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- OroborousJoined:2/13/70
Wow, whether it was 2/12 Unganos or 2/13a, it’s a recommended listen.
Good recording though the levels aren’t always balanced and perhaps a bit Bob centric? But now imma gonna have to keep Truckin’ on with all of 2/13 since I’ve never heard the whole show, and well, I don’t feel like doing anything else lol
So WTH…Edit: recommend the Miller for 2/13/70. It has the same set as “2/12”, plus the rest of the night, and definitely sounds better than what I listened to.
- OroborousJoined:2/11/70a & 2/12/70
Edit: 2/11/70 holy crap!
Not terrible but not great recording, including bad DS splice, but hey it is what it is, and the music is killer! Not sure if this included both shows, think so?
But man there is some “primo” dead here, and the jams musically, if not sonically we’re amazing: Duane, Greg, and perhaps most impressive Peter Green! Another sweet DS, splice and all, with it sounds like Phil trying to lobby hard for masons, but the mob prevails and a jam is born, and Lovelight was not boring lol.
“If yer gonna through dope up here, throw it where we can find it” lolI think PF, it’s more it hasn’t met the test of time so well. I remember BITD when Live Dead was something completely different, even from the other limited dead we had. Back then the screaming and histrionics and all that greasy goodness was like from elixir from Mars…now? And it’s pretty repetitive etc, That and we kinda know it inside out after gulp, almost six decades…
Familiarity brings contempt ? lol - OroborousJoined:2/2,5,7/70 today
Snuck the short but hot 2/4/70 in at end of day yesterday.
Not the best recording but not bad and worth it, same with 2/1, starts out weird with Bob way out in front of the mix lol…for anyone who bitches Bobs never loud enough! Eventually settles in and another good show from that run.
I’d heard the fine 31 before via Doc so skipped, same with 2/6…Uncle T: true dat…all of it!
What’ll he be reading this game lol
Cars?…like my old biker neighbor BITD used to say “if it’s got tits or tires bound to drive a man crazy” which sounds like something Pig would say lol
I’m surprised I never turned him onto Pig…
Tiss why I love the dead so…girls heartbreak, cars trouble, and sports usually leaves you down and/or greasy feeling, while with the Dead ya always won!