• 929 replies
    Was a student there at the time. Saw the JGB in Campbell Hall (76?),With collaboration from various kind folks in the Dead.net vining community, our own erickat prepared this handy guide explaining how vining works hereabouts. Many thanks to all involved, and vine on! --

    Dead.Net Vines - What It Is & How It Works

    (We're changing some things for 2009)

    BACKGROUND: The concept of a "vine" is music sharing through conventional means (e.g. mailing cd's or dvd's) with the sign-up list being on-line. The basic idea is that someone starts (seeds) a vine, made up of one or multiple shows,and sends it via mail to the first person who signs up. That person makes a copy for themselves and sends the ORIGINAL media on to the next person on the list. As more people sign up, it continues to grow and grow - hence the name "vine".

    MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: Make sure you can deal with the media format. Many vines are


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  • dstache
    My final final post on the topic
    The real problem we have here is of vigilance. Someone kills a vine and no one notices for quite some time because no one is watching. The idea of official reseeders (actually unofficial reseeders would be a better moniker), would ensure that someone would be watching. As an incentive, the unofficial reseeders would be given prefered positions on the sign up lists. I don't see why people who agreed to perform this duty shouldn't be given a preference over people who don't. I'm not sure that we even need to do anything differently (other than post often and PM), but it seems like this topic has generated a lot of discussion and perhaps something should be done. I disagree re: waiting a week for people to respond to PMs. I think that vines move too slow as it is. I almost always get vines out within a day or two. In general, I think that one day for every DVD or WAV show that you receive is ample time. So, if you receive my 2 DVD SHN 73 Part 1 vine on Mon, you should rip and burn 1 DVD on Mon night and the other on Tue, and get the vine out on Wed. If you take an extra day or two because you were busy one night, or received multiple vines, no big deal. And if you have an emergency, by all means take all the time you need (please let us know). If you wait a week to hear back re: a PM, that is 4 or 5 MORE days it will take for the vine to move. Maybe that person shouldn't be bumped to the end of the line, maybe just dropped down one spot. But why should one person delay the vine for everyone else? I think that's the definition of selfishness, placing your time and happiness above that of the community. On a better and perhaps more interesting note, I will be posting Parts 3, 4 and 5, to the SHN 73 vine soon. The discs are ready to go. I want to allow a little time to lapse so that if the same people sign up in the same order, there won't be a delay as a result of receiving all the parts at once. These parts will go up to 9/21/73. I am going to cover some of the same ground as the William & Mary and Eurovine vines so that newcomers and others who didn't sign up for them can get all the shows at once, or at least on one vine with multiple parts. And finally, my last finally, I was wondering if people were interested in participating in a group project. It might help heal the wounds that surfaced over the past week. I was thinking we should do the same thing with 1977 as I am doing with 1973 (or at least 3/21-9/21). I want to gather and vine in SHN/FLAC format everything from 1977. In my possession, thanks to the great Rick mostly (that's thanks mostly to Rick, not meant to imply that Rick is ONLY mostly great, he is 100% great), I have 2/27, 3/18, 3/20, 4/22, 4/25, 4/26, 4/29, 5/1, 5/3, and 5/11, some with multiple versions. Off the top of my head, I would guess there are about 60 shows in 1977, so I have 1/6th of them already. Not to mention that we wouldn't be vining the officially released shows (5/19, 5/21, 5/22, 5/28, 9/3 (I think that is the date), 11/5 or 12/29) Of course, if we did this, we would go by SHN/FLAC signature number (or whatever that sbd.cotsman.11111 thing is called) but for now the dates are good enough. This would be a huge project, and would take a couple of months. And it would require the help of our bit torrenting friends, who already give so much. I've said it before and I will say it again, these guys, Rick, Bob and Cosmic Badger, give us so much. They don't EVEN sign up for vines anymore! They get joy out of giving to us. We appreciate their contributions immensely. I bet that a lot of people out there have a lossless show or two they have acquired in some fashion. With my 1/6, Iand your contributions, I bet we could get together 1/2 to 2/3 of the year without requiring the bit torrenters help. I would of course volunteer to receive the DVDs and put them together for the vines (again, in parts). And people who contributed would be the first to receive the vines. Are people interested?
  • Hal R
    on Official reseeders being the first three on the vine
    this seems to really complicate things to me. In so many ways that I don't have the time to list them all. Hey, I really appreciate all the work everyone is doing for this but I am wondering if what is more of a "people problem" is being analyzed as a systems problem. Sure lets figure out what works best but keep it simple, please. If this gets too complicated I am sure that some of the steady viners may leave, it becomes too much on top of lives that are already very busy. No matter what we do to fix the system it still remains that there are unreliable people. I know that we now will be going through a weeding out of black hole viners and that should improve things around here quite a bit. Also folks have gotten excited and signed on but not taken the responsiblity of it. I see that as time passes that most of those inthe Vineyard will be the responsible viners. I am also wondering if there are so many vines lately and they come so fast that it gets overwhelming for people. Too much signing up and we can't control when they come to us. I know I have gotten that way several times but have dug myself out in due time. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
  • fluffhead042
    Default Avatar
    nice idea dstache....
    "One final thought, a suggestion really. Perhaps we could accept volunteers to be official reseeders. These people would be allocated the first 3 positions on every vine. Maybe 10 people could be official reseeders. And if something happens to the vine, one of the official reseeders reseeds it. This would be a good way for viners who don't regularly seed vines to contribute. This would also avoid having to ask the original seeder, who already put in time and effort, to reseed. And perhaps this would solve the problem here of a few bad apples stealing a bunch of vines. The official reseeders would know who killed the vine they had to reseed and would be on the lookout for that person on other vines." I think this is a great idea....it enlists a "Vine Police Force" of sorts, it'll help out....I'm starting to get concerned about MitD, I hope he's ok "In a bed, in a bed, by the waterside I will lay my head. Listen to the river sing sweet songs, to rock my soul."
  • pomo1
    The only problem with requiring a PM is that some people don't come on the site every day. I believe that passing people if they dont respond in 3 or 4 days is way too restrictive. Also, the fact is that not everyone will be diligent in sending out PMs. Since I dont think tracking my vines is very labor-intensive, I suppose either way is a valid method. In other words, if a person PMs his addy within a short period before he is due to receive it, there is no need to PM him. If not, send a PM, but I would wait a week before passing over, especially if the viner has an established track record. Either way, I think we should discard sending addresses at the time we sign up. That method no longer works. As far as re-seeding, I dont believe that we need official reseeders or to reserve spots. However, I totally agree that the original seeders should not be the ones to re-seed. I believe that there are enough good souls in the vineyard that valid requests for re-seeds will be fulfilled. I know that there are a number of stalled vines from Dstache's list that I will be happy to re-seed, once we get a new topic set up. ( I know: there goes POMO beating that same dead horse!) "One watch by night, one watch by day If you get confused, listen to the music play"
  • dstache
    my final thoughts
    I definitely am not sending bad vibes anyone's way. I hope that the worst offenders are just jerks, and have not suffered any real tragedy. I second birdsong's belief that seeders put a lot of love and time into creating these vines. It is indeed offensive when someone kills a vine. PMing the person who is after you when you receive a vine to confirm the person is still active and that you have the correct address will alleviate some of the problems. It isn't a panacea, but I think it is the best thing we can do. We should all TRY to post when we receive a vine, when we send it out and to whom, and when we are having problems that delay our sending the vine. I am in favor of smaller vines. I broke down the 10 DVDs of 73 into 5 parts, both to get the most music to the most people in the shortest possible time and in case a reseed somewhere is necessary. Much easier to reseed 2 DVDs than 10. One final thought, a suggestion really. Perhaps we could accept volunteers to be official reseeders. These people would be allocated the first 3 positions on every vine. Maybe 10 people could be official reseeders. And if something happens to the vine, one of the official reseeders reseeds it. This would be a good way for viners who don't regularly seed vines to contribute. This would also avoid having to ask the original seeder, who already put in time and effort, to reseed. And perhaps this would solve the problem here of a few bad apples stealing a bunch of vines. The official reseeders would know who killed the vine they had to reseed and would be on the lookout for that person on other vines. Whatever our problems are, they really aren't that bad. There are a ton of great vines that are available. New people shouldn't be deterred by what is going on here over the last few days. we're just trying to clean house a bit. Newcomers are always welcome.
  • fluffhead042
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    I think it's a good idea....
    To compile a list like that....it helped me out.I think the idea of tracking a vine until it gets close to you prior to sending an address is waaaaaayy too complicated and labor-intensive...I can't see the purpose there.... just PM'g next in line for their address once u get the vine is the best way to go...it's a lot simpler that way...we go on to post that we've recvd it anyway, we can then just PM the person next in line for their address....no PM response in 3-4 days you're bumped to the end of the list....at the time of the PM (addy request) if the next person in line's situation has chgd they can let the sender know and the sender can revise the list accordingly....that way we aren't blindly mailing a vine to somebody weeks (usually months) after their initial signup....too much changes in everyones lives during that wait (computer probs, life, travel, relocation, show acquired elsewhere, etc).....the proposed method will ensure they're being sent to the right place, and most importantly, to a person who still wants it and is prepared to turn it around in a few days to their fellow music lover.....This idea seems virtually flawless from what I can tell...what do you guys think? The method we're using now would work seamlessly if we were circulating Classical Compositions amongst prestigious Harvard grads..not Dead shows between Deadheads...and tracking a vine for months until you're 3 away and then sending your address is not feasible for anyone with a full schedule (work, family, etc.)...it's just too much. "In a bed, in a bed, by the waterside I will lay my head. Listen to the river sing sweet songs, to rock my soul."
  • Exploratory Da…
    Wow. Not sure where to start. dstache is an American Socrates. Well, that "most wanted" list is bound to get some attention by shining the bright glaring lights of scrutiny in their direction. They are now under attainder. Well, maybe not. This is a hobby. While I take it seriously and try to fulfill my social contract with each of you, I understand things do happen to folks. I can't sit here and condemn anyone because I myself may "disappear" some day due to family issues and unexpected contingencies. My thoughts and prayers go out to pkpotter, Hal, and MITD. I do have MITD's personal e-mail address. I e-mailed him about 2 weeks after he went AWOL with no response. Remember this folks--he ventured out into the snow & ice to the public library to post updates when his community was without power due to the ice storm. Something bad happened (family, job loss…etc). I think folks should be forgiven, as stated above, when they "confess their sins" to the community. Anyway, dstache's metaphorical descriptions of murder, crimes, and suspects sure conjures up a good "who done it" murder mystery. :0)
  • Birdsong1969NJ
    I advocate love, and understanding for all my Music loving
    Sisters and Brothers, but I do believe it's time to stop worrying about hurting peoples feelings. When I seed a vine and someone is careless and it is killed it hurts my feelings. Needless to say most all of the Vineyards "Most Wanted List" have never seeded a vine. I honestly have been hesitant to seed. I have my 20 years so far that needs part 2 + corrected flac of part one. I will be seeding this soon, but it makes you hesitate when you see so many stalled, lost or dead vines. The 1979 part 1.5 Loving Rhino vine was a lot of work by more people then I. It was nurtured, grown and improved along the way and WAS A VERY COOL VINE and now it's dead because someone did not give a shit. The Stones Vine is the same way. I say call them out and absolutely DO NOT SEND THEM ANOTHER VINE UNTIL THEY MAKE IT RIGHT WITH THE COMMUNITY, PERIOD! If I sit on a vine, by all means call me out. Life stuff happens, babies, illness, whatever. That stuff totally gets a pass with just a simple post, but just being plain selfish and inconsiderate is just bullshit in any type of situation. "Say you'll come back when you can Whenever your airplane happens to land Maybe I'll be back here too It all depends on what's with you."
  • JackstrawfromC…
    One last comment (then I'll shut up - maybe) :-)
    I've stated from the very beginning that there is absolutely no disdain towards MitD or anyone else for that matter. I just wanted to raise the issue to a higher level of awareness to please stop sending vines to these folks until we hear from them. That's all. Since he was on pretty much every list, the lost vines snowballed very quickly. Same with a couple other folks... Although dstache's list is incredible to say the least, it still doesn't address non-Grateful Dead vines. There are some ABB, Stones, The Dead, etc vines missing also. The situation is actually worse than what dstache's list shows. But when it is all said and done the bottom line is that I am wishing the best for our missing Vineyard friends. "Escaping through the lily fields, I came across an empty space. It rainbow then exploded, left a bus stop in its place. The bus come by and I got on, thats when it all began. It was Cowboy Neal at the wheel of the bus to never ever land"
  • fluffhead042
    Default Avatar
    it's pretty clear...
    where my problem lies... Northern New England Wish Vine: must be a mistake, I'm not even on the list Valentines Day Dead Vine: mailed, failed to post sent Repatriation Vine #1 13 from 70: mailed to dpwstldeadfan in May, failed to post sent Merriweather PP 6/30/85: sent to OneGratefulDad, failed to post sent ****I have since posted accordingly in the applicable topics with the exception of the Northern New England Wish Vine for obvious reasons**** "In a bed, in a bed, by the waterside I will lay my head. Listen to the river sing sweet songs, to rock my soul."
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17 years 9 months
Was a student there at the time. Saw the JGB in Campbell Hall (76?),With collaboration from various kind folks in the Dead.net vining community, our own erickat prepared this handy guide explaining how vining works hereabouts. Many thanks to all involved, and vine on! --

