• 1,335 replies
    Got ideas for how things should be run differently in the Vineyard? Improvements? Suggestions? Brainstorms? Truckloads of fertilizer? Post here.,On the floor at MSG... one perfect song after another...and we were beyond elated with disbelief and gratitude. This was truely a fantasy set list and, in my opinion, the best of my 8 show run.


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  • Estim8ed
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    My 2 Cents
    First of all, what a great thing this vine is!!!!!!!! Everyone should take a step back, now take another step back the people up front are getting squashed. Any lossless vine should be from an original source (ie. original sbd tape or aud recording.) The original recording is a WAV file that is converted to a lossless compression format for the sole purpose of reducing storage space. A lossless compression format (ie flac/shn) reduces the size of a file by approximately 40 to 50 percent without losing any of the original file's information, that is why the format is called lossless. where as a lossy compression format (ie .mp3,.aac,.wma) reduces the file size by approximatley 60 to 90 percent (depending on the bit rate of the compressed file) but the information removed from the original file is lost forever that is why these formats are refered to as lossy. Lossy formats were created for the puropse of being able to have more music in a smaller package. That is why you can get a cd player for your home or car that will play .mp3's .wma's and the like. That is why you can fit several shows on one cd in .mp3 format. Also these lossy formats are the reason I have 32 days of Good Ol Grateful Dead on my Ipod. Apple uses their own lossy compression for the ipod and to be quite honest they sound great. I commute along way , and in my car is where most of my music listening happens. I have a very high end sound system in my car and my Ipod plugs directly into my head unit so I don't have to fumble with thousands of cd's. IMHO you would be hard pressed to sit in my car and hear a phil bomb at 120db and be able to tell if it was a compressed format or not. Lossless compression was developed by audiophiles and was intended to be used for reducing the storage space necessary for storing digital music on a computer while maintaining the integrity of the original file. If you will notice, there are no players aside from a plugin or two for a computer audio player that will play shn or flac files. This is because the formats were developed for archival purposes. I myself copy the flac or shn files to my external hard drive where they stay forever, decompress the files to WAV without deleting the flac or shn, I then import the WAV files into Itunes and compress them into aac file and put them on my Ipod. I then delete the WAV files because they are the largest files which take up the most space and everything is great in my world. I have the music on my Ipod to take with me everywhere I go and I have the lossless file archived on my hard drive. Some people decompress the lossless files and burn the resulting WAV files to cd's or convert them to mp3's to make mp3 cd's or put on a portable mp3 player, it is your choice how you consume the product once you recieve it. Whatever tickles your spot. If you really want to get down to the nitty gritty of the sound quality issue, we should come up with a way to vine on vinyl because the original analog recording on good vinyl with the right record player would put this digital stuff to shame, but it would be impossible to vine this way. I think we should all need to educate ourselves so that we can take advantae of the technology we have (alot of which is free I might add) right at our fingertips for it is this technology that makes this vine possible. I mean really ,all of us remember trading tapes right?? Try to find the ying for your yang!! This beats tape trading hands down and here we have people almost getting hostile over some technology misunderstandings. As for the copy of a copy of a copy of a cd we are dealing with digital format, and I can rip (copy) the WAV files off of a cd and then burn them to a cd again and agian and again with the same results. There are differences in computer software and hardware as well as differences in storage media (cd's dvd's) If you usae a program called Exact Audio Copy (EAC) which is free on the internet and a good burning software like Nero, and you have a good name brand burning drive with quality blank cd's, cd's can be copied with no loss of qualtiy. You are taking an exact copy of the digital information on the cd, and writing the exact same digital information to a new cd. As for the volume differences, most burning software has volume adjustment settings or something called normalize volume for all tracks or something of that nature that if you don't understand how to use this feature or don't know it's being used can have adverse affects on the sound quality of your copies. Again I'm not trying to be condescending in any manner, just informative, but a thorough understanding of the technology and all of the aspects surrounding it will solve the discussions I'm seing on this thread. It's all about education, which is free on the internat reguarding all of the programs (software) formats (flac,shn,.mp3 etc..) and computer hardware. I'm just an old hippy who misses the Grateful Dead and has been taking advantage of this technology for the better part of ten years now!! When I found out I could download high quality recordings of my favorite music, I couldn't learn fast enough!!!! I by no means know it all, but I do have quite a bit of experience with all of these formats and technology. I hope this is helpful in the grand scheme of life, because I know how it is to be jonesing for Jerry licks and god forbid they be sub par sound quality when you get them!!! If I can be of any help to anyone I'm more than willing to help! All that being said, I will say again that no vine listed as losless should be sourced from a lossy file, period! Don't sweat the small stuff, and by the way It's ALL small stuff!!!
