• 929 replies
    Was a student there at the time. Saw the JGB in Campbell Hall (76?),With collaboration from various kind folks in the Dead.net vining community, our own erickat prepared this handy guide explaining how vining works hereabouts. Many thanks to all involved, and vine on! --

    Dead.Net Vines - What It Is & How It Works

    (We're changing some things for 2009)

    BACKGROUND: The concept of a "vine" is music sharing through conventional means (e.g. mailing cd's or dvd's) with the sign-up list being on-line. The basic idea is that someone starts (seeds) a vine, made up of one or multiple shows,and sends it via mail to the first person who signs up. That person makes a copy for themselves and sends the ORIGINAL media on to the next person on the list. As more people sign up, it continues to grow and grow - hence the name "vine".

    MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: Make sure you can deal with the media format. Many vines are


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  • That Nice Hippy Guy
    Nice work dstache
    Since Ive been active in the vineyard I dont think anything has ever bothered and confused me as much as this markinthedark thing. A few weeks ago I couldent even imagine him stalling a vine much less killing one. He must be going through some serious stuff or something. I hope that he gets it all straightened out. Peace and Love, Trevor "You know the one thing we need is a left handed monkey wrench....."
  • Arkdeadhead
    Not to be a dick, but he has stalled more than that. He stalled Winterland '74 for a long time and also RFK '73, which I get Oroboros to reseed. Both of these vines got sent to me by DHBen at the same time and it took me by surprise because I had no idea they were coming. I know that he does have Santa Fe '83. As far as I am concerned he is the biggest offender. So much for me not wanting to call people out, but this is info that needed to be shared.
  • dstache
    After an exhaustive, and
    After an exhaustive, and exhausting, perusal of all the Grateful Dead and JGB (and LOM, and Recon, etc) vines, but NOT vines for other bands or even the current incarnation of the boys, here is what I have: (1) For all the trouble we seem to be having, this is an AWESOME place. The MAJORITY of vines are either still alive or have died a natural death, i.e., the last person on the list received it and no one signed up after. My collection has grown by leaps and bounds because of the vineyard. Let's be grateful for what we have. It reminds me of the saying that democracy is the worst form of government, except for every other kind. Sure, we have problems, but all in all this may be the best place for Heads on the internet. (2) Communication is the key. Going through the vines, I noticed the lack of communication. It is difficult to figure out on some of them where the vine died. Post often, post when you receive the vine, post when you mail it out and to whom mailed it. (3) Although I initially disagreed with the recommendation, I now agree that we should PM the person after us, both to confirm they are still active and their address. (4) Emergencies happen. We need to be patient with that. Just let us know and we will be. As we all know, Hal has a family illness. He has a few vines and I am sure we all want him to take whatever time he needs. (5) As I said, sometimes it isn't clear, but when your name appears numerous times it is tough to give you the benefit of the doubt. For example, if 3 different people say they mailed you 3 different vines, and none of the vines turn up again, it is difficult to blame the mail (it DOES happen, but NOT to the same person that many times). (6) The bad guys. No doubt about these characters. They are the Bermuda Triangle of viners. DO NOT SEND THEM ANY MORE VINES UNTIL THEY CLEAR THINGS UP WITH THE COMMUNITY. Do not just send them a PM and ask if they are active; they have caused too many vines to disappear for that. They are vine killers. They have killed before, and they will kill again. (a) Chinacat503 appears to have killed at least 3 vines (Nov 72, Eurovines # 4 & # 5). (b) Markinthedark, once a great viner, appears to have absconded with at least 6 vines (KPFA, Maples 2/9/73, Flac Me Flac You, 12/27/77, Early Stuff Vol 1, 3 and Augusta 10/12/84); (c) gratefulmikes appears to have killed at least 8 vines (funiculi funicula, 93 by request, Legion of Mary, Winterland June 77, NYE 83, Summer 82, Greek 84 and LOM Mystery). NOTE THAT he is signed up to soon receive Europe 74 so heads up birdsong1969nj and Jimbo (unclear who has it right now)!!!! He may also have killed Red Rocks 9/8/83 (or Deadhead Ben never sent it to him) (d) Day Glo Louisville appears to have killed at least 4 vines (Eurovine Acoustic, Garcia/Saunders 73, March 28,31/73, Jerry solo 4/10/82). He is also an interesting person in the Garcia Party disappearance; (e) j.straw (NOT to be confused with jackstrawfromcolorado) seems to have disappeared with at least 