- Post reply Log in to post comments672 repliesmaryeJoined:Sometimes you come across a quote, a line, a statement that just nails it, at some level. Cosmic, comic, whatever. If you'd like to share it, post it here, duly credited!
- daverockJoined:No milk today
Jean - Paul Sartre walks into a café, and the waiter asks what he'd like to order. Sartre replies, " I'd like a cup of coffee with sugar, but no cream." The waiter goes off, but comes back apologising. "I'm sorry Monsieur Sartre, we are all out of cream. How about with no milk?"
Quoted from the film Ninotchka, in the excellent "At The Existentialist Café. Freedom, Being and Apricot Cocktails" by Sarah Bakewell
- rdevilJoined:Wright Morris
This is relatively lengthy but I love it. It's a passage from Wright Morris' novel, The Huge Season. A truncated version precedes the novel Bang the Drum Slowly and that's how I discovered this book.
"What's your novel about?" I said and glanced at the yellow sheets on the desk. A small pile of typed sheets were in the case for his typewriter. A big photograph of Lawrence, smashing one away, was under the jelly glass full of sharpened pencils. "It wouldn't be about a tennis player?" I said.
He wiped his face with the towel again. "Old man, a book can have Chicago in it, and not be about Chicago. It can have a tennis player in it without being about a tennis player."
I didn't get it. I probably looked it, for he went on, "Take this book here, old man--" and held up one of the books he had swiped from some library. Along with the numbers I could see Hemingway's name on the spine. "There's a prizefighter in it, old man, but it's not about a prizefighter."
"Is it about the sun rising?" I said. I knew that was part of the title.
"Goddam if I know what it's about," he said and opened it up, as if he might have overlooked it. - Kate_C.Joined:Thread Revival! Come 1 Come All, Wednesday, June 19th...
Aren't y'all just chatty today.
I've been reading a good bit of Wilde lately and, as with Twain and Rogers, I'm simply amazed at the timelessness of the occasional Transcendent Mind among our species: "The soul is born old but grows young. That is the comedy of life. And the body is born young and grows old. That is life's tragedy."
Strider88! Next thing you know CosmicBadger will be revived from reported extinction...Gosh I miss you guys.
- slo lettuceJoined:~K.K.~Touch her in all ways non physical... Give her intellectual orgasms in multiples and allow temptation to drip from her ears. Go down on her thoughts and taste her perception. Learn her soul and she will fill the void of your filthiest imaginations... Never start with the hands. -A.D. Woods