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  • cheese
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    3 out of 4 ain't bad
    I also had tons of trouble getting on to the ticket sale site this morning. when i finally did get on, trying to buy tickets for 4 different locations, i was rejected at checkout. the message was that i had timed out!! huh????? i wasn't the one taking so long!! it was so incredibly frustrating. i ended up getting shut out of msg :( but was successful securing tix for buffalo, nassau coliseum and shoreline. happy 'bout that, but still hoping for the way, if this was the "presale", does that mean the "regular" ticket sales have yet to happen? if so, when?
  • maybeyouknow
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    come on ....
    were all a little outraged at the way shit has gone down and is continuing to go down but guys please some good vibes would be excellent these guys are important to all of you no matter how pissed you may be so all the people who are angry find that one show that changed your life and listen to it 3 times in a row ,everyone psyched about tour 2009 try and spread some happy vibes and well make the best of this odd situation hope to see you all in the parking lot and dont stay mad at the boys for too long they will come to their senses
  • annieandshane
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    c-ville va
    had a relatively easy time getting good seats for the Charlottesville va show. cmon down south yall.
  • DooDahDan
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    I'm Out
    I checked at 11:55 am to see if I could pre-load my "account" information with mailing information and my credit card number and, to my surprise, was placed in the "waiting room" because there was already "high demand." I thought the whole process was supposed to kick off at high Noon EST. After waiting for an hour in the "waiting room" I got in. Tried every permutation to get 4 tickets to MSG. No luck, so I bailed around 1:30 frustrated and pissed. To add insult to injury, I got an email from at 1:46 pm saying the pre-order started. WTF? I'm done with this band. $100/seat for a Jerry-less Dead is not worth this much hassle. What started out a long time ago as a cosmic adventure has turned into a money-grab. Can't say I blame any artist for wanting to make some duckets to provide for retirement/kid's future but there was a point in the not so distant past where the true fans could pay a fair price and get tickets by filling out a 3x5 index card, a money order and an envelope (and the old system kept Dead office people employed). This band has turned into one giant cluster f*ck since Jer checked out. I would rather take the $100, buy 4 DSO tickets and a round of drinks for my friends, hear a great show, and be happy. I'm out. Nice knowing you.
  • kimberly1
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    it happens because the
    it happens because the "brokers" have agreements in place with the venues.
  • joetroy
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    Pre-sale flop . . .
    I am truly disappointed with the way the pre-sale went down. I would have thought that if anyone could have provided a fair ticket-buying experience it would have been the Dead "organization" and their ticket vendor. Turns out they can't; like every other shyster promoter out there, my experience today was actually the worst experience I've EVER HAD in buying pre-sale tickets. I've had much better experiences through Ticketmaster and Live Nation (who knows . . . they're probably both at the root of this debacle anyway) and that ain't sayin' much. Take a gander at how many tickets are being sold by scalpers already! How does that happen?! It happens because the "safeguards" that were in place did nothing but safeguard the STATUS-QUO, thereby allowing every scalper out there to get the lions' share of every good seat available, and freezing out the rest of us! Have The Dead forgot those of us deadheads who have been with them since the beginning?! It sure feels like it. I had an incredibly frustrating time in my attempt to purchase tickets - I just wanted ONE ticket for each of the couple of shows I wanted to attend - and it turned out way too confusing, convoluted, and skewed to make it worth the $115 cost for a seat and a date I really didn't want and to which it took an hour-plus to finally achieve the end result [without being bumped out, frozen out, or otherwise timed-out as I had throughout] before I was able to complete my purchase. My first Dead show was 33 years ago. If today was any indication of how the future of the Dead's ticket distribution will look like, then this May 2009 will be it for me. It's just not worth the aggravation, cost, and disappointment, where the system allows those who are honest fans to get beaten over by scalpers once again. There . . . I got that off my chest. PS:Thanks for so many incredible shows! Disillusioned words like bullets bark as human gods aim for their mark make everything from toy guns that spark to flesh-colored Christs that glow in the dark it's easy to see without looking too far not much is really sacred. B Dylan
  • kimberly1
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    my story
    so after banging my head into the monitor from 12-1:30, i bailed. came back at 6PM, and after waffleing about the price and the seats, the wife just said stop bellyaching, and buy them! chaching! got a nice little nassau/msg/hartford run lined up!
  • MarkintheDark
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    "Don't they know half the band is dead"? ROTFLMAO
    Too funny. So how do these eBay people manage to get such great seats? I was right there and couldn't get even get the stupid site to work. It's a scam, I tell ya, an inside job by those evil "musicsomeday" people. Follow the money! ********************************************* I have a sigfile! --> *********************************************
  • tomharp
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    speak with wisdom like a child
    After days of despair over extortion ticket prices, officially condoned scalping in the guise of "VIP packages", a totally fucked up on line ticket sale process and lack of accurate information, I was explaining the situation at the family dinner table. My wife said "Don't they know the economy is in the toilet"? To which my eleven year old daughter chimed in "Don't they know half the band is dead"? Maybe you had to be there, but sometimes a child can put things in focus. Thirty plus years of shows and I am terribly disillusioned at this moment, but the laugh my daughter gave me took away some of the edge.
  • SunshineDel
    No more live shows for me...
    I spent an hur trying to get logged in before I finally got in. Then I was put in a holding patern for around 30 minuits before the connection was dropped. I tried to get back in for another 15 minuits before I had to return to Life. Now I log back in and only the show that I can get to is sold out. I guess it's just a sign! It was kind of wierd that all of the good seats are being sold by a ticket scalper! $350 per ticket, give me a break! Personally I would have had to work to get the $95 that they wanted for the other seats. Oh well, I will just have to wait for the video.
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16 years 6 months

