• 882 replies
    In one of the other topics, one of the folks seemed not to be so sure of the reception he'd get for saying he was a youth minister at his church. In my experience, Deadheads span the full spectrum from Agnostic to Zoroastrian. I've met atheist Deadheads, Muslim Deadheads, Buddhist Deadheads, Catholic Deadheads, Jewish Deadheads, and Wiccan Deadheads. My Deadhead friends are all over the map on this stuff, and as far as I'm concerned one of the real richnesses of the scene is the ability to see how things look to other folks and, sometimes, experience it from their world. Believe it if you need it, if you don't, just pass it on. But talk about it here, and please maintain a safe respectful place to do so.


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  • Oroboros
    thanks to all
    for this wonderful thread. I have been energized by this dialogue and awestruck at the wonderful stories and perspectives shared. I appreciate you all helping me slow down. It has been tough getting back in balance since those wonderful 10KLF shows and suddenly back in the workaday world, but "a little bit further, a little bit more, a little bit further than you gone before".... ..Take care.............
  • marye
    I also note in passing
    that I can pinpoint my conversion moment quite precisely to "if I knew the way, I would take you home" in that particular Ripple. I'd never heard the song. I'd never been to a Dead show. I was torn between being tickled that there were still hippies in 1980 and a little unnerved by some of the weirder aspects. And here was this whole hall of people intensely focused on this one guy singing, thousands of people clapping in time and singing along, and the guy's response to having all that power was "if I knew the way I would take you home." That was pretty much it for me.
  • marye
    I note in passing...
    that I am not so drawn to gnosticism or dualism in general. But that's me.
  • grdaed73
    thats spooky marye!
    as i was just about to post this in reference to that incredible little yawn! and see a new post and read your reference to this song... chillsRipple in still water When there is no pebble tossed Nor wind to blow peace tc
  • marye
    I'm rusty on this stuff
    if you'd asked me in 1972 I could have given you chapter and verse, but I've lost quite a few brain cells since then. But I too have always found it a little off-putting, standing outside the confines of my ancestral religion, that the Bible as we know it is the product of assorted gatherings, the first of which was long after the death of anyone who'd been there for the primary experience, deciding amongst themselves, this book's in, this one's out. Now there's some that believe that process was driven by divine guidance; to me it seems equally possible that it was driven by some human agenda of the time. For that matter I recall that it was somewhat controversial when St. Jerome translated the Bible into a language most people of the time could read. (Of course I also recall my old theology professor regaling the class with the Gospel of Thomas, I think it was, having the child Jesus striking the neighborhood bullies dead for teasing him, as an example for why some of those books fell out of the canon.) So I think the gnostic gospels are out because somebody didn't like 'em, fundamentally. That's humans for you. It's also pretty inevitable with religions; humans are involved. I well remember back in 1983 startling Gans (whom I had only recently met) considerably with a long screed on how the transition from Jesus to St. Paul to St. Augie was certainly not a pretty one and it was incumbent on all of us who were around for the primary GD experience to document the primary experience as comprehensively as possible so the revisionists who came after wouldn't be able to redefine it to suit themselves. Because there was never any doubt in my mind from the moment of Ripple on 12/31/80, my first show, that that was what we were dealing with, a primary religious experience. And I've said it before, there's a pretty good case to be made that the guys' greatest achievement was NOT turning it into a church. My hat is off to them every day for that.
  • TigerLilly
    That is just a very normal difference of opinion
    Peakin. No stress, no controversy, but I believe that if one is trying to live by the gospels, then one should try to live by all of them-and not just the "accepted" or "non-censored" ones. If you believe in the Gospels-these should be no different. These women knew Jesus as well, and their versions are JUST as viable as those of the men, if you ask me.********************************** Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you will still exist, but you have ceased to live. Samuel Clemens
  • Hal R
    peakin - thanks
    Glad that you were not offended, that is not what I was trying to do, your "yawn" just raised some questions that I have had over the years with Christianity and much of organized religion. Funny how one word can start a whole, very interesting discussion. And a reminder once again that with email or the web we do not see the facial expression and know exactly what the other person is saying. Peace to you too. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
  • starsleeper
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    My "yawn" wasn't from intolerance. I love you all and don't think I'm better than anyone else. I just didn't see how gnostic gospels have anything to do with the ones I try, and sometimes fail, to live by. Anyway, I loved reading all your thoughts! Peace
  • BobbaLee
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    Thank you for the nice comments.There was an interesting post where the words "Practice ,practice practice" are used. How true. Let me expand a little bit. Not to delve into my private life a whole lot I am a typical "A" personality. Lots of to-do lists,wanting to be in charge, setting goals and constantly monitoring my progress or lack of progress. being as my wife said the General of my world. She as a psychologist has really opened my mind to the work of Jon Kabat -Zinn of UMass School of Medicine. His work on Mindfulness Meditation has been a big help. Mindfulness is a 2500 year old Buddhist meditative technique. It helps you strengthen your moment to moment non-judgmental awareness. The classic example is =When you are in the shower are you really in the shower? or are you obsessing about a problem or work or school? Let go and feel the water on your body. It requires a lot of practice. Practice Practice Practice I don't think it is a coincidence I discovered the Grateful Dead at the same time. The music is in the moment and it can be a wonderful communal event. I wonder if the guys knew that 30-20 years after they were playing something it would still be really effecting people? And the road goes on forever.... BobbaLee
  • TigerLilly
    Indeed Bobba
    A very beautiful story. Must have been an incredible moment. And how you told it, can imagine it very well. Also ABSOLUTELY pkpotter. This thread is flowing in a most fascinating way. People discussing their religious thoughts, questions, and beliefs in an open-minded and sharing manner. In a way is a religious experience in itself-we're making an example that a few others out there in the bigger world could heed. Respect for thoughts and freedom to speak-would all be better off if outside deadnet were as peaceful on this topic is going.********************************** Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you will still exist, but you have ceased to live. Samuel Clemens
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17 years 4 months
In one of the other topics, one of the folks seemed not to be so sure of the reception he'd get for saying he was a youth minister at his church. In my experience, Deadheads span the full spectrum from Agnostic to Zoroastrian. I've met atheist Deadheads, Muslim Deadheads, Buddhist Deadheads, Catholic Deadheads, Jewish Deadheads, and Wiccan Deadheads. My Deadhead friends are all over the map on this stuff, and as far as I'm concerned one of the real richnesses of the scene is the ability to see how things look to other folks and, sometimes, experience it from their world. Believe it if you need it, if you don't, just pass it on. But talk about it here, and please maintain a safe respectful place to do so.
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13 years 6 months

