- Post reply Log in to post comments3,440 repliesmaryeJoined:New year, new update. Tell us of your musical adventures in real time!
- bluecrowJoined:Sorry about that 1st Show
Yeah the vocals on Love The One Your With are not just exactly perfect lol. Listening to it on my lo-fi system on drive back it seemed a bit more crazed than I remembered, had to turn it down a couple of notches (I tend to listen loud) and the backing vocals by Bobby? and Brent? are also a tad out there and just serve to reinforce that. Reminded me a little of Bobby shredding his voice in the old old days on rave up finale of some Pig Lovelights and Not Fade Aways. Back in the day I figured the 4/17 vocal thing was a surfeit of Bolivian marching powder and the wave of insane energy of a New York/ Meadowlands crowd/vibe but yeah Stills probably couldn't hear himself also. It didn't spoil the show in any way for me back then when I didn't have many tapes and it doesn't now. It just was what it was - a vocal rough spot in an otherwise stellar '83 show IMO and yeah an historic one-off performance of a classic song from the old days. Also want to add that along with that killer H > S > F, I love the Playing and the extended jam into drums. And listening to all this last little bit it struck me that Brent is throwing in some unusual keyboard sounds - like the "marimba" in the Help/Slipknot transition. I'm not a student/scholar of '83 (that would be Oro, among others) but really dig Brent's keyboards on this Set II. And yeah Phil is kicking it throughout and Jerry too his guitar is fire on that Slipknot. And right now listening pre-dawn with fresh coffee to H>S>F on the Senns to the Candace Brightman source on the archive and it is awesome! And going back to the GDH - one thing I enjoy is that along with the live shows, Gans is always serving up some relatively deep cuts from the greater GD catalog. Plus as a fan of Dead and Co he serves up the occasional killer D & C live SBD source, like in episode #1884 there's the Althea from 7/8/23 The Gorge which was coming out of a post -drums Dark Star! A little while ago he played the Cumberland from Oracle 7/16/23 and it was an absolutely ripping version, simply fantastic! His comment at the time was how D&C were really jamming out Cumberland in Set II and that was exactly what I got experience at Boulder 7/1/23. BTW - on a personal note we've been working down by Three Rivers Petroglyph National Monument north of Tularosa and had a chance to do a quick walk of the first section of the trail on a break. So much cool stuff packed tight and much of it different from the rock art up here. Need to visit there with some real free time - there's a nice campground I've heard at the base of Mt. Blanca.
ConeKid - That vault tour sounds cool. I think the winner should be able to liberate some uncirculated show of personal significance as part of the deal.
- 1stshow70878Joined:GD Hour
Had avoided this one until BC's post and going back for the H>S>F but the Stills sitting in on Love The One You're With was a train wreck, lol. Stills clearly cannot hear himself and the boys try their best but it's a bit rough. (as often happens on first attempts of covers) Yet a cool historic moment nonetheless. And not the first guest appearance to go astray so I enjoyed it "for what it's worth". Now there's a tune I wish they'd cover.
Edit: Yep, that H>S>F is a good one. Tight, and I like Phil's work on this one. - uncle_tripelJoined:onward and upward...
...best weekend in a long time
without my digital leash
tugging at me...
look at me, read me, and down the rabbit hole,
no no no didn't happen!what did happen
I only gained 4 pounds,
to N'awlinstoday's listening party
oct 9th 1989 with the warlocks
hampton roads coliseum (yup, that was it's name on the map when we first drove down in '83)
uncle_tripelPS - luv those Aug '91 shoreline shows
- bluecrowJoined:shout out to the GDH
The last 3 episodes uploaded on dead dot net are from 4/17/83 Meadowlands, the second night that has Stephen Stills guest appearance. Lucked into a second set SBD by summer '85 and I loved it. The H > S > F opening the set is pure fire, easily one of my favorites. Been listening to these episodes as part of my long haul drive music. Latest episode with Love The One Your With uploaded today - will be listening to it when I had back home this afternoon.