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  • ar850m91
    24-bit DL

    Hello everyone, just wanted to say that I've been a regular here for years over different accounts I tended to forget the pw's for.
    As my title suggests, I'm writing to inquire about something that has puzzled me for some time now. There have been a few releases now (for example, July 1978, May 1977 [the first box, not the one with Cornell], and both the Spring 1990 boxes) for which high res digital downloads were made available either through the dead net website or HDT's, etc. But before long, these would disappear. In some cases these files were commonly considered the best source of the recordings and from what I've experienced I'd agree. Once I upgraded my system and was able to do a direct comparison of the CD's vs the 24-bit files of the Pacific NW box, for example, that was all the convincing I needed. There was no question. That said, there are several releases I missed out on and was hoping someone might point me in the direction of an official source for these files I have otherwise been unable to locate. Any help is appreciated.

  • vaddison
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    why does there seem to be limited Dead content on Vinyl? I don't understand why all of Dave's Picks aren't released on Vinyl as well as CD.....I don't even have a CD player anymore and can't remember the last time I saw one.

  • gleng1
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    Liner Notes For New Dave's Pick 4/15/78

    Hey all,

    These are NOT the authorized liner notes -- I was at the show, it was my favorite show ever that I attended, and I wrote up the notes. Tried to submit them to Dave himself, but he must get a ton of email so who knows. Enjoy!

    Liner Notes
    Williamsburg, VA

    We THOUGHT we had a brilliant, original, idea:

    Instead of waiting for the Grateful Dead to come to our town… we could drive to where they were playing!

    Yes, we really thought we invented this plan! Look -- this was spring of ’78. There was no internet. We were young. We had seen some shows, but we were still pretty new to all of this.

    So we piled into cheap cars and drove all night to the show at William & Mary College in Williamsburg, VA.

    Williamsburg is a tourist town that features re-creations of colonial times. Everywhere you look there are guys in tri-corner hats, ye olde candlemaker, and the village blacksmith. Wonderful and endlessly hokey. Both. In ‘78 bumping into a lot of fellow Deadheads in town still seemed like a surprise. You’re here for the show? WE’RE here for the show!

    Oh yeah. It was also income tax day (April 15th) AND… if rumors are true… it was Parent Visitation Day at William & Mary College. Whee!

    So we headed into ye olde colonial town, where friendly Deadheads had politely taken over the ice cream parlor, asking the staff to please create milk shakes with… uh... an extra dose of enlightenment along with the whipped cream topping.

    By late afternoon we headed back to campus on a lovely early-spring day. We spotted a guy in a blazer, howling a solo acapella version of It Must Have Been the Roses. Geez Louise… what brought this on? We debated seriously among ourselves but the answer came soon enough when he happily fell to the ground and a pint of whiskey tumbled out of his pocket and onto the lawn. OK!

    Right before the doors opened there was a small commotion in the parking lot, where large freshly-damp squares of paper appeared at very low prices. Who was the sponsor of this largesse? Mysterious-o!

    We headed inside where things took a delightful turn toward the delirious. This was a college show and the ushers were all college students, wearing bright orange safety vests. Nice to know that no matter how wacky we were… they were even wackier.

    The stage was VERY low to the floor. At some point John Scher (the east-coast’s answer to Bill Graham) came out to ask us to please step back away from the speaker towers so they wouldn’t fall over. Scher tried to calm us down while the college ushers with the flashlights waved the beams around wildly and tried to whip us into a frenzy.

    My friend turned to me in panic. “This is... bad. We need to leave.”

    “No… this is GOOD! We need to STAY!” I explained.

    From my viewpoint at 40,000 feet I felt it vital to bring my sister out into the hallway right before the show started. “I just want to let you know that I’m FINE. But if anything weird happens to me, now you know that I DID mention that something MIGHT be wrong.” (Uh…. what?)

    The show crackles from the beginning. I had seen a bunch of shows before, but never one where the whole band was ON like this. If you’ve ever had the privilege… it’s not like it was a good show or even a great show. It’s more like, “Who ARE these guys! This is completely different from every other show I’ve ever seen. Can they just turn this magic on and off like a light switch?” (The correct answer is, “No; it happens when it happens, and it is phenomenal,” but that is another story for another time.)

