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    By request, a gathering spot for Chicago-bound folks to connect and plan!


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    @Mr Mayor....
    Mike....you rocked the house.....think we erect a statue of you on ba dus....or better yet make your replica a hood ornament...and you will always lead us wherever Holly chooses to take us.....Love ya brother!
  • Klangstone
    It was a real treat hanging with you as well in SC, at the picnic and especially on that super special and crazy wild night that was July 4. Great times, I could not stop smiling and laughing and grinning and feeling super special the entire time in Chicago. That Saturday night was a wild ride for sure, so many memories and special moments!!!! I know I keep repeating myself about the colossal spectacle that was FTW, but it's so hard to stop gushing over this spectacular event.
  • BobLoblaw
    Da Mayor
    I'll post more of my thoughts on the weekend next week, as I am slammed in the mines right now (a small price to pay for five out of nine)! However, I wanted to add a tidbit to Mike's great narrative. I was fortunate enough to run into the Klangmeister by the gate before Saturday's show (one-in-70K chance?) and he was getting his space together before going in. As he related his plan of attack and as I admired his sense of curiosity and abandon, I knew that 24 hours later he would have some absolutely fantastic tales to tell. As I pondered his imminent departure to realms unknown, he suddenly pointed to the grassy incline with an overpass and wandering Deadheads..."I need to get up there"...and with a flash, our esteemed Mayor was off and running, armed with an open mind and a less-than-empty pocket. I'm glad I got to share that moment, Mike, and am even more glad that subsequent events met or exceeded your expectations.
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    @Shotgun shack? Or what's so bad about feelin' alright?
    ride shotgun?For Miami? Twist my paw ..... (This is Pupper talkin' btw...) Movin' right along in search of good times and good news, With good friends you can't lose, This could become a habit! Opportunity knocks once let's reach out and grab it (yeah!), Together we'll nab it, We'll hitchhike, bus or yellow cab it! (Cab it?) Movin' right along. Footloose and fancy-free. Getting there is half the fun; come share it with me. Moving right along (doog-a-doon doog-a-doon). We'll learn to share the load. We don't need a map to keep this show on the road. (Hey, that song is sounding better Fozzie.) Movin' right along, We've found a life on the highway. And your way is my way, So trust my navigation. California here we come, the pie-in-the-sky-land. Palm trees, and warm sand. Though sadly we just left Rhode Island. (We did what?!) (Just forget it.) Movin' right along (doog-a-doon doog-a-doon). Hey la, where've you gone? Send someone to fetch us, were in Sasketchewan! Movin' right along (doog-a-doon doog-a-doon). You take it, you know best. Hey, I've never seen the sun come up in the West? Movin' right along. We're truly birds of a feather, We're in this together and we know where we're going. Movie stars with flashy cars and life with the top down. We're storming the big town, (Yeah, Storm is right should it be snowing?) (Uh, no I don't think so...) Movin' right along, Do I see signs of men? Yeah, "welcome" on the same post that says "come back again." Moving right along, nice town! Footloose and fancy-free, You're ready for the big time... Is it ready for me? Movin' right along, Movin' right along, Movin' right along, Movin' right along.
  • geomeister
    @Goin down da roab
    feeling dab, goin down da roab feeling dab and so happy Liketohikeandbrive is at the wheel: Going down the road feeling bad Going down the road feeling bad Going down the road feeling bad, hey hey hey, yeah Don't wanna be treated this a way Going where the climate suits my clothes I'm going where the climate suits my clothes Going where the climate suits my clothes Don't wanna be treated this a way [chorus] Going where the water tastes like wine Well I'm going where the water tastes like wine Going where the water tastes like wine I don't wanna be treated this a way.. Holly dear, and Matt...can't think of a better dus briver to have along for the ribe (other than rjjjrrjr, but you two are equals now). Rest assured that we will always be at your side, if not in person, or on this forum seat, than certainly in spirit. It was an awesome journey, and although that whee part in SC and SF has passed us by on the time-warp continue-um of real space and time, the experiences, new acquaintances and memories will live on forever. It was grand, wasn't it. You are as nice and kind in person as you are in spirit. I wish you and all the brivers and ribers well over the summer. If we can't go on a physical adventure together, let's go on a magical virtual one here on this roab. Cause, we are actually "Going down the road feeling fine.." that's my story and I'm sticking too it. geotheroadgoesonforeverandthelovinneverendsmeister
  • liketohike
    @ Daydreamers
    Hanky over here please! Klang- I echo your sentiments on the pic a nic and the shows. I was also slightly hung over at the pic a nic since we were camping the night before and listening to the concert on Sirius... the drinks were goin down easy. Thank you Klang and everyone who helped to prepare for the pic a nic, it was a blast and wish it could've last just a little longer...It was really great to meet everyone and I agree that it was like we had known each other forever. The shows were more than I could've ever imagined. the best time of my life! I danced like I was 17 again with no inhibitions. I didn't drink a drop of liquor during the shows Sat or Sunday but I was in such an altered state with the lights and music. I broke down during standing on the moon but managed to keep it together for the last show. Afterwards though it was hard... I got just a taste of the life/family/community/vibe/magic/electricity of the Dead and now it's over... Is it better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all...why yes but it still hurts. Klang, if your brother lives in STL then you have 2 reasons to come here! Meet me in Saint Louis! We'll show you a good time...and anyone else who would like to visit Matt and I in the city of Blues. I'll be brivin da dus but I need a road companion, someone to ride shotgun...or I might fall asleep at the wheel. (peace love unity respect) PLUR!!!!
  • geomeister
    @eyes revisited
    we are all in this together...please pass a hanky.
  • geomeister
    cause it looks like rain? Cause you care? Cause we are all one happy crying family? Cause you know how the songs go? Cause you love this wacky crowd of Daydreamers? Cause...
  • Klangstone
    Thanks Geomeister!
    Why are my eyes getting wet again????
  • geomeister
    @closing & our mayor
    Great comments, Sir Klangster. Thanks for taking on the duties and all over the past months....for all you did, are doing, and will do. It has been a wonderful ride, and it ain't over. Sure, you don't need to sit in at all the public hearings, take those calls in the middle of the night about the chuck-hole in front of Martha'smailbox, or officiate on Proclamation Tuesday, but don't stow that gavel just yet. We need our Mayor Emeritus available for ribbon cutting ceremonies in our Sunshine Museum, for the dunk booth at the Daydream Fair in August, and the Beautiful Baby Contest organizers are looking for the perfect person to anchor their judges panel. All kidding aside, your reflections are spot on and covered a bunch of what was on my mind. Thank you for taking the time to put it out there on our corner of the internet universe. Da Bus is idling just fine. The new sunshine solar engine puts out no fumes, and is green friendly. It'll run forever. Hope to see you here and there, and don't forget we gotta populate our new town, www.sunshinedaydreamers.com. Might need a mayor there...see the ring? Got a Hat? Toss it in! geofriendsdon'tletfriendsretiremeister
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17 years 9 months
By request, a gathering spot for Chicago-bound folks to connect and plan!
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14 years

