• 269 replies

    As you may have noticed, we've just implemented a much-requested chatroom. It is quite simple and has few fancy features, but for the moment we just want it to work!

     Anyway, have at it, and post your thoughts, feature requests, effusive thanks to the tech team, etc., right here. Thanks!


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  • marye
    the funny thing is...
    I see your conversation just fine. Weird!
  • marye
    well, badger...
    that's very strange, and not the first report I've seen of strange deployment of kicked-out tools. I'm gonna report this. Thanks.
  • Mr. Pid
    Work is a four letter word
    I hope Badger's experience wasn't because of anything I said. I did respond to the question, even though it was just to say I had to go, because of that dreaded four letter word... Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
  • cosmicbadger
    booted out the chatroom by robomoderator
    I just asked Mr Pid the following question 'You at work?' instantly the chatroom window went blank and I got this message 'You have been kicked out. Further abuse will result in permanent banning.' had to log back into the chatroom. Promise not to mention work again!
  • reedchris
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    What should we chat about?Good to see the pictures are back!
  • cosmicbadger
    More displacement activity
    yes it works fine! good move, thanks.
  • GratefulGigi
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    Grate idea!!
    It good to chat, then wait for pm's!! :)
  • Sunshine-daydr…
    just tried
    seems straight forward - - - - - - - - - - - - - - http://spanishsunshinedaydream.blogspot.com/ http://www.facebook.com/photos.php?id=633338979 Spanish Jam
  • Sunshine-daydr…
    great idea Bob - - - - - - - - - - - - - - http://spanishsunshinedaydream.blogspot.com/ http://www.facebook.com/photos.php?id=633338979 Spanish Jam
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Member for

17 years 9 months

As you may have noticed, we've just implemented a much-requested chatroom. It is quite simple and has few fancy features, but for the moment we just want it to work!

 Anyway, have at it, and post your thoughts, feature requests, effusive thanks to the tech team, etc., right here. Thanks!

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Member for

17 years 9 months

that's the eternal conundrum, and it's pretty much the same issue as, say, keeping the Shakedown scene from getting out of hand and bringing down assorted wrath. The balance of freedom and self-policing gets tricky. But the place was home to a lot of people who never caused trouble for anyone at all, too. We know this...
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Member for

16 years 5 months

and with sugar on it. plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! glad to hear u r working on it. lots miss it and eachother.
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17 years 2 months

cookie cookie cookie cookie cookie
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17 years 2 months

cookie cookie cookie cookie cookie
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17 years 2 months

cookie cookie cookie cookie cookie
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Member for

15 years 10 months

haightFInally got to see what you look like brother. Nice beard! Did I meet you at The Pyramid in Memphis in '95? Take care.
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Member for

17 years 2 months

I retired from the Nav in '95 and came home