• 7,852 replies

    "When we began discussing audio projects to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Grateful Dead back in 2012, we knew we wanted to do something completely unprecedented. We could think of nothing more exciting or ambitious than a career-spanning overview of the band's live legacy focused on what best tells the story: complete concerts. Our first criterion was the very best live music to represent any given year in the band’s history. We wanted to make sure that there were not only the tent-pole shows that fans have been demanding for decades but also ones that are slightly more under the radar, but equally excellent. For those who listen to the entire box straight through, chronologically, the narrative of the Grateful Dead's live legacy will be seen as second to none in the pantheon of music history." - David Lemieux

    We are more than pleased to announce the Grateful Dead's most ambitious release ever: 30 TRIPS AROUND THE SUN. Available as both an 80-disc boxed set and a custom lightning-bolt USB drive, the collection includes 30 unreleased live shows, one for each year the band was together from 1966 to 1995, along with one track from their earliest recording sessions in 1965. Packed with over 73 hours of music, both the boxed set and the USB drive will be individually numbered limited editions.

    The 80-disc boxed set is individually numbered and limited to 6,500 copies, a nod to the band’s formation in 1965. Along with the CDs, it also includes a gold-colored 7-inch vinyl single which bookends the band’s career. The A-side is “Caution (Do Not Stop On Tracks)” from the band’s earliest recording session in 1965 with the B-side of the last song the band ever performed together live, “Box Of Rain” recorded during their final encore at Soldier Field in Chicago on July 9, 1995.

    The box also comes with a 288-page book that features an extensive, career-spanning essay written by Nick Meriwether, who oversees the Dead archives at the University of California, Santa Cruz, along with special remembrances of the band submitted by fans. Also included is a scroll that offers a visual representation of how the band’s live repertoire has evolved through the years.

    The USB drive version* will be shaped like a gold lightning bolt with the Grateful Dead 50th anniversary logo engraved on the side. The drive includes all of the music from the collection in both FLAC (96/24) and MP3 formats and is an individually numbered limited edition of 1,000 copies. Digital version of the book also included on USB.

    Shows will NOT be sold individually on CD. This release is sure to sell out quickly so pre-order your copy today and stick around as we will be revealing a mighty fine selection of music, art, and much, much more right here.

    (Looking for a smaller 50th Anniversary commemorative keepsake? September 18th will see the release of a four-CD version of the collection titled 30 TRIPS AROUND THE SUN: THE DEFINITIVE LIVE STORY 1965-1995. More on that here.)

    Head on over to Rollingstone.com for the very first listen of "Morning Dew" 9/18/87 Madison Square Garden, David Fricke's exclusive interview with archivist David Lemieux, and the reveal of 30 TRIPS AROUND THE SUN's '69 and '84 shows.

    *Helpful hints for using your USB:

    Running the 30 Trips Player / Reader program:
    On Windows – Navigate to the USB drive and double click the PCStart.exe file to run.
    On MacOS – Open the GD 30 Trips drive, and double click the MacStart to run.

    Viewing the digital book:
    You can either view it within the program that comes on the drive, or by opening the PDF directly.

    To view the PDF, open the PDF folder on the drive and the USB_bk_spreads_08-31 file within. Selecting the option within your PDF reading application to view as a “single page” might be preferable to viewing as a continuous document.

    Importing music into iTunes and other library programs:
    When you import the songs from the USB into your library, the information used to identify the track will likely leave them sorted incorrectly. Please use the song list found here to re-number the songs for each show so that they playback in the correct order.


