• 191 replies
    An excellent suggestion from Hal R., picking up on a thread in another topic: how did you get on the bus? What was that moment that left no room for doubt? Probably no two stories are the same, but they're all probably pretty interesting, so tell all here!


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  • marye
    great story fluffhead!
    I especially agree about how frustrating the hit-or-miss quality of who gets it and who doesn't can get. But the WHERE HAS THIS BEEN ALL MY LIFE? moments do kinda make it all worthwhile.
  • fluffhead042
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    Great stories!!!! Here's mine!
    First it should be known I was born in 1983 and never got to see Jerry or The Grateful Dead live...I'm a modern day Deadhead- I drive a new minivan vs a VW bus and maintain a full time job/career but still catch shows as much as possible....I always thought "The Grateful Dead" was some sort of gothic, dark music and it just never piqued my interest. Ahhhh...ignorance-not always blissful...I grooved "The Doors" and mainstream classic rock primarily because my Dad did and went on listening to a variety of music (country, rap, rock, modern radio hits) until I believe 2004...I had experimented with psychedelics in CA after high school a handful of times but none of my trips involved music, usually just exploring, walking around, watching pixar movies (another story) all that good stuff-still good times of course...3 or 4 years later-after moving to AR-I heard about a music festival in Salem, MO called "Schwagstock" (held and founded by a GD Tribute band called "The Schwag") that presented an opportunity to revisit my post-high school "experiments"...so I went...I went to a couple of these festivals without even experiencing the music...just kinda showed up, got what I was seeking (usually staying in the tent watching it breathe) -still thinking the music was dark and gothic I went home and enjoyed the party favors there...NYE of 2005 I was waiting to meet a "friend" who said he'd be there after the show to take care of my "needs"...the show ran long and I found myself waiting for The Schwag to end the show so I could get what I wanted...already in a psychedelic state of mind I finally heard the Dead's tunes...it was the very end of the set when I showed up... I remember them playing "NFA", "casey jones", and I believe "one more saturday night" to close the set...I was quite shocked...these tunes were anything but "dark and gothic"!..quite to the contrary...I had a revelation then and there...I went online when I got home and ordered a DVD-"Truckin' up to Buffalo"...dosed myself...and put it in....the rest is history...WOW...Jerry's soul on Ship of Fools and Morning Dew brought tears to my eyes...the jams on Playin and Terrapin, the variety of sounds: blues (walkin blues), country, jazz, raw pschedelia (space), love songs (LLR) it was all there...it embodied everything i had always liked in music but it was all in one amazing band!!!...I watched it twice throughout that trip alone and was mesmerized both times...seeing Jerry and Brent playing back and forth during NFA had me smiling...goosebumps...the keys on Man Smart, Woman Smarter...ahhhhhh....I was thoroughly "ON THE BUS" after that....4-5 years have passed and I've got every Dick's Pick, every studio album/live release, every DVD, I'm a self-proclaimed "vine slut", and my now GF and I work at the Schwagstock festivals hosting a wine tasting-it's a blast (imagine a hippie wine tasting)...Dead tunes just don't get old to me-it's the improvisation, the love, the community, its a package...they've opened my mind up to soooo many other bands/sounds I would have otherwise never listened to (String Cheese Incident, Keller Williams, Widespread Panic, Yonder Mtn., New Monsoon, I could go on for pages)...I am forever GRATEFUL...I feel I would have seen the light at some point (all good things in all good time) but definitely have to give credit to "The Schwag" for officially turning me on. My only problem is that I can't understand how some folks don't FEEL this music-it borders on frustration but ultimately acceptance...I've attempted, successfully and unsuccessfully to turn others on and it's literally hit or miss-the "hits" make it all worthwhile though....The GD have changed my life...for the rest of my life...I never truly heard music...I merely listened to it...The GD cost me a relationship (thankfully)-and helped me to find my current love and soulmate-we also met through "The Schwag" indirectly and my current GF truly *feels* the music like I do, whereas with my EX every song was "that same ol' shit on again"...she just couldn't appreciate the improvisation or instrumental jams the way I do-every Playin' was the same ol' song...anyway, good riddance! I WILL listen to the GOGD for the rest of my life, it's just a shame it took so long for me to allow it into my life...I totally see my current GF and I 80 years old in our recliners and walkers smiling back and forth jaws ajar when Jerry catches a hot groove or laughing when Brent or Bob drop a F-bomb-it cracks me up ;) ...The Grateful Dead and the whole community has made me a better person, added a soundtrack to my life, and introduced me to the love of my life...I am certainly GRATEFUL for The Schwag and other GD tribute bands for keeping the vibe alive and for exposing younger people to the LOVE The Grateful Dead bring to your lives and ears. This music transcends time, age, sex, color, and creed and will continue to do so forever...there will always be torchbearers...it will never die...Jerry will always be with us. "not dead...just grateful" :) THANK YOU GRATEFUL DEAD!!!!! and THANK YOU DEAD TRIBUTES!!!! "In a bed, in a bed, by the waterside I will lay my head. Listen to the river sing sweet songs, to rock my soul."
  • marye
    the old days of vinyl and killer flu in college...
  • gratefaldean
    The Bus
    I posted this a little while back when an archive post for the Europe 72 album popped up. I realized later that it was the best description I could think of that explained how all this happened for me. There's more, of course, but this definitely was the start... Freshman year in college, my buddies were off on a trip for the weekend. I'd come down with some killer flu-ish thing and had to opt out of the trip. I had been starting to get into the Dead at the time, Live/Dead and Skull and Roses were the two albums I had and the only two I'd ever heard. I liked them, but I was a long way from considering myself a Dead freak (old-school terminology) or even thinking of the Dead as one of my favorite bands. One of my departing friends dropped off his newly-acquired Europe '72 for me to convalesce with. This was a godsend, as it was a 3-album set, so I could stack it on the record changer and listen for a long time without having to move. I threw it on the record machine, plugged in my headphones, and collapsed into bed. Aside from bathroom trips and an ill-advised venture to the commons for food, I pretty much holed up in my room from Fri night to Sun morning, wracked with fever dreams and flipping the stack over whenever I could work up the energy. Somewhere along the 3rd or 4th listen to Jack Straw, everything became clear...you know, it clicked, I got it and everything else on the record and every other thing I'd heard from the GOGD. I was definitely in an altered state of mind from the fever (oddly, I thought at the time, not unlike tripping), but the musical infusion triggered an epiphany that weekend. A tranformative time for sure....I probably haven't been quite right since -- but I sure wasn't wrong. I get amused when I read the compilation-vs-full show debates that rage with every RT release right now. Compilations were all I had to go by back then, and without this one...well, I sure as hell wouldn't typing away this long boring reverie about my favorite Grateful Dead recording...Europe '72.
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    Thanks Toots!
    The bus came by & I got on... Where is really began for me was my sister (I call her Toots). Why, because we would go to these huge outdoor shows & we needs a way to find each other. I would yell TOOTS in the crowd. Since no one else would respond or look over it worked for years. Anyway it was in my room, She brought in a album what is now known as the Skull & Roses album. We listened to it a bit & put it away. I was more into Yes & Pink Floyd at the time. Then in '74 I stumbled across it again but this time I really got into it. Then i started to get into Working Mans Dead, American Beauty & Mars Hotel. This is all before my 1st show a Roosevelt Stadium. I was getting into it pretty much by now. Then Englishtown rolled on in. We road tripped their bought a little gas grill which I kept till a few years ago. NOw that was the icing in the cake. 155,000 people at that show!!! I waited all day & night for that Terrapin Encore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "No matter where you go, there you are..." Buckaroo Bonzai
  • Birdsong1969NJ
    Thanks Mary
    It was quite the day. "Circle songs and sands of time, and seasons will end in tumbled rhyme, and little change, the wind and rain."
  • marye
    GREAT stories
    thanks for telling 'em!
  • JackstrawfromC…
    9/29 - 10/1 1989 Shoreline
