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  • jodoyle
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    Dead Jokes?
    have a good friend, a good father and a great deadhead that has pancreatic cancer... not looking good right now... still has a great sense of humor and was looking for any good (dead?) jokes you might have... thank you!!!
  • marye
    so glad you made it back to us!
  • paps
    We were just thinking about you a couple of weekends ago! Glad to see you back. How could you fail math??? Don't you know that's what i teach? Just ask for help! Paps
  • grdaed73
    major bummer for you, dude! that is a true hellhole! so glad to hear you back out on the sunny side of the road,,,bright happy beams to you, canyoncritter!yugh,cook county...a good place to be from!
  • c_c
    Canyon Critter
    Canyon Critter, more +++++++++ vibes heading your way. peace.
  • Anonymous (not verified)
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    stripey skies
    wondered where you'd got to?? what can i say?? however can fully feel how y'must've been feeling on a day to day level.."what layer to the cake today??"like the previous comment ,"it never rains...."glad it seems to be gettin back on track for you & y'wise :) ol lady ..hope y'Ma gets sorted out as soon as possible!! thoughts n affection jimi c
  • fluffhead042
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    Love you too bro...
    glad to hear you're out and about and with a "glass is half full" attitude...psssstttttt....****whispers***** "fall tour...." ;) "In a bed, in a bed, by the waterside I will lay my head. Listen to the river sing sweet songs, to rock my soul."
  • Hal R
    canyon critter
    When it rains, it pours. Glad you are back. Too bad about all of this. I am sure you are a stronger person after this. Adversity can make us stronger, so even the darkness can bring out the light in us. Take care my friend. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
  • johnman
    hey....ya do what ya gotta do....everyday is a new day. as long as you can live with yerself there's prolly nuffin' they can do to you. i too have found that as long as you are honest you can put up with almost anything.........peace, brother
  • Canyon Critter
    Critter is Back, Dejected but here
    Unreal...I just got back from county jail. I missed the whole tour, my family (you), the Boyz, almost lost my true love, and my mother went into the hospital. Could be TMI, but I don't care. Sherrif's On My Trail... May 1st, get pulled over for my license plate light being out...Had a warrant from Cook County for not paying $110 for a prior DUI 2003....they take me to jail in DuPage County (Illinois). As we are driving cop says do you know you have a warrant in California from 1996 (my drug years)? I said Yes, I've been arrested before and they never do anything about it because it's so small. Spend the night in jail, next morning I get my bail hearing...judge asks can you come up with the bail, looking at my girlfriend and mom in the courtroom, I said yes (he doesn't appoint me a lawyer). An hour later they let me have my clothes back and possessions while I'm in the "holding cell" because I was bailed out. I can see my mom/girlfriend in the window paying the bail. Waited for another 30 minutes, then the officer comes and says come with me, and takes me to where they put the orange jumpsuit on....What? You have a hold in California...I said I've been arrested here in DuPage 2 times before and they have never said they were going to extradite me for a misdemeanor. Well we can't do anything about that he says and they put me in jail. The Grass is always greener either side of the hill.... Seriously? So I'm in jail waiting for Monday so they release the hold when they figure it out...this is Monday May 3rd mind the worst thing happens. My mom goes Manic (Severe Bi-Polar Manic Depression to the delusional style) and goes into the hospital (because the police 5150'd her) Sunday. I've been taking care of her for 10 years for this while my only other sibling is in California and usually I'm there to help. Busted down in New Orleans (Chicago).... So the only one who could bail me out is in the mental this time my true love hates me because I lied and didn't tell her about my warrant. Since I have no lawyer appointed I can't speak to anyone. You can't call cell phones from jail....boy I wish. Usually I can help the Doctors with my mom's medicine and state and give them info on how to get her out of there in at most a week. Well, they take her off Abilfy and totally screw up her meds....this leads to her being in the ward for 24 days....I didn't know anything except for what my Dad told deserve this. Finally I have my court date, and they let me go for time served (we're talking 3 days, I spent 31 days!) So I'm in jail for a month for what I should have been in for only 3 days because I wasn't appointed a lawyer and didn't have access to my money the very little I have. Rich Man Stepped On My Poor Head.... I'm still the same man I've been when I left the rich. Of course, my father wouldn't help me out, why? because I am not a snob, giving into the arrogance of money. I won't tell you that when you have money, you can pay off the system, because you can. You can even get out of murder (OJ Simpson), but I'm still happy I didn't and haven't ever gave in to that mentality. There are good rich people, just a minute few. Most people would think that because I grew up that way I would have gave in and gotten out of jail. NO WAY. I Need A Miracle.... So imagine this, you've been dying to see the one band that makes you smile, smile, smile since January 1st, 2009....and your tickets are sitting in your drawer at home....and your in jail. I was dying while I was in there Tuesday May 4th, looking out a barred window thinking about what are they playing? At least I could have miracled someone>what a waste...I was mad at not seeing them, but at least I could have given them away. Second day, I had tickets, (and the opportunity for luxery box seats), yet again, couldn't do anything for anyone. It was killing me. $400 worth of tickets down the drain..... They Love Each Other.... Luckily I'd told my true love (Trish) where the tickets were before. She had given Tues. to her little brother....Life Changing Experience for the 21 yr. old so I'm told by more than one. The next day he talks her into going (first shows for both, except when I took Trish to Ratdog) and they couldn't believe the love. Both of them had been listening to the band for awhile but never experienced a live show with the Dead! Since I've been out, my True Love has forgiven me for not telling her the total truth about everything (not totally but she understands). Let it Grow.... Hopefully this long winded story has told you that I've screwed up alot in my life....yet I've truly been a better person for being honest and letting it out. I'm still paying for the crap in the be it....I changed along time ago, but I still have to pay the terriff! Obviously this is a long story, but I had to be truthful to you all. I missed my favorite band. I love you all. ~love~ Canyon Critter _____________________________________________ Will you come with me? Once in awhile you can get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right!
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17 years 4 months
Need 'em? Got 'em to share? Post here.
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17 years 2 months