5vines (Lewiston 9/6/80, Beacon 6/14/76, Fox 85, 3 from 82 and Hampton 89 reseed) (f) canyon critter seems to have killed at least 4 vines (Acid Test, 1985 vine, History Buffs, and Fillmore East 9/20/70); (g) PAPPYPGH appears to have killed at least 3 vines (Hampton/Harrisburg...84, 2/17/82, JGB 1977 Part 2, Silver Stadium 6/30/88), not to mention the Fall 79 Part 1.5 Rhino fiasco (either Pappy or Solix killed this one, tough to tell who). Pappy also should have recently received the Spring 88 parts 1 and 2 vines (Stephen in PA sent them on 5/28). Finally, he is up soon on More May 77 and JGB Keystone 12/21/79 (DON'T SEND THEM TO HIM!!!!) (7) Guys who have a little explaining to do. I am not sure here whether they have commited multiple vine slayings, or were just irepeatedly n the wrong place at the wrong time. These guys should explain to the community what happened before being welcomed back, but any old explanation will do. (a) Sakparadise is a suspect in at least 2 vine kills (Glen Falls 82, Fall 79 Part 2) and there are some questions about 2 other vines. Sakparadise posted on 4/29 that he would mail out the March 90 vine to Row Timmy. The vine has not been seen since. On 5/20 jackstrawfromcolorado, the good jack straw, posted the he would mail the Pink Floyd vine to sakparadise. That vine hasn't been seen since. It hasn't been that long for Pink Floyd (it was my vine, that is why I looked it up) so it may be ok, and Row Timmy has his issues so it may have been him on March 90. (b) Row Timmy was apparently involved in a couple of mysterious vine disappearances. March 90 discussed above and 3 from 75, which PKpotter said he mailed to Row Timmy on 9/12/08. (c) Brother Tom is suspected in 2 vine slayings. Solix said he mailed Cream Filling 73 to our holy friend. Brother Tom was the last person to receive Matrix Volume 1, and it wasn't until 2months later that anyone else signed up, but he doesn't seem to have passed it on. (d) Deadheadben seems to have slayed the infant Cleveland Convention Center 12/06/73, before it had much of a chance to travel the country. Either he or grateful mikes killed Red Rocks 9/8/83. And either he or Hard To Handle killed Sante Fe 83. (8) Guys who had minor hiccups [hopefully) (a) my friend Dave C was the last to have Early 69 (shoot, don’t know what volume this was, sorry) (posted 5/13) and should have received Early Stuff Vol 2 (unclejon posted on 5/20 that he mailed it out). Dave C posted that he had computer problems. I am sure he either sent these vines on and didn’t post (here, another call for communicating, post often) or is resolving his computer problems and will soon send them on. Ejjd is next on Early 69 and Jake R on Early Stuff Vol 2. (b) Darkstar1971 (aka Estimatedprophet 1971) rides the rails quite often. I think he is an engineer, the kind you think of when you are kid (a train engineer) but never meet. Hal posted on 3/19 that he mailed DarkStar1971 Fall 77 Part 2. No word since. DarkStar1971 was the last to have Orpheum 7/12/76, pisting on 4/20. Pomo1 is next for Orpheum. (9) Specific vines not mentioned above, many probably involved miscommunications. If you are involved here and can help resolve, please do. You don’t even need an excuse here, just a “I never got it” or “I sent it out” or even a “sorry” will suffice. (a) 3/28/81: Benny Jakes stalled this one for 3 months but eventually passed it on to On The Road Again, who apparently killed it. (b) Felt Forum 1971: greatfullygrateful was the last to post having it, said he had a family emergency, never posted having sent it on to Arkdeadhead. © Repatriation 1971: Fluffhead420 posted on 4/8/09. He was last in line. 3 weeks later Jake R and dpwstldeadfan signed up. No word on where this vine is. (d) Eurovine # 1: Dead Man Telling Tales posted on 4/20. He was last in line. Jake R and others signed up later. Now word on where this vine is. (e) Keith’s First Few Months: dpwstldeadfan posted on 5/6. Only Gr8tful Ted is signed up after. He may have received it and not posted. (f) Valentine’s Day: fluffhead420 posted on 3/9. He was last in line. Lord Monkey and Jake R signed up after. No word on where this vine is. (g) MSG 93 Part 2: Tommo posted on 3/24 that he sent it to Toddsnc. No word since. (h) Jai Alai 74: On 5/12 KingCargoJB posted that he mailed it to Emily J. Slimee is after her. No word since. (I) Northern New England Wish List: on 5/19 fluffhead420 said he would PM Tommo for his address. Estim8ed was after Tommo. No word. (j) 70 & 73: On ½ Estim8ed said he mailed it to Chasmo, who said he never received it. Probably lost in the mail. (k) BCT 86: on 4/13 ark deadhead posted that he would mail to Pkpotter. No word. (l) Little Bit of Jerry: on 4/14 Long Rifle posted that he had it. OneGratefulDad and Fleaflicker were next. No word. (m) 5 Garcia shows: on 5/21 cacthim hickory matt (or something like that) posted that he got them. Fleaflicker and Space Otter were next. No word. (n) Dead/NRPS 1970: on 5/5 birdsong1969nj said he would mail