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  • JackstrawfromC…
    cc eoj
    Zombie d Wulf has a list posted of all the songs. I just cant' remember which page/thread he posted it on???? "Escaping through the lily fields, I came across an empty space. It rainbow then exploded, left a bus stop in its place. The bus come by and I got on, thats when it all began. It was Cowboy Neal at the wheel of the bus to never ever land"
  • c_c
    anybody have a list of all the songs that they played this tour? it was something like 150 different songs. not the setlists, but you know, like an alphabetical list. or a website that listed them? please? peace.
  • hippyjameZ
    Sure do miss getting on
    Sure do miss getting on and checking the setlists and reviews.. All i gotta say is, "I wanna thank You, For a Real Good Time!."
  • bilee
    I just left the following on the “Shout Outs” page"Yo Godspal! You ever even been to a show with Jerry? Yea it was bigger and better..... after 25 years! Who cares about bigger and better, and the definition of cover band is a band that covers other peoples songs just the way they were done by the original. If you think that the Dead are a cover band then so is Van Halen (running with the devil and most of the songs on their 1st album are old 30s blues songs) and the Rolling Stones and Clapton and Led Zeppelin, and many other bands that take songs that they like or admire and redo them. So the Dead would have to be a tribute band.... but the core members are all in the band so it's a tribute to themselves! Like most people that claim to be Christians you sure are quick to judge. I see 2 to 3 hundred bands a year working. From the 29th of April to the 12th of May I worked Neil Young, James Taylor, Fleetwood Mac, Kenny Chesney and Billy Joel/Elton John. I took the time in all that to drive 7 hours to Chicago for the show on the 4th and to fly to Mountainview for the show on the 10th. The rest of the month will include Andre Rieu, Yani and Sugarland. Next month is a bunch of other national acts. I CHOOSE TO SEE THE DEAD BECAUSE THEY ARE STILL, HANDS DOWN, THE BEST BAND IN THE WORLD. i'LL TAKE TIME OUT OF MY LIFE ANYTIME THEY PLAY TO SEE THEM." I left it in response to someone calling this band a cover band. Sooo maybe I'm a little rabid but I am one loyal Motherf#%*er and I won't apologize for my response. I will say thank you to the band for lighting that space in my heart that has been dark for so long. Thanks for validating my conception of what the Dead means to me with my wife and my grown kids that have lived on the peripheral of my relationship with this huge part of my soul but now have experienced it. After Chicago my wife said “I Get It” she felt the magic. Same in Mountainview with my boys, 25 and 22 that have lived with this all their lives, listen to the music and now know the feeling. I meant what I said, this band, not the Grateful Dead, but the Dead is the best band in the world. If the Grateful Dead could be here then that might not be the case but that will never happen. It’s funny that the Grateful Dead went through what a handful of keyboard changes and there wasn’t a question of who they were. I hope that when other band members pass (you know… the wheel thing) that the band still plays the songs that I so want to hear and new ones that will reflect the band at that time with the same magic as in 69, 79, 89 or 09. I also hope when I’m gone that my children and my children’s children have the same opportunity to feel the magic.
  • Richard Vigeant
    Is there any chance we get the list of material they use for ligthts on tour?
  • Moye
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    Fall Tour?????
    Man, I can't wait till the morning I wake up and see the forum topic that says "THE DEAD TO TOUR IN FALL" :) I can almost say that this could definately happen:) The vibes on this site alone are offf the scales man. Everybodys reviews from the shows they attended seem fantastic. Special thanks to Charlie Miller for letting all us heads listen to some really great music off archives:) Everyone keep ur fingers crossed for the fall and I hope to see you all in the lots:)Peace- Moye
  • leshweirD
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    The end of Spring tour...
    Well, I feel a want for more, but know I am fortunate for the shows I was able to see (8 including Penn State). Then again, I need time to save up some money, as it sure wasn't cheap or without sacrifice (well worth it though, just saying...).The last show at the Gorge was fantastic for so many reasons. It turned out to be a 80 degree day, met some awesome Washington State folks, was center stage 7 rows back, and it was our 3rd wedding anniversary! Was a grate trip, we flew in to Seattle and picked up a rental vehicle in the pouring rain. Drove to Moses Lake to be closer to the venue so we wouldn't have to drive so far when they opened, and ended up driving through quite a snowstorm through the cascade mountains. It was surprising to see, as it was snowing so hard that it was accumulating on the roadway and we certainly didn't expect it. Fortunately, we drove out of that, and the weather improved. And as I mentioned, the day of the show was 80 and sunny! Back home on the east coast now and reading others viewpoints of the shows here. Love hearing about them. My take on the shows are that they definitely got better as the tour went on. Of particular note, I got to see the progression of Warren as he took