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  • Hal R
    my oh my
    look at all the stereotyping around here, whatever happened to open minds? C'mon people now good thought lamagonzo If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
  • Anonymous (not verified)
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    C'mon people now...
    ... Smile on your brothers and sisters. Try to love one another right now. Bought my first DSO ticket today fer Higher Ground, Burlington VT 12/3 Trucking down to Wallingford CT to see FURTHUR soon after -- Neato! Christmas presents! ~ I guess they can't revoke your soul for tryin' ~
  • Weedmaster
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    New Pictures of Jerry Garcia
    I am happy to say that in the soon to be released Treating Yourself issue # 19 that we have 2 never before published pictures of Jerry Garcia. 1 is of Jerry Garcia in Mickey’s Barn studio. He worked on the soundtrack to the film "Zabriskie’s Point" soundtrack. And the other 1 is of Steve Brown and Jerry Garcia at Golden Gate Bridge. The photo was taken by Jim Marshall during the Rolling Stone Magazine’s 10th Anniversary cover shoot. All previously published issues of Treating Yourself is available for FREE as a PDF download and this issue will be available as a FREE download Jan.1/10 Take Care and Peace Marco Renda Federal Exemptee Publisher Treating Yourself The Alternative Medicine Journal
  • starsleeper
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    mindless morons
    These "idiots" who are "governing" us should all get together and eat a big bag of mushrooms, maybe they'd wake up. And they should "legalize it" (pot) quickly so people who want real change can get in there and try to clean up their mess. Corporate Wall St. capitalism has run its course and is the Devil's best friend. There's about 20 years left until the 2000th anniversary of Jesus death and everythings looking right on track for his return by then, I'm not too optimistic about us turning this world around but ya gotta keep trying. The next 20 years will be the most important in human history. And I saw a new heavens, and a new earth Love, hope, charity, faith, and more lovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelove! and peace
  • johnman
    mindless lemings??
    anyone who thinks ANY politician has the right answers and blindly votes for them because of supposed change fits that description to a "t". you can't trust any of the money grubbing backstabbing lying cheating rotten nogood twofaced thieving bloodsucking bullcrap artists.......i'm still trying to figure out how, why, and when words like "liberal" and "conservative" became four-lettered. one means to share, the other to save some for later...both ideas have merit, fer crine outloud. I will say though that the government does not need to get any bigger...and it needs to get it's damn hands out of my pockets, i liberally share with those that need it, when i can, but i reserve the right to conserve for later.......(grumble....mutter.....^!*&$#@ politicians.....)
    Hey Lame O Gonzo :-)
    I believe in moderation and living within your means as well. What set me off was your use of Conservative talking points like "Great " and defending the Faux News Tea Bag movement. The tea baggers are not simply physcally responsible citizens that are "outraged" by overspending. They are mindless lemings who are following the commands of the right wingers in order to derail any meaningful legislation proposed by the Obama Administration. This includes fighting against green energy, stricter emisions for vehicles, polution controls and the corporatization of our economy and our military for that matter. The health care "debate" is not even discussing the issues. It is centered on lies and distortions. Anyway, this debate will not end any time soon. Peace - David
  • stuman
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    jefferson airplane meets star trek trip
    That is too funny ! Thank you Cosmicbadger !!
  • Anonymous (not verified)
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    Hey Grade A Deadhead
    Boros thinks I'm a communist and was redbaiting me, quoting Lenin and you think I'm a conservative. Actually, I'm neither. But I do go ballistic from time to time about about this stuff and usually my point is: The Repubs/Demos are two sides of the same coin and we need to throw out the small change. You ask me what I'm proposing? Nothing. I'm not running for anything. But I know you can't work from within this system to get meaningful change. You can see some of my posts in the Obama topic (if its still there). I also tend toward the ecological catastrophe looming on the immediate horizon. So, if I had a position, I'd be talking about how to decrease our lifestyle and use less plastic and stay the fuck out of our cars as much as possible. We need to stop living beyond our means in this country. As my previous post about the 'The Great Enabler' stated, Obama is just postponing the inevitable pain that is coming. At some point the Chinese and others will stop buying Treasuries and the dollar will no longer be the world's reserve currency (giving us many ways to manipulate how the US pays back those debts) and America will have to face the music OR JUST START PRINTING MONEY WITH NOTHING TO BACK IT UP. That will create pure inflation, triple digit stuff, very quickly. If we live on less maybe we will become responsible citizens of the world instead of the ruling class of an empire. We'll spend more time with our family, friends and neighbors and less time chasing a lifestyle that doesn't bring us any happiness. Making do with less doesn't mean you are less. ~ The work of his day measures more than the planting and growing ~ (Hope everybody is enjoying this year's crop under the harvest moon)
  • buddy plant
    Mongo no undastand...
    ... eccomomics :((
    Hey Lamogonzo..............
    Just like most "conservatives" , I am hearing no suggestions from you on how this mess should be handled. I hope you are not emplying that Obama created this recession. (I was laid off last August). I agree that the stimulus package is hard to swollow, but it does a hell of a lot more for our economy than Bushes blank check "refunds" he sent out. He may as well have burned the cash. Despite what those Tea Bag wacos would have you believe, these "bail outs" are not simply an open ended plan and the government is NOT trying to take over everything or put private companies out of business. In fact, some of the banks have already begun repaying the money. I heard that Bank of America is desperate to pay back Billions so they can be free of any government involvement. Cash for clunkers was a huge success and has stimulated the car industry. OK, don't get me started or I'll have to explain to you why the public option for healthcare is the only viable way we will create competition and lower prices. Put that in your tea pot and smoke it!
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17 years 9 months
continuing the free-form from where we left it...
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17 years 2 months

that was freakin' awesome.....thank you!!!
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17 years 9 months

that's incredible!
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Member for

