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  • darkstarjedi
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    I am going to disagree with Big D who says not to use computers. What a lot of folks do not know is that a PC or MAC can be optimized for audio recording. (Think dedicated workstation) The use of good components (cough,nakamichi, cough) is critical, but it is even more important to take the A>D (analog to digital conversion for the non-techy lurkers) OUT OF THE COMPUTER. There are many, many high quality and inexpensive external sound card or A>D options that fill this role. Some are much more than adequate than a pricey professional DAT deck and for a nominal cost. I transfer tapes as a volunteer for a music preservation 501c3 project that myself an a couple buddies began. ( So to revisit what Big D claims, using cassette>DAT for A>D>Standalone CD burner is archaic at best. Why bother going redbook at all? Why not take it straight to 24 bit? If it is my master then I am not going to put my masters on CD at all. They either get streamed at 24 bit on a home theater set up or ripped to a DVD-A for the true audiophile experience. If I happen to trade it to someone else they get a data copy of my master and can rip it to 96kbps .mp3 for all I care. Just don't torture my ears with that crap. ;p Send a PM if someone wants help researching setting up your own transfer solutions, or even help transferring a master or two if you don't want to eat the cost of buying new gear just for a few transfers. Peace y'all...dsj kskreiderATlivetapingDOTcom
  • paisley
    8/27/72 #2
    ...shall we go, you and I while we can... Should that link not work, use this at bt.tree: gd72-8-27.sbd.braverman.16582.sbeok.flacf
  • paisley
    ...shall we go, you and I while we can... If you torrent shows, get this now. This is the best copy available and I'll keep sharing it all weekend.
  • KJ7XJ
    next step
    The next thing would be to convert the files onto the iPod for personal listening. I have a couple shows on it now but their in WAV format so 4-5 shows fill the thing up. I probably will convert them for the iPod but only after I get them onto disk via the above steps. OK on Toast. I have 5.0 from the OS 9 days and its a great program too. Im just being spoiled and using the freeware for now. Eric
  • john olson
    Tape to CD
    I have been using a Sony WMD6C deck plugged into a Philips stand alone burner to do this I get one or two shows a week finished to my liking With 20+ years of aud masters it is a long ongoing process
  • paisley
    mp3 files
    ...shall we go, you and I while we can... The only problem with them is that they take the music and put it in a lossy format. Some people can't hear the difference, some can. The reason these files aren't traded is they are degraded copies of the lossless files you started with. Sometime you might want to look at a spectral analysis of an mp3 file to see exactly how much you lose. The result is suprising! The other issue with iPods are those headphones, which, unless you buy a far superior and costly pair, also degrade your sound. The Ipod devices that will handle 20-40 GB's of information can hold lossless files and, since each show approximates 1 GB of information, you can get a lot of information on them for roughly $400.
  • HeadwayGraphixx
    mac users
    Sounds like you have a nice workflow going. One thing if you are just burning audio cd's you may look at getting toast 7.0 for burning. Since a few versions ago you can put the flac files into toast and select to burn an audio CD. No need to run it through xACT. This won't work for .shn as it's a compression scheme and not a Audio codec which flac is. Takes a big step out of the equation. Lately it seem slike my iPod is my main audio player and I don't burn audio Cd's much. SO I've found a nice converter that works great. It's called Sound Converter and you can find it on version tracker. Cost is $10 and worth EVERY cent. So I've been taking flac or shn files directly to 256 VBR MP3 files. Depending on processor and ram it does not take to long. But as long as it sounds good on the other side I'm ok with the time it takes. It will also convert just about any format to any format. Very cool. Of course the MP3's are for personal use and never traded. I do give them away sometimes though.
  • Deadicated
    I'm thinking of investing in a HDCD player - any thoughts? "From day to day, just lettin' it ride, You get so far away from how it feels inside, You can't let go, 'cause you're afraid to fall, But the day may come when you can't feel at all."
  • KJ7XJ
    Fellow Mac user...
    Hey Headway... Im using a iMac g3 (dv) with a LaCie burner. So far, so good. I also have 3 PCs and the Mac seems to be the simplest to get stuff burnt onto disk. Im listening to 4/15/89 that I got off off etree last night. This was all new to me a few weeks ago and Ive got onto the digital bus after years of analog trading. Heres a simple start up which Ive found (with some help). 1) http// 2) DL (flac or shn) to Azureus 3) decode to AIFF or Wav with xACT 4) use a burn prg (I have used iTunes 7.x and "Burn" 1.7 As mentioned I have Audicity for my analog tapes but have yet to experiment much with it as I am re-treading all my tunes from the above method. I just hope it wont take another 7+ years lol.. Eric
  • dead4evr
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    casseettes to cd'c
    before i got a computer.i bought a phillips stand alone cd burner with analog in puts.this wont make digital cd,s but will let you make some thing to play,down side is you have to trak thim or you cant skip throug the cd and not to many people will condone this for trading.its ok for personal use but try to get some didgital lossless shows for tradin b&p me some cds and I will make you some
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17 years 9 months
Latest and greatest equipment, etc.
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17 years 8 months

