• 1,335 replies
    Got ideas for how things should be run differently in the Vineyard? Improvements? Suggestions? Brainstorms? Truckloads of fertilizer? Post here.,On the floor at MSG... one perfect song after another...and we were beyond elated with disbelief and gratitude. This was truely a fantasy set list and, in my opinion, the best of my 8 show run.


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  • cosmicbadger
    no offence taken
    I agree Stuman. Vista sucks. Lets hope Windows 7 will be better now that we have all paid to debug Vista for them. It may be worth avoiding the built in burner and instead use a separate (and free) burning programme such as Burn4Free
  • stuman
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    vista and xp compatability
    First thing , no offence to vist users but umm vista sucks . thats just my opinion of course. From time to time discs burned with vista are not compatible with xp systmes . so here is what my wife has to do everytime she burns a disc for me . " First go to my computer - click on open it will say "burn a disc" disc title she has to leave blank - just leave the date there or it will not burn correctly - there is a "show formating options" with an arrow button , click on it then click -mastered- then drag and drop - then click burn to disc. " Now i dunno if all vista systmes are like this but thats how my wife has to do it . I hope this helps .. Take care and I hope everyone has a super nice day !! Stu ..
  • pomo1
    "Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence."Albert Einstein
  • Exploratory Da…
    As of August 21, the viner known as Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) has changed his name officially to Exploratory Data Analysis Dead (EDAD). We are sorry for any incovenience this may cause.
  • Ursa Minor
    Ok, I'll ring in on the debate...
    Like many here I remember the days of analog and the introduction to digital. I will say after being immersed in digital since the mid 80's and up until about a year ago, I've made the swtich back to analog format. What I mean is I prefer analog for many reasons. Of course, I don't have all these shows on cassette , reels and LP anymore; I have my share of CD's, DATs, DVDs and HD's, but I now employ a complete analog system. I use a Dynaco ST-70 tube amp and a Dynaco PAS-2 tube preamp. I also use my Revox A-77 reel to reel, Thorens TD-125 mk II turntable with the Shure SME 3009 R2 tone arm, and I've got a Yamaha KX-630 tape deck. I've also got a Sony DAT ZA5ES. I'm using a assortment of speakers from Bose 301 series II mid 80's, Altec late 70's bookshelfs, and finally getting some Klipsch La Scalla's from mid 80's. I use a regular commericial Sony CD player but use a "cheap" but effective digital to analog converter that uses a Burr Brown PCM-1716 chip. I use the digital out from the CD player into the DA converter...so there is only one conversion to analog. What I'm saying is this: old debate of digital is compressed anyway in comparison to a nice master reel, well pressed LP. Of course, digital get's better when the sample rate is higher and the resolution increases. However, I still will contend after years of using digital professionally as a studio engineer and as a musician has it's advantages greatly, but I still rather fancy the sound of analog better. As for the archive , it's simply that a resource library of digital material. One thing for sure is that digital is THE way for mass producing and distributing music. However, just last year the greatest increase in sales was in vinyl records that are being pressed by re-issues of older recordings or new releases by artists who relish analog formats. by the way, you can still get the digital SBD stuff via stream if you really want to work at it you get a digital s/pdif output from your computer via the USB - take that feed and go digital into a either another HD or DAT - then you can input that into some editing software splice the gaps, it won't be bit for bit, but it will be marginal digital quality... Ursa Minor http://www.myspace.com/donnieloeffler "the warm wet world of analog audio"
  • cosmicbadger
    Lossless DL from Archive
    For GD shows you can only do this for Audience recordings. Soundboards may only be streamed. Go for example to http://www.archive.org/details/gd1975-06-17.aud.unknown.87560.flac16 Scroll down the page to the heading Individual Files. You will see a whole table of files and formats. The first column is headed FLAC. Click on each file to DL it. Tedious but it works. If you DL the Down'em all plug in for Firefox you can DL all the FLACs in one go and save a lot of bother. Other Artists let you DL FLACs of Soundboards, including David Gans http://www.archive.org/details/DG20030420.flac16
  • stuman
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    I agree with you
    Hey we have to have somthing to talk about , lol .. And I agree with the rest of what you said CB. You said we can download flac from the archives site ? that one is still a mystery to me . maybe I`m doing something wrong there . And yes we should purchase some offical releases when we can , and I do that when my credit card allows me to do so ..
