- Post reply Log in to post comments3,435 repliesmaryeJoined:New year, new update. Tell us of your musical adventures in real time!
- uncle_tripelJoined:When I...
was just a baby, my mama told me, Son...but I shot a man in RENO just to watch him die. And my interest has been piqued about this "dear prudence" tease... I was fortunate to see JGB perform "dear prudence" 2X at the Tower Theater {10/31/1981 & 6/27/1982} and so NOW I'm off to RENO 2nd Set 1982-03-13 [archive identifier #112858]
peace all!
uncle_tripel - ObeahJoined:1982
I am seeing a lot of chatter about '82 shows lately. I think I may have to get more methodical in my listening, and just devote some sustained listening to this year.
Back in the day, I had plenty of tapes from early Brent era (79-81) but I had nothing from 83, and for 1982 I just had 7/31 and 8/1. Great shows both, and I loved playing them, but somehow I never caught the 1982 bug. 1982 for me is like a history lesson that I've memorized for the test, you know, what happened on this day in '82 (edit: I was trying to say more about this but just kept getting hey now'd)
- uncle_tripelJoined:something...
...about upstate NY and the intensity of the GD shows thru the years, and so I'm not leaving NY today, but heading west to Rochester 1982-04-09 streamin' on the archive #107054, and this will be another 1st-ever listen. just moving into DIRE WOLF with a big smilin' on my face because it is a rarity for 1982...stay tuned
peace all!
uncle_tripel - uncle_tripelJoined:HOW...
...many of you have never been late to a Rock n Roll show? [Bobby asks this question to the crowd when he is ready to start this show tonight]
...and so begins my return to SPRING '82 this morning with GLENS FALLS Civic 1982-04-14 streamin' on the archive identifier #7629, after a quick detour over to Alpine yesterday; YES, and a stand-out WHEEL as BLUECROW aptly notes {it appears alpine was your GO TO venue, very COOL!}PEACE ALL!
uncle_tripel - uncle_tripelJoined:kyrie eleison!
JUST FINISHED LISTENING TO BALTIMORE APRIL 19 1982! if you don't know this show you need to check it OUT; it's the LAST NIGHT of SPRING '82, just LISTEN!
I don't believe in PRAISE for what I maybe hear as highlights, it's really up to you the listener, but a SOLID yes to
enough said!thanks to my buddy, Pauley, for introducing me to 1982-04-19 (oh yes, I still have the cassette of the 2nd set dubbed with buds back in summer 1987)
- uncle_tripelJoined:my old BUDDY...
...you're moving much too slow; YES, landing today in "balwmer" 1982-04-19 [identifier #144567 on the Archive] and continuing with my BAKER'S dozen for 1982 (so far 5/23, 4/3, 4/18 II, 2/17, and this weekend WOW UC Davis 3/14 luv it); a HUGE THNX to Mr Healy for the SUPER sounding board recordings of 1982!
Friend comes by,
says he's looking for his hat...
Come on pretty momma let's get on the road again!!!EVERYONE have a PEACEFUL day!