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  • PeggyO
    Reflections on a Tour
    Well, the Spring Tour 2009 is in the bag and was definitely one for the books! That's for sure. I know a lot of people might think the Dead are dead without certain members, and to be honest, the last couple of tours the Dead have done were great experiences for me, but I always felt like people were "sitting in" to fill some big shoes left behind. Even Warren, in 2004, felt like he was filling in. So I went to the LA Forum show expecting what we got in 04. Oh how wrong I was! That first throat grabbing chord of the show was like the band was saying to everyone in the Forum, "Listen up people! We're not f*#cking around here, we're here to play so let's get down to it!" And then BOOM, right into that unreal VLB groove, with a beat that you just had to move to. I have been doing tours since the late 70's/early 80's and to my ears, this band has never been better. On the one hand, they're tighter, yet they're also looser. I cant explain it, and honestly, that's about the best one can say about the Dead when they're really "on", "well, I cant explain it man, you just have to experience it..." ;) I've been keeping up with the Tour, listening to the shows online as the Tour progressed and the first half was just okay for me. But in LA it felt like something happened that night and everything the boys had been striving for just all fell into place that night. The Forum felt like an old school East Coast indoor arena show, complete with rabid, hardcore heads that were so grateful to be back at the party again. This was not a "best of" tour. This was a "here's who we are now, dig it" tour, and man did I love what I heard on the West Coast leg of this Tour. That night in LA, I realized that Warren and Jeff no longer felt like they were filling in for anyone anymore. The *were* the Dead just as much as Bobby, Phil, Billy or Mickey are. To me, the Dead has always been a band in flux. There have been so many iterations of them I've sort of lost count. So to those who lament a Jerryless Dead, all I can say is, you don't know what you're missing. Sure I miss Jerry and I miss Brent. But the Dead as they are right now? Sound the best I've ever heard them and they're not stale, they're still out there pushing the envelope and really, isn't that what this is all about? So yeah, I no longer get weepy when I hear Brokedown Palace or Ripple or Box of Rain. I just revel in the fact that I get to experience this amazing thing we call The Dead, once again. And I am truly Grateful. One final comment...It felt so great to experience Shakedown once again and the lot scenes in LA and the Gorge were excellent. Like some upthread said, I found my self also saying things, and using expressions that I haven't used in a long time...It felt good to have the tribe back together again, didn't it?!
  • GD GRW
    right on southerntam
    My sentiments exactly. It was a bittersweet night. Very cool to stay up until 3 am+ listening to the whole show, with great interviews and commentary thrown in during the set break. But it was so great to back out there catching 4 shows, eagerly anticipating seeing the setlists of the shows I didn't catch each morning, listening to the downloads etc. I'm going to miss all that. I'm firmly in the camp that thinks the music has changed/evolved in a great sounds, tunes I never thought I'd get to hear live, Rhythm Devils taking it to new heights each night etc etc. Warren and Jeff are as good as it gets in the post Jerry/Brent/Keith/Pigpen era, which is to say they're both amazing musicians who fit right into the fabric of the band and helped to make the magic each night. Jeff is a monster on the keys and Warren managed to channel the ghosts of Jerry/Brent/Pigpen in his paying and singing while keeping it new and fresh and his own as well. Branford's interview during the set break was spot on: they're older, they've each gone on to do new things are are coming at playing together from a new angle, pushing the boundaries and not just treading the worn path. By the time they got to the Gorge, they seem to have all completely melded musically and got the bugs all worked out. We may not see them out on the road two thirds of the year least as The Dead, but I gotta think the fun they seemed to be having along with the embrace of the fans will pull them back for another go around or two down the road. And yes, it was really cool to hear Mickey thank the crew and bring them out onstage for some well deserved applause. I've seen them with Jerry from the early 80's onward, seen Phil and his band, Ratdog, the Dead 2003/4 and I can say I had as good a time at these shows and I've had at any. All different, all excellent and all the music of the Grateful Dead which is what it's all about. Thanks guys!
  • theotherone2
    GDTS TOO website
    Not sure if this is the appropriate forum to use but I'm sure Marye will let me know. I just went to the GDTS TOO website for the first time in years to see about Ratdog tix and was amazed at what i found. It prompted me to send them the following... Please don't take offense. Just a little constructive criticism. It's been many years since I've visited your site. Back in the day I thought it was the greatest thing ever. The days of calling the hotline every day sometimes multiple times were over, but come on guy's, your site is really quite primitive by today's standards. To my dismay, when I tried to fill out the credit card form I discovered it wasn't interactive. I consider myself a caveman for not having a printer/copier/scanner combo, but times are tough. I don't even know where to find a fax machine. Aren't we supposed to be a paperless society by now? This planet needs all the trees she can produce. The decorative envelopes are still very cool, and should be an option, but how about an online interactive version of the envelope? I'm sure there are thousands of heads out there into web design who would be willing to collaborate and put something together for you. I'm not a designer myself but I'm willing to help wherever I can. Just something to consider. Peace and much thanks for all you do. So this would be a shout out to all of you webmasters out there if they are receptive. I know youre out there, a simple Google search for anything Dead related shows me there's some mad skills out there. I have not recieved a response yet, but when I do I'll post it.
  • fillmore
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    Maybe I should of gone for
    Maybe I should of gone for the CDs too!
  • thor369
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    thanks fillmore
    thor369 - I'm still waiting for my two Chicago show downloads that were ordered May 3rd! Hope your wife is better. she is doing much better. it was an asthma and panic attack type combo, scary stuff. my CD isnt a download, it was a CD i paid for, at the show, they was recording off the mixing boards, and pressing official show CD's on the spot for $25, with show date, and place, on official The Dead CDs. it is why i dont want the download to replace my CD, my puter dont have good speakers, and i only listen to my CDs in my car, or my headset CD player. i cant reburn 1 on my puter, and it isnt the official CD with the printed faces on them.
  • AlpineMike
    Bringing the magic home...
    Chicago was incredible... 20 years since since my love's and mine last show but with one more in tow - our 11 year old son whose favorite song right now is Throwing Stones. All with a different yet better spirit. The magic was back. It does remind me of reading a book where you don't understand the words and you go back later and understand it even more after life experience. I started reading the book long ago and loved it - and It means even more now. The shows brought smiles, healing and joy. Peace Mike P.S. Please Tour again !!!! - You are beautiful together ! Such a long long time to be gone and a short time to be there
  • marye
    fillmore, and anyone else having issues
    you too
  • marye
    pm me the details. We're working on this one.
  • fillmore
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    I feel the same way, could never have said it any better. Great post!
  • fillmore
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    thor369 - I'm still waiting
    thor369 - I'm still waiting for my two Chicago show downloads that were ordered May 3rd! Hope your wife is better. I thought all the shows were just awesome. Thanks guys for giving us the magic again. Sure would be nice to hear the Chicago shows and relive some nice memories again.
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16 years 6 months