Dead.Net Vines - What It Is & How It Works

(We're changing some things for 2009)

BACKGROUND: The concept of a "vine" is music sharing through conventional means (e.g. mailing cd's or dvd's) with the sign-up list being on-line. The basic idea is that someone starts (seeds) a vine, made up of one or multiple shows,and sends it via mail to the first person who signs up. That person makes a copy for themselves and sends the ORIGINAL media on to the next person on the list. As more people sign up, it continues to grow and grow - hence the name "vine".

MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: Make sure you can deal with the media format. Many vines are

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17 years 6 months

I think that 'Stache Rides 1977 will include 2/26, 3/19 and 3/20. If anyone has 2/27 and 3/18 and would like to contribute, please send me a smoke signal or better yet, a PM. I am in the middle of the first set of 3/19, and am listening to them in order, but so far so good (2/26 is a very good show and an A SBD).
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17 years 8 months

Ok, here’s part 2 to the early stuff vines. It has lots of great music(like the first), Some of the shows are partial(like the first), and comes on 4 audio cd’s(like the first). Disc 1 Grateful Dead Fillmore Auditorium San Francisco, CA 05/05/67 Source: SBD>?>D (can't be worse then 1 or 2 Reel gens) EAC and SHN'D: Ben Yerys 1. He Was A Friend Of Mine// 2. //Stage Banter 3. Golden Road To Unlimited Devotion > 4. New Potato Caboose 5. Alligator Disc’s 2 & 3 Grateful Dead 3 September 1967 Dance Hall - Rio Nido, CA Disc 1 1. Dancin' In The Streets :10:27 2. It Hurts Me Too :04:00 3. Cold Rain & Snow :03:13 4. Good Morning Little Schoolgirl \ :10:34 5. \ Viola Lee Blues \ :22:49 6. >Big Boss Man :04:15 introduced as "an old song" 7. Alligator :14:35 no "Caution" yet, it simply returns to the shouted Alligator" refrain & then ends. Disc 2 1. Midnight Hour :31:19 This tape is not a master, it's a 1st gen. It takes several minutes for the mix to come together in the beginning "Schoolgirl" is cut @ 10:43 "Viola Lee" is cut @ both ends The sound quality deteriorates towards the end of the "Alligator' jam Disc 4 Grateful Dead - January 20, 1968 Municipal Auditorium - Eureka, CA Recording Info: SBD -> (4 Track) Master Reels -> Dat (44.1k) Transfer Info: Dat (Sony R500) -> Sound Devices 744T -> Adobe Audition v1.5 -> Samplitude Professional v10.2 -> FLAC (1 Disc Audio / 1 Disc FLAC) All Transfers and Mastering By Charlie Miller charliemiller87@earthlink.net February 9, 2009 Notes: -- Thanks to Rob Eaton for the Dat -- Thanks to Joe B. Jones for his help with the pitch correction Setlist: d1t01 - //Clementine -> d1t02 - New Potato Caboose -> d1t03 - Born Cross-Eyed -> d1t04 - Spanish Jam -> d1t05 - Caution Jam -> d1t06 - Dark Star// Grateful Dead - January 23, 1968 Eagles Auditorium - Seattle, WA Recording Info: SBD -> (4 Track) Master Reels -> Dat (44.1k) Transfer Info: Dat (Sony R500) -> Sound Devices 744T -> Adobe Audition v1.5 -> Samplitude Professional v10.2 -> FLAC (1 Disc Audio / 1 Disc FLAC) All Transfers and Mastering By Charlie Miller charliemiller87@earthlink.net February 9, 2009 Notes: -- Reel flip in New Potato Caboose -- Thanks to Rob Eaton for the Dat -- Thanks to Joe B. Jones for his help with the pitch correction Setlist: d1t07 - That's It For The Other One -> d1t08 - Clementine -> d1t09 - New Potato Caboose -> d1t10 - Born Cross-Eyed -> d1t11 - Spanish Jam// Grateful Dead - January 27, 1968 Eagles Auditorium - Seattle, WA Recording Info: SBD -> (4 Track) Master Reels -> Dat (44.1k) Transfer Info: Dat (Sony R500) -> Sound Devices 744T -> Adobe Audition v1.5 -> Samplitude Professional v10.2 -> FLAC (1 Disc Audio / 1 Disc FLAC) All Transfers and Mastering By Charlie Miller charliemiller87@earthlink.net February 9, 2009 Setlist: d1t12 - Spanish Jam "You know the one thing we need is a left handed monkey wrench....."
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16 years 8 months