Lately, I've had significant delays in successfully completing downloads from Is there a torrent tool to ease the process? I routinely clear space on my hard drive to enable storage, but the download speed is intolerably S L O W
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16 years 6 months

I have 1000+ GD show tapes with about 150 masters of either soundboard>D5 or various studio quality mics to D5 or Nak 550. I'm planning a once-in-a-lifetime transfer of these cassette tapes to digital and would like to discuss with an experienced individual issues such as analog playback, A/D hardware/conversion rates, and software. Thanks, John
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17 years 8 months

help! i knew how to download shows onto my pc from telasugarmegs. now i have a macbook and i can't figure out what to do. can someone help me? i am not that swift when it comes to computer stuff. you can email me at or leave a message here.
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17 years 1 month

I just bought some Memorex DVD+R and the first 5 would not work. At first I thought my burnner was busted. Then my wife game me some HP dvds she had and they worked fine. I tried some in the middle of the Memorex stack and they worked too, I was just the first 5 that didnt. Has this ever happened to anyone else??
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16 years 7 months

Never had a problem with Memorex CDs, must've burned like 3000 by now, and it's only recently I've started burning DVDs (this damn vine addiction, I tell ya ) so I naturally picked Memorex. Now, occasionally, I'll have an issue burning DVDs (near the end of a burn my screen will go black and I have to do a hard reboot; it's happened with two different burning programs) but I don't think it's disc related - then again, wouldn't hurt to try the hp's. Especially with Vinezilla approaching ;*D ! Always thought that Memorex guy in the chair getting his hair blown back was pretty cool, though. Maybe you just got a bad stack of discs. I did get a bad stack once, but they were obviously damaged and I got them returned/replaced. ********************************************* I have a sigfile! --> *********************************************
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16 years 2 months

Ok, so I am new to all of this and no matter how I try, I cannot copy the files properly. I right click in tapers section and copy to my desktop. It does not offer me to download. Once copied to desktop I think its as an html, I cannot do anything with it. I have iTunes on my computer if that makes any difference... I look forward to the assistance because in my world marriage and 2 boys has been one long strange trip and at times I just need to get back to the good ole grateful dead.
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17 years 9 months

the tapers section clips are streaming only, no download.
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16 years 2 months

Thanks. so that means its for our listening enjoyment only when we are online and not when we please right?
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17 years 6 months

Yes, sbarer, you can only listen when online, you can't download them and burn them on CD.
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17 years 8 months

hey i posted a bit ago if anyone could help me with telasugarmegs and a mac. any takers???
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16 years 7 months

I've never messed with the sugarmegs site, but just from reading over it a bit it looks like the site wants Windows Media Player. I'm guessing there is a version of WMP that's ported to the Mac operating system, you might install it and see if sugarmegs is then happy with your Mac. Alternatively, Microsoft has Media Player plugins that will allow the Mac's built-in Quicktime software to deal with Media Player files. Here's the Microsoft webpage to get you started: Hope this helps, MarkintheDark ********************************************* I have a sigfile! --> *********************************************
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16 years 2 months

