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    By request, a gathering spot for Chicago-bound folks to connect and plan!


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    @ Boo Boo Buddy....
    Fire up.... I'll be webstreaming through nugs.tv... where's your seats? a BooBoo board will be in your inbox on return to RaChaCha.... bet you $20 you get a U.S. Blues.... summertime come and gone, my oh my oh my!!!! Enjoy the ride... they were shit hot and rocking!!!!!
  • geomeister
    Chapter 4.0hhh this must be the Break...
    So it was, and we happily let our ears partly decompress and made sure feet were semi firmly anchored to earth...these sandles were made for dancin and walking, ready set go... ...any tale of Indy would be incomplete without mention of the 009 mosaic, brought to you through and by our guide and resident local, Kurt, da Man... It seemed that our friend knew half of the folks in the house, and throughout most of the first set, half of them visited or promised to visit. Kurt knew friends from the 4th, 5th, 6th etc grades, and he and they and by proximity this cub got to hug, relive, recall, extrapolate on and other wise discuss the daze of yore and at hand. One friend John, seemed to be the senior friend from the 4th grade, and at the break, he was close at hand... ...before we could say which way, whiskers, he said, "Let's go up to the lawn, a friend of yours from the 7th grade is there." We started the long walk up the steps from the inner A sanctum, along the center aisle with the lawn on the right side and the big bowl bowels of Deer Creek seating to the left of us, passing countless deadheads and the like...turned at the center aisle of the lawn and headed up the slope...all... the...way...up...to the tip top...and then looked around for said friend...Kurt, being the more together of the pair of friends, said I dont have a clue who we are looking for, and I nodded, that makes 2 of us, of course...but John assured us we'd find the elusive buddy from childhood. Looking this way and that, no mysterious friend in site...the view was spectacular tho, and the sun was setting over the bowl and giving everything a magical glow that may or may not have been enhanced by anything in particular which may or may not have been going around in gusto... It became clear that the unknown friend had probably wandered away to do those things you find necessary at the break, and I saw the sun set, looked at the flash of color over yonder, and said, let's get back, the bands coming back soon i bet...so we did...and made it semi in time to use our nifty It's not a Bribe passes to the VIP lounge. The whole excursion was perfectly right-on...a mission to visit an unknown friend, a hike through the masses to watch the sunset from the top of the bowl, a chance to see the Whole Enchilada laid out in front of us...so thank you Kurt, thank you John, and thank you unknown and unseen friend...you made it happen... Meanwhile, back over there, a roar went up, lights went up, we lit up, and the band once again came on stage...Set 2 and the journey continues...for the music never stops...this little ditty does, tho, right here, on this Dot.
  • Boo469
    last day at the mine before blastoff
    oh, so hard to concentrate on the business at hand. The rails are patched, the sails shined, provisions stocked, fresh oil and ready to roll. reports from Saratoga to follow, stay tuned
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    awww shucks....you made me blush. Thank you, you're not too shabby yourself.
  • liketohike
    Good Morning Daydreamers!
    Wooo...you boys sure do know how to tell a good story! I will attest to everything these fellows have said. Really the only thing I can add is that this just might be the best group of folks I've ever met and I wouldn't want to spend my "Dead" time with anyone else! Virtual hugs to all!
  • geomeister
    Chapter 3.02468...aka "Who Do We Appreciate" or...
    ...are there two Dr Richies an da house? What are the odds of a Doctor Richie giving a miracle to a Doctor Richie? What kind of cosmic confluences and alignments have to occur for one to fly in from New Yawk, and one to cruise up from Memphis, each wandering their separate ways through the maze in a daze and end up after much twirling around and folderol making, end up face to face ten minutes before showtime, one with an extra ticket and one needing a Miracle? Dr. Richie, meet Dr. Richie...we expect miracles every day...for the cosmic confluences that occur at a Dead show are the stuff of legend and lore, the odds are perfectly in your favor, and who else deserves it more, other than you or me? The show, back to the show...for the Band Beyond Description or this 2016 version of it is on stage and we are a twinkling away from the first chords to today's Masterpiece. Cub reporting being what it is, with the pay and all being at that nickle and dime side of things, this particular version of the evening can and will not be the studious chord-by-chord breakdown of the show...sure, I could say they started with Minglewood, which left half of us wondering what the hell the song was because we are new to the scene, one