    My first shows age 19. 6 of us pile into my toyota pick up and drive from Colorado straight to the Shoreline parking lot. To see Estimated Prophet in California on various hallucinagens with my friends whom we shared a trying drive to CA and back was just unreal. then we meet some very cool Heads from the area who led us up this hill .... sorta by the beach ... somewhere ... sorry very foggy .. memory terrible ... :-) to where a lot of people camp out and we hung out there for 3 days. That whole experience was when I knew I was on the bus and in the family. It was more than just going to a concert. I was a part of a whole environment. Great memories! "And I'll call down thunder and speak the same. My word fills the sky with flame. Might and glory gonna be my name and they gonna light my way."
  • Birdsong1969NJ
    How I got on the Bus. By Birdsong1969NJ
    Well, this is a long time coming I guess. People around here that know me, know me through The Vineyard forum topic as I am an addicted regular. I saw my first live Grateful Dead show June 30th, 1985 out of necessity. I was 15 years old and had run away from home that May. I was living in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. I was a bus boy and lived in an apartment above a pharmacy on the main drag. I lied about my age to work, and attract roommates. Well. I was a stupid kid, and one afternoon I decided to try and shoplift a carton of Marlboros from the pharmacy downstairs. To make a long story longer, I got caught by the owner (who also owned the apartment upstairs…you see now how stupid I was!) trying to leave with the smokes under my shirt. He told me to stay put while he called the cops. I ran out the door WITH THE SMOKES! (This is important, as you will see later). Well I ran clear across town and hid in a cluster of bushes until way past sunset. I basically tiptoed back to my apartment, which was also the scene of the crime. I knocked on my door and a very pissed off roommate answered the door, as I started to step inside, he pushed me back out. I won’t tell you what he said to me except the fact that my belongings were in the dumpster in the back. Luckily my belongings consisted of a red frame Kelty backpack with a sleeping bag, and assorted summer cloths, OP shorts, Van Halen Tee-shirts, maybe one pair of tighty whities, a sleeping bag and a journal. I collected my belongings and took my remorseful ass to the beach to sleep. I had maybe $20.00 and could not go back to my busboy job to collect my tips in fear of getting busted by the local police, so I went to sleep hungry that night, but I sure did have a lot of smokes. I awoke the next morning probably more scared then I have ever been in my entire short life. I had no idea what I was going to do. I collected my things and started to walk towards the highway to hitch hike back to my parent’s house in Wilmington. I was going to give up my burst of freedom over stupidity….I deserved it. I walked about 15 minutes without a ride. I remember it being a hot dry day, which was uncommon for the Middle Atlantic States on June 30th. Humidity usually prevails, but there was almost like a hot Santa Anna wind. Finally a big hulk of an American gas-guzzling monstrosity pulled over. A guy with shaggy shoulder length hair and a woman whom I instantly presumed was either his sister or his girlfriend because they were dressed very similarly in some kind of very colorful Indian looking clothing. There was a scent in the car, that I never smelled before, but I would smell it a lot that day and on into the future. (I later learned that this smell was patchouli oil; a scent worn by road weary hippies to mask the smell of their natural “musk”). The back seat was full of shopping bags and two coolers, but they made room for me. They asked where I was going and I proceeded to tell them a lie of how I was just visiting some friends at the beach and hitching home. They told me they could only take me about 5 miles until we came to the highway, because they were going south, and me north. It seemed, as they were going camping so I asked. They laughed and said, “well sort of”. They told me that they were going to catch 3 Grateful Dead shows on the east coast and then they were driving to Ventura, California. I had heard of the Grateful Dead, but never gave them much of a listen. I was big time into David Lee Roth and Van Halen. They optimized what I wanted to be at the time, a hard rocking beach bumming party animal. I loved Van Halen. Then, fate stepped in. They decided to pull over to a Tasti Freeze to grab lunch. I was starving so I spent some of my limited funds on cheese fries. They ordered cheeseburgers without the meat, which created quite a stir amongst the teenage employees. They started talking about the Dead. I was very curious so I asked questions further while wiping cheese wiz off my face. They explained they made and sold some kind of vegetarian wrap at these shows to fund going to more shows. I asked what would ever possess then to see the same band in concert over and over again. It just did not make sense to me. They tried to explain Jerry and the music in combination with the community and acceptance. I still did not get it. I asked for the third time, why would you ever want to see the same songs over and over again? Finally the woman (who was the guys wife) said; “why don’t you come and see for yourself”. The said I could ride with them to Columbia Maryland and go to a place called Merriweather Post Pavilion. They also said that I would be able to find a ride up 95 no problem, as it was a straight shot from Columbia to Wilmington. I said OK. The truth was, I had nowhere else I felt I could go. I did not want to go home so this was it for me. We showed up at the Post in the early afternoon. They (sadly enough, I never remembered their names, gee maybe I could have found them on Facebook) said that I could leave my stuff with them and that I should go look for a ticket. I had not told them I had but $16. So I grabbed a pack of those ‘Boro’s” and went on my merry way. I walked around the rolling hills of the Post just checking people out. Everyone seemed to be in such a state of happiness, and were all in a hurry to do nothing. I remember thinking later that the lot seemed like a colony of technicolor ants, all scurrying with purpose. Show time approached, and I did not have a ticket. I was not really looking for one either, but I was growing more curious about this attraction inside the fence that all these thousands of people were here to see. I started walking around the parameter of the venue (and this next part I am not proud of, but like I said, I was a stupid kid) and I noticed these guys climbing the fence behind the concrete bathrooms. They were just climbing the fence and walking in. So I tclimbed the fence, and I seriously just walked right in. No security guards were even 100 feet from me. So, sorry boys, but I scammed ya outta $12.00 for a lawn seat. I walked around the lawn for a long while. There was that smell again! I remember seeing and feeling the anticipation in the crowd. I could just not help but feel that everyone was waiting for something really important to happen. I remember hay. I was thinking that this was such a strange thing walk on. I realized that this hay was creating an immense build up of dust between my toes and on my ankles. Little did I know that this was just the beginning of the dust! I had stopped to talk to this group of people sitting on a blanket. We were just smoking and chatting and laughing. I was really starting to have fun. In the midst of this chat up came a roar from the pavilion and the folks I was hanging with just dissipated from my existence. BAM! They were gone. They scattered like rats at the 34th Street Herald Square Subway Station when an N Train screeched in. At this point it was hard to know what was going on because everyone was jumping and screaming. Then suddenly, “On the day that I was born, my daddy sat down and cried!!!!” People started twirling, pointing triumphantly towards the sky, hugging, high fiving and were generally were absolutely captured by the moment. At this point I became somewhat intimated by what was going on around me. It was an experience that was completely foreign to me. It was quite a sight to see thousands of people grooving on the same thing but all being completely SO different at the same time. It was overwhelming to me, and I kind of had to back off a little bit. I went to the back left side where there was fresh air and trees and sat myself down against a tree, lit up an infamous Marlboro and proceeded to collect my thoughts. I just sat against that tree and watched it all happen for the entire first set. As the set wore on, I felt more at ease. These multitudes of people were revolving around this music. I watched group conversations, hackie sack circles, smoke outs, busts, wandering lost souls, a naked man, again, a bust, twirling, falling down, back rubs, more smoke, a deal, a jealous boyfriend, a chase, another bust (there’s that smell again!), rejoicing, uncontrollable laughter, a heavy make out session, scared preppy girls walking rapidly towards the exit, summersaults, juggling, piggyback rides, someone sleeping, and then I heard my first “We’ll be back in a little bit”, and it all came screeching to a halt! Funny though, I was feeling kind jealous that these people were so care free and were having so much