started by dstache
8/31/69, 1/22/73, 2/12/75, 2/16/75, 2/28/75, 3/5/75, 6/21/77 and 6/24/80
This might be too much Zeppelin for some, but just enough for others. I encourage everyone to sign up and grab at least a show or two (2/12/75 is a MONSTER). I haven't listened to the 77 or 80 show yet, but from the notes and what I can find out on the internet, they should be solid. The others are at least good, most very good.
Robert Plant's voice comes and goes. On some nights and some songs he is better than on others. Jimmy Page tears it up. The No Quarters from 75 are awesome. As are all the Dazed & Confuseds.
First person to sign up, please drop me a PM. Enjoy!
sounds good
Keep a song in your heart. 1. JackstrawfromColorado
This will go out tomorrow. One little problem, 6/21/77 doesn't work. I tried to convert it the other day and got errors, then re-ripped and tried again with the same result. Sorry about that. I had already burned the DVDs or I would have substituted for it. Oh well, the rest of the stuff is killer.
8 from Led Zeppelin (SHN/FLAC) Vine
1. JackstrawfromColorado2. 1958
3. Deadicated
Always up for Zep! Thanks 'stache.
" Where does the time go? "
Thanks Derek!
1. JackstrawfromColorado2. 1958
3. Deadicated
4. Birdsong1969nj
5. Unclejon
"when life looks like easy street, there is danger at your door"
Thanks a lot dstache this is awesome but I am going to mail you a roll of tape ;-) haaa I'll turn this around asap.
1. JackstrawfromColorado in 4/12
2. 1958
3. Deadicated
4. Birdsong1969nj
5. Unclejon
"Here's my half a dollar if you dare .. double twist when you hit the air. Look at Julie down below .. the levee doing the dopaso"
Mailed today
1. JackstrawfromColorado in 4/12 out 4/132. 1958
3. Deadicated
4. Birdsong1969nj
5. Unclejon
"Here's my half a dollar if you dare .. double twist when you hit the air. Look at Julie down below .. the levee doing the dopaso"
In 4-15 out 4-19
Keep a song in your heart. Thank you dstache
8 from Led Zeppelin (SHN/FLAC) Vine
Received today - thanks - will be forwarded Friday-ish. Adios.
" Where does the time go? "
Page/Plant/Bonham and the underated John Paul Jones
Sounds like fun!
1. JackstrawfromColorado in 4/12 out 4/13
2. 1958
3. Deadicated
4. Birdsong1969nj
5. Unclejon
6. Canyon Critter
Will you come with me? Once in awhile you can get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right!
8 from Led Zeppelin (SHN/FLAC) Vine
Out to Birdsong1969nj this AM - amazing.
" Where does the time go? "
Sign me up!!
8 From Led Zeppelin (SHN/FLAC) Vine1. JackstrawfromColorado in 4/12 out 4/13
2. 1958
3. Deadicated
4. Birdsong1969nj
5. Unclejon
6. Canyon Critter
7. Estim8ed
updated list
3. Deadicated4. Birdsong1969nj
5. Unclejon
6. Canyon Critter
7. Estim8ed
I have this
4. Birdsong1969nj in 4/295. Unclejon
6. Canyon Critter
7. Estim8ed"And I love the life I live
And I'm gonna live the life I love"
Just listened to the 1/22/73 South Hampton at 11 in my car and almost wet myself. That is by far the best quality Zeppelin recording I have heard up to this point....I am 40 pushing 17!!!!!!
So, from what I've heard This one ROCKS!
Yes, I've heard through the grapevine, yes no pun intended....that this one rocks.
Get the Led Out!
Will you come with me? Once in awhile you can get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right!
Haven't Seen this one yet
It Might Get Loud!
Can't wait to hear some of these shows.
"when life looks like easy street, there is danger at your door"
Vine has arrived 8/27!
I just picked up the 6/24/80 from another source and it is truly an amazing LZ show - the quality is excellent and Plant seemed to be in fairly good voice which so often wasn't the case in the later years. I highly recommend this show.
Pinging Canyon Critter now to see if he is active these days as so many of us have not shown up for awhile - including myself!
"when life looks like easy street, there is danger at your door"
rock n roll
3. Deadicated4. Birdsong1969nj
5. Unclejon
6. Canyon Critter
7. Estim8ed
8. caroline
9. maustin
Got this today
Thanks UncleJon! I like this idea of pming before we send etc. so that the vine can keep going...Listening to Jimmy Wailing right now...BONZO!!! Very nice stuff. And thanks to DSTACHE for vining.
5. Unclejon
6. Canyon Critter (In 9/2/10 will be out in a coupla daze)
7. Estim8ed
8. caroline
9. maustin

if it gets moving.....
6. Canyon Critter (In 9/2/10 will be out in a coupla daze)7. Estim8ed
8. caroline
9. maustin
10. fluffhead420
11. Jake R
got a few of the older shows here
but would love to get the rest
6. Canyon Critter (In 9/2/10 will be out in a coupla daze)
7. Estim8ed
8. caroline
9. maustin
10. fluffhead420
11. Jake R
12. zepthompson
heres what i got
on this one.............
From: Canyon Critter
To: maustin
Subject: Re: led zep vine
Date: December 1, 2010 - 11:12am
I do have this...sorry, been busy with the 30 days downlaods...I have to work but will send em out very soon.
Update....Yes, I sent this
Maybe it will get going again
Hope springs eternal!
6. Canyon Critter (In 9/2/10 will be out in a coupla daze)
7. Estim8ed
8. caroline
9. maustin
10. fluffhead420
11. Jake R
12. zepthompson
13. TheNuthatch
14) JBH69Flyer
Best Wishes-Jimmy
i think it will
i know estim8ed takes some time with the vines he gets but i have found that he is always reliable. now if he sent this to caroline it may be dead
hope this one gets going again...
the list...
6. Canyon Critter (In 9/2/10 was out mid-Dec 2010)
7. Estim8ed
8. caroline
9. maustin
10. fluffhead420
11. Jake R
12. zepthompson
13. TheNuthatch
14) JBH69Flyer
15) t140v77
Will PM Estim8ted to see if he still has this.
6. Canyon Critter (In 9/2/10 was out mid-Dec 2010)7. Estim8ed
8. caroline
9. maustin
10. fluffhead420
11. Jake R
12. zepthompson
13. TheNuthatch
14) JBH69Flyer
15) t140v77
16) JohnRParker5