• 126 replies

    Red Rocks Amphitheatre, Morrison, CO 7/8/1978 CD

    Ease them in! Hook your favorite future Dead Head up with the complete July 8, 1978 show from Red Rocks, widely considered one of the greatest concerts in Grateful Dead history.


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  • MinasMorgul
    ikoiko1010 / Thin / Guit 30 - the Money They Are Making
    ikoiko1010 - Their prices are not higher than anyone else's, in particular, their vinyl. Not sure where this is coming from. Thin - I agree with just about your entire comment - well stated. The only thing I would add, is that most bands from the 70s couldn't pull this off, even if they wanted to, because they don't have the amount of material in the vault to do so. The Grateful Dead was almost uniquely foresighted in this respect. guit30 - as Thin stated, it's not the CDs that made these guys rich. What makes musicians rich is the touring (especially from the mid 80s forward). Few musicians make large gobs of money off of album sales alone, and the ones who do are generally the songwriters.
  • Zuckfun
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    Hot Link
    Just the mention of the MaticPress would have been more than enough, since we all know what those are, but to post a link where we can actually buy one is going above and beyond. Some days, dreams really do come true.
  • ikoiko1010
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    Money they are making...
    ...considering ALL the releases they have put out, the selling out of DPs, the high prices charged on vinyl releases, especially the record store day release that came with zero literature, artwork etc, the MASSIVE backlog, monies from merchandise etc... The band members are making out very well indeed. If they are not, they have the wrong people handling their finances. Personally, I'm not a complainer of their high pricing, knowing full well that everything they put out for sale is easily obtainable for free and with their blessing (still?). However, lets not pretend that the band members pull in a measly 70k a year, that the entity and business of the Gratefull Dead doesn't make a good profit and that some of their products don't have a higher price point than other bands. With respects to everyone having a BMW, well I would expect all the band members have very nice collections of automobiles that include BMWs. These guys are no longer poor, traveling musicians hoping for to make a living for a few years. They make a very nice living indeed. Of course they earned it, but let's not be naive to think they are not pulling in more money than most and that the company does not pull in a good profit.
  • KeithFan2112
    GDTRFB => Cold Rain & Snow from April '71 at the Fillmore. Best Wheel => Dick's Picks 18 Garcia's official C.O.D. => Having a real good time :)
  • hemphit
    Red Rocks
    Have a couple cassette tapes from this show . Amazing (~);}. Ordered the CD'S this morning. P&L
  • hendrixfreak
    I'd be more optimistic on the profit, Thin
    I agree with your theme, but the details do matter. I think each band member rec's at least $50,000-$70,000/yr from the DaP alone, not counting box sets. And that's the way it should be: they make the music available, beautifully packaged, at an affordable price and make a little money for their efforts. Here's the math: each DaP = 16,500 copies at $30 each = $495,000.00 gross, each release. Multiplied by 4x/yr = ~$2 million. Subtract $100,000/yr for DL, $100,000/yr for JN and $100,000/yr total for all other persons' salaries (artwork, admin). That leaves $1.7 mn. Subtract total production output of 200,000 CDs (3x 16,500 x 4x/yr), each costing ~$2/each. (Oh,add 16,500 for the bonus disc = 216,500 discs @ $2 each = ~$433,000. That leaves $1.27 mn. Songwriting credits cost another $0.3 mn, leaving $1 mn for Rhino and band to split. Say 7 band members/estates split $0.5 mn = ~$70,000/yr. Now, to the point about whether they should, if they're deserving, etc. They're pulling in $70k/yr for the work they did over the past 50 yrs? That's barely a pension. Meanwhile, the vault series would not exist if they didn't turn a profit. And part of the reason I buy DaP, GarciaLive, etc. is to support the success of the vault release program, which means it will continue. Just suggesting a) the boys should make $$ on this series, b) that they do make $$ on this series, and c) that the series needs to make money to continue. An hour+ (one disc) of killer rock 'n roll for ~$9-10? I'll take it. And would be thrilled to learn that the boys make $$ off me. Since I bought my first GD ticket for like $3.50 (fall '72), I've always felt I got more than my money's worth. As well as more than I bargained for!
  • dbear88
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    Just heard the second set yesterday. It actually starts with Samson and Delilah on Disc 1. This has got to be one of the best sets I have heard in a long, long time. This is a fabulous.
  • matchewy
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    For the vinyl lovers...
    Popmarket, a site that sells discount newly released vinyl, is having a one day sale preorder for Truckin' Up to Buffalo on vinyl. It's $40 off today: https://www.popmarket.com/products/grateful-dead-truckin-up-to-buffalo-… The foul: email announcement has a photo of the band with Vince.
  • guit30
    Red Rocks
    Just got my Red Rocks 7/8/78 today. It is as promised, awesome. I really like the first disc, I'm listening to the second disc now thru my headphones. Great version of The Other One. I have good Headphones, but today, Disc one seemed to sound better on my stereo speakers. Garcia is playing some awesome guitar,very creative . Lovin' this Eyes Of the World. Well, let me groove.Jim
  • guit30
    Help On The Way
    I ordered the Show thru Amazon and it should be here anyday. Can't Wait. Nothing like a Betty Board. I have been listening to Betty Boards on the internet archive, there are like 34 Betty Boards on the archive.
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Red Rocks Amphitheatre, Morrison, CO 7/8/1978 CD