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  • jrf68@hotmail.com
    Off topic
    Moses GuestLive Stages Get some...it's good. :) ...Over The Car->Under The Stairs...
  • LoveJerry
    Somebody on the other thread, I forget who, brought up a point about the secondary market, which was basically that Rhino depends on it to ensure they sell x number of copies of each release in a very short amount of time. This guy who wrote the article worked for a record company or something, I wish I could find the post. But it totally makes sense. Basically, Rhino needs to sellout each release in 3 or 4 weeks to not only be profitable, but to extend the life of the series. By making it limited edition, they sellout immediately and actually rely on the secondary market to be there and buy out what the individuals don't buy. It amounts to free distribution for Rhino. They sell off their 16,500 Dave's Picks in a week, and never pay a dime in distribution costs. For Rhino this means more dollars per unit and less units sold to make both make a profit and re-invest in the next release (and making the next profit). So I get it. Rhino is a very unique position, in that they have a rare product with seemingly no end, and this thing called the internet. And in fact, these very message boards are a major source of advertisement. I'm just happy I'm ahead of the curve now. I spent a lot on eBay back-filling my Dead collection. What I would be interested in, is the legalities involved in re-issuing a product that they originally sold as a limited quantity item. Even if legal, I doubt they would do it, out of fear of ruining their current, buy it now, while it's hot sales model, which is undoubtedly working. One thing I feel confident in, is that if Rhino felt that re-releasing FW 69 Complete would be profitable in the long run, they would do it (and perhaps they will). But I imagine it's a tricky balance, as Morning Sun said - never underestimate the turmoil of breaking a promise to the original people who bought it (of whom I am not one - fucker cost me 400 bucks). Plus I'm sure they all have a dozen copies of all of them that they're saving for 10 years from now when they're going for a grand on eBay ;-)
  • Cousins Of The…
    FW 69 re-release
    Not sure what the exact wording was when they first released it, but some of the music included in the set has been available on the 3 disc compilation.Rhino could produce a set with all 4 FW 69 shows, add 2-11-69 Fillmore East release, change the name and add a disclaimer that would say something like "portions of this set was previously released as Ltd Edition FW box set, etc." Lots of "limited Edition only", and "promo only" music has been re-released that way.
  • mbarilla
    FW69 Box set
    if they want to re-release they would definetely need a new mix. I dont think packaging much to do with it
  • Roland Bruynesteyn
    re-release FW'69
    FWIW, let me echo SpaceBro's (and others) sentiment: I own FW'69, and enjoy it immensely.By all means, re-release it, so that more people can enjoy it. I do not mind scalping, or a secondary market. In general, I don't mind limited editions, bonus discs with first runs etc; companies can run their business as they see fit. But I'm a capitalist through and through: if more people want it, and Rhino can make more money, by all means let's do it. I know that the secondary market, at least in this particular case, exists bcause Rhino said that FW'69 would never be released (in any form?) again. Some people would feel cheated if, after paying a lot (NOT to Rhino though), it was re-released. But surely most Deadheads would want other Deadheads to be able to acquire this set, and there should be some way around it (cheaper packaging or whatever) to get past this?
  • Born Cross Eye…
    FW 69 box re-issue?
    Yes, reissue it as a limited edition of 16,000.$130 each + shipping and sales taxes where applicable. For that $130 you'll get the four shows - 2/27, 2/28, 3/1 & 3/2/1969 in 4 tye-dyed design artwork, thin cardboard type sleeves with a simple booklet with only the song titles, the track times, the songwriters credits and publishers credits with two or three photos, WITHOUT AN ESSAY, all enclosed in a lightweight cardboard case with artwork similar to the original 2005 issue.
  • Sun King
    shrine vinyl et al...
    glad to hear the 69 shrine vinyl release sounds so good. i plan on picking one up soon. as for the 69 box, and other limited releases, i think rhino needs to view their 'investment' in the grateful dead as being holders of something culturally significant. limited edition stuff should be just the initial physical product, but everything should be available via download. as i've said before, they should act like smithsonian/folkways, where nothing they have ever released goes out of print. you can't go to their site and order an original woody guthrie or leadbelly record, those have been out of print forever, but you can download it or order a custom burned cd. there is nothing you can not order. i believe rhino is just waiting for the last 150 usb's to sell, then they will offer all 30 shows via download. as for the 69box, i don't remember their wording, but a physical product probably can't, or shouldn't, be re-released that way, but all 4 shows should be put out via download, if the suits think they can legally do it. if not, lesson learned....
  • Charlie3
    Ramble On
