• 7,852 replies

    "When we began discussing audio projects to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Grateful Dead back in 2012, we knew we wanted to do something completely unprecedented. We could think of nothing more exciting or ambitious than a career-spanning overview of the band's live legacy focused on what best tells the story: complete concerts. Our first criterion was the very best live music to represent any given year in the band’s history. We wanted to make sure that there were not only the tent-pole shows that fans have been demanding for decades but also ones that are slightly more under the radar, but equally excellent. For those who listen to the entire box straight through, chronologically, the narrative of the Grateful Dead's live legacy will be seen as second to none in the pantheon of music history." - David Lemieux

    We are more than pleased to announce the Grateful Dead's most ambitious release ever: 30 TRIPS AROUND THE SUN. Available as both an 80-disc boxed set and a custom lightning-bolt USB drive, the collection includes 30 unreleased live shows, one for each year the band was together from 1966 to 1995, along with one track from their earliest recording sessions in 1965. Packed with over 73 hours of music, both the boxed set and the USB drive will be individually numbered limited editions.

    The 80-disc boxed set is individually numbered and limited to 6,500 copies, a nod to the band’s formation in 1965. Along with the CDs, it also includes a gold-colored 7-inch vinyl single which bookends the band’s career. The A-side is “Caution (Do Not Stop On Tracks)” from the band’s earliest recording session in 1965 with the B-side of the last song the band ever performed together live, “Box Of Rain” recorded during their final encore at Soldier Field in Chicago on July 9, 1995.

    The box also comes with a 288-page book that features an extensive, career-spanning essay written by Nick Meriwether, who oversees the Dead archives at the University of California, Santa Cruz, along with special remembrances of the band submitted by fans. Also included is a scroll that offers a visual representation of how the band’s live repertoire has evolved through the years.

    The USB drive version* will be shaped like a gold lightning bolt with the Grateful Dead 50th anniversary logo engraved on the side. The drive includes all of the music from the collection in both FLAC (96/24) and MP3 formats and is an individually numbered limited edition of 1,000 copies. Digital version of the book also included on USB.

    Shows will NOT be sold individually on CD. This release is sure to sell out quickly so pre-order your copy today and stick around as we will be revealing a mighty fine selection of music, art, and much, much more right here.

    (Looking for a smaller 50th Anniversary commemorative keepsake? September 18th will see the release of a four-CD version of the collection titled 30 TRIPS AROUND THE SUN: THE DEFINITIVE LIVE STORY 1965-1995. More on that here.)

    Head on over to Rollingstone.com for the very first listen of "Morning Dew" 9/18/87 Madison Square Garden, David Fricke's exclusive interview with archivist David Lemieux, and the reveal of 30 TRIPS AROUND THE SUN's '69 and '84 shows.

    *Helpful hints for using your USB:

    Running the 30 Trips Player / Reader program:
    On Windows – Navigate to the USB drive and double click the PCStart.exe file to run.
    On MacOS – Open the GD 30 Trips drive, and double click the MacStart to run.

    Viewing the digital book:
    You can either view it within the program that comes on the drive, or by opening the PDF directly.

    To view the PDF, open the PDF folder on the drive and the USB_bk_spreads_08-31 file within. Selecting the option within your PDF reading application to view as a “single page” might be preferable to viewing as a continuous document.

    Importing music into iTunes and other library programs:
    When you import the songs from the USB into your library, the information used to identify the track will likely leave them sorted incorrectly. Please use the song list found here to re-number the songs for each show so that they playback in the correct order.