out to test4965. No word. (o) Pigpen Shotgun: on 5/8 Phat Moye said he would mail out to Jake R. Da roach was after that. No word. (p) Brent’s Last show video: lost in mail btwn gadeadhead and JimmyC (q) More May 77: on 5/28 Pomo1 posted he would reseed to Larry Here. PAPPY IS NEXT. LARRY HERE SKIP PAPPY!!!! ® More Mary: on 1/23, rambleinbearisgrateful posted that he mailed to Tommo. Stuman, then bearisgrateful were next. No word. Lost in mail? (s) Bill Graham Tribute: Playdead apparently killed. This vine was reseeded to the person after him. (t) Shoreline 91: on 12/24 Chasmo posted that he had it. ark deadhead was next. No word. Apparently Chasmo killed it. (u) merriweather 6/30/85: on 4/29 fluffhead420 posted that he PM’d OneGratefulDad for his address. No word. (v) Boston Tea Party 1969: on 5/11 Slimee posted having it. Dpwstldeadfan was next. No word. (10) I am too tired for final thoughts. All will be forgiven, except for that first group. I hope those that have disappeared with vines are ok, and are only AWOL here and not in reality. Others can figure out what to do next. I am not proofreading this so there are probably some spelling and grammatical mistakes. Vine on!!!
  • Arkdeadhead
    I've got patience brother!!
    Take your time. You are providing an invaluable service to this vineyard!!
  • dstache
    vine killers
    Soon, soon, another 1/2 hr
  • Arkdeadhead
    I hate to say it but we need to figure out who is stalling the vines and cut them out of the vining process until they begin to be more responsible. I am not sure what the exact issue is. Some new people bite off more than they can chew and sign up for everything (which is why you caused such a stir Fluff, but you have more than proven yourself), or they are people who have previously vined and for whatever reason decide to bow out in this manner. There is one particular individual who seemed to be moving along just fine and then all of a sudden he became a bottleneck and wouldn't respond to pm's. I don't know and my psychological analysis isn't solving the problem. We will have to wait and see. There are too many people who care so much for this vineyard, and I know that we collectively will solve this gordian knot.
  • Hal R
    not sure about that being an easy solution
    the problem is that people are not sending them out, sure they can give us their address and we can send it to them but they have to send it out Seems like we are addressing the front end for a rear end problem. But I have no solution to offer. It seems that we should hear from dstache first and see what he finds before we seek a solution. Where are the specific problems? If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
  • JackstrawfromC…
    fluffhead I agree!!!!!!
    Such an easy solution. "Escaping through the lily fields, I came across an empty space. It rainbow then exploded, left a bus stop in its place. The bus come by and I got on, thats when it all began. It was Cowboy Neal at the wheel of the bus to never ever land"
  • fluffhead042
    Default Avatar
    i second my emotion
    Instead of sending addresses to the person in front of you months prior to actually getting the vine why don't we contact the next person on the list for an addy request (via PM) after we recv the vine? We already go on to post we recvd it....it clearly shows who's next on the list...we can then send them a PM and if there's no response in 3-4 days they get bumped...that way if circumstances have changed the person can req they be skipped, not respond and be dropped from the list, or they send their addy if they still want the vine...no response in 4 days: you're bumped to the end...simple as that....problems solved....everybody's happy and our heads are being fed....am i wrong? "In a bed, in a bed, by the waterside I will lay my head. Listen to the river sing sweet songs, to rock my soul."
  • Oroboros
    Ladies and gentlemen, we do have a problem
    but the first step is admitting it. ;o}Hopefully we can take a look a the solutions for this issue. I will take a look back at the vines that I started and try to give them a jump (or is it bump?). I will also think about the solutions offered and what can be done to be part of helping out with this endeavor. Things do seem a bit scattered currently and quite a few vines are dropping away as a result. And the Vineyard has grown quite a bit which make this all more difficult to manage. It is good to hear of other ideas and methods to get the music to those who desire it. Maybe this is all a new 'evolution' of the Vineyard? We will see. The Truth is realized in an instant, the act is practiced step by step.
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17 years 9 months
Was a student there at the time. Saw the JGB in Campbell Hall (76?),With collaboration from various kind folks in the Dead.net vining community, our own erickat prepared this handy guide explaining how vining works hereabouts. Many thanks to all involved, and vine on! --