OK, please don't blast me for discussing this topic here, but I need some visability to get this shit staraightened out. I am a mac user. I CANNOT FIND SOFTWARE TO CONVERT SHN!!!! I TRIED MACFLAC 2.1. OR SWITCH. IT WILL NOT CONVERT .SHN. ANY IDEAS? PLEASE UNDERSTAND ALL YOU YOU CONVERSION HEADS I AM TRYING TO NO AVAIL AND OBVIOUSLY (AS YOU CAN TELL FROM THE CAPS) I AM FRUSTRATED!!!! -----Here come a riddle, here come a clue If you were really smart, you'd know what to do when I say Why am I going out of my head, whenever you're around? The answer is obvious, love has come to town-----
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16 years 8 months

SHORTEN DOES NOT RUN ON MY OS X EITHER-----Here come a riddle, here come a clueIf you were really smart, you'd know what to do when I say Why am I going out of my head, whenever you're around? The answer is obvious, love has come to town-----
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Member for

17 years 9 months

Started by Pomo1: Ok, since I had one of if not the best concert experiences of my life last night, I would like to share this aud of the Allman Brothers 3-19-09 at the Beacon Theatre, with Special Guest Eric Clapton. There is even a really nice Schoolgirl for us Deadheads. Folks, this show was amazing, from the opening note to ending with Layla as an encore. Allman Brothers Band, March 19, 2009, Beacon Theatre NYC. 2 audio cds. SET I Little Martha Statesboro Blues Done Somebody Wrong Revival Woman Across the River Dont Keep Me Wonderin' Whipping Post Set II Oncoming Traffic Come and Go Blues Good Morning Little Schoolgirl Key to the Highway* Dreams* Why Does Love Have To Be So Sad* Little Wing* Anyday** Encore: Layla* * with Eric Clapton ** with Eric Clapton and Susan Tedeschi (aka Mrs. Derek Trucks) "One watch by night, one watch by day If you get confused, listen to the music play"
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17 years 9 months

Hey dstache! I got this one. If you find 2-27 let me know, I need that one. Peace, Richard
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Member for

17 years 6 months

Another edition of 'Stache Rides will be coming soon. I have or soon will have the pre-spring tour shows (2/26, 2/27, 3/18, 3/19 3/20). The vine will be in WAV, probably with a FLAC DVD of 3 of the shows (2/27, 3/18, 3/20). I will post in a week or so when the vine is ready. Please don't post yet MaryE. Thanks!
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17 years 8 months

This will include two early JGB shows and one later one in the form of two SBD’s and one matrix recording. It will be 6 audio disc’s. Jerry Garcia Band Keystone Berkeley, CA 1/27/76 MSR (2 track 7" reels @ 15ips) > cassette (TDK SA-X100) > NAK-CR-7a playback > Lucid AD9624 24-bit A/D > Fostex D5 master DAT > Sony CDR-W33 master CD > EAC > SHN (non- seekable) > patching using Sound Forge Studio 6.0 > sector boundary verification using shntool > .shn encoding (seekable) using mkwACT. A > CD by Ryan Shriver, original .shn by Kevin Tobin, patching and re-.shn by Joe Jupille (jjoops AT attbi DOT com). Disc One (7) 67:17 --Set I-- 01. Catfish John [12:28] [0:19] 02. Tore Up Over You [7:34] [0:27] 03. Tough Mama [7:58] [0:07] 04. Who Was John [9:16] [0:07] 05. Mission in the Rain [5:55] [0:08] 06. How Sweet It Is [7:36] [0:21] --Set II-- 07. The Harder They Come [14:55] [0:03] Disc Two (7) 68:00 --Set II (con't)-- 01. Knockin' on Heaven's Door [14:35] [0:18] 02. They Love Each Other [6:28] [0:10] 03. A Strange Man [6:20] [0:19] 04. Mystery Train [11:38] [0:11] 05. Tomorrow Is Forever [7:07] [0:15] 06. Roadrunner [10:18] [0:02] 07. The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down [10:18] [0:07] Jerry Garcia Band Keystone Berkeley, CA August 22, 1976 SBD + AUD Matrix 2 Source Mix (60%-SBD/40%-AUD) Disc One --Set I-- Second That Emotion They Love Each Other I'll Take a Melody That's What Love Will Make You Do Mission in the Rain Disc Two --Set II-- The Way You Do The Things You Do Midnight Moonlight Strange Man Tore Up Over You Stop That Train Ride Mighty High Jerry Garcia Band * Jerry Garcia - guitar, vocals * John Kahn - bass * Keith Godchaux - keyboards, backing vocals * Donna Godchaux - vocals * Ron Tutt – drums Jerry Garcia Band 11/26/88 Wiltern Theater Los Angeles, CA Source: SBD > Cassette Master > DAT > CDR > WAV > SHNv3 Disc 1 - Set 1 01 Cats Under The Stars 02 Forever Young 03 Someday Baby 04 Mississippi Moon 05 Dear Prudence 06 And It Stoned Me 07 How Sweet It Is To Be Loved By You Disc 2 - Set 2 01 //The Harder They Come (first note missing) 02 Waiting For A Miracle 03 Evangeline 04 Don't Let Go// 05 My Sisters And Brothers 06 That Lucky Old Sun 07 Tangled Up In Blue Jerry Garcia (Guitar, Vocals) John Kahn (Bass) Melvin Seals (Keyboards) Gloria Jones (Vocals) Jaclyn LaBranch (Vocals) David Kemper (Drums) "You know the one thing we need is a left handed monkey wrench....."
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16 years 2 months

