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  • cosmicbadger
    David Gans
    This message was posted today on the Eurotraders list 'David was taken ill yesterday and wound up in hospital in Carson City with suspected Pericarditis'. Sending David all good wishes for a rapid recovery.
  • noonie
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    healing vibes
    going out to all who need them
  • marye
    healing beams all around!
    to all them what need 'em...
  • johnman
    it'll be ok
    they're doin' amazing things these days. i just had a hip replaced and they tell me knees are a cinch. recovery time of about 6 weeks......positive healing vibes out to yer honey!!
  • gratefaldean
    Replacement parts
    "We have the technology"....don't know why this flashes me back to the Bionic Man/Woman tv daze (well of course I know why), but my wife is about to have knee replacement surgery. I think that I'm freaking more about it than she is -- can't shake the idea that they are going to CUT THE "OLD" KNEE (which is to say, her real one) OUT...and if something doesn't go quite right, it's not like they can put the old one back in, can they? Her recovery will be tougher than it could be -- she's had to stop taking the meds that have been keeping her arthritis at bay, won't be able to re-start for a month after the surgery. This will make the re-habbing on the knee all that more difficult, but she's stubborn and tougher than she looks, so I'm confident all will go well. Extra healing vibes request to help through this...thanks all!
  • Linder
    Sending positive Sunday vibes around
    to us all...Always good to stop by this forum and feel and beam back the love and hope. Extra blanket hugs and beams to anyone who's really sad!
  • mrhead
    Hey thanx everybody glad to
    Hey thanx everybody glad to hear about your sis grtud. Sorry to hear about your friends father muy. Positive vibes go out to all. Thanx for the warm welcome. Things looking a little better and I needed the positive outlook. Thanx again
  • free idea
    Strong supporting prayers
    Strong prayers to you, Lily, I know you willbe a great help and support to Jose and his family. Love will cut through the personal stuff, and show you what is really important, often at the most difficult times. We shall go on, perhaps with broken hearts, but we shall endure. Andy
  • johnman
    you got it tiger
    and i'll be sayin' an extra prayer or 3
  • TigerLilly
    Muy triste
    My dear friend and ex boss in Spain just called me this morning with the devastating news that his father died last Wednesday. I had the pleasure of knowing Senor Rey, and am truly saddened by this news. He was such a cheerful, peaceful man, with kind smiling eyes. I used to run into him in the street in Sevilla, from time to time, and he always had a kind word, or would insist on carrying my groceries home with me. Jose, his mother, and younger brother are devastated; and Jose told me that his father died in his arms. He said that the loss has not fully sunk in yet-for example he almost phoned to check on his father this morning. Jose and I spoke for a very long time today, and his deep sadness was striking me very hard. I have a very clear visual image of Senor Rey, and am feeling very fortunate that I had the opportunity to know such a fine person. Jose's younger brother has MS, his mother is devastated, and Jose is assuming the role of head of the family now. He needs our love and support vibes, in order to be able to handle processing his father's death, managing the details of the estate, running his business, and getting through his loss. He told me that his family has been somewhat comforted by the outpouring of support from friends, aquaintances, and former co-workers, and that there were nearly 500 people at the funeral, from all over Spain. Friends, please help me with sending strength and peace and recovery vibes to my beloved friend and his family. It is very strange, as working for him down in Spain was sometimes very very tough, but the fact that Jose had been trying to reach me here in the States, (he tried to call my cell phone several times) so soon after his father's death has reminded me of what is really important-our personal bond is deeper than any professional stress. And to have heard the loss in his voice is breaking my heart. Adios y paz Senor Rey, una persona muy especial. Te vayas nos falta. ********************************** Education: that which reveals to the wise, and conceals from the stupid, the vast limits of their knowledge. Mark Twain
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17 years 4 months
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17 years 3 months

Healing beams to our beloved, and supremely gifted writer and moderator Marye. May your back soon feel as good as we do with you around.
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17 years 2 months