Dead.Net Vines - What It Is & How It Works

(We're changing some things for 2009)

BACKGROUND: The concept of a "vine" is music sharing through conventional means (e.g. mailing cd's or dvd's) with the sign-up list being on-line. The basic idea is that someone starts (seeds) a vine, made up of one or multiple shows,and sends it via mail to the first person who signs up. That person makes a copy for themselves and sends the ORIGINAL media on to the next person on the list. As more people sign up, it continues to grow and grow - hence the name "vine".

MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: Make sure you can deal with the media format. Many vines are

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17 years 3 months

pain in the Butt searching through the downloadable stuff and the dick`s pics with no descriptions on them and and aaarrrgghh ,,,how many damm dick`s picks are there ,, like 100 it seems ,,... I had to try something i was`nt sure of ...I`ll rumage around I know i have something ..... I`ll get back with you .... a few projects are`nt ready yet ...
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17 years 9 months

just a guess, apropos of your posts getting caught in the spam filter as this one did--while there's no accounting for the spam filter's wacky ways, looking at the post in question I think all the ... and ,,, and suchlike in large quantities are probably attracting its notice. I post this rather than PMing you because let's just say you're not the only one having this problem.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Heres a nice small vine. 3 Audio Disc's. Grateful Dead 12-27-77 Winterland Arena, San Francisco SBD>MR>D>CD>EAC>SHN patched with AUD>??>C>CD>EAC>SHN (presumed multi-gen) Disc 1 (69:57) set 1: 1. Bertha--> (5:50) 2. Good Lovin' (5:08) 3. Brown Eyed Women (5:37) 4. Cassidy (4:39) 5. Peggy-O (6:31) 6. Looks Like Rain (7:33) 7. Dire Wolf (3:49) 8. Passenger (3:41) 9. Candyman (6:47) 10. El Paso (4:44) 11. Friend Of The Devil (8:10) 12. The Music Never Stopped (7:21) Disc 2 (52:09) set 2: 1. Cold Rain & Snow (5:49) 2. Lazy Lightning--> (3:28) 3. Supplication (5:13) 4. Scarlet Begonias--> (8:24) 5. Fire On The Mountain (9:02) 6. Estimated Prophet--> (10:13) 7. He's Gone (9:58) Disc 3 (37:47) set 2 continued: 1. Truckin'--> (9:48) 2. Wharf Rat--> (12:23) 3. Around & Around (8:11) encore: 4. Samson & Delilah (7:23) Notes: --"Fucker" is muted during Wharf Rat --AUD patch in Around from 1:08 to 1:32 --AUD supplies all of Samson, which is missing from either most or all circulating SBDs --Sound Forge was used to pitch correct the patches "You know the one thing we need is a left handed monkey wrench....."
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16 years 7 months

Now if somebody comes up with 12/30 and 12/31 we'll have the whole year end run. Thanks TNHG (54 days until showtime!) ************************************** *The white zone is for loading and unloading only* **************************************
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17 years 8 months

To put it simply, you guys just need to hear this. 3 audio disc's. WARREN HAYNES SOLO ACOUSTIC 02.20.2009 The Old Town School Of Folk Music Chicago, IL 16 BIT FILESET Source: At485>M-Audio>Cf>CDWav>Flac By Scott Sterchele Disc 1 Early Show Beautifully Broken Before You Came Patchwork Quilt Fallen Down Glory Road Affair On 8th Avenue It Hurts Me Too I'll Be The One Broken Promised Land Wasted Time The Real Thing One Disc 2 Soulshine Encore Hallelujah Late Show Indian Sunset Sad & Deep As You Love's Open Door Wine & Blood Listen To The Lions Loser Wild Horses Old Before My Time Goin' Down Slow Change Is Gonna Come Railroad Boy 1st Time Played Disc 3 Hallelujah Blvd. Roller Derby Queen I Shall Return Stella Blue Encore In My Life Encore 2 End Of The Line-> Look On Yonder Wall-> It's My Own Fault-> Look On Yonder Wall "You know the one thing we need is a left handed monkey wrench....."
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17 years 3 months