    Dennis Wilmot, feel free to ramble on, you made some good points in a funny way. it sounds like I may have been one of the same two people seated next to you at shows;)For my two cents, I have the 30 trips box and it wouldn't bother me a bit if they made another production run in the future, with or without all the extras. I didn't buy it as an investment, I purchased it because I wanted to have the music and after missing out on FW69 I knew I would regret not having it more than I would regret spending the money. At some point I would like to pick up FW69, but there is a limit to what I can pay and feel OK about the purchase. I understand that the limited edition model is probably what makes the ongoing releases possible to this extent, so it is what it is, but it seems that they could set it up so that it would be possible to reissue things after some period of time. As far as copying limited edition releases, I guess the band makes their money when the original sale occurs and are unaffected by any subsequent transactions, so there's that.
  • Dennis
    Re-releases, Limited Editions, illegal copies, ebay prices
    I throw my 2 cents into this, I agree with those that say a release of limited edition stuff as maybe a digital download is just fine with me. As always if price is the limiting factor I can not believe you can't find someone to make you a copy. Some say "oh that's illegal", sounds like corporate lawyer talk to me. I agree you shouldn't be knocking out 1,000 copies of something and selling them at the local flea market, but to slip a buddy a copy, fuck no. I remember when people didn't even think twice about making a cassette copy for a friend. Of course the "industry" hated that, they even tried to get a "tax" on blank tapes to cover the "losses" they were suffering. What hogwash! The record companies seem to be doing fine! Ebay prices will disappear or come down if people stop buying them, just like tickets for sporting events (which sports fan seem to believe are way out of whack). Remember when FM first took off and stations would play a perfect album side, even told you when to start your tape. I'm sorry if the record industry makes a product that is easy to copy. Why didn't they just keep producing records? You couldn't copy them as easily as cd. Because they wanted to squeeze out the free music of radio, cd's people would buy more of because you could take them in your car. Did the industry ever return money for those shit 8 tracks that they sold? Or even the shit cassettes they sold? Those store bought tapes NEVER lasted long, but a good maxell made at home lasted forever? I still have cassettes I made from 1980 that play just fine. But the few store bought ones I got the cases always warped in the heat.I think I can most assuredly say that if you could shove a new caddy into a port of the computer and have it shit out a new caddy, everyone would have a new caddy and be saying fuck GM. (probably a lot of people already saying that) You don't see anyone making "illegal" copies of books and you could zerox a whole book. I'm surprise the corporate lawyers haven't tried to shut down public libraries, since they allow people to listen, read and view all copyright material without paying any fee to the owner of the copy right material. There was a point when Mickey Mouse was about to enter the public domain and Disney just couldn't let that happen, so they had congressman Sony Bono push thru a revision of the copyright laws that allowed them to keep the copyright. (see - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copyright_Term_Extension_Act ) Technically if you owned a bar, you couldn't play cd's you own there without a fee being paid to industry. CD's YOU OWN! Can you imagine if you bought a repair guide for a car you owned and you got a second car of the same make and being told you couldn't use that manual to fix the second car, that the use of the manual was only for the first car. You have that same thing with software you buy, you buy the package but can't use it where ever you want, only once (maybe 3 times for some) Sorry I've rambled a bit, but corporations piss me off. They want risk socialize and profits privatized. They want to be citizens with no one responsible for jail time. Fuck them! Record profits and the world still fights for crumbs. On the illegal front, I get a chuckle out of this. I thought it was illegal to bring "drugs" into shows or buy and sell them. Oh, I forgot nobody who went to dead shows did drugs. Like nobody in England watches Doctor Who. The show has been on for 50 years and nobody admits they watch it! Just like back in the .net days, nobody on net.dead did drugs! I must have always got seated next to the same other 2 people who did :-) Once again sorry for the excessive rambling.
  • dharwin
    Default Avatar
    Just to be clear...
    I am fully supportive of a re-release of the FW69 box. The whole reason I have the info that I have is that (being the anal retentive completist that I am) I emailed David Lemieux to ask why in the hell the box set hadn't been reissued. Any deadhead that has looked at eBay in the last 5 years can see that this box is in absurdly high demand. I hate the idea of limited releases and find it absurd that they would limit anything. The only thing that does is drive up the price on secondary markets (just look at the 30 trips box on eBay).
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18 years