  • JackstrawfromC…
    Its not that big a deal you guys
    Small vines, large vines, wav, flac I like them all and they all have advantages and disadvantages. I'm trying to obtain as many shows as possible and with how long it takes to get vines I think it is nice to get one large one rather than waiting for 2 or 3 smaller ones - you can knock out the entire year of 1977 in what 4 vines?? That's awesome! In addition, along those same lines I prefer flac its just faster and easier all around (especially for large vines, they have to be in flac to even be manageable, plus it is cheaper, I can go on and on). But hey it is also cool opening up a vine with one special show in wav format. I like all the vines and vine formats, keep them coming! "I've stayed in every blue-light cheap hotel. Can't win for tryin. Dust off those rusty strings just one more time. Gonna make em shine."
  • fluffhead042
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    sure would like to hear MITD say something! :( I hope he is well... "In a bed, in a bed, by the waterside I will lay my head. Listen to the river sing sweet songs, to rock my soul."
  • dstache
    big vines v small vines
    If anyone knows how time-consuming and overwelming big vines could be, I do. If I had to do it all over again, maybe I would break them down even further or space them further out. Hindsight. The positives of big vines are less cost (4 DVDs at a time v 4 shipments of 1 DVD each), especially for our European-based brethren, and speedier acquisition of a whole hunk of music. But the sheer enormity can be overwelming and take away the gleeful feeling we should get upon receiving a vine. While big vines are more efficient, perhaps they are like Wal Mart, giving us what we want but leaving us with an empty feeling. As for the whole source controversy, I think we all agree that the seeder should provide all the information he or she has (WAV, Lossless) and avoid MP3. Just like with the official releases and life in general, variety is a good thing. We can pick and choose what we want. Just because I generally eschew officially released compilations (I prepurchased the new Pure Jerry though) and am now firmly planted on the lossless side here, doesn't mean that Rhino or my fellow viners should solely cater to my taste. This is the best community on the net as far as I am concerned and I am proud to be a part of it. In the end, the love we make...
  • Lopezz
    I dont have a Mac, but
    There are some resources available: http://flac.sourceforge.net/download.html I have a lot of trouble with my wifes Ipod. I have my home stereo conected to my computer ; )
  • Birdsong1969NJ
    I ask myself....
    What would MITD say????? Let's just be. "And I love the life I live And I'm gonna live the life I love"
  • ripple1974
    another topic, sort of . . .
    are there any other viners here who use a mac? if so, what program(s) have you found to convert .shn or .flac into burnable .wav files for importing into itunes?
  • erickat
    I appologise
    i was wrong to cast aspersions - and be negative - it's all a positive thing here, no matter how big or small or what format - i honestly don't know what got into me - sorry.
  • pomo1
    I raise my hand
    I certainly missed Erickat. Maybe I am old-fashioned, but I convert whatever music I get in the vineyard to Wav for cds for my car, and I also convert it for use on my ipod. I do back up everything that comes to me in flac form on my external hard drive, but I almost never listen through my computer. So I guess I appreciate both formats. What I do not appreciate is people telling other people what or how they should vine. If someone prefers wav cds, cool for them. They do not need to be told to enter this century. If I want to convert a flac vine to wav bc I was asked to do so by people, that is my perogative. If that makes me old-fashioned, so be it. I think we all know that a very wise man said once a note leaves his guitar it is no longer his and people are free to do whatever they like with the music. The same should be true with vines. Once it is out there it is not really proprietary to the viner, it belongs to the vineyard. As to the mega-vines, I believe Dstache's efforts were heroic and I was happy to contribute to the 77 vine. However, my personal preference is for smaller, theme-based vines that surprise me with their creativity and the occassional show that I have been pining for. On the other hand, there are others who prefer to get it all at once. Indeed, a wise lady has said that there is room in the vineyard for all types of vines. So, in conclusion Erickat, you are greatly appreciated. Derek, you are greatly appreciated. In fact, everybody that contributes to and participates in the Vineyard is greatly appreciated. Lets not lose sight of how amazing it is that we can hear our favorite music long after it was created. Peace to everybody! "Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence." Albert Einstein
  • dstache
    new vines
    The 68 lossless vine has been posted, as has the final part of the 1973 lossless vine (which I forgot about in my last post). That leaves only the remainder of the 1977 lossless vine outstanding from me. I will probably wait a week or two before working on this as I need a little break and have some other commitments. Oh Yeah and/or other MAC users, get back to me about changing my burning speed or whatever the problem is and I will change it before burning the final parts to the 1977 vine.
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17 years 9 months
Got ideas for how things should be run differently in the Vineyard? Improvements? Suggestions? Brainstorms? Truckloads of fertilizer? Post here.,On the floor at MSG... one perfect song after another...and we were beyond elated with disbelief and gratitude. This was truely a fantasy set list and, in my opinion, the best of my 8 show run.
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16 years 2 months