  • cosmicbadger
    Archive ramble
    Perhaps it is better not to think of The Archive as a trading site, but as a permanent online library. It is like a massive stored music collection that belongs to everyone. So downloading a file as an MP3 from the Archive is like making an MP3 from your own losslessly stored music collection. So long as the FLAC/SHN files remain permanently on the Archive in unaltered state, then anyone can always go back there and guarantee to get the best possible version. It is a matter of honesty and trust that people do not upload files to the Archive that have a misrepresented lineage. And there are people out there who will soon detect an MP3 generation in a file by looking at the frequency range. By withdrawing permission for making Soundboards downloadable from the Archive the Dead helped create all this muddle over formats etc. If we all knew that the best quality shows were permanently stored and available 24/7 on our behalf in the best available (ideally lossless) format, then many of these discussions would not be taking place and the trading and torrenting sites we use might not exist in their current forms. But what then would we all have to talk about? Of course the Dead had reasons for doing what they did. There is the issue of intellectual property of their works (important to any artist) and, naturally, money (Blair Jackson has reported here that the Archive virtually killed off sales of the later Dicks Picks releases). So now it is a bit harder and more confusing to get all the shows we want as easily as we want, but it is not really that much hassle. And we should not forget just what an act of tolerance and generosity it is that this site tolerates open trading of shows that are not officially released. One way of saying thanks is to try to buy at least some of the official releases. It would be interesting to know how the sales of the these are holding up, given that fact that, despite the Archive restrictions, most of the shows are still quite easy to obtain.
  • stuman
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    WAV has loss too
    I recentley been listening to a show in flac format via Foobar 2K. I then converted that show to WAV so i could burn it to disc , well it sounds way different to me ..the high`s and lows are cut down and it dos`nt have that punch you in the face feel to it anymore . I`m glad i save everything in flac mode .. Now I have been working in the mechanical services industry all my life ie, cars, trucks, small engines ,motor cycles, so I have a pretty good ear for sound . I can hear a bolt rattling loose on my Harley when i`m going down the road at 80 mph. plus I did own a small electronics repair shop for a little bit ( that was more just a hobby actually ) so I`m familliar with osciloscopes and how sound waves look and sound like .I built speach prossesors for cb radios that compressed the highs to make cb raidios sound like they had more power then they actually did , by increasing the sound modulation.. I`m suprised I can hear like that at my age , lol .. So with the help of CB and Rick I discovered the foobar programand nothing sounds as good as shn/flac , not wav not mp3 not any of the popular formats.. Now getting back to the LL web site , if it is not permited to seed from a mp3 converted to flac then why is there a link to the archives site for a some of those shows ? I mean anyone can create a flac file . I have a tape to pc converting program so i can archive my personal tapes to my pc then burn to disc. now with that progran and that tape deck I can record any streaming audio then send it back through my antique EQ then back into my pc make needed changes , create the text document , use traders little helper to create the md5 checksum and then create the flac files . And the end product is somthing that sounds better then the original audio .. I know there was somthing else i wanted to say but i can`t remember it now .. Anyway , I hope everyone has a most excelent day !!
  • Lopezz
    No, wav files are lossless
    But they are not compressed. And you can copy an mp3 from one folder to another and not lose any information, It's just in editing software. Of course when the mp3 was originaly made it lost the info on the high and low end of the song to make it smaller. But you can copy an mp3 to another computer or disc as an mp3 and it remains the same file. If you want to see some generation loss try this. Convert some mp3's to wav and burn cd with them. Then take that cd and convert the wav files back to mp3 and compare to the original mp3s.
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17 years 9 months
Got ideas for how things should be run differently in the Vineyard? Improvements? Suggestions? Brainstorms? Truckloads of fertilizer? Post here.,On the floor at MSG... one perfect song after another...and we were beyond elated with disbelief and gratitude. This was truely a fantasy set list and, in my opinion, the best of my 8 show run.
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16 years 11 months