more of a stage presence as the tour went on. The gorge show was definitely a rock star Warren night IMO. He was on fire, first with the Allman's, and seemed to pick up steam with the Dead. My appreciation for him has definitely grown, and I now count myself as a huge Warren fan. LOVED his version of Althea that night, do I dare say even more then bobby's from earlier in the tour!? Anyway, thought I'd share just a bit now that the ride is over (for now). I am anxiously waiting for Rothbury, and at the same time glad that I have a little time to save up for it! Will probably end up having to skip a couple other shows I had planned on attending (DSO), but I do love those outdoor Dead shows! And as far as the Gorge goes, what a FANTASTIC venue! Would love to do that again if the opportunity arises. Now I feel the need to check out Red Rocks, as I have heard that setting is just as nice, but due to the distance, it would take The Dead to play there to really motivate me, thus the reason I am going to Rothbury. It was so nice to be part of the scene again, to be around so many newer, young folks intermingled with us older, still very much young at heart ones. Never would have thought that there would be another opportunity for a tour, never mind just a nostalgic show, but now I am thinking, how could they not do this again. I mean, it truly was a win-win. The band and all that are employed to stage the tour certainly made some money, but even more importantly, they all seemed to be having a most excellent time up there, and those of us that were fortunate enough to catch a show, know everyone else was digging it. So boys, if any of you actually find time to read any of these postings, lets do more together, as I for one will agree to do my part, which is attend show(s) that are feasible and be a part of the lovely deadhead community to welcome the next generation in with open arms. Speaking of this, at the Gorge show there was a 18 year old high schooler that convinced his dad to bring him, and that kid really got it! It was fun watching him react to the band and crowd. This is how it will never die. Musicians, sure, but the music will be passed on. Please bring on another tour! See ya at Rothbury!
  • rosa rugosa
    Spring Tour!
    We all had a real good time, didn't we? And I really enjoyed "meeting" and sharing the experience with you folks. I hope we have a chance to do it again soon, and I'm sure looking forward to RatDog this summer!
  • JackstrawfromC…
    Thanks Peggy O
    I totally agree with you. This is not the Grateful Dead it is The Dead. 2 pretty different bands really. Both grate in there own special ways (I know that sounds a little cheesy but hey it is true). It is impossible to replace Jerry and his unique guitar, vocals, perspective and soul are missed believe me. But if you went in to this tour with an open mind I just don't see how you could have been disappointed. I was not a Warren fan going in but coming out I am a huge fan. He made this tour folks just admit it. He brought his own style to the mix, he wasn't trying to be Jerry he wasn't trying to sound like him and he wasn't just sitting in filling space. There were times when he sounded hauntingly similar to Jerry (China Doll, Morning Dew for example), times when he sounded very soulful like Brent and times when he has just being Warren. He really moved me and not unlike what Jerry used to do for me. That is where I will disagree with Peggy-O, I was almost in tears several times. The same could be said for Jeff too. He brought his own style and it fit in beautifully. I love Ratdog and Phil and Friends and all but there is something special and kind of hard to explain when they are all together, then throw in Billy and Mickey and the raw power is back!! What also returned was the lot scene. Walking through the lots at Shoreline and Washington seriously made me feel like 20 years old again. I felt like I was back where I belong, and that is a very special feeling I will hold onto forever. They played this tour with emotion and power and they were as tight as I have ever heard them.. EVER. There were shows in the 90's with Jerry that didn't have a fraction of the power, emotion, magic or energy these guys are holding right now. Some of those shows felt like they were just going through the motions. NOT in 2009!! They hit this tour with a sense of "We are still the kings of the jam bands, and now we are going to show you". Sure some shows were better than others that is how it always was, is and will be. That's why I always suggest to catch as many Dead shows as possible because that one magical show that touches your soul and changes your life is out there. Although I haven't heard any of the shows from this tour that I would consider to be "bad". All I can say is "When can we do this again??" Seriously!! "Escaping through the lily fields, I came across an empty space. It rainbow then exploded, left a bus stop in its place. The bus come by and I got on, thats when it all began. It was Cowboy Neal at the wheel of the bus to never ever land"
  • southerntam
    Great reflections PeggyO, GD GRW and JackStrawfromCO...
    I just loved reading them, I think we all share the same sentiments only you guys know how to verbalize it better than I. But everytime I read one of your reflections or thoughts, I keep thinking "yeah, that's what I feel like"! Anyway, just wanted to throw it out there. ~Tam
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16 years 6 months

