site and/or when/where they will be available? thankx. peace.
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16 years 2 months

I have 3 y.o. twins and they are my whole world-I take them everywhere because I love to watch them explore and discover-but I honestly would NOT bring them to show at this age and here's why: 1.It's mommy+daddy time-I want to cut loose+not worry(Im VERY protective of my young) 2.I really dont need my 3 y.o. kids breathing in pot smoke(NOT COOL!) 3.I have been to shows where I found acid right on the floor--What if they found some? 4.TOO LOUD!!!(they would not keep ear protection on or in! I dont mean to sound like a prude-- but c'mon people--it's not a place for little kids-get a sitter and spare your kids developing brain cells-THINK ABOUT IT!!!!♪♪♪ Crazy cat peekin' through a lace bandana♪♪♪ P.S.-just my opinion.....
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16 years 2 months

Bringing my 17 year old daughter to her frist show at MSG. She's been to DSO, Electrix and a few others......she's beyond excited to see the boys in action. My first show was when I was 1983......I was hooked from that moment on. She already loves the gets to live the scene.
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16 years 1 month

Wow..I have a suggestion. If you can't find a sitter for your 2-3 year old how about you stay home and watch your kids instead of dragging them to an environment where they have no business being whatsoever.
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16 years 2 months

Huke20-at least you understand-loud music+people smoking weed is nowhere for little kids to be-I actually cant even beleive anyone with 1/2 a brain would expose their little kids to that(at least not indoor arena shows)remember how full of smoke the arena's are when they flick on the lights after the show?--you really want your little ones breathing that in?-USE YOUR HEADS!!!!
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16 years 2 months

I took my daughter to her first concert when she was in grade school. But I never even considered taking her anyplace like that until (A) she had first voiced an interest in it and (B) I felt that I could enjoy the show while keeping an eye on her without spoiling the experience for her as well. My little girl was 10 when all of this came together. It was an outdoors performance too, so I was far less concerned with the harmful effects of second hand smoke than I might have been at an arena. "When it comes to humility, I'm the greatest!" - Bullwinkle Moose
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16 years 2 months

Hi all,Most of the arenas our smoke free, for that matter most of the states our smoke free.Im not saying that no one will be smoking, but at the Penn. show, they had smokers dens outside. I think we all know that smoke isnt good for anyone, but at a dead show, your almost going to have this.Most of the heads at the Penn. show were pretty decent about smoking cigarettes in designated areas. As for weed, it will always be in and out of the arenas. Phatmoye
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16 years 2 months

Anyone else notice that theres no national news anouncment, or even bay area news about the boys @ the ball?? Waas up with that? Wheres the love? They announced Biance, Bono, Mylie Cyrus. Just goes to show that even though they can pass the background check, they still don't get no respect. Along with men like MLK, they helped shape the thinking of a generation that made tomorrow possible. "Wave that flag, wave it wide and high"
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17 years 8 months

By all means, bring the kids. The shows have always integrated music, family, love, great friends, good vibes, great times, etc. My wife and I started taking our daughter on tour when she was two. Today she's 24 and a better person because of it. She's now working toward her graduate degree and understands a way of life that has all but disappeared today. She dug the scene and provided us so many wonderful memories and photographs from back in the day...dancing as Phil beamed at her from the second row in Deer Creek, her singing (every word) along with Touch of Grey, Scarlet Begonias and Fire on the Mountain, blowing bubbles at the amphitheater shows, heads going out of their way to accommodate her, vending beads and necklaces (seems like we sold so much more when she was doing the actual selling) and so much more. Yes, we had earplugs in her ears at some of the indoor shows when she was young. For many years, she was asleep by the second set and slept soundly right on through to the encore. Never had a child-related problem in all those years of touring. Regarding Cassidysdada's comment, "I have been to shows where I found acid right on the floor--What if they found some?" This is where personal responsibility comes into play. If you can't take care of your children (which includes being a responsible parent by watching EVERYTHING they do at that age no matter where you're at), you shouldn't reproduce. My daughter literally grew up on tour with many other kids (now grown) and to this day she says she wouldn't change a thing. She did ask me one day, "How come we didn't do the Europe shows?" If you want to take your kids, take them. There are plenty of folks who understand the love and how we share it with the next generation. Believe it if you need it, if you don't just pass it on.
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16 years 2 months

Not sure if they still do it but back in the day Wavy and the Hog Farmers always had a Winnarainbow camp at shows for the kiddies. They have a blast.
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16 years 2 months

I think "you shouldnt reproduce"is a pretty harsh statement.If you watched "EVERYTHING"your 2 y.o. did at those shows-how did you watch the show?your so full of shit!
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16 years 2 months

Good question? Im tryin to get a topic posted for these kinds of questions. I believe Maryes workin on it.Phatmoye
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16 years 2 months

THE SET LIST AT THE INAUGURAL BALL is now a topic. Any thoughts anyone?IVE GOT A FRIEND SOMEWHERE.... Phatmoye
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16 years 4 months

Does'nt anyone think the prices are extremely high???Just seems like $100 is a whole lot for one show..... I've heard rumors that warren is the reason for the prices which makes no sense...(Jerry never made that kind of loot)... This isn't the right scene to be tryin to profit so crazy.... Miracles are gonna be super hard to come by at $100
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17 years 9 months

Folks, in my many battle-scarred years in the online trenches, I have learned a few valuable lessons. One of them is that few things are likelier to end badly than discussions in which the participants find fault with each other's parenting skills. For the sake of harmony, let us assume that all parents here want nothing but the best for their kids and go to a fair amount of trouble to achieve that result. Thank you...
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16 years 7 months

...DC is filthy with inaugural balls (there are several just in the Convention Center), and the Mid-Atlantic isn't one of the more famous. The Neighborhood Ball will get the most media attention, since almost-President Obama just created it for us common folk. It is being televised, and will air live on ABC 8:00 - 10:00 p.m. ET. The Commander-in-Chief's Ball is televised to armed forces and some cable systems on the Pentagon Channel. The Youth Inaugural Ball will be broadcast on MTV channels around the world. The show airs at 10:00 p.m. EST/ 7:00 p.m. PST. Kid Rock, Fall Out Boy and Kanye West will be performing. The rest of the balls are the regional ones, there's one for each of the Prez and VP home states, and then the Eastern, Mid-Atlantic, Mid-West, Southern and Western Balls, each covering groups of states and US territories. Other than news clips I don't recall seeing much of these other soirees on TV; maybe there will be a kind taper or two in attendance at the Mid-Atlantic (although security will no doubt be a sho'nuff bitch at these things!) I know I'll be watching, but I don't really expect to see the Dead set show up. Enjoy! MarkintheDark ********************************************* I have a sigfile! --> *********************************************