The band says Happy New Year with an announcement of almost twenty shows in April and May.  More details to come!

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16 years 2 months

Any east coast heads get in yet? I know people will start camping out in front of those venues as soon as they get the good word.
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15 years 11 months

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Member for

15 years 11 months

I have room for a passenger from Tampa to greensboro on the day before the show. Need help with gas if you please. Send me a shout. Peace, 1000MJ
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Member for

17 years 7 months

Hey! Just got the glorious email from - I am in for Roseland! It looks like the largest of the venues 1000+ but still tiny by any other measure for the power of The Dead! I am wondering if anyone has any word on taping policies for this show? I could not find any information on it anywhere on the site. You would think it would be ok. You would think anyways..... I am coming a long way (from Western Mass) and do not want to lug all that gear into NYC if there is no taping allowed. Anyone get a green light for Gramercy? Want to team up and get me in to Gramercy and I will get you into Roseland? I will also have some sweet recordings of the show too! (I hope!) Any one in general coming from Western Mass or up this way that may want to truck along with me to the show - let me know!!! Let's Get On With The Show......... LET"S GO!!!!! (^_^) Antonio (^_^)
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16 years 2 months

I was lucky to get Roseland. I'm coming up from Miami and found that you can book last minute flights plus Hotel (I got Park Central Hotel) cheaper than the flight alone. I went through Travelocity-$515 for roundtrip flight plus two nights across from Carnegie Hall, 5 short blocks down Broadway to Roseland. Flight alone was over $550. Looking to see other lucky ones there. Take care all,DRR
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16 years 1 month

Did you just get the email recently or has it been more than an hour since you received it? Just trying to figure out if the invitations are all out? Thanks!
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Member for

17 years 2 months

Got mine around quarter past noon EDT. I would think they'd all be out by now, but I'm no authority. Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
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16 years 2 months

Anybody with an extra ticket for one of the venue's on Monday. I have an extra ticket for MSG on April 25 a good seat. Maybe we can work a deal?
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Member for

17 years 7 months

Hey Y'all! In response to the timing of the email, my winning notification came at 12:12pm EST. I was also sitting at my computer when they announced the contest yesterday and immediately went to the website to fill in my entry form. I just noticed that the Gramercy show only holds around 100 people! Wow, that is tiny!!! So, there were only 50 winners (of a pair each) for that one! Lucky You!!! Roseland seems to be closer to 1000 capacity so they gave away 405 pairs for that one. That seems like it will be quite a lovely psychedelic set as it starts at 11pm and the boys don;t have anywhere to be after that one (except bed) AND they are on West Coast time!!! So, it is really 8pm for them! I better drink lots of Green Tea before this one! (^_^) (yes that's right after all these years of living the spiritual healthy cleansing path some simple Green Tea or Yerba Mate is all I need to make me shine me like the sun!) Still have not found or heard of any info regarding TAPING for these shows so if anyone has the word on that, please pass it along! I am planning on bringing my gear and am praying I get to set it up - or even get in with it! On a side note, already found a sweet friend here in Western Mass to be my show buddy and wonderfully enough it is her Birthday on Monday! She has also seen hundreds of shows and has not seen any of "the boys" since Jerry left us so I am already feeling the true homecoming of these shows and this Tour! Paradise Waits....... ~ Antonio ~
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17 years 7 months

Just got my tix via mail order for Denver - 17 row AAA on the floor..... THANK YOU GDTS!!!... All the years combine They melt into a dream
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15 years 11 months

I am pumped leaving for New York tomorrow.
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16 years 2 months

