• 720 replies
    Cold rain and snow? Here comes sunshine? What's Mother Nature up to at your house?


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  • slo lettuce
    Oh Spring so beautiful.....
    WHERE THE HELL ART THOU?! 14F and blowin' snow here in the cheese belt.
  • Anna rRxia
    Ukko exits
    Mee-eh, biggest snow of a meager season.
  • Anna rRxia
    Cold Rain & Snow
    Biggest snowstorm of the season due to blow through these parts in about 24 hours. Probably upwards of a foot of snow. One good thing is that snow doesn't last long this time of year. In fact, I'm changing the snowies out on Friday. For better mileage.
  • DinoBam
    The Weather Report.... SWEET
    I left New york City where it was Cold Rain & Snow..... in the 20'sI'm in Naples Florida where it's Here Comes Sunshine....in the 80's
  • JohnRParker5
    Default Avatar
    Little Nemo
    Nemo was a lamb in central NJ. Posted an album of midnight pictures if anyone cares to see: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10200601541306787.2203812.140…
  • Anna rRxia
    Nemo exiting
    Hurricane conditions on the Cape have eased as Blizzard Nemo starts to move out. There is an astrological (monthly) high tide at 10am and barrier island communities like Hull are being highly urged to leave immediately. In Ma. there are no mandatory evac. orders allowed but you'd have to be pretty stupid to stay (I'm watching waves break on backyards). This has the official label "Blizzard" stamped on it as there were three or more continuous hours of sustained winds over 40mph. Peak gust 75mph. Worcester Ma., reporting 27.5 inches. Hartford and surrounding areas are unofficially reporting 36 plus inches. Most of central, eastern Ma. and southern NH & SE Maine are reporting 18-24". No subway in Boston today, never mind airport. Official Boston total 21.5" as of 8am. Hundreds of cars buried out on the Long Island Expressway. If you live in Tahoe or Steamboat Springs or Vail or other great ski area, they are great cause they get this kind of snow on an almost continual basis. No biggie. In the densely populated NE the power outages become increasingly serious as people need shelter who have electric heat. Currently there are 400,000 homes without power. Time to kick back, do some fine cooking and do a small amount of shoveling, it hasn't stopped blowing and drifting yet.
  • Gr8fulTed
    When's Nemo leaving?
    Gad zooks! 3 feet of snow in Hartford, according to news reports from NBC/Weather Channel folks this Saturday morning! Let's hear some wintry tales!
  • Anna rRxia
    Winter Storm Nemo continues it's relentless trek up the East Coast and in from the Great Lakes in a pincer modoement that will result in a storm that will blossom fully in the NY-NE area. Blizzard conditions with 24"-32" of snow will persist across Cape Cod and a narrow corridor from Boston to Providence. A weaker, but still potent ring will encompass Portland Me., inland 50 miles and then down to at least New Haven, if not New York.. The last time Boston faced a storm of this magnitude in the winter was around 2006 when a truly humongous storm dumped fifty inches of snow at Logan Airport. I know, I was there three days after and parkjing spaces were like polar caves. Ahhh, the winter. Better learn to it enjoy it before it enjoys you!
  • slo lettuce
    "It's so cold......
    politicians have their hands in their own pockets." -johnny carson
  • slo lettuce
    It's so cold..........
    "last night, the flashers in new york were only describing themselves" -johnny carson
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17 years 9 months
Cold rain and snow? Here comes sunshine? What's Mother Nature up to at your house?
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17 years 9 months

No complaints from me, but I don't live in the flood zone either. Be careful out there!
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16 years 5 months

got about 6 inches in the mountains of NC, about a half inch of ice under the snow. Shoveled it up and dug out the car, roads are ok, but there will be ice. Still slightly snowing here but is winding down, not the 12 to 18 inches they had projected.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

if you can avoid driving in this, it's a good idea. I got a flat yesterday so had to go to Costco today to get a replacement, and the freeway was such a mess coming home that I was really glad to have the good tires. Even gladder to be home and not have to go out again. This rain does take me back to a whole lot of getting soaked outside the Henry J.
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17 years 9 months

At least I can say that. There has been a short stretch of sub-zero temps and even more frigid wind chills. Unfortunately, there has not been much in the way of snow again this winter. I essentially have to head north or to higher elevations if I want to experience any deep snow. We only have 5" of snow cover at the moment! We're also looking at the potential for mid-40 degree weather and rain for the latter part of next week which should essentially obliterate the little we currently have. I guess Punxatawny Phil was right... On a positive note, I was able to get one of my old snowshoes repaired for only $20. The crampon was broke. It's amazing how difficult those parts can be to track down! The snow shoe companies really have planned obsolescence down to a "t"! Thanks to my perseverance and stick-to-itiveness I have a real nice set for backup. And on another positive note, I have at the moment reservations for Sedgwick, CO and 2 nights in Denver for Spring Break. And, a little bit later I will set the reservation for 2 or 3 nights at Estes Park, which is just a stones throw from the Colorado Rockies wilderness and paradise for a snowshoer like me. There's not much I'd rather be doing on the first day of spring than snowshoeing in the Colorado Rockies.
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17 years 9 months

Snowshoed today and it was great! (if a little shallow on the snow) At least it was cold enough. Was able to spot a kingfisher, a screaming red-tailed hawk, a beaver den and various other mammal tracks...
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17 years 9 months

Funny, my nickname used to be 'ski-man' but I was never a skier. On another tangentially related note, I just supported the Rex Foundation! There is a t-shirt available over at Nancy's Yogurt and all proceeds benefit the Rex Foundation. It's thanks to you for including the website... :-) http://nancys-yogurt.myshopify.com/products/nancy-s-yogurt-sunshine-day… http://www.rexfoundation.org/support-rex/
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17 years 9 months

...on the button. It may have actually been colder at a point. Not to mention there's about a foot of fresh, light airy powder snow and nary a breeze. The weather conditions made for several wonderful snowshoe treks at some of my favorite haunts yesterday!
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17 years 8 months

Chilly start at the ski area yesterday: much more pleasant at +14 F this morning. Maybe I'll be able to change my long john's!
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14 years

snow to freezing rain...but a warmup is on the horizon, finally. Time for a summer tour...
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Member for

17 years 9 months

...what possessed me to go mtn biking in a blizzard yesterday, but I did. Did some snowshoeing too this past weekend. Colder than a witch's nipple, it was...
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9 years 9 months

Currently raining and sunny in STL...par for the course...Looking for the Rainbow, I know it's around here somewhere...
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17 years 9 months

WTF? At least Spring's a month away anyway. :-)

P.S. I'm not a robot.