Yeah that is pretty wild! As far as collecting things goes - that's a really cool route to go.. "I've stayed in every blue-light cheap hotel. Can't win for tryin. Dust off those rusty strings just one more time. Gonna make em shine."
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17 years 9 months

In honor of the victorious Saints (I was pulling for the old man & the Vikes) I got a DVD flacful of Dr. John shows circa 1972-85, I can offer up. The Truth is realized in an instant, the act is practiced step by step.
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16 years 2 months

Catching up to old Favre. You don't retire, then come back playing for your old division rival. It's just so wrong on so many levels. Then again - the Vikes got robbed because that pass interference call in OT was bogus. That should never be called in a championship game let alone in OT of a championship game sheeeesh!! Then again old Favre threw a terrible pick to end regulation ... oh the drama! "I've stayed in every blue-light cheap hotel. Can't win for tryin. Dust off those rusty strings just one more time. Gonna make em shine."
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15 years 7 months

i am from where brett favre grew up and still lives in kiln ms. he does alot for the kids on the gulf coast, i also live just 65 miles from new orleans and have been a saints fan for 43 years. soooooo! geaux saints!! don't think we can beat the other home town kid, peyton manning though.
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17 years 8 months

Go Saints Go!
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17 years 9 months

You know a Dr. John vine would be awesome. Would make great road trip tunes for when I go back the end of Feb. - going to visit my daughter and run the Mardi Gras half marathon. " Where does the time go? "
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17 years 9 months

A friend of mine attended only one NYE show, 12-31-91, and asked me for a copy. I checked the Vinedex and I didn't see it listed. So if anybody wants to vine it, I would appreciate it, thanks. "That path is for, your steps alone."
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15 years 11 months

I have this show... and will send it to Pomo1.... I can look and see what other New Year's shows have not been vined... and maybe put a New Year's Vine together.... Any one interested in that idea? I have many but certainly not all.... Thanks. Raymond
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17 years 9 months

I took a quick look at the Vindex, and there are a number of NYE shows already vined, but not of the recent variety. It might be cool to fill in whats missing. Thanks, again. "That path is for, your steps alone."
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16 years 10 months

