• 4,725 replies
    By request, a gathering spot for Chicago-bound folks to connect and plan!


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  • Totem
    Hey, I hope things are warming up for y'ous all (or is that all y'all, this southern thing gets confusing). I used to hail from your parts and went to college up there. It is slightly warmer where I'm at now.
  • JeffSmith
    On Your Culinary Itinerary?
    If Napoleon was right when he said that armies (including peaceful ones like Sunshine Daydreamers) travel on their stomachs, and if you can trust an out-of-towner, especially one from Texiz, here's an option that's 2.5 miles/5 minutes from Soldier Field that according to today's issue of USA Today offers the "Best Sandwich in the World": http://ftw.usatoday.com/2015/03/ricobenes-chicago-best-sandwich-in-the-… http://www.ricobenespizza.com/#!location-and-contact-info/c66t
  • _
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    So glad you made it brother! Summertime come and gone my oh my oh my!!!!
  • _
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    Hotel...motel...Holiday Inn
    Me n LainieBear got a roof over our heads
  • Totem
    Only 102 days until showtime! Patch those sails and shine those rails!
  • _
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    so glad you made it...
  • StellaMoon
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    That Something Else
    Tom Hanlon - and everyone who's made it here so far and everyone to come... Perhaps Tom Wolfe put it slightly right (as right as words can be). I can't find the quote I'm thinking of right now, but here's one somewhat in the same (grant) ballpark. “The Pranksters never talked about synchronicity by name, but they were more and more attuned to the principle. Obviously, according to this principle, man does not have free will. There is no use in his indulging in a lifelong competition to change the structure of the little environment he seems to be trapped in. But one could see the larger pattern and move with it - Go with the flow! - and accept it and rise above one's immediate environment and even alter it by accepting the larger pattern and growing with it.” ― Tom Wolfe, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test Alright I don't live on the East Coast like tfonts - I have no excuse (except I like the witching hours and I work a lot of nights) Nightzzz all :)
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    @Tom, @Rat and G
    ....so glad you made it.... Have a grate Monday to all us Daydreamers.... Walk me out in the morning dew.... Still waiting to see that Trey ink.....in honor of his 50th birthday.... :-) good luck tfonts....
  • tfonts
    What a way to start a day :-)
    I'm lovin' my peeps here !! Morning all and TY for such wonderful posts. And alas, your humble correspondent will be sending out Vol. V update this morning with important info needed so head's-up for that. Make it a great day and a great week, all !! ps - I'll try to shoot you a pic of my new tatt today (the SYF 50th logo). My artist is making a house call today @ 10am. But those with ink know that first pic might require a "parental warning" an if so, I may wait a month :-)
  • geomeister
    The deal so far...and something else
    Okay, Here's the Deal So Far on our Birthday Weekend, subject to change in a few hours, so pay attention...you in the back, tone down the drums for a bit...thanks... Hi campers and camperettes, cats, and catettes, We are the Sunshine Daydreamers. Thanks to rgergelis, his Karma and his just all-around coolness and welcome smile, and Marye for her spot-on attentiveness to all-that-is-right, we now have this portal in cyberspace. Pretty cool, huh, pull up a chair, or stool, or carpet, join us and hop on this magic bus as we head for Chicago. For the un-initiated,and as a bit of history, Tfonts gathered a bunch of names over the past days, from folks going to or planning on being in Chicago, got them in on an email, sent out an email blast and all sorts of stuff happened...it kind-of exploded into 15-20 conversations on whowhatwhenwhere and how to have a picnic. Apparently, we can't just show up with a checkered tablecloth and some fried chicken and call it good. Thank God, for that would be way too plebeian and droll. So committees were formed, officers were elected,t-shirts and coffee mugs were designed, tasks were delegated, and we now have have meetings, we follow Roberts Rules of Order, and even have donuts. NOT!!!...but we did agree on a name, Sunshine Daydreamers. And some other stuff, like a T-shirt which is in the works. It's not too late to get in on a t-shirt, so do your homework and notify the responsible person for that. Things are fluid, we are all partying and listening to righteous tunes, you are included if you are going and are kind, and we may meet and hang out in one OR ALL OF three places, as follows: 1) A pub/hotel bar south of Soldiers Field 2) A pub/hotel bar north of Soldiers Field 3) Somewhere close to the fountain in downtown Grant Park for a Grand Hug-and-Meet-and Greet, maybe at high noon on Saturday and maybe someone can bring a camera and take a picture or sumpin'. 4) An ongoing meet and hang out spot (near #3) that will be a central gathering all weekend long, starting around noon on Friday and running till whenever on Sunday. It could be a great place for a rendezvous; to touch bases, get a plan, and party on before (during) or after the show, as you stroll thru to other hot spots that may grab your attention. Anyhow, that's it in a large nutshell. If you have an idea, or a plan, or a suggestion, or a comment, or a cold beer, OR A TICKET by all means, share. Stay tuned for further announcements...here and elsewhere, from those that are in the know, or from those who are telling us what we need to know, or from you, who has a brilliant idea and JUST KNOW it will be the perfect addition to our Grand Picnic and Show...please share, your comments are welcome. Still waiting for someone to make us our all access laminates, btw...and still waiting for a mascot... Remember friends at the end, as always, it's about the journey: the life, the love, the planning, the music, the vibes, the family, the experiences and the memories...so live large, plan grand, love without end and go for it! One last thing, as Tom right below said, we are and have "That Something Else"...dream it, say it, prove it...and Let There be Songs..To Fill the Air. cheers, geo
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17 years 9 months
By request, a gathering spot for Chicago-bound folks to connect and plan!
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10 years