fun. How was it possible that this music (which was barley audible all the way in the back) could create such an invigorating, soul-reviving scene where people just did not care about what anybody else thought? Well I decided to see for myself. I smoked another stolen butt, and made my way down the decimated hay stack, or lawn if you will and camped out along the fence separating the “hay” from the money seats. The sun had started to go down and I started to feel that anticipation rising thought the throngs of dusty deadheads (I had learned that was the name of these people). The darkness seemed to add a whole other dimension to this scene. It was hard to see where you were or who you were next to. Things were getting a very surreal feel to them. This scene was a little piece of irony of events forthcoming in my magical evening. Suddenly a skinny bald guy with a beard, no shirt, and some of those colorful Indian looking shorts with a fanny pack so full it almost looked like an old time life preserver stopped and sat next to me. He stared at me for a second before saying hello. He was very nice, a little strange, but nice. He kept staring off in different directions as we spoke. I told him briefly my story of the day, and how I was determined to see what made this scene tick. He asked me if I really wanted to know? I replied something like “Yes of course, that’s why I all the way up here in the middle of it.” Then he fished around in that fanny-pack of his and took out what looked like a silver cigarette case. He took something small and held it out to me. I asked him what it was and he gave me a brief technical explanation and then said (and I will never forget this) “If you really want to know”. He put this small thing on his (very large) tongue, swallowed and smiled. I somehow felt that I trusted this guy (only God knows why!) and did the same thing. He hugged me and told me not get scared and he was gone. Vanished! The lights went down. Absolute pandemonium broke out. The dust became a consistent part of existence. I honestly thought I heard thunder, but it was just the opening of what I think is now was top 5 Shakedown Street. For the first time in my life, I felt bass. The sound was so much clearer and louder then my first set experience. I started to move to the music without even realizing it. ‘WELL, WELL, WELL, YOU CAN NEVER TELL!’ The final jam seemed to never end. It would gain momentum, hit a crescendo, and then fall, or change speed, and it would gain momentum again to a fever pitch. I was open mouth; drop dead flabbergasted by this music. Shakedown ended to what seemed like a drum solo, but then I got my first “feel” of Jerry when he ripped the first note of Samson and Delilah. That note injected my soul with Jerry and he is still in there today. By the end of the song I was jumping up and down pointing at the pavilion and screaming “I’M GONNA TEAR THIS WHOLE BUILDIN’ DOWN! Then a pause, and then some tuning. Then a very familiar riff. I just knew the song, but couldn’t put my finger on it, but boy I was shaking my ass to it. “Well, my temperature's rising' and my feet on the floor, Twenty people knockin' 'cause they're wanting some more, let me in, baby, I don't know what you've got, but you'd better take it easy, cause this place is hot. I’M SO GLAD YOU MADE IT! It just all started to really make sense to me. What was making sense, I had no idea, but I started understanding something. Lost in the music was this little thing the skinny guy and I lunched on about 30 minutes before. I had really forgotten about it until I started laughing hysterically during He’s Gone, because I really thought the lyric was “Steam Locomotive, FLOATIN” down the track”, and I was actually seeing a brilliant steam engine locomotive floating above the crowd under the pavilion! The funny thing is I remember not feeling surprised by this. I just went with it. Not surprisingly the rest of the show is really foggy, and I honestly have little recollection of anything after drums. The show ended and I know that I found my way back to the car where my pack was because my next memory is walking around the dark lot with my pack and a beer in each hand. It was a chilly night and while I was walking around the raucous campers and coming back to Earth after my first Grateful Dead inspired space walk, I noticed that I was starving. I had had nothing but Tasti Freeze cheese fries in the last 24 hours. I rounded a corner and came upon a campsite. Two guys were sitting at a picnic table talking and drinking beer. On the table was this enormous spread of bagels, cream cheese, cucumbers, tomatoes and other assorted goodies. I thought about asking if I could buy a bagel off of them. I reached in my pocket to see how much money I had left. Much to my dismay I could find nothing. I looked all through my backpack, but the only thing I had that had any monetary value was 8 packs of Marlboro’s remaining from the carton I jacked. I mustered up the will to approach these guys hoping they smoked, and needed smokes. I said hello. They turned and greeted me in a cheery fashion. I remember telling them that the spread on their table looked so good and I would love to trade them some smokes for a meal. The guys looked at each other and one of them told me that neither of them smoked. I started to turn away when one of the guys stopped me and invited me back. I joined them. A full beer and an empty plate were put in front of me. They told me to dig in. I spent the next hour eating, drinking, and talking to these guys. They were college students from the University of Pittsburgh. I told my story. When they understood I had no place to go, they invited me to spend the night with them. First they led me to a water source because I was brown. I had a layer of dust on me that must have been a quarter inch thick! I washed up, they gave me space in their tent, and I passed out. I do remember it being a very restful sleep. I ended up spending the whole next day with them, and getting a free ticket from a friend of theirs. We went are separate ways for the show. My memories of that night are not nearly as vivid for me. I remember being completely comfortable being one of those people I was jealous of the day before for having the freedom and comfort be whatever they felt like being. What a feeling it was to be one of those people. After the show my Pittsburgh friends would not hear of me trying to leave that night and they fed and took care of me again. As a matter of fact, they invited me to ride with them to Pittsburgh the next morning for the final show of the East Coast summer swing. And so I went. I ended up hitchhiking back to good ole’ Wilmington after the Pittsburgh show and sucking it up by going back to my parents, but I was well on my way becoming part of this community. For the first time in a long time I fely like I belonged. In 48 hours, I had been shown so much kindness and generosity, while having more fun then I have ever had in my life. I had also challenged my own mind and perception of reality and came out on the other side smiling. I felt like I was an explorer at the beginning of a voyage. There was so much yet to see. I was home. I think back on how powerful this experience was in my life, as it really has defined me. 6/30/85 defined where I have ended up. It defined who my life long friends are, and it truly defined my journey in life. Just think, how shoplifting .a carton of smokes changed it all. What a day. P.S. Being a parent now, I realize how bad this story may make my parents look. Well, it was pretty bad, but I was no joy to them either. We are all tight again now. Being a kid is hard. The morale is: try your hardest to make your kids feel accepted and loved no matter what. Love will prevail! "Circle songs and sands of time, and seasons will end in tumbled rhyme, and little change, the wind and rain."
  • Anonymous (not verified)
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    Gos Save The Freaks!
    I read Tom Wolfe's book The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test in 11977 and I was on the bus. I dropped acid for the first time in 78 and found out the bus was me & I was the bus! What got you on the Bus? Kind of brings you to ask the question "What does being on the bus really mean?" A lot of deadheads use it as a metaphor for getting hooked on the Dead. But "The Bus" is a bigger concept than that, in my mind. It means tuning in, turning on and dropping out of your "typical city involved in your typical daydream." Which is saying, like, how did you get deprogrammed from the bummer of middle-class oblivion? How did you find alternative ways of thinking and doing things? If you went back to the plastic mightmare and got caught up in accumulation (he who dies with the most toys wins!) then you got off the bus! At least, thats what it means to me... Kesey and the pranksters put an ersatz bus in the Smithsonian and then took a wild, wild freshly painted one out on tour some time around 97. I caught up with their act in Ann Arbor and it was just like in the book. Hangin' out, blowin' bubbles. Totally comfortable with being a freak. What did Hunter Thompson say in Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas? "Just another freak in the freak kingdom." Like the bumper sticker says, God save The Freaks!
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Member for

