• 720 replies
    Cold rain and snow? Here comes sunshine? What's Mother Nature up to at your house?


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  • Anna rRxia
    Will there be food riots?
    If Congress decides to cut food stamp programs it is a distinct possibility. Free food distribution centers will have less and fewer commodities will be available through the Ag. Dept. This could be a multi-year drought where all of these conditions worsen. Thank you, Republicans, for denying global warming for 30 years and putting us in this mess. (I used up this space because of a double post)
  • Anna rRxia
    Half of all US counties now declared in drought
    With the temperature slated to break a 120 year all-time record today in OKC at 114 degrees, fully half the country is declared to be in drought. Prices will increase for food substantially next year, if not in the fall. No relief in sight as of yet. I have no compunction about running my air-conditioner these days...
  • Gr8fulTed
    How do you spell relief?
    Good weather reporting, Anna. Yesterday was almost comfortable, with cloud cover and intermittent showers. 2 day rain total was 0.05", so a shower was more like a faint drizzle. Forecast calls for triple digits again starting today. Uggh Like Poncho Bill says, it's crunchy and brown and our municipal water folks are asking for reduced water use, to 3 days a week . Folks with automatic sprinklers haven't made the effort to modify their watering cycles... My granddaughter Willow is visiting from Ft. Collins (no more smoke and fire!), so she's learned to feel the difference between hot and dry to hot, dry and humid. I use the water from her kiddie pool to feed the shrubs and garden veggies. June's electric bill was over $200. Arrgh! For some reason the hundred or so winfd turbines west of Salina KS haven't been spinning lately to enhance the power coming from the many coal fired plants. Anyone know why the wind turbines are not being used?
  • marye
    meanwhile in Oakland
    it's gray and overcast!
  • PonchoBill
    Damn hot! This has gotta be the hottest summer on record for northern Ontario. No end in sight either. I stopped caring about my green lawn weeks ago. It is an unsightly brown and very crunchy. My hydro bill is sky high. The CA is worth every penny tho.
  • Anna rRxia
    KC sizzle breaks
    Yesterday's high temp. in KC was 88. That breaks a 20 day string of 90+ temps for the KC metro. area. The forecast? Temps. at or above 90 for as far as the eye can see. Good luck staying cool Ted! At least you don't live in Las Vegas or Phoenix or Death Valley. In N. New England we are sizzling in or around 90 with high humidity. I think it's time for a tube trip down the White River. Unfortunately the water doesn't keep the beer cold!
  • Anna rRxia
    The heat boss, the heat!! (More water!)
    Poor Ted! The relief we've felt in the New England area -- morning lows in the high 40s -- didn't quite make it to the KC metro area. They had a "low" high temp. of 92 degrees last Monday and now temps. are headed back up to the triple digits. Man, that would just kill me! This makes more than 10 days of plus 90 degrees for those poor folks in the Plains. We'll be checking to see when you guys nose in under that mark. No end in sight. Other temps. around the country are staggering. Record highs almost everywhere except NE, where beautifully gorgeous endless summer continues unabated. We've been at the beach where water temps. are up this year already. You can now swim in Maine, which was an impossibility before 2000 unless you were a polar bear. In the rest of the country they are speaking of some really insane temps. like 127 degrees in Las Vegas. On average about 10 degrees more than the usual. Is this year the tipping point as far as Global Warming is concerned? I don't think from a scientific point-of-view a causal relationship can be proven but from a common-sense human and closely watched domestic animal point-of-view the case was closed long before this summer... Stay cool everybody! Alcoholic beverages are dehydrating. If you drink you should make every other one a 16 oz. water. Hey, if you don't believe me ask any EMT what shows up in the emergency room on hot days other than the elderly.
  • sherbear
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    Hot Days In the blazing sun where I was observing the grape vines with their thick, sturdy and jagged leaves...I gazed upon them finding that the beetles had paired up and were all making love freely in the light of the sun. Ahhh Mother Nature and her subjects of love. The unbridled passion of beetles on a leaf to stray cats of the city. The heat of the day to the cool of the dark of night is her nudging of love to sweeten the journey and make a new morning to begin the heat again. It's going to be hot, like the day before. They'll do it again, like ornaments or earrings placed to be seen.
  • gratefaldean
    Good point, Anna
    And I sure do remember. I think that one of the side-effects of A/C use is that I never get "hardened off" to the heat. I really do think that I'm less heat-tolerant after 6 years in central-air NC than I was when I lived in New England with no A/C and sleeping on the second floor of my 100-yr-old house with plenty of hot-and-humid summer days to go around.
  • Mr. Pid
    Born on the Sun?
    Check out Robert Wuhl in the control room. I don't think he was acting. Robin ad libbed a lot of this movie.
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17 years 9 months
Cold rain and snow? Here comes sunshine? What's Mother Nature up to at your house?
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15 years 11 months

