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  • gregehle
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    need 2
    I have nothing to add that the others haven't said. I would like to go but there is a lot of greed it seems out there. Please email me lots of kind trades!
  • dfoschino
    we are all looking for the same thing/ a dream and a miracle
    unfortunately we all seem to be looking and not many are willing to give up except for the stub hubbers trying to make a killing on something that should have been a great last ride for all of us true heads, that being said i also have a room 2 miles away from the stadium and looking for two tickets willing to put people up, im sure this is a long shot at this point, but we did buy our tickets for the grateful ball after party which should be a great time, there are still tickets available for that event, and me and my bro will be making the most of our time in Chicago, and hope you all do to. peace and love,
  • bigcid420
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    Looking for up to 4 tickets to any single day.
    I Had never used ticket master before, was online at 10am in the queue. Waiting for the timer to tick down for my turn to confirm what it had found. By the time i realize my session was bugged the concert was sold out. I was supposed to get 4 ticket me an my wife an our 2 friends. If any kind sole was able to secure extra an would be willing to part I can pay via pay pal or bitcoins or money order just let me know !! Thanks in advance !!
  • JohnRParker5
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    GD50 in Chicago
    Looking for up to 3 for Sat or Sunday night. I know its a long-shot but maybe the universe will be kind. Really hoping to take both my sons (16 and 20) for their first real Dead show. Will pay of course, anything they cost you plus free GD CDs, copies of shows, etc. Blessings to all seekers and to those who have already found!
  • paps
    Tix needed
    Throwing all options out into the universe that I can. This July would be my 25th anniversary of the first time I saw Jerry and had my heart set on seeing the band at least one night. Hoping someone can help a sister out. "Love Light"
  • Ryan3481
    properlejdi reply
    Good comment. True that there will be a lot there that bought their way in, but I would hope the band in the coming months is able to do things to reduce the demand for these shows. Simulcast it, offer public forum simulcast locations in cities around the country. Maybe that brings ticket prices down a bit and folks who really aren't motivated to get to Chicago stop looking.. but on the other hand, maybe that also continues this massive hype that is going on and it only gets worse. really can't say what will happen at this point. I don't know of a bigger band that announced a 3-night run to close out their 50-year career on the 20th year anniversary of the last show they played in the same location. Think about that a moment. I'm sure they all kicked around ideas and this seemed like a great idea at the time, but its unprecedented and they have created the mother-of-all-concerts with a bottleneck for tickets like never seen before.
  • pence1
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    Hotel Room
    Howdy ya all... I have room for 3rd and 4th in the beautiful Hyatt Regency on East Wacker Drive, not far from concert. We missed out on mail and TM and i can't pay the prices for what everybody is asking. Very sad how this type of greed has gotten way out of hand !!! SO PLEASE CONTACT ME IF YA NEED AWESOME ROOM...PRICE PAID FOR ROOMS WERE $278.18 PER NIGHT FOR TOTAL OF #556.36.. HAVE CONFIRMATION # IN HAND.... THX... pLEASE GO THROUGH PERSONEL MESSAGE!!!!!!
  • Deadheadhippiechef
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    Ticket to TRADE
    I have a 3 day set of tickets that are behind the stage I would like to TRADE the July 4th ticket and 1 more ticket for either Friday or Sunday (your choice) for 1 July 4th ticket anywhere in front of the stage. I give you two tickets behind the stage and you give me 1 ticket in front of the stage. I know you may be able to wander around but I'm not taking the chance to be separated from my young son. I am only willing to TRADE. I have many friends who were shut out to pass my extras on to so I will not be selling them. You must be able to prove you are a Dead Head and not a scalper or broker.
  • Ryan3481
    Seeking any tickets to any night
    Would love to find at least two tickets to any night - but would really take anything. My brother and I were going to meet in Chicago - with him coming from Jackson Hole and I'm in D C - and just wanted to see one night if possible - preferably Fri or Sat or both. We would take a 3-day pass as well or any individuals. Hit me up if you have extras! I know this is a needle in a haystack shot, but I'm throwing my email into the dark to see what happens!
  • properlejdi
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    Welcome to Greed
    Well all - seems like I am not the only head who was shut out - at least I can say that I saw them once upon a time...most HERE can say that too (which is a good thing). A couple things about the scalpers, this is a function of supply and demand. There is no supply and massive demand, wherever this occurs, we will have people taking advantage of the system. If GDTS did what Phil does for his shows, scalping would be non-existent. You need to show up and show id - all tix are will call and non-transferrable. So the lucky sods who got GA tix either pit or floor, who are selling them for upwards of $15k per, well, we reap it. Next, and probably most disheartening, is that the boys themselves don't see a penny off these crazy prices. They are ones doing all of the work (they and the crews obviously) and the people getting rich off of no work at all are quietly debating whether they even go if they can clear $60,000 per night for their pit tickets...for only $400 up front. I think the worst thing of all though - is that there will be very few people in tie-dyes, tripping and dancing to the boys for one last time on the floor. At these prices, it will be suits and the kids from Palo Alto (now) who can afford it. EDIT: Maybe I am harsh to judge those who pay $2-10k for a ticket as not heads. Perhaps they are more of a head than I will ever be; or perhaps they are just huge fans with a lot more money. I guess I have no right to question those that can pay this kind of blood money to see the band we all live and breath by. As I said, I am just bitter that I don't have millions of dollars to not notice the kind of money being asked (and I do very well for a living - but not that well). I'm bitter - but this is just the stages of grief I am afraid, yesterday was pure sadness. I was in a Charlie Brown mood all day. Roadking brightened my day for a bit, but he gave them to someone else - he is a good man and did what he had to do (no bitterness there). I am sure that there will be a moving commemoration to the boys that have been lost over the years on the 7th as they drop the curtain for one last time. I, will only get to imagine it. I am sorry for the rambling but I am finding this somewhat cathartic since my wife and friends are tired of hearing me rant. To those of you lucky heads going - eat some paper and dance for me and more importantly, enjoy the splendour that is the Grateful Dead. My friend, whom I was going to go with looked at the prices and said something that made me laugh yesterday..."Jerry will be so mad with what is going on, this is so NOT the Grateful Dead, in fact, I'm willing to bet he will be so disgusted, he won't even show up" A little tongue in cheek, but maybe it was a good thing he isn't around to see what the institution he was a key part of has become.
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17 years 9 months
No scalping please!
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Member for