17 years 9 months
An excellent suggestion from Hal R., picking up on a thread in another topic: how did you get on the bus? What was that moment that left no room for doubt? Probably no two stories are the same, but they're all probably pretty interesting, so tell all here!
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17 years

People have always called The Dead scum. People have always called them biker criminal scum. Today - those same people have grandkids who call everyone a Nazi and scum and criminal scum. Republicans LOVE to call people Nazis. They all have rich Jewish friends and it just works for them. Call someone a Nazi - score points for the same blue bloods that beat up all of our grandfathers. The same people still rule America and can't change a tire, man. The useless aristocracy of sleazy gamblers who inherrited Daddy's cash. But hey - I've played tunes for billionaires before. It was pretty fun . . . I got drunk and ate well. Don't get me wrong - I'll play for anybody at this point. Just the act of someone actually listening to ONE NOTE from my guitar is enough to get me to play. Sure is frustrating. People think they know what I'm about and what I'm going to sound like without hearing me . . . when I'm just a Deadhead from California, man.
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16 years 10 months

"One way or another, one way or another,One way or another, this darkness got to give." You're posting your rants on the wrong site dude... I no longer wish to hear you play, you sound like a real dick...perfectly honest.
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17 years

"Please don't dominate the rap, jack, if you've got nothing new to say.If you please, don't back up the track this train's got to run today. I spent a little time on the mountain, I spent a little time on the hill I heard someone say "Better run away", others say "better stand still"." Flufhead - you DO realize that song is about Altamont? The trouble with the Hell's Angels? Well, I had Hell's Angels for neighbors back in elementary school. I'm not in a hurry to blacklist them from my shows just because of one little incident. You should hear my rendition of, "Rocky Mountain High". I totally ROCKED that song recently. I can't wait to trip Deadheads out on that song, man!!! WOO HOO!!!
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17 years

I no longer wish to hear you play, you sound like a real dick...perfectly honest. Er . . . lead guitarists are supposed to be misunderstood and rebellious. It's a team captain thing, son. Rock n roll.
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16 years 10 months

Do you know that one of the things that make Grateful Dead lyrics so special is that their meanings and interpretations are timeless...in this case I was applying the lyrics of NSWBoogie to you and your pointless, senseless, inappropriate, and highly repeatitve rants...your methods of self promotion are comical at best, certainly not productive...I'm definitely not gonna be rushing to one of your shows or buying, much less downloading your music knowing it comes from such an unhappy, angry individual...relax bro, where's the love? Take your hate elsewhere "If you please, don't back up the track this train's got to run today." "In a bed, in a bed, by the waterside I will lay my head. Listen to the river sing sweet songs, to rock my soul."
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17 years

Isn't that a Hanson song lol?? Mmmmmmmm bop. Maybe you should get into Hanson instead of the Dead, dude. Nothing wrong with that - and Taylor Hanson STILL looks enough like a girl to shag even though he's married and has 2 kids.
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16 years 10 months

Isn't/wasn't Hanson that teeny-bopper group from the 90's?Wait a minute, judging by your previous post u have clearly been following their career(s)...hmmm "lead guitarists are supposed to be misunderstood and rebellious. It's a team captain thing, son." .....Perhaps you should get on Motley Crue or Black Sabbath's message board...Not that of The Grateful Dead...Jerry and his message was clearly understood. "In a bed, in a bed, by the waterside I will lay my head. Listen to the river sing sweet songs, to rock my soul."
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"Isn't/wasn't Hanson that teeny-bopper group from the 90's?Wait a minute, judging by your previous post u have clearly been following their career(s)...hmmm" Of course. I follow blondes anywhere. It's a California blonde thing - you wouldn't understand since you're not blonde and Californian. I am - and yes my eyes are blue. I'm thinking of dyeing my hair blonder. ".....Perhaps you should get on Motley Crue or Black Sabbath's message board...Not that of The Grateful Dead...Jerry and his message was clearly understood." What you say is true only if you're into late eighties Dead (the Midland era). If you're into that slowness you should stick to the old Dead shows. My shows are more young and have more energy. For instance, I'll probably never play the song "Looser" by the Dead. I play "Looser" by Beck instead. I haven't burned a guitar on stage yet (like in Beck's video) but I'm sure gonna!!!
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17 years 8 months

Well...kids...It was the first time I dropped acid. It was Sandoz. My friend had a friend who lived in Livingston New Jersey near the Sandoz Lab where they first started making the shit in the U.S. The guy had a friend who had a connection. LSD was not yet illegal. He came down to Miami where I grew up. I was in my late teens...1968. It was good pure stuff and we dropped and went to Greynolds Park which was the hippie hangout in North Miami at the time. My buddy was experienced and hipped me to what to expect, etc. He was way into Leary and the Politics of Ecstasy on the East coast and Kesey and The Pranksters on the West Coast. It blew my mind permanently... in a good way....cosmic consiousness baby. As we all know, or should know, the term "on the bus" (You're either on the bus or off the bus) was originally coined by Kesey during the Prankster psychedellic Bus trip across country. It kinda became a metaphor that meant when you tripped and "Got It"...The whole on the bus thing regarding being a Deadhead came later...like...after they got on the bus. Memorialized in "That's it for the Other One". Now... go to bed kids...sweet dreams.
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16 years 10 months