That snowstorm was a good start to winter here in Peterborough, Ontario. Did it meet your Montreal standards, Richard? There's a seriously slippery layer of ice on all the roads, due to the quick transition from snow to rain, then freezing. Still snowing now. Almost good enough to put my skates on and glide cross-country into town. Winter is here!
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15 years 11 months

Winter The air must be discontented too, as it throws jagged icy daggers at my face. Mottled black and grey sky, echoes depression like a chorus of sympathetic, yet helpless friends. The snow has no choices, or opinions. It simply lives it's life as the snows before. Born of clouds, it falls through air, joining it's siblings on the ground below. Dogs and Children revel in it's family reunion. It's kinder to them, I thought while shivering. Frozen breath and wet clammy eyes, watching a world turn from green and brown to white. Age and Winter do not mix, I mused again. Like Cognac and Ginger Ale. The fit's all wrong. This scene is for the Canines and kids. The rest of us just trudge along.
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17 years 8 months

wasn't too bad this time, even find a place to park my car on the street.
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17 years 8 months

How's everybody after that storm? Need something? Let us know.
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These last two dawns we had snow in Bretagne ,right up to the atlantic ocean where I live ! I had not seen snow here in 7 years , and I wish we could get snow for christmas too !
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17 years 9 months

We have had 12 straight days of mornings colder than 45 heck even the iguanas are freezing.cold cold cold There were snow flurries about 5 miles from my house. And the road goes on forever.... BobbaLee
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16 years 5 months

I lived in Fla in the 70's and 80's and it snowed there once before, Jan, 73, but in all my years of living in Fla, it never got as cold as it has been these last 2 weeks. Now in NC and it snowed up here 15" last month and has been cold as a witch's ... since then, hasn't snowed or been this cold here since 77, from what I've been told. Lets hope it warms up a bit when furthur and the party rolls into town in Feb. Peace, love, dead.
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15 years 1 month

at least it feels that way...high 40's melting all of the snow!
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17 years 7 months

it has been mild.... a few days below zero but now it is suppose to be in the 30's. .....
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17 years 9 months

I spotted the first blossoms on the more intrepid plum trees.
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17 years 9 months

we're due for another round of storms, so those plum blossoms may be a little too intrepid for their own good. But it's nice to see 'em anyway!
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15 years 6 months

Somewhere on the wetlands of Whatcom County in the state of Washington the progression of the seasons has lost it's way....Spring arrived late January/early February,now winter is back with a vengeance.It is ten p.m. and the temperature has plummeted to 39 degrees and there is the threat of a dusting of snow in the Mt. Baker foothills....
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17 years 8 months

It's been 55 and showery in the heartland, with Whatcom weather coming in on Thursday night: could be our last snow. My son is flying out to SeaTac to consider putting his Kitsap rental house on the market. He had the misfortune of buying "high" in 2005, and now walks the tightrope of keeping the value above the mortgage obligation. Cool wet weather out there will restrict him to indoor projects and never-ending blackberry vine-cutting!! At least Silverdale Brewery is up the road where he can find a tall glass of Whoopass!
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15 years 6 months

It's the middle of the first week of Spring here in Bellingham,Washington and it looks and feels like the real deal....so far....
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16 years 2 months

We got a foot of wet slushy snow last night that pretty much destroyed all my little trees :( but is melting away to nothing today. "Here's my half a dollar if you dare .. double twist when you hit the air. Look at Julie down below .. the levee doing the dopaso"
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17 years 8 months

The sun was so toasty today that I got TWO loads of laundry washed and dried! Instead of the usual 3-4 days it takes wet laundry to dry in my bathroom!********************************** By trying we can easily learn to endure adversity -- another man's I mean. Mark Twain
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17 years 2 months

enuf to get a mouse out cutting the lawn...'sposed to be record temps sometime this week....but it's only March so that doesn't mean much. We'll see after the day of the fool, next week.
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15 years 11 months

here in central Ontario - record highs for this time of year. The first week of April usually yields our last snowfall of the year, not mid 20C. Nobody's complaining, though my body feels it's strange. Not a lot of water in the system - the melt was way early - the maple sap run has been interrupted, on & off again. Wierd weather...
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17 years 2 months

all the passes are at 29 degrees, while the lower elevations are getting rain. temp was 42 until 7 am and then went to 38 here in Tacoma. of course nothing like the inundation occurring in the east.
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17 years

Rain was coming down in sheets and blowing sideways this morning, seems to be letting up a little now. Besides sunny and warm I love a good storm.
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17 years 8 months

sunny and a warm 77 degrees. use to be around 40.And warmer to come tomorrow!
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15 years 11 months