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  • jrf68@hotmail.com
    Off topic
    Moses GuestLive Stages Get some...it's good. :) ...Over The Car->Under The Stairs...
  • LoveJerry
    Somebody on the other thread, I forget who, brought up a point about the secondary market, which was basically that Rhino depends on it to ensure they sell x number of copies of each release in a very short amount of time. This guy who wrote the article worked for a record company or something, I wish I could find the post. But it totally makes sense. Basically, Rhino needs to sellout each release in 3 or 4 weeks to not only be profitable, but to extend the life of the series. By making it limited edition, they sellout immediately and actually rely on the secondary market to be there and buy out what the individuals don't buy. It amounts to free distribution for Rhino. They sell off their 16,500 Dave's Picks in a week, and never pay a dime in distribution costs. For Rhino this means more dollars per unit and less units sold to make both make a profit and re-invest in the next release (and making the next profit). So I get it. Rhino is a very unique position, in that they have a rare product with seemingly no end, and this thing called the internet. And in fact, these very message boards are a major source of advertisement. I'm just happy I'm ahead of the curve now. I spent a lot on eBay back-filling my Dead collection. What I would be interested in, is the legalities involved in re-issuing a product that they originally sold as a limited quantity item. Even if legal, I doubt they would do it, out of fear of ruining their current, buy it now, while it's hot sales model, which is undoubtedly working. One thing I feel confident in, is that if Rhino felt that re-releasing FW 69 Complete would be profitable in the long run, they would do it (and perhaps they will). But I imagine it's a tricky balance, as Morning Sun said - never underestimate the turmoil of breaking a promise to the original people who bought it (of whom I am not one - fucker cost me 400 bucks). Plus I'm sure they all have a dozen copies of all of them that they're saving for 10 years from now when they're going for a grand on eBay ;-)
  • Cousins Of The…
    FW 69 re-release
    Not sure what the exact wording was when they first released it, but some of the music included in the set has been available on the 3 disc compilation.Rhino could produce a set with all 4 FW 69 shows, add 2-11-69 Fillmore East release, change the name and add a disclaimer that would say something like "portions of this set was previously released as Ltd Edition FW box set, etc." Lots of "limited Edition only", and "promo only" music has been re-released that way.
  • mbarilla
    FW69 Box set
    if they want to re-release they would definetely need a new mix. I dont think packaging much to do with it
  • Roland Bruynesteyn
    re-release FW'69
    FWIW, let me echo SpaceBro's (and others) sentiment: I own FW'69, and enjoy it immensely.By all means, re-release it, so that more people can enjoy it. I do not mind scalping, or a secondary market. In general, I don't mind limited editions, bonus discs with first runs etc; companies can run their business as they see fit. But I'm a capitalist through and through: if more people want it, and Rhino can make more money, by all means let's do it. I know that the secondary market, at least in this particular case, exists bcause Rhino said that FW'69 would never be released (in any form?) again. Some people would feel cheated if, after paying a lot (NOT to Rhino though), it was re-released. But surely most Deadheads would want other Deadheads to be able to acquire this set, and there should be some way around it (cheaper packaging or whatever) to get past this?
  • Born Cross Eye…
    FW 69 box re-issue?
    Yes, reissue it as a limited edition of 16,000.$130 each + shipping and sales taxes where applicable. For that $130 you'll get the four shows - 2/27, 2/28, 3/1 & 3/2/1969 in 4 tye-dyed design artwork, thin cardboard type sleeves with a simple booklet with only the song titles, the track times, the songwriters credits and publishers credits with two or three photos, WITHOUT AN ESSAY, all enclosed in a lightweight cardboard case with artwork similar to the original 2005 issue.
  • Sun King
    shrine vinyl et al...
    glad to hear the 69 shrine vinyl release sounds so good. i plan on picking one up soon. as for the 69 box, and other limited releases, i think rhino needs to view their 'investment' in the grateful dead as being holders of something culturally significant. limited edition stuff should be just the initial physical product, but everything should be available via download. as i've said before, they should act like smithsonian/folkways, where nothing they have ever released goes out of print. you can't go to their site and order an original woody guthrie or leadbelly record, those have been out of print forever, but you can download it or order a custom burned cd. there is nothing you can not order. i believe rhino is just waiting for the last 150 usb's to sell, then they will offer all 30 shows via download. as for the 69box, i don't remember their wording, but a physical product probably can't, or shouldn't, be re-released that way, but all 4 shows should be put out via download, if the suits think they can legally do it. if not, lesson learned....
  • Charlie3
    Ramble On
    Dennis Wilmot, feel free to ramble on, you made some good points in a funny way. it sounds like I may have been one of the same two people seated next to you at shows;)For my two cents, I have the 30 trips box and it wouldn't bother me a bit if they made another production run in the future, with or without all the extras. I didn't buy it as an investment, I purchased it because I wanted to have the music and after missing out on FW69 I knew I would regret not having it more than I would regret spending the money. At some point I would like to pick up FW69, but there is a limit to what I can pay and feel OK about the purchase. I understand that the limited edition model is probably what makes the ongoing releases possible to this extent, so it is what it is, but it seems that they could set it up so that it would be possible to reissue things after some period of time. As far as copying limited edition releases, I guess the band makes their money when the original sale occurs and are unaffected by any subsequent transactions, so there's that.
  • Dennis
    Re-releases, Limited Editions, illegal copies, ebay prices
    I throw my 2 cents into this, I agree with those that say a release of limited edition stuff as maybe a digital download is just fine with me. As always if price is the limiting factor I can not believe you can't find someone to make you a copy. Some say "oh that's illegal", sounds like corporate lawyer talk to me. I agree you shouldn't be knocking out 1,000 copies of something and selling them at the local flea market, but to slip a buddy a copy, fuck no. I remember when people didn't even think twice about making a cassette copy for a friend. Of course the "industry" hated that, they even tried to get a "tax" on blank tapes to cover the "losses" they were suffering. What hogwash! The record companies seem to be doing fine! Ebay prices will disappear or come down if people stop buying them, just like tickets for sporting events (which sports fan seem to believe are way out of whack). Remember when FM first took off and stations would play a perfect album side, even told you when to start your tape. I'm sorry if the record industry makes a product that is easy to copy. Why didn't they just keep producing records? You couldn't copy them as easily as cd. Because they wanted to squeeze out the free music of radio, cd's people would buy more of because you could take them in your car. Did the industry ever return money for those shit 8 tracks that they sold? Or even the shit cassettes they sold? Those store bought tapes NEVER lasted long, but a good maxell made at home lasted forever? I still have cassettes I made from 1980 that play just fine. But the few store bought ones I got the cases always warped in the heat.I think I can most assuredly say that if you could shove a new caddy into a port of the computer and have it shit out a new caddy, everyone would have a new caddy and be saying fuck GM. (probably a lot of people already saying that) You don't see anyone making "illegal" copies of books and you could zerox a whole book. I'm surprise the corporate lawyers haven't tried to shut down public libraries, since they allow people to listen, read and view all copyright material without paying any fee to the owner of the copy right material. There was a point when Mickey Mouse was about to enter the public domain and Disney just couldn't let that happen, so they had congressman Sony Bono push thru a revision of the copyright laws that allowed them to keep the copyright. (see - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copyright_Term_Extension_Act ) Technically if you owned a bar, you couldn't play cd's you own there without a fee being paid to industry. CD's YOU OWN! Can you imagine if you bought a repair guide for a car you owned and you got a second car of the same make and being told you couldn't use that manual to fix the second car, that the use of the manual was only for the first car. You have that same thing with software you buy, you buy the package but can't use it where ever you want, only once (maybe 3 times for some) Sorry I've rambled a bit, but corporations piss me off. They want risk socialize and profits privatized. They want to be citizens with no one responsible for jail time. Fuck them! Record profits and the world still fights for crumbs. On the illegal front, I get a chuckle out of this. I thought it was illegal to bring "drugs" into shows or buy and sell them. Oh, I forgot nobody who went to dead shows did drugs. Like nobody in England watches Doctor Who. The show has been on for 50 years and nobody admits they watch it! Just like back in the .net days, nobody on net.dead did drugs! I must have always got seated next to the same other 2 people who did :-) Once again sorry for the excessive rambling.
  • dharwin
    Default Avatar
    Just to be clear...
    I am fully supportive of a re-release of the FW69 box. The whole reason I have the info that I have is that (being the anal retentive completist that I am) I emailed David Lemieux to ask why in the hell the box set hadn't been reissued. Any deadhead that has looked at eBay in the last 5 years can see that this box is in absurdly high demand. I hate the idea of limited releases and find it absurd that they would limit anything. The only thing that does is drive up the price on secondary markets (just look at the 30 trips box on eBay).
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Member for