Organization comes to the chaos "In a bed, in a bed, by the waterside I will lay my head. Listen to the river sing sweet songs, to rock my soul."
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16 years 10 months

Is this our new rant n' rave home? After becoming fully flacable today, I feel like the chains of slavery have fallen off.
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16 years 2 months

The Rant n' Rave Room - I like that name... Hey its a good thing to vent sometimes! Let it all out! "Escaping through the lily fields, I came across an empty space. It rainbow then exploded, left a bus stop in its place. The bus come by and I got on, thats when it all began. It was Cowboy Neal at the wheel of the bus to never ever land"
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16 years 2 months

To pick up where this left off in the new vines thread, the length of the turn around I feel is not as important as communicating what's up with it. Shit happens but let the other folks know. I am waiting on 2 vines, one a month and a half and the other three weeks.
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17 years 7 months

well i am fairly new here...and after reading all the post i must say the only problem i see is lack of communication..i agree that we should pm the person before sending them a vine to make sure they are still around....i think we should wait like a week before passing some one cause life happens and when it happens the last thing on peoples mind is oh hey i need to post... that being saidthanks dstach for all your work and the other ones ( i am realy bad with names) i hope mark in the dark is ok...after i signed up for my first vine he pm me letting me know what was the proper way to do things around here.....positive vibes go out to him where ever he is
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17 years 9 months

I admit it, I'm worried about MITD also.
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16 years 2 months

I know. All the things I can think of what possibly happened aren't real good. Im trying to think positive though. Maybe he just wanted to get away... "Escaping through the lily fields, I came across an empty space. It rainbow then exploded, left a bus stop in its place. The bus come by and I got on, thats when it all began. It was Cowboy Neal at the wheel of the bus to never ever land"
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17 years 8 months

Yep, I'm concerned too. I even went so far as to try and do some basic internet sleuthing to see if I could get any google/dogpile hits for Mark Stanfield in the Louisville, KY area. "when life looks like easy street, there is danger at your door"
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17 years 9 months

to re-seed some of the vines that have crashed. Should we re-post Dstache's list in this topic and people can try to solve the issues, whether by re-seeding or prompting people or however? In other words, do we need a separate "stalled vine" topic, or just do it here? I also believe that it would be appropriate for persons other than the original seeders to re-seed where feasible. The original seeders have already gone through the expense and time of planting, and others should help to get the vines re-growing. Just my opinion. Thanks again for everyone's input and effort. If anyone hears from MitD, please let us know. "One watch by night, one watch by day If you get confused, listen to the music play"
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17 years 6 months

I think we should do all the vine stalling discussions here. Feel free to copy and paste my detective work here, Pomo. I agree re: the reseeding, especially for SHN/FLAC. With WAV though, it's one more generation away from the original so it isn't ideal.
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17 years 9 months

