Billy's topic.
sexy billy
nothing left to do but smile, smile, smile
i may have said this b4, but damn billy was hot back in the day. still is i suppose.
Billy is an awesome drummer.
Billy is an awesome drummer. He and Mickey had something going on for sure. I respect the hard work it takes to be an awesome drummer like him. He's been a big part of the after 95 works as well. I love to watch him going crazy in the DVD/VHS I have.
Thanks Billy!
A dream we dreamed one afternoon long ago...
The time just before
I must live where there are big fishA long, long time ago I was a young high schooler working my first job as a shipping clerk in a company in Mt View Calif. that imported hair products from overseas.
The company was new and was owned by two fellows named Harvey Brickman and Richard Minkin.
At first I could get off school and come in at the end of the day and get all the shipments off without any help, but the company grew very fast and they soon had to hire a fellow to come in earlier in the day to keep up the shipments until I got there to work with him for the big rush that came at the end of the day.
After several months of working together my assistant showed up and announced he wouldn't be back as the small local band he played with had just signed a recording contract with (I believe) MGM records.
Bill Kreutzmann left to play with the Dead that day, and I couple of years later I left to be a bush pilot in Alaska.
Strange how different lives take different turns.
So if ever you get the chance, ask Bill if he remembers the wig factory and the little gold foil boxes with celophane fronts he used to pack for shipping in his last 8 to 5 job?
this just in...
"We are so excited we can hardly contain ourselves! As longtimeGrateful Dead fans, bringing the newly-formed Bill Kruetzmann Trio to
you at MagnoliaFest 2008 is beyond exciting! And when we discovered
one of his partners in the trio is none other then our very own
festival favorite Oteil Burbridge, that made it even more perfect for
Magfest! Check out the the website of 3rd trio member, Scott Murawski
(Max Creek) for some incredible live BKT music. The music is from one
of their first shows, and you just know that come October it will be
peaking underneath the live oaks at the Suwannee."
The MagMusic website is at
Happy Birthday Billy
Funny how I go through phases of focusing on the sounds of individual band members, lately it has been Billy. What a fantastic rhythm keeper.
If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite.
William Blake
Upcoming Billy gigs
See Billy in October:
Bill Kreutzmann, Oteil Burbridge, and Scott Murawski
Friday, October 24
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Saturday, October 25
Magnolia Fest
Live Oak, FL
Bill Kreutzmann with Papa Mali in Hawaii
Wednesday, October 29
Kilohana Plantation
Kauai, HI
Friday, October 31
Spirit Fest
Honolulu, HI
The Red Elephant
(late night show)
Oahu, HI
Saturday, November 1
Pa'ia, HI
drums on uncle johns band
does anyone know what the drum was billy played on uncle johns band? and where i can find out what he played exactly (which rhythms he used)?
not sure exactly
not sure exactly, but generally Kreutzmann used
Pearl Drums
Tama Drums
Ludwig Drums
also a bongo here and there:
( -;
Set 1Disc 1: 01 Intro 02
Set 1
Disc 1:
01 Intro
02 Scarlet Begonias
03 Chains Of Life (Max Creek)
04 Franklins Tower
05 Freeborn Man* (Traditional/Outlaws)
06 Mr Charlie*
07 Yellow Moon* (Neville Bros)
Disc 2:
01 Fly Away All (New Hunter Tune)
Set 2
02 Intro
03 Help On The Way -> Slipknot
04 Murderland (New Hunter Tune)
05 Lovelight#
06 Sugaree
Disc 3:
01 Cruel World (Max Creek)
02 Bertha
03 Encore break
04 Tuning
05 Althea
*-With Sam Bush on Fender Mandocaster
#-With Col. Bruce Hampton on Vocals
Scott Murawski
For those who haven't heard him, he is excellant. I look forward to hearing these recordings.
Happy Birthday Billy!
and thanks for all the thunder! May you stay, forever young.
For Billy!!!
Happy birthday to you:)Happy birthday to you:)
Happy birthday dear Billy:)
Happy birthday to you:)
My son shares your birthday as well:)
The Grateful Web's interview with Billy K...
We hope you enjoy...
Grateful Web's Interview with Billy K
The Grateful Web
Happy Birthday Billy!!
Just thinking back to one year ago today when we got to celebrate your birthday with you in the Pepsi Center. Damn that was fun. Please bring your band(s) to Colorado this summer we'd sure love to get a taste of them!
"Here's my half a dollar if you dare .. double twist when you hit the air. Look at Julie down below .. the levee doing the dopaso"
Happy Birthday Billy!!!!
May you have a joyous and grateful day! I really enjoyed seeing you w/ the 7 walkers @ Wanee and now you've announced Furthurmore on Monday in Toulomne, CA wohoooooooo I can't wait to see ya brother.
Thanks for all the good times, and the inspiration in percussion you've given me. Not to mention you are the backbone of my favorite band of all time...The Grateful Dead.
Keeep rockin.
Will you come with me? Once in awhile you can get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right!
So sad I missed you playing with the boys from Panic..... However, I have a gripe. Regardless, I will always love your music.... My gripe is, you and your bandmates are making political stands..... Why? Especially, when you lend your support to the anti-America crowd. For real! WWJD? You know I mean Garcia, and as I recall you all avoided politics back then.... I wish you all still did, because I love your music and I hate your socialistic views.. Apparently, you and your band are feeling guilt for your capitilistic success.... Not sure why... You all worked hard and deserve your state in life. A state you all achieved with hard work(fun along the way is ok) and that is nothing to be ashamed of.... And I feel you guys are loaded with guilt.... Apparently, success is a no-no in this world. Please, drop the politics and just stick to the groove. You all worked hard and deserve to be where you are.
Meeting Billy
I was at a bar in Key West and of course im paying more attention to my beer then my surroundings and then I notice the man sitting next to me looked like someone I know I said how are you doing not noticing who he really was. I took a double take and It was Billy I finally said are you Bill Kreutzmann and he said why yes I am and then I told him how much I love his drumming and blah blah blah. That shows you how large my attenion span is.
Happy Birthday to Billy Kreutzmann today!
I realize the homepage here is mainly focused on selling stuff, but it would be great if you could wish him a happy birthday! (I know, I know i've said this before during other band members' birthdays, but the reminders worked then so maybe this one will too) :)
good point, especially
as Thursday's movie encore is stuck in time on the homepage. I suspect some technical difficulty may be involved that may not resolve itself immediately.
However, some friends of mine are seeing Billy tonight in New Orleans, if I recall correctly from their Facebook post... and that should be pretty great... So happy birthday Billy, and many more!
Happy Birthday to Bill
I so wish to see you play again at Shoreline with the guys!
smilin' on a cloudy day
7 Walkers - Fri. 3/23 at Slim's in - SF
Bill & 7 Walkers are headed to Slim's this Fri. Tickets are still available ( - show starts at 9pm & tickets are $25.
billy's book
So I hear Billy K.'s gonna be writin' a book for release in 2015. That's a must read for me, I'm excited!
Just to say I've been…
Just to say I've been listening to a lot of '73 '74 Dead this last month and Wow! Bill, you are the man!! In particular the 11/11/73 Dark Star > Eyes of the World > China Doll gave me a whole new level of respect. Thanks for all the blood, sweat and tears! God Bless you Bill.
I will never accept Mickey Hart as a member of The Dead
His father stole $160K from the band. Mickey joined the band in 1967 but he was never a member of the band IMO. His "percussion" role was at best a distraction and he struts around like he is the heart and soul of the band. Brent was more a member of the band than Mickey was or ever will be.