Well. I don't want to speed up the wheel, but I'm not gonna lie, between the daily grind and the anticipation, it would be cool if we were in Chicago already... quite a bind, and a little confusing if I try to grasp it. I think I'll just let it go and go DRINK SOME WATER Tami. Thank you sis, for the tip ;) Also the moon is starting to show her face again, so things will be smoothing out again, if any of you were wondering why the wheels have felt so wonky lately :)
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14 years

Whatchu talking bout Willis..... Godspeed Chandra Stella Blue Moon Artois Smith..... May the four winds blow you safely into your peaceful place... With lots of H2O...... It looks like rain, and it feels like rain, here comes the rain..... rrrrrrrgrrrrrr getting his Tom Brady gear out..... Gonna let some air outta the tires too...smoother ride.... Apologies to Patriots fans .... It's only cheating if you get caught....the hoodie said that.... Snaggggggggglepussssss out! Exit....stage left.....even.....
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14 years

So far it's me, my woman, my girl, my other girl, my boy n his girl, 2 cats in the yard, and my dog named Boo....apologies to Rachacha and Sgt.Pupper... Stella if you don't win the ducats no one should....
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10 years

no apologies necessary, there have been more than one dog named after me.
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10 years

Is anyone planning on watching the other one?
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14 years

Coffee is on.... Ba dus on autopilot.... ....enjoy Memorial Day weekend peeps....
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Member for

17 years 5 months

is on a fast for the weekend. We'll eat Tuesday. Take those ships on a test sail this weekend! Patch those Sails and Shine Those Rails!
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Member for

10 years 1 month

Hey Gang - Listing these today. SD have priority. GOB Grateful Dead Fare Thee Well CID Ticket Package 'Steal Your Face' Santa Clara Have (3) Sat 06/27/15 - Grateful Dead - 2 Day Pass - Levi's Stadium - Santa Clara - CA [ section: 112 row: 8 ] Description For sale are three (3) CID Ticket Packages, $1142. each. each package includes the following: -(1) 2day pass to Santa Clara FTW shows Premium Reserved seats, Sec 112, Row 8. -Limited edition, screen printed Grateful Dead 50th Anniversary event poster (1 per night) -One (1) copy of “Fare Thee Well” Hard Cover Coffee Table Book by Jay Blakesberg (mailed after the show) -CID lounge access before, during, and after the show with complimentary food and cash bar -CID Entrance Tickets are will call.
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13 years 4 months

We're gonna be three days lighter when we step on the scales Tuesday!
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Member for

9 years 10 months

Anyone heard any news about parking passes in SC?
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9 years 10 months

I heard that, too, but wasn't sure if there was any new information. No one seems to have any certainty on the process.
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14 years

Will post here when we hear...have a great weekend
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14 years

"...sounds which began as mere noise, like tom-toms and thundering gongs, savage, fanatical, ritual, end by arriving at the purest music." Yes! This is from Dr. Faustus by Thomas Mann. He goes on to describe an artistic work that had the “urge to reveal in the language of music the most hidden things, the beast in man as well as his most sublime stirrings”.
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Member for

16 years 2 months

Happy weekend all Coffee's ready, just the way I do it, like an oil-worker's boot dipped in storm water runoff. Taking the better half on an overnight date to see Garrison Keillor do his Prairie Home Companion show at Wolf Trap. Shakedown scene to include Powder Milk Biscuits and ketchup! Promised her I would not mention the Dead for 48hrs, the woman needs a respite from my madness.
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Member for