The band says Happy New Year with an announcement of almost twenty shows in April and May.  More details to come!

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16 years 2 months

That's seems to make sense to me-but we'll have to wait and see what the wise one says.....must be conjuring up the perfect answer........heeheehee(just playin' marye!)
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16 years 2 months

Personally I could/couldn't care less! Chance is fickle. I think in honor of George Carlin passing we should leave this one alone.
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17 years 9 months

Dire Rain's observation and TL's answer are both more interesting and relevant than what I would come up with, which is that "fat chance" is ironic and the chance described is not fat at all because of this. If I think of anything more inspired I will report back. Hey, wisdom on Monday morning is a lot to ask!
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16 years 2 months

we are all grateful that you are there just in case we do need advice on monday morning
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16 years 2 months

O.K.-I Agree,In Honor of the Late-Great genius George Carlin we should let this pass. It is possible however, That the only reason those two phrases mean the same thing, Is that we have the most difficult language in the world to learn/understand.(so I've heard) I know this has absolutely NOTHING to do with the topic-but I was just bored,And for that I apologize.peace.
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16 years 2 months

is the release of hartford 77 on cd.... Just seen Dark Star Orchestra play that set last thursday plus an end of the show filler of "On the Road Again". So wonder if that means their gonna take the show down of It's still up as of right now.
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16 years 2 months

Just paid stupid amount of money for crappy seats from a scalping scumbag to THE DEAD in Worcester SATURDAY NIGHT--But Im HAPPY as a pig in shit cuz IM IN!!!IN!!!IN!!!!!!!!"♪♪♪Come on and let the good times roll!!!♪♪♪" SEE YA'LL INSIDE--OOOOHHHHYeah!!!!!!
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16 years 2 months

Just GOT a SWEET J.O.B.!!!!!!!!!!!!I'm counting my blessins' See you all in Philly! Phatmoye
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16 years 2 months

For the 1st time in ten years im doing tour out west >I traded my girl of 8 yrs 4 my 21mo.old yellow lab starting with the may 4th show in chi .Looking 4 a cool traveling partnerNo heavy drinkers or druggers(must smoke n shroom though) cigs are ok too.must be in shape to do some climbing hiking rafting and alot of laughing All expenses are not because im looking 4 some chick 2 party with i would just meet a girl who i can trust watching my dog sometimes for 4-5 hrs 4 maybe 5-6 differnt day during the trip.Dont worry we will do our share of organics and drinking Will stay in hotel most of the time maybe a few campsites in the mts.If interested leave me a message so we can meet soon.1st time ive done something like this hope works out.Background checks r cool with me
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Member for