It's time for me to give back a little. I thought what better way to gear up for the big 2009 spring tour than to re-live The Dead's 2004 Wave that Flag Tour 5 night run at Red Rocks 6/15,16,18-20/2004. These 5 shows will be FLAC on 2 DVD's. It rained it poured it shined we danced we laughed we cried and we hugged. This was a great run and a fabulous time at the one and only Red Rocks. "When the smoke has cleared she said, that's what she said to me. You're gonna want a bed to lay your head and a little sympathy" The Dead 6/15/04 Red Rocks Amphitheater Morrison, CO I: Shakedown Street->Milestones->Dupree's Diamond Blues, New Potato Caboose-> Eight Miles High->She Said She Said->Ramble on Rose, Cold Rain & Snow->Playin' in the Band II: El Paso->Into the Mystic->West LA Fadeaway->Jam, Pride of Cucamonga, Uncle John's Band->Jam->Living in a Strange World->Drums->Space-> Days Between->China Cat Sunflower->I Know You Rider->Uncle John's Band-> Playin' in the Band E: Ripple Sound path: AKG C1oooS (hypercardiod configuration)->Samson Mixpad 4-> VxPocket v2 (@ 48khz 24 bits)->cooledit 2k(24/48->16/44.1, 2352-byte sector boundary alignment, some normalization for the 1st set)->flac Note: The wind had its way with the sound, there is a heavy 'phase shift' at times - the only real good versions of this will either be from the soundboard or front-of-board. Fwiw, enjoy! phopely@eniac.seas.upenn.edu ****************************************************************** 6.16.04 Set 1: Jam> Feel Like A Stranger, Mississippi Half-Step> No More Do I> Alligator> Lazy River Road @ After Midnight> Jam> All Along The Watchtower> Just A Little Light Set 2: Jam> Cortez The Killer> Night Of A 1000 Stars> Scarlet Begonias> Fire On The Mountain> Drums> Space> The Other One> Jam, Death Don't Have No Mercy> Jam> Golden Road> Lucy In The Sky> Midnight Hour , Donor Rap/Headcount Rap Encore: Goin' Down The Road Feeling Bad> We Bid You Goodnight @=Bobby acoustic Taped and transferred by Todd Ramsden Source: 1st row TS, NOS, 16/44.1k: AKG 480/ck63> Lunatec V3> Sony M1 Transfer: Sony A6 (optical out)> Nomad JB3> firwire> pc> CoolEdit> CDWav> FLAC ****************************************************************** 6.18.04 Set 1: Music Never Stopped > Jam > Here Comes Sunshine > Cumberland Blues, Tomorrow Never Knows> Self Defense , Minglewood Blues, Cosmic Charlie> Jam > Eyes Of The World> Liberty Set 2: *rain/thunder* Blackbird@# > Friend Of The Devil@ > Jam > A Piece For You, Tons Of Steel > Jam > Estimated Prophet > The Wheel > Drums > Space > Sugaree > Throwing Stones > Not Fade Away... Donor/Headcount Rap Encore: U.S. Blues @=Bobby acoustic #=Bobby and Warren only Note: There is a short dropout, about 0.1 sec long, at about 3:10 of d1t1, edited to remove the blank portion. Taped and transferred by Todd Ramsden Source: TS, 10' split omnis: AKG 480/ck62 > Lunatec V3 (16/44.1)> Sony M1 Transfer: Sony A6 (optical out)> Nomad JB3> firewire> pc> CoolEdit> CDWav> FLAC ***************************************************************** 6/19/2004 Source: A:ts AKG481's>w-mod UA5>M1; DIN 110*@7ft behind Candice just a couple feet right of center. Transfer: M1>VX Pocket 2 (s/pdif)>Wavelab 3.03>CDWav>FLAC Taped and transfered by Chris Larson (VegasBobby@comcast.net) Set 1 Alabama Getaway, Black Throated Wind, Operator, Hell In A Bucket, Broken Arrow, Baba Jingo, Cassidy, Hey Pockey Way Set 2 Queen Jane Approximately, All That We Are, Weather Report Suite, Let It Grow, Drums, Drums/Space, Comes a Time, Unbroken Chain, Terrapin Station, Reuben and Cherise, Sugar Magnolia, Crowd/Band raps Encore: Touch of Grey ****************************************************************** 6.20.04 Set 1: Love Supreme Jam > Truckin' > Smokestack Lightning > Direwolf , Passenger > Birdsong > Loose Lucy, Down The Road @ Even So > October Queen > Jam > Till The Morning Comes > Built To Last , Foolish Heart Set 2: Me & My Uncle @ Candyman @ Jam> Come Together, Strawberry Fields Forever > Jam> Viola Lee Blues (v1&2)> Samson & Delilah> Drums >Space> China Doll > Jam> Birdsong > Jam> China Cat Sunflower > I Know You Rider crowd/organs/voting Encore: Brokedown Palace @Bobby acoustic Taped and transferred by Todd Ramsden Source: TS, DIN, 16/44.1: AKG 480/ck63> Lunatec V3> DC2 (coax>optical)> Nomad JB3 Transfer: Nomad JB3> firewire> pc> CoolEdit> CDWav> FLAC
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17 years 7 months

Four respectable SBD shows to keep filling in holes in the vinedex. The 78 show is a request from DStache... Its another crazy 78 show with a lot of hooting and hollering and misqueues. The show from Nassau Coliseum is hot as was par for that venue and the hartford show has a sweet, sweet friend of the devil.... and earthquake space. Enjoy... If there are requests for audio CD versions of this hopefully first one on the vine signup can accomodate. but I like 1 disc vs. 12 so would be great for folks to figure this out. Marty 4/10/78 - Grateful Dead Fox Theatre - Atlanta, GA Recording Info: SBD -> Rm -> PCM -> Dat Set 1: d1t01 - The Promised Land d1t02 - Brown Eyed Women d1t03 - It's All Over Now d1t04 - Peggy-O d1t05 - Cassidy d1t06 - Dire Wolf d1t07 - El Paso d1t08 - Bobby's Story d1t08 - Row Jimmy d1t09 - Passenger d2t01 - Bobby's Story d2t02 - Candyman d2t03 - The Music Never Stopped d2t04 - Tuning d2t05 - Jack Straw d2t06 - Ship Of Fools d3t01 - Dancing In The Street -> d3t02 - Drums -> d3t03 - Franklin's Tower -> d3t04 - Black Peter -> d3t05 - Around And Around Encore: d3t06 - U.S. Blues Soundcheck: d3t07 - Salt Lake City Grateful Dead 3/14/82 Recreation Hall UC Davis Master Soundboard Cassette > Reel to Reel > DAT > CDR Disc 1 1. One More Saturday Night> 2. Sugaree 3. Me & My Uncle> 4. Mexicali Blues 5. Birdsong> 6. Little Red Rooster 7. Ramble On Rose> 8. Looks Like Rain 9. Althea 10.Let It Grow Disc 2 1. Samson & Delilah 2. Ship of Fools 3. Playin' in the Band> 4. Scarlet Begonias> 5. Fire on the Mountain> 6. Drums// Disc 3 1. //Space> 2. Not Fade Away> 3. Wharf Rat> 4. Sugar Magnolia 5. E: U.S. Blues Grateful Dead - April 12, 1982 Nassau Coliseum - Uniondale, NY SBD -> Cassette Master -> Reel -> Dat (48k) Patch Info: Aud Cassette Master (from LMA) supplies a 2 Second patch in Sugaree and all of Sugar Magnolia and Satisfaction. d1t01 - Iko Iko d1t02 - Minglewood Blues d1t03 - Peggy-O d1t04 - Mama Tried -> d1t05 - Mexicali Blues d1t06 - Bird Song d1t07 - C C Rider d1t08 - Tennessee Jed -> d1t09 - Looks Like Rain -> d1t10 - Deal d2t01 - Man Smart (Woman Smarter) -> d2t02 - Sugaree d2t03 - Estimated Prophet -> d2t04 - Uncle John's Band -> d2t05 - Drums -> d3t01 - Space -> d3t02 - The Other One -> d3t03 - Stella Blue -> d3t04 - Sugar Magnolia d3t05 - (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction 4/18/82 - Grateful Dead Hartford Civic Center Hartford, CT SBD -> Cm -> PCM -> Dat(48k) d1t01 - Bertha -> d1t02 - The Promised Land d1t03 - Friend Of The Devil -> d1t04 - CC Rider d1t05 - Ramble On Rose d1t06 - Me And My Uncle -> d1t07 - Mexicali Blues d1t08 - Althea -> d1t09 - Looks Like Rain d1t10 - Big Railroad Blues d1t11 - Let It Grow d2t01 - Cold Rain And Snow -> d2t02 - Samson And Delilah d2t03 - Ship Of Fools d2t04 - Playing In The Band -> d2t05 - Eyes Of The World -> d2t06 - Drums -> d3t01 - Phil's Earthquake Space -> d3t02 - The Other One -> d3t03 - Black Peter -> d3t04 - Sugar Magnolia -> d3t05 - Playing In The Band -> d3t06 - Sunshine Daydream d3t07 - Don't Ease Me In
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17 years 8 months

new version just posted.
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17 years 8 months

Thanks CBYour fine work is always appreciated. Peace Rick
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17 years 8 months

you doing all this work and not even a part of most of the vine's !what you are doing here sure makes my life easier If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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17 years 9 months

Thank you Cosmicbadger. Agree with Hal, what a wonderful gesture. The best to you Cosmicbadger!
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17 years 3 months

everyone is posting thanks here so i guise i`ll post this here also . nice work badger but you missed a few . what happened to the vines I seeded ? or don`t I count ?
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Member for

16 years 2 months

There was a registry where each time you seed a vine, you add it to the register and have it sorted to either "Grateful Dead", "Grateful Dead Spin Offs" or "Non-Grateful Dead". Heck you could even sort the vines very specifically - "Ratdog", "Phil and Friends", "CSN", "Hendrix" etc. Although to make it work well, we would probably need Excel. "When the smoke has cleared she said, that's what she said to me. You're gonna want a bed to lay your head and a little sympathy"
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16 years 9 months

anybody have any Kingfish out there?
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17 years 8 months

I have been searching for the last half hr. for the topic Lapful Laughs Goodie Bag Vine to post on it. But I can't find it!. Any clues or another name for this would really help or where it is. I want to post on this and send it on. Aargh! If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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17 years 1 month