The band says Happy New Year with an announcement of almost twenty shows in April and May.  More details to come!

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17 years 9 months

I have 6 weeks! But I know it will be worth the wait...just getting anxious, excited pumped, all the above!!!!
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16 years 3 months

OOOPS!!I knew my eyesight was getting bad but now I know I need glasses for sure!!! So sorry!!! LOL
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17 years 2 months

After what I saw at those three shows last night, missing this tour is at your own peril. They were on, and they were hot! Go to as many shows as you can realistically put together, but make sure you get to at least one. Turn on your light, you won't regret it! Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
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16 years 5 months

Just wanted to say THANK YOU to the band for a great party last night!
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17 years 7 months

So Brandford is joining the band 4/28th and 29th in E. Rutherford... wish he'd do the whole tour!
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17 years 9 months

I'm so jealous! Branford's the best.
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16 years 2 months

WOW!! Finally made time to watch the Bob and Phil show, (on The View of all places)! the strangest of places. Was it just me or did the boys seem a little nervous? They're just not used to daytime TV! HA! HA! Overall though outstanding performance, I loved the acoustic version of FOTD. The View girls didn't quite do their research though, how dare Joy Behar get Jerry's exit date wrong!!!! Always knew she was a few shy of a sixpack!!! Nice of the boys to make a public appearance though, what a treat for the non deadheads to get a taste of pure peace, love and music!!! Maybe they will come back for more!!! For the rest of us it was just an appetizer for the main course, I will get my slice at Roseland 5/5 and I can't wait!!! See you all there!!!! Peace!! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ May the Four Winds Blow You Safely Home... I Miss Jerry
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16 years 2 months

Didn't have the privilege of bein in NY last night, but I just finished listening to Roseland a couple of times, and after reading reviews on Philzone (bashing for the most part) I was pleasantly surprised. That was one hot show! People are bitchin that Bobby flubbed some lyrics and was speaking lyrics instead of singing. Hell he was flubbin lyrics in his prime. I always loved it! Good for a laugh and a memory. The mere fact he can remember most of the words to Desolation Row and She Belongs to Me is a super human feat. Dylan cant remember all the words and he wrote em. True he was changin the phrasing a little much, but like he said during the NYE run, “It's a work in progress” And of course the ever present complaints about Phils vocals. Who cares!! Never was his strong suit. As long as he at 69 years of age can still thump that thing the way he does, I don't care if he sings like William Hung. And they were cappin on his new bass too. Callin it the Wall Mart toy. I admit when I saw it back in December I thought it looked like a Guitar Hero prop, but he dropped a couple of bombs last night that rival his Alembic of the 70s (my fave). And of course talkin bout Bobby's weight. Again, who cares! Does anyone really want to see him in hot pants and a pink Lacrosse polo shirt anymore anyway (I didn't back then). That was midlife crisis at its finest! (LOL) The little teenyboppers in the first couple of rows were lovin it back then. I was happy to see from the balcony on New Years that he has the same bald spot as me. Someone even went as far as to say he thinks he's Jerry now or some such nonsense. Last night was the equivalent of the Valentines Day Warm up they did at the Warfield before they hit the road in 03. I listened to that again recently and it wasn't nearly what I remembered. Kinda like an old Volkswagen that needed some work. Bt the time they got back round to Bay Area it was a classic. Finely tuned and polished. What I heard from last nights shows was a freakin Lamborghini that needs a couple of pounds less air out of the tires so it hugs the road better an maybe tweak the supercharger. This tour is gonna be the sh*t!!!! ♪♪♪ On the road again, show as ya bown ♪♪♪
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16 years 2 months

Man, I couldn't agree with yiou more. So what if Bobby put on a few pounds, hes still jammin on the stage. Bobby forgot some of the lyrics at the Penn show too, but I didn't care. And yes man, if the spring tour is anything like the Penn show, OH YEAH, were all in for a real good time. There will never be another Jerry and I personaly don't think Bobbys trying to fill his shoes. I'm just happy to hear them all together jammin with Warren. Peace- Moye
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15 years 11 months

the first time i ever saw The Dead they played as the other ones at the spectrum in 03. my home town is philly and im around right now, but ive been pretty locked up with bills latly and a hefty speeding ticket i got in hampton va last month. did anyone on here go to the NY lotto shows? im not a huge warren fan, i wish herring had more time away from wsp. Is the two night run in may going to be one of the epic shows to bring down the spectrum? or more of a naustalgic (sp its late) farewell? the ticket price is really killing me, do you friendly folk think im going to hurt more by not going to the show more then the deep effect its going to have on my next part time pay check? hope everyone has a good time this month! ***and the whistle is screaming***
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16 years 2 months