15 years 11 months

I have a pair to trade or sell trade for msg or albany or face value +fees
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Member for

16 years 1 month

I am very interested in buying the tix to the msg show. i will check back here or if it is easier for you my email is .. hopefully no one has taken you up on your offer yet. thank you Sean
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Member for

15 years 11 months

I'd like to see the boys today, but it seems my email's broken cause I didn't get a response.I had plans to get tickets to the View this morning and see where things went from there, but my boy Reef is home with a belly ache. I'm able to make any on the three shows tonight and promise to dance my ass of, spend LOTS of beautiful positivity. I've been jones~in for some energy since Phil left Nokia. To everyone going, have an amazing show, I'll see ya inside! *crosses fingers!
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Member for

16 years 1 month

I have 2 tix for the DC show. Section 105-floor seats. Looking to get what I paid including postage. $114 each. Will barter though. Sometimes we live no particular way but our own
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Just a friendly thanks to the folks at the GD ticket office -- I won tickets to tonight's show at Roseland. I mention this mostly because I'm just a regular Deadhead -- I don't know anyone personally in the organization, I'm not rich or important -- just grateful that this effort was made to get some free tickets in to the hands of the fans who have been there year after year. Thanks.
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Member for

17 years 2 months

gleng1! A biiiiig thanks to all parties involved, especially the band for making it happen at all! As an additional point of reference, Springsteen recently sold tickets to his rehearsals. Admittedly, you did have to go to Convention Hall in Asbury Park, but I'm just sayin'... And now it's time for my boot heels to be wandering, at least for today. Sees y'all at the show! Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
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Member for

16 years 1 month

Hey guys, got shut out on the lottery. i know there will be extras for tonight at the box office but if anybodys got an extra that they know of. Please let me know. Evan 516-508-0859 Can give cash or good karma your way!
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Member for