17 years 9 months

that whole project is definately in the category of I wish I thought of that. please note, aside from sharing that here, I had nothing to do with that project, wish I had, though... ( -; hats off to the folks in the playing for change project! check out playingforchang . com for more and one more for all of you folks I love:
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17 years 9 months

playingforchange . com
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Member for

17 years 9 months

everybody fcuks up spellin sometimes... ( -;
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16 years 2 months

That would be a great tour shirt, maybe put the dates on the back and make it a long sleeve! Peace- Moye
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Member for

17 years 9 months

oops, wrong pic, and can't edit! one more time... What on earth was Weir singing??
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Member for

17 years 2 months

this goes to an ad for i won't mention what
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17 years 2 months

the photo to reveal not the photo
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Member for

17 years 9 months

I get the bigger picture... after a blue line comes on thatsays continue to image... if there is an ad that comes in, marye, dump that post, please.
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17 years 2 months

it was an ad
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17 years 2 months

but clearly it was more than Phil could stand! Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

I had nothing to do with that johnman, nothing to do with it getting there in the first place, nothing to do with you not getting it again... apparently once it is clicked, (I heard this from a dude) then you might get the ad or not, depending on one's 'puter settings the history in the computer, or the types of cookies you already got in your rig... 'Puter cookies, that is, not the eating kind, like that. selective process or random... ??? somewhere in your browser you should have a pop up ad blocker. should. maybe. don't ask me, I type with 2 fingers and dont know shit about these things. anyways, there is always that type of hassle lurking in cyber space, might be best to dump the whole post, (and the one with the hippy lions) marye; please. don't want to offend anybody. the perils of using a free image hosting site. i wont post pics again to avoid hassles. peace.
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17 years 2 months

the hippie lion was cool......oh well
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Member for

17 years 9 months

for her birthday: Me And Tiger Lilly Busted out of Barcelona riding on a train Feeling nearly faded as her dress Tiger Lilly ate some paella just before the rain Farted all the way to Fi-guer-es Well I took my old cassette from my dirty sack Playin' slow while Lilly sang the blues Stinky farts keeping time Holding Lilly's spirit in mine We finallly sang near every song that we knew The Board's just another place to think about The Scene The Board can cheer you up -- if you know what I mean The internet is easy Lord, when there ain't no tour The Board is good enough for me Good enough for me and Tiger Lilly With the kind, grateful folks; rapin' here is fun Lilly shared the secrets of my soul Standing right beside me Lord in everything I done Lilly's spirit kept me from the cold Nowhere never on this Board, I'll let her slip her away Looking for memories I hope we'll find And I'll trade all my straight friends for a single head To be sharing Lilly's spirit, oh so KIND The Board's just another place to think about The Scene The Board can cheer you up -- if you know what I mean The Internet is easy Lord, when there ain't no tour The Board is good enough for me Good enough for me and Tiger Lilly
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17 years 2 months

ah, what the hell....happy birthday sweet tigerlily......your the best!!!!
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Member for

17 years 8 months

you made me c.c. thanks Moye and Johnman too. Gotta love you guys********************************** It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine
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17 years 9 months

well, it IS Wednesday in some parts of the world now... Happy Birthday sugarpop. ( -;
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17 years 8 months

...without love everyday, insanity's king... Happy birthday 'Lil. I'm celebrating by wrestling with TaxAct & sipping Cruzan w guavo nectar!!
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17 years 4 months

I'm truly Grateful to have had such stimulating conversations with you over this last year :) More to come...I will surely raise my glass for you tomorrow!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! CCJ ~ Love your Ode to Tiger Lilly! "And I'll trade all my straight friends for a single head To be sharing Lilly's spirit, oh so KIND" ~ Can I get an Amen Folks ?? That is RIGH ON!! PEACE
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16 years 1 month

Seems you have a following, dear. With the blessings you have passed on to dead head family and my actual dear family, may all your blessings and wishes come true... Kottonmouthjeff
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Are making me blush and smile! Thanks everybody, for such a wonderful day. Moye-dick's picks arrived yesterday (HUGS) but left the envelope to open for today. Will be the next thing I do, is listen to the c.d's. A hug for all of you, and thanks for being such kind friends. ********************************** It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine
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17 years 9 months

my old lady packing for the tour... ( -;
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17 years 8 months

may I add my bestest biggest birthday wishes to our precious Tiger Lilly!
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Member for

