- Post reply Log in to post comments3,435 repliesmaryeJoined:New year, new update. Tell us of your musical adventures in real time!
- proudfootJoined:In the house
12 3 79
My 16th birthday
90 miles southeast of where I was living
However, the bus was still a little over 2.5 years away from my stop
Edit: first two discs ok but not transcendent, at least this time around
Disc three? We will see...
Rest of show ok, not transcendentDid not listen to 12/4/79 filler
New year, new update. Tell us of your musical adventures in real time!
The House In The Woods
Track: Sunlight On Rusting Hulk
Label: Exotic Pylon Records
Cat #: EP29
Black Mountain Transmitter
Track: The Shadow, The Darkness
Label: Lysergic Earwax
Cat #: Lysergic Earwax 002
Hey Colossus
Track: How To Tell Time With Jesus
Label: MIE Music
Cat #: MIE 018
Wizards Tell Lies
Track: Throws Magic
Label: Chapel Yard
Cat #: REV024
Just like Ronnie said....
(This is the jamminest version of this song I ever seen)
it's funky Tuesday here on KDED
Almost forgot...Happy Birthday Peter Wolf!!!
Happy Hump Day