"When we began discussing audio projects to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Grateful Dead back in 2012, we knew we wanted to do something completely unprecedented. We could think of nothing more exciting or ambitious than a career-spanning overview of the band's live legacy focused on what best tells the story: complete concerts. Our first criterion was the very best live music to represent any given year in the band’s history. We wanted to make sure that there were not only the tent-pole shows that fans have been demanding for decades but also ones that are slightly more under the radar, but equally excellent. For those who listen to the entire box straight through, chronologically, the narrative of the Grateful Dead's live legacy will be seen as second to none in the pantheon of music history." - David Lemieux

We are more than pleased to announce the Grateful Dead's most ambitious release ever: 30 TRIPS AROUND THE SUN. Available as both an 80-disc boxed set and a custom lightning-bolt USB drive, the collection includes 30 unreleased live shows, one for each year the band was together from 1966 to 1995, along with one track from their earliest recording sessions in 1965. Packed with over 73 hours of music, both the boxed set and the USB drive will be individually numbered limited editions.

The 80-disc boxed set is individually numbered and limited to 6,500 copies, a nod to the band’s formation in 1965. Along with the CDs, it also includes a gold-colored 7-inch vinyl single which bookends the band’s career. The A-side is “Caution (Do Not Stop On Tracks)” from the band’s earliest recording session in 1965 with the B-side of the last song the band ever performed together live, “Box Of Rain” recorded during their final encore at Soldier Field in Chicago on July 9, 1995.

The box also comes with a 288-page book that features an extensive, career-spanning essay written by Nick Meriwether, who oversees the Dead archives at the University of California, Santa Cruz, along with special remembrances of the band submitted by fans. Also included is a scroll that offers a visual representation of how the band’s live repertoire has evolved through the years.

The USB drive version* will be shaped like a gold lightning bolt with the Grateful Dead 50th anniversary logo engraved on the side. The drive includes all of the music from the collection in both FLAC (96/24) and MP3 formats and is an individually numbered limited edition of 1,000 copies. Digital version of the book also included on USB.

Shows will NOT be sold individually on CD. This release is sure to sell out quickly so pre-order your copy today and stick around as we will be revealing a mighty fine selection of music, art, and much, much more right here.

(Looking for a smaller 50th Anniversary commemorative keepsake? September 18th will see the release of a four-CD version of the collection titled 30 TRIPS AROUND THE SUN: THE DEFINITIVE LIVE STORY 1965-1995. More on that here.)

Head on over to Rollingstone.com for the very first listen of "Morning Dew" 9/18/87 Madison Square Garden, David Fricke's exclusive interview with archivist David Lemieux, and the reveal of 30 TRIPS AROUND THE SUN's '69 and '84 shows.

*Helpful hints for using your USB:

Running the 30 Trips Player / Reader program:
On Windows – Navigate to the USB drive and double click the PCStart.exe file to run.
On MacOS – Open the GD 30 Trips drive, and double click the MacStart to run.

Viewing the digital book:
You can either view it within the program that comes on the drive, or by opening the PDF directly.

To view the PDF, open the PDF folder on the drive and the USB_bk_spreads_08-31 file within. Selecting the option within your PDF reading application to view as a “single page” might be preferable to viewing as a continuous document.

Importing music into iTunes and other library programs:
When you import the songs from the USB into your library, the information used to identify the track will likely leave them sorted incorrectly. Please use the song list found here to re-number the songs for each show so that they playback in the correct order.

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Member for

13 years 3 months

I agree. The conversations have been both fun and informative…but hey c'mon Deadheads at the very least are decent human beings!
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Member for

9 years 4 months

seabird 17 -You say two bonus discs, but I'm only seeing the one "Garcia Plays Dylan Again". Do you know what the other one is? I've had the Garcia Plays Dylan along with that bonus disc since it was originally released several years ago, but I'd hate to miss out on an exclusive bonus disc if it's something new that I don't have.
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Member for

11 years 3 months

There are 2 bonus CDs included with the Very Best Of Jerry, 1 bonus included with Garcia Plays Dylan, and 1 bonus with All Good Things.
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Member for

9 years 4 months

Ok, thanks. Hadn't seen that. Luckily, I have all of those already. Just hate missing out on the exclusive bonus discs, looks like I'm not missing anything this time around.
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Member for

12 years 8 months

Been reading some comments about 78. I've always loved Dick's 18 & kind of loathed or at least dislike both Egypt & the Road Trips Egypt. Last night I popped on DaP 15 April 78 show and it is excellent. Overall it's a better pick than DaP volume 7 Normal. (Which by the way is definitely worth owning for the scorching, rocking, high energy first set. Great music to drive too.) Getting back to vol 15, the last 2 discs are stellar. I even enjoyed the 15 minute rhythm devil track. The only thing that just does not seem to fit is the transition from Estimated into Eyes. It's quite jarring (almost as jarring as the ghoulishly ugly DaP 15 art work) and takes about 3 minutes to get over the shock. Jerry comes flying in with the chord intro about 30 mph over the speed limit. Thankfully the band finally catch up to him in this high speed chase and all is well again.
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Member for

10 years 6 months

DaP 15 is great isn't it? I was very apprehensive when I heard they were releasing a show so close to the 4/22 Normal show, but once again, Dave demonstrated why he's boss. This quickly rose to the top 2 or 3 of my '78 list. I actually like disc 1 a lot too - possibly my favorite 78 set 1. All of the shorter songs have strong focus and pop. The whole thing is just fantastic - and I swear they've come up with a magic production tool, because the sound quality on the 30 Trips stuff and last 4 or 5 Dave's Picks has been a cut above....and the 4/22 show sounds soooo much better than the 4/24 Normal show - what could possibly have changed in two days??? Willys - Yeah, I like that '74 release a lot too. I've been on a helluva '74 kick lately. This is one of the great sounding shows I was just talking about. Nothing like a '74 Truckin'
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Member for