The song is titled "Loser" by both the Dead and Beck..."Looser"...not so much...and it's "Mydland", not "Midland"...I hate to correct anyone's spelling, but for a self proclaimed Deadhead one *should* be able to properly spell these things...not to mention "Looser" is a word and is naturally pronounced and defined differently than "Loser"And what does the energy of the band have to do with my response to *your* initial statement? YOU: "lead guitarists are supposed to be misunderstood and rebellious. It's a team captain thing, son." ME: ".....Perhaps you should get on Motley Crue or Black Sabbath's message board...Not that of The Grateful Dead...Jerry and his message was clearly understood." My implication being the fact that Jerry (lead guitarist) and The Grateful Dead's overall message and vibe they had was pretty clear...the songs were and are open to interpretation but Jerry was pretty clear about his views and people understood him/that.... And I am from Fresno, CA...so you follow blonde teenage boys "anywhere"....hmmmm..disturbing would be an understatement. "In a bed, in a bed, by the waterside I will lay my head. Listen to the river sing sweet songs, to rock my soul."
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17 years

You like the Merry Pranksters? My Uncle Dan Fincher is in the other room right now making a recording. He's played with Hendrix, B.B. King . . . he knows everybody in the music business today and lives in Oregon where weed is legal and he lives near some original Merry Pranksters. He can see 'em any time he wants to. Geez - got any questions you want me to ask Danny while we're ripping bongs later this evening? Lots of Deadheads in Oregon btw . . . it's pretty safe and good there except there's still some Crips and Bloods activity. F.Y.I. my brotha. Yo . .. you sure you Deadheads don't want to listen to a SINGLE NOTE of my music?
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17 years

with you on that bro, you are either on or off, and even you made a stop in between your ticket is good forever, catch you at the next stop, hahahahahaha. further baby yea.
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Member for

16 years 2 months

I went to my first Jerry Garcia concert on 10/24/75. The Dead weren't touring then and when I bought tickets to hear Jerry again on 4/1/76, rumors were circulating that perhaps this was to be a Grateful Dead show. It turned out that Keith and Donna played on that date, but the rest of the band was hanging at home. But in June, the Dead began to tour and I bought tickets for the July 2nd show at Roosevelt Stadium in Jersey City, NJ. I'd been to the stadium before. It was an old, broken down piece of concrete that held maybe 30,000 or so people. Being as the show was scheduled for just two days before the big Bi-Centennial celebration, I figured this would be one for the ages. It would also be my first Grateful Dead show. But as luck would have it, it rained on Friday, July 2nd and instead of taking place the following night, as the ticket promised, the show was postponed until August 4th. All good things come to those who wait though. On August 4th, with the sun just starting to set behind the stage, the Dead came out and launched into Sugaree. There's a great video of this song that circulates and I can tell you that everyone was as happy to be at this long-awaited show, as the few folks on screen appear to be. I remember literally laughing out loud when the show started, I was so excited to be there. Big River (which has never been a favorite of mine) was especially good, as was The Music Never Stopped. And I was really pumped to hear the band end the first set with Scarlet Begonias. At the Intermission, I hung out in the field area with a couple of heads I'd met, going over the first set. We had agreed that it had been much better than we'd expected when we were interrupted by a lot of noise coming from the stage. A magician/juggling act was up there, blowing folks away. Fireworks were to follow too, as this had originally been planned as the Bi-Centennial show. The second set opened with Help On The Way > Slipknot! > Franklin's Tower > Dancing In The Street > The Wheel > Samson And Delilah. I was right down front for all of it and recall being completely overwhelmed at hearing The Wheel. It was the one song I'd wanted to hear the most when I arrived that night. The singing was particularly good and I had to admit that Donna more than held her own. I went back to where my group of friends was sitting in the stands for the rest of the show. The guy sitting next to me (an old childhood friend) tossed a couple joints to people in front of us as the band started playing Sugar Magnolia. That was his favorite tune and they wailed on it for over eleven minutes! We got a Johnny B. Goode encore and the show was over. What struck me the most about the whole night was that I'd tapped into a community of strangers who were as passionate about something as I'd ever seen. Yeah, the Dead were a great rock 'n roll band, but there was something else going on and I wanted to find out what it was. I was on the bus and it was heading out of town, with me on board. "When it comes to humility, I'm the greatest!" - Bullwinkle Moose
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15 years 11 months

I grew up--or perhaps failed to grow up--in Santa Fe, NM in the late '70s-early '80s. In middle school, a friend became fanatical about the Dead, but I hadn't heard much--I'd already abandoned commercial radio for NPR, and only heard tracks from "Go To Heaven" around school. Then three events over a couple of years:1. My dad owned a portable hot-tub business--we had a huge wooden hot-tub on a trailer and we'd deliver it to people's homes for a weekend for a flat $100 fee (remember, this was 1979). At one house we were invited to stay for the party. Walking through the house as the party started, there was an absurdly beautiful woman dancing alone in the middle of a persian rug to "Uncle John's Band." Entranced, I stayed and watched and listened and the music entered my soul. 2. Bobby and the Midnights played Santa Fe at a very small, acoustically perfect venue, the Paolo Soleri Amphitheatre. Two summers in a row, I saw that show--the last one ending with the audience so enraptured that they stood and demanded encore after encore, even after the house lights were on, and the crew was sweeping the stage. 3. The Dead played Santa Fe at the Santa Fe Downs racetrack, 10/17/82. My parents (God bless, they were (and are) wonderfully weird) borrowed my school's bus and took my classmates and me to see the show. They got box seats, we all stood 40 feet from the stage, dead center, and discovered the beauty of religious experience through Dead music. Though I'm not the most active deadhead in the world, I've had at least one foot and both ears on the bus ever since. Now if only they'd come back to Santa Fe...
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17 years 8 months

has to be cleared. The song is about the Stones hired the ha to take care of security by GD recommendation. What finally was not. Enjoy the music and share the LOVE!
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16 years 1 month

DUDE, GO ON A PICNIC OR A LONG WALKMaybe phish has a post board you can jump on to. "You can never stop learning," Phatmoye
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16 years 1 month

I LOVE YOU MAN!"You can never stop learning," Phatmoye
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17 years

I feel much better after working out with a friend. Besides, he has really nice pecs. Deadheads are starting to respond to my posts. I even got a private message. As things improve so does my mood. It's physics as far as I'm concerned. Yes, I have some negative vibes. However, I'm not the origin of these vibes so if you really want to nip it in the bud, you have to go deeper. I think I may even get a head or two to listen to my interpretation of the Dead's songs. Suddenly I've got an urge to go to Hawaii and play for Hawaii Deadheads. My Grandpa (Bill Fincher) uesed to go there with my German grandma (she played bass) and they jammed out for folks. That would be cool. I wonder if I would do some diving and paint some designs for ties just like Jerry did if I was in Hawaii? Sometimes the Jerry similarity in my personality disturbs even ME. It sure is wierd. Must be the acid, man.
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17 years