Hey, great name there brother-sister.I hope that one of the enduring legacies of Fare Thee Well is that no one has to treat being a Deadhead as a contradiction to any other aspect of their life. When more non-Heads realize how many Head have been living in their midst all these years, they might start to recognize the common traits in them.
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13 years 6 months

The blue moon this weekend makes me look back.: 5 young adults in my extended family went to FTW there with their Deadhead parents (not exactly dragged there). Each came away ready to confess: There is NOTHING like a Grateful Dead concert. The full sensory immersion, plus the overflowing love, peace and harmony shown by everyone there, did much more than would any amount of listening to recordings. But full credit to the band, to continue to experiment and innovate, to improvise new music in front of a massive crowd which did have its skeptics. Morgan40, I read the article you link below. There is unquestionably a message of hope and redemption running through the Dead music, but it would be too much to say that it is only draws on Biblical influences (which I know you did not). In the same way, I would not want anyone to think that my avatar implies I see a unique link between my faith and Dead-ism. That’s not any more true of my stealie than someone who inserts their favorite team logo on the Face.
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9 years 4 months

what`s your religion. Music takes your spirit and gives you wings so you can soar upt to heaven if you want to.I`m very grateful to the spirits that my baby-grandson , born July 31 - two days ago - is healthy and so beautiful........
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9 years 2 months

amen, amen. Thanks for your note, Graceful Dead. I feel very blessed by the Fare Thee Well event. I was fortunate enough to fly into the states and attend the last night. It was a bit sad to say good-bye, but really i feel like the music means as much to us now, and can lead us to shine our love lights into the future. Know our love will not fade away. Hey, btw... did you happen to see the following article??? http://www.patheos.com/blogs/religionnow/2015/07/once-in-a-while-you-ge… Peace be with you and yours, a sister down under
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16 years 11 months

Turn around and I'll be there like a road leading home.We are everywhere⚡️
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16 years 11 months

Heard Phil yell that after Box of Rain encore 12-18-93 Oakland col. Great show!!
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15 years 11 months

I'm In Adelaide. I was lucky enough to see both Santa Clara shows. It was bittersweet saying goodbye to the guys as a group, but we can't say goodbye to the Music. What they started 50 years ago is still evolving, and will continue to as the legitimate genre it has become. Thanks, Guys! See you at Bluesfest, loveandpeace (Sat Tedesci Trucks, Lucas Nelson and Promise of the Real, and Joe Bonnamassa)
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9 years 2 months

I'm in Melbourne. We're an American family with three children, who came here four years ago. I was blessed to attend the last night in Chicago... my original hometown. It was a beautiful night, spent with folks from tour 20+ years ago. I have to admit that i felt both inspired and sad after the shows. The spirit of the shows lingered for weeks and i was completely blown away by how the music and the vibe of a show was just as relevant and important for me now, as it was back then. In fact, it felt like it had just been too, too long. We need that music, and i think you are right... it's so important, that it will evolve and stay alive. anyways... i'll have the check out bluesfest. Any music suggestions are welcome, as i haven't got a clue down here. Peace be with you and yours, jennifer
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13 years 6 months