17 years 8 months

So these are the same bonus disc we got when we ordered those releases originally or something new? I know I ordered them at the time they were released so if there were bonus discs then, I have them, probably couldn't find them easily, but I have them. The releases are identical to the originals? When I read briefly about it on the site this morning it kind of looked like they had added tracks to the All Good Things but after reviewing mine I think it's the same eh?
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Member for

13 years 5 months

They are the same, with one exception. If you buy the Garcia plays Dylan, you get the Garcia Plays Dylan Again bonus disc (the same one as the original pre-orders). If you buy the Very Best of Jerry Garcia you also get the More of the Best bonus CD that was also issued with the pre-orders when originally released. But you also get the Twisted Radio waves/Dr. Dimento interview disc. I don't know where that one came from. While supplies last, of course. :) Thanks for posting the link, I just bought myself a present. I'm close to complete on my Dead discs, but missing some significant Jerry stuff.
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Member for

11 years 6 months

Trading 7.5.95 ticket from Archive giveaways, will post a pic if anyone is interested in swapping for another ticket from the recent archive ticket stash giveaway. Gotta love bonus discs, pumped for the next Dave's bonus disc, which now seems to be the one and only per year. The 30 Trips Set really should of had some extra GD nugget, the ticket and pass was a nice touch, but I remember getting some cool stuff when doing pre-orders a while back. I can see why they didn't do a bonus disc for the 30 trips, but a litho of all 4 sides from the box or toss in some other scwhag like keychain, pin, and a few other things would have put that set over the top. Lol It's not too late Rhino !! Send All 30 Trippers some holiday cheer as a Holiday surprise !!
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Member for

9 years 7 months

Yeah, i was mentioning the separation of the instruments, and i particularly enjoyed Keiths work on it and how you can pick him out. Also, Billy at times just brings the jazz drummer in, i never get tired of concentrating on him. cheers
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Member for

9 years 8 months

Listening to the 77 show this morning on the way in to work. Great first set so far. A song that rarely grabs my attention, looks like rain is incredible! Might be my new favorite version other than the pedal steel ones from 72. The harmonizing between Bobby and Donna is pitch perfect, never heard them sound so in sync together. Just blown away by how good this version is. I was driving along and it slowly dawned on me that I was hearing something really, really exceptional. That's what I love about this band, they never fail to surprise me even after all these years, always something new to discover. Happy Friday everybody!
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Member for

17 years 5 months

Alas, the 40th anniversary of the last great GD album came and went quietly his year, thank goodness for the release of a '75 show in the big box. I regard Blues for Allah as the band's 2nd best studio record after Workingman's, so far B4A has not aged faster than my ability to keep on enjoying it. A creative, groovy, weird slice of Grateful Dead...perfect!
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Member for

10 years 6 months

This one climbed the charts quickly for me. Jerry's guitar is so nice and fuzzy and LOUD. I used Roxio to merge Help / Slip / Frank into one track, so it's a triad again. Odd that they split them up, considering they had already played them together on 8/13. So anyway, the fade in and choral ending are nice too. Definitely not your ordinary everyday Tower. Edit - driving along. Truckin' is really nice too, that great guitar tone. I'm ok with the misque on the "sometimes the light" chorus; after a few listens it sounds like it's supposed to be that way. The jam is fantastic - i think it'should Billy on the ride symbol just grooving that shit out and....oh no I'm meelllting...Whole show is special; they sound like they're in a bar using Marshals. I find myself wanting a 3rd set on this one....
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Member for