16 years 4 months

Contemplating leaving this job? Congrats are in due order, Phatmoye! But after this tour announcement, I'm looking at going on the road again~Keep letting it shine!____________________________________________________ Will you come with me? Once in awhile you can get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right!
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16 years 1 month

Wanting to meet new friends on Spring Tour... Have an extra ticket for Charlottesville, Worcester, Wilkes-Barre, Nassau and MSG. Looking for a kind Head or Heads to share the tour, not just someone to buy the tickets. I know it's a long shot, and I'll probably end up selling the tickets in the lot, but it would be great fun to find someone who could come for the ride, stay for the show, hang with me till the next show, and get up and do it all again!
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17 years 9 months

puckhead, you might want to post in the Ride Board topic in the forums. In the interest of general prudence I would not post in a world-readable forum the regrettably unlawful substances with which you plan to travel.
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16 years 2 months

♪♪"GOD way up in heaven for whatever it was worth-Thought he'd throw a big ole party thought he'd call it planet Earth--Dont worry bout tomorrow,LORD you'll know it when it comes--When the Rock-n-Roll music meets the rising,shining sun!!! One More Saturday Night!!!"♪♪ I dont know if any of the band members reads this-but if you do PLEASE play Cassidy>Deal Sat.Night in Worcester,Mass-PRETTY PLEASE WITH SUGAR ON TOP???thanks alot.
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17 years 9 months

Floor seat for MSG! "Let there be songs to fill the air."
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17 years 9 months

tj crowley guess my friends win (they've been trying to get me to a dso show) heading for DSO gigs the boys have out-priced this ol' dead head
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Member for

17 years 3 months

Glad you got tickets! We'll be at Worcester show Sat night. I've seen Ratdog 6 times, and seen One More Sat Night 6 times, so I'm 6 for 6! If my record holds, maybe I'll bring you good luck! Crickets and cicadas sing, a rare and different tune, Terrapin Station.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Anyone gotten pre-sale tix yet? I've never waited so long to get tickets that I bought so early. And yes, I know the "two weeks before the show" disclaimer....having seen that kind of caveat attached to many, many tix bought online (that would then show up the following week), I've just stopped believing it. Is it really true this time?
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16 years 2 months

I sent Music Today an email asking when I could expect my tickets. Unfortunately they replied with: "Our tickets ship approximately 2 weeks prior to the event. Once tickets ship you will receive an email confirmation of your shipment along with the tracking number for your order." This makes me nervous. And a little pissed off. They took my money the day I ordered but I have to wait more than 2 months to receive my tickets. Absolutely craptacular. And what about the folks that are going on tour? You know it's gonna get stranger, so let's get on with the show!
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16 years 2 months

Yeah I don't like them taking my cash then holding out on sending the product. It's not good business. I worry what if something happens during the delivery, there won't be much time to fix any potential problems if they wait until the last second. It doesn't even make sense to wait that long. Meanlesam is right - what about the folks who will be on the road (like me)?? Oh yeah I'll just swing back to my house once a week to pick up more tickets. No problem. Sheeesh! While we are bitching, I wish they would have just scheduled those last 3 shows from the get-go. I was stupid and made flight/hotel arrangements before knowing about the add on shows, now I'm trying to change my flight, and add on more days to my hotel and it is so expensive to make changes its not even worth it. Probably can the flight (lose money) and drive now. It's a little frustrating. But I'm still going ... somehow!! "When the smoke has cleared she said, that's what she said to me. You're gonna want a bed to lay your head and a little sympathy"
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16 years 1 month

i would think the tickets need to be printed per order, i dont think they have the tickets on hand. GDTS might have the same deal or get an alotment of tickets to each venue. or if they are anything like the old mail orders then they have to be made then printed. i'm sure each order # is tagged to the requested ammount of tickets and are printed not long before they are sent out. when we used to go to ticketbastards they had to print the tickets, they did not just have them already on hand as far as i can remember. when you least expect it you'll get that e mail confirmation and everything will be just exactly perfect. im curious what the mail orders look like. are they like the old mail orders all decorated or are they just plain old tickets.
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17 years 9 months

I got a plain, regular Madison Square Garden ticket from GDTS, the same type I get for my Knicks ticket from MSG. Not complaining; I got a "grate" floor seat from good ol' GDTS. "Let there be songs to fill the air."
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16 years 2 months