These are some odds and ends I have of Jimi. A lot of the tapes have a few good quality songs mixed in with a few bad. So some of the audio cds will have a combination of various tapes. I will include the original tapes unaltered on the flac dvds. This will be a 4 audio cd and 2 dvd(flac files) vine. JIMI HENDRIX EXPERIENCE The Southeby Reel Outtakes 1967-68 Excellent quality 01. Soft Machine Jam I 02. Castles Made Of Sand 03. Spanish Castle Magic 04. Instrumental Jam I 05. Have You Ever Been (To Electric Ladyland) 06. Wait Until Tomorrow 07. Instrumental Jam II (with Brian Jones) 08. Instrumental Jam III (with Brian Jones) 09. One Rainy Wish 10. Soft Machine Jam II 11. Soft Machine Jam III 12. She's So Fine 13. Bold As Love 14. Belly Buttom Window 15. Instrumental Jam IV Axis Outtakes 01. Spanish Castle Magic 02. Little Wing 03. You've Got Me Floating 04. She's So Fine 05. Little Miss Lover 06. Bold As Love 07. Takin' Care of No Business 08. South Saturn Delta 09. Cat Talkin' To Me 10. The Stars That Play With Laughing Sam's Dice 11. Takin' Care of No Business (Take 2) 12. Are You Experienced? 13. Hey Joe 14. Castles Made of Sand 15. Voodoo Child (Slight Return) 16. Bold as Love 17. Crosstown Trafic 18. All Along The Watchtower 19. Red House 20. I Don't Live Today 21. The Wind Cries Mary Jimi Acoustic 01. Long Hot Summer Night I 02. Long Hot Summer Night II 03. Long Hot Summer Night III 04. 1983...A Merman I Should Turn To Be I 05. 1983...A Merman I Should Turn To Be II 06. Angel 07. Cherokee Mist 08. Astro Man 09. Hear My Train A Comin' 10. Voodoo Child 11. Gypsy Eyes more axis outtakes (electric) 12. She's So Fine 13. Can You See Me 14. No,No,No,No 15. Rainy Day, Dream Away 16. Instrumental Jam 17. Gypsy Eyes 18. Remember THE JIMI HENDRIX EXPERIENCE February 1969 Sessions 01. It's Too Bad - Record Plant, February 11 02. It's Too Bad 03. World Traveller 04. Duane Hitchings Jam 05. Crying Blue Rain - Olympic Studios, February 16 06. Room Full Of Mirrors 07. Shame Shame Shame 08. Lover Man 09. Sunshine Of Your Love 10. Spanish Castle Magic - Olympic Studios, February 17 11. Hear My Train A-Comin' 12. Noel's Tune - Olympic Studios, February 26
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17 years 8 months

thanks for the hint, found it right away it is The Lapful Laughs, didn't know there was a The there If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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17 years 9 months

just downloading shows from monday, will post vine as soon as the acoustic set comes up - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Spanish Jam
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17 years 8 months

Lopezz sent me these a couple weeks ago and said that some others here might be interested. The sound quality of both of these is really pretty good, a lot better than I expected. This will be 4 audio disc’s. Sublime Tressel Tavern Everett, WA 11-14-94 Disc 1 1. Don’t Push->Right Back->New Thrash 2. 40oz to Freedom 3. House of Suffering 4. Tuning 5. MTM->Where only gonna die 6. Lets Get Stoned 7. Pool Shark 8. Tuning 9. STP 10. Drink Break Disc 2 1. Loser 2. Scarlet Begonias->What I got 3. Mystery Dub 4. Raw Seed 5. Greatest Hits 6. Jailhouse 7. ? 8. ? 9. 5446 10. Date Rape 11. Bradley Improv 12. Tuning 13. My Age 14. Slow Ride Sublime Hollywood, California The Palace October 21, 1995 Disc 1 1. Babylon Stone 2. We’re Only Gonna Die… 3. Don’t Push / Garden Grove / Right Back / Bew Thrash 4. Saw Red 5. Badfish 6. All You Need 7. Hope 8. Crazy Fool 9. Falling Idols 10. Caress Me Down 11. 40 oz. to Freedom Disc 2 1. Ebin 2. 5446 / Date Rape 3. House of Suffering 4. DJ’s 5. I Love My Dog 6. Pool Shark 7. Work That We Do 8. Greatest Hits 9. Smoke 2 Joints / Freestyle 10. Scarlet Begonias / Ring the Alarm "You know the one thing we need is a left handed monkey wrench....."
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17 years 9 months

The Dead, Angel Orensanz Center for the Arts New York, NY 2009-03-30 Taper : Steve T ''AKA'' Big Red Bag Nak 100 Mics W/Shotguns > Sony Sbm 1 > Sony D-7 Disc 1 : Acoustic 01-Dire Wolf 02-Bird Song 03-Cumberland Blues 04-Pride Of Cucumunga 05-Lazy River Road 06-Casey Jones 07-Ripple xxxxxxxxxxxxxx The Dead The Blender Theater @ Gramercy New York, NY 3/30/09 8-9 pm Neumann TLM-170 (cardoid, 2 rows behind SBD, center) -> Sound Devices 722 (@24/96) FLAC File processing in SoundForge Audio Studio 9.0c (volume normalization; resample to 44.1 with interpolation accuracy 4, anti-alias filter; 24->16 bit highpass triangular dither with high pass contour noise shaping); Tracked in cdwav 1. tuning 2. Playin' In The Band -> 3. Good Lovin' -> 4. The Wheel -> 5. Franklin's Tower -> 6. encore break 7. Touch Of Grey 8. goodnights Part 2 of the "Free The Dead" NYC Taxi tour xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The Dead Roseland Ballroom New York, NY 3/30/09 approx. 11:20pm-1am Neumann TLM-170 (hypercardoid, just behind SBD, center) -> Sound Devices 722 (@24/96) FLAC File processing in SoundForge Audio Studio 9.0c (volume normalization; resample to 44.1 with interpolation accuracy 4, anti-alias filter; 24->16 bit highpass triangular dither with high pass contour noise shaping); Tracked in cdwav Disc 1: 1. tuning 2. Althea 3. Jam -> 4. Cassidy 5. Uncle John's Band Disc 2 6. Eyes Of The World -> 7. St. Stephen -> 8. Dark Star -> 9. Sugar Magnolia 10.encore break 11.Not Fade Away Part 3 of the "Free The Dead" NYC Taxi Tour Bonus - Bobby, Phil, and Warren on "The View" 3/30/09 Scientific Atlanta DVR-8300HD coaxial out (@ 24/48) -> Sound Forge Audio Studio 9.0c (volume normalization; resample to 44.1 with interpolation accuracy 4, anti-alias filter; 24->16 bit highpass triangular dither with high pass contour noise shaping); Tracked in cdwav 1. interview 2. Friend of the Devil 3. goodnights w/band jamming in background The Dead & Wycleff Jean, Obama Mid-Atlantic Inaugural Ball, Washington, DC 2009-01-20 This Came To Me From A Friend (Todd H ) He Said It Came From The Camera / Board Feed So It Is Very Good . Disc 1 : The Dead Set 01-Dancin' In The Streets 02-Uncle John's Band 03-Sugar Magnolia 04-Eyes Of The World 05-Crowd 06-VP Biden Speech 07-Tuning 08-The Wheel 09-Touch Of Grey 10-Box Of Rain 11-Obama Speech 12-Obama Dance With Wife 13-Dance & Back Ground Music Disc 2 : Wycleff Jean Set 01- 02- 03- 04- 05- 06- 07- enjoy - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Spanish Jam
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17 years 9 months

I'd like to start a couple DVD vines. But, checking on the "past vines" list, I see each of these shows has already been vined, although there's no indication if those were audio or video vines. So, if anyone can enlighten me on the issue, I'd appreciate it. Here's what I have in mind to start with: 4/12/78 (proshot, black & white, sbd audio, some flaws but perfectly watchable) 3/28/81 (proshot, color, sbd audio) 10/9/89 (aud shot, color, sbd audio). Also, if all the same people are going to want this stuff, it makes sense to do it as 1 vine (7 dvds), but if folks will pick and choose, it makes more sense to vine them separately... Thanks!
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Member for

16 years 2 months

I'd love to check out some video. I'd just put all 3 shows on 1 vine, I know I'd sign up for sure! "When the smoke has cleared she said, that's what she said to me. You're gonna want a bed to lay your head and a little sympathy"
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16 years 9 months