quarter of us saying I am too old to remember the name of this song, and the other quarter saying I am too high to care...sure I could start that way...but the pay isn't good enough for that... Monday morning's edition of the Daydreamer Daily SunShineNews Dead-a-Gram comes gratis, as the best things in life are free or very expensive...results may differ, void where prohibited, and not available in states ending in Why.... So we left the Minglewood Blues to those still outside, and merge into the left lane, step on the gas, and roar into Cumberland Blues territory. Did Bobby sing better than John? Who is driving, please take the wheel.... Somewhere in all this, someone had thoughtfully brought some of those hand rolled thingies that get passed around so we can all share the same germs and build up tolerance...and as this intrepid reporter looked, ten thousand little glowing joy sticks suddenly started being shared between like heads, no-one missing a beat, and now, suddenly, there were no strangers, only family, and the brotherhood and sisterhood could not have been stronger if it had developed in the womb...I'm rambling now...sorry... No Wait, that's the next song! Ramble On Rose! Finally, three songs in, every living soul cranks it up and sings along with the bouncing rubber ball in the Heavenlies..."Did you say your name was?!" ... Bobby is belting it out, John, Jeff and even Oteil gets to belting it out...and in rapid succession Black Throated Wind, then Geeky's song of all songs Althea and then this silly Sailor Saint of Circumstance ditty are presented to us by a damn good band. Not the GD with John, Jeff, etc, not Bobby and the Midnites, not some take off band with a substitute lead guitar player, and certainly not the band many heard last year. This is a new band...one who has nothing to prove, one born of all silly circumstances, from an off the wall invite to play on a Late Late Tonite show. Folks, it's the real McCoy, complete with Birkenstocks and pajama pants. We have, presented for all to marvel at and party with, a real live rock and roll band that isn't shy, isn't feeling its way, isn't trying to mimic something. It is a new force, and one to be reckoned with...and those in attendance in Indy certainly did get a treat...a music journey that started over here, and rapidly ascended to about that level, then leveled off and the wooossshhh off we go into the wild smokey blue yonder...the set closer left us right at the perfect spot, as Bobby said, "we'll be back in a bit"... Come to think of it, so will I... cheers, The Break, where-in we get to do all the hikey we likey to do, the Interludes and Outerlubes of Deer Creek, and Set Two, as well as the famous Two Dollar Grilled Cheese Sandwiches, the Lot...and a Golf Cart Ride too? Who ever heard of a golf cart ride at a Dead show...this ain't the Masters..but wait...go feed the parking meter of life, let out Puppers she hasta pee...and stay tuned for the noon edition....all will be explained...and if you're still reading, the answer is 42. ...and now, a word from our sponsor, "It Depends"
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    Just One Thing That I Gotta Say....
    ...but, I digress..... The whole Indy thing fell in my lap, after a little prodding from geopleasecometodeercreekmeister and the gentle persuasiveness of Devil's Friend, "don't be a pussy and just come to the f*cking show", a line right out of Dale Carnegie's How to Win Friends and Influence People, I scored a ducat in sec. B row T under face, a last minute miracle, the elusive room at the Cambria, which by the way was sold out and overbooked and a promise of a ride from King George in his chariot, I took the plunge. But wait a minute....you know you make me wanna shout! Dammit, there I go digressing again....a few days before the show, a fellow head in da Buff calls and asks if I can use a two in sec B row N, same section and row as Miami n Ozark btw as he can not make the trip due to work commitments...and those tix are gratis, so who is this mongrel dog to pass up A Nice Pair...Adam unloads his seats, becomes my wingman in all things illegal, immoral and fattening in those kickass seats, 2 rows behind pit center stage... So here we are about to enter the gates of heaven and I still have one in sec. B row T, walking around the lot with Ozark and Devil's Friend by my side, I happen upon a middle aged stoner, joint in mouth glassy stare and drooling, my kind of folks, I ask quietly "who needs a ticket?' Looking up he asks "how much?" I reply that we can talk money later, so I whip it out....the ticket that is, show it to him, and say, my friend I have been blessed in life, isthmus be your lucky day, he takes one look and says c'mon is this real? These things don't really happen...I assure him it is real,it is spectacular and it is free, and you have been miracled...sticking my hand in my pants again...get your minds out of the gutter perverts, I produce a I need a miracle button, provided to me by geopartyfavorsuprememeister and hand that to him as well....he asks what he owes me, I ask for a manly hug and the opportunity to have Matt and Adam snap a few photos, and most importantly the