Not the mail order. It makes sense for mail order to take some time, not pre-sale tickets. "When the smoke has cleared she said, that's what she said to me. You're gonna want a bed to lay your head and a little sympathy"
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17 years 9 months

I was responding to deadheadjac. Hang in there, dude. Your tickets will come. "Let there be songs to fill the air."
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17 years

I see you go to Knicks games. Do you know if the Dead's banner still hangs in the Garden? Just wonderin.
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17 years 9 months

I don't recall seeing it recently, but next time I go I will double-check. I think I noticed that there were banners for Billy Joel and Elton John though."Let there be songs to fill the air."
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17 years

thanks man, it would be nice to know. If B.J. & E.J. are there the Dead should be too. St. Stephen with a rose In & out of the Garden he goes
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16 years 2 months

Whoever's going to the Worc.shows-Did you hear about this Thread Heads thing?-On the DCU home page it says they want to make a huge banner made out of Dead related quilts to welcome the band! I guess they want people to make them and send them in or something.Pretty cool idea, I thought! Also- anyone know what time the lots open and hows the scene in Worcester? I want to be as early as possible! ♪♪justguttapokearound♪♪
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16 years 2 months

Has anyone heard anything about taping during this tour? There didn't seem to be any dedicated tapers' tickets. Will they be allowing people to set up their taping rigs? It would be nice to have some recordings from the shows.
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16 years 2 months

I have to agree bro, it is kinda strange that the would add on 3 shows after they posted tour allready. I'm totally gratefull that they did, i wish there could of been a 3rd nite in Philly in there somewhere! Thats ruff on the flight travel deal though, I feel ur pain there bro. peace- Phatmoye
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16 years 1 month

should have made it 3 for MSG too. i get the feeling there will be 2 more shoreline shows tacked on since the the shows are on 5/10 & 5/14, i bet they will add the 11th&13th at some point.
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16 years 2 months

I noticed that they are a long ways away from selling out the second show so I don't know about adding on 2 more shows. It is weird to have a 4 day break. I was thinking about an added show some place between Shoreline and the Gorge. Cal Expo?? Oregon? Phatmoye - It is what it is. It's just money right? Although money is pretty tight these days. "When the smoke has cleared she said, that's what she said to me. You're gonna want a bed to lay your head and a little sympathy"
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17 years 9 months

No, the banner for the Grateful Dead is not a permanent one. They only break it out for a performance. As was stated earlier, the only music-related permanent banners are Billy Joel (12 show sold out stand) and Elton John (60 performances). To have a permanent banner (such as a retired jersey number) that forever hangs is the highest honor that the Garden bestows. But while the retired jerseys forever hang, it is not absolutely clear to me that the Billy Joel and Elton John Banners have that staus. I think they do, but I'm not sure. Currently they do hang for all Garden events, just as the retired jerseys do. I ordered one ticket from GDTS and got a pretty decent seat in row C of section 6 on the floor. Not the coveted sections 1,2,3,4, but good enough. I've seen many concerts at the Garden, but never on the floor. I'm looking foward to experiencing it, especially the sound quality, which I assume will be better on the floor than on the sides.
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16 years 2 months

It would be great if they did add a couple of more shows between 5/10 & 5/14. I would have to pinch my budget real hard to come w/ the extra scratch for those nights though. Then again I originally only had the budget for two nights and now it looks like its gonna be five. Plus Clapton/Winwood in June. Smile, Smile, Smile! Lady finger, dipped in moonlight Writing "What for?" across the morning sky Sunlight splatters dawn with answers Darkness shrugs and bids the day goodbye Peaceful Journey To You All Saint Stephen
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Member for

17 years 9 months

those are excellent seats. i got row b in section 6 from GDTS. although they are bit further back than 1-4, they are still really close to the stage and in the middle. They are being offered for like 600 bucks on the after market (ie scalpers). see ya there. "Let there be songs to fill the air."
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16 years 2 months

Read this BS emailed to me by GDTSTOO mail order. I was at the post office at 6AM and watched them received my letters. I can't believe that all the cheap seats went that same day. I feel so angry that I either cough up more cash for seats I don't want to pay for that probably still suck, or stay home! ohhhh..... and I almost didn't read the email because subject line read "4-18-09 upgrade!"........ We have received your Worcester order for The Dead on April 18, 2009, but we have run out of the lower price tickets. We do, however, have enough of the higher price tickets to fill your order. If you would like this option then please go to our website and press the credit card form link found on The Dead Spring Tour 2009, fill the form out and fax the form back to us at 415-868-9094. If you do not have a MasterCard or Visa and would like to mail in with a postal money order for the additional money then please let us know that this is your preference and we will set your order aside. The difference of the two ticket prices is $31.25 per ticket. No extra fees will be charged. If we do not hear from you by March 1, 2009 we will send your money order back. Thank you. The Crew of GDTS TOO
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16 years 2 months