Sending out positive vibes to your mommy!!!Hope all is well!!! Peace,Gigi
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17 years 2 months

was in a really bad car accident late last night! I just found out he is not doing good at all, they dont think he will make it. Im so sad Dave is a grate friend of mine since we were kids. He needs lots of vibes guys, its not good!! Help!!!Peace,Gigi
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Member for

17 years 2 months

((Hugs)) for you, and emergency healing vibes for Dave. He WILL make it, if we all beam him hard enough. Hang in there brother, and HEAL. Beams for marye's back too ********************************** It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine
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16 years 9 months

For marye's back and a safe recovery for Dave. Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
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16 years 1 month

++++++++++++++++ out to marye and Dave
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17 years 3 months

To Dave, hope he can muster the strength to pull through. A good thought for gigi and marye as well.Peace
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Member for

17 years 3 months

Feel better pressure but please hurry up 'cuz you got a lot of friends missing you and waiting on your healthy return... and to gigi's friend Dave...healing beams away... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Walk into splintered sunlight Inch your way through dead dreams to another land" Robert Hunter ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Ray, a drop of golden sun"
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15 years 10 months

for Dave especially and Marye's back and also for my friend Richard who is still in critical care after what turned out to be a fifteen hour surgery the other day, he's in tremendous pain. Peace
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Member for

16 years 9 months

vibes out to all...with extra prayers, hope it helps...i often hafta be reminded that others are in need....steve, mary, thoughts and love and prayers are with you and everyone else who needs them in these trying times. God bless you all!! Forgive me for being selfish
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17 years 4 months

as if! johnman, get a grip!:-) Here, have a few beams!
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17 years 2 months

Healing beams for your back! Hope you get better soon! Positive healing vibes for Richard too! Thanks guys for all your well wishes for Dave, he is still in icu trama and not doing good! Its sad Dave is a sweet heart :( Come on Dave pull through buddy!!
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17 years 3 months

directly to dave and multiply on the way... so sorry to read that 2Gs! marye, how long have you had a bad back?(oh, about a weak back...(snare drum roll)! sorry bout that, get better soon! and richard, heal fast beams 4u! peace
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16 years 9 months

dunno why.....i just had a flash that he's gonna be ok........chin up!!
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17 years 4 months

73, I have managed to reach the venerable age of 61 with no back trouble whatever, but on Sunday I was just bending over brushing my dog and not doing anything weird at all when kablooey! So now I am getting acquainted with the joys of lower-back muscle spasms and looking very silly with a heat pad tied to my back. It's not the really awful kind of back trouble that hurts like hell, but it is quite humbling in its mobility-restricting aspects. So thanks all for the kind beams. (My doctor, who's also a Deadhead, says if it doesn't get better fast I can have some muscle relaxants, but I don't LIKE muscle relaxants, as I recall, so I'm hoping to just heal up!)
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16 years 1 month

continued prayers for all in need Unlimited infinite LOVE everywhere moving in all directions with no obstruction
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Member for

16 years 10 months

Positive well beams to all !! wow Marye you have done well ..I`m ,well ,, younger then you and my back and neck has been seriousley messed up for like 10 years now .. and no the muscle relaxers are not fun to take for prolonged times .. I`ve been on these stinkin pain meds for 10 years , NOT FUN at all .. I`m scared to even try to quit .. I wish i could ...but surgery is not affordable for me .. :-( Take care everyone !!
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17 years 3 months

freeidea says it all. Positive thoughts to those in need. And when you look at the folks that run to give those positive and hopeful beams, you can't help but feel the love.
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17 years 1 month

please send out some postive vibes for my best friend, Kas, who's battling cancer (again) & me to keep it together for her....sigh....xoxox Gypsy Cowgirl
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17 years 2 months