thanks again and congratulations on the proper use of the word "perusal." After an exhaustive, and exhausting, perusal of all the Grateful Dead and JGB (and LOM, and Recon, etc) vines, but NOT vines for other bands or even the current incarnation of the boys, here is what I have: (1) For all the trouble we seem to be having, this is an AWESOME place. The MAJORITY of vines are either still alive or have died a natural death, i.e., the last person on the list received it and no one signed up after. My collection has grown by leaps and bounds because of the vineyard. Let's be grateful for what we have. It reminds me of the saying that democracy is the worst form of government, except for every other kind. Sure, we have problems, but all in all this may be the best place for Heads on the internet. (2) Communication is the key. Going through the vines, I noticed the lack of communication. It is difficult to figure out on some of them where the vine died. Post often, post when you receive the vine, post when you mail it out and to whom mailed it. (3) Although I initially disagreed with the recommendation, I now agree that we should PM the person after us, both to confirm they are still active and their address. (4) Emergencies happen. We need to be patient with that. Just let us know and we will be. As we all know, Hal has a family illness. He has a few vines and I am sure we all want him to take whatever time he needs. (5) As I said, sometimes it isn't clear, but when your name appears numerous times it is tough to give you the benefit of the doubt. For example, if 3 different people say they mailed you 3 different vines, and none of the vines turn up again, it is difficult to blame the mail (it DOES happen, but NOT to the same person that many times). (6) The bad guys. No doubt about these characters. They are the Bermuda Triangle of viners. DO NOT SEND THEM ANY MORE VINES UNTIL THEY CLEAR THINGS UP WITH THE COMMUNITY. Do not just send them a PM and ask if they are active; they have caused too many vines to disappear for that. They are vine killers. They have killed before, and they will kill again. (a) Chinacat503 appears to have killed at least 3 vines (Nov 72, Eurovines # 4 & # 5). (b) Markinthedark, once a great viner, appears to have absconded with at least 6 vines (KPFA, Maples 2/9/73, Flac Me Flac You, 12/27/77, Early Stuff Vol 1, 3 and Augusta 10/12/84); (c) gratefulmikes appears to have killed at least 8 vines (funiculi funicula, 93 by request, Legion of Mary, Winterland June 77, NYE 83, Summer 82, Greek 84 and LOM Mystery). NOTE THAT he is signed up to soon receive Europe 74 so heads up birdsong1969nj and Jimbo (unclear who has it right now)!!!! He may also have killed Red Rocks 9/8/83 (or Deadhead Ben never sent it to him) (d) Day Glo Louisville appears to have killed at least 4 vines (Eurovine Acoustic, Garcia/Saunders 73, March 28,31/73, Jerry solo 4/10/82). He is also an interesting person in the Garcia Party disappearance; (e) j.straw (NOT to be confused with jackstrawfromcolorado) seems to have disappeared with at least 5vines (Lewiston 9/6/80, Beacon 6/14/76, Fox 85, 3 from 82 and Hampton 89 reseed) (f) canyon critter seems to have killed at least 4 vines (Acid Test, 1985 vine, History Buffs, and Fillmore East 9/20/70); (g) PAPPYPGH appears to have killed at least 3 vines (Hampton/Harrisburg...84, 2/17/82, JGB 1977 Part 2, Silver Stadium 6/30/88), not to mention the Fall 79 Part 1.5 Rhino fiasco (either Pappy or Solix killed this one, tough to tell who). Pappy also should have recently received the Spring 88 parts 1 and 2 vines (Stephen in PA sent them on 5/28). Finally, he is up soon on More May 77 and JGB Keystone 12/21/79 (DON'T SEND THEM TO HIM!!!!) (7) Guys who have a little explaining to do. I am not sure here whether they have commited multiple vine slayings, or were just irepeatedly n the wrong place at the wrong time. These guys should explain to the community what happened before being welcomed back, but any old explanation will do. (a) Sakparadise is a suspect in at least 2 vine kills (Glen Falls 82, Fall 79 Part 2) and there are some questions about 2 other vines. Sakparadise posted on 4/29 that he would mail out the March 90 vine to Row Timmy. The vine has not been seen since. On 5/20 jackstrawfromcolorado, the good jack straw, posted the he would mail the Pink Floyd vine to sakparadise. That vine hasn't been seen since. It hasn't been that long for Pink Floyd (it was my vine, that is why I looked it up) so it may be ok, and Row Timmy has his issues so it may have been him on March 90. (b) Row Timmy was apparently involved in a couple of mysterious vine disappearances. March 90 discussed above and 3 from 75, which PKpotter