My Dad is a semi-fameous guitarist so . . . when folks listen to me play and remark positively about my skill . . . I usually just let it go and don't tell them the TRUE STORY of how I learned how to play guitar. In reality my Dad never taught me a thing. Geez - it's almost like I went into the woods and had a bunch of fairies from the Other World teach me the scales and stuff for their own trippy purpouses. I've learned to omit a lot. I don't lie - but when I tell the truth like God is supposed to want me to people don't understand or think I'm making stuff up. I really ain't. My life is wiiiiierd dude. Peace, -E
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16 years 1 month

Vibes are changin up for the better Parcher. Peace be with you. Hawaii sounds nice rite about now."You can never stop learning," Phatmoye
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17 years

Let's not get Jesus freak here - heaven could mean another plane of existance or just about anything. After reading a very interesting article in, "Rolling Stone" I always pictured him in Hawaii painting with a funny hat and a robe-like shirt . . . making a savage slash with the brush just as some waves come crashing up against the rocks and the spray almost hits him . . . even though he's safe from the surf up on the cliff he's on. The cliff has grass and flowers and it's a majestic sky - with signifigant clouds just on the verge of darkening into rain clouds . . . If only we could see what Jerry is painting on his canvas . . .
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17 years

Hell yeah. Nothing like having young people around you to cheer you up and lift the spirits. I think I'll try and score a hug this afternoon.
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16 years 11 months

It was the summer of 89 and I had just finished my sophmore year in high school. I was at home just getting ready to have some lunch when my dad's friend Greg came over and said "I got you guys some Grateful Dead tickets for deer creek" . I was like oh boy great can I get some acid there. Typical teenager I guess. Well the day of the show finally arrived and we get to Deer creek at about 1pm and the place was already gettin crazy. As we were walking around the lot we saw some guy puffin on a bong so we went over and sat down next to him. We fired up some of our Indiana stank bud and he was pleased. After a few minutes we asked him about some doses and he was like "oh ok" and pulled out some blue unicorns (Remember those?). I bought 5 of them for a buck a piece. I was so stoked and couldnt believe that I just paid a buck a hit. Shortly after that as we were just sitting next to the van a couple of cops and security guards tap my dad on the shoulder and say "Just put it out on the ground" . Well needless to say the hippie dude freaks out and starts dumping his nugs onto the ground. The cops says "na man you dont have to dump it out, just dont let us see ya smokin it" . The dude starts putting his buds back into the bag and the cops just stroll away. We were like did that just really happen?? I proceeded to take 3 doses and we all got up and started walking around. Not much more to say but I was so on the bus after the show.
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17 years

I miss those. I think I had 2 sheets of them once. I took 4 and got into lotus position at the beach and was peaking watching the waves roll over me as I sat on the wet sand just below the surf. I felt like that dude from, "Stranger in a Strange Land". Pretty intense. I then played guitar with Liquid Lacy on the boardwalk and soon we had a wall of flesh around us. All the cops saw whenever they rolled up was people's backs. I was working on my fameous rendition of, "Franklin's Tower" even back then. They rhythm sort of took over as the sky pulsed and the tide started going backwards. Lacy had glowing gold spheres circling around his head and our music made the ground vibrate.
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17 years

Yeah - that immage helped me through some tough times. I would picture that majestic face serene and calm and my troubles would melt away and disintegrate into tie dye swirls. I really think Jerry was trying to get folks to give stoners a break. Bridging the gap between Yuppies and Deadheads. Yuppies can be pretty trippy - and they love to drink wine!! We all love to trip out on nature and be creative. It's just that some are more creative than most, that's all.
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anutha jail & he told me about the gig & that they (prisoners) were due to clean up after..i was to meet up & pass a "Parcel"..so I snuck into the festival & got m'self up a tree ,dropped a few tabs :) 7off I went really loved NRPS,& thought the guitarist looks like he's havin fun!!later on the band played on into the night . I came down both from tree/trip & promptly forgot!! till I went to jail m'self!! since then never looked back ,been all over travelling Spain/France?marrocco have been my home(S) for over 25yrs ,came back to uk (Sick0 & my ol lady got a laptop for her Univ; work & i googled theDEAD..hey presto!! here I am.... i was kinda "At the Bus- Stop y could say,it arrived, & I got on..no idea or direction, & what a long strange/wonderful trip it's been. So good to re-connect "electronically" after all this time,feel a fossil with my vinyl lps & record player!! Kindab old & in the way... but ramblin on still !!
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the above post is the 2nd part of the tale, but can't find it now?? i got the bus 71/72 on EURO&" tour & it looks as if I still can't see/type/find stuff I post !!JIMI C....:)
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17 years 9 months

it's here, I think. On the Bickershaw Festival show page. (Geeky aside: I found it very quickly by searching for "Borstal," a word that just isn't commonly used here and that I remembered being in the post. Brought it up right away...)
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15 years 11 months

i met my college room mate at freshman orientation & he had a steal your face sewn on the back of his jean jacket.. & had a couple of friends who had just finished their freshman year of college & had started to turn me on, but once my first day of college arrived & i heard birdsong i was on board... 9 months later (june 26, 1988) i saw my first show...
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17 years

I first heard Truckin when I was in high school and that was the only dead song I knew for a long time and I really liked it. I heard Touch of grey later when they did the (1987) video. I wasn't really hooked until I attended my first Dead show of 92 in Vegas. I knew from that point on I wanted to see them as many times as I could and get my hands on any bootlegs that I could. Little did I know that I was going to be an adventure like Ive never been on before.
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16 years 1 month

I found the dead purely by accident, a punk with multi colored hair until i entered into the military. Came home got a job and boy was that security gaurd cute. took me to a hockey game and played scratchy dead tapes all the way there. I kept thinking what is this crap. By the second date I was hooked. In fact I was so hooked, that I listened to my first show on the radio, back when they used to play the new years shows on the radio. Had no idea what I was in for. I slept over night for the tickets and drove to the lot the night before my first show july 89 and never looked back, I don't know if it was the drum circles or the food or the people or that feeling of belonging or the strawberry pancakes in the morning before the show or just the kindness. I was soooooo into it I drove all the way to Giants stadium non stop just to experience one more time less than 24 hours after my first show. 20 years later I have the same butterflies as I pull out the old stuff that has been boxed up for the last few years and prep for tour. I have never gotten off the bus, time just marches on faster that I can and leaves none for slowing down to listen to the music play
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15 years 8 months

Generally, it was hearing their WB albums and seeing The Grateful Dead Movie. Oh yeah, and one of the New Year's concerts in which "Hell in a Bucket" just steadily blew me away. Big time. Unfortunately, I was never able to see the Dead in concert. Came this close sometimes, but something always seemed to happen and the tickets never came through. Did get to see the '94 Floyd tour, though. 11th row on the floor, dead in front of David Gilmour. When the fireballs erupted, I just basked in the heat, since I'd given my flannel shirt to a friend so she could cover up. Gets cold up in Birmingham at night.
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17 years 8 months