15 years 11 months

I can't go to the show due to epilepsy and nobody can go with me now. I have to sell 6 tickets.
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Member for

15 years 11 months

i have 2 tix - section 221 for 4/18 i would like to trade for 4/19 - will pay the difference in price, if any. email me matt 1260 at yahoo.
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Member for

17 years 7 months

i have an extra for greensboro....looking for face or trade...are we there yet
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Member for

17 years 8 months

I can't make the Wilkes-Barre show. I have three floor tix for face value plus whatever charge I have to pay for UPS, FED-EX, overnight, registered, certified or return receipt shipping or can meet in Greensboro.
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Member for

16 years 2 months

I happen to have an extra in section 4 on the floor row N. Face value. I've got some people interested but let me know if you want to be kept in mind just in case. night comes so quiet, it's close on the heels of the day
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15 years 11 months

I'm forced to sell my tickets to work on my Thesis. All, I'm looking for is FACE, or else I would trade for Phish shows later on in the summer. I have 2 for Albany, Charlottesville, and Washington. 2 Charlottesville, Floor 3, Row H 2 Washington, 114, Row S 2 Albany, 104, Row Q If you're interested in any of these, my email is
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Member for

17 years 7 months

I have an unusual trade request and I certainly hope it's not considered scalping. It breaks down like this. Thanks to GDTSTOO, I have 2 extra, Front Row (Section 3 Row A Seats 1&2) for the Albany 4/17 show. These are front row in the right corner!!!! My 3 tix for MSG are horrible 300 behind the stage. I would be willing to trade these 2 front row Albany for 3 decent MSG tix anywhere lower level or floor, at least in front of the stage. The wife said to sell them for profit and try to buy new MSG tix. I told her that was bad JuJu and that I would try to work out a trade. All tix are in hand. If anyone is interested in discussing this further, email me @ Have a great tour!!! I can Tell the Queen of Diamonds by the way she shines!
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Member for

17 years 7 months

I will not trade if I suspect that you are a scalper trying to upgrade your profit!!!! I can Tell the Queen of Diamonds by the way she shines!
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Member for

16 years 3 months

I have 4 tix to get rid of for April 12th show in NC, 2 in section 215 and 2 in section 226. I paid 308.20 for all four and cannot go. If interested please reply to me at or call me at 727-443-1229 and ask for Turtle. Thnx! ^_^Turtle---
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Member for

16 years 2 months

I've got a pair of tickets for 4/28 at IZOD (w/ Branford) They are in Section 127 row 25. Looking for face or a very kind trade. send me a message via this site.
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Member for

15 years 11 months

Still trying to get two tickets for either date. I want to turn my son onto the dead but can't find tickets I can afford.Also still trying to get an answer if the venue will allow non ticket hoplders in the parking lot.Thanks
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Member for

15 years 11 months

I have 2 GA tickets for the 5/10 show, want to trade these and some $ for reserved seats to the Gorge show in WA. If anybody's into it please email me at starving, hysterical, naked
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Member for

15 years 11 months

4/12/09, Greensboro, NCSection 220, Row E, Seats 3 & 4 I paid 57.50 each and that's all I'm lookin' for...115 for the pair. Let me know... cpapazog at hotmail dot com
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Member for

15 years 11 months

Section 106 Row RR face value $96.00 each. Email me directly at I have tickets in hand and will pay for registered shipping or hand deliver.
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Member for

15 years 11 months

Please help if you can, bought tix for Shoreline, now cant go as husband has to cook for wedding!! He told me I could go without him, but just wouldnt be the same. Can trade + pay for difference for Gorge shows so we can be togetherany other ideas on where to trade would make me Grateful!
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Member for

15 years 11 months

I need 3 tickets - any location - for MSG. Traveling from CA that weekend for the Nassau and MSG shows and got shut out on MSG. Please help. Email me at if you can help! Thanks!
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Member for

17 years 7 months

so i sold the greensboro ticket i had posted but still have one for 4/18...let me know if you want the worcester ticket...please take this ticket i am leaving for greensboro in 6 days wooohooo. ia will not be at the 4/18 show and would hate to have it go to waste...
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Member for