Enjoy the show and be sure to tell us all about it when you get back. Peace- Moye
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17 years 8 months

Set 1 (8:33 > 10:04)Little Martha Done Somebody Wrong Trouble No More Rocking Horse (3rd Stone tease>Little Martha tease>Blue Sky tease) Walk On Guilded Spinters Who To Believe Born Under A Bad Sign w/Floyd Miles Stormy Monday w/ Floyd Miles & Chuck Levell Come & Go Blues w/ Chuck Levell Jessica w/ Chuck Levell & Paul Riddle Set 2 (10:56 > 12:24) Sugaree w/Bob Weir & Phil Lesh I Know You Rider w/Bob Weir & Phil Lesh Franklin's Tower w/Bob Weir & Phil Lesh & Chuck Levell Black Hearted Woman Mountain Jam w/ Chuck Levell E: Statesboro Blues
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17 years 9 months

The date is fast approaching. My bday is 4/19 and the the show is 4/21. Thanks to my wonderful family for the ticket. Truckin up to buffalo. WHOO WHOO!!!!!Peace
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16 years 2 months

Is anyone gonna try and tape the 3/30 show? Would love to hear it, maybe start a vine of the tour. Peace- Moye
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Waiting for a stellar show. Hope 10,000 roses drop from the rafter as they start with~Midnight Hour~ It's been too long a winter... {-:
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17 years 3 months

I got the notice telling me I got into Roseland. I replied with an ACCEPT message and have not heard back. Anyone get their vouchers yet?
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Member for

17 years 2 months

You should carefully re-read the notification email in it's entirety. The access control procedure is fully described there. Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
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17 years 3 months

It says in the first email that a voucher will be sent and that should be printed out and presented at the door. I did read it correctly so my question is simply did anyone get their voucher email yet?
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Member for

17 years 2 months

It would appear that the email IS the voucher. Here's how mine reads: "No tickets will be mailed out. Your must print out this email and provide it for entrance to the event." Maybe I'm crazy, but that seems pretty clear to me. Leastaways, that's what I'm betting on. Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
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17 years 3 months

The email I got from update@gdtstooo say congrats, etc...I've been selected for Roseland Ballroom. But more information is required. They asked for my name again as well as my guest and an email addy. Sent all that and have not heard back. So all I have is the email saying I got in but my name or my guests name is not at the top. What's the deal?
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16 years

i got the same email from i replied with name and guest and havent heard back either... not sure what to expect at this point.
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Member for

15 years 11 months

Looking for a miracle tomorrow (Monday 3/30). Hoping maybe cos its a short notice Monday there might be a guest slot available. I'm a great conversationalist and have lots to offer... pretty please? I'll be your best friend...? PM me please.
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16 years 2 months

That is not what mine said though it first appeared that the e-mail was the actually was just a sweepstakes entry. Then it was up to the "hand of fate" to send you the confirmation e-mail or the "E-Mail Prize Notification". it states: "You will be sent an email confirmation voucher that you must print and provide for entrance to the event. Once at the venue all concertgoers will be required to provide photo identification along with a copy of the email voucher which will be checked against our record of your confirmation"
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16 years

had my tix fed ex-ed, the most expensive ones I ever bought for any show but its been awhile since Ive gotten out and had some real fun.Congrats to all you winners to nyc.
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Member for

16 years 2 months

I too would like to know if anyone has received the "E-Mail Prize Notification". either from GDTS TOO or RATDOG . I would not assume that the e-mail is the voucher. That's setting yourself up forn major dissapointment at the box office.
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Member for

17 years 5 months

any chance someone has an extra ticket for the Grammercy or Roseland show ?Really would love to go
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Member for

16 years 2 months

Latest Update from GDTS says: Thank you, our allotment has been met for The Dead's Performances on 3/30/09. You will receive your confirmation notices by tomorrow evening if you are selected. Please no phone calls or emails as we are working hard to compile the folks that made it in on time. Dated 3/28/09
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Member for

17 years 2 months

The confirmation email I got was delivered yesterday at 12 past noon EDT, had both my name and my guest's name and four item list of specific instructions on how to proceed. It wasn't sent from GDTSTOO's mailserver either. I can only guess that all the notifications have been sent out, and if you didn't get one that basically matches the above description, you're probably not in. But I'm in no position to speak authoritatively here. This is just what my experience has been. Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
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Member for

17 years 5 months

need a ticket for March 30th , want to share my kind and your extra ticket ?
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Member for