Healing beams to your friend!One of my friends Sandy is battling breast cancer too! What a long road! So feel your boobies...early detection matters! Marye glad your back is feeling better! As for my friend Dave they put him in an indused coma for14 days so he can heal! He is really bad! :( Thanks for all your vibes! Peace,Gigi
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16 years 9 months

and anti-cancer beams for Kas and Sandy. Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
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15 years 8 months

I can't find a job anywhere! I have a job now, but lets face it, 10 hours a week barely even pays my child support. Iv'e put out resumes everywhere, but no one seems to be hiring. I need some mega positive vibes to shine on my career. I'm afraid i am going to be let go within weeks like so many other americans. I really hope obama can change this economy because im starting to get really worried. I understand its not gonna happen over night, but man, somethings gotta CHANGE. For now, im just gonna keep my chin up and hope for the best."I WILL GET BY, I WILL SURVIVE!!!" Phatmoye
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17 years 4 months

my back is much better, I'm walking around like a regular person again, and so I send all those beams back out to those who need 'em!
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17 years 3 months

To Kas, Sandy, and Dave, also to you gypsy cowgirl. Hold it together for your friend.Peace
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17 years 3 months

I suspect that these poor folk who lost everything could use a massive dose of our collective vibes. Am vibing them strength, hope, and as much warmth (no pun intended) as I can********************************** It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine
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17 years 3 months

Her Pulmonary Dr., diagnosed her with lung cancer, but with all the other tests he determined it has not spread anywhere else yet. He said it is operalble with a high success rate!! Her next step is to meet with the Surgeon to see if she is able to go through such a surgery, and to answer any questions she might have to help her make a decision on what to do. With your help, hopefully she will be a good candidate for the surgery and will choose to go that route, otherwise her pulmonary Dr. said it will spread rapidly.Peace
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17 years 1 month

wishing your mom the best! Hoping they catch the nasty beast before it spreads....xoxoxo Gypsy Cowgirl
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15 years 7 months

So sorry to hear about your mom. It is good news it has not spread. My uncle and grandmother both had the lung operation, my grandmother's had spread but the operation bought her uncle was not so lucky. I just read your post that you lived near or in Erie, PA. I moved from NH to Erie in Feb last year. I was so lonely there and although I liked my apt and the lake sure is beautiful, I missed my family, the ocean and thought there were no deadheads, so at the end of summer, I moved back to NH. I sincerely hope everything goes well for your mom. Please know I will keep her in my prayers and send good wishes your way, since we were kinda like neighbors even though we didn't know it haha. God Bless
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15 years 7 months

I know this economy stinks, but you have one thing going for you that I know of, you seem like a person who "thinks outside the box" as evidenced by your taste in music, so use that skill now when you need it the most! Start now to volunteer at where you want to work. Write letters to specific people in Human resources depts detailing your skills and be prepared to do whatever they want to get you in the door. There are some jobs out there, but companies are not posting them because they will be socked with a million replies, plus they have other staff doing the job now so the longer it takes to hire, the longer they get to keep the money....In a nice way, mention to them that this overload on current employees only breads contempt and the work the others usually do may suffer, and the tasks they are taking on they might not do with the care you would devote to it. Check the obituaries to see where someone worked who passed away, then wait a week or so and send a letter (not mentioning the loss) just a quick note with an offer. Also, tell everyone you know you are looking.....Have your resume ready to roll....Know with all certainty that your dream job is coming your way, then listen to the music and wait.....follow through.......and I bet you will be posting in a few months at how wonderful things went. Best of Luck to you .......although you won't need it...look inside and then project outside..... Much love
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17 years 2 months

For each and every one who needs them (do too, can admit it) Also wanna add here let's put our minds together and call Buddy Plant back to us. Or at least that he contacts one of us. Take care, BP, wherever you are, we love and miss you. ********************************** It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine
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16 years 1 month

May the world be free from suffering Positive thoughts to all in need Listen to the music play!
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17 years 4 months