Our son Scott was addicted to Barbara Ann...any long car ride we would put in Beach Boys Greatest Hits....he'd sing BaBaBa....BaBaBaBaBa.....didn't get the Rannnnnnnnn part...put it on repeat and drove from Buffalo to West Virginia on that song..... Don't get old Katniss....
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9 years 11 months

the more tortured rock 'n roll personality? Brian Wilson? Micheal Jackon? Elvis Presley? Johnny? Hank, Jr.? Jerry?
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10 years

and now he plays th ba ba ba ba bass
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9 years 11 months

for anything played on a cello. String bass, just as good. I was in love with a boy who played the string bass in junior high school. Come to think of it, I was in love with a boy that played an electric bass in high school (when I bothered to attend high school. Ah, misspent youth... Did I mention that silver?)
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13 years 11 months

Boo...,,,It's a perfect circle.....he didn't miss a beat..... And Katniss...maybe we should pose a new question aka quien es mas macho? Señor Michael Jackson o señor John Mayer? we are all tortured...just in different ways.... Just cuz you got a recording contract don't make you special...... But we know that..... And you got the silver.....
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9 years 11 months

Silver threads and golden needlesCannot mend this heart of mine And I dare not drown my sorrows In the warm glow of your mind Have a lovely time at the lake. I am officially on holiday. Happy Labor Day one & all. Hug your closest union member!!
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14 years