26 years ago today, in fact, at this very hour 3 PM, I at 19 arrived in Richmond VA with a general admission ticket to see the Dead at the Richmond Coliseum. This was about the 8th show I had ever seen and it was different because I was brave enough to go the show with quite casual friends, In effect, this was truly my first Dead show basically alone. The weather was a day very much like today. Fall in the south, crispy bright sunlight, upper 70s, to cool down to upper 50s on the overnight. These were the days of Dead shows where the floor was all general admission and they were never sold out. Anyway, I do not remember much of the pre-concert festivities, I do remember that the party materials were awesome. The Show I remember the inner joy when the lights went down and the band took the stage…..I was on the floor near the sound board in front of the tapers……The band tuned up for what seemed like an eternity….a full 2 minutes of tuning….endless…..then broke into a seriously musically intense Song 1 Feel Like A Stranger…..Jerry’s jam at the end showed he was seriously on tonight and I remember him teasing us with a few Franklin’s Tower licks…..then, another long tuning and I moved closer to the stage….the folks that had crowded up dissipated some……Song 2 Friend of the Devil, a crowd pleaser but not my favorite….slow song that doesn’t match my buzz….The jam was long and mellow…..more people left the floor in front of me so I moved ever closer….by now perhaps half the floor from the stage….Jerry-side…..Song 3 New Minglewood Blues…..body rush, great song, tight band, great smoking version….it was an on music night……I danced my way closer…..from Minglewood…into Song 4 BROWN EYED WOMEN….one of the best songs ever….closer and closer I danced up…..at this point I was 10 or 15 feet from Jerry and mesmerized……..I had plenty of room, owing to the huge barf splat and a naked dude dancing to left of me….no matter, I had the Dead and I was so dancing with glee….and Jerry and I made eye contact….my first direct eye contact….Jerry - such a nice person…..Song 5 Cassidy...yay…Song 6 West LA Fadeaway….Song 7 Hell in a Bucket….at this tour both songs were brand spanking new…..finally Song 8 DEAL….a great version, great first set…… Set 2….after a lot of dithering and tuning….Jerry, obviously playfully annoyed with Bobby, who Jerry wanted to pick the song and Bobby didn’t….breaks into a set opening Day Job….odd but true…..then…..and I say then with incredibly body rushes as I type this…into Playin in the Band – Jam – Crazy Fingers…..this was and remains one of the best 80s dead playing in the band jams…..and crazy fingers…..”something new is waiting to be born”…..drums…space….s smoking Truckin out of space….incredible Spoonful….Wharf Rat….again me, maybe 4 or 5 people deep directly in front of Jerry….mega eye contact….into the continuation of the Bobby play fight…Jerry starts Sugar Magnolia….then Bobby changes it to Good Lovin!.....”you may be weak you may be blind…but even a blind man knows when the sun is shining….cuz he can FEEL IT….”……oooooo got to have lovin! US Blues encore….and me from this moment on a forever Dead head. This show, this day, changed my life. God Bless the good old Grateful Dead.
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17 years 9 months

that's quite a show report!
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17 years 8 months

wow all i can say was back right after harvest in 73 ish...i went to Winterland as i always did .. i think it was a three or a five day run,,,,,,,,,,,,,, but that did it
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15 years 11 months

I had a deja vous which began earlier that afternoon and kept recurring. The mini-journey into Red Rocks is quite trippy...like another land...I knew I was walking into a time standing still zone and just kind of went with that. I was with my sis so it felt like home. Linda Ronstadt was playing before they went on and somewhere in that space I entered the bus stop zone. Flash forward to today and all the miles inbetween...think being on the bus is the moment when you can completely show up as yourself and vibrate freely with the perfect c and g sound that's in everything. They have that sound going on..that gift, so it's really when you are able and ready to tune in to the offering...
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15 years 3 months

Ever since I was in my mothers womb i was a complete dead head. From the night my mom found out she was pregnant up until she went into labor my dad would play the dead to her stomach every night, not missing a night. It's in my blood and bones I feel I was developed by the grateful dead. My first show (i remember vividly, not including shows of a young girl) was absolutly amazing. It was at the Gorge Ampitheatre and I had never felt so right in my entire life. Just amazing. All people reading this would probably agree The Dead isn't just music, it's a way of life that just moves you so deeply. To just dance under the stars, and feeling as free as I felt that night words can't even explain It's my way of life, I live for the music, and it's the best!
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15 years 1 month

My first show was at RFK in June of 1993. I was 14 years old. It really opened my mind to the Grateful Dead's music. I didn't know any of their songs. I was there with my Dad, my brother and my best friend at the time. We saw everyone jumping over the gates to get down on the feild. I figured it was a once in a life time chance, so I grabbed my best friend by the hand and we ran down to the feild! Sting was playing at the time. We made our way up the field and found a good spot to stand! Everyone was dancing to the music and so were we. We liked "Uncle John's Band" the best because of the line "How does the song go" ... we could relate! Ever since that show I have loved the Grateful Dead! Since then I have been listening to their music and in 1998 when I was 19 years old I hit the road with the Further Festival! The Grateful Dead has brought me so much joy, peace and happiness! I hope to keep touring as much as I can! Thank you!
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Member for

16 years

My father was responsible for my interest in music, and more specifically, my journey with the Grateful Dead. A little background: after a brief obsession with 80's metal, I moved on to classic rock throughout high school. The Doors, Pink Floyd and Jimi Hendrix were my preferred sounds at the time. The Grateful Dead were very much under my radar except for the typical top hits overplayed on corporate radio stations. One day it finally clicked for me. I was on a road trip with my dad and the Grateful Dead Hour came on the local public radio station. We were just flipping through channels so it wasn't like this encounter with this program was planned at all. Playing In the Band was the song at that moment. I never caught the date of that particular performance but my recollection of it tells me it must have been an early version, guessing '72 cause it went WAY far out. As I listened to this music something in me turned on. This was the music I had been waiting for! I was completely enthralled, and I HAD to get my hands on more of this stuff. Sidenote:It is hard to pinpoint why this music hit me as hard as it did. I like to attribute it to the fact my dad introduced me to improvisational music early on (mostly blues and jazz). I recall dancing to fusion jazz (Miles Davis, Weather Report) when I was very little. Anyway, on that same trip with my father, we went to a record store and I immediately went to the Grateful Dead section. I pulled out two cassette tapes: Blues for Allah (because I loved the artwork), and Two From the Vault (because I recognized the stealie). I brought my tapes to the counter and amazingly, the cashier was a Deadhead. He was very excited I was getting these particular tapes and proceeded to point out the gems on each (Franklin's Tower, Crazy Fingers, Morning Dew, Dark Star...) I guess the rest, for me, is history. This band has seen me through every peak and valley in my life. I was fortunate enough to see Jerry one time- second night of three in Salt Lake City 1995 (thanks again dad!) Although things at that time were not the best they had been for Jerry and the band, I was forever a deadhead. That year I graduated from high school and had plans to go on tour for a year before I went to college. Unfortunately, we all know how 1995 turned out. In any case, that one radio program led to something nearly indescribable. The relationship I have to this music is intimate. It is in my very soul and I live day to day on its underlying principles. Above all, along countless peaks and valleys, this one thing has remained true and I am ever so Grateful I got on the bus :)
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14 years 11 months