18 years

"When we began discussing audio projects to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Grateful Dead back in 2012, we knew we wanted to do something completely unprecedented. We could think of nothing more exciting or ambitious than a career-spanning overview of the band's live legacy focused on what best tells the story: complete concerts. Our first criterion was the very best live music to represent any given year in the band’s history. We wanted to make sure that there were not only the tent-pole shows that fans have been demanding for decades but also ones that are slightly more under the radar, but equally excellent. For those who listen to the entire box straight through, chronologically, the narrative of the Grateful Dead's live legacy will be seen as second to none in the pantheon of music history." - David Lemieux

We are more than pleased to announce the Grateful Dead's most ambitious release ever: 30 TRIPS AROUND THE SUN. Available as both an 80-disc boxed set and a custom lightning-bolt USB drive, the collection includes 30 unreleased live shows, one for each year the band was together from 1966 to 1995, along with one track from their earliest recording sessions in 1965. Packed with over 73 hours of music, both the boxed set and the USB drive will be individually numbered limited editions.

The 80-disc boxed set is individually numbered and limited to 6,500 copies, a nod to the band’s formation in 1965. Along with the CDs, it also includes a gold-colored 7-inch vinyl single which bookends the band’s career. The A-side is “Caution (Do Not Stop On Tracks)” from the band’s earliest recording session in 1965 with the B-side of the last song the band ever performed together live, “Box Of Rain” recorded during their final encore at Soldier Field in Chicago on July 9, 1995.

The box also comes with a 288-page book that features an extensive, career-spanning essay written by Nick Meriwether, who oversees the Dead archives at the University of California, Santa Cruz, along with special remembrances of the band submitted by fans. Also included is a scroll that offers a visual representation of how the band’s live repertoire has evolved through the years.

The USB drive version* will be shaped like a gold lightning bolt with the Grateful Dead 50th anniversary logo engraved on the side. The drive includes all of the music from the collection in both FLAC (96/24) and MP3 formats and is an individually numbered limited edition of 1,000 copies. Digital version of the book also included on USB.

Shows will NOT be sold individually on CD. This release is sure to sell out quickly so pre-order your copy today and stick around as we will be revealing a mighty fine selection of music, art, and much, much more right here.

(Looking for a smaller 50th Anniversary commemorative keepsake? September 18th will see the release of a four-CD version of the collection titled 30 TRIPS AROUND THE SUN: THE DEFINITIVE LIVE STORY 1965-1995. More on that here.)

Head on over to Rollingstone.com for the very first listen of "Morning Dew" 9/18/87 Madison Square Garden, David Fricke's exclusive interview with archivist David Lemieux, and the reveal of 30 TRIPS AROUND THE SUN's '69 and '84 shows.

*Helpful hints for using your USB:

Running the 30 Trips Player / Reader program:
On Windows – Navigate to the USB drive and double click the PCStart.exe file to run.
On MacOS – Open the GD 30 Trips drive, and double click the MacStart to run.

Viewing the digital book:
You can either view it within the program that comes on the drive, or by opening the PDF directly.

To view the PDF, open the PDF folder on the drive and the USB_bk_spreads_08-31 file within. Selecting the option within your PDF reading application to view as a “single page” might be preferable to viewing as a continuous document.

Importing music into iTunes and other library programs:
When you import the songs from the USB into your library, the information used to identify the track will likely leave them sorted incorrectly. Please use the song list found here to re-number the songs for each show so that they playback in the correct order.

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Member for

10 years 6 months

My exact sentiments (again) - bring on the multi-track box sets!!! Gives Winterland '74, give us Fillmore East April '71, give us Port Chester February '71, give us it all (unless it's post-1978). My box set wish while we were all guessing what the big box this year would be, was something called "Mulit-track Masters" with just a crapload of multi-track shows (I may have said one from each year between '68 and '78)
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Member for

12 years 5 months

Listen to the river sing sweet songs to rock my soul. Seth, I had forgotten 5/15/70 was a comp; although, so close to being complete. I was thinking the bonus disc (which I don't have) was a few select tunes from 5/14, not some leftovers from the Filmore. Obviously, they were trying to get both early and late shows on to 3 discs and thus made selected cuts. Ashame. It would have been so easy to give us four cd's (5/14 just becomes disc 4 filler) and put in a bonus disc of another partial show they had in the vault. Did not even need to be from 70'. I also second (or third or fourth) the call for releasing the entire October 74' Winterland run. Also Filmore East 71',Port Chester 71' etc. Pretty sure most if not all of Winterland and Filmore are in the vault. mbarilla? Sammy T
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Member for

17 years 8 months

....hey keithfan! Is that Jerry quote for real? If so, good job bring that to light....I love that version. The hidden Scarlet Fire from DP 13 is a great one too....Brent's swirling all over the place....I like Brent. So sue me.... ....listening party redux. The MSG Shakedown is a bit underwhelming. Vocal flubs abound. Plus, there's that strange echoing going on. Must have had the same speaker setup as Long Beach Arena '88. They had speaker stacks set up at the back of the venue. Awesome live. Difficult to translate to a live recording however....
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Member for