said he mailed to Row Timmy on 9/12/08. (c) Brother Tom is suspected in 2 vine slayings. Solix said he mailed Cream Filling 73 to our holy friend. Brother Tom was the last person to receive Matrix Volume 1, and it wasn't until 2months later that anyone else signed up, but he doesn't seem to have passed it on. (d) Deadheadben seems to have slayed the infant Cleveland Convention Center 12/06/73, before it had much of a chance to travel the country. Either he or grateful mikes killed Red Rocks 9/8/83. And either he or Hard To Handle killed Sante Fe 83. (8) Guys who had minor hiccups [hopefully) (a) my friend Dave C was the last to have Early 69 (shoot, don’t know what volume this was, sorry) (posted 5/13) and should have received Early Stuff Vol 2 (unclejon posted on 5/20 that he mailed it out). Dave C posted that he had computer problems. I am sure he either sent these vines on and didn’t post (here, another call for communicating, post often) or is resolving his computer problems and will soon send them on. Ejjd is next on Early 69 and Jake R on Early Stuff Vol 2. (b) Darkstar1971 (aka Estimatedprophet 1971) rides the rails quite often. I think he is an engineer, the kind you think of when you are kid (a train engineer) but never meet. Hal posted on 3/19 that he mailed DarkStar1971 Fall 77 Part 2. No word since. DarkStar1971 was the last to have Orpheum 7/12/76, pisting on 4/20. Pomo1 is next for Orpheum. (9) Specific vines not mentioned above, many probably involved miscommunications. If you are involved here and can help resolve, please do. You don’t even need an excuse here, just a “I never got it” or “I sent it out” or even a “sorry” will suffice. (a) 3/28/81: Benny Jakes stalled this one for 3 months but eventually passed it on to On The Road Again, who apparently killed it. (b) Felt Forum 1971: greatfullygrateful was the last to post having it, said he had a family emergency, never posted having sent it on to Arkdeadhead. © Repatriation 1971: Fluffhead420 posted on 4/8/09. He was last in line. 3 weeks later Jake R and dpwstldeadfan signed up. No word on where this vine is. (d) Eurovine # 1: Dead Man Telling Tales posted on 4/20. He was last in line. Jake R and others signed up later. Now word on where this vine is. (e) Keith’s First Few Months: dpwstldeadfan posted on 5/6. Only Gr8tful Ted is signed up after. He may have received it and not posted. (f) Valentine’s Day: fluffhead420 posted on 3/9. He was last in line. Lord Monkey and Jake R signed up after. No word on where this vine is. (g) MSG 93 Part 2: Tommo posted on 3/24 that he sent it to Toddsnc. No word since. (h) Jai Alai 74: On 5/12 KingCargoJB posted that he mailed it to Emily J. Slimee is after her. No word since. (I) Northern New England Wish List: on 5/19 fluffhead420 said he would PM Tommo for his address. Estim8ed was after Tommo. No word. (j) 70 & 73: On ½ Estim8ed said he mailed it to Chasmo, who said he never received it. Probably lost in the mail. (k) BCT 86: on 4/13 ark deadhead posted that he would mail to Pkpotter. No word. (l) Little Bit of Jerry: on 4/14 Long Rifle posted that he had it. OneGratefulDad and Fleaflicker were next. No word. (m) 5 Garcia shows: on 5/21 cacthim hickory matt (or something like that) posted that he got them. Fleaflicker and Space Otter were next. No word. (n) Dead/NRPS 1970: on 5/5 birdsong1969nj said he would mail out to test4965. No word. (o) Pigpen Shotgun: on 5/8 Phat Moye said he would mail out to Jake R. Da roach was after that. No word. (p) Brent’s Last show video: lost in mail btwn gadeadhead and JimmyC (q) More May 77: on 5/28 Pomo1 posted he would reseed to Larry Here. PAPPY IS NEXT. LARRY HERE SKIP PAPPY!!!! ® More Mary: on 1/23, rambleinbearisgrateful posted that he mailed to Tommo. Stuman, then bearisgrateful were next. No word. Lost in mail? (s) Bill Graham Tribute: Playdead apparently killed. This vine was reseeded to the person after him. (t) Shoreline 91: on 12/24 Chasmo posted that he had it. ark deadhead was next. No word. Apparently Chasmo killed it. (u) merriweather 6/30/85: on 4/29 fluffhead420 posted that he PM’d OneGratefulDad for his address. No word. (v) Boston Tea Party 1969: on 5/11 Slimee posted having it. Dpwstldeadfan was next. No word. (10) I am too tired for final thoughts. All will be forgiven, except for that first group. I hope those that have disappeared with vines are ok, and are only AWOL here and not in reality. Others can figure out what to do next. I am not proofreading this so there are probably some spelling and grammatical mistakes. Vine on!!! "One watch by night, one watch by day If you get confused, listen to the music play"
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16 years 11 months