And start dying little by little, piece by piece,Some guys come home from work and wash up, And go racin' in the street. And btw its a 69 Chevy with a 396, fuelie heads and a Hurst on the floor..... But I digress..... God, I last saw Bruce in Cleveland in 2012 at Quicken Loans, he played that song and it made the 3 hour road trip worth while.... For me a good Boss show rivals the Dead, but for different reasons..... Saw the last Clarence show in 2009, over 4 hours long ....no set break and a 45 minute 7 song encore....
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17 years 7 months

67, 69..eh. agree a Bruce show is right up there with the Dead but nothing similar at all other than being the best. last time i saw Bruce was at an Obama rally in 2008...walking from a Browns game back to the parking lot, we came across an Obama rally in downtown Cleveland. Bruce did a few acoustic solo songs. Don't recall much about it other than it was a spectacle. Clarence wailing on the sax to jungleland, live, is worth the price of admission, tho you always get/got so much more. I miss Clarence.
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17 years 8 months

once Clarence became a Bay Area local, more or less, he would turn up in the darndest places. I recall a particularly epic tech company Christmas party that included Clarence with a band, Chris Isaak and his band, and another band whose name eludes me but they were equally good. Those were the days!
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9 years 11 months

I'd love to hear your five desert island LPs?
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13 years 11 months

Sitting on the shores of Lake Ontario listening to replay of 7/3/15.... Gets better with age....would take that to an island in a second.... and Katniss I second that emotion, we need marye to chime in on her top 5..... summer's done come and gone.... My oh my, oh my, oh my!
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17 years 8 months

I.e., vinyl? Off the top of my head, and I might say something different tomorrow. They're all old because almost all my vinyl is old: Last Waltz (The Band and various) East/West (Butterfield) Layla (Derek and the Dominos) Born to Run (Bruce; I think Agora 1978, while now legal, is not on vinyl. I have it in pretty much every other format known to man, starting with an off-air recording from KSAN. Best Bruce show ever, though I have no complaints about the ones I actually saw.) Blood on the Tracks (Dylan)
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13 years 11 months

Thanks marye, think I have to get the Agora 78 show, although the December 15' 1978 Winterland is no slouch either.....and you are correct I have never seen a bad Springsteen show.... Forgot all about East/West..will have to dig it out.... Blood on the Tracks is a fan favorite..... Never thought Bruce would have such universal appeal, always figured he was more of an east coast phenomenon....
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17 years 8 months

KSAN also broadcast the Winterland show, or at least one local show that year.
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13 years 11 months

and it indeed does marye...back in the day bought a 3 LP bootleg Live at Winterland December 78 Christmas show recorded off of KSAN....from an old time record store called the Music Box in Queens NY, only guy who had the stones to sell bootlegs..if I'm not mistaken he was the bassist for a NYC punk band called Tuff Darts...their big hit was Your Love Is Like Nuclear Waste.....bad boy cost me like $50 at the time...blind pig records if I recall...played it til I wore it out....now it's on a torrent website free and without pops n clicks...technology....and thanks, got Agora 8/78 and it is a smoking show....never heard it before... I so do miss the 70's..
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17 years 8 months

the thing that blew the top of my head off in real time, listening to the scratchy radio broadcast, and every time I've heard it in the ensuing getting-on-40 years, is Fourth of July, in a version that as far as I know was made up on the spot and never repeated--"Sandy, the angels have lost their desire for us," and extended riffing on the fireworks being Angels on Harleys coming down from heaven, etc. I admit it, I'm a lyrics freak, but I'm still agog at that one. It's just brilliant. It is also, in a number of ways, Dover Beach in a different idiom.
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9 years 8 months

Glad to see da dus is rolling along smoothly...gotta pick up all the children to take em back to school or the mines...Man I miss summer vacation as a youth. Just not the same as an adult.
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13 years 11 months

wow....got to the encore.....and you are right.....seen many a Bruce show, ain't never seen that...nor heard it.... I also am a lyric person, and and lyric subtlety aficionado..... ....marye, I want a mulligan, I will swap out anything but Layla and other assorted love songs for Bruce 8/9/78 at the Agora.....on my island....amazing show.... And that's why I play this game....!!!!
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9 years 11 months