xx/xx/73 - Grateful Dead Wake of the Flood Sessions - Garcia's Rough Mixes Lineage: Unknown Studio Recording -> Sonic Solutions -> CD Transfer: CD -> EAC ->FLAC by Joe Samaritano t01 - Weather Report Suite t02 - Let it Grow t03 - China Doll -Part of the KPFA Marathon broadcast on 2/22/2003. -Thanks to David Gans for the CD. -Pledge if you can at www.kpfa.org. SHNTOOL OUTPUT: length expanded size cdr WAVE problems filename 5:52.29 62161052 --- -- ----- gd73-xx-xxt01.wav 7:52.38 83350220 --- -- ----- gd73-xx-xxt02.wav 3:34.44 37853132 --- -- ----- gd73-xx-xxt03.wav 17:19.36 183364404 B (totals for 3 files) xx/xx/79 - Grateful Dead Go to Heaven Sessions - Betty Cantor's Rough Mixes Lineage: Unknown Studio Recording -> Sonic Solutions -> CD Transfer: CD -> EAC -> FLAC by Joe Samaritano t01 - Lost Sailor t02 - Saint of Circumstance t03 - Feel Like A Stranger -Part of the KPFA Marathon broadcast on 2/22/2003. -Thanks to David Gans for the CD. -Pledge if you can at www.kpfa.org. SHNTOOL OUTPUT: length expanded size cdr WAVE problems filename 5:57.20 63021884 --- -- ----- gd79-xx-xxt01.wav 5:38.16 59660876 --- -- ----- gd79-xx-xxt02.wav 5:01.71 53263436 --- -- ----- gd79-xx-xxt03.wav 16:37.32 175946196 B (totals for 3 files) These two short shows on one cdr , I added a one minute break in between shows so you could break it up if you want to . This stuf is very interesting , some beutiful studio stuff here !! Pending approval .. Hope you all can enjoy this one .
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17 years 1 month

Reggae Sunsplash, Bob Marley Center - Kingston JamaicaNov 27 1982 (This is part of the Nov 26 show, but the set took place after midnight, so the 27th) lineage: audience reels>Sony PCM 501ES/SL2000 Beta->Tascam CD-RW700->CDWav->Flac. 1. Women Smarter 2. Heaven Help 3. Drums 4. Josephine 5. Thunder & Lightning 6. Book Of Rules This will be one audio disc and a dvd with flac for those who useit. This will also have a bonus disc with Mickey Hart and The Marin County Collective. These are not very good recordings...but very strange. Mickey Hart and The Marin County Collective Mickey's Barn, Novato, Ca. 1972.1973 "Area Code 415" sessions 1. Fire On The Mountain 2. Ghost Riders In The Sky 3. It Makes Me Feel Mad #1 4. You Know I Will 5. Is Anyone There 6. Night Of The Vampire 7. It Makes Me Feel Mad #2 "Fire On The Mountain" sessions 8. Fire On The Mountain 9. Speed Racer 10. Untitled 11. Fear And Loathing 12. Checker Man 13. Marshmallow Road 14. Fear 15. Ariel
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17 years

As many of you know, I dedicated a vine to my friend Eileen - consisting of some Alaska shows. Well - she has arrived fine & dandy in Anchorage and I got her to sign up as AlaskaGirl here - so if you want, you can shoot her a pm. However, she may not be able to check in for another couple of weeks because she was going to ski-in to a cabin where they might have to dig in to get to it & stay for a couple of weeks (in the out back - or whatever you call the west bumfuck of Alaska) - so she may not get around to reading anything for a while. One warning though - I don't know if she even likes the Grateful Dead (she hasn't told me yet) and I also don't know if she knows how to copy cd's - I can guarantee she knows nothing of shn or flac - so I'm waiting for her to tell me what she likes so I can send her some music. She's not real into writing - but based on the emails she's sent, I'm thinking of at least a readers digest submission ( I may have to do it myself on her behalf) - or a cool movie. One thing for sure, she's a damn free spirit and in total control of her life - and that is to be highly commended. Thank-you Eilleen for your inspiration. P.S. She always had this sign on her cube that said " The strangely alluring Eileen ******" (last name hidden for maximum security) - and it certainly is true, now isn't it?
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Member for

16 years 8 months

Someone have 12/30/77? -----Here come a riddle, here come a clue If you were really smart, you'd know what to do when I say Why am I going out of my head, whenever you're around? The answer is obvious, love has come to town-----
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Member for

17 years 9 months

I've got this, along with 12/27 and 12/29 (DP10 out takes). All I am missing is 12/31. Hey Birdsong, wanna do a trade? If so, let me know how you want the files, shn or wav. Shoot me a PM and we'll work out the details. Peace, Richard
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Member for

17 years 6 months

I just acquired 34 new shows, all in WAV format (sorry FLAC only viners). Based on past transactions with this person, a good number of the shows should be vine-worthy (see the 2 Fall 77 vines, Cream Filling, MSG 83) or at least trade-worthy. I have only listened to one show thus far, 1/10/79, a very good show that I grade as an A-/A AUD. A bunch of the shows are from '76, a handful from '77 (2 I didn't have and 2 I am hoping will be seamless and thus an upgrade), 5 from '78, a few from '79, some early 80's, and a few from the early 70's. I anticipate seeding a few vines over the next couple of months. Stay tuned
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Member for