(I) Northern New England Wish List: on 5/19 fluffhead420 said he would PM Tommo for his address. Estim8ed was after Tommo. No word. "In a bed, in a bed, by the waterside I will lay my head. Listen to the river sing sweet songs, to rock my soul."
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17 years 9 months

I have already re-seeded More May 77. I will also re-seed one of MitD's stalled vines, Maples Pavillion 2/9/73 (a great show IMHO) and also Lewiston, Maine, 9/6/80, to get things started. Give me a few days to figure out who is next and to PM for addresses. "One watch by night, one watch by day If you get confused, listen to the music play"
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17 years 6 months

Sorry about that, fluff. It was LoneStarDarkStar. Looks like he mailed them out sometime after 5/19, Tommo received them, and that Tommo mailed it out after I did my research. Just a little lack of communication there. It had been 3 weeks since there was any apparent movement on that vine so I noted it. But all is well and that vine is continuing to spread.
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16 years 2 months

Any recommendations for MP3 to WAV conversion software?? "Escaping through the lily fields, I came across an empty space. It rainbow then exploded, left a bus stop in its place. The bus come by and I got on, thats when it all began. It was Cowboy Neal at the wheel of the bus to never ever land"
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17 years 3 months

Have you try`d traders little helper ? I know I can convert wav to mp3 , that fits an entire show on one disc that way .
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16 years 2 months

It said that it gave errors but it looks (sounds) like it worked to me?? I always wondered what the difference was between burning wav vs mp3 onto a CD?? I was under the impression that wav sounded better than mp3 (on a CD anyways)... but I am really not hearing a difference.. "Escaping through the lily fields, I came across an empty space. It rainbow then exploded, left a bus stop in its place. The bus come by and I got on, thats when it all began. It was Cowboy Neal at the wheel of the bus to never ever land"
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16 years 2 months

Is because when I get an audio CD vine, the easiest thing to do is rip it to iTunes. But you know, it then is converted to mp3. So I was wondering if folks then go through the hassle to convert back to wav when you want to burn yourself a CD? I actually do not like iTunes' CD burner so I use a different program. Anyways just thought I'd see what you all do out there in vine land.... "Escaping through the lily fields, I came across an empty space. It rainbow then exploded, left a bus stop in its place. The bus come by and I got on, thats when it all began. It was Cowboy Neal at the wheel of the bus to never ever land"
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16 years 11 months

switch sound file converter trader'slittle helper FLAC Frontend "In a bed, in a bed, by the waterside I will lay my head. Listen to the river sing sweet songs, to rock my soul."
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17 years 3 months

in quality of sound . in fact I have some cd`s burned in data format where i have numerous shows burned on one disc .I used both windows media and i-tunes for that. one disc plays for hours, but only on my computer.mp3 discs only seem to play in select newer cd players.data discs only on the computer. but hey it sounds grate to my old ears . peace..
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16 years 11 months

for collection purposes I prefer FLAC but I always convert another copy to mp3 so i can load up a fatty disc chock full of dank shows and just groove all day without breaking the flow of energy by changing discs....kills the bzzzzzzzzzzz "In a bed, in a bed, by the waterside I will lay my head. Listen to the river sing sweet songs, to rock my soul."
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17 years 9 months

If you get sent wav files on CD and want to make CD copies there is absolutely no need to convert them to MP3s and then back to wavs.There are plenty of programmes (such as EAC) that will just let you rip the files and then reburn them directly as wavs. The trading community strongly discourages (to say the least) converting wavs or flacs to MP3 and then converting back to wav and other formats. Why? Because people have gone to all the trouble to unearth and prepare digital copies of all these shows and to distribute them so that every copy is the same quality as the original (using lossless formats such as wav or flac). If you convert these to MP3s for your ipod that is fine, but there will be some loss of quality. If you then covert them back to wav (or flac) you lose even more quality. If you then trade those copies you are putting inferior quality versions of shows back into circulation. Having finally got the means to avoid the loss of quality across generations, we should all try to use it. Indeed the trading community also tries to discourage seeding shows saved as wavs. Ideally all trading would be from flac to flac. Similarly if you receive flacs you can either -copy the flacs to your hdd and play them using programme like foobar2000 -Convert them to wavs using traders little helper and then burn them onto CDs -Convert them to MP3s for use on ipods etc....but these should not be traded. It is best to keep a copy of the flacs to use for trading and as a back up. Then if you lose any shows you have an original quality back up standing by. You can see a better and brief explanation of this here http://www.thetradersden.org/forums/faq.php?faq=audio or visit the various forums in etree
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17 years 8 months