I have been listening to 2-21-95 salt lake city sbd. Thanks Trevor. This is one great show, and Jerry's voice is crisp and clear. FOTD here is the best 90s vesion I have heard. It is tight, and Jerry's voice is great. I give it a A+ There is no doubt in my mind, Jerry's vocals are better in '94 and '95 going back to say '83 or '82--I'm talking about vocal quality (not flubbed lyrics). I listened to some '88 stuff for comparrison, and his vocals were deep and raspy. Sure, there were some rough '94 and '95 shows but man, some of em' are great.
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17 years 6 months

Speaking of flubbed lyrics, listen to the second set of 4/8/85. Jerry clearly does NOT know the lyrics to either Revolution or Touch of Grey. This show proves that a telepromptor is much needed. I don't mind a flubbed lyric here or there, but this is one of those shows that should have embarassed him, and there were definitely some negative thoughts that crept into my head as I listened to it. The rest of my just posted 85 vine is good though! I agree re: his voice that it is better later on (I'd say late 80's rather than 90's though) than it was in the early to mid-80's.
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15 years 11 months

BUT!!! That first set is INCREDIBLE!! I have the same copy of the show as dstache.... and the sound quality is not very good.... but that show still ranks in my personal top ten live shows of all time. The 2 at Merriweather a few months later.... the 89 Fall tour shows... surpass this one.... but being there.... a GREAT show! My 2 cents... Raymond
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15 years 11 months

Forgot my absolute favorite live show .... Richmond Colisuem.... 11/1/85!! Raymond
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17 years 6 months

haha, yeah, they like that first set on Archive too. For those that don't know, set 1 included the following interesting combos, among others: In The Midnight Hour > Walking The Dog > Big Boss Man and Down In The Bottom > I Ain't Superstitious. In general, the fact that they bust out an underplayed or new song doesn't do much for me. But maybe here set 2 bothered me so much that I downgraded set 2 retroactively.
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15 years 11 months

Have just sent our friend Pomo the 91 NYEve show he requested.... He has been a pre-85 Dead guy so far.... so I included the Hampton 10/8 & 9/89 shows along with the 10/16/89... I look forward to his response to those Dark Stars! Thanks all.... I am especially grateful to all of you in the Vineyard who have helped me get back in touch with these great shows that I gradually let slip away over the last 10 years or so.... this last year in the Vineyard has been a joy! Raymond
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17 years 9 months

I will listen to those shows with an open mind. Its not that I never listen to the later stuff, its just that I seem to enjoy the earlier Dead more. Also, I think the fact that I stopped attending shows after 1984 also affects my tastes. I would never think to denigrate anybody for loving the later stuff, as it is all a matter of taste. Besides, even the worst of the Dead is a hell of a lot better than most of the stuff I come across. I will let you guys know what I think of the Hampton shows. "That path is for, your steps alone."
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17 years 6 months

I think it helps when listening to shows from the later years if you take things with a grain of salt, recognize that Jerry is NOT the guitarist he once was, and compare shows in that era to one another, rather than to shows from other eras. As to denigrating, I was reading recently on Archive about some '85 show, and the reviewer said how he much preferred the exciting, fast-playing Jerry of '85 to the boring, slow-playing Jerry of '77. I said to myself, "That is the last review of yours I ever need to read as I clearly cannot rely on you for any information." And one more. I won't say the name of the reviewer; I'll let someone else guess who I am talking about. He reviewed shows in the Taping Compendium (not an editor). In one of his reviews of a spring '90 show, he says that that tour was perhaps the best tour since 1974. That is a lot of music to skip over. If he said it was the best tour since Fall 77 I might have said, ok, a little controversial, but reasonable. But to skip over ALL of 1977 and say spring 90 is better than 77, are you nuts?!?!?!? The guy drives me nuts for other reasons (he is so critical of every show, I wonder whether he even likes the band, and he's just pretentious). Anyone know, without looking at the Compendium, the reviewer to whom I am referring?
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17 years 6 months