With the 09' tour tickets coming up for sale next week, does anyone know if they are still doing taper tickets?? I'm just trying to get my ducks in a row. Thanks for any replys... Capturing Live Audio...One Show At A Time...
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17 years 1 month

Would any of the vinners/seeders be interested in a vine with the Trader's Little Helper program. I could include TLH and some easy to follow instuctions, and maybe some cool shn/flac files to practice with. Even if some of you dont keep the shn/flac files in the vines, your cd's will sound better if they were burnt from them instead of wav. If anyones interested we could get it started.
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16 years 2 months

I am looking for info on taper ticket ordering procedure. GDTSToo isnt clear on the pricing for the tickets. I could use some assistance if anyone in the know could help with questions plz call me (334)354-5998. Or post a link with a tutorial from the ground up on how to get tix, to best equipment, to do's and donts. I am pretty green, but eager to learn.~Philip 42% of all statistics are made up.
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16 years 2 months

The prices are clear...true. They just dont indicate if you have to pay for the higher tier tickets for taper tickets. And in the case of Greensboro there are 3 pricing tiers. I found out from the GD hot line that all the taper tix must be purchased at the upper tier price except shoreline which offers taper tickets for the lawn. I am not sure which of the upper tier prices is required for Greensboro. Any other info is always appreciated. I am brand new at this so pardon my ignorance in advance, if I dont sound like an old pro, or make common sense assumptions that a veteran taper would. ~Philip 42% of all statistics are made up.
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16 years 2 months

I've mailed away to GDTS for taper's tix for the cali shows on the spring tour. If I get them what equipment do I need to tape the shows? How does the tapers section work? I've always dreamed of recording the shows I was at, and this is my first chance. Any help will be much appreaciated. thx Longrifle
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16 years 2 months

i made a vid using 2 tunes as background for a video I made and just found it was pulled for copyright violation - it said --- Your video, Grateful Fest 2008, may have audio content from Not Fade Away/Goin' Down The Road Feeling Bad by The Grateful Dead that is owned or licensed by WMG. any suggestions from anyone on what to do - or am I at the mercy of WMG? pat in ohio
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16 years 2 months

GD Management mite call it copy right enfringement, what if you used dso tunes for gdtrfeelin bad, etc.,etc., could they get you for that??? Dude, just let me add that was a great U-tube video!!!! I hate to see it go, it really captured the essence of Nelsons Ledges!!Phatmoye
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17 years 9 months

(and others)--if you use a commercially released track for a YouTube video, yes, it is very likely to trigger the great RIAA computer in the sky and put the kibosh on your video. This is pretty much not news these days; it's related to the fact that when you import a purchased CD into iTunes, voila, it instantly knows what it is. That's the world in which we operate these days, for good or ill. If anyone runs into this issue with, say, the live version they taped in 1986, please say more.
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17 years 3 months

I don`t even copy vines or anything while i`m on line ... you never know what the great computer in the sky will do , or think ....
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17 years

RE: Longrifle - Taper's Tix / what equipment do I need to tape the shows. I see nobody has posted back for your question, so I'll try to answer it. You need to figure on being self sufficient (meaning being able to set your rig up independently - with no power or audio feeds) - but ready to capitalize on opportunities, if they arise (meaning have the patch cords available to take advantage if someone offers you a patch into the board). I would say, at a minimum, the equipment would be as follows: Battery powered tape recorder + extra batteries, Microphones & stands, Patch cords & head phones for monitoring, blank tapes. (or, these days, you could use a direct to hard drive recorder, if you have one). I don't believe they allow video recording, but I'm not sure on that. You could practice setting up your "rig" and recording various things, just to see how it goes & what you need. A collapsable stool *like a coleman camp stool) would be great, so you don't have to stand the entire time. PM me if you want more detailed information.
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16 years