10 years 1 month

Good morning all... As our esteemed dus briving coffee cranking and radio dial twirling captain is off on an adventure, I'll take a quick hand at the wheel...turn up the bass you say? Why sure! Over that away you'll see the amber waves of grain, back to your left you might see if you are looking closely some purple mountain majesties, up above are those spacious skies and just in front are the fruited plains...pretty country isn't it? Let's honor those who gave their lives for our country, this weekend especially, but always keep their spirit alive in our hearts. We salute you, we appreciate you and we lift a glass in your honor! Now let's have some of that hash-slinging, lyric-dropping, free-wheeling banter, as we continue the journey already in progress... Cheerio!
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16 years 11 months

Followed by outcries of.... "is it July 6th yet?" Our poor spouses...lol
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14 years

Was close to 12 hours clean ...got my rental at Logan, equipped with Sirius and off the wagon I went...much to my better halfs dismay. Enjoy the weekend...New England is great in the Spring. Thanks for the coffee Mad Swan, the Graceful perspective on life and the guided tour geo... Off to the Brewery tours I go....sure beats the mines.
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10 years

Is that pesky trey out side the dus? I heard the fruit doesn't fall far from the trey..
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Member for

9 years 10 months

Hello All...if you have not seen this..... http://www.gdtstoo.com/GDTSTOOupdate.html GD 50th update: The commemorative tickets are almost finished being printed, and they are dazzleing! Tickets will be sent out in early June. We will not be accepting address changes, you will have to make your own arrangements from this date on. We also will not be accepting any mail service upgrades. We are diving in again and wont be up for air until mid June and our emails will be on auto reply for the first two weeks of June. We do not have seat locations. You will find out your seat locations when you receive your tickets. The GD50th Fabulous Envelopes are an "Art Movement" of their own. We will be posting our museum pieces soon. Please check dead50.net for any other show information. -------------------------------------------------------
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10 years

mmmbop mmbop mmmmbop where is the Jerry blend this monin' rrrrgrrrr, Stella? mbop mbop bop bop..........I miss Jerry
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10 years 1 month

Got an early stop on da dus bride to give the air in the tires time to breathe...plus, there is a celebrity sighting being reported by our trained puppy-on-the-street. Coffee is on the house, step right over this way, we are featuring Chez Ray and his selection of special brews. Morning Brews Roast is here in this carafe, and Drop Dead Dark right over there next to the hypnotic donuts. Chez Ray was of the Boys catering chefs and takes it to the next level. For all your Grateful Dead coffee needs you can visit CheZ Ray and his organic coffee at http://www.chefchezray.com/ He will be joining us today, and is available to sign coffee mugs, tear stained t-shirts, and Birkenstock sandals, all of which are for sale in booth right to your left. Enjoy this rare moment, allow you to be transported back 40 years to the days of yore, treat yourself to a vintage tape, enjoy the kind...remember our Vets and make someone smile... Daydreamers are the best, carry on...have a grateful day! geodadusbrivingcoffeepouringmeister
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14 years

So glad we look out for each other on our cosmic climb to Chicago...great choice of coffee...the wavy gravy rainbow blend is interesting....thought for a minute I saw Faye Wray but then I happened upon my spectacles.... Giving thanks for our great land, those who chose to defend it and those who were forced to do so.... Funny how we as a nation often take these things for granted and tomorrow is not just another one of those Monday days off.... Think I'll take a seat over by that big guy in the monkey suit, hey buddy will ya pass me a banana? Goes good with the donuts and coffee....thanks for the time away General Geo.... Watch out for that tree! Hey Boo Boo, Magilla over here just said "I know"....(disaffectedly)
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10 years

Thanks Geo for bringing chez Ray to my attention. What a cool bean.
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10 years

that's no "guy in a monkey suit" that's our esteemed mayor, better polish those spectacles
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10 years

that is the name of our new comedy ensemble featuring klowns, hungry dancing bears and a bunch of kids that missed the dus and never saw Jerry ( ahem, Ah yes I miss Jerry) we will be featured at all acid test locations. Details will be released as they become available, tune your tinfoil to the all newbie channel.
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14 years

....with my morning brew my honey...walk me out with my morning brew today.... Beautiful sunny day, cup of coffee in hand... Plenty to go around... Let's try to enjoy what we have and be grateful... Well there's flooding down in Texas, all of the telephone lines are down.... Here's wishing them well.....
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14 years

Best music to fly by.... Stephane Grappelli and David Grisman Live.... try it, you'll like it.... Hope all had a peaceful and productive weekend.... Coffee on tomorrow 5:30am est Gob willing and the creek don't rise..... rrrrrgrrrrrr zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz morning Stella....
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14 years

Coffee is on.... Off to work I go.... Have a good day all.... ps....king of the road....you didn't see me?.. .I was the guy wearing the Bills LeSean McCoy jersey that was getting stoned in Columbus Park at the hands of those Pats fans.... btw you live in a great city ..... The seafood is wicked awesome....
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10 years 1 month