You know what, forget about that last post. Anyone think we need more 89 vined? I have June Shoreline, July Alpine Valley, August Berkeley and September Shoreline shows. One of the Alpine Valley shows has been vined, as have the 3 August Cal Expo shows. If anyone has the early July shows please let me know.
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16 years 2 months

To Shoreline Sept 89!!! Been looking for those for a looong time.. "Here's my half a dollar if you dare .. double twist when you hit the air. Look at Julie down below .. the levee doing the dopaso"
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17 years 6 months

Ok, I will post the 9/29, 9/30 and 10/1/89 shows next week (plus a bonus of 7/4). I think Marye needs a little break as she has posted a bunch of vines the last 2 days. We'll do this one in both SHN/FLAC and WAV, with me converting and burning to WAV 1 show, and each of the first 3 to sign up 1 as well. I am only missing 8 shows from summer/fall '89: 7/7, 7/9, 7/10, 7/12, 7/13, 7/15, 10/11 & 10/18. If anyone has SHN/FLAC versions and wants to start a vine, or trade, hey, let's do it!
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17 years 6 months

...but I figured I'd ask my fellow viners and traders to let me know if you have an extra ticket for EITHER night of the Radio City shows. Why would you do this? You'll get face value, a good beer on me, AND you get to meet me in person! PM me if you have one. Thanks!
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16 years 2 months

Wish you were heading out west to my neck of the woods for the end of the tour! "Here's my half a dollar if you dare .. double twist when you hit the air. Look at Julie down below .. the levee doing the dopaso"
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17 years 9 months

of the Compendium's reviews. What I read sometimes furls my brow. However, I recognize that there are a variety of tastes regarding the eras of this wonderful band. However, hyperbole AND distain? Please. The Truth is realized in an instant, the act is practiced step by step.
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17 years 9 months

Received from Raymond--you are truly a kind Head-- and gave them a listen. They are both fine shows. I can definitely understand why a lot of people think very highly of these two nights, especially with the boys breaking out a lot of special material. I will listen to them again in the future. However, for my tastes I still prefer to listen to earlier eras. In my subjective view, the band --especially Jerry-- was tighter, more imaginative and energetic even in a mediocre show from 1977 or 1972 or 1968 or 73, etc. Well, you get the picture. That is even without considering the condition of Jerry's voice. Again, it is all a matter of taste and I think it is wonderful that many Heads love the later stuff. "That path is for, your steps alone."
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17 years 6 months

I was thinking that it would be easier and cheaper if, instead of the seeder burning WAV CD's for each show, that he/she (hey, Rider might seed something!) include the WAV files on the DVD. A show in both FLAC/SHN and WAV fits on a single DVD. I usually get 50 CD's for about $9 and 50 DVD's for $13, maybe a little cheaper, so it is actually cheaper to put the WAV files on 1 DVD rather than 3 CD's. This way, the FLACless can enjoy the vine too, and we don't have to pay the postage for a heavier package. Of course, the FLACless must have a DVD player so they can at least read the files. Any thoughts from the FLACless?
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17 years 3 months

I think that sounds like a good idea. That way the flacless would get the text document with the set and lineage info . of course if one wanted to do a multi show vine it would have to be on muti DVD`s. and that would put an end to converting and extra postage. I actualy passed on a few vines that got converted becuz of the extra weight .
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17 years 9 months

Recently, I've been seeing more and more 24-bit posts of classic shows on the Archive - could this format be the WAV of the future? " Where does the time go? "
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16 years 2 months

Than being flac-less. I don't mean this is in a bad way or anything but I do understand if one doesn't have a DVD burner and usually that is how flac/shn are delivered is on dvd. But what I don't understand is why the flacless cannot convert flac/shn to wav. Conversion is just too easy to do for it to be a problem and limitation. My point is if we want to reduce postage costs (yes I do) the best thing is flac/shn on dvd but it makes more sense to me to put flac/shn on CD's rather than on dvd's instead of putting wav onto dvd if our goal is to look out for our friends with limitations. Because I just don't think flac-less should be a limitation. Anyways, just my opinion, in the end I don't mind how we do this vining stuff, I'm just glad it is here for us all to enjoy no matter what are media preferences :-) "Here's my half a dollar if you dare .. double twist when you hit the air. Look at Julie down below .. the levee doing the dopaso"
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17 years 6 months