hi guys, my favourite band for a long time has been mewithouYou, they are from Philidelphia. great music. anyway, they had never come out to Australia until a couple of years back they got a small stage at one of our music festivals. it was such a beautiful night, people were crying, people were singing together, laughing. they decided to do a cover of ripple and before they did the lead singer told us to listen to Grateful Dead if we didn't already and went to talk about garcia's lyrics. the name seemed familiar to me but i couldn't remember if had heard the dead before, maybe my mother showed me. anyway when he started playing ripple that was it. it was one of those moments when the music really speaks to you. i went straight home to find out anything i could about them. and last year my wife came back from a trip to melbourne with a second double lp best of. it's not in the best condition but it still sounds great. i would like to buy one of the boxsets when i get some cash. they really do make great music. and it makes me feel happy to know that there is such a large community of deadicated fans. would love to meet some you. but i live in brisbane, QLD, Australia. thinking about travelling round USA next january though. -Dana William Ashford
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17 years 9 months

head over to the Deadheads of Australia topic and make yourself at home!
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14 years 11 months

I came to the Dead late... 1984. Canada's Wonderland... and it was. June 21st. 1984. Grad form High School that same day. Summer Solstice. The Band opening for the Dead... WOW. Looking for old buds who went with me to this show. Dave C. from T.O. Whos out there...
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16 years 5 months

brought me to eugenbe 8/28/88. loved cray and was a birthday present to go see him. oh ya and also jimmy cliff and the grateful dead who both i knew of and heard acouple of songs by both. robert was great, jimmy very energetic. the scene on the lot were my type of ppl. BUT when the dead played! magical. i was dancing, everyone was dancing! and i was singing words to songs i didnt know. i got highjacked by the bus and its been a wonderful ride! :)
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14 years 11 months

Growing up my Uncle Mickey would let me borrow his Terrapin Station and Workingman's Dead albums and I would listen to them over and over. He started seeing them at Englishtown in 77 and I can remember him going up to MSG and down to the Cap Center. I kept nagging my mom to let me go, but her response was always the same "I know what going on at those Grateful Dead shows". Once I got to college I headed up to the Spectrum and caught 3 out of 4 nights and I was hooked. I knew there something special going on!!! After a few outer body experiences at the Pitts. Civic Arena and JFK back in Philly, I was lucky enough to go down to a mecca in Hampton Va for the two Warlock shows. I knew then that there was no looking back from there!!!! Nassau with Branford was another night that reconfirmed that I was with my kinda of people listening to my kinda music. It a been a beautiful ride so far and I'll keep coming back!!!!
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17 years 8 months

I had met some new friends (they were a family three sisters and a brother) at school, and they had just moved up from Los Angeles. They invited me to come along with them to a show. My younger brother always was playing Grateful Dead records early in the morning so I thought that since I was somewhat familiar with their music, it would be interesting to go with them. Boy was I in for a treat. It was a bonbon of epic proportions. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine that my life was about to drastically change forever. I felt so at home, the music hit such a nerve in my soul and could make my mind and body feel so grand. I never ever felt anything like it in my life. I loved seeing everyone dancing together and when a song would start, people knew the names of the songs within notes of them playing them. I noticed people writing the songs down on paper. It really struck my curiosity for they were so into them with such passion. I look back now, and I would have never have imagined that going out to hear a rock band was actually taking a part in some real American musical history. I feel so blessed to be a part of it. I was a fan from my first show and I loved going to hear Jerry play at the Keystones and the Stone often. My first ride on the bus was certainly a doohickey of a ride and I would never take it back it I had to in a million years. I am eternally grateful.. Oh and by the way I want to thank you for a real good time. Jesus paid for our sins, let's get our $$$ worth.
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16 years 1 month

So some friends to a group of us to the see the Dead. We were all a bunch of dedicated pot smokers, having graduated from HS at the time of protests over the war, women's rights, civil rights, we were pretty alienated from "normal" society and trying to find our way in this stupid world. Nobody was normal that I knew, but being from the mostly white, safe suburbs we didn't have anything to really replace our "normalcy" with other than smoking pot and not feeling connected to anything. The whole world was mad, but there was no sane island. The show itself was indeed mad, the energy was almost visible, the crowd was like a bubbling, frothing sea of arms a flapping, bodies jumping, hair a flying. We were off to the far right, in a slightly elevated area where we could see. I can't remember anything of the music itself, just the energy and interplay of the crowd and band, it seemed like the band was sweeping the crowd with waves of music and the crowd would respond by breaking upon the shore of the music, it was too powerful and mysterious to fathom or absorb. Months later I was alone at my friends, smoking again, and found "Live Dead". I must have listened to that album all night, over and over, I certainly got it, the first so many chords of that Dark Star will forever be apart of my DNA of the neural pathways to rebalance and transcend all BS of the "normal" world. So I'll always look upon the music and the scene as a personal experience of awakening, and wonder if it's the same or similar for others? Even now when I attend a show I'm lost in a near trance like deep space of thought that goes out and out...
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Member for

17 years 8 months

I'd been into the music in my own little world for years but had not made it to a show until the Dead came to Deer Ck (Noblesville) in 2004. I dragged my wife along and had an amazing time! Walking about before the show, people were so friendly and nice. Always offering a handshake, a beer, or more. I'd been to "alternative" festivals before (Lollapalooza, Warped, etc) and people were always so angry... fights, cliques, etc. But here it was like seeing old friends we'd never met before. So we walked about taking it all in. Finally we went in. As we took our seats and the show began, I noticed all the different types of people there, grooving together. Behind us sat this cute older couple (grandpa aged). He in his overalls, she in her gardening hat, both in home made tie-dyes. Beside us sat parents and their 3 children. I thought, where else can you get so many generations together and have them all get along so harmoniously? It was really an awesome thing. Then, as the music began and everyone started grooving in their own way, I saw how a bunch of individuals became also one, and how the band too became part of that one. It was magical. Anyway, after that, I was hooked. Tried to see them when I can. They don't come through Indiana much anymore but when they do, I go. And, I am trying to teach my kids to follow the path as well. -Dave
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Member for

14 years 6 months

Just got really hard into all this a couple of years ago, despite living in the bay area for years and 20+ years in the retail music biz.
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Member for

14 years 6 months

Was fooling around wasting time not going in any direction.Met 2 smoking pals was high one night some one put on deadset and the void was filled this was what id been looking for there it was right there and id stopped searching as well. The music never stopped.