Am hoping as hard as I can that all is alright with your baby.********************************** It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine
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Member for

15 years 11 months

The toughest thing is when it comes to family. Beamers of shining light may they come your way Bob, Simi, Jeff, and Nicole! You will all be in my prayers. ~peace~ _____________________________________________ Will you come with me? Once in awhile you can get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right!
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16 years 9 months

for Jeff and Nicole, and a happy outcome for all. Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
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17 years 1 month

I am praying that everything is well with your baby....warm belly hugs to nicole
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Member for

17 years 3 months

To Jeff and Nicole, you have our prayers and's hoping everything is alright. Stuman, marye, Tigerlilly, Mr. Pid, Hal R, Iknowyourider, SteveO, grdaed73, great seein' you guys and reading and getting caught up. First and foremost, vibes vibes vibes galore everyone, I'm way behind. Marjie and Jack and I are great. We are finding that the economy and all this is in no way interfereing with our smile smile smiles...We've been making friends up here in our new town, but we still have to move somewhere where I can go to school without too much commute. If we stay in North Carolina, we will move to Greensboro. I'm psyched about possibly meeting Rebecca Adams over at UNC Greensboro. She used to teach a class called 'Deadhead Sociology.' I've been interested in meeting her for about a year or more, has it been that long? Anyway, I've been putting together bits and pieces of an idea for a liberal arts graduate program that would involve her book, "You Ain't Gonna Learn what you don't want to know." Well, now it looks like we might be turning our wagon train back South, so I may not get to meet Rebecca, but I'm still going to persue my graduate degree asperations. It may take me a while, but I'll get it "One Piece at a Time." The thing is, we've been without support up here, and it's startin' to wear us out. All our friends live down in Mobile, and lately we've been talking about how different our lives would be if we just moved back, went to South (University of South Alabama), and got back into the Alabama routine. We originally moved with the intent that we would gain in-state status in North Carolina, go to school without our usual distractions, and as quickly as possible have options open to us, one of which could have been Mobile. Anyway, that plan had an adendum, my job out at sea, and since Marjie got sick that has all changed along with the rest of our lives...changed for the better, not the worse. Our lives are more our own now than ever. The moral of this story, the moral of this song, is simply that one should never be, where one does not belong...down in Alabama, we've got friends who can get feet into doors and whatnot, and around here we are just three more heads. So that's that everybody, we'll all have to wait and see what happens. Otherwise, Jack is talking and singing up a storm, you wouldn't believe it. He held out all that time, and then when he started talking he immedietly began doing the exact opposite of what we say, deliberately, and consistantly. The thing is, he's already beaten reverse psychology so now we're wingin' it. Anyway, gotta go. I'm all caught up on the neglect I put toward email and all that stuff, so you should be seein' more of me. I know I'm happy to be seein' more of me around here, you guys are great, and have been a healing force in our lives. Our family sends our vibes to you whether you hear from us or not. Much Love everyone... See you later Aligators...
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17 years 4 months

great to see you!
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15 years 7 months

couldn't save him/her. Been tryin for bout a year now. Thanks again guys. Kottonmouthjeff
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Member for

16 years 10 months

It`s nice to see you back around here . I was begining to wonder about you . kinda sounds like your dream is in Greensboro but your life is in Ala. I know that feeling , I would love to move back up north but my work is here in Fl. and i would have to start fresh in NJ. even though i grew up in Jersey I don`t know anyone there. not to mention the housing market, we could`nt sell this house , not now anyway . Anyway , It`s nice to see you Hozomeen and thanks for the update .. Best wishes to you , Jack and Marjie . Take care Bro !! And I`m sending out some positive vibes to who may need them today !! Hope everyone has a very pleasent valley sunday !!
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17 years 3 months

