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Marianne maybe?
but is only a guess**********************************
By trying we can easily learn to endure adversity -- another man's I mean.
Mark Twain
He Was Famous in France
You must google it to get the lyrics (link would not post)
Where are all the french heroes...
... when their neighbor to the east comes a'knockin'? Oh yeah, they call the good 'ol U S of A to bail 'em out.
Could this be the reason ?,_marquis_de_Lafayette
Right on GC!
and Buddy?pffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft
By trying we can easily learn to endure adversity -- another man's I mean.
Mark Twain
at least in the U.S. it's not illegal to dress as your religion espouses, not that we don't have problems, but we don't toss women in jail for wearing a veil, or headscarf.....and as one who reads history often, i must say "thank you lafayette"..........and lets not forget all the american soldiers buried in france thanks to that idiot, hitler.
heros today ?
our dear La Fayette today , would battle to impose laws for real women's rights : right to go to school ; right to drive a car , right to walk by herself ,right to get medical help when needed , and right to not put burqas and cover they heads without death threaths ! As for the real free heroes of the coming century , they'll plaznt trees , not bombs , they"ll ride horses , nor goldpriced gasoline polluting cars , and have Organic Markets from Coops run by people who grow the foods to feed the local areas .Heroes will invent vaccins and meds for the sicks ,built sustainable housing with local materials , and the big chief Hero will be the Keeper of the Pure Water for the whole eare community ! and of course , the fountain of pure water in the center to remind all that a fresh clean water is better than past centuries heros who were about wars and disasters . We need new heros for tomorrows 's hopes and better realities . The past is only a time gone long ago , and we don't need to burden children constantly with centuries gone events , when theyl need mostly to prepare for their own better world century . So, let's the women be free , let's the children be free , and to also be free , men have to set free the animals and the lands , and remember the proof of their real Freedom is , smart women ,happy chidren, and busy peaceful men .gathering by the fireplace on saturday nights to sing you a few tunes of the Grateful Dead !