Come on man, its the DEAD!! Yeah dude go yo the show!! Ill meet you in the lot brother. Paychecks come around every week or two. The dead come around once in a grateful while. Do the right thing, try and squeeze in atleast 1 of the nights at the spectrum. If you cant, I understand, but dude, its the DEAD!! Peace- Moye
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17 years 9 months

>As long as he at 69 years of age can still thump that thing the way he does, I don't care if he sings like William Hung. PRICELESS! I'm not such a fan of his new bass either. It looks like the dark counterpart to the axe of the parody guitar hero in the White Gold milk commercials. And the flashing blue lights, c'mon. But as Other so wisely points out, it's the sound, not the visuals.
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16 years 5 months

Was Phil moonlighting in Gwar?
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17 years 2 months

If anyone wants to check it out in excruciating detail you can do so here. Are the blue LED's kinda cheesy? Well, maybe just a bit. But the Eye of Ra inlay at the 12th fret is a nice touch. And I'd have to guess that given the relatively small body size it probably weighs a touch less than say, the trusty Alembic. There could come a point where things like that might matter. Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
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16 years 10 months

hey now, i'm leaving from the poconos to greensboro doing all the shows at least to philly and maybe beyond... i have room for one rider....i will be vending on shakedown before most of the shows..anyone interested drop me a line here or at my email on yahoo... same id name. peace and safe tour
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17 years 9 months

Hey, my 16 year-old son thought Phil's bass was "really cool" when we saw Phil at Nokia. That must count for something! Also, the man is still a total genius and was kickin' butt all night Monday. He looks pretty good, too. I will gladly suffer through some of his singing in order to hear him drop bombs and basically lead the group to where he wants to take it. "One watch by night, one watch by day If you get confused, listen to the music play"
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16 years 2 months

Yeah I just got to watch the boys on my DVR on the view- I agree,you would think that annoying hen JOY would do a little research before interviewing two of rock's most legendary people! Whoopie did'nt do much better,but no-one ever claimed she was a genius(ever see sister-act?)LOL!! Anyhoo,To the matter at hand-The guys sounded SWEET!!! The acoustic FOTD was an awesome choice,I love the new lyric by Phil(is that new?) And Bobby+Warren harmonized beautifully together. Does anyone know if there are any acoustic sets planned? And are they appearing on anymore TV shows? P.S. yeah Bobby has packed on a few, but who gives a F#%*????
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17 years 9 months

posted? I was all amped to read it then the carpet got pulled from beneath me when I got halfway through the first paragraph. I go back the saying my mom used to tell me "if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all" :o)! Crappy reviewer!
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15 years 11 months

Hi folks! I just wanted to let everybody know that I made a video of clips from Roseland, 3.30.09, in NYC. It's about 13 minutes long and it's pretty good because I was right in the front row! Hope you enjoy! <3, Alicina
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17 years 2 months

I think there's a problem. Youtube says "This video is unavailable." Isn't 13 minutes over their maximum run length? Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
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16 years 1 month

gotta be less then 10 minutes, please repost of us west coast heads
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17 years 6 months

The boys on David Letterman. I say let em go on whatever talk show they want, at least Whoopi said nice things about them, and if they gain a few more heads on the bus, then it was worth it.
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16 years 2 months

Is this some kind of April fools joke man. I mean seriously, american idol??? Peace- Moye
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17 years 9 months

My thoughts exactly...I just can't wrap my head around that one...but I'm dvr'ing it just in case lol. I looked on the tv guide and it didn't say anything...I just can't imagine...
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16 years 2 months

Is that Simon would even sort of like them! Come on - he would rip on Phil so hard :-) "When the smoke has cleared she said, that's what she said to me. You're gonna want a bed to lay your head and a little sympathy"
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16 years 2 months

I can imagine Simon.... "Phil, simply horrible, just dreadful Phil" Of course I on the other hand would have to disagree with simon as usual. I guess in a way tho, the dead are my American idols.Think i'll DVR it as well... Just in case. Peace- Moye
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16 years 2 months

The attitudes of judges might change if they happened to be trailin quite a bit...LOL... Can you imagine Simon trippin..... Not being able to keep a strait face and gigglin like a little school girl? LOLPeace- Moye
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16 years 2 months

What about Paula Abdul all messed up? Oh man I could see that being ugly hee hee "When the smoke has cleared she said, that's what she said to me. You're gonna want a bed to lay your head and a little sympathy"
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15 years 11 months