12 years 4 months

since so many had a picture I figured I try one. This is a painting from my father in law,,,,"Vermont cool".
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Member for

14 years 3 months

On a recent flight back to O'Hare, listening to DP13, I had an Ipod WTF moment when Scarlet/Fire crawled into my ears for 35 minutes of bliss. I never knew it was there.I love it when stuff like that happens. Have a Grateful Day.
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Member for

13 years 6 months

That Scar>fire is from 11-1-79 Nassau. Took me months to realize it after I'd bought it, but if you've had it since it was released, you must hold the record. Like finding $50 in the pants you haven't worn in months. No, cooler than that, actually, that's only money. Was months later that I heard Jerry's voice at the very end of the fifth disc on So Many Roads, and apparently they removed that from further editions as it was an engineer who put it on there just for yuks but didn't have "permission" according to Gans or somebody. So if you have the first edition of that box, it's rarer.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

....when I was still cutting my teeth on the Dead, whenever I saw a Nassau tape, I thought it was from Nassau, Bahamas. Said to myself, "how many fans could be on that little island?". Face palm years later....
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Member for

17 years 8 months

....Manor Downs post drumz. Space->Uncle John's Band->Truckin'->Morning Dew->One More Saturday Night. enc. Don't Ease. Get some!!
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Member for

15 years 6 months

The 5/15/70 Road Trips, after factoring in the bonus disc, covers all but 1 Dead song from the two shows. Pretty good job! Why then would I want a "complete" version so badly? Omitted was lots of between-song banter and tuning, including an angry speech by Pigpen about the recent changes in the band's musical direction. To people wondering about the path of Pigpen from Frontman to Sideman in the band, this speech is important data! All the GDM releases elide long stretches of emptiness between songs. This increases casual listening pleasure but distorts the document. I suppose that means no GDM release is a historical document! Score one for G Prof! The standard of research in Academia is the "primary source", which in this case would be the original reels of tape (or DATS or ...), but for all but a very few of us, the primary sources are out of reach. GDM sells entertainment, so I generally agree with their choice to edit between-song time. But dropping that speech bothers the hell out of me...
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Member for

16 years 1 month

Was wondering who in the Boston area had any luck finding the Newsweek Special Edition magazine on the Grateful Dead. I have not found it. I've tried my local CVS, Barnes & Noble in Saugus, Target in Everett, not to mention a couple of local supermarkets without much luck. Any local suggestions??? Thanks, Bob
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Member for

17 years 8 months

....Plenty here in the SW. I could mail you one Bob....
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Member for

17 years 9 months

Save your gas money. You can get it at Amazon for a few bucks over the regular price. Better then driving all over town. I did that to, found some at the grocery store. Ebay has some listed too. I think it will display until July 16, so you still have some time. Good luck. Peace
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Member for

9 years 8 months

I fully concur, I don't want anything eliminated and tracks in the correct running order. Tunings and banter are as much a part of the experience as the songs themselves.
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Member for

15 years 7 months

Okay. So i'm not going to bash this project on any level. But really the 1990 and 1992 selections are weak. Zenith, Paris ,10/27/1990? Looks WAY better as a setlist than the actual performance quality. There were MUCH stronger shows played in the second half of 1990. The first half of the year was pivotal playing from a strong band of eleven years. Equally impressive was the comeback and continued stamina after the untimely passing of Brent Mydland. So they already released material from the September MSG run. Clearly the choice for 1990 is December 12th McNichols. The second set is masterful and very Jerry led. Madison Square Garden 9/10/1991 Is one of the finest live performances by the later Grateful Dead. Certainly their deepest exploration with tenor sax collaborator Branford Marsalis. All the better with the depth that Bruce Hornsby's grand piano was bringing to the Dead's sound, Branford really cliqued well at this gig. For all the hype that the 1990 Nassau show gets deservingly, this show is perhaps their best collaborative performance. THIS DESERVES ITS OWN RELEASE. BIG TIME. Copps Coliseum 3/20/1992? You didn't have a bunch of outstanding shows to choose from considering the Oakland December material was partially released already, but really? this dinky show? So they broke out a lackluster Dark Star... notable. Clearly the choice should have been either May 30th or 31st, Sam Boyd Silver Bowl, Las Vegas. Both OUTSTANDING shows for any era of Dead. Leads me to believe the masters might be missing on these ones. Thanks for the efforts of all involved. I'll pass on the 700$ box set and listen to my quality bootleged masters.
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Member for

10 years 1 month

For anyone who *hates* Brent, listen to this one again, and the crazy off the hook 42 minute hidden Scarlet Fire. Maybe the trippiest Scarlet ever, thank you Mr. Mydland.

Member for

10 years 10 months

6500 boxes @ $700 = $4.55 million dollarsYeah, they could afford a couple hundred boxes in the warehouse for a month or two.