What could I trade for some Feat? Hmm... There are songs I listen to for the sheer sound of them, I couldn't care less about the lyrics (Obla Di Obla Da!) But, then there are the songs that I love. That's a different story.
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13 years 11 months

Waiting for Columbus....?????Trade anything but Dylan.... Keep those choices.... Blah blah blah....... Boom Chaka laka!! Lyrics matter!!!!!
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9 years 11 months

Of course, they do! But, sometimes the melody is enough for me. *HaHa* Sir Paul is singing "We Can Work it Out" in the background. I'm peeling my eyes off the monitor for the evening. Good night! p.s. Never had the privilege of seeing Springstein. On his way to being the Woody Guthrie of our generation? A discussion for another day.
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Member for

10 years 8 months

Grate recollections here of late. Thanks to all Sunshine Daydreamers and friends for sharing your amazing memories. Please keep ‘em coming! Maybe we should consider a gathering where we could swap more stories and trade digital files of musical treasures. Our Pic-A-Nic in Chicago was a trip to be sure, but there wasn’t much time for subtleties – we were preoccupied with a more pressing mission over at Soldier Field. . . The Desert Fives have been perfect palette-cleansing diversions as we await the 30 Trips Box. One of my favorite tales was Rich's paean to Elaine a la Neil Young. Neil had a way of helping you ease past the many disappointments of teenage. I’ll never forget watching the sun rise over the Arkansas River to the strains of “Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere” after my “this-is-the-one” girlfriend broke up with me following our high school graduation and prom the night before (also my birthday). Neil understood! I've been blown away by the breadth and sophistication of y'all's lists and posts. Having come of age in somewhat of a musical backwater, I’m impressed and more than a little envious of the killer 60’s and 70’s music many of you witnessed firsthand. Even though there was less musical diversity to choose from, my Desert Five all came from those days when I was a wide-eyed, hormone-drenched teenager in the Arkansas Delta. Those are still the tunes that strike the deepest chords. Thank goodness for KAAY FM's midnight Bleecker Street out of Little Rock which was my sole alternative to AM bubblegum. Don't get me wrong, cruising cotton fields and levees on the way to bonfires on river sandbars with a little smoke and PBRs and the Woodstock soundtrack or the White Album or Sly or ___ on the 8-track provided many a fine memory (many of which I'm sure I can't recall) . . . and every now and then events like SDS meetings in Little Rock would punctuate the mundane with wisps of "exotic" music from the great beyond . . . In that world, we bought LP’s at places like JC Penney and Sears. Record shops were still a few years away in Pine Bluff. I discovered Disraeli Gears and Ars Nova at a head shop during a Latin/French Club field trip to New Orleans in '68. We thought things like an unknown Elton John opening for Chicago in Memphis were real discoveries. That's why I'm fascinated when I read posts from those who grew up in/near the City with cutting-edge radio programming and hip record stores not to mention vibrant club scenes and free concerts and FM streams of yet-to-be-mainstreamed artists. Once I got to college, I began a round of musical "catch up" that I'm still enjoying today. And back to the Desert Fives – Surely I’m not the only one that keeps remembering LP’s that got left off of my Short List. Ummagumma, Caravanserai, Hejira, Band of Gypsys, Burgers, Mad Dogs & Englishmen, All Things Must Pass, New Morning, Darkness and Scattered Light, Live at Leeds, Weird Scenes Inside the Gold Mine, Tarkus, Blows Against the Empire, Roll Over, Wake of Poseidon . . . And back to the Grateful Dead – This forum, especially the Desert Five Diversion, has been just exactly perfect for preparing for 30 Trips to rumble into town. I’ll be ready with fresh ears. Even managed to score a few Dogfish Head American Beauties last week “out in the west Texas town of El Paso.” Onward y’all!
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14 years

Jeff glad you chimed in....this is indeed what I hoped we would become, a family united by Jerry, but much more diverse than that alone.....I as well ordered Boxzilla....but will keep it under wraps....since the desert island selection began, I know it's blasphemy but I tuned away from SXM 23, first time in like a year and am enjoying EVERYTHING else.... like a kid in a candy store..... Been listening to Springsteen for the first time since 2012 and just re registered with a Bruce live torrent site....soooo many SBDs out there.....so little time....if you'd like some live music, just ask it's an email away..... Say hi to Pam..... and yes everybody knows THIS is nowhere.....
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9 years 8 months