First time we've had rain more than 3mm in 3 months! We're in practically drought conditions, not typical for our spring "rainy" season. Hard to complain with the beautiful sunshine all the time, though. I bet we're in for another cold, wet summer. Seems like our spring and summer have become reversed these past 4 or so years. And our cold winter's turned to mush. I think we should change the poem: April flowers bring May showers.
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17 years 8 months

in southern Germany this morning. Grey skies, spring drizzle, and around 50ish degrees F********************************** By trying we can easily learn to endure adversity -- another man's I mean. Mark Twain
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17 years 6 months

POURING right now
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17 years 9 months

seems to be changing seasons every five minutes.
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In France we had a weird month of May ! Started sunny and flowery , then for 2 weeks we had to put back the heaters on , then last week , we had a sudden heatwave crushing plants and us like in a sahara desert , then floods came up again a few days ago , and now we have rather fresh mornings and hot afternoons , as if the weather didn't know what to do next anymore !
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17 years

after the rainiest spring in my 11 years on the Oregon coast it looks as though summer is here. The first couple days of Memorial day weekend were pretty nice though. Me and the doggie hiked to Blossom Bar in the Wild Rogue Wilderness area. It was only a four mile round trip but since Sheba is almost 17 years old it's about the most we can do. Am getting ready now to go climb a peak that's 3,040 ft. high and only 3 miles from the ocean. Spent a little time on the mountain Spent a little time on the hill Things went down we don't understand But I think in time we will
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in the Green Mtn.s of Vt, typical June weather
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16 years 9 months

frickin muggy here in nashville today!
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Hazy, hot & humid in the Green Mtns of Vermont. Summertime and the livin' is ez
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17 years 8 months

Outside is even hotter, and at least the house give protection from the sun, butam feeling pretty yukky about it-like a 300 pound slug actually. It is the 11th or 12th day like this, and much as I swore I hated them; I am fantasizing about air conditioning-especially when the temperature in the house is 95 or so at midnight. ********************************** By trying we can easily learn to endure adversity -- another man's I mean. Mark Twain
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...you can shut the windows and run a dehumidifier. Still noise and expense and electricity usage (quite a bit, actually) but it's not AC if that's what you object to. Stay cool. I strongly dislike the humidity also.
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17 years

The Perseid metor showers have started and will peak on the night of the 11th-12th and the crescent moon will be setting early. I went out to try and see the northern lights that were supposed to come our way a couple nights ago. I didn't see them but did see over 20 shooting stars by midnight. The weather? Sunny and in the 70's.
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The rude calling card of changing seasons are the cold temps.at night -- like around 45 degrees! It has been so hot this year that it seemed summer would stretch on 4-evuhh... Alas, the wonderful warm shades of fall are ushered in on cooling breezes. ~ summer fades and seasons change same old friends the wind and rain we'll see summer come again ~
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15 years 6 months

It's been a bad year for tomatoes here in northwest Washington....
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17 years 9 months

here in the Bay Area on Baseball Day it is not exactly classic baseball weather. More New Year's weather...
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17 years 9 months

First 3 days cool but muggy, went to Maine cooler than hot 92 this morning. now back in Beantown and hot plus most people don't have good A/Cs. In Miami A/C is a religion. And the road goes on forever.... BobbaLee
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15 years 6 months

Marye, your comment on the weather for tonight's game got me to wondering what Jerry might have said in response to the words of Tigerlillie's fave philosopher, Samuel Langhorne Clemens when he said "The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco"....
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17 years 8 months

Have you ever seen so may cyclones spinning out of Africa before? Will Earl, Fiona or Gaston make it to the (USA) east coast ?
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Gotta love it! 5 days in a row of beautiful weather with highs around 90 starting today. Summer marches on into September. Taking in a fair. tending to the harvest. What a life!
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14 years 6 months

thought this thread was about the jazz band lol however its nice here today.
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17 years 8 months

East coasters beware! Fiona will fizzle out while Earl churns along up the US eastern coast. Let's see what Gaston will do behind Fiona... I'll be on the beach in FL next week....
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...plow into SE New England if it doesn't make landfall farther South. It is now a category 4 and there about 40,000,000 people who should be paying attention but probably aren't. Let us hope it curls out to sea. ~ We don't need no more trouble (troubles we don't need) ~
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17 years 8 months

Nothing else to say. My neck of the woods normally has about 29 days a year of 90F or higher temps. Today should be the 67th of 2010. Add that to 0.2" of rain so far this month (normally 4").....
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16 years 2 months

Over Red Rocks! Low 80's and lots o' sun! Although its been getting below 50 at night as a warning.. Heading up there in a bit, hope to see some of you and wishing everyone a grand time. "The dire wolf collects his due while the boys sing round the fire"