I guess I'm behind. Mega Beams to you both, and to all I may have missed.Peace
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Member for

17 years 4 months

much comfort and healing to you guys.
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Member for

17 years 2 months

So so sorry for your loss, Jeff and Nicole. Sunshine Daydream needs us to hug him today. His Simi died at 5 this morning. Deepest condolences, Bob. ********************************** It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine
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17 years 3 months

You are in our thoughts and prayers...
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16 years 1 month

UNDERHILL — The wife of Richard Phillips, the cargo-ship captain taken hostage Wednesday by pirates in the Indian Ocean off the coast of Somalia, says she is waiting anxiously for word her seafaring husband is safe and sound. “Whatever positive energy that’s out there for him, I’m going to take it,” Andrea Phillips said as she stood in the living room of her home Wednesday afternoon. “I’m keeping my fingers crossed and looking forward to hearing his voice on the phone.”
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16 years 9 months

that he willingly surrendered in an attempt to secure safety for his crew....a true commander in my book...god bless him and his wife....all positive vibes i can muster are going to them.
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17 years 3 months

Our deepest vibes anf thoughts go out for Capt King and his family. I pray that the captors have a change of heart and let him go unharmed. And the road goes on forever.... BobbaLee
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17 years 4 months

safety to the captain and kudos for his heroic behavior. ME, aunt of two current students at Cal Maritime
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17 years 3 months

more ++++++ vibes for everyone, and for the Capt. of the ship, true bravery and courage there. ********************: selfless acts reap karmic rewards. I'd like to thank the folks here for remeinding me about true deadheadism and love and life values. the calvary is coming and the crew came through! our loved one, who we cherish and hold ever so dear in our hearts is doing better in her times of renal failure, her creatinine (sic) levels have actually gone down a bit in the past few weeks, owing to my old lady's ability to whip up low protein, high calorie foods in a very unusual restricted diet. apparently, the lowering of such levels when you only got some use of only one kidney, (her other one went a long time ago, and the limping kidney she has partial use of hass a big stone, ) is very unusual. Well, she is a most special woman, having given life and re-birth to my old lady and me, as well as other family we love. She laughed her cancer away 15 years ago, (well, that and major surgery) and now she is laughing (quite literally) her kidney trouble back into the corner. No easy feat at her ripe age of 78. HAPPILY! More help is on the way and we'll get a few weeks off to head back to our beloved time and space in the musical circus of the tour. just when I was losing all hope of heading east, the sunshine daydream Gods shined on HER, and, the healing kidney beams arrived and have staved off the need for dialysis in the time being. More +++++++++++++ vibes to all! keep 'em bouncing back and forth!! love and peace, cc
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17 years 4 months

glad things have taken a good turn!
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17 years 3 months

Thoughts of love, strength, and hope for all I see as I read over the many pages here. The spirit of those both in need of the lift of love and those who lay it upon them is the purest essence of compassion. The absolute beauty of humanity. love and hope to you all. peace,pk
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17 years 4 months

here's a few more for you too!
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Member for

15 years 11 months

Unfortunately, I had to go into the ER last Friday night at 2am. I had a really bad flew for the last 2 days and it got to the point where I had to go in. Apparently, I my liver was severely inflamed due to really high levels of acetaminophen. After they did the catscan, they figured it out. I had to be monitiored and held in the hospital for the whole week. It was really scary because I didn't know if I was going to need a liver transplant or not. Believe it or not, it was not due to anything other than Tylenol at high levels. Luckily, it subsided and I have to be really careful with everything from now on. Due to the Open Heart Surgery last year I already had a week heart. But according to the doctors I now have a really week muscle as well. Even though I had two valves replaced, please say I don't need a defibrillator to put a damper on all this. I will find out next month. Which is when I will be going to see the boys play. So needless to say, I'm kind of bummed right now about the health, dude I'm only 33, but I do know that at least I have a community of people that will send me shining beams of lovin this way! It makes me smile to know that! _____________________________________________ Will you come with me? Once in awhile you can get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right!
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15 years 6 months

Stay strong! ripple ...get back on your feet. LOL
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17 years 3 months

loke I said on the other side of the rabbit hole in the other space, the healing muisic will do wonders, follow the Dr's advice, and keep the faith. more +++++ vibes beams on the way. love and peace, brother.
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17 years 3 months

Hope for the Capt. and his family, and ++++++ vibes for everyone in need.Peace
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17 years 4 months

Take it easy! Beamz!
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17 years 2 months

Healing vibes my friend! <3
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Member for