9 years 8 months

was my first Grateful Dead studio album. I love it! I used to listen to it over and over. This was before I had discovered 'Live" Dead. Once that happened I rarely if ever listened to studio albums again but "Blues" has a special place cause it was my first and as we all know you never forget your first! Great album, very melodic and has a real nice groovy flow throughout. Franklin's Tower is one of my all time favorite songs.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Since it's now Friday and I had not yet gotten a shipping notice I decided to call the 877 number. The nice lady said that they had finally gotten eyes on product yesterday and that it would be shipping soon. I tried to get more specifics but she could only say the product was there and that "soon" on shipping was the best she could say at the moment. Also, she noted that I had picked overnight shipping when I originally ordered in June and offered to refund me the bulk of that because of the delay, so that was nice. Sounds like it should be going out just about any day now.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Hello 30 Trips USB customer, We are pleased to inform you that USB orders are starting to process today, Friday, December 11 and will begin to ship on Monday, December 14. (Yep, finally!) Due to the special handling of these boxes, tracking numbers will be delayed and take an extra day or two to be sent out. You will not be able to locate them via the order status page or by customer service at this time. We appreciate your continued patience. In the spirit of the 50th anniversary and giving back to the fans, we've also included a couple of surprises. Along with your USB, you will find an original Grateful Dead concert ticket and backstage pass. You may also find a "miracle" ticket. Miracle ticket holders will receive a personalized 30 Trips RIAA-certified Gold Record plaque in 2016. To claim your miracle, we'll need you to follow a few simple steps – outlined here – by January 15th, 2016. We'd also like to remind you to keep an eye out for some extra Grateful Dead holiday cheer if you haven't already received it. Enjoy! - The Dead.net Team
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Member for

11 years 6 months

Congrats USB buyers, Rhino has spoken, sending out the Holiday Cheer :) Now if I could get some info on my damaged 30 Trips Box sets
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Member for

11 years 3 months

Did you contact Mary or Dr. Rhino? I had a damaged box and contacted MaryE..she then contacted Dr. Rhino and I received a new box a few weeks ago. I also received 2 new cases to replace 2 that had box cutter marks.
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Member for

11 years 6 months

I thought the CS phone number contact provided would be adequate and able to handle this. As of last communication with CS Representative, they have stated they are out of replacements,, LOL. And from first contact I made with them they stated this would be escalated to Dr. Rhino,, or at least reach his que. I certainly have not heard anything from Dr. Rhino since he was supposedly informed. This has been going on for over a month and with almost no response from the company that sold this product. It was like pulling teeth for them to even get a contact back after I reached out multiple times,, I was told basically at this point I am SOL.
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Member for

10 years

Shipping next week, but wait, that's what they said LAST WEEK, oh, and back in September and October it was "end of October" hate to be all cynical, but I'll believe it when it is in my hand.... and I sure am excited for the old tickets!!
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Member for

13 years 5 months

My box just went back today. Missing discs and this weird syrup like discoloration on a lot of the discs on the back. I called the number and got terrible service. But the email listed got good responses. Very helpful. At least so far. Said they were going to contact Dr. Rhino and send me out a new set. Now, if they said that knowing that they are out of replacements, I'm going to be upset, and I may need MaryE's number as a backup plan. Fingers crossed.
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Member for

11 years 3 months

I contacted customer service 2 or 3 times before contacting MaryE. I got a different answer from each person I talked to. All of them said they would contact Dr. Rhino, but I never heard anything back from them. I then contacted MaryE and in less then 24 hours she got back to me and already had a message from Dr. Rhino saying that he would send a replacement box. Didn't hear anything more for about a week an a half, but after contacting MaryE again, Dr. Rhino sent a message to me saying that the box was shipping the next day. Got the box within a week. I explained the box cutter marks on a couple CD cases in a reply to the e-mail, and about 2 weeks after getting the box I got the replacement CD cases. I don't believe you're SOL. Contact MaryE and explain the problem. She is amazing. http://www.dead.net/member/marye
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Member for

17 years 8 months

....too bad I shot my wad on 30 Trips. Promised myself a break. Y'all enjoy yourselves!!....

Member for

17 years 9 months

Kate, thanks for the tip! One of these has heretofore not been owned by me. I shall limit my shame by not revealing which one (but it's not 8). However, you neglected to mention 26. An absolute must...if not quite the per-disc bargain 14 is.
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Member for

13 years 6 months

1981 now...this box set just continues to blow my mind. So many good shows! my feeling for the past few shows and this one 1976<1977=1978>1979<1980<1981 ...and I agree with everyone else...the vibes on the various threads have been really positive and peaceful...we ARE kind!
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Member for

13 years 5 months

I'm partial to 33 as well!! I wonder if Real Gone will do Road Trips as well, not that they've gone through all the Dick's? That would be a wonderful blow to the ebay gougers. Acousticdisc is also a great place for music as well. I'm a little short on cash after 30 Trips and Fare Thee Well, but maybe I can afford one nugget.
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Member for

9 years 11 months

Just curious - if I put Dave's Picks 1 on ebay at auction for its original price of $28.50, and the bidding brings the final sale price to $300, am I one of the eBay gougers you're referring to?
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Member for

9 years 11 months

Just curious - if I put Dave's Picks 1 on ebay at auction for its original price of $28.50, and the bidding brings the final sale price to $300, am I one of the eBay gougers you're referring to?
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Member for

