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- daverockJoined:1968 on vinyl
JFCattlet74.....not exactly, but as close as damnit is 11/10/67 that was included in the 30 Trips box. That one came out in vinyl shortly afterwards, and sounds superb. As you probably know, this was one of the shows that was recorded and used as a basis for Anthem of the Sun, and it has all the hallmarks of a great 1968 show.
Speaking of which, 2/14/68 would go down well on vinyl. I think they have steered clear of Road Trips for vinyl so far - something of an untapped resource there.
I would also have snapped up 8/21/68 on vinyl if I had known where to get it. - jfcatlett74Joined:Origins
I'm currently listening to the vinyl companion that came along with the graphic biography of the early Grateful Dead, Origins. It's a single-disc recording from the Fillmore West, 8/21/68. Side A: Dark Star -> St. Stephen Side B: The Eleven -> Death Don't Have No Mercy.
I have only listened to it a couple of times before, it strikes me listening again this time that the highlight is really Death Don't Have No Mercy. The band is really tight and in sync, both technically and emotionally. There are lots of quiet moments and loud moments in the song, and Jerry's guitar works screams like a man in pain and sorrow.
I prefer listening to 70s-era and Brent-era GD simply because their repertoire is so much larger than it was in the 60s, but there is such a raw, energetic sound to their earlier work as well that I really love. Aside from this single-disc release and Two From The Vault there isn't any other live material from them available on vinyl that I know of, I wish they would release more.
- daverockJoined:6/77-4/78
Good thinking Joey. I've decided to drop down a few years for the sake of variety - and landed on 9/18/74 from 30 Years. At first it sounded very thin, coming out of June 1977. A bit rinky dink. Demonic country picking by Jerry apart, it took a few songs to adjust to. I've only listened to the first cd so far, which does finish with a soulful To Lay Me Down. The best is yet to come, as the saying went.
- JoeyMCJoined:4/7/78
I'm finishing up the second show in the box and will start the third....there has been a couple, few stand out tunes so far I think, like the Wharf Rat on 4/6, fine playing during the second half.
June 1977
I had been listening to that Dave, I have the CDs in my possession finally thanks to someone here. (I did have a digital copy before) Those are just grate shows, everything is spectacular! I love 6/8 I think it might be the best eighth of a month of 1977 ;) and maybe even better than any other eighth day of a month ever? Okay no, too far, there is 11/8/69, 4/8/72, 9/8/73 ect....
Anyway, I had wanted to keep listening to the June 1977 stuff but after going through it twice I switched to 1970 because felt like 6/77 was a little too close to 4/78.