Anyone know of a good source for itunes artwork when playing bootlegs? I've got about a 50:50 ratio of bootlegs & concerts (which don't have artwork) vs. owned albums & cds (which have artwork). Thanks
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17 years 8 months

I downloaded an old Stones concert last night (KC I.rar) I unzipped it, extracting the files to another folder where I now have several files w suffix .m4p Any idea how to put these on a cd? Are they similar to .wav and how do I convert ? First right answer gets a copy!
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16 years 2 months
Permalink This site has a ton of images of tickets, backstage passes and laminates listed by year and then by show. I just right click on an image, copy it and paste it into iTunes. It is great for bootleg shows. If you can't find an image there you might try If all else fails I do a google image search for The Grateful Dead and copy something from there.
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16 years 2 months

I'd like to send my D7 DAT with a friend to the upcoming Shoreline show in May, to patch in with someone. I can't make it, unfortunately. Can any tapers who will be there send me a PM? Thanks.
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15 years 10 months

Hi folks,3 friends and I want to go in on abunch of digital downloads... we can't afford them solo. Anyone know how it would work if we try to share a few different shows on 4 or 5 computers. We aren't trying to pirate, etc... just get the music so we can afford it... thanks, Eric
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15 years 7 months

I have a question, attached to an enigma, wrapped in a conundrum. When I DL a torrent from somewhere like etree, I end up with a file with a name like gd71-10-21newd1t11.wav (after I convert from the flac or shn, only to wav lossless you understand, no mp3 for me!) There is no information attached to the file such as artist, track title, etc. that a file sharing program can recognize as a Grateful dead song. I have over 1000 shows on my drive I'd like to share. Is there a way to tell Windows to recognize ALL the files in a folder as a Grateful Dead song? I don't have time to go through 20,000 files and hit properties for each file and add the info. I guess I know what you are going to tell me already - I should just set up a site for file sharing and offer all this kind stuff as torrents. OK I just talked myself into it. Here's part 2 of the dillemma. I am pretty good with end-user stuff, but I've never even set up anything more complicated than a Myspace page. Dan anyone steer me to a source for step-by-step directions to set up a website with an archive that people can DL torrents from? I can tell your future, just look what's in your hand!
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16 years 2 months

can anyone help a brutha out. I need a few vhs dead stuff transfered to dvd. Of course you can have a copy. bruce
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15 years 2 months

Like duh. (Re: Alpine 89) No, I don't have any tapes to trade but I can and do produce professional quality audio. If anyone would like help polishing up a memory, I can certainly help with this. I'm actually looking for a full-length video of 7-19-89, as this is one of my personal memories, but I'll do this for free... just because I love you. ; ) (And, if such a thing should ever surface on the net, have faith that the proper credits will be given due in the tags and text.) My web addy is posted in my profile. Cheers.
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15 years 2 months

My server is down for a bit, but I don't want this floating and floating around out there anyway, so I uploaded these to a temporary host; if the files remain inactive for a month, they are automatically deleted. (Simply go down to the bottom of the linked pages and follow the link there to download.) Now... this is, more or less, a simple cleanup job. It can be taken a step or two further, depending on how loud and glassy one likes their audio (there is a sort of integrity with analogue recordings that can be a real touchy issue with audiophiles and, believe me, I understand completely) but, basically, what I am saying is that if you give me one of these: I can give you one of these: That's all! Enjoy.
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15 years 1 month

On when I download the mp3 files how do I access it on Windows Media Player? When I try to extract it, there are two copies of all the files and deleting one will delete the other. Is there a way to do this? Thank you.
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17 years 8 months

I have a new laptop with Windows 7. I have no state of the art audio software on it. I downloaded a bit torrent client called Vuze: it did eventually grab a feed off of eTree. Now that I have a bunch of FLAC files, what software works to convert the flacs to wav's? My XP pro desktop computer is now slower than molasses, but it does have an old converter called Flac Frontend. Does it work on Windows 7? Does anyone still use shn files? What's the best program for converting them? Ideally, one program for both file extensions is what I want. I have Windows Media as a player.
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16 years 4 months