15 years 11 months

Hey now! I have 2 great tix to MSG-- section 335, E1 and E2. I had some good karma by winning tix to Roseland, so I thought I would pass on my good fortune to someone else in need. :) I would love to sell my MSG tickets to anyone for face value ($110 each; $99.50 face value, plus $20 shipping I had to pay to deadnet to have them shipped to me); ideally we could hook up in NYC and exchange cash (or paypal, although I've never done that before, not sure how it works?) Or the other option (my fave!) I would LOVE to trade for a pair of tickets to Philly 5/2! That would be the coolest. Maybe one of you kind folks could help a sista out, and I could hook you up in return! xoxo Alicina
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Member for

15 years 11 months

Hey now! I have 2 great tix to MSG-- section 335, E1 and E2. I had some good karma by winning tix to Roseland, so I thought I would pass on my good fortune to someone else in need. :) I would love to sell my MSG tickets to anyone for face value ($110 each; $99.50 face value, plus $20 shipping I had to pay to deadnet to have them shipped to me); ideally we could hook up in NYC and exchange cash (or paypal, although I've never done that before, not sure how it works?) Or the other option (my fave!) I would LOVE to trade for a pair of tickets to Philly 5/2! That would be the coolest. Maybe one of you kind folks could help a sista out, and I could hook you up in return! For quickest response, please reply to my personal email xoxo Alicina
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Member for

15 years 11 months

Hey kind friends, I've also got 2 extra tix to Nassau, 4/24. Again, would sell for face value plus shipping I originally paid (so, $110 per ticket). Or I would love to trade for Philly 5/2 tickets as well! I hope my tickets find themselves a happy home and make one of you have a wonderful experience at the show! I just saw the Dead at Roseland on Monday night, and the show completely rocked my world. I couldn't have asked for anything better, and I wish that kind of show at Nassau for you! Peace, Alice xoxo p.s. for quickest reply, email me directly at
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Member for

15 years 11 months

help i desperstly need a ticket for 4/18 wor i have a 4/21 buf tic or my buddy has a 4/19 will trade either or cash or both you see what i have you tell me what you want. i must go to the 4/18 show with my buddy have ticket need ride cool what ever it takes. just a clean rat getting fat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Member for

15 years 11 months

help i desperstly need a ticket for 4/18 wor i have a 4/21 buf tic or my buddy has a 4/19 will trade either or cash or both you see what i have you tell me what you want. i must go to the 4/18 show with my buddy have ticket need ride cool what ever it please
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Member for

15 years 11 months

6 tix still unclaimed. Put in an offer friends won't let me go on my own due to epilepsy. The ticket price is 95 Canadian. Will consider all offers. John at
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Member for

16 years 10 months

Hey folks - I've got a Hartford ticket on the floor for 4/26; looking to trade it for a floor ticket to Worchester (4/18 or 4/19) or to sell to someone for what I paid. pm me if interested. Cheers
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Member for

15 years 11 months

Hi, I am looking for a kind soul in NYC to sell me 3 tix for the 042509 MSG DEAD show for $200 total. I realize this is CRAZY-BELOW the price on the tix. To compensate for this I am offering you a FREE 3 NIGHT stay in San Francisco. I have a lovely studio apt located 3 blocks from the Powell Cable Car turnaround and would love to share my space w/ you for free. Ideally you are a "Wharfrat" (A sober Dead-Head), because I am sober and would prefer to not have folks loaded, or getting loaded around me and my space. SHORELINE May 10th, SHORELINE May 14th, and you've got a free place, heck, I'll let ya stay at my place from the 9th till the 15th!! (Shoreline stay ONLY offered for Wharfrats, and I pay only $150 for the 3 tix) If this works for us, I have a relative in Manhattan that will pick up the tix and pay you, Of course, I am sure we will speak prior. search words to pull up my note quicker: SF NYC MSG Mountain View CA 05/10/09 05/14/09 051009 051409 0510 0514 042409 0424 04/24/09 04/24 $200 $150