promise that he would pay the act of kindness forward which he eagerly agreed to. He obliges as Likey to Hikey looks on in awe and endless wonder, whilst biting her lower lip and trembling with excitement she like what she sees. (Hoo hah said in my best Pacino) Turns out said miracle recipient is a professor, a PhD in English at the University of Memphis and shares my name, he is a Rich as well and at end of the festivities gives Ozark and Miami his business card which I used to later fire off an email to him along with a picture of our exchange courtesy of Adam... So Devil's Friend and I pregame with brews and some hippie lettuce as Miami and Ozark wander off to the merch table.... It's moments like this that drew me to the culture that I am proud to be just a small part of.... What was that Sarge? "I need a woman about twice my weight....ride her like a surfer, ride her on a tidal wave..." anyway, time to take old leg humper for his morning constitutional.... Happy Summer children! I NEED A MIRACLE EVERY DAY!!!!!
  • geomeister
    ..but wait, if you act now...A Miracle!
    you might get one more pre-show story first...and we all need a miracle of one type or another. Richie, our esteemed dus briver of FTW lore and a righteous part of this Indy six-pack, had an extra ticket and is fixin on helping out someone who is need of one... He is strolling through the crowd with Adam our fearless packer of all things cold and combustible, ready to go in, and he stumbles across this gentlemen in dire straits...Oh No! Richie says, and a Miracle ensued. Lest I forget the details, or get the gist a bit wrong I will leave that part of the story to Richie... Meanwhile, the band starts strumming and we hustle to the A flank of Indy's Deer Creek, somewhere in front and under the pavilion...the other 2/3 of the Daydreamer six-pack had staked out Sector B, smack dab in the middle...as our friends take the stage and start strumming.... The Dead and Company have started to Paint their Indy Deer Creek Masterpiece! Descriptions of such a Painting would be far beyond this cub reporter's skill level...suffice it to say that on the morrow, time may be taken to describe in such inadequate terms as can be mustered, the succeeding three plus hours of musical melodies... As the weekend edition of the Daydreamer Daily SunShineNews Dead-a-Gram goes to press, rest easy...for we know the music never stopped... in this case, has found a new foundation. A band that has jelled. A band that knows what it might be capable of doing. A band that hops on the carpet and floors it...the story will continue, as the music never ends...
  • geomeister
    Chapter Two, the sixpack become three pair, and interlude, and
    Don't forget your towel..as this restaurant and Dead show at the Indy corner of the universe is one that leans towards the self sufficient side... One more thing, Agent 009 had previously left nice "Welcome to Your 30-Hour Spaceship Home" gifts at our hotel. A suspicious aroma gently wafted out from one...maybe a hint of something that could create the illicit smile of song and lore...so Richie and this intrepid reporter carefully accepted said gifts and awaited the possession of our hotel room keys...upon receipt, we eagerly took the elevator to the top floor, worked our way through a maze of corridors, found our collective rooms...adjusted our tinfoil hats and opened the packages. It was no coincidence we were adjacent to room 420...mine was 418, and Sir dus Brivers was 419 as i said earlier, cattycorner and readily available for a stumble-athon. Fun ensued as we discovered our new digs and dug into our gift packages, but you'd have to buy us a cold one for that part of the story... Ok the show...Agent 009 and I strolled through Participation Row, a couple of vendor booths, found some cold ale on tap, discovered a tight ass front gate agent for the VIP lounge who said we have no more wrist bands available and are sold out. Burns, busts, bummers and ripoffs, thwarted from one of our goals. Kurt, being a local, took that as a challenge and said to the cute but stubborn guardian of the gate to cold beers and clean toilets, "Honey, you've got a whole bunch of wristbands on your arm, Shirley you cant be sold out quite yet..how bout we give you 20 apiece for a couple of those wristbands on the top...how does that sound". The little lady at the gate suddenly realized she had extras, and gladly handed us two wristbands to the coveted VIP inner sanctum...this reporter looked at her and said in his higher than a kite and quite amazed voice, "Did we just bribe you?" She smiled and said demurely, "Why no, you just bought a couple of passes, step right in".... We heard the crowd start a roar and knew a part of a band beyond description would be taking the stage, so we hustled to our seats...and the next part of the Sunshine Daydreamer story continues...
  • JeffSmith
    Text-Free Zone
    Hey Rich, Just wanted to remind you that I can't text from up here in the hinterlands of west Texiz. No cell service. Nada! I know that's so "20th century", but I try to make up for it when I get out in "civilization".
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Member for