Ease them in! Hook your favorite future Dead Head up with the complete July 8, 1978 show from Red Rocks, widely considered one of the greatest concerts in Grateful Dead history.

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Not sure what world you are living in. Personally, I have no problem with the band and the business making whatever profit they desire to make. People are employed, food is put on the table and the product pedaled is wonderful music and it's related paraphernalia. Having said that, the truth is that YES, the price point for some of their products are in fact more expensive that other bands, especially their vinyl. The band members are in fact very well off. They earned it. I have no problem with any of these facts. I just refuse to pretend that deadnet and the band members are operating with a very thin margin and that the guys are not all driving BMWs or have at least one in their garage. The Dead is very much a business and making a good profit is definitely of the utmost importance. Last year's 50th anniversary celebration's and the multitude of revenue streams resulting from the concerts, is a perfect case to back up this fact.
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8 years 8 months

overall, Weir is an integral part of the dead's genius. but am I the only one who cannot listen to many shows due to his constant playing throughout many of the tunes? did the rest of the band ignore the noise that he was producing. His playing often pushed the jams into some of the incredible places and spaces but his slide playing ruins many great shows...
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15 years 10 months

Can anyone reccommend nice set of headphones, like open back type with only one cord. not one to each side. Currently have set of Sennheiser HDCD 485 that I bought new in 2008.They have served well ,but they are not made anymore. Before the I had a set of Grado eGR60s, which had an awesome sound across the aural spectrum. These are a Chinese version of their GR60s, which have the same drivers, but every thing else is cheaper. Looking for 60 to $95 range. Thanks JIm
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16 years 6 months

Ages ago, probably about 40 years ago, I had a pair of Koss Pro-4AA's. In a word - EXCELLENT! Later on in the 80's, I was turned onto the Sennheiser sound with their HD 480's - again they sounded excellent, a bit better than the Koss and much lighter in weight, and my ears didn't sweat with the light foam earpads.Eventually, I got tired of headphones and the Koss Pro-4AA's were sold, but kept the Sennheisers. I didn't use cans for many years after that. Just a couple of years ago, in 2011, I took the Sennheisers out again and noticed some wear & tear, and was able to track down replacement parts for them - a new cable & pads, via ebay. Just last year, I was turned onto Sennheiser's HD 280 pro. Excellent sound! They are my current cans. I recommend them. Their drawback is that they're a closed system and my ears sweat. I forgot how much I paid for them at amazon.com. A good buy for the buck, imho. I also have a reproduction Koss Pro-4AA, good but not excellent. They are my cans for Europe 72 CR, May dates.
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15 years 5 months

Sony mdr v6. Very common in professional recording studios and broadcast studios as the go to work horse cans. $100.
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16 years 3 months

Currently using Sennheiser HD 202. They have a frequency range of 18hz to 18khz. Being that we hear in the range of 20hz to 20khz, they exceed our hearing range and run about $25.00....10 foot cord is a plus.
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Old school AKG K 240 studio, a classic phone
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I thinks:Tough call on the disc 3 topic. I guess they could have thrown some filler from some other non-July show on there. I wouldn't miss out on this mammoth 7/8 show over 50 minutes of non-existant music. If you're going to do that, you may as well boycott the 50 CDs worth of drums and space that have been released. My links: Social Media Tool Marketer Live Review Best Training Course about COPYWritting QIC Review And New Training Course about E-commerce Firesale Review
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I was all excited to see that mine was just 30 miles away on Monday buy now the tracking is showing it 500 miles away in another state - it does appear to be heading back in my direction though - can't wait to hear it.If you free, visit my website:mark-review.com
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10 years 6 months