I am kickin' me chops. I want it all. I also need some late Dead DVD stuff--'93 to '95.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Lopezz sent me these a couple weeks ago and said that some others here might be interested. The sound quality of both of these is really pretty good, a lot better than I expected. This will be 4 audio disc’s. Sublime Tressel Tavern Everett, WA 11-14-94 Disc 1 1. Don’t Push->Right Back->New Thrash 2. 40oz to Freedom 3. House of Suffering 4. Tuning 5. MTM->Where only gonna die 6. Lets Get Stoned 7. Pool Shark 8. Tuning 9. STP 10. Drink Break Disc 2 1. Loser 2. Scarlet Begonias->What I got 3. Mystery Dub 4. Raw Seed 5. Greatest Hits 6. Jailhouse 7. ? 8. ? 9. 5446 10. Date Rape 11. Bradley Improv 12. Tuning 13. My Age 14. Slow Ride Sublime Hollywood, California The Palace October 21, 1995 Disc 1 1. Babylon Stone 2. We’re Only Gonna Die… 3. Don’t Push / Garden Grove / Right Back / Bew Thrash 4. Saw Red 5. Badfish 6. All You Need 7. Hope 8. Crazy Fool 9. Falling Idols 10. Caress Me Down 11. 40 oz. to Freedom Disc 2 1. Ebin 2. 5446 / Date Rape 3. House of Suffering 4. DJ’s 5. I Love My Dog 6. Pool Shark 7. Work That We Do 8. Greatest Hits 9. Smoke 2 Joints / Freestyle 10. Scarlet Begonias / Ring the Alarm "You know the one thing we need is a left handed monkey wrench....."
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17 years

Tom Waits 1976 11 09 Willimantic CT Early and Late ShowsLobster CD 010 1/2 "Mainstreet" Soundboard> ? > silver cd > EAC > WAV > FLAC Set List (Early Show): Eggs and Sausage Fumblin With The Blues Jitterbug Boy The One That Got Away Pasties and a G String Looking For The Heart Of Saturday Night Emotional Weather Report I Wish I Was In New Orleans Small Change closing and band intros Set List (Late Show): Spare Parts Invitation To The Blues Depot Depot San Diego Seranade New Coat Of Paint Putnam County / Big Joe & Phantom 309 Diamonds On My Windshield Tom Trauberts Blues closing Players: Tom Waits: vocal/ piano /guitar Frank Vicari: tenor sax Fitz Jenkins: bass Chip White: drums Note - I put some of this on the maple ontario vine as filler. This could be a 2 cd audio vine or a 1 dvd (with lots of filler) vine - haven't quite made up my mind yet - but once Marye gives it a home, I'll add some clarity to it - i recently looked back - and for about 6 months there, I was pumping out about a vine a week - then got kind of preocupied with worrying about work - so if someone's looking for something special, PM me & I'll see if I have it or can find it.
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17 years

Tom Waits1976-12-14 WNEW-FM New York, NY "Nighthawks On The Radio" Source: PreFM Verified PreFM (Lossless) 11-29-08 with CEP2 -MT 01 Emotional Weather Report 02 A Sight For Sore Eyes 03 Step Right Up 04 Eggs And Sausage / Invitation to the Blues 05 Jitterbug Boy 06 Diamonds On My Windshield 07 Tom Traubert's Blues 08 New Coat Of Paint 09 The Piano Has Been Drinking 10 I Can't Wait To Get Off Work 11 San Diego Seranade
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17 years 8 months

I saw Tom Waits and Ry Cooder probably on this tour. Had 6th row center seats. Paid $3.50 for them! I remember the price because it was such an amazing deal for an amazing show. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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17 years 9 months