    If the ‘60s were the psychedelic ranger years, and the early ‘70s the songwriting years (American Beauty and Workingman’s Dead) this stretch of the late ‘70s might have been the rock and roll years. Lots of big crescendos and racing each other gleefully through songs. No MIDI yet; no synthesizers. You can hear it jump in songs such as El Paso and Brown Eyed Women – everywhere there are extra guitar flourishes and bolts of lightning tossed off with abandon.

    The set ends with a gospel-worthy Deal: Don’t you that that DEAL go down, and my occasionally wretched soul is saved once again. Hallelujah.

    The lights stay low in the hall in between sets (oh how I miss that!). While we wait the lights on stage shift slowly from blue to red and back to blue… we think.

    Back on Earth, we are in trouble. Apparently we are in the wrong seats, but don’t know it and we are in no condition for advanced reasoning. Down at the end of the row some VERY patient Deadheads have been trying all through the first set to get our attention while amazing music roars around us. During intermission they finally caught my sister’s eye: “Look at your ticket. What color is it? Blue. Now look at your seat… what color is it? Orange. The tickets and the seats are supposed to match. YOU’RE IN THE WRONG SEATS.” After much skepticism they saw the light come on in her. “You’ve got it! Now… explain it to your friends!”

    My sister turned to me: “Let’s play a game!”


    “Let’s play a game. What color is your ticket?”

    “Uh… blue,” I said, staring at a shredded soggy mess in my hand that was probably once a ticket.

    “What color is your seat?”


    “OK… now YOU’VE got it! Now you explain it to Mark!”

    Before the second set starts the drummers spin back and forth on their stools, looking like two wrestlers getting ready to grapple.

    Check out that second-half setlist. Nothing really unusual here. It’s just all played so hard. No noodling; no searching; they know where they are going.

    This tour might have been the first incarnation of the Rhythm Devils, and in this early version ALL of the band members come out and play percussion and it is just lovely. I do believe I see band members picking up small percussion instruments and tossing them into the air, over the top of the light truss… but I could be mistaken.

    This is the ONLY Morning Dew of 1978 and it is sad and beautiful and memorable. Followed by my own wonderful Wile E. Coyote adventure. (I am way out over the edge of the cliff, and fail to notice that there is no longer ground under my feet) before reality appears in the form of Around and Around. I think, “ ‘They never stopped rockin’,”… they’re going to play all night!” Well… not exactly.

    Encore time and Bobby says, “Guess what night it is?” and my very busy brain scrambles for an answer: “Uh… Halloween? Christmas? Billy’s birthday?” Nope – it’s SATURDAY NIGHT! OK!

    But there’s still much more fun to be had, such as when the police very politely ask us to leave the parking lot after the show. (Um… why? Everyone is so much safer with us just standing right here…) We drive off hesitantly.

    It was then that we wound up at, not our campground as hoped, but rather at Camp Peary Marine Base and CIA training ground, where the very nice guard with his shiny boots and great big gun showed remarkable mercy and restraint, pointing us gently in the right direction, as my friend freaks out and keeps making slow U-turns in the military base’s driveway before we head down the road.



  • Spectrum78
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    Dekalb-Extra brand new copy at cost (plus rest of the season)

    I have an extra DP subscription this year (by mistake) and will sell individually or the buyer of DeKalb gets first right of refusal on any of the subsequent 3 releases (including bonus disc). Selling at cost, to another eBay flippers please. Be kind! Don't check back here that often so email me direct at

  • BillN
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    Liner note

    Great, thanks so much. Agreed great pub name. Seem to remember a beer called Dark Star many years ago....

  • Kate_C.
    Liner Notes: The Cow & Cradle (great pub name)


    السلام يا صديقي:…

    edit: oi! with those prominent rosy-red links and Arabic print, this looks like textbook canned espam...worry not WilliamN, they're legit and gotsa whatta ya need. promise.

  • BillN
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    CD liner note inserts

    Catching up on releases I missed & having to buy second hand.
    Can any kind soul help me with scanned copies of the liner note booklets for Rocking the Cradle Egypt '78 & Cow Palace New Years Eve '76.
    CDs bought on-line, sellers not mentioning lack of complete package :(

    Would be hugely grateful!