17 years 4 months
By request, a gathering spot for Chicago-bound folks to connect and plan!
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17 years

LOL. I used to live on Lake Erie. You should see the little ponds they call lakes down here. I'm always like, that is not a lake, that's a retention pond! Hotdogs ain't nothin' but beef, lips, and assholes no matter what kind of fancy Chicago toppings you put on it! I do like catsup on my turkey dogs though. :P
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13 years 7 months

Hey bro welcome....thanks! So glad I made it!,,, Knew I forgot something..... Always put others needs before mine..... God I love this space...and this space is getting HOT!
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Member for

11 years 5 months

I take it those were out of my price range I gave you guys...looks like some of us ticketless are filing in. Glad you guys got something. I will keep playing the waiting game and see what happens. So far not too worried anymore, if it happens, it happens, if not; meh, how does the line go? I will survive...who said this would be Touch of Grey x 10? (so true)
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13 years 7 months

In my best Jerry Lewis voice... So glad you made it, Totem brought the Chicago Deep Dish pizza, Still got some brew and T is coming back with some Tanguerey n wine.
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Member for

11 years 5 months

Um seeing as I am from north of the border, I can't bring - ahem - anything special to the party, however I CAN bring some honest to goodness Canadian snow...still lots of it around and at this rate (and knowing where I live) still should be come July! (kidding - it will all be gone by at the latest late June)
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13 years 7 months

It's snowing balls here and its Spring!
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11 years 5 months

you kids in upstate NY have it sometimes worse than us - granted it is way colder where I am, but that is a function of the fact I live near the g'd arctic circle...f-you Saskatchewan (how do you spell or say that again?!?). Nothing sends a chill through the spine of someone living near the great lakes like the term 'lake effect snow' read - utter hell and massive accumulations. I grew up near D-town and typically got around 10 to 15 ft of accumulation every winter...just mother nature took mercy on us and got rid of it by say early May...Where I am now, she just flips the bird at us and says "suck it up buttercup"
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17 years

I do not miss the stiff wind and ball-shrinking wind chill blowing onshore from Lake Erie. Eh, rrrrrgrrrr? The only buttercups ever sucked up was my ball sack into my body cavity. I say Eh? because I could see Canada most days from some point. The only difference between Buffalonians and Canadians is, well there is none except the accent. Eh? But, Labatts Blue is not considered an import there like it is here. I love your beer Canada! At least I don't have to deal with all those Canadian quarters in my pocket anymore. Does this have anything to do with SSD planning? By Friday, my mind just turns to mush. Sorry for the rambling. I think my frantic Friday ramblings scared clowns off the other forum. p.s. sorry ladies, I'm, pretty sure you didn't need to hear all that ball talk.
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9 years 7 months

'nuff said, eh?
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Member for

13 years 7 months

Well said my man...When me n da wife moved here, I told my mother in law in NYC sez it's cold. I sez So what it's cold? so we'll wear a coat! We got coats here brah... Hey pass me a Labatt Blue ...ehhhh?
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11 years 5 months

EWWWWWW! Do love the green bottles south of the border though...I grew up in the home of Labatt's and only drank it for fear of any friends of mine who worked at the plant seeing me drinking something else...they got PISSED. Anyhoo, we do have coats, but this whole 8 months of winter thing has to end...drives one a bit batty to be honest. Now back to our regular programming - I have lots of ice for our beer and maybe some for margarita mix! AND WE DON'T ALL SAY EH! (actually I do - seemingly only when I travel and people are looking for it, it seems to creep out...weird)
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9 years 8 months

Welcome Kurt E Komo Mai
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13 years 7 months

step off bro.... I'm the greeter here... Ahh, it's ok....I need a break bro...as you were... Did you get your cerveza?
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17 years

I really want to be on that cruise. Please keep an ear out for any tickets you see. thanks.
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13 years 7 months

Walking across the sitting room, I turn the television off... Sirloin medium rare with garlic mashed and asparagus .... Tofu n salad for the veterinarians...you don't eat meat... Suppers Ready children... Come on in...grab a plate and pass it on... Weekends here, I shot my load, see ya all on the other side God willing, and the creek don't rise! Peace peeps...rrrrrgrrrr out....
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9 years 8 months

Okar Rjjrrjjjrr Rich Sir, you had me at the Sirloin. Something tells me we're gonna get along just fine. Peace, come back in. g
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13 years 7 months

Just when I think I'm out....they pull me back in!!!! I leave you all with this.... There's an angel standing in the sun, and he's crying with a loud voice, "this is the supper of the mighty one".... Lord of Lords King of Kings Has returned to lead his children home To take them to the new Jerusalem Sweet Home Chicago!!!!! Now eat what I cooked, I slaved in that kitchen.... At least Kyle and Fred had the courtesy of making an appearance at the last supper.... Not you Judas....hey he's not in our club.....is he Fred???? Somebody get me a doctor!!!!!????
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13 years 7 months