So far so good!!! My Mom talked to the cancer surgeon today, and he said he thinks she has a great chance with surgery, not promising anything he went on to say that they will remove about 20% of her 1 lung and if everything goes well she could have full breathing capacity in aout 3 weeks to a month. Now we wait for the surgery to be scheduled, hoping it will be real soon, as he said that it is a very fast growing tumor. Keep up the good work everyone and thanks.Peace
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Member for

15 years 10 months

Good news!!!!!! Lots of positive vibes for you and your Mom! Stay positive!
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17 years 3 months

Steve-o. The best sentiments and well-beams out to her for a good outcome from her surgery and a gentle and pleasant recovery with those that love her so. When she loves at that babe of yours, I'm very sure there is healing power in those fresh eyes of the world connecting with the doting grandmothers.Take care, Tim The Truth is realized in an instant, the act is practiced step by step.
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15 years 10 months

To all of you here for the positive energy you sent to Richard! I know those vibes helped him, especially those ones from johnman's fridge! He's finally home and recovering. And lot's more positive vibes to all in need (you too Tiger Lilly!)
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17 years 3 months

Hey everybody...I've been away from computers for a while, but I just got a new one so I'm back online. I'll fill you in later...busy busy studies and dad stuff...being busy is great....vibes vibes vibes everybody...we've got positive energy to share with all. Much Love everyone, and talk more sooooon I promise...
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Member for

15 years 9 months

Sending out some positive energy to all the folks who are suffering, and all the others who will be with the situation as it is...When I start to feel overwhelmed with all of the negative energy, I try to stop and focus not on the bad in life, but on what is positive in that moment. My loving partner, my old cat (and young dog), the leaves starting to sprout outside, and all of the loving people on this forum. Thanks for being here!!! Good to know you got shoes to wear when you find the floor.
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17 years 3 months

Well, things took a bit of a negative turn. Last Mon. 2/23 my Mom started coughing up blood and was admitted to a hospital here in Erie. They determined that it was probably the tumor bleeding so they took here by ambulance to the Cleveland Clinic where her cancer Dr. is located. He also felt it was the tumor bleeding and that it may have progressed to another stage. They performed another test to see if it had spread to her lymph nodes, it did not!!! Not out of the woods yet he wanted to see if it had spread upwards to her brain, and so another test was performed to check her brain, it has not spread there yet either!!! Finally they wanted to schedule surgery, but now they felt she needed to regain some strength, as this is going to be a very difficult surgery for her. Instead of sending her back to Erie they decided to perform a couple of stress tests to see if she could survive the surgery, she passed those with flying colors!!!!! Finally surgery is scheduled for tomorrow!! She has 3 Drs. and all 3 feel if they can remove this tumor successfully, she has a very good shot at getting her life back to normal!!! No promises. My brother and I made the trip to Cleveland yesterday for a visit, and she seems to be in the right place mentally to get through all this. We said goodbye after several hrs, and that was probably the hardest goodbye all 3 of us ever had to say. My brother and i both said see you next week we love you, kissed her and walked away. Tomorrow I will go to work and wait for the phone call saying everything went ok!! Thanks everyone!!!Peace
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17 years 2 months

sending out healing vibes to steve-o's mom
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15 years 10 months

Steve-O, lot's of positive vibes and prayers for you and your Mom and family.
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15 years 8 months

I wish nothing but the best for you and your mother, the cleveland clinic has great doctors, one of my co-workers had cancer and after all the steroids an theropy, he pulled through. Youve got my prayers for your mother tonight bro.Phatmoye
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16 years 2 months

Monday would be a good day to send some of those positive vibes and Day-Glo healing mindbeams towards PK, maybe aim some at his wife Julee as well. It is a big day, and will no doubt be stressful for all involved. Just so you know. Hope things work out for the best with your mom, Steve-O. Cheers, MitD ************************************** *The white zone is for loading and unloading only* **************************************