U know i have been out of it a few years. The first show i caught after jerry passed was when i went to texas to see willie nelson, i didnt even know the dead were gonna be there,lol, but i sure was happy. After that i went to bonnaroo which was great fun and red rocks ( smoking shows) and the rest of the tour in 04 i think it was. Also caught some ratdog and phil in new orleans at the jazz fest 1 year and jackies b-day at the warfield was amazing. This 2009 tour is so exciting, i have never been happier than when i am dancing at a dead show and this tour will be great. Leaving San diego to hitchhike to n.c tomorrow, I hope i see u all there.
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15 years 11 months

If anyone knows any good/bad spots on the road for hiking please let me know. I am going up I-15 to I-40 and then east all the way so if there r places i should avoid please post here. Damn cops r all over and i got warrants in quite a few states so i would like to avoid them as much as possible. Thanks. 8-)
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16 years 2 months

oh,man I hope they were'nt on idol last night/I removed it from the DVR because Lost tapes at the same time and I wanted to rent a movie for my kid! me thinks DeadheadLand was having some 4/1 fun!! they would'nt really fit in to that scene! JSfromCO-That would be priceless to see paula shroomin'!! I think Randy would be a blast to party with!(DOG) Who said They're goin' on Letterman?(WHEN?) Phatmoey-How do you get a picture next to your username like that using a PS3??? 10 more days till the tour starts!! ♪ :-) ♪ Even though I cant go,(Im hoping for a fall tour) Im still wicked excited for everyone else!!! I just cant wait to read the set lists and reviews!! Anyone know if I can get CD's of the whole tour?- Peace,Ya'll-G
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16 years 2 months

It would mean alot to me if everyone would say a prayer for my daughter Cassidy,(age 3) who's in the hospital right now with a UTI-(urinary track infection) We brought her to the ER around midnight after her fever would'nt break and she was crying alot- I was there all afternoon yesterday and the poor little thing had an IV and stuff sticking in her arm-But I think she's gonna be fine-when she woke up she was laughing and playing and being her happy little self!! I know this is off-topic,but every prayer helps-especially from cool,positive people like my extended Deadhed family,Thank-You,George :-)
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16 years 2 months

My little niece had the same thing a month or so ago. Once she got into the doctor it cleared up fairly quick but I feel for you. Nothing is more sad than a little one in the hospital not feeling good. "When the smoke has cleared she said, that's what she said to me. You're gonna want a bed to lay your head and a little sympathy"
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17 years 9 months

Does anyone know if Candace will be doing the lighting scheme for the tour? The Dead are to appear on Letterman one of the days when they're in NYC on tour. And prayers to you, your daughter and family for healing of her ailment...Peace, Steve
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17 years 9 months

The whole community is sending positive vibes your way. Hang in there. "One watch by night, one watch by day If you get confused, listen to the music play"
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16 years 2 months

Nothin but positive vibes for your family man. I'm sure once this tour starts, there will be lots of tapers posting shows. Maybe they'll start a vine or i'm almost sure that we'll be able to download the shows from some website. MarkintheDark or Caynon Critter might be able to give you more info on this then I would, they seem to know there stuff when it comes to this sort of thing. Peace- Moye
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16 years 2 months

Positive vibes goin' out to you and your family! I had to have the paramedics take me to the ER about 1am on Mon as I couldn't quit' bein' sick - nausea plus the trubo squirts. My heart rate wouldn't come down either - got real ugly real fast for me and the diabetes. I am still not 100% yet either. My prayers are with your lil' one hope she gets well soon. We're gonna pitch a ball Down to the union hall We're gonna romp and stomp till midnight We're gonna fuss and fight till daylight We're gonna pitch a wang dang doodle all night long Shine On! Saint Stephen
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16 years 2 months

Our thoughts are with you- I have a three year old daughter too, and I know how worrisome it can be when they get sick. Kids are tough though, and with good medical care and lots of hugs, will be up and running in no time! I recorded 'The View' the other day, and now my little girl keeps begging me to play 'the new song on TV' over and over ! No Problem I say !! How cute !
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17 years 9 months

sounds like there's quite a need at the moment! Get healthy, folks, tour coming up... ME, poster child for the NYE Flu
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16 years 2 months

Hope you get to feeling better soon. There's some nasty stuff going around.. "When the smoke has cleared she said, that's what she said to me. You're gonna want a bed to lay your head and a little sympathy"
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15 years 11 months

who is going to the massachusetts shows? got your tix yet? message me when you get them. THANK YOU!