MOTB Release: 0056 16/44.1Release Date: 2007-12-09 Band: Grateful Dead Date: 1974-07-21 (Sunday) Venue: Hollywood Bowl Location: Hollywood, CA Analog Audience Source: FOB Cassette (MAC) Analog Copy Instances: Reel 1 (R1) Medium Stock Brands: MAC = Sony C90 [CrO2], R1 = Maxell UD 35-90 Analog Lineage: 2 x Sony ECM-22P => Sony TC-152SD >> MAC >> Sony TC-D5M => TEAC AN-300 [Dolby Encode] => Technics RS-1506US [3.75 IPS] >> R1 Analog Medium Preservation: R1 >> Technics RS-1506 => TEAC AN-300 [Dolby Decode] => Grace Design Lunatec V3 [Pre-Only] => Korg MR-1000 >> DSF [1-bit 5.6448 MHz Stereo] >> Korg MR-1000 => Korg AudioGate >> WAV [24/96] Taped By: Rob Bertrando R1 Supplied By: Barry Glassberg Transfer By: Adam Egert Mastering By: Derek McCabe Set 1 d1t01 - The Promised Land d1t02 - Tennessee Jed d1t03 - Me And My Uncle d1t04 - Sugaree d1t05 - Jack Straw d1t06 - Mississippi Half-Step Uptown Toodleloo > d1t07 - It Must Have Been The Roses d1t08 - El Paso d1t09 - Scarlet Begonias d1t10 - Around And Around Set 2 d1t11 - Seastones Set 3 d2t01 - China Cat Sunflower > d2t02 - I Know You Rider d2t03 - Big River d2t04 - Row Jimmy d3t01 - Playing In The Band > d3t02 - Wharf Rat > d3t03 - Truckin' > d3t04 - Nobody's Fault But Mine Jam > d3t05 - Playing In The Band Jam > Playing In The Band Reprise d3t06 - Ship Of Fools d3t07 - Sugar Magnolia Encore d3t08 - U.S. Blues Editing Notes -- No patch sources were used. -- d1t09 - Cut at 6:32 of "Scarlet Begonias" cross-faded. -- d3t03 - Cut at 1:11 of "Truckin'" cross-faded. Notes -- d1t07 - Feedback burst at about 4:52 of "It Must Have Been The Roses". -- d1t09 - Some mild to moderate feedback effects from about 2:38 to 3:20 of "Scarlet Begonias". -- d1t09 - The end of "Scarlet Begonias" is missing from 6:31 on. -- d2t01 - Low-level feedback in "China Cat Sunflower" begins to occur in conjunction with the start of Jerry's vocals. It starts to intensify around the 2:40 mark, culminating with a penetrating burst at about 2:53. The issues abate for the most part during the instrumental segment leading up to "I Know Your Rider". -- d2t02 - Intermittent, fairly minor, feedback during the first half of "I Know You Rider". -- d2t04 - More intermittent feedback - mild to very ringing - starting at about 0:20 of "Row Jimmy". It continues until around 3:00 or so, when it is finally squelched. -- d3t03 - Music is missing starting at 1:11 of "Truckin'". Gap begins right at the end of the line "New York - got the ways and means", and includes most of Weir's next verse. -- d3t03 - Just after the start of "Truckin'" it is possible to distinguish conversation with regards to the pending tape change - presumably between Rob Bertrando and one of his cohorts. As an exercise left to the listener, focus on the right stereo channel, at timing points 0:24, 0:30, 0:57 and 1:03, leading up to the cut-off at 1:11. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7/25/74 - Grateful Dead International Amphitheatre Chicago, IL SBD -> Rm -> Dat -> Sonic Solutions -> CD 2 Discs Audio / 2 Discs SHN Disc 1: First Set + Encore Disc 2: Second Set Set 1: Me And My Uncle Loose Lucy Black-Throated Wind Loser Beat It On Down The Line Sugaree Mexicali Blues Brown-Eyed Women El Paso Row Jimmy Weather Report Suite -> Let It Grow -> Around & Around Set 2: Scarlet Begonias Big River It Must Have Been The Roses Jack Straw Dark Star -> Slipknot! Jam -> Stella Blue Johnny B. Goode -> Uncle John's Band U.S. Blues One More Saturday Night Encore: Ship Of Fools Charlie Miller charliemiller87@earthlink.net *************************************** Grateful Dead Capital Centre Landover, MD 7-29-74 Sick Bits Vol. 8 Source: Matrix (SBD/AUD mix): SBD: (SHN ID # 2277) MR> C1> DAT*> CD via Teddy Goodbear AUD: FOB (SHN ID # 17968) AudMC > DAT > WAV > SHN via Jerry Moore Transfer/Editing: All three sources were SHN files downloaded from LMA and converted to WAV > Sony Vegas 5 > WAV > CD Wave > FLAC 16 (level 8) Matrixed by Chris Chappell 6-05-05 scarfire@liquidcity.com ________________________________________________________________________ Set I: d1t01 - crowd & tuning d1t02 - Promised Land d1t03 - Sugaree d1t04 - Black Throated Wind d1t05 - It Must Have Been The Roses d1t06 - Cumberland Blues d1t07 - Scarlet Begonias d1t08 - Jack Straw d1t09 - Deal d1t10 - El Paso d1t11 - To Lay Me Down d1t12 - crowd & tuning d2t01 - Weather Report Suite Prelude > d2t02 - Weather Report Suite Part One > d2t03 - Let It Grow [missing: set 1.5 Seastones] Set II: d2t04 - crowd & tuning d2t05 - He's Gone > d2t06 - Truckin' > d2t07 - Nobody's Fault But Mine > d2t08 - Other One (1st verse only) > d2t09 - Spanish Jam > d2t10 - Wharf Rat > d3t01 - Around & Around d3t02 - Peggy-O d3t03 - US Blues d3t04 - Sugar Magnolia Encore: d3t05 - Casey Jones Total Times: Disc 1 [76:39] Disc 2 [71:24] Disc 3 [38:31] - for track times see shntool output * Sick Bits Vol. 7 fits nicely as filler on disc 3 ________________________________________________________________________ General Notes: Two sources from the LMA provided coverage for this matrix: a relatively dry SBD, and a pretty nice sounding FOB AUD recorded by strangers with Jerry Moore's rig (see Jerry's notes). The result is an excellent matrix, justifying the blending of two sources to breathe life back into a relatively unrecognized but excellent show. Check out these reviews from the Llama: "I have the soundboard version of this show and I must admit that it is clear but clinical. No Character. This audience version has the ambience that is lacking in the soundboard. Do yourself a favor and download both!" "You've heard the classics, now try this one! Recommended." -Dr. Flashback This is the first show of 29 played at Capital Centre, and Bill Graham starts off by letting the crowd know to stay out of the isles, probably concerned with the fire marshall, who I'm sure was not impressed by the firecrackers (M80s?) that were let off periodically during the show - the most loud and notable is during To Lay Me Down, the crowd in a very intimate space, an explosion even clearly loud on the SBD. Listener beware! The whole show is played well, from the gumption of Sugaree through the excellent Weather Report Suite (nice Keith); and the second set starts with a slow but funky He's Gone (Phil), a freaky Spanish Jam out of the "space" of a 1 verse Other One, and a rare Peggy-O (6th time played). Garcia takes a different approach throughout, both refreshing and daring. The band delivers on the crowd request for Casey Jones, and Phil sums it up at the end: "We really appreciate it folks, you don't know how much." Thanks to Jerry Moore for making the FOB AUD happen (see notes), Mark Cohen for the analog > DAT transfer, Noah Weiner for the DAT > SHN/CD; Teddy Goodbear for the SBD along with the rest of the Compendium crew, and Doug Johnson for uploading it to abgd. Enjoy! Chappy Editing/SBD & AUD source Notes [see attached] Shntool Notes [see attached] FLAC Fingerprint [see attached] MD5 checksum [see attached] ________________________________________________________________________ Excerpt from AUD text file: (*) Notes from Jerry Moore - June, 2003: "Had piss poor taping seats, and was unable to negotiate better ones. Best I was able to do was dicker with some total strangers who were sitting reasonably close, on the left side off the floor, if I remember. They weren't willing to trade seats, but WERE willing to try taping it themselves in exchange for a copy. So I crossed my fingers real hard, and handed over the rig. They weren't at all familiar with it, but I managed to squeeze in before the show and check in a couple of times. All things considered, they did a pretty decent job. Some artless level juggling, and overall levels lower than I would've run, but better than no tape or a rotten one. The taping the weird noise at intermission was a nicety I didn't think to mention, and they didn't bother with. IE, no L&L recording on my tapes... I haven't the foggiest who they were or what their names were. Never crossed paths again." <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Grateful Dead - July 31, 1974 Dillon Stadium - Hartford, CT Recording Info: SBD -> Master Reel (7inch @ 7.5ips 1/2 Track) -> Dat -> CD Transfer Info: CD -> EAC -> Samplitude Professional v7.02 -> FLAC (3 Discs Audio / 2 Discs FLAC) Transferred and Edited By Charlie Miller charliemiller87@earthlink.net February 9, 2006 Patch Info: Reel flip in Row Jimmy and WRS Intro patched with Bill Degen's AUD Unknown Mics -> Master Cassette -> Reel (7inch) -> Dat -> SHN Notes: -- This is shnid 1019 cleaned up and patched. -- Beginning of Scarlet is cut. Set 1: d1t01 - Scarlet Begonias d1t02 - Me And My Uncle d1t03 - Brown Eyed Women d1t04 - Beat It On Down The Line d1t05 - Mississippi Half-Step Uptown Toodeloo -> d1t06 - It Must Have Been The Roses d1t07 - Mexicali Blues d1t08 - Row Jimmy d1t09 - Jack Straw d1t10 - China Cat Sunflower -> d1t11 - I Know You Rider d1t12 - Around And Around Set 2: d1t13 - Bertha d1t14 - Big River d2t01 - Eyes Of The World -> d2t02 - China Doll d2t03 - The Promised Land d2t04 - Ship Of Fools d2t05 - Weather Report Suite -> d2t06 - Let It Grow Set 2.5: d2t07 - Seastones Set 3: d2t08 - El Paso d3t01 - Ramble On Rose d3t02 - Greatest Story Ever Told d3t03 - To Lay Me Down d3t04 - Truckin' -> d3t05 - Mind Left Body Jam -> d3t06 - Spanish Jam -> d3t07 - Wharf Rat d3t08 - U.S. Blues d3t09 - One More Saturday Night Encore: d3t10 - Uncle John's Band >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Grateful Dead 07/27/74 Roanoke Civic Center Roanoke, VA Two Discs Lineage: SBD>MR>C>DAT>CDR Extraction and Shortening by Seth Kaplan via EAC and MKW. Correct sector boundaries verified using .shntool. Disc 1 of 2 Set I Bertha Mexicali Blues Row Jimmy Jack Straw Mississippi Half Step Uptown Toodeloo It Must Have Been The Roses Me & Bobby McGee Tennessee Jed Playin' In The Band Disc 2 of 2 Set II ChinaCat Sunflower > I Know You Rider Me & My Uncle Ramble On Rose Big River U.S. Blues > Jam > The Promised Land Brokedown Palace Not Fade Away > Goin' Down The Road Feelin' Bad Johnny B. Goode SBD>MR>C>DAT>CDR - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Spanish Jam
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16 years 9 months

I am perched and ready to get in line before MITD My personal collection lacks many '74 shows so I am in need of this.
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17 years 9 months

I will get to these tonight or tomorrow. Trevor, am I correct in thinking you posted the Sublime vine twice and it's not two different vines?
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Member for

16 years 2 months

Suppose to be from soundboards.2 audio cd's Sounds good ABB @ The Beacon 3/28/09 w/ Bob and Phil Set 1 1. Little Martha 2. Done Somebody Wrong 3. Trouble No More 4. Rocking Horse 5. I Walk On Gilded Splinters 6. Who to Believe 7. Born Under A Bad Sign with (Floyd Miles, vocals) 8. Stormy Monday (with Floyd Miles, vocals; Chuck Leavell, keyboards) 9. Come and Go Blues (with Chuck Leavell, keyboards) 10. Jessica (with Chuck Leavell, keyboards; Paul Riddle, drums) Set 2 11. Sugaree (with Bob Weir, guitar & vocals; Phil Lesh, bass) 12. I Know You Rider (with Bob Weir, guitar & vocals; Phil Lesh, bass) 13. Franklin's Tower (with Bob Weir, guitar & vocals; Phil Lesh, bass; Chuck Leavell,keyboards) 14. Black Hearted Woman 15. Mountain Jam (with Chuck Leavell, keyboards) Encore 16. Statesboro Blues
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Yes marye its just one vine. The spam filter has been giving me trouble with posting new vines for a couple of weeks now so Im never really sure when it actually goes through. "You know the one thing we need is a left handed monkey wrench....."
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17 years 9 months

has been giving EVERYBODY trouble. So sorry!
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17 years 9 months

