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    16 years 4 months ago
    looking for support and funding for The Lyonesse Project
    Hi all, My name is Mark and i have been working on a Eco~project for the last five years, named the Lyonesse Project, which aim through direct experience making humans more aware of balance between ourselfes and the naatural world, in particular the Oceans on planet Earth. The Idea was to create a underwater living bio~sphere reached by laying clear tubes from shore to the undersea bio~sphere. This would have a scientific, educational angle as well as be a "visitor attraction". We aimed to lobby for Alternative energys used by harnassing the dormant energy in the oceans. i.e. Tidal turbines, offshore wind farms and so on. If we harnessed just 0.1% of enrgy in ocean we could/can &will supply the whole of planets earths supply, Spatial Area Protection AKA No Take Reserves AKA Marine Parks. for the County of Cornwall. A rational from a SAP, of a minimum of 26-33%. 1. Protect a area of 26~33% of all Marine habitats to achieve a sustainable fishery for Cornwall. Old methods have failed (management tools...) Landing and size limits, single species protection, gear restrictions and seasonal closures have been used to try to halt the decline in fish stocks in UK , and Europe, These measures have failed, a textbook case of what happens when paper pushers implement a strategy without discussing with experts within the fishing industry. A pattern that is all to familiar these days. 2. A less tried approach in UK waters is to limit fishing to specific places. This does not mean a reduction in fishing, in fact the fishing biomass catch size starts to increase within a very short time. The research conducted over 30 yrs from around the world (sea I.U.C.N) shows that in the creation of SAP reserves, The fisherman can the "fish the line, fish along the edges of the reserve have a lower overhead cost, smaller fuel bills, a secure future. 3. Not only will this benefit our whole community , through the interconnected economic ~community streams but provide a platform for a dying industry to actual grow again, providing a higher level of security for the community's within Cornwall. As i have illustrated with my work with Michael Porter, on cluster growth. (sea the golden triangle in Carolina). Also The Lyonesse Project aimed to provide a bridge between the academic and those actually working in Industry. Enhancing our scientific knowledge. Increasing public awareness and understanding and appreciation of the delicate balance within the marine Eco~systems, highlighting the micro~systems that exists from the small bay, a reef, wreck up to the large offshore sandbanks and so on. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Lyonesse Projects aims to : *Develop and implement a working strategy for establishing a network of areas that protect Marine Bio~diversity, including marine reserves, heritage sites and other coastal marine management tools, that have a proven track record. * Achieve a final target of protecting 33% of breeding, spawning, juvenile areas around the Cornwall. * provide a platfoorm in which Beucrats and fisherman (any industrys) can talk in a cohesive way, as opposed to opposing onme another's (good grief, see pic of Charlie###gordon## Brown) We are looking for support andf funding and any help that may be provided would be kindly welcomed warm regards Mark Eddy OMPH (see you round)