I don't think you need to have a DVD burner to read DVD's. Hippy doesn't have a DVD burner but still does FLAC because his drive can at least read DVD's. FLACless, please comment
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17 years 3 months

In the past I have educated a few people on the how too`s of converting . personally I prefer dvd because i just copy straigh into a hard drive then burn later . but yes whatever media is fine with me . I too am just happy to have a place and kind folks to do this vine stuff with !!
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16 years 2 months

Like I said, I am on board with whatever format people choose. "Here's my half a dollar if you dare .. double twist when you hit the air. Look at Julie down below .. the levee doing the dopaso"
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17 years 9 months

can sound fantastic Witness the mindboggling 24 Bit versions of the of the fabulous April 71 shows that are appearing these days (the latest is 4-26-71). The main drawbacks are that the files are MUCH bigger and you cannot convert them to WAV (without losing all the audio benefits). And of course the audio source must be of good quality to be be able to make a difference. To listen you have two main choices Play through a 24 Sound Card or Digital Audio Converter. Your PC is unlikely to have such a thing internally. I have an external 24 Bit box that sits between my computer and my hi-fi. Its not the best you can get but it does the job. Burn to an Audio DVD or Video DVD and play through a suitable player. You can find out much more about entering the world of 24 bit by reading this http://24bit.turtleside.com/ and through this discussion http://www.shnflac.net/forum.php?action=viewtopic&topicid=10231 WOW as I write I see that a new 24 Bit Matrix of 74-6-23 Jai Alai Fronton has just appeared.
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Posted today 8 Feb 2010
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17 years 9 months

to say that having had to learn flac conversion for the vine currently in my possession, I tore my hair for about half an hour (much of that devoted to downloading a free program that didn't work, but the shareware SoundConverter seems to work fine and was worth the 14 bucks) and after that it was all pretty clear sailing. And my new computer (sigh...) has a good DVD drive. I do agree that the lack of a DVD drive is a more formidable obstacle for many folks than the conversion itself.
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17 years 9 months

on my computer, which is what I have done with several 'flac only' offerings.. Computer does recognize DVDs & somehow I was able to even listen to them a couple weeks ago (can't figure it out right now how I did that, however). Hope to convert those DVDs soon (esp. my Dr. John vine) as I do have several waiting. Lopezz sent me some programs to help with my converting some of the flac DVDs that I have gotten from here (and elsewhere). I hope to get to this process, possibly this weekend if I can get computer time from wife (work) and son (school). I recognize the cost issue as far as sending stuff out. I feel like it is fair with all the wonderful & transportive music I am getting. But I will figure it out. Even with my flintsonean skill level. ;o} marye, what do I do without any hair to pull out? Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself.
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16 years 2 months

Just kidding man its all good, do whatever is easiest for you. And cosmicbadger - wow you have all the cool little gadgets, gizmos and other computer and stereo enhancements .. that's awesome man! I'm just happy with my iPod or listening to cd's on my little boom box. actually most of my music time is in the car on the daily commute .. but some day ... I'll get a sweet sound system... some day.. "Here's my half a dollar if you dare .. double twist when you hit the air. Look at Julie down below .. the levee doing the dopaso"
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16 years 10 months

cosmicbadger --Thanks for all your work I don't know about you folks, but there are a lot of missing or stalled vines. I wish MITD was here to sort it all out.
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17 years 6 months