Nope I watched the news there was nothing about tin foil hat and dancing feet invading the common but I sure you walked the freedom trail , And got a large D.D. coffee
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Member for

17 years 5 months

"What I like best about music is when time goes away." Bob, I think it's just that your watch is broken. Tick Tock 4 weeks, 4 days, and 13 hours until showtime in Santa Clara. 5 weeks, 3 days, and 11 hours until showtime in Chicago! Our clocks are synchronized to Universal Lunar Time.
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Member for

17 years 5 months

Dear Chicago FTW, I have received my itinerary for FTW. All your arrows and circles and exclamation points suggest I will be somewhere and everywhere at all times. The FTW weekend promises to be completely epic. Thank you Billy for the invitation. I have received it and thank you Devils Friend for the book. As I romp around this room I see Tami, and fontsman, and rrrrrgrrrr, geo, and stella, and the Doktor, Dire, the mayor, and every Daydreamer there ever was; same as it ever was. Everyone has their Buzzzzz onnnnn. Water flowing underground. Ya just gotta buzz-around. I am high-steppin' into Sweet Home Chicago on Thursday. It's 106 miles to Chicago, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark... and we're wearing sunglasses. I'm on a mission from Gob. Thank you Chicago FTW for providing me sleep time in the schedule 3 of the 4 nights I am in town. I will believe it when I sleep it! I meet the Queen at noon for the Daydreamer fancy hat contest. New contest? I have the perfect prize. Buzzzzzzz onnnnnnnnn!
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Member for

10 years

perfect day for a daydream.Stella drink your water girl. Put some Berries today if you got. Or mint. Welcome Back back doc rggggrr to the mine. Hope famy time was sublime. And in the romper room of our mind I see my friends and all is fine. You just gotta buzz around.
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10 years

this weekend, found mint, original, fudge covered, double stuff, golden, double stuff golden, birthday, golden birthday, berry, but no reese anywhere, I did hear of an even more elusive oreo: the reese brownie oreo. has anyone heard of or eaten one of these?
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10 years 1 month

...he goes down to the gob and warms his feet... Just BOGging down the thread with more lyrical whimsy. Wind Up Ian gives his take on God and religion: "He's not the kind you have wind up on Sundays" Happy Tuesday peoples, Gob less ewe!
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14 years

Ok first off Totes....don't bogart that Buzz my friend....pass it over to me...your enthusiasm is infectious....and yes I too long for the days of haze and the buzz off the crowd at the fountain... Boo Boo, do you have Tops supermarkets in Rachacha? Reese's oreos are a staple in da Buff Tops, never had the brownie, but the S'moreos just got released...S'mores Oreos...eat them up yum.... Finally, at the newBee....dont know if you looked in the mirror lately grrrrrllllll but it certainly looks like your buzzin' buddy misses Jerry or needs an antidepressant or somethin'....adderal perhaps?...at least compared to Totes' dancin'fool of a Bumble... and thanks for the musical suggestion....let me tune the dial just exactly perfect....no.....little more bass...now ahhhhhhh...thats it... just sing along with Mr. Mayor and follow the buzzin' bee.... Life is too short, so love the one you got 'Cause you might get run over or you might get shot Never start no static, I just get it off my chest Never had to battle with no bulletproof vest Take a small example, take a t-t-t-t-tip from me Take all of your money, give it all to charity.... Lovin' is What I Got.... Now, I ask you...isn't that just sublime ;-)
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10 years

Corporate office is in Roc town, I will look there, I neglected to mention the smores, did you find the black and tan? went to pick up a quart and it was gone! grabbed a stockboy and he tells me it is discontinued, not by manufacturer, but by Danny the W. Had him clean out the back for 5 quarts, I would bring to pic-a-nic, but the ice cream doesn't travel well.
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14 years

Sold out at my Wegs...Tops carries the Reeses though...need to go to a larger one so to speak...inner city Tops in da Buff has less of a selection....worse case scenario I will trade 60 cases of Oreos for your turntable.... win win....
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10 years

pug dysmorphic disorder. No Meds required. Just a bee costume apparently does the trick.
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14 years

After watching and tearing up over TOO the Bob Weir story..... especially Jerrys demise in the 90s coincident with the scene deteriorating..... mmmmmmmbob bob, bob bob ... PDD has quite a buzz to it..... a new found respect for Weir and his jazz fills ....still can't believe Ratdog played when Jerry died... WWJD? a dysmorphic dog....? I bet he misses Jerry though.... We all do...
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10 years

I think he'd want the music to continue just like it did. No different than what they did after all the others died. Music heals.
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14 years

mmmmmmbop bop bop bop it does....