16 years 4 months

Tiger Lilly! Now go put on your dancin shoes and start shakin to your birthday!!!!!! _____________________________________________ Will you come with me? Once in awhile you can get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right!
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17 years 8 months

Was last Saturday? Who knew? I walked unawares into my local independent record store (grateful to be living in a place where such a thing still exists) to pick up the new Neil Young cd and Wilco dvd...and there was actually a crowd milling around the place. I walked out with the above two purchases plus a small fistfull of free sampler cds. I know it's a crippled business model, but the world is a better place with these folks in business. Support your local....
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17 years 9 months

well, how was the show??? i really wish i could have been there. hope someone can fill me in on it. peace nothing left to do but smile, smile, smile
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Member for

17 years 2 months

why in HELL does the grateful dead store have customer service, which i for one have NEVER been able to get on the PHONE, outsourced to some place other then the U.S. when there are so damned many people, myself included, out of work right freakin' HERE?? ya want me ta buy yer products??? can't DO it without MONEY!!! explain it to me G.D.P.!!!
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17 years 2 months

..having the customer service in some US would mean that they have to pay US wages to the people working there.IF they let that service do by some Chinese(..or russian) company they pay the person 2 maybe 5 bucks a day.makes sense,at least for G.D.P.Johnman,we are in the bad situation to be between 45 and 60 and nobody will give us a job .it is not economical employ an older person in your country if you can pay slavelike salaries to young,university educated people somwhere in India.Same problem here my friend,but that G,D.P.goes the same way is a slap in the face.Peace,Brother
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17 years 7 months

it makes me wonder how can the boys just sit by and let this happened....i read in an interview some years back that jerry said one of the reasons he keeps touring is that alot of people depended on the dead for there ever notice back in the day how many people were up in the rafters operating the lights...the times are a changing
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16 years 11 months

Dylan's new album "Together Through Life" comes out today. Most of the lyrics are a collaboration of him and Robert Hunter. I just went to Bob but they don't have the lyrics up yet but it says "coming soon". So if anyone gets the album I hope you'll give us a review. There's no record store in my town.
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17 years 9 months

quick pop in here: so far, the shows have rocked, the scene has been cool, and the vibe is definately there. peace.
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17 years 8 months

Sounds like an incredible birthday show for you! The Clearwater Concert: Creating the Next Generation of Environmental Leaders A benefit concert in celebration of Pete Seeger's 90th Birthday Sunday, May 3rd, 2009, 5:00 p.m. Madison Square Garden, New York, NY Tickets available at Tickets range in price from $19.19 (the year Pete was born) to $250, with the majority of seats at $90 to honor Pete's 90th birthday. Every ticket purchased includes a one-year membership to Clearwater (new members only). Featuring.... Pete Seeger Tom Morello (Rage Against the Machine) Bruce Springsteen Tyler Ramsey (Band of Horses) Dave Matthews Warren Haynes John Mellencamp Abigail Washburn & the Sparrow Quartet Ani DiFranco Bernice Johnson Reagon Arlo Guthrie Dar Williams Béla Fleck Eric Weissberg Ben Bridwell (Band of Horses) Guy Davis Ben Harper Jay Ungar & Molly Mason Billy Bragg John Hall Bill Nershi (String Cheese Incident) Kate & Anna McGarrigle Bruce Cockburn Larry Long Del McCoury Martha Wainwright Emmylou Harris Mike & Ruthy Merenda Joan Baez NYC Labor Chorus Keller Williams Ruby Dee Kris Kristofferson Scarlett Lee Moore Michael Franti Tao Rodriguez-Seeger Patterson Hood (Drive-By Truckers) Teddy Thompson Preservation Hall Jazz Band Tom Chapin Ramblin' Jack Elliott Tom Paxton Richie Havens Tommy Sands with Moya & Fionan Roger McGuinn Tony Trischka Steve Earle Toshi Reagon Taj Mahal And the Native American Indian Cultural Alliance... Bill Miller Margo Thunderbird Casper Lomadawa Oren Lyons David Amram R. Carlos Nakai Eddie Benton Tiokasin Ghosthorse Joseph Firecrow Vernon Masayesva Joanne Shenandoah Victorio Roland Mousaa If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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17 years 8 months

wow was the REAL Robert Hunter told you that? Congratulations. Still ..dude gets a number one album and next thing he thinks he can tell you what vegetables to eat! ;-) Do you like 'em in a salad or in a classic cheese sauce?
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17 years 9 months

yes it is him.might have been pure happenstance that led him to say that, though. my life is now fulfilled. I posted enough useless drivel to get a rise from him. deep inside, i doubt very much Hunter said 'shut up' to too many people... I feel very honoured. "I'd like to thank the academy for this honour...." the new debate there is how to pronounce endive. "en - dive" or "on deeve"? as for my personal cuilinary preference -- need all the roughage I can get -- in a salad for sure. gotta keep regular. cheese simply blocks up the works and produces massive amounts of fluid fetid flatuance. meanwhile, where is Che Guavera? drinking Guava juice on a ski lift in Guadalhara perhaps? ( -; peace.