Member for

10 years 10 months

While this is a huge, cool, wow filled, massive load of music, I still am passing.I am hoping sets like Winterland 73/77 will come back in favour. Those are the perfect size I think because I can just grab that box and have more than a weekend of tunes to play on the run. Yes I have an iPod with a gazillion songs on it too, but I much prefer the discs spinning. Anyway............... Who cares right? Enjoy the Weekend.
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Member for

15 years 6 months

A great show, but one that would greatly benefit from being released with 12/14 in a single package. Still, I would be more likely to buy this box if 12/12/90 replaced 10/27/90!
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Member for

14 years 4 months

> Omitted was lots of between-song banter and tuning, including > an angry speech by Pigpen about the recent changes in the > band's musical direction. To people wondering about the path of > Pigpen from Frontman to Sideman in the band, this speech is > important data! This is on the non-GDM, circulating version of 5/15/70? Where? I just went and built a composite version from Road Trips V3#3 + SHNID: 29473 and I didn't hear any Pigpen speech. Is it from an old cassette? I did find a few jokes and banter removed (plus a Candyman in the late set), but the GDM version did give us a Deep Elem and an uncut St Stephen. It seems like there is another spot where they were able to fix a tape flip, too. They did move some chatter around a bit, and it is annoying that it's reordered, but man, what a release. I'm glad it's out, however we can get it.
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Member for

12 years 9 months

Still got some left from my box, if anybody wants to call dibs. $50 a piece for each year after 1975 from this set. Here's whats left: 1976 1978 1980 1981 1983 1985 1986 1988 1993 PM me if you're interested.
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Member for

11 years 4 months

I think this release is amazing. Really some great choices and shows I wouldn't have expected. That's Dave always keeping us on our toes ( or is it his toes?). I do understand that the price is "large" for frankly everyone. It's alot of scratch, no doubt. But if I calculate the amount of music I buy quarterly, it becomes a non factor almost. I think it's the large chunk of cash all at once that is unnerving. I would guess that eventually they will be individually released via iTunes. They can't ignore that revenue stream forever. Just like Europe 72, and Road Trips. They did put these up. So, hang in there folks. I would have to say, for me, the shows in the 1970-1979 look mighty rad in my opinion. I love 73 and 74 and look forward to these. I also think the early shows from the 60's will offer me further insight into that era and growth as a band. The 80's shows I'm anxious to hear more of because I don't have a lot and some of yinz on here claim they have much to offer. Finally, I'm curious what the 90's shows have in terms of band dynamics with Brent gone, new members, and Jerry "changing"...... Basically, I'm saying it's got it all for me and I thank Dave and Rhino and all involved for this. Can't wait. Remember, It all comes back, so be kind.
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Member for

15 years 5 months

Single shows for $50? Nice; copy the discs before you sell them and make ~$750 profit.Why did't I think of it?
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Member for

15 years 5 months

IMHO -- -- This box set strikes me as a pretty opportunistic venture by GDM. Talk about "sticker shock." Wow. And, after 36 editions of Dicks Picks, another 12(?) of Dave's Picks, the "So Glad You Made It," and "May '77" box sets, not to mention "Road Trips" and various exceptional -- and some not so hot -- single disk releases, I couldn't honestly even think about plowing more $$$ into another "epic" box release. I'm a deadhead, and I can find reasons to appreciate even some of the "lamer" shows and tours, but I can't see plunking down so much mooola for stuff that, basically, has been duplicated many times on other GD releases. Do I really need another '77 show? Or another '84 show? '93? No.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Here in Connecticut I found many copies in my local Stop & Shop supermarket. I believe they're in the Boston area too.
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Member for

16 years 1 month

Thanks for the offer to send it from Vegas Baby!!! I'll look at Stop & Shop on my way home from work and if I can't get it there, will order via Amazon. If no luck on either of those fronts, you'll be hearing from me Vguy... Thanks for the help!!!
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Member for

17 years 8 months

....some fans have stated there is nothing "new" in this box. My opinion is as thus. If I haven't heard it yet, then any given show is "new" to me, and that's all that counts....this box is for me, not anybody else. Don't mean to sound presumptuous, but that's my take. Do with it what you will. ....as far as packaging, this release is gonna be pretty big and heavy. I fear the discs might be packaged ala Road Trips style. I hope I'm wrong....
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Member for

15 years 5 months

Paul Kantner was back with the Starship last night at the San Mateo County Fair, after recovering from a heart attack last March. He sounded pretty good too; great seeing him as well as David Freiberg who still sounds fantastic at 77. Fantastic version of Codeine!
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Member for

15 years 6 months

I reviewed my LMA MP3 derived set of the complete Dead sets from 5/15/70 and can't find the Pigpen rant I have been angry about GDM removing during the Road Trips editing! I must have imagined it years before. It was so firmly entrenched in my mind that I never discovered it WASN'T THERE until you're disbelief made me check in with reality! Well, I am still right and accurate with any other comments I make. Everyone forget about this regrettable incident. My credibility is totally blown... Got a lot of hateful thoughts towards GDM to make up for. Maybe buying this box will balance the scales? There's a $700 see-saw rocking in my head, me on one seat, my wife and baby on the other. When will the see-saw settle to one side? Which side will it be?
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Member for

10 years 5 months

Seth, go with the box; if you really needed a wife and child, Rhino and GDP would've sold them to you years ago! ;)
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Member for