17 years 3 months

This is the first email I got Friday night from update@gdtstoo: Hello, You have been selected for the GDTS TOO allotment of tickets for The Dead's performance at the Roseland Ballroom on Monday, March 30, 2009 at 11:00 PM. The intention of this small venue show is to provide an opportunity for fans to see The Dead in an intimate setting for free. Here's the deal.... You must respond to this email by Saturday, March 28 at high noon! Do not phone or email with any questions or you will be disqualified! This offer is non transferable, it is for you only! You and your guest must have a photo ID for entrance into the show. 2 tickets per person limit No tickets will be mailed out. You will be sent an email confirmation voucher that you must print and provide for entrance to the event. Once at the venue all concertgoers will be required to provide photo identification along with a copy of the email voucher which will be checked against our record of your confirmation. Once confirmed you will be allowed entrance into the concert. To avoid long lines; you are strongly encouraged to arrive early. You must enter the venue upon arrival and there are no in/out privileges. Please return this email with an "accept" or "decline" in the subject box. Again, this email must be returned by Saturday at High Noon.
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17 years 3 months

Then I replied with ACCEPT in the heading. About an hour later on Friday night, 11:30 EST I got this email: Please email us your full name, and the full name of your guest (should you choose to bring one), as there will be photo ID checks upon entrance. Please specify if you are not bringing a guest. Thank you, GDTS TOO
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17 years 3 months

I replied to that with the information even though it seemed redundant since it was in the initial entry form. I've not heard back since sending the additional info. I'd like to think I'm going but with no reply and no email with my name on it anywhere....kind of a bummer. Why is anything having to do with Grateful Dead and tickets synonomous with stress? I did exactly what was asked(I think) Am I missing something here?
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16 years

that says they will notify by evning of 3/29 (tonight) i'd say we've still got a chance... would stress too much, afterall its a free show! it will work out. my email indicated i was in. and i havent gotten official tix email yet either.
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Member for

16 years 2 months

It appears that you actually received the "E-Mail Prize Notification" then. Congrats and Enjoy. I am in the exact same boat as jonarobb. Not giving up hope yet but it is getting late here on the east coast. I would imagine the lines to get into those venues has already reached epic proportions.
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17 years 2 months

I'm just another user here trying to be helpful. I am bummed for you if it isn't going to work out so you get to go, and I hear you loud and clear on the stress issue. If you've looked at one of the fan photos on my profile that should be abundantly clear. What can I say? Sometimes the light's all shining on me. Other times I can barely see. On a more positive note, I enjoyed the version of Sugaree on your website, it was fun to jam along with. Maybe we should get together some time? Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
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16 years

...quote: "I am in the exact same boat as jonarobb. Not giving up hope yet but it is getting late here on the east coast. I would imagine the lines to get into those venues has already reached epic proportions. " huh? the show is tomorrow night.
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16 years 2 months

...quote: huh? the show is tomorrow night. It's New York. It's the first on line are the first in. Heads already in possession of "the go ahead" for these shows.
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17 years 7 months

I got my announcement yesterday morning, booked a flight for tomorrow, get in LAG about 7:30pm, then subway/bus to NYC. Hit the show. Then deopending what time they are done, I'm thinking of swinging down to Chinatown for some really good Chinese food & then back to the airport to catch a 6am flight back home. Serious hit & run show this time. It's just gonna be awesome! "No matter where you go, there you are..." Buckaroo Bonzai
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Member for

17 years 8 months

I just got my confirmation email for Roseland. I am very psyched. This makes up for my miss at MSG. It's gonna be a good day. Rock on!.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

That's messed up jonarobb! I did get Roseland and just like GR8FLPT, it's an in and out deal for me, airport>show>airport:) what a trip. anyhow, yeah mine wasn't from gdtstooo either, got the original notice of the drawing from, entered online here and got the notice as others have described with instructions, no reply back or anything like that. also note: according to the rules, it doesn't look like you can even change who the extra tic goes to, I put my wife in but she can't make it.. according to the instructions, it has to be her with ID or I don't get the second tic.. something to be aware of if folks are thinking they will have an extra to miracle, don't look like that is the way it's gonna work.
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17 years 3 months

Yeah, I'm really not one to complain but just the hoops that you have to jump through these days to see a show is insane. I'm totally psyched for everyone that gets in. I'm just more perplexed than anything. I got my money order back for MSG a while ago so i was psyched to catch at least this show.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

The hoops and stress, indeed! I saw the pic in Mr. Pid's profile, I know that screen! took I think about half-dozen tries for the tics for Greensboro and Charlotte, at least the wife will make those! Feelin' for ya bro, if I thought they would give me the second tic, would miracle it to ya in a sec.
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Member for

15 years 11 months

The email IS your TICKET!! Print it.... bring it with ID... and you are there !!But I do think the 2nd person does NOT need to be the same as the original mentioned in the giveaway.... Enjoy.... Raymond