Ok, so after much thought and consideration here are my "deserted island 5": 1. Pink Floyd- Meddle. Floyd is my all-time favorite band and this album reminds me of "tuning in and dropping out" early in my high school days. I also am reminded of the house we lived in during high school with the windows ipen and the cool spring breeze blowing in while rolling bones with my mom and step dad. 2. DJ Shadow- Endtroducing. This album is electronic "trip hop" and was my first and best taste of what a DJ and two turntables can produce. This album also takes me back to my rave days from the ages of 16-25 and all the crazyness that encompasses 3. M.I.A.- Arular-young adulthood memories, discovering new music and genres. Great beats and fun rhythms to keep things light and interesting. She puts on an amazing show, I saw her in Chicago at Lollapalooza and she was climbing on the scaffolding to the dismay of her managers. She also had laryngitis from touring so much but she still put her whole heart in the peformance. 4. Modest Mouse- The Moon and Antartica- reminds me of travelling between home and hometown between the big city and the rual prarieland...flat, flat, flat. Also, one of my favorite live acts discovered in my early twenties..saw them once on my bday and they signed this canvas bag I bought after the show with "Happy Birthday Holly!" I was so HAPPY! 5. The Squirrel Nut Zippers- Perennial Favorites. Big Band Swing, what can I say? Discovered in my teens love at first hearing. Katherine Whalen does amazing things with her voice and sounds straight out of 1930. A good album to keep around and would add variety to my "island 5" This is good exercise in choice. There is a lot of music and or songs that I may enjoy more than these but they are not included on one album. Some of my top 5 songs are all on different albums and the rest of each album I could take or leave. Since this was about whole albums for the rest of my life on the island these are my picks. 10 years from now these choices could be totally different. Thanks rrrgrrr for challenging us to "make up our minds"...did you ever have to finally decide?
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14 years

wow....Huh? Wow..... Whaaaaaa? Wooooowwwww..... thanks for playing...... Ok, time to pay my AARP dues..... Carry on my wayward dus briver....... ;-) Feel like Marty McFly from Back To The Future...... I keep on searching for a Heart of Gold, and it's getting old.... I want to hear some Benny Goodman.....
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9 years 8 months

See...Heart of Gold is one of my top 5 fav songs but it didn't make the final cut...Stevie Knicks Stop Dragging My Heart Around, Tom Petty Breakdown and You Got Lucky and Astronomy Domine by Pink Floyd. Done and done
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17 years 7 months

Traffic John Barleycorn and David Bromberg..."Dead or Alive" or "Demon in Disguise" might make it there today, but not sure which other album would get voted off the island? I need an atoll, not just AN island. Jeff...I agree Ummagumma might make it some days. I gotta check out some of the newer stuff listed here.
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17 years 8 months

check out One O'Clock Jump in the Carnegie Hall concert.
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14 years

Marye, now you're talking....love your musical suggestions.....btw, have you heard the final Springsteen Clarence show from November 2009? Played on Miami Steve's birthday....it was special in many ways...Initially billed as the final E St show, and unfortunately foreshadowing proved correct, as it was the last time Clarence would perform with anyone, his health was failing, but the mugging he and Bruce did onstage especially during Growin Up is etched in my brain .....35 songs and over 4 hours of magic, played the Greetings from Asbury Park recording in its entirety....half of the show was dedicated to suggestions from the crowd.....if interested, pm me your email and I can send it your way in digital format....It's an audience recording from the floor but well worth a listen and the smile that the listen will bring.....
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17 years 8 months

to that Benny Goodman track. Back when I was en route to Red Rocks 1987, I bought a bunch of cassettes at a truck stop in, as I recall, Rock Springs, Wyoming, including a Benny Goodman anthology. It was a mixed bag of generally horribly re-re-rerecorded material from some foreign bootlegger, as I recall, but this one track, with NO PROVENANCE WHATEVER, was just stunning, even if it did sound like it was recorded in a bathtub. It took me decades to find the actual source, which was a good deal better recorded.
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13 years 11 months