17 years 8 months

....I say no. I didn't say payday. Also, do yourselves a favor, and spin the GDTRFB from the Providence '78 Trip. Bobby's slide work is actually impressive. The lead in has some country-twang to it that I've never heard before. Another nugget for my collection.....Fuk yeah!!
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13 years 3 months

To Jerry: I say no. It's when you purchase multiple subscriptions with the intent of doing that. Even then that's "Free Enterprise" in action. I can't fault someone for fiscal foresight. To Vguy72 - I've more or less been working my way through the box chronologically. Coincidentally tonight was Providence '78. Keep in mind '78 is my least favorite/go-to year and I was almost dreading having to listen to it. Between DaP15 and this show, I could become a convert. The set list might look lean, but the 2nd set absolutely SMOKES. We're talking potential flames here. Suffice to say I WILL be listening to this again. To My Fellow Heads: I've been out of work on a (so far) 14 month med. leave. I've purchased Boxzilla as well as all 13 Dead/Amazon downloads. For the last 6 months I've been on a 1970 kick and through either Deadbase50 (which I've found many discrepancies and mistakes), Deadlists or a fellow poster's recommendation, I've been downloading all the available tapes (Deadlists has links to Archive.com). I then try and recreate the show. I came across one the other night from the Capitol Theatre in Port Chester, N.Y. on 6/24/70. This was 2 shows/1 night with the Riders. I was able to fully recreate the early show and with the exception of 3 songs from the acoustic set, I was able to recreate the late show. To my ears (no one else will lend me theirs) the 2nd set from the late show should be required listening for all Deadheads. I'm posting the 2nd set since the tapes are a mess. 2nd Set/Late Show 6/24/70: Not Fade Away > Easy Wind (worth the price of admission alone) Me And My Uncle Dark Star > Attics Of My Life > Dark Star > Sugar Magnolia > Dark Star St. Stephen > China Cat Sunflower > I Know You Rider Encore 1: Uncle John's Band Encore 2: Swing Low Sweet Chariot I have to admit, after listening to this I was stunned, even with all the new music I have. Keep in mind if you try and recreate the show or even listen to it, the tapes are a mess. I pieced everything together with Deadlists. I'll sign off for now and apologize for being so long-winded.
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13 years 4 months

Has anyone else purchased the Dead/Amazon downloads? Your opinion(s)?
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12 years 4 months

Dave - I've purchased all the download series from amazon, works fine, once you buy it, it's always backedup on their site. You may even be able to go to their site and play the stuff. So if you were out of town and wanted to listen to something it would be there. Note - When I checked my stuff after this, found I didn't have download series 1 and my copy from the archive is a so-so audience. Went to purchase download from them and it hung. Worked with amazon and something is wrong on their end (all the download stuff is hanging, not just dead). He sent request to support and they will get back to me. Extra side note - I'm a big amazon buyer of music, while working with this guy this morning, he had me go to search bar on amazon site and type in "free music" and bang a load of stuff came up. They have albums you can download FREE! I never knew this. I don't know about you, but free is fine. I don't care if it's the greatest hits of armpit music, if they're giving it away free, I'm taking. You might want to check out.
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17 years 8 months

Well, I just received a text from DHL here in the UK, asking me to pay £102 VAT/Duty on a shipment.When I went on to the DHL tracking the package detail originates from Van Nuys, CA, and was raised on Friday 11th, so I'm hoping this is the USB. I will contact DHL tomorrow to make sure it's genuine.
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14 years 1 month

If you haven't heard this one in a while, break it out. Not only do the big jams smoke, the shorter tunes do too. Just check out the playing on that Loser. Very happy that the USB folks should start getting the goods soon. Hopefully discussion of the individual shows from 30 Trips will start over gain with renewed enthusiasm!
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9 years 5 months

Talk about coincidence, I purchased this just last night on Amazon along with DP 13 after I found a gift card on my dresser from last year! Sounds like l made a good call!
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Member for