  • Happy Will
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    Fillmore West 02/28/69 on Vinyl?

    Yesterday I saw an advert for a vinyl box set being issued imminently of the 28th Feb '69 Fillmore West gig. Is this official? It certainly appears so - but there is no mention here on

  • JumpinJT
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    Long Strange Trip Blu-Ray bonus disc 2 defective

    Long Strange Trip Blu-Ray bonus disc 2 from Dead.Net that I received today (11-19-18) is not recognized by my Blu-Ray player. Disc 1 with the entire documentary plays fine, as do all my other Blu-ray discs. Cleaning player and disc did not help. Is it just me or are others having the same problem?

  • mbarilla
    9.6.80 + "Comes A Time" ~ 1980

    Dave and Rhino , send it out !!!

    Requesting "Comes Time" 1980 performance !!!!!

    Requesting ~ 4.29.84


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17 years 9 months
Discuss here! (And if the show of your dreams isn't out yet, post your request here:
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16 years 7 months

It was a mirage my friends, a fever dream brought on by the heat. The desert does strange things to a man, and you may see things that aren't really there. Wonderous visions of CD/DVD packages that miraculously unfold into pyramid-thingies, imaginary road trips of your imagination populated by camel-riding skeletons and bridges in the clouds. Web pages that appear and disappear in the blink of an eye, leaving only a tiny after image of an album cover to mark their passing. Have a cool drink, find a comfortable seat, and wait. And wait. And wait, in breathless antici.................pation. Perhaps the visions will come again.
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16 years 3 months

OK, the information on Dick's Vol. 23 states that it's from two shows on February 23 and 24, 1968, in Lake Tahoe. Anyone got any idea which songs are from which shows? A Also, the photo in the CD tray shows a marquee listing a third date (the February 22), which makes me wonder if a tape exists for that, as well. And were these shows really at a bowling alley, as suggested by the other photo in the tray?
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17 years 9 months

Hi guys It used to be possible to download PDF cover art for every release - these just disappeared at one point. I've purchased a lot of Dick's Picks and Download Series from the website in the last year and assumed that cover art was supposed to be included with downloads because in the downloading tool, a picture of the cover would appear in a little window. However I've never received any cover art files (except for the Road Trips Full Show downloads). I contacted GD Customer Service and was told that cover art is not offered. This seems a bit odd to me - front and back PDFs were available for download for any downloadable release, whether one had purchased it or not. Now that I am purchasing several downloads, I'm apparently not entitled even to a picture of the front or back of the CD. Does anyone have any idea where I could get these? I find it bizarre that the official website no longer provides cover art for downloadable versions of its own products, after having high quality scans up previously. It's no great loss I suppose but I'd really like to print out covers so the spines of my Dead CD downloads aren't all back. Any thoughts?
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16 years 3 months

I was planning on buying some of the Dick's Picks CD's that I was missing, but when I checked the store, I see quite a few of the ones I wanted are only available as downloads. Are there any plans to do any reprints, are you guys basically done with the CD format?
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17 years 8 months

For the Download series but not Dicks Picks you get them in jpeg format from loathemegacorp dot com/deadpieshop
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17 years 9 months

Thank you so much cosmicbadger. That's perfect. I knew they'd be somewhere - I just didn't know where. I can't figure out why they are no longer available from Sure, I've elected to download a release instead of buy the CD (in the case of Dick's Picks) but that's not to say I don't burn the tracks to disc as soon as I get them. The fact that these used to be available and suddenly disappeared, apparently intentionally, rather than inadvertantly as I had hoped/assumed, is puzzling. Anyway, thanks again cosmicbadger. Maybe there are Dick's Picks cover art scans out there somewhere.
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16 years 7 months

If somebody has downloaded a legal version of a DP, and somebody who has a store bought physical copy makes a cover scan and gives it to the first person free of charge, is there a copyright violation or would it be considered fair use? Or will a Rhino lawyer use some pissy little thing like that to justify their existence? Hmmm. ********************************************* I have a sigfile! --> *********************************************
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16 years 3 months

<> Don't they usually give you a chance to case and desist before they actually sue? I probably wouldn't mind downloading the Dick's Picks releases I don't have, if I could also download all the appropriate artwork so I can print up my own version that at least looks like the originals when they're sitting in the CD box next to the others.
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17 years 8 months