Anyone ever buy the expensive Italian bootleg of this show? It was put out in the mid nineties and a friend bought it then for $69.95! Quality was not up to the current standards. Now a bargain at $30. P.S. Anyone else have their system label Dead.net as an unsafe website? Maybe it is all these strange links folks are putting in their comments??

I had a friend who recorded a bootleg 8/7/78 onto a cassette for me back in the 90s. As I remember it, this was one of the better bootlegs I heard in terms of sound quality. Another reasonable one was 5/8/77...and 10/29/77, come to think of it. I never heard, bought or was given a bootleg by The Dead that stopped me from buying the official release when/if it came out.
Same with other bands. But bootlegs always had an under the counter appeal for me The lure of the illicit, perhaps.

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One of my best friends just passed unexpectedly at 57. I'm not looking for sympathy or for anyone to say they're sorry. Life happens to us all. But, in his honor I am going to share a story here with some who I think will understand with a nod and a wink. ;-p

After loading our gear into my then-new Dodge Hemi Ram pickup we hurriedly scarfed some Taco Bell on Colorado Boulevard (right before Guitar Center) before getting into the drugs. Rule #1, always eat first. We cranked up the Santana and merged into rush hour traffic heading south on I-25 out of Denver, getting our swerve on as the sun began to set.

Soon, it was time to chow down on a responsible amount of stems and caps... let it come on slowly through the food. As the sun bled out and our warm glow came on, a little snort of Peru's finest here and there felt right every 30 minutes or so with a couple of Oskar Blues Old Chub's chilling in the console.

The iPod continued to broadcast in spades: Doors, Rolling Stones, Dead, Aerosmith as we barreled on into the night. Anyone who has ever driven from Denver to New Mexico knows about cruising across that tranquil valley with nothing but the stars above, the peaks all around and a beautiful midnight blue moonlight bathing the road in it's heavenly glow.

Taking a left turn, inching closer to Taos, a surreal scene: there's a redneck/biker bar on the corner, surely cop-infested as there ain't shit else around for miles... in our beautifully building sublime state I glance over and shudder at the sight of pickup trucks and rednecks outside smoking cigarettes and what would feel like a most unwelcome, dark scene had we decided to enter that bar.

We sure as shit didn't - and the moment that thought floated across my consciousness, we were both startled by the sight of some freak in a woman's blouse trying to flag us down.

I shit you not - a late fiftysomething man in a floral blouse with big, pouffy Phil Spector hair trying to flag us down, waving his arms and standing on the shoulder. I punched that fucker (the Ram, not Phil) for all it was worth, gamely explaining to Jim, "It isn't our time to help!"

Normally, we would have - but we weren't just normal at the moment - and we were holding, big time - and the last thing we needed was to be tied into freak drama on the outskirts of redneck hell in some unincorporated county. This dude was avoiding that bar - or maybe his trouble started there - for the same reasons we were. Sorry, brother, another time.

We finally made it to the Taos Inn. Jim went over and checked us in, and madness ensued for days skiing both Taos and Monarch. This was just one trip of many. I miss you, brother.

God bless everyone.


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In reply to by LedDed


At least you’ve got some memories and they will always be with you. He’s gone too soon and I’m sorry for you loss, but man stories like that just remind me of how many crazy nights on tour getting from venue to venue maybe a day off, but usually just a longer distance. Those crazy nights of what you need to stay awake makes the ride that much better!

***I hit reply to LEDDED, but it apparently decided to post alone. Tried to fix it, but kept doing the same thing. Maybe IT should check that out?***

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at how this show was viewed at the time by my Deadhead mentor Tim and myself as a newbie. The veteran from CA hadn't seen them since the hiatus I think. His impressions were of how high the band seemed and the reckless abandon with which they played. He had that look on his face as he was talking about it right after the show of "how did they pull that off". I could tell it was historical in his experience even then, and it certainly was in mine. Legendary!

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