The long (and mostly short) of it: 4/12/78 (2 dvds) -- proshot, multi-camera video with excellent SBD audio (and aud patches between tunes while the video rolls). This is the complete show, in black & white, and while 95% is flawless, it does have its flaws including, unfortunately, the video and audio being way out of sync as Jerry does his Pete Townsend-style windmills during Truckin'. On the upside, everything is in sync during the drum solo featuring Mickey, Bill & yes, Jerry himself (and a little Steve Parish too). So that counts for something. 3/28/81 (2 dvds) -- And speaking of Pete Townsend... Proshot, multi-camera video with excellent SBD audio, complete show, in color, flawless throughout with particularly good closeups of Jerry's playing, for those of you want to steal some licks. Set lists available elsewhere. I'll include the technical source info when I send out the discs for those of you who are into that. I had absolutely nothing to do with either of these, other than downloading them as torrents from "The Trader's Den" -- so a big thanks to everyone over there. ENJOY!
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16 years 2 months

Suppose to be from soundboards.3 audio cd's Sounds good ABB @ The Beacon 3/28/09 w/ Bob and Phil Set 1 1. Little Martha 2. Done Somebody Wrong 3. Trouble No More 4. Rocking Horse 5. I Walk On Gilded Splinters 6. Who to Believe 7. Born Under A Bad Sign with (Floyd Miles, vocals) 8. Stormy Monday (with Floyd Miles, vocals; Chuck Leavell, keyboards) 9. Come and Go Blues (with Chuck Leavell, keyboards) 10. Jessica (with Chuck Leavell, keyboards; Paul Riddle, drums) Set 2 11. Sugaree (with Bob Weir, guitar & vocals; Phil Lesh, bass) 12. I Know You Rider (with Bob Weir, guitar & vocals; Phil Lesh, bass) 13. Franklin's Tower (with Bob Weir, guitar & vocals; Phil Lesh, bass; Chuck Leavell,keyboards) 14. Black Hearted Woman 15. Mountain Jam (with Chuck Leavell, keyboards) Encore 16. Statesboro Blues I can Sweetn' the vine by adding both Eric Clapton nights from the SBD. Flawless and excellent sound Allman Brothers Band (Eric Clapton) 2009-03-19, Beacon Theatre, New York, NY 3 audio cd's 1. Little Martha 2. Statesboro Blues 3. Done Somebody Wrong 4. Revival 5. Woman Across The River 6. Don't Keep Me Wonderin' 7. Whipping Post Set II 8. Oncoming Traffic Gregg solo piano & vocals 9. Come and Go Blues 10. Good Morning Little School Girl with Danny Louis, piano 11. Key To The Highway w/Eric Clapton, guitar & vocals 12. Dreams w/Eric Clapton, guitar 13. Why Does Love Got To Be So Sad w/Eric Clapton, guitar 14. Little Wing w/Eric Clapton, guitar & vocals 15. Anyday with Eric Clapton, guitar & vocals; Susan Tedeschi, vocals Encore 16. Layla with Eric Clapton, guitar & vocals; Danny Louis, piano Allman Brothers Band (Eric Clapton Night) 2009-03-20 The Beacon, NYC 3 audio cd's 1. Little Martha / Oteil solo on bass 2. Mountain Jam part 1 3. Trouble No More 4. Midnight Rider 5. Forty-Four Blues with Danny Louis, piano 6. Wasted Words 7. Gambler's Roll 8. Ain't Wastin' Time No More 9. Mountain Jam part 2 Set II 10. Melissa 11. Leave My Blues at Home 12. No One To Run With 13. Key To The Highway with Eric Clapton, guitar & vocals 14. Stormy Monday with Eric Clapton, guitar 15. Dreams with Eric Clapton, guitar 16. Why Does Love Got To Be So Sad with Eric Clapton, guitar 17. Little Wing with Eric Clapton, guitar & vocals 18. In Memory of Elizabeth Reed with Eric Clapton, guitar Encore 19. Layla with Eric Clapton, guitar & vocals; Danny Louis, piano 1st time doing this. Be gentle with me :)
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17 years 7 months

ok so i undertstand what shn & flac is about, but how do i get windows media player to play them, convert to wav all that good stuff. i am not that tech savy. should i not use media player? thanks for any advice
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Member for

16 years 2 months

Suppose to be from soundboards.3 audio cd's Sounds good ABB @ The Beacon 3/28/09 w/ Bob and Phil Set 1 1. Little Martha 2. Done Somebody Wrong 3. Trouble No More 4. Rocking Horse 5. I Walk On Gilded Splinters 6. Who to Believe 7. Born Under A Bad Sign with (Floyd Miles, vocals) 8. Stormy Monday (with Floyd Miles, vocals; Chuck Leavell, keyboards) 9. Come and Go Blues (with Chuck Leavell, keyboards) 10. Jessica (with Chuck Leavell, keyboards; Paul Riddle, drums) Set 2 11. Sugaree (with Bob Weir, guitar & vocals; Phil Lesh, bass) 12. I Know You Rider (with Bob Weir, guitar & vocals; Phil Lesh, bass) 13. Franklin's Tower (with Bob Weir, guitar & vocals; Phil Lesh, bass; Chuck Leavell,keyboards) 14. Black Hearted Woman 15. Mountain Jam (with Chuck Leavell, keyboards) Encore 16. Statesboro Blues I can Sweetn' the vine by adding both Eric Clapton nights from the SBD. Flawless and excellent sound Allman Brothers Band (Eric Clapton) 2009-03-19, Beacon Theatre, New York, NY 3 audio cd's 1. Little Martha 2. Statesboro Blues 3. Done Somebody Wrong 4. Revival 5. Woman Across The River 6. Don't Keep Me Wonderin' 7. Whipping Post Set II 8. Oncoming Traffic Gregg solo piano & vocals 9. Come and Go Blues 10. Good Morning Little School Girl with Danny Louis, piano 11. Key To The Highway w/Eric Clapton, guitar & vocals 12. Dreams w/Eric Clapton, guitar 13. Why Does Love Got To Be So Sad w/Eric Clapton, guitar 14. Little Wing w/Eric Clapton, guitar & vocals 15. Anyday with Eric Clapton, guitar & vocals; Susan Tedeschi, vocals Encore 16. Layla with Eric Clapton, guitar & vocals; Danny Louis, piano Allman Brothers Band (Eric Clapton Night) 2009-03-20 The Beacon, NYC 3 audio cd's 1. Little Martha / Oteil solo on bass 2. Mountain Jam part 1 3. Trouble No More 4. Midnight Rider 5. Forty-Four Blues with Danny Louis, piano 6. Wasted Words 7. Gambler's Roll 8. Ain't Wastin' Time No More 9. Mountain Jam part 2 Set II 10. Melissa 11. Leave My Blues at Home 12. No One To Run With 13. Key To The Highway with Eric Clapton, guitar & vocals 14. Stormy Monday with Eric Clapton, guitar 15. Dreams with Eric Clapton, guitar 16. Why Does Love Got To Be So Sad with Eric Clapton, guitar 17. Little Wing with Eric Clapton, guitar & vocals 18. In Memory of Elizabeth Reed with Eric Clapton, guitar Encore 19. Layla with Eric Clapton, guitar & vocals; Danny Louis, piano Ok. Just got what I was really looking for. This is the fruit I wanted from this vine. Jazz Night. I'll throw in 3/14/09 with Stanley Clark, Randy Brecker,Lenny White, Adam Nussbaum,Robert Randolph and a Liz Reed that will knock your socks off. Allman Brothers Band 3-14-09 Beacon Theatre - NYC 3 audio discs Set 1 Little Martha Ain't Waistin' Time No More Walk On Guilded Splinters Rocking Horse Gambler's Roll Revival Woman Across The River Dreams w/Randy Brecker and Lenny White Set 2 Melissa (Gregg on acoustic guitar) Lovelight w/ Robert Randolph and Adam Nussbaum One Way Out w/ Robert Randolph and Adam Nussbaum In A Silent Way w/ Randy Brecker Liz Reed> w/Randy Brecker and Lenny White Drums> (Butch/Marc/Lenny White) Bass Jam> w/ Stanley Clark Liz Reed w/ Stanley Clark Encore Mountain Jam> Dazed & COnfused> Mountain Jam I'm done. That's the package. Be gentle with me. It's my first time.
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Member for

17 years 1 month

If you download and install this: http://softlayer.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/flac/flac-1.2.1b.exe you should be able to play flac in windows media player. If you download and install this: http://www.oldapps.com/winamp.php?old_winamp=149#Download and this: http://etree.org/cgi-bin/counter.cgi/software/shnamp300.exe you should be able to play shn files on your pc. Traders Little Helper is the best thing to convert both to wav, its here: http://tlh.easytree.org/files/tralih241160.exe I can pm you easy directions if you have trouble. I use cd burnner xp to burn cds and dvds with. Its also free and it is here: http://cdburnerxp.se/downloadsetup.php Hope some of this helps