Has anyone received their reserved seats from GDTSTOO for 5/10, or a returned money order if you didn't get seats? I'm thinking they would have mailed these by now, and haven't heard yet.... "Get back home where you belong and don't you run off no more"
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17 years 9 months

at the Beacon. $350 for the best seats! Mymyheyhey-- the people at GDST are fine folks. They do a great job and don't BS. I am sure they had a very limited number of cheap seats. Sorry about your situation, but they will try their best to get you a decent seat. "Let there be songs to fill the air."
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16 years 1 month

the dead, the allmans and the doobies at the gorge is 58 bucks thru mail order, how is it that these 3 bands can be on 1 ticket at 58 dollars, yet the dead's spring tour is going for over 100 dollars a ticket and it's just 1 band?? does the gorge hold more then say, MSG? (i got denied by gdts for MSG but never got that e mail, i would have gladly coughed up the extra cash for the higher priced tickets)
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17 years 9 months

I have seen him dozens of times over the years, for which I am quite grateful, but I'm afraid his concerts and I parted company when they started costing 200 bucks.
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16 years 2 months

I think it is very cool of them to offer an upgrade and to give you a few days to come up with the cash. What more can you ask for?? "When the smoke has cleared she said, that's what she said to me. You're gonna want a bed to lay your head and a little sympathy"
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Member for

17 years 8 months

So true. I've been listening to the Astral Weeks Live for a good chunk of the week and have a very deep desire to see this thing in person...but the guy at the record store (it's called the Record Exchange, so I can still use that term) told me about the ticket prices when I bought the cd. My immediate reaction..."And I've been bitching about $100 Dead tickets. Ok, I'm over that!"
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16 years 1 month

Ordered Shoreline for 5/10 -- when will GDTS mail them ??
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16 years 1 month

Thought I had everything sewed up tightHow come you lay awake all night long? I also got the “upgrade” e-mail for the Worcester 4/18 show….and I’m very disappointed in GDST!! This is the first time in 11 years that they let me down. I don’t consider this an upgrade because if I wanted the $100 seats…I would think I would have chosen those seats. If I knew exactly where my seat would be…I might spend the $100…But NO WAY without an actual seat location. I wasn’t lucky in the pre-sale, and I didn’t even give the general sale a whirl because I saw the e-mail stating our orders would be filled…..I assumed that meant filled with what I ordered. Even bothered to do the artwork on the envelope and everything. After all the years and all the shows I just feel let down.
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16 years 2 months

Opened the mail box and there smiling on the top of the pile was an envelope from Stinson Beach! GA lawn tickets and the returned postal money order for my request of reserved seats. So I'm in the door, not on the floor, up on the grass, but I saved some cash!!
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16 years 2 months

Dont feel bad,guys-I just paid over 100 per ticket waaaaay up in the balcony pretty much behind the stage for 4/18 Worcester-I didnt have the extra dough to mail order or do pre-sale when tix went on sale, so I had to resort to scalper scum--But you know what? Im IN-and Im gonna dance my ass off and have a BLAST!!! Keep smilin' guys-It's only Rock-n-Roll!!!!
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16 years 2 months

That's the spirit! I've blown a lot of cash for this tour yes it hurts a little but who the hell cares??!! A year from now when I think back on the shows I'm going to I certainly am not going to be remembering how much money I spent. "When the smoke has cleared she said, that's what she said to me. You're gonna want a bed to lay your head and a little sympathy"
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16 years 2 months

Great attitude! I'm sure you make Jerry look down and smile.
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16 years 1 month

It is what it is….I just know that for me…the time has come to retire from mail-order. I think I was just spoiled all those years with the floor tix and all. It was a good ride while it lasted…but I think I found myself at a dead end. Its more the principal, not so much the money. In fact, when I get my money order back I plan to donate the funds to a charitable cause. For future shows it will be pre / general sales only, at least with those methods, I know right away if I scored or not. I’ve seen plenty of shows to feel more than satisfied…Of course there’s always room for a few more. :-) I don’t like to support the secondary market (just a rule I have)…unless they are selling below face. Still going to LOVE the Dead just the same….just might not get a chance to dance at as many shows. For those lucky enough to score tix to the Spring Tour shows…Congrats and please do shake those bones!!! Hopefully signs of a Summer Tour come soon!!