15 years 8 months

Man... Hope you feel better man...only 33.. Brother, I'll say a prayer for you... Get well soon my friend... Peace- Moye
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16 years 8 months

fell off her bike and hurt her thigh....dunno how badly yet......rene said she was feverish and couldn't move her leg. pls send healing vibes to little imena...........
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17 years 2 months

After a major emergency room catastrophy, and a sleepless Saturday night, took her back to the ER this morning, where she was examined this time. Is nothing more dramatic than a deep bruise, including her thigh bone. She has ibuprophen for pain and swelling now (was afraid to give her anything before knew what was wrong with her, thus the sleepless night)and is finally asleep, so the medicine must have helped, or exhaustion caught up with her, or both. In a few days will be as good as new.********************************** It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine
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17 years 3 months

TigerBone bruises are very sore I got one in college playing football- ouch! Poor thing -in an hour or so when everybody in our house is up we all send good thoughts. Canyon Hang in there- they are developing amazing new treatments for heart muscles and you may be soon growing some new heart cells which will be transplanted in your heart and will help. In the meantime try an anti-inflammatory diet it will help. You definetly will be getting the Mihm households Super Duper Good Vibes Treatment today. And the road goes on forever.... BobbaLee
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17 years 2 months

Am sad and worried to have read your news. Take care of yourself, and get well, Buddy! Am wishing you all the best.********************************** It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine
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15 years 6 months

I have some real trouble with my epilepsy right now and afraid I can't get to this show alone. I have 6 tix, not very good for sight but great for dancing I'm sure.
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Member for

16 years 9 months

cc[insert qualifier of the moment here] - so glad to hear that your 'family' member is using her positive attitude to full effect, and that the troops have rallied 'round! Hope to catch you at the show somewhere! pk - thinking good thoughts for you bro. Keep on keepin' on. Critter - back to level par in a hurry beams. Back to back Ace beams for May 4th and 5th! TL - bruise be gone! beams for Imena. Trooper like her mom, she'll pull through. johnman - kudos, thanks and best wishes for you as a General Purveyor of Positivity. May your larder be ever filled with cookies and cake! Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
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15 years 8 months

Many positive healing vibes for your daughter..Hope shes back on her feet real soon..Peace- Moye
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16 years 1 month

[spokeswoman]McColl said Andrea Phillips and her family "have felt a tremendous amount of support from the entire nation." "The thoughts, the prayers, the sentiments, the support you've shown has really helped them endure this very difficult situation," McColl said. Still speaking for the captain's wife, McColl added: "She believes she can feel it, and she believes that her husband felt it out there in the middle of the ocean. So thanks to the entire nation, the local community, the state of Vermont, for all your help there." Phillips was being praised for his apparent willingness to put his own life in jeopardy to secure the release of his crew and his ship. [...]Gurnon, who described the captain as "the good shepherd who willingly exchanged his life for the lives of his flock," [...]… --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks everybody for helping with this, and positive healing thoughts to all, ......heal, Mena, heal! (free idea)
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16 years 9 months

rescued him from the lifeboat he was being held in
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Member for

16 years 9 months

bday is this wednesday...everyone pls make sure to send her'll help her alot!!!
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Member for

15 years 11 months

I just wanted to thank you all personally for giving me plenty of shining beams of light my way in my time of need. You all made me smile and laugh, as I was reading some of your posts on the forum. All the words of encouragement and love was much needed. I'm doing much better with the liver....just have to be careful, and the heart muscle, we'll see in 2 weeks. I have been feeling much better and am almost back to full SHOW quality (So I'm ready for this awesome tour) I love you Deadheads! You have always been a pillar of strength to me with all your quirky kindness and random acts of good! Thank you! ~peace~ Scotty (Canyon Critter) _____________________________________________ Will you come with me? Once in awhile you can get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right!
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Member for

17 years 3 months

to my poor car, which was, um, stolen last week. Humorous though the idea may be of Oakland's malefactors stealing a 16-year-old Subaru with wall-to-wall dog hair, living without said Subaru is also getting old. Mind you, this was all somewhat eclipsed last week by a)travel and b)a health scare from which my Rex is now recovered, causing me to be so happy and grateful to the cosmic forces that eh, who cares about the car. But in truth, I miss the car, and so do the dogs. Come home! Thank you.:-)
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Member for

16 years 9 months

whoever made off wif the car,.....bring it back, man.................i'm sure marye won't mind if ya keep the dog hair, tho...knit a sweater or sumpin'.
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Member for

16 years 9 months

Give Mary her car back, right freaking now! And pray that your your thievery karma doesn't lo-jack yer posterior straight to San Quentin. Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
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Member for

16 years 8 months

anyway mary....hope yer ride turns up.....still need one-even in the bay sending out car-returning vibes...mebbe ya should leave a bottle of motor oil on the steps as a treat!!!