Ok depending on what your doing with these files, to be honest its' best to leave them in flac, they sound better. But if you want to put them into Itunes you have to convert to mp3. So long story short the BEST media player around is free. It's called Winamp. It plays streams, flacs, mp3s, movies...almost everything. You don't have to use it for everything ( I use 4 different media players for reasons I won't bore you with) but this is my main one. You can also convert using this program. Which I will link up for you a help file. Winamp Converter Help Page Hope that helps. Critter ♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥ Twirly Banner
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17 years 9 months

what you need is Traders Little Helper (TLH). It does all sorts of conversions. It's what I and many others use. Its quite easy to work out, this vid shows you how if you need help but you will need a CD burning programme too once you have converted FLACs and SHNs to WAV with TLS. There should be a CD burner bundled in whatever is installed on your computer or there are lots you can download. Try good luck. PM me if you have any problems PM me if you need any more detailed help
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17 years 9 months

I just posted this in a different forum topic but anyone know a great freeware program that converts WAV to MP3? Does winamp do it? Please pm me or post the link here if you have a suggestion. Thanks in advance!
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14 years 4 months

to CD then rip the CD to MP3
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Member for

17 years 9 months

...thanks zepthompson that is a good idea, it would work...however for the sheer volume of the WAVs I need to do I would be wasting too many cdrs...still wondering about winamp...
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16 years 2 months

I am using Windows Media Player or Yahoo MusicMatch Jukebox to burn downloads or vines and I am wondering how to eliminate the pause between songs. Just cant seem to figure out how.. I know the people around here know their stuff and sure I will be pointed in the right direction. Thanks
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17 years 9 months

I am using Audacity to convert wav to mp3. I needed to install an additional .dll file but it was still fairly easy to do. Thanks for the input!
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Member for

17 years 2 months

Well, I suppose you can swat flies with hand grenades if you want to. You might also want to check out vlc. On linux, there is a nice simple, easy to use, lightweight tool called Gnome SoundConverter that will cheerfully render entire directories full ot tracks from one encoding format into a variety of others, including mp3 and OggVorbis. Since it's based on the gstreamer backend and built with GTK+ though, I wouldn't be looking for a windows port anytime soon. Or probably ever. As for burning seamless CD's, again on linux there is a tool called K3B that makes this rather simple. Just specify a gap of zero seconds between tracks and voila. Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
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14 years 4 months

I'am interested in an hdcd player. Does anyone know who maufactures them? Are they worth the cost? Thanks from the frozen North.
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17 years 8 months

Allis185: On my desktop pc, I use both Nero or Roxio's EZ CD Creator to make audio cd's composed with .wav files. In order to record or copy from a "good" cd, or from individual .wav files if you're custom-making a song list, select the Disc-At-Once (DAO) feature before recording or copying. I do not know if any free software will have the DAO function.
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17 years 7 months

.hey so i have been thinking about recording shows but have no idea where to which mic's to use what kinda of recorder to buy ...etc... .any certain book to explain all the technical stuff.. do i need my own mixing board... my wife is part of the local music scene i realy what to record her jaming out. any info on where to start is highly appreciated.
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17 years 9 months

people record so much stuff on their phones and upload it to YouTube, I'm curious to know what the more serious are using...
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17 years 7 months

So I finally got my rig up and running and recorded my first show. The band is The Van Burens and they are amazingly good. Please take a listen and tell me what you think of my recording. If you really want to know about my rig sp c-4 > art preamp> pcm-m10. This track is raw no editing at all. jeffrey's world by muddy das
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Definiteky, for a first try. And the tune is quite good too. What instrument does your wife play?
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17 years 7 months

actual my is not on that but she does play tenor sax. The band is the van burens you should check them out. I think you would appreciate their sense of political humor.
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14 years 8 months

Hey gang,Does anyone know of an easy to use program that can tag cover art to MP3 files? (for ex: some nice artwork was created for the "30 Days of the Dead" MP3's. How do I tag the artwork to the files?) Thanks! Peace, Chris