Click Edit, then preferences, , then advanced, then importing, then on import using you can set on WAV encoder. I use Traders Litlle Helper and then burn discs using this method, also make sure and set for no gaps between songs. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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17 years 3 months

I don`t trade mp3 , just use it for my own personal . I prefer to store everything in shn/flac.(if it comes that way) plus shn/flac takes up less space on the old hard drive . Thank you for the imfo CB . Thank you too Hal .
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17 years 8 months

Well said Cosmic! After all the years of trying to get the highest generation tapes it is so amazing that we can now get the original recordings at the same quality as a first generation tape, all in the blink of an eye. Everyone, please don't convert back and forth from FLAC/WAV to MP3 and back again unless it is solely for your own personal use. When you do convertback and forth what goes missing is the high and low end range of the music. MP3 essentially chops off half the sound so it can compress the files and fit them onto your ipod, etc. The hardcore traders can analyze this and see that the dynamic range has been cut off. The reason all this works is because as we get older we lose the ability to hear some of that range, but simply put, the music isn't as pure as the day it was played anymore - you are only robbing yourself! I'm not trying to be a taper snob, I have been known to use MP3 to burn discs for long road trips, etc. Much easier to manage. But, when at home, it is FLAC all the way... "when life looks like easy street, there is danger at your door"
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17 years 3 months

I just googled it ,and downloaded it . How cool man ! I have over 500 gig of flac in my hard drives and have been thinking someday, i`ll get to listen to it . Now I don`t need to convert it all just to listen . Thank you very much cosmicbadger !!
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17 years 3 months

Has anyone heard or seen toddsnc around ? The May 74 vine I sent him has just come back to me , it has writen in black sharpee return to sender and his address is crossed out . not normal from the postal service . I sent him a pm today , let`s see if i hear from him, and is popagoniagirl still with us ? she is next on the may 74 vine . if i don`t hear from either in a few days it will be out to Brewsterboy. Take care folks and thanks again Badger !!
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17 years 9 months

Stu: Same thing happened to me with a vine sent to Todd. I went to the next person on the list. Pretty curious. "One watch by night, one watch by day If you get confused, listen to the music play"
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17 years 3 months

well thats strange , maybe he`s having computer issuses or somthing ? I`ll pm popagoniagirl and see what happens . hey Badger , how do I get foobar to play shn ? or is it for flac only ?
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Member for

16 years 2 months

Opted out of vining a couple of months ago. "Escaping through the lily fields, I came across an empty space. It rainbow then exploded, left a bus stop in its place. The bus come by and I got on, thats when it all began. It was Cowboy Neal at the wheel of the bus to never ever land"
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16 years 2 months

Foobar must be like winamp - I can only play flac on that player, not shn. Supposedly there is a plug-in for the winamp player that allows you to play shn too, but I have had issues getting shn files to play. "Escaping through the lily fields, I came across an empty space. It rainbow then exploded, left a bus stop in its place. The bus come by and I got on, thats when it all began. It was Cowboy Neal at the wheel of the bus to never ever land"
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17 years 8 months


Place this dll into your C:\Program Files\foobar2000 and all should be good



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17 years 8 months

I store both FLAC annd SHN on an external hard drive (WD 500 > looks like a book). To create audio cd's I copy files back over to the C drive. For FLAC, I use the FLAC Frontend software to decompress to .wav. For SHN (shorten) files, I use the MKW compression tool 0.97. I never do any .mp3 to .wav conversions. www.eTree.org has the SHN converter.
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17 years 9 months

I'm glad you found it useful Stuman, especially now LTA pilot has pointed you to the shn player. Winamp will also play flac and there is a shn add on you can get, but I find winamp quite unstable and fussy and could not figure out how to do gapless playback on it. If you get to know foobar and its many add ons you can do all sorts of stuff such as ensure gapless playback, tag files, convert formats and rip CDs to flacs etc etc.
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17 years 3 months

