- Post reply Log in to post comments772 repliesmaryeJoined:Also DVDs, CDs, MP3s... Post requests and offers here. Please note that while trading, vining, etc. are welcome here, trading, vining, and other unauthorized copying and distribution of commercial releases, including those of the Grateful Dead, is not. Thank you.
- DarklordBertoJoined:Your collection
Hey Maxrod101 I’m new to the forum but just saw your post about wanting to send your quite massive collection on to a new home and it caught my attention. I’m a relative newcomer to the dead head realm and am always looking for new shows to expand my horizons. I live not far from NYC and could handle a pick up. Happy to figure out a barter arrangement or offer you digital copies of your collection as I rip them. This is of course all assuming it hasn’t been spoken for already. Thanks for your time!
- JohnRParker5Joined:Hello Again
Hi Dstache, and Happy New Year! Some of us still around, still deadicated, and still grateful for all the bounty shared on this site. Perhaps we should move this discussion to the Vineyard rather than the tapers section? I still have some vines that ended up with me when no one else requested them and could post in those vines to let people know they are available. And I would def be interested in the MTX shows if you vine them. Have not been to the Post Office for awhile but I think I remember how to do it!
- maxrod101Joined:looking for a new owner for my almost 1000 GD shows on 3300 cds
this post is not for the faint hearted,I was an early participant here from way back when Mr. Hunter was the webmaster..bout 30 trips around the sun give or take ago. I want my big ass collection of dead shows on cds to find a good home. These shows are Auds,Soundboards and about the best versions out there,no commercial releases.all done by the hands of the fans and thier decks. Ive known most of the tapers from back in the early days. These discs have been well kept in paper sleeves labeled and organized and stored in cabinets for cds and thats how i want them to stay. list of course is avail and pics , but I dont want to piece meal this collection out. is this possible?..would someone want this? is it all about hard drives, terabytes and streaming now? if not you maybe someone you know? shipping would be humongous.would have to be a pick up thing.im in the NYC area.Im not looking to sell the music of course. i Acquired most of this thru vines and the gratitude of the people who spread it far and wide. but with the huge amt of media put into it and storage cabinets maybe a barter thing or rtn of it on a hard drive..all open for discussion, ..also have hundreds of ratdog and PLQ shows but thats another project... PM me if this not beyond yours or someone you knows wildest Dead dreams through another day.
- scarletbegonia…Joined:Live tapes
Hey everyone!
I’m new on this forum but was raised listening to the dead; just moved out and I only have one dead tape. I have a little money to pay for shipping and tapes if anyone has some! I’m looking for live tapes not tapes of the albums. I can do local pick up in Santa Cruz area. Thanks!
—Carly - dstacheJoined:MaryE & Vines
Hi MaryE! Good suggestion! If people are interested in a vine, I would be willing to start one (some). I am in the process of acquiring some of the more recent Hunter's Trix matrices. Reply here if interested and let me know whether CD WAV format or DVD FLAC format works better for you.