Marye, I know that track and it rocks.....Amazing what our mutual connection to the good ol Grateful Dead has allowed us to experience in our lives....
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10 years 8 months

Great suggestion Marye. I just listened to One O'Clock Jump and was transported. The entire recording from Carnegie Hall in 1938 with its impressive supporting cast looks tempting. What an amazing time capsule from an era that I only glimpsed hazily a la parent's and grandparent's record players in the 50's. In the meantime I'm queuing up the soundtrack from Ken Burn's "War" with jazz, big band, swing, etc. from the WWII era. It's from early 60's, but maybe some Preservation Hall Jazz Band is next. . . Oh yeah. It may be a reach, but there's a Grateful Dead connection here too: Ken Burn's "War" is followed in my iTunes list by "The Warlocks: 10/8/89". I told you it was a reach.
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17 years 8 months

getting the entire Carnegie Hall concert. There appears to be debate as to which is the best recording (I suspect Gary Lambert would know a lot about this) but it's a great show, and also great road-trip music. That said, since I had about 20 years of playing the song without knowing where it came from, I tended to see it through Grateful Dead filters, imagining the dancers going crazy and condensation dripping off the walls as solo piled on solo and the band hit escape velocity. It was a real shock to learn that the actual performance was in this really formal setting!
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14 years

It is over and Scotty n Mcfall survived, I paid for the stream and got to watch much after hours as VOD.... If you have a chance, check out Moonalice, Doobie Incident, SCI, Jefferson Airplane tribute, Hot Tuna, Phil n Friends x 2, Billy and the Kids with Bobby, Trombone Shorty, the Mule, Robert Plant and WSP......but especially TTB tribute to Joe Cocker on 9/11...2 hours of mesmerizing music with Leon Russell, Chris Stainton, Chris Robinson, John Bell, Rita Coolidge, Doyle Bramhall II and Dave Mason..... theTTB set with Bobby on 9/12 was good but the night before stole the thunder IMO....I hope they release that performance commercially.... Hope Geeky, Chuck and Tom Hanlon enjoyed it.....
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12 years 10 months

Roll them dice. Two times!!!
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14 years

Whatchu talking bout Willis?I mean BooBoo..... Got $99 tix for $99 each.....
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15 years 11 months

Got tickets for Greensboro and Atlanta this morning!Life's good! Dead to the CORE!! Have a Grate weekend everyone!
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Member for

13 years 3 months

Hey now, everybody! I've been too long at sea, but the shoreline beckoned so I thought I'd pop by and say hello. Hope everyone is doing well after the wild rumpus in July. Everything is great here in Reno and my best wishes go out to all of the wonderful Daydreamers! Peace.
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Member for

9 years 8 months

Hey there, nice to hear from you! Things are great here. Are you planning to see the Company in Vegas later this year?
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Member for

13 years 3 months

I hope you and Matt are well. I have a ticket to the Colorado and Vegas shows. I'm probably gonna have to pick one, and right now I'm leaning toward Vegas just because it is on the weekend. Are you going to any of the shows other than St. Louis (I'm assuming you guys will hit the hometown show)?
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Member for

10 years

Aloha Sunshine Daydreamers- Hope all of you are well.I scored for both LA and Las Vegas shows. I have 2 extras for the 11/27 Vegas show if anybody is in need. Please let me know if you will be attending the LA or Vegas shows. I know James will be in Las Vegas. I hope to see more of you there! Peace, GOB
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14 years

Hey now Greg and George....gearing up for fall here, got tix to da Buff, enjoy the shows.... streamed and recorded VOD LOCKN' ....PhilTana was mind blowing......certainly hope Mr. Mayer proves worthy of the legacy....
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Member for

13 years 3 months

Hey now, rrrrgrrrr! Sounds like you are well and still humming the Encyclopedia Britannica of tunes along with Holly! Enjoy the show and you can give us an advance review.... Looks like I am going to Vegas. Just sent a shout to James and hopefully can meet up with Gob as well. Anyone else? Here we go.... All the best, Daydreamers.
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Member for

9 years 8 months

For sure we will hit the hometown show...maybe travel to Tennessee...cause there ain't no place I'd rather be! Time to refuel dis Dus!!!!