Have some steak potatoes and asparagus...it's getting cold... Anyone goin to Merriweather? Bueller, Bueller?....
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Member for

9 years 7 months

Hey geomiester or anyone else for that matter, do you have a copy of the March 31, 1984 at Marin County Vets Hall? I've tried to re-acquire it over the years to no avail.
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Member for

16 years 5 months

Well my friend?? After reading last night's posts, only one thought comes to mind: The bottle was dusty but the liquor was clean... Happy weekend peeps :-)
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9 years 7 months

These messages sure do pile up when we get distracted! Well it'll take me a "minute" to catch up (ie. the weekend). Kristine though - sister. Great tip on the bikes! I love that the more progressive something is, the more old-fashioned.... Yee... Soon days will turn to hours... Nightzzz.
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17 years

tapes? like TDK? I'm not sure I understand what you are looking for. Are you a time traveler?
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13 years 7 months

coffee is on, having southwestern omelette today...feel free So glad you made it and found what you were looking for.
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Member for

12 years 5 months

You just nailed my favorite breakfast, Dead On. That's what I order everytime. With rye toast.
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13 years 7 months

2 pieces rye toast coming right up, we have butter and pomegranate preserves....
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13 years 7 months

check your pm....
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Member for

16 years 5 months

Please check your PM - thanks !
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13 years 7 months

I have reviewed your application, checked all of your references and you passed the audition... drumroll please...... SO GLAD YOU MADE IT!!! feel free to poke around while the boys sing round the fire...
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Member for

9 years 8 months

Always wanted to be able to cook and ride a bike at the same time.... Welcome aboard, SirBike g
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12 years 5 months

The rumors already going around that he will be giving live demonstrations at the picnic. I can't wait to see it.
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9 years 6 months

It's a soundboard show. Definitely accessible. Not quite so lost. PM me if you can't find it - I have it.
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Member for

13 years 7 months

Can I have my $20 bill back? I thought it was a loan?.. Just got back from those caves in the hills of Utah... Dude...way overrated... Beef stew on the stove....save some room...should be ready in about an hour... Welcome back....
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Member for

17 years

I was just having a stressful battle with bots to get an after party ticket. I blacked out. First vision was Salavador Dali sipping rum on a melted clock wearing pajamas. The second vision, a klown on a mini-bike driving off a cliff yelling "take me home Jerry!" i dunno. got my ticket though.
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13 years 7 months

Klowns to the left of me Jokers to the right... Here I am.... Yo mofo...how many more days.... Sails rails planks....???? Across the Rio Grande ..... Stop slacking there hoss!
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Member for

17 years

The rooster did not crow today, but the crow did caw. The shadow on the dark side of the moon points to 97. 97 I say, the remaining time to cleanse the liver, grow some New Mother Nature, and get ourselve's in festival shape so we can once again gather and dance each day aware until the sun demands we celebrate again. That's right ladies and gentlemen, patch those sails and shine those rails! An odyssey lies on the horizon. Look! for it appears far, yet is near. o.k. I think I owed y'll a little more today since I'm late, I'm, I'm late, I'm late. Down the rabbit hole I go again.
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13 years 7 months

....he's a regular Lord Byron Back to the old grind....on the Dark Side of the Moon... Hey you, yeah YOU get back on the path!!!! On my way to ask Alice....I think she'll know!!!
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13 years 7 months

courtesy of Totem... varmint stew, sausage gravy with buttermilk biscuits and collard greens, Cain's bringing pecan pie... Supper's Ready.... Off to see the Wizard!!! See you all in the am, having Jamaican Me Crazy roasted coffee ....fresh ground.... Peace peeps...
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13 years 7 months

Coffee is on... Trying something new today... Fried plantains... Herbal tea from Grandma's Tea Room in Negril... Make yourselves at home, and I know you will.... Goin' out back to do some cliff diving!!! if anyone sees Totem, remind him to trim the sails and shine the rails....and all that other stuff he does Irie....
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Member for

17 years

Only 96 days until showtime. 96 inverted is 69, yin and yang, tangoing fish, Pisces. Wildflower seeds are planted. May the four winds blow us safely home.
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Member for

16 years 5 months

What would a morning be with out our daily Totem greet and rrrrrgrrrrr menu item(s) :-) Happy and blessed Palm Sunday to all !!