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No scalping please!
Hi all - I can't make the Hartford show, so am offering my ticket up for sale or trade. It's on the floor, always the best place to see a show :-)
make me an offer, for sale or trade.
email me at
tlocher@hotmail dot com
Have 2 floor seats - Floor 5 row H - that just freed up. Will let them go for $70 each. Can get them to you via overnight or meet you at the show. 845-820-1583 if interested.
Still looking to trade my Chicago Tuesday night tickets for Monday night tickets...email Alissa- assilayak@yahoo.com
anyone have an extra??
drinks, smoke, lovin or $
staying downtown hotel
I have one ticket for each Philly show (ordered via official online on-sale):5/1 Sec 306A
5/2 Sec 410
I need one ticket for MSG. Will trade either one of my Philly's for one of your MSG's (or both of mine for two MSG's).
For logistical reasons, it would probably be better to meet in person in Central NJ this week to do the trade. However, if you're a NYC head I guess we could do the trade on the day of the show in NYC. Though, for peace of mind, I would prefer to have the trade completed before going in to the city on 4/25.
Please get in touch if you want to do the trade. Thanks!
Peace and love,
(732) 713-2623
I had two friends back out and have a pair of Section 103 Floor Row 10 Floor seats for sale. PM me if interested or email me at rpanderson24@hotmail.com WharfRatRoss
Two tickets for Buffalo. Floor sec. 6 Row 26 seats 13, 14. Face, cash. Must pick up Cleveland area. Email BetoGage@yahoo.com
The Oxford Cleric - "He would gladly learn, and gladly teach"
PM HERE OR CALL ME @ (630) 273-5603
CONTACT ME (PM) HERE OR AT----- 630 273-5603
1 Ticket, section 110, full view. Under face, $90.
If intereted, please mail me adieweeks@hotmail.com
Will meet you at show, cash only.
I have 2 extras on the floor. Can meet you there. Email me sullyfish@optonline.net
Hey now!
I've got two Nassau tix available again--the girl who was going to buy them just bailed on me, and they need to find a happy home!!! Section 320, row E, seats 7 and 8. I will sell them to you for face and fees (=$220 for the pair), or I will also trade them for the Saturday Philly show (May 2). Please email me at alicevitiello@gmail.com if you are interested!
Hope somebody needs them!!!!!!
Have a grateful day,
I have an extra great seat (Section 103, Row 17 - right in front of Phil) for Saturday Spectrum show. Looking to trade it for a somewhat comparable MSG ticket. Please email me offline at onesilb@hotmail.comThanks.
I have an extra ticket for may 7th. I had a friend flake out. Yours for less than $74, just what i paid for it. I can meet you there. email me at samhain800@gmail.com
I have 2 extra FLOOR seats, row B sec. Fl 7. face and fees, about $215
Call on 4/22 in the morning: 347-267-6726
also have 2 section 123, row 5 for Izod 4/28. face and fees. 220.
Looking to sell my extra pair of tickets to both nights of The Dead in Chicago 5/4 and 5/5.
5/4 sec 116 row H
5/5 sec 114 row G
I'll be at the shows or can meet up in Milwaukee or mail them.
If interested in either night, e-mail me at: vibration2012@hotmail.com
$220/night for a pair, which is what I paid.
Had a friend bail on me - so I have and extra ticket for Saturday's show at the SPECTRUM.
Sec 317 Row AA - FIRST ROW!!!!!
Two for Saturday night in Philly
Please. Not really picky, just don't want 'obstructed view'.
3 tickets, 99.50 face value each for Saturday April 25th at 730pm. section 422, row c, seat 9, 10, 11.
Cash only. will meet you for pick up of tickets Wed, Thurs or Fri at MSG.
Please let me know. Email me at selvaggiok@gmail.com
3 tickets to the dead Saturday April 25th at 730pm at Madison Square Garden. $99.50 each face value. section 422, Row C, seat 9, 10, 11. first come, first serve. Cash only. I can meet today (wed) or Thursday at MSG.
Please email me at selvaggiok@gmail.com
DEAD TICKETS FOR SATURDAY APRIL 25TH 730PMOn April 22nd, 2009 kaceys said:
2 tickets left now to the dead Saturday April 25th at 730pm at Madison Square Garden. $99.50 each face value. section 422, Row C, seat , 10, 11. first come, first serve. Cash only. I can meet today (wed) or Thursday . I work right in mid-town.
Please email me at selvaggiok@gmail.com
Hey all, a brotha cancelled on me and Ive got a pair of GRATE tix in the first row of section 212 (row A ) NO ONE in front of you and the boys. These are sweet seats and FACE gets em for $110.00 each (actually $108 is face and thats cool) hit me up Tom 630 235 7788
Faraway Canadian deadhead got too eager at Pre-sale... I made it for an amazing few nights in Albany and Worcester, some killer shows! ... but so sad that I cannot make it down for the East Rutherford shows. Especially since I have great seats, please give them a good home!?>>Tue Apr 28 Section 110, Row 26, Seats 11 and 12
>>Wed Apr 29 Floor Section 1, Row W, Seats 11 and 12
I 'll take $230/ pair (face+fees). Cash only.
Please email me at kulu@rogers.com asap, so I can send them down to you soon!
Have 2 tix for Chicago May 5th Sec 115 Row O Seats 3-4 contact Tom at 262-374-1411 Face Value is $95.00 ea.
I have 2 for May 2nd Sec 208....row 9. Great sight lines opposite stage. Also have premium parking pass in the H Lot.... Can't make it. Sell for cost.
PM me.