17 years 8 months

....amen Dave, amen....that second set is a scorcher imo. That May '78 eastern swing features the "growling" that all the members took part in, even Donna. Prominent in DP 25, it continues this night. Not usually one to get off on Samson, this one is on fire right out of the gate. A sweet extended intro features some nice rolls by Keith, then here come the growls. Grate version. It bobs up and down like a bottle in the ocean wonderfully. Then the bottle floats up next to a Ship Of Fools. The perfect ying to Samson's yang. Jerry's growling again. One of the most "rocking" Ships I've heard. The vocal exaggerations in May '78 are unlike any other in their history to me. The Estimated -> Eyes continues the trend. Perfect tone from Bobby, although the Eyes is a bit too fast paced. I like the slower ones personally, but the band is flexing their rock and roll muscles that year, so I roll with it. Rhythm Devils (not Drumz) gets primal yet again. I'm talking to you DaP 7 & 15 and DP 25. Are those trash can lids being beat on!! NFA is birthed from the cacophony with attitude and style. I love the '78 NFA's. As I mentioned on an earlier post, the GDTRFB is Dead country-rock at it's finest. Fave version. Towards the end, Jerry and Bobby seem to have a contest as to who could be louder. Mission accomplished. The proceed to end the set with a rousing Around & Around. Rocking until the end. Ballad encore? Yeah right....US Blues ties up the set with a bouncing bow. ....to say this set surprised me is an understatement. On paper it looks ho-hum, but with the receiver cranked to 48, it's anything but. I played it back to back even, to make sure my ears heard it correctly. And they did.....Get Some!!!....
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9 years 9 months

where does this groove come from ? I want mor of this.....anyone got an idea ?
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17 years 8 months

19671970 1976 1978!! 1983 Sorry 1991. You got bumped. This list could change tomorrow btw....I haven't spun Waterbury or Copps recently....
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13 years 3 months

As 30 Trips break, been groovin to 12/11/72. Great Stuff! Im on 83 now. The 82 Manor Downs show is a scorcher! I havent heard a disappointing Scarlet>Fire yet in this box! Nor has there been a disappointing show! 83 is great too! The first set rocks with CC Rider(Jams!) and Cassidy standing out! Cassidy is a great tune and Donna or Brent do a great job backing it up! Just starting the 2nd set with football on in the background! Also imbibing a couple Southern Tier 2XMAS to boot! ;)...gotta love the XMas brews! Take Care folks!
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Member for

10 years 7 months

DaP 15 is an outstanding show with many contenders for "best ever" tracks. DP 22 is quite nice too. If it had come out any other year it would get talked about much more. Very nice Bird Song and some great jamming in China Cat Sunrider.
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13 years 8 months

I wholeheartedly agree on '77 Brown Eyed Womens. They really cleaned it up and got tight with it in '77. There's a few really good versions in '78 too. My personal favorite is on Dicks Picks 18, Feb 3rd, '78 at the Dane County Coliseum. The one from Normal a couple months later is quite good also. _______________ On a separate not, its good to see Yoda back on these boards. If there was ever anyone from that series that I would like to party with.. its Yoda (and perhaps Jar Jar Binks as you can tell he knows where the really good stuff can be had).
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13 years 4 months

To Vguy72: your assessment of the '78 show couldn't be more accurate. I've listened to it 4times since Friday and am still amazed I'm listening to a '78 show. There are hints of what's to come in the 1st set with 'Big River', 'Brown-Eyed Women', and 'Let It Grow'. I haven't listened to the whole box yet, but I'm predicting this will wind up in my Top 5 as well. To Dennis Wilmont: I didn't know there was a 2nd download series…tell me more. I'm sorry to hear you're having problems with the recent downloads but thanks for telling me about the 'Free Music' option. The word 'Free" always gets my attention. To wjonjd & NWScarletFireGuy: DP23 (9/17/72) taken along with DaP14 (3/26/72), DP30 (3/28/72), all of E72, DP36 (9/21/72) and DP11 (9/27/72) show these guys & gal were absolutely unstoppable.
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Member for

10 years 7 months

Since someone mentioned it, I'll say - I love the unusual arrangement of Brown-Eyed Women. The solo occurs early in the song, just after the first chorus and before the bridge. Originally, Jerry played the solo for one bar; then he extended it to two bars by 1976; and then at some point in May of '77, he stretched it out to three bars - and the old man never was the same again. He never played a solo the same way twice, so there were many nights when he "just" sounded great; but there were some nights when he blew the doors right off the hinges. On those nights, he managed to build the intensity with each bar, by playing faster, louder, and moving up in octave; and then he would sometimes finish it with chord flourishes that just melt your face right off (assuming you have it turned up all the way). I first noticed the magic on Dick's Picks 29, and then I found a couple more really hot ones in Dave's Picks 1 and 12. So the dates are 5/21, 5/25, and 11/4.
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11 years 3 months

FYI - You can also purchase the download series (and some Dick Pick's) in better quality than MP3 on livedownloads.com
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