17 years 8 months

I found a download for 12/30/77 but I would have to down 2 other shows to get it, and with my connection speed that will take like a month. "You know the one thing we need is a left handed monkey wrench....."
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16 years 7 months

And y'all know where all the shows are, so maybe you can tell me this. I have a deep, dark secret: electronic music. Does anybody know where the old Tangerine Dream shows are hiding? Like the GOGD they have a rep for having had some of their best work taped at live shows and supposedly there are a lot of tapes out there. You guys seen any of them online? ************************************** *The white zone is for loading and unloading only* **************************************
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17 years 8 months

Ive never heard of them and dont see them on etree. Are there any other artists that your interested in? I can see what I can come up with. "You know the one thing we need is a left handed monkey wrench....."
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16 years 7 months

My God, what are they teaching you kids in school these days? Seminal German electronic group (aren't they all) but not as monotonously droney as Kraftwerk, more spacey. They were around near the end of the psychedelic era. They've been in several movie soundtracks, you've probably heard a little snippet or two of something TD did and not realized that's who it was, they also get used as background/bumper music. Wikipedia has a pretty good article on them. Yeah, I couldn't find them on the archive sites either, but from what I've read there are a bunch of tapes out there. Jean-Michel Jarre is another good electronica type, Zoolook is a great album. I have it on a commercial tape but need to upgrade to CD. Vangelis is too melodic, his older stuff is good but he can get boring like elevator music (the Chariots of Fire soundtrack is pretty powerful though, and Bladerunner is pretty cool). I doubt there are tapes of these guys, they aren't known as great live performers I don't think. Of course, I never thought that Kitaro would be a touring act until I met one of his truck drivers at a bar in Nashville. Thanks for looking! Cheers, MarkintheDark ************************************** *The white zone is for loading and unloading only* **************************************
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17 years 9 months

Hey Hippy Guy, send me a PM with your addy and I'll send you this show to include in your vine. I'll send it on DVD so you have the original lossless files. Peace, Richard
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Member for

17 years 3 months

really makin these old guys here feel old !! who or what is Tangerine dread ,,?? I got to meat one of Loretta Lyne`s truck drivers just south of Knoxville , actually got to hold her credit card while we where both waiting to pay for Feul ... oh no I`m not an old timer or nothing . he he he ...
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16 years 7 months

Back in the late '80's. One of her sons is Ernie (the one that didn't get drowned trying to ford a river on horseback) and Ernie had a roadhouse type bar near Loretta's "dude ranch" at Hurricane Mills, TN - my hometown is near there. Story was that Doo (Loretta's husband) bought the bar for Ernie so Ernie would have something to keep him busy while Loretta and the band were on the road; Ernie may have gotten into some trouble while on the tour. The bar became a source of trouble as well, and I think it mysteriously burned down at some point. Did quite a bit of partying with Ernie but a lot of us did. Oh, yeah, I could tell some funny stories, both first and second hand. Ernie dodged jail a time or two before I moved away in the early '90s, and I think ended up going back on tour with her in the late 90s. He may have ended up doing some time in prison, he pleaded guilty to a DUI/vehicular homicide charge - friend of Ernie's was a passenger and got killed in an accident. Never got to know the twin daughters though, unfortunately. Saw Loretta a few times around the ranch but never really met her. Everybody I know that did meet her said she was genuinely nice. End of long story. Never heard of Tangerine Dream, huh. ************************************** *The white zone is for loading and unloading only* **************************************
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16 years 7 months

I'm guessing I'm older than stu and hippy both, and Tangerine Dream dates from the late 60s. You're the young whippersnappers! ************************************** *The white zone is for loading and unloading only* **************************************
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17 years 7 months