I am trying to complete my collection of CD's of Dick's Picks, I need #28, 30,32,33 which currently can only be abtained by down loading the music. Is any one willing to sell or burn for me these Dick's Picks CD's? P.S. see you all in Denver on May 7th.Native
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17 years 9 months

hey bobsdead, the downloads are available here, and worth every little penny. Also you can try the Ameoba Records in Berkely, or the one on Haight Street, they carry many of the dick's picks cd's both new and used. If you haven't been there it worth the flight out, these are the best music stores on the planet.Good luck!
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16 years 2 months

the last dicks picks i purchased was 24, how far did they go and where can i get them, i got 24 at a music shop in ohio by my house, they dont carry them anymore.Phatmoye
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16 years 7 months

But some of them are hard to find, and expensive. ********************************************* I have a sigfile! --> *********************************************
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16 years 2 months

36 wow! Got som catcn up to do.Phatmoye
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16 years 7 months

DP 28, used/like new - cheapest thru an amazon marketplace seller is $99 + shipping. I'd be checking local used CD places first. Amazon was the only place I checked, but there were four or five (from 28 up) that appeared to be unavailable as new. ********************************************* I have a sigfile! --> *********************************************
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16 years

I saw that there were a number of problems with one of the cuts on the Winterland 73 Box set. Have all the faulty discs been replaced. That is, going forward, when I order the box set and I guaranteed an error free disc 2? Thanks! "Is maith an scéalaí an aimsir." Time is a great storyteller. -- Irish Proverb
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17 years 9 months

I think so, but I will pass this question on to those who know for sure and report back.
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17 years 7 months

Bobsdead, I feel your pain when it comes to completing my DP collection. The last one I need is DP 33, which is an especially killer release anyway. I kept putting off buying it, for simple economics, dang. I guess it will be a fun hunt looking for an afffordable copy somewhere. Its funny, I have no problem with the idea of downloading Road Trips releases, but the DP packaging is just so cool... plus there's the whole "collection" thing. I just don't feel as loyal to Road Trips as a "thing" (but love the music on them, for the most part). So, the quest for DP33 begins. PS, not that I HAVE all the other DPs - I never bought DP 9, 17, 30, or 32 either, for various reasons. My AUD recording of 8/7/82 (awesome show and tour) is so great that even the cleaned up SBD on DP32 is a let down, for example.
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17 years 7 months

As the DP series goes out of print, if you own them look on the bright side: You can sell them for outrageous prices and fund a semester of your kid's college education, lol. (but, they'll have to pry my DP's from my cold, dead, fingers).
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16 years 7 months

I contacted customer service the other day about whether DP 33 would be reprinted on CD, and they told me the store would get them back in on CD sometime in the future (not much more specific than that). I kind of get the sense Rhino is reprinting all of them as they go out of print. I only started buying archival Dead releases in the last four years or so, and haven't had much trouble getting any of them (except DP33). All the Dick's Picks I've ordered up until recently came with the old Grateful Dead Recordings logo, but the two I ordered most recently (DP22 and DP24) both came with a Rhino label.
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16 years 2 months

I have about 15 dicks picks, and recently was informed that there missing alot of songs for complete shows. For instance, DP 1 is 1 disc, but, theres like 10 tracks at the beginning of the show that arnt on the original DP. I've downloaded the complete shows now. Why would they release only part of the show and call it DP? Just curious thats all. Peace- Moye
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16 years 2 months

I have about 15 dicks picks, and recently was informed that there missing alot of songs for complete shows. For instance, DP 1 is 1 disc, but, theres like 10 tracks at the beginning of the show that arnt on the original DP. I've downloaded the complete shows now. Why would they release only part of the show and call it DP? Just curious thats all. Peace- Moye
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Member for

16 years 2 months

I have about 15 dicks picks, and recently was informed that there missing alot of songs for complete shows. For instance, DP 1 is 1 disc, but, theres like 10 tracks at the beginning of the show that arnt on the original DP. I've downloaded the complete shows now. Why would they release only part of the show and call it DP? Just curious thats all. Peace- Moye
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Member for