17 years 8 months

1966 - 7/3, Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA Dancin' In The Street I Know You Rider He Was A Friend Of Mine Next Time You See Me Viola Lee Blues Big Boss Man Sitting On Top Of The World Unknown Title New Minglewood Blues Cold Rain And Snow Gangster Of Love ? Beat It On Down The Line Cream Puff War Don't Mess Up a Good Thing Cardboard Cowboy 1967 - 11/10, Shrine Auditorium, Los Angeles, CA Viola Lee Blues It Hurts Me Too Beat It On Down The Line Morning Dew Good Morning Little School Girl Alligator > Drums > Alligator > Caution (Do Not Stop On Tracks) 1968 - 10/20, Greek Theater, Berkeley, CA Good Mornin' Little Schoolgirl Turn on Your Lovelight, Dark Star > St. Stephen > The Eleven > Caution (Do Not Stop On Tracks) > Feedback 1969 - 2/22, The Dream Bowl, Vallejo, CA Dupree's Diamond Blues-> Mountains Of The Moon-> Dark Star-> Cryptical Envelopment-> Drums-> The Other One-> Cryptical Envelopment-> Death Don't Have No Mercy Set 2 Doin' That Rag-> Saint Stephen-> The Eleven-> Turn On Your Love Light 1970 - 4/15, Winterland, San Francisco, CA Cold Rain & Snow China Cat Sunflower-> I Know You Rider Mama Tried It's A Man's World Candyman Hard To Handle Set 2 ? Cryptical Envelopment -> Drums -> Jam -> Drums -> The Other One -> Cryptical Envelopment -> Dire Wolf Dancin' In The Streets Turn On Your Lovelight -> Not Fade Away -> Turn On Your Lovelight 1971 - 3/18, Fox Theater, St. Louis, MO Casey Jones Me And My Uncle Big Boss Man Bertha Me And Bobby McGee Loser China Cat Sunflower > I Know You Rider The Rub Playing In The Band Set 2 ? Cumberland Blues Truckin' > Drums > The Other One > Wharf Rat Sugar Magnolia Greatest Story Ever Told > Johnny B. Goode Not Fade Away > Goin' Down The Road Feelin' Bad > Caution (Do Not Stop On The Tracks) > Feedback Encore ? Uncle John's Band 1972 - 9/24, Palace Theater, Waterbury, CT Big Railroad Blues Mexicali Blues Loser Black Throated Wind Cumberland Blues Sugaree El Paso Tennessee Jed Beat it on Down the Line Bird Song Big River Brown Eyed Women Playing in the Band Set 2 Greatest Story Ever Told Bertha Promised Land Friend of the Devil Jack Straw Tomorrow Is Forever Me and My Uncle Dark Star drums China Cat Sunflower I Know You Rider Sugar Magnolia Encore One More Saturday Night 1973 - 11/14, San Diego Sports Arena, San Diego, CA Big Railroad Blues Jack Straw Sugaree Mexicali Blues Here Comes Sunshine Black Throated Wind Cumberland Blues Row Jimmy The Race Is On Brown Eyed Women Beat it on Down the Line Tennessee Jed El Paso China Cat Sunflower I Know You Rider Around and Around Set 2 Truckin' The Other One Big River The Other One Eyes of the World The Other One Wharf Rat Me and My Uncle Goin' Down the Road Feeling Bad Encore ? One More Saturday Night 1974 - 9/18, Parc des Expositions, Dijon, France Uncle John's Band Jack Straw Friend of the Devil Black-Throated Wind Scarlet Begonias Mexicali Blues Row Jimmy Beat it on Down the Line Deal The Race is On To Lay Me Down Playin' in the Band Set 2 Loose Lucy Big River Peggy-O Me and My Uncle Eyes of the World China Doll He's Gone Truckin' drums Caution Jam Ship of Fools Johnny B. Goode Encore U.S. Blues 1975 - 9/28, Lindley Meadows, Golden gate Park, San Francisco, CA Help on the Way> Slipknot! Music Never Stopped They Love Each Other Beat it on Down the Line Franklin's Tower Big River It Must Have Been the Roses Truckin'> The Eleven> Drums> Stronger Than Dirt> Not Fade Away> Goin' Down the Road Feelin' Bad> One More Saturday Night 1976 - 10/3, Cobo Arena, Detroit, MI Sugaree New Minglewood Blues Ramble on Rose Looks Like Rain Loser El Paso Scarlet Begonias Music Never Stopped Set 2 Samson and Delilah It Must Have Been the Roses Playin' in the Band The Wheel Good Lovin' Comes a Time Dancin' in the Streets Not Fade Away Dancin' in the Streets Around and Around 1977 - 4/25, Capitol Theater, Passaic, NJ New Minglewood Blues Deal Mama Tried They Love Each Other Looks Like Rain Peggy-O Lazy Lightnin' Supplication Ship of Fools El Paso Brown Eyed Women Music Never Stopped Set 2 Scarlet Begonias Fire on the Mountain Samson and Delilah Terrapin Station Playin' in the Band drums Wharf Rat Playin' in the Band Encore U.S. Blues 1978 - 5/14, Providence Civic Center, Providence, RI Mississippi Half-Step Cassidy They Love Each Other Looks Like Rain It Must Have Been the Roses Me and My Uncle Big River Brown Eyed Women Let it Grow Set 2 Samson and Delilah Ship of Fools Estimated Prophet Eyes of the World drums Not Fade Away Goin' Down the Road Feelin' Bad Around and Around U.S. Blues 1979 - 10/27, Cape Cod Coliseum, South Yarmouth, MA Jack Straw Candyman Me and My Uncle Big River Brown Eyed Women Easy to Love You New Minglewood Blues Stagger Lee Lost Sailor Saint of Circumstance Deal Set 2 Dancin' in the Streets Franklin's Tower He's Gone Caution Jam The Other One Drums Not Fade Away Black Peter Around and Around Encore One More Saturday Night 1980 - 11/28, Lakeland Civic Center, Lakeland, FL Jack Straw Peggy-O Little Red Rooster Tennessee Jed Passenger Deep Elem Blues Looks Like Rain Deal Set 2 Feel Like a Stranger To Lay Me Down Let it Grow Terrapin Station Drums Not Fade Away Black Peter Sugar Magnolia Encore U.S. Blues 1981 - 5/16, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY Feel Like a Stranger Friend of the Devil Me and My Uncle Big River Althea C.C. Rider Brown Eyed Women Passenger High Time Let it Grow Don't Ease Me In Set 2 Shakedown Street Bertha Lost Sailor Saint of Circumstance Spanish Jam drums Truckin' Nobody's Jam Stella Blue Goin' Down the Road Feelin' Bad One More Saturday Night Encore Uncle John's Band 1982 - 7/31, Manor Downs, Austin, TX Alabama Getaway Promised Land Candyman El Paso Bird Song Little Red Rooster Ramble on Rose It's All Over Now Brown Eyed Women Music Never Stopped Deal Set 2 Scarlet Begonias Fire on the Mountain Estimated Prophet Eyes of the World Drums Uncle John's Band Truckin' Morning Dew One More Saturday Night Encore Don't Ease Me In 1983 - 10/21, The Centrum, Worcester, MA Music Never Stopped Loser C.C. Rider Cumberland Blues Cassidy Ramble on Rose My Brother Esau Big Railroad Blues Promised Land Set 2 Scarlet Begonias Fire on the Mountain Uncle John's Band Playin' in the Band Drums (Sage & Spirit Jam) Truckin' Wharf Rat I Need a Miracle Touch of Grey Encore Johnny B. Goode 1984 - 10/12, Augusta Civic Center, Augusta, ME Feel Like a Stranger It Must Have Been the Roses On the Road Again Jack-a-Roe It's All Over Now Cumberland Blues Music Never Stopped Set 2 Cold Rain and Snow Lost Sailor Saint of Circumstance Don't Need Love Uncle John's Band Drums Playin' in the Band Uncle John's Band Morning Dew Encore Good Lovin' 1985 - 6/24, River Bend Music Center, Cincinnati, OH Alabama Getaway Greatest Story Ever Told They Love Each Other New Minglewood Blues Tennessee Jed My Brother Esau Loser Let it Grow Set 2 Iko Iko Samson and Delilah He's Gone Smokestack Lightnin' Cryptical Envelopment Drums Comes a Time The Other One Cryptical Envelopment Wharf Rat Around and Around Good Lovin' Encore U.S. Blues 1986 - 5/3, Cal Expo Amphitheater, Sacramento, CA Cold Rain And Snow The Race Is On They Love Each Other C C Rider High Time Beat It On Down The Line The Promised Land Deal Set 2 Scarlet Begonias > Fire On The Mountain Man Smart (Woman Smarter) > GDTRFB > Jam > Drums > Space > The Other One > Comes A Time > Sugar Magnolia 1987 - 9/18, Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY Hell in a Bucket Sugaree Walkin' Blues Candyman Masterpiece Bird Song Set 2 Shakedown Street Man Smart/Woman Smarter Terrapin Station Drums Goin' Down the Road Feelin' Bad All Along the Watchtower Morning Dew Good Lovin' La Bamba Good Lovin' Encore Knockin' on Heaven's Door 1988 - 7/3, Oxford Plains Speedway, Oxford, ME Hell in a Bucket Sugaree Walkin' Blues Tennessee Jed Queen Jane Approximately Bird Song Set 2 Touch of Grey Hey Pocky Way Looks Like Rain Estimated Prophet Eyes of the World I Will Take You Home Drums Goin' Down the Road Feelin' Bad I Need a Miracle Dear Mr. Fantasy Hey Jude Reprise Encore Not Fade Away 1989 - 10/26, Miami Arena, Miami, FL Foolish Heart Little Red Rooster Stagger Lee Me and My Uncle Big River Brown Eyed Women Victim or the Crime Don't Ease Me In Set 2 Estimated Prophet Blow Away Dark Star Drums (Theme from ‘Close Encounters of the Third Kind’) The Wheel All Along the Watchtower Stella Blue Not Fade Away Encore We Bid You Goodnight 1990 - 10/27, Zenith, Paris, France Hell in a Bucket Sugaree New Minglewood Blues Jack-a-Roe Black-Throated Wind Ramble on Rose Masterpiece Bird Song Promised Land Set 2 China Cat Sunflower I Know You Rider Saint of Circumstance Crazy Fingers Playin' in the Band Drums Playin' Reprise Stella Blue Throwin' Stones Not Fade Away Encore One More Saturday Night 1991 - 9/10, Madison Square Garden, NY, NY Shakedown Street C.C. Rider It Takes a Train to Cry Black-Throated Wind High Time Cassidy Deal Set 2 Help on the Way Slipknot! Franklin's Tower Estimated Prophet Dark Star Drums Space Dark Star Reprise I Need a Miracle Standing on the Moon Turn On Your Love Light Encore It's All Over Now 1992 - 3/20, Copps Coliseum, Ontario, Canada Hell in a Bucket Althea Same Thing Brown Eyed Women Mexicali Blues Maggie's Farm Bird Song Promised Land Set 2 Shakedown Street Man Smart/Woman Smarter Dark Star Drums Space The Other One Standing on the Moon Turn on Your Love Light Encore U.S. Blues 1993 - 3/27, Knickerbocker Arena, Albany, NY Hell in a Bucket Bertha The Same Thing Peggy-O Queen Jane Approximately Broken Arrow Loose Lucy Cassidy Casey Jones Set 2 Eyes of the World Estimated Prophet Comes a Time Corina Drums The Wheel All Along the Watchtower The Days Between One More Saturday Night Encore I Fought the Law 1994 - 10/1, Boston Garden, Boston, MA Help on the Way-> Slipknot!-> Franklin's Tower Walkin' Blues Althea Me & My Uncle-> Big River Tom Thumb Blues So Many Roads Promised Land Set 2 Scarlet Begonias-> Fire on the Mountain Long Way Home St. of Circumstance-> Terrapin Station-> Jam-> Drums-> Space-> Last Time-> Stella Blue-> One More Saturday Night Encore Liberty 1995 - 2/21, Delta Center, Salt Lake City, UT Salt Lake City Friend of the Devil Wang Dang Doodle Tennessee Jed Broken Arrow Black Throated Wind (Weir Acoustic) So Many Roads Music Never Stopped Set 2 Foolish Heart Samba in the Rain Truckin' I Just Want To Make Love To You That Would Be Something-> Drums-> Space-> Visions of Johanna Sugar Magnolia Encore Liberty
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Member for

