- Post reply Log in to post comments3,430 repliesmaryeJoined:New year, new update. Tell us of your musical adventures in real time!
- ForensicdocelevenJoined:To find fault is easy; to do better may be difficult......
Hey rockers!
Right now I'm listening to The Cash Box Kings. Before that was The Cadillac Kings. Both worth a listen. And no, I didn't fall down and hit my head........
Here I am trying to live, or rather, I am trying to teach the death within me how to live......
Rock on,
The disembodied spirit is immortal, there is nothing of it that can grow old or die, but the embodied spirit sees death on the horizon as soon as its day dawns...... - uncle_tripelJoined:MUSIC ROCKS...
and SPORTS are over-rated,
but they always makes for good convo ;)goin' with '85 today, and that will be...
june 28 1985 hershey...
...well I, well I,
married me a wifeyup, got the match-up
for Sunday vs LA
now AJ just needs to
show up interestedSunday night
15 degrees in Mafia land
another Lamar playoff
put a fork in 'emGO BILLS!
uncle_tripel - 1stshow70878Joined:Old & In The Gray
Not quite the same but still great. Vassar was on over 200 albums and starred or featured in 40 or more. Bio said he didn't read music. Taught himself to fiddle at age seven. How did I never notice he was on Wake of the Flood?
Oro - Yeah that was actually a couple of TDs later in the 3rd quarter. So many little mistakes that cost Denver big in time of possession. Like dropping every pass that hit you square in the hands. Not diving for the 1st down instead of taking it to the sideline (not 2 min. drill so it wasn't to stop the clock). It was 3 downs and punt all day. Highlight was the fake punt though it was a floater with a semi-circle arc, thought it would never come down, lol. Bet the punter doesn't practice throwing much. And then they didn't capitalize on that 1st down either. We got away with the blatant end zone holding that the ref had to come over to Allen on the bench to apologize for. But then they scored on that drive anyway. Then Doh, Denver's field goal attempt nails the post squarely and drops like a rock. But it was the first whole game I've watched all year so there's that. Best of luck in the rest of the playoffs. The Bills have some real talent.
Cheers - OroborousJoined:1/24,30/70 & 2/1/70
Back to our regular scheduled program after the WE of madness!
Phew, I’m all tuckered out from so much fu bol and accessories lolRE: Firsty/ FB: I’d say it was hardly over at half 1stshow…and the Donkeys should be proud of what they accomplished, and though it kills me to say it ; ) their only going to get better. Hell, maybe KC will finally have some real divisional competition! Maybe next year is now real and not just a pacifier!
We were pretty nervous until those last couple of TDs, but like Romo said, these games usually separate the more fully established etc from the up and coming upstarts. Which seemed the case all around for most part.
Yeah the Commandos won, but I’ve been watching them go under the radar all year, sorta the new underdog like the mighty lye ooons a couple years ago!
Don’t see them upsetting D but…”that’s why they play the game”Thought GB might do it as well, as they’ve also been gettin er done most of the year, but didn’t seem to show up yesterday? Same with the Bolts, no offense but I don’t like Houston for multiple reasons and frankly in that weak ass division didn’t fully deserve to be there, imho, but they did look more consistent than I’ve seen them play in weeks and the Bolts had none of their mojo of late, so… biggest eye opener so far was probably the VIKS loss to the Lye Oon? Not so much that they lost, but how…
Which makes tonight’s game Berry interesting…will the Viks and Sam I am be able to get their mojo working on the Rams, and will the Rams be able to keep theirs rising as they’ve been doing end of season?
No offense, but I’m hoping VIKS kick butt tonight, next week and get huge rematch game with Lions! Though I wouldn’t be able to root for one over the other as I like them both so much lol
In the lesser of two weevils competition, I’ll hold my nose and hope Houston shows up as KC is anything but invincible, and I’m guessing I’m not the only one over the leagues blatant “support” to milk another dynasty etc
Only good thing about PM is we don’t have to hear about Brady so much lol…actually think Tom does a good job analyzing.
obviously I hope Bills win, and if they all show up for all sixty minutes etc, can, but chances are that ain’t gonna happen and Baltimore is looking scary good and isn’t showing that I’m gonna choke vibe that’s plagued em last few years!
In the end, hopefully it’ll be a great game, the better team will win and without any BS help from the league/officials!Uncle T: Rams? figured you’d be a Birds fan?