We are among so many other folks out there, in that we have hit a rough patch financially. We have lost one income and cannot justify tour, let alone one show : ( We hope to recoup our investment on the two tics to 5/5/09 Chicago. The face value was $95.00 each. After tax handling etc we have over $209.00 invested. We ask $200 for the pair. We have a paypal account for your safety/security. The (2) Tickets are in section 211, row F, seat 30, 31. You can contact us at worpt1@gmail.com or fanonedge@hotmail.com We absolutely denounce scalping. We cannot do this show. Peace Mark and Sharon
Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.
George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)
I bought ticketmaster and then mailorder came in so I have 3 extras for $99.50 each. I prefer to deal all three at once so I'll be giving priority to someone who wants them all. I'll be getting into NYC on Friday so just send me a deadnet mail message with your wireless number and I'll call you to make arrangements for delivery etc. I can't wait for Saturday it's gonna be fantastic!
Kind heart you can trust.Looking for a miracle, or to exchange gifts. My gift = cds of great shows with Killer quality. Your gift= A ticket to Hartford. I have amazing shows on CD. Pink Floyd, Dickey Betts and GS, The Dead 03' and 04', Allman Brothers Band. etc.
E-mail me at chowin52@yahoo.com
Everlasting light...........Chowin
Have extra for Chicago second night 5/5. We're keeping the cheapies and need to sell the others. Face plus ridiculous ticket master fees are I think $111 each.You can PM me or send an email to spcyrfc@woh.rr.com.
Im looking for 2 tix to this sundays hartford show 4/26. need them to be together, someone let me know through PM. if no1 can help out ill be there anyway lookin around......thanks for the help!
crosssssssssssssss the lazy river...
Oh no, what am I to do?
I had a pair of nassau tix for friday night, section 320, row E, seats 7 and 8, all lined up to sell for face + fees to a girl I met on dead.net. About 2 days ago, she bailed on me, leaving me high and dry. I really needed that money to buy myself tickets to Philly 5/2!!! Now I am desperately trying to get rid of those tickets, sell them or trade them for Philly tickets. I would even sell them for less than face value; how does $75 each sound?
We can meet in manhattan tomorrow to exchange them, or we can meet before the show tomorrow night.
Please be my miracle, so that I can sell (or trade) these tickets and get to the Philly show!
I have 4 mail order Shoreline lawn tickets for 5/14 but now I can't go to the show
I'd like to trade them for tickets to the 5/9 Forum show
send me a message here or at huntfam2002@yahoo.com to discuss
A bro cancelled and we have 2 SWEEEET seats in the front row(A) of section 212 may 5th chicago. Face value to the first lucky contestant.$110.00 each ($108.00 is actually face so thats cool too) 630 235 7788
Do not purchase philly tix from razor gator. It's a total bait and switch. I placed an order for 4 tix yesterday for $750 - section 102, row 16. Got a call today that my 4 tix are not available (they advertised 8 tix for sale), but said they could sub comparable seats for $900 EACH!!!! EACH!!!!!!! They might as well require payment in gold coin, though I think the gold is cheaper than the tix.
Caveat emptor good friends!!!!! Buy elsewhere!
...without love everyday, insanity's king...
1 ticket in LOG 7, V 3. Trade for a Denver 5/7 seat or sell 4 face value.
My best friend and the guy who turned me on to the Dead can't go, so I have an extra for 5/4 Chitown. I have nothing for 5/5 and I want. If you're in Indy, even better!
Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.
Hey all. Some friends can't make it so I have some extra tix for Tonight's show at the Nassau Coliseum. Can drop off tix for you early afternoon anywhere around NYC area or arrange to meet up at the lot of the coliseum.
Was hoping to cover face value but looks like a bunch of people have extras for tonight so was thinking $75 a ticket seemed fair (or offer some sort of trade?).
Send a message or call my cell at 917-494-2130
We have a couple of singles for the 5/5 Cinco de Mayo show in Chicago. Tickets are face value which $108 including all Ticketbastard fees.
Probably gonna be one of the hottest shows of the tour because its a special day.
Its Cinco de mayo day and also the same day that the boys played their first public gig (as the Warlocks) back in 1965 at a pizza parlor in Cali.
Email at sunshinedd@gmail.com or call the store if you are interested.
May the four winds blow you safely home...
Sunshine Daydream Chicago
2027 E. Euclid Ave.
Mt. Prospect, IL 60056
I got a floor seat (sec 9, row m) for hartford. Can meet at show. Asking $111. email: chrislong313@yahoo.com
I've got two for IZod, Wednesday, 29th, I can't use. Floor section Six (middle of floor to one side), row U, seats 15,16. They were $222 with add-on charges. I'd like to get $65 each. Let me know if you're interested. ed_too@verizon.net. Thanks, Ed
I still have a spare ticket for the first Shoreline show...I'm coming over from London. I'll be picking up the ticket from the hotel as part of a travel package so can meet up on the day....come and get it !!! It'll be in the 102/103 sections.
(2) extras for face, best offer or trade. 102, row N.
I could use some extras to the May 10th show. Please let me know if you have any.
ceo@gankmore dot com
Two good extras available for 4/28
2 Seats, sec. 123, row E.
Face and fees, = $225
I can't make it to the show.Want to help somone out. Selling 2 tickets for less than face value ($175 for pair) for the LA Forum on May 9th.
I have two tickets available for the Cinco de Mayo (5/5/09) concert in Chicago. The seats are Sec 215, Row B, Seats 25/26. Face Value is $95 plus $9 website handling so $104 per ticket, $208 total.
Make me an offer!!!
Need 2 miracles to east rutherford
I have 4 tickets for May 5th and am looking to trade for 4 tickets to the May 4th show.