Three Dead shows in Flac format on 1 DVD disc (please lets save some postage and cds and keep this a flac vine - if you need help converting to .wav just send me a PM). All three are excellent SBDs. Grateful Dead 2-17-1973 St. Paul Auditorium St. Paul MN Set 1 d1t01 The Promised Land d1t02 He's Gone d1t03 Looks Like Rain d1t04 Box Of Rain d1t05 Wave That Flag d1t06 Mexicali Blues d1t07 Bird Song d1t08 Beer Barrel Polka d1t09 Beat It On Down The Line d1t10 Crowd/Equipment Repair d1t11 Loose Lucy d1t12 Me And Bobby McGee d2t01 Stella Blue// d2t02 El Paso d2t03 They Love Each Other d2t04 Playing In The Band Set 2 d2t05 //Truckin' d2t06 Row Jimmy d2t07 Big River d2t08 //You Ain't Woman Enough d2t09 Here Comes Sunshine >> d2t10 China Cat Sunflower >> d2t11 I Know You Rider d3t01 Around And Around d3t02 Not Fade Away >> d3t03 Goin' Down The Road//Feeling Bad >> d3t04 Not Fade Away d3t05 One More Saturday Night d3t06 Crowd/Tuning Encore d3t07 Casey Jones Grateful Dead - March 9, 1981 Madison Square Garden - New York, NY Set 1: d1t01 - Feel Like A Stranger d1t02 - Althea -> d1t03 - C.C. Rider d1t04 - Ramble On Rose -> d1t05 - El Paso d1t06 - Deep Elem Blues d1t07 - Beat It On Down The Line d1t08 - Bird Song d1t09 - Minglewood Blues Set 2: d2t01 - China Cat Sunflower -> d2t02 - I Know You Rider -> d2t03 - Samson And Delilah d2t04 - Ship Of Fools d3t01 - Estimated Prophet -> d3t02 - Uncle John's Band -> d3t03 - Drums -> d3t04 - Space -> d3t05 - The Other One -> d3t06 - Stella Blue -> d3t07 - Good Lovin' Encore: d3t08 - U.S. Blues Grateful Dead 09/04/83 Park West Ski Resort - Park City, UT CD One- Set 1: 1. Bertha > 2. Promised Land 3. Friend Of The Devil 4. Little Red Rooster 5. Tennessee Jed 6. My Brother Esau 7. Althea > 8. Hell In A Bucket 9. China Cat Sunflower> 10. I Know You Rider Disc Two- Set 2: 1. Scarlet Begonias > 2. Fire On The Mountain 3. Women Are Smarter > 4. Drums 5. Drums (continued) Disc Three- Set 2 (Cont.) 1. Space > 2. The Wheel > 3. The Other One > 4. Wharf Rat > 5. Around and Around > 6. One More Saturday Night 7. E: U.S. Blues
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16 years 8 months

No conversions keeps us out of the game. -----Here come a riddle, here come a clue If you were really smart, you'd know what to do when I say Why am I going out of my head, whenever you're around? The answer is obvious, love has come to town-----
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Member for

17 years 9 months

Birdsong is right, some of the viners need audio cds. Now that I have the hang of it, I will be happy to convert these when I get the vine. You can send it out on DVD in Flac. Talking about getting old -- never heard of "Tangerine Dream!"-- I got my application to AARP over the weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Threw it in the fireplace. "One watch by night, one watch by day If you get confused, listen to the music play"
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Member for

17 years

If you have enough disk space, you can just copy the data to a hard drive, convert from flac to wav, burn the cd - then recover the space on the hard drive. You only need a burner if you're planning on copying the dvd.
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17 years 7 months

Hey Geoff et al... Its easy to do... As long as your computer reads a dvd data disc (and most all do) you have no worries. The program you need to download is called flac front end. You can get it at the following URL: (this is for windows) http://members.home.nl/w.speek/flac.htm Its simple to use... You just setup the output directory. Drag files to convert from either the data dvd (or hard drive if you copy over) and hit decode... A DOS like program will run and when done will say hit any key to continue... then you are done.. the wav files are on your hard drive and can be burned to CD like any other .wav file. I am happy to walk you thru the use of this tool... Its easy! Join us in the digtal age :-) It is much easier & cheaper to send 1 disc then 9 discs. PM me for more details or any other help required. marty
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16 years 8 months

I have a mac and I am having a hard time with finding conversion software that works with all files flac and shn. I have tried, and prefer audio cd's. If anyone would like to follow up on this with me please PM me rather then continue this here. -----Here come a riddle, here come a clue If you were really smart, you'd know what to do when I say Why am I going out of my head, whenever you're around? The answer is obvious, love has come to town-----
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17 years 1 month

Sometimes I include a copy of Traders Little Helper on dvds with flac/shn files. TLH is great. It converts flac and shn to wav for cds, also it will convert all of these to mp3 format. And its free! Here are some links to similar programs for mac: http://www.lexial.ca/alex/applescripts/iTunes_to_flac.html http://sbooth.org/Max/ These links and re free stuff at http://flac.sourceforge.net/download.html
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Member for

16 years 10 months

I love the title. I prefer audio CDs for 2 reasons-- 1) I got helper to work but it took an hour to convert, and I have to use 2 computers due to my setup...etc...etc..........etc...etc 2) my burning program inserts gaps between tracks I can do a "disk copy" and burn a seamless disc as seamless
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Member for