16 years 11 months

Anyone know what happened to the 03 and 04 the Dead recordings that were for sale at Munckmusic . Will they be back? Will the upcomming spring 09 tour be for sale?Any help appreciated
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17 years 7 months

Handfulls, thanks for the info about Rhino (possibly) putting DPs back in print. The DP scalpers will be so sad...
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17 years 8 months

I read somewhere that when the Dicks Picks first started they did not think folks would buy lots of multi CD sets so they just put out 'best bits'. Later on they put out near complete shows, missing out some set 1 tunes so they could fit (for example) most of 1 show on 2 discs. Later on the releases got more and more complete. A good place to find out what exactly is on each DP and what is missing is here: thebestofwebsite dot com and follow links through the Grateful Dead Live. CB
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17 years 7 months

Hi all - just an FYI, based on our discussion in spring about the DPs going out of print. With no fanfare or announcement, they are indeed reprinting DPs. Or at least, I found that DP 33 was back on CD (and immediately ordered it). The operator actually told me it was not available on CD, and I pointed out that the website now said it was, she confirmed it with her supervisor, and yeay! It is on its way. So, if anyone is wanting to fill in those DP gaps, now would be a good time (and I feel sorry for any poor slobs who actually paid 100 bucks for a DP on ebay...) The only other DPs I don't have are 9, 17, 30, and 32. I can't stand the keyboard wash on 9 and 17, and my AUD of DP 32 sounds way better than the SBD to me, but should I get DP 30? Not too blown away by what I've heard, but I've only heard samples of those shows...
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17 years 8 months

Wolfgang's Vault have started selling GD whole show downloads in MP3 and FLAC starting with the late show from May 15 1970 $9.99 per set…… more to come soon apparently. Not sure about the quality, but you can stream them first to test
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17 years 8 months

Apparently November 3rd is 'Cracking the Vault' day and a whole raft of material '100s of shows' will appear. It is not clear what the quality will be of these tapes (not all GD btw), to what extent they have or have not been remastered and how many of them are already out there in torrent land (possibly already remastered by Mr Miller and the like). I am hanging on to my credit card till we get a chance to see what is on offer. still its exciting and may encourage the rhino mob to pull their fingers out and start selling more whole shows as downloads. A price war on Grateful Dead shows looms???? My its easy to forget how lucky we are to have all these choices and options to worry and argue about :-)
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15 years 5 months

just wondering if anyone knows when the bonus discs stopped coming in plain white sleeves? I learned about all these bonus discs not too long ago and now have to aquire them and need to know the facts so i dont get screwed when i buy "sealed" ones, cause its already happened
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17 years 9 months

but I have never seen a bonus disc come in a plain white sleeve, so caveat emptor.
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15 years 5 months

Well...cause im looking at gettin the fillmore west 69 box set, and ive asked people selling them, and theyve said the bonus disc comes in a plain white sleeve, also road trips vol 1 no 3 on ebay says the bonus disc comes in white paper sleeve. so if anyone can assist me in my efforts to get all the bonus discs it would be greatly appreciated
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17 years 6 months

The bonus disc for the 69 Fillmore West box definitely did come in a plain white sleeve, but I believe it was included inside the box, so if the box is indeed sealed (which I would be surprised if it was) then the bonus disc should be in there. The Winterland 73 and 77 box sets each included a bonus disc in its own sleeve, but it wasn't plain white, and again it was included inside the box. I know that Rockin' the Rhein also included a bonus disc but I don't know whether it was in a plain white sleeve or not.
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17 years 6 months

Maybe it wasn't Rockin the Rhein, but instead the early 72 Music Academy Dick's Pick that I am thinking of, not sure.
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17 years 6 months

The bonus disk with my copy of the three disk Fillmore West set also came in a plain white sleeve.
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15 years 5 months

yea i know theres 18 bonus discs all together starting with postcards of the hanging from arista, and yes your correct there is one with rockin the rhein, i know what all cds they came with just need to know which ones were plain sleeves so when im looking for them for sale i know if people are lying about it being sealed and such, im real picky and just learned about bonus discs in time to pre order winterland 77. but yea on amazon theres a few fillmore boxes for sale and some are sealed still, given they do cost a fortune, i must have one, i must have all dead on cd that is available in flawless condition, its gonna be rough but im ready for the long haul
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15 years 5 months

yea i noticed this prally isnt the right forum thing to be asking all this but i dont know what ohter one to do it in so sorry?
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15 years 11 months