Three observations about the infectious lilt that is the pace of Grateful Dead music (and that gives Deadheads their characteristic walk while listening to Jehovah's favorite choir). John Mayer said that the pace of Dead music made him notice how different it was from "everything ..processed and quantized and gridded out – to hear 'Tennessee Jed' played with that lope.." And in Kreutzman's recent interviews he stated that one of the main lessons he learned from Garcia about music was to play "a really full four beats. Don't rush to the end of the bar". Finally, learning that the St. Louis Cardinals and Cincinnati Reds have joined the Giants in planning Grateful Dead nights (thanks for the tip from Holly Hiker), makes me speculate that a steady, measured pace of things might make for more overlap between Dead fans and baseball fans than there is with football fans. I'm runnin', but I take my time.
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13 years 6 months

You know who I mean. For their unrivaled track record of creativity and innovation, continuing even today, in light and sound. For the highest level of musicianship, sustained over many decades. For the breadth and durability of their own songbook. For their lively and invigorating interpretation of the traditional American songbook. And of course the testimony of the fan base, who the word "loyal" does not begin to describe. No other band has ever had anything like that following, neither in their heyday nor continuing so long, long after.
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13 years 6 months

A mighty giant had laid down to join his ancestors. But he fell across the trail in the Pacific rain forest that we were hiking on. The forest service cut the tree to re-open the path, and left the fresh face of the trunk at about eye level, leaning up the hill side where it fell. The outer edge of the bark was a deep rust color, and the color had been seeping down in the month or so since it fell. In successive rings, though, the inner core had brighter and brighter tones, until the central core was virtually white. And centered there was a pattern that resembled a tree in outline, with a great canopy spread above the center point, and a vast root system below. At the well spring of life for that large creature was the very idea of Tree, the Form of what each tree of its kind should be. Though this particular embodiment of that concept was now to begin its very prolonged decay, it is succeeded by many, many others which sprang from the same source. Or maybe I am projecting my feelings about my father in his decline.
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17 years 3 months

Sounds like compassion ,pouring out of the pores. Very Beautiful, THANK YOU ,GOD BLESS .
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17 years 3 months

Going thought some hard times ,same as everybody else ,just looking around,man its a different world,been sleepin,lol lol ,wake up tomarrow ,[spellings bad]lol.PEACE.
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13 years 6 months

I do hope that what sounded like a very good night for you did not turn in to a bad day come morning.
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17 years 3 months

All is Good,All is Well,opened up a couple more doors, Thanks for Asking, Hows things on your end?
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13 years 6 months

Thanks for asking, 1973. My Dad died two weeks ago; myself and my siblings were at his side, trying to comfort his passage. We can always wish that the inevitable will be put off a little longer, but his very long, very fruitful life had finally run its course. All of his 15 young adult grandchildren participated in his funeral (and two great-grandchildren delighted the very large crowd that gathered). One grandson did him proud, and moved everyone in attendance, by reading a passage from Saul of Tarsus: "Keep on doing the things that you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, and the God of peace will be with you." What more could you want?
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13 years 7 months

Very sorry for your loss.....it is never easy.....it sounds like your dads memory was honored and will continue to be.
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9 years 3 months

I'm sorry. May God's peace be with you and your family. What God did in Saul's life, renaming him Paul, is amazing. HE can change us all one person at a time.
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17 years 3 months

Im truly sorry for your loss,Saul to Paul,WoW, Strenth,Love,God Bless...
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17 years 3 months

Prayers With You ...
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17 years 3 months

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to All!!!
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17 years 3 months

Thank You !!!
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13 years 6 months

It is my impression that a high percentage of Dead Heads are 5-for-5 on the beliefs that William James lists in his 1902 book "The Varieties of Religious Experience: A Study in Human Nature" as the "characteristics of religious life": 1. That the visible world is part of a more spiritual universe from which it draws its chief significance; 2. That union or harmonious relation with that higher universe is our true end; 3. That prayer or inner communion with the spirit thereof—be that spirit 'God' or 'law'—is a process wherein work is really done, and spiritual energy flows in and produces effects, psychological or material, within the phenomenal world. 4. A new zest which adds itself like a gift to life, and takes the form either of lyrical enchantment or of appeal to earnestness and heroism. 5. An assurance of safety and a temper of peace, and, in relation to others, a preponderance of loving affections.
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13 years 7 months

Tom you hit the nail on the head, those words ring true here. glad that you are enjoying your new musical stash.... please pay it forward...