17 years 9 months

I bought software that converts and it is one way I can contribute to the vining community that has so greatly enhanced my collection. So, you seeders continue to seed as you see fit. Trust me, everything you guys do is greatly appreciated by all of us. Some of us will convert, and even add some fruit once in a while. We are all part of a community. "One watch by night, one watch by day If you get confused, listen to the music play"
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Member for

17 years 7 months

So first person to sign up please be able to convert and seed the audio cds. I'm not a mac user so can't help you guys out. I just don't have the time to create the audios... Marty
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Are you using windows media to burn? If so you should download itunes. I used windows media for a long time (which is why some of my early vines have gaps between tracks). I hated itunes at first, but its actually easier when you get the hang of it. Peace, Trevor "You know the one thing we need is a left handed monkey wrench....."
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16 years 7 months

...and mayber another "remove silence at end of tracks" option to get rid of the track breaks. I've never used WmP for anything but playing, and occasionally ripping MP3s. Don't really like using programs supplied by the content providers, just paranoid I guess. ************************************** *The white zone is for loading and unloading only* **************************************
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Im thinking about starting a new jgb vine but there is so much to choose from that im having a hard time deciding. Does anyone have anything that they would like to have? "You know the one thing we need is a left handed monkey wrench....."
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16 years 7 months

I mean, as long as you're asking. JGB w/chicks. Donna got a better sound with JGB. ************************************** *The white zone is for loading and unloading only* **************************************
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Donna was with them in the late 70's. When was Maria Muldaur with them? I'll see what I can find. "You know the one thing we need is a left handed monkey wrench....."
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Member for

17 years 9 months

I may be mistaken, but I think there was a time when both Donna and Muldaur were with Jerry. "One watch by night, one watch by day If you get confused, listen to the music play"
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17 years 6 months

together at least in early 78
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16 years 7 months

Hi! Donna Jean and Maria are on Pure Jerry v.6 , Warner Theatre on 3/18/78 (31 years ago tomorrow!). Sound great, I didn't know if Maria did other shows with JGB. Thanks guys MitD ************************************** *The white zone is for loading and unloading only* **************************************
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16 years 7 months

Lovin' me some wiki, here's Maria's tenure as an "official" member of the band (I think shw may have appeared as a guest at some other shows) November 15, 1977 – November 3, 1978 * Jerry Garcia – guitar, vocals * John Kahn – bass * Keith Godchaux – piano * Donna Godchaux – vocals * Maria Muldaur – vocals * Buzz Buchanan – drums ************************************** *The white zone is for loading and unloading only* **************************************
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17 years 8 months

I'll see if I can find that one. "You know the one thing we need is a left handed monkey wrench....."
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Member for

17 years 8 months

so there are very few shows on etree from between those dates and I would have a really hard time downloading the ones that are there. How does everyone feel about 8/22/76 with keith and donna? "You know the one thing we need is a left handed monkey wrench....."
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16 years 7 months

thanks trevor ************************************** *The white zone is for loading and unloading only* **************************************
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17 years 6 months

Here is a two show offering from 1978. Popular opinion is harsh on 1978. While I agree that there are some bad shows in 1978, and even more average ones, I think that all in all, and especially in comparison with any year after, it is pretty good. There are a bunch of very good to great shows (1/10, 1/11, 1/22, 1/31, 2/3, 2/5, 4/16 ...). Well, here are two more, 4/11 and 12/28. Both are high energy shows and A SBDs. I rate 4/11 as a VERY GOOD show, tied with 4/22 and second only to 4/16 as the best of the 7 April '78 shows that I have. 4/11 Highlights include (a) a mid-first-set Tennessee Jed (generally one of my LEAST favorite Garcia songs), (b) a set-ending Deal, (c) Jerry HIMSELF announcing the set break, (d) a hot Fire out of a solid Scarlet, and (e) a great Iko (again, not a favorite song of mine) out of drums. 12/28 is a GREAT show. Highlights include (a) a first-set-opening Sugaree, (b) another hot Jed, (c) a MONSTER set-closing Supplication, (d) Eyes of the World and (e) a great Truckin' out of drums (another song that isn't at the top of my list). These are WAV CDs, six in total. Look for a 1977 version of 'Stache Rides soon :)
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Member for

17 years 9 months

I think 78, especially early 78 is grossly underrated. Maybe I am biased since I got on the bus in April 78 (Pittsburgh), but this sounds like a great vine. Thanks Dstache. "One watch by night, one watch by day If you get confused, listen to the music play"