Unable to open item for playback (Unsupported file format):"C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\Azureus Downloads\Yes 1977-08-15 PRRP034 - Musical Rainbows, The Civic Center - Providence, Rhode Island\PRRP034D1T01.shn" I get this with any shn file i try to play . any sugestions ? Thanks .
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17 years 9 months

Stuman Try this close foobar 1. download the dll file that LTA Pilot gave the link for 2. Go to C/program files/foobar2000/components 3. Paste the dll file into the components folder. It is called foo_input_shorten.dll Close, restart foobar and try again Post again if it does not work good luck
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17 years 3 months

Thank you Rick ! Thank you cosmicbadger !
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Member for

16 years 2 months

I don't think so man but I'd like to check out foobar for the heck of it.. "Escaping through the lily fields, I came across an empty space. It rainbow then exploded, left a bus stop in its place. The bus come by and I got on, thats when it all began. It was Cowboy Neal at the wheel of the bus to never ever land"
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17 years 9 months

....well some might say that applies to me too:-)
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15 years 11 months

Two vines currently in circulation - namely More '74 and June '74 - include full versions (SBDs) of the two shows that dead.net just announced as being partially released on the new "Wall of Sound" Road Trips set. How does the Vineyard typically handle this kind of situation? Are the particular shows being partially released removed from the vines or are the vines kept intact with the explanation that the full shows and the GD-mastered partial shows are not the same recordings? Can someone clarify? "Come with me or go alone, he's come to take his children home"
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Member for

17 years 9 months

which is always a possibility of course, I am not going to decree that vines must end because some of their tracks appear on compilations. We have retired full show vines with great ceremony when they came out as full-show releases, and I think this would apply to multi-show vines of which some entire shows were released.
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15 years 11 months

Good deal . . . now back to regular programming . . . :-) "Come with me or go alone, he's come to take his children home"
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Member for

16 years 7 months

Thanks guys, for the foobar help. Can anyone tell me how to organize my music in foobar? I will happily throw out itunes, as soon as I can figure out how to organize foobar entries. No clue. I want to thank you all, for my music collection has grown since August from 8 Dick's Picks, to a real delight of Dead sdbd's. I am only sorry I do not have any music to share back with you. You guys are the absolute best, and your efforts to keep the music in the shape it was played, is impressive. I am taking a break from vining for a while, until the bad taste of the things people have said about MitD wears off and goes away. Thanks for all your hard work guys, I am one who has directly benefitted from it. Andy S.
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Member for

16 years 8 months

I found his exact name (with middle initial) on Facebook from Louisville. I tried to "friend" him a week ago and got no response. "Say you'll come back when you can Whenever your airplane happens to land Maybe I'll be back here too It all depends on what's with you."
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Member for

16 years 2 months

Disappeared right as the tour was kicking off. At the time I think we all just thought he was out on tour but man this is bad. No response here, by email or Facebook. "I've stayed in every blue-light cheap hotel. Can't win for tryin. Dust off those rusty strings just one more time. Gonna make em shine."
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Member for

15 years 11 months

Hey all.... I want to thank everyone who is involved in the seeding of this vineyard.... I too am a direct beneficiary of all of your efforts... I have gradually lost-given away-thrown away-forgotten hundreds of quality cassettes over the last two decades.... and and am loving the new collection I am working on... and will continue to do so. Just bought a new WD 1 TB external drive.... cheap too!!.... so hopefully I can help on the re-seed side down the road. Finally.... brand new to it.... but I praise the virtues of FLAC/SHN!! Again.... thanks for seeding.... thanks for sending.... and I will do my best to help it grow. Be well all.... RaymondMBrown Baltimore MD
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17 years 9 months

to the Vineyard Raymond. May you fill that 1TB Drive! "One watch by night, one watch by day If you get confused, listen to the music play"
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17 years 3 months

I looked into the Kentuky state prison systme , you just never know, but Thankfully they had NO imformation on him . I take that as a good thing, at least he`s not in a Kentuky prison. I hope he`s not in any prison ! other searches i did for him had come back with no imformation. I`ll continue to look for him . I to hope he is ok . I miss him around here . Yes Welcome Raymond ! My 500 gig HD is full and I`m working on a 1 TB HD now . Peace and sunshine to all ! And happy fathers day guy`s !