17 years 4 months

Seth must have missed out on the precursor to Dave's Picks, the yearlong series where the spouse ships out in February followed by a limited edition baby in May, August and November. Subscribers also received a bonus family pet that shipped with the first child.
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Member for

13 years 8 months

What are used Box Set Families going for on EBay? Just curious what I can get for mine??
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Member for

11 years 6 months

probably has the best deal. /don't throw tomatoes at me
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Member for

16 years 6 months

I haven't been reading all the comments on this box, so this question may have been asked earlier. I am wondering what other shows were in the running to be selected for inclusion in this box? Let's say 1972, what other unreleased shows were reviewed with the selected 9/24/72 Waterbury show. How about 1990? What other unreleased shows were reviewed with the selected 10/27/90 Paris show? And 1975 was a no-brainer. I am still thinking about buying this boxset, and with my luck it will be sold out by the time I decide to order it. As I said before, although a lot of time and effort went into this box, and everybody involved needs a handshake and a pat on the back ... but for me THE MUSIC IS MOST IMPORTANT part of this project.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

....welcome back to the flock. A spoiled flock at that....
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Member for

17 years 8 months

....the more I salivate over that '73 San Diego show. HCS, Cumberland and Race Is On in the first set! Get outta here!! ....and if I recall, Mother Nature rolled through that '85 Riverbend second set with authority. One of my favorite tapes from back in the day. Never thought I would see it officially released in my lifetime. This box kicks serious ass....and you all know it.
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Member for

13 years 8 months

This box-set is stunning. Though it is out of my budget, I can certainly appreciate the work and love that went into getting this monster to market. I hope someday there will be an a-la-carte digital release of these shows. I have long wished the Vallejo Dream Bowl would be a Dave's Picks. Obviously that is not happening. But what a wondrous thing to behold.
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Member for

14 years 4 months

Since The Powers That Be have declared that these shows will not be made available individually, my request is that once this box set sells out that some no-frills just the CD's mini-boxes of perhaps 5 to 7 shows each be made available so those of us who can't afford a $700 one shot sticker price can either piece together the box over time or buy our favorite stuff.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Thanks, Scott1129 for posting the setlists!!! My 2 cents...The Grateful Dead have always put awsomeness before money. Examples...going deep into debt for unlimited studio time on Anthem of the Sun to figure out how to mix live and studio music....Going deep into debt to re-record Aoxomoxoa because there is an awesome new 16 track board....Taking said awesome new 16 track board to a club to record an album (live dead)...taking all of their family and friends for a European tour in '72...Building the Wall of Sound...Taking all of their family and friends to Egypt to play the pyramids...Lets not forget how being awesome first took a toll on their health, sanity and relationships. You can debate the show selection, and it is expensive as F$@&, but you cannot debate the fact that having a full concert from every year they played is totally awesome. So for me this is in character for how the Grateful Dead have operated since the beginning. (Sorry for the over use of "awesome")
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Member for

16 years 1 month

The setlist from the 1977 show does not list an Estimated Prophet, (unless I misread it multiple times) BUT the 4 cd set lists EP as the chosen one from that year. Am I confused??? Welcome back Kate. My quest for HQ Furtwangler and the Yes Progeny box is going to have to wait, since I finally got the E'72 All Music earlier this spring and I'm in for the big box. The two single two most expensive music related purchases not including the gear to play it on I've ever made and both in same year - my deadhead buddy thinks I'm nuts and should get a signed print instead... Those that are on the fence, I would suspect if you purchase now and decide a couple of weeks before ship date that you want to cancel, should be no problem with no "restocking fee". And someone who missed out will be psyched to suddenly be able to get it - win - win!
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Member for

14 years 1 month

Right On! The GD have been truly the most fan friendly band during their on-going career. God Bless Them!
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Member for

11 years 6 months

Whenever I put the GOGD on the stereo, she appears a few moments later, plops down on the floor and appears to be basking contentedly in the music. My old cat (RIP) was a jazz head, and especially loved Miles Davis' "Someday My Prince will Come." He would always come running for that. I can also obtain the opposite effect on my wife by putting on most any Dark Star or Playing In The Band; it sends her running away. She loves Eyes Of The World and Uncle John's Band, though. Cats and wives are funny creatures.
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Member for

14 years 7 months

Per the release above: Shows will NOT be sold individually on CD. I'm no lawyer, but to me this opens up the following potential revenue streams: 1) Individual shows for sale on iTunes and/or here for download. IMO, this is a definite. 2) For the "CD crowd," they could in fact sell mini boxes by decades, or, perhaps more likely, in five year mini-boxes. FWIW, it would be fun to me, if they pursued option #2 and subsequently published sales data for '65-'70, '70-'75, '75-'80, etc. But that is not likely, since they never officially release sales data that I know of, other than saying a limited run of x is sold out.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Welcome back! You were missed. This bunch needs to hear the female opinion from time to time! Lol. Especially a female who is well versed in the Dead. Rock on
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Member for

17 years 5 months

It takes a good person to admit that they are wrong. Well stated Seth Hollander. People make mistakes. This was as easy one. No reason to get all shitty. Good work, everyone. Good work, Seth. Anywho, I'd love to own it, but I'm going to have to say "No." $700 is too pricey for me.
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Member for

14 years 11 months

It looks like Bucket is the show opener for '87, '88, '90, '92 and '93. This seems a little weird to me, in that 5 out of 7 concerts during this time definitely did not open with Bucket. Just a strange coincidence I suppose.
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