Summer 72 will be next, probably a SHN/FLAC only vine. Off the top of my head. 7/16, 7/25, 7/26, 8/20/ 8/21 and possibly 8/22 and 8/24 (still have to listen to the last 2). Summer 72 is often disparaged, but the Other One's and Dark Stars are always exquisite, and, while the boys may take a song or 2 off, there is some delightful music in every show I have listened to.
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17 years 3 months

Did anyone hear about this ? 7-7-89 Release date: 03.30.10 I don`t know if it will be a DVD or just a soundboard CD .
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17 years 9 months

picked up this: "Grateful Dead Productions will release a 3CD/1DVD Grateful Dead set called Crimson, White & Indigo: July 7, 1989 - JFK Stadium, Philadelphia, planning its release for March 30."
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16 years 2 months

Today I gathered up all the vines I need to mail out, put them in their appropriate envelopes, sealed them all up nice and secure, put them into my truck, found my keys, drove all the way to the post office, parked, gathered up all the packages, walked into the post office all just to remember that it is closed today!! Happy President's Day! "Here's my half a dollar if you dare .. double twist when you hit the air. Look at Julie down below .. the levee doing the dopaso"
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17 years 9 months

Would there be any interest in vines containing 24bit/96kHz versions of some classic GD shows. These are sonically a great leap forward. Quite a few are appearing now and some of them sound simply amazing. However getting into 24 Bit requires another leap of technology. These are huge files ( 1 show fits on one DVD) and you cannot burn them to CDs. You need some reasonable sound equipment to be able to appreciate the sonic upgrade and you may require some investment to make it work for you. If you already have a 24Bit sound card or a DVD burner and a good quality DVD player you should be ready to go. I managed to get all the bits I needed to make the leap for around $50. Here are two links that give you an idea of what would be required http://www.pristineclassical.com/More/FLAC-24bit.html http://24bit.turtleside.com/ So the proposal is to start a 24 Bit vine that includes detailed instructions and web links showing you what to do. The first would be the jawdroppingly good new 24 Bit Charlie Miller version of April 29 1971 which has to be heard to be believed. If there is enough interest I will set it in motion. If not...well you won't know what you are missing :-) Please post if you are interested. CB
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17 years 3 months

Hey Badger , That sounds good to me ! I downloaded some 24 Bit and it does sound really sweet !! I play it on my DVD player through my wal-mart suround systme , it works pretty well . In fact Neil Youngs new releases come with a standard CD and a 24 bit audio DVD.
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17 years 6 months

I'm listening to 2/22/80 right now, amazing show. Not sure which vine this came on, perhaps as a bonus show to something. Many of us have the After Midnight release (2/28/80). I looked on setlist.com and much of the show is graded very well. A seed of the entire month, sans 2/22 and 2/28, would be much appreciated by this viner. Downloaders?
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17 years 6 months

correction: MOST of the month is graded well on setlist
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17 years 3 months

I just looked in one HD and found 47G worth . Including the shows you mentioned dstache. It would all fit onto 10 or 11 DVD`s and thats only in one of my drives . where would you like for me to start ?
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16 years 2 months

2/22/80 and the late show of 2/29/80 on Random Jerry Vine part 1. I hear ya though - Feb 1980 was a great month. I'd love to get more shows from that period.. "Here's my half a dollar if you dare .. double twist when you hit the air. Look at Julie down below .. the levee doing the dopaso"
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Member for

17 years 6 months

The east coast tour was from 2/12 - 3/1 so I think that would be a good vine (skipping 2/22 and 2/28). I say you give that a go and if it is well-received, and you are up for it, you can vine the other 80 shows you have. Thanks Stuman! Re: 2/22, I didn't get it from that vine I don't think 'straw.
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Member for

17 years 6 months

I see your vine now, 'straw. You vined 2/29 and 3/1, so you could omit those from your vine, Stuman. If you have extra room on a DVD I suggest putting in one or more of the SF shows before or after the east coast tour.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

Yes, Badger, one show - the 29th April, 1971 would do it. Please, let it roll. Thanks for youroffer. " Where does the time go? "