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15 years 11 months

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16 years 10 months

i agree to a boxed set of 1971 April Fillmore run. I love the Beach Boys segment of it, i don't think you can listen to it on, because it says this music is an Official Release... Just go ahead and release the whole run, in the correct order please..Ha!! One thought i have though is about the bonus disks.... I really wish they would be available for download for the unfortunate few of us that are poor. If, later on down the road, i buy any of the older Road Trip releases, it says-sorry the bonus disk is no longer available. I just wish that it you can pay a 4.99 fee or so, and download the disk. Just my $.02 worth.... Can't really complain though.. No one is complaining, no, come in and shut the door. Set the Sails. Fire up the Grate Psychedelic Rocket Powered Bus. Into the Land of the Dead. Terrapin. Dead Ahead!
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17 years 8 months
Permalink huge selection of Grateful Dead shows now for sale as downloads from Wolfgangs Vault. Many other bands too. I am not sure how they squared this away with Rhino and the Band, but it all seems legit. Also I have no idea of the quality of the material or how it compares with the soundboards that already circulate. Not cheap either at $9.98 per set. So much good stuff there....
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17 years 6 months

I'm also intereseted in when View from the Vault 2 will be back in print. I'd also like to know what happened to the digital download series. Are there any plans to bring them back?
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Member for

17 years 5 months

Is any of the video vault shot in HD or suitable for conversion to HD/Blu-Ray? I'm watching Ticket to New Year's now as I normally do this time of year, and as with some of the other DVD's it is pretty blurry when not displaying close-up shots (especially on an HD TV). I would probably upgrade to Blu-Ray on the DVD's I have and would be interested in new Blu-Ray releases more so than new DVD releases. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * -enjoyin' the ride -There'll never be another Jerry
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17 years 2 months

For the life of me, I don't know why the Download Series shows have been pulled from the store. Sure, they probably don't get MUCH traffic, but there are some of us who either joined the site late or who are SLOWLY, album by album, picking up all of the stuff here as money becomes available. I've been grabbing all of the new releases for over a year now, and I've managed to snag a few of the Dick's Picks sets that I didn't already have; however, with the $100+ each for the two Winterland boxes and my decision to dl all of the 2009 The Dead shows as they came out, it's sometimes hard to anticipate what will and won't be available here from one day to the next. All I know for sure is that, after the most recent site redesign a couple of months ago, all of the Download Series shows disappeared. My fervent hope is that they are being remastered for HDCD release. Sure, I know that the Download Series is still available on iTunes, but I want the high quality FLAC downloads, not the crappy MP3 versions. Additionally, I would vastly prefer to spend my money here rather than to purchase through a middle man or a retail outlet--support the music, support the musicians! Finally, although it doesn't affect me in any way (since I've already got the complete run of official downloads), what's up with offering the different The Dead 2009 shows at different prices, ranging from $12.99 to $20.99? I burned every show from FLAC to CD and, without exception, they are all 3-CD sets, and from the shortest to the longest ones there are only a couple of minutes' difference in total show length.
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16 years 3 months

Does anyone know when View from the Vault II CD will be back in stock? It is a shame to see out of print titles such as this one going on Ebay for major bucks. An auction just ended for VFTV II for over $140! I am trying to complete my collection and I simply can't afford to be paying these kinds of dollars.
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16 years 3 months

Now the Store is just being cruel...I click on the VFTV II item and it adds to my cart. I enter my info and when it processes my order, it says it isn't in stock! HELP!!!
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Member for

15 years 1 month

suggest you do not under any circumstances email customer services. i did last october and sent repeated reminders. their tactic is either to completely ignore the messages or refer you to the website which refers you to customer (dis) services, bit of a catch 22 me-thinks, i once got a reply to one of my enquiries to the effect that customer services were "taking up the issue with management". but pearls of wisdom were not forthcoming. christ on a bike. this is not rocket science. perhaps the more people who raise the enquiry the more chance of a proper reply but i would not bet on this.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

The comment on emailing Customer Services is spot on. However, I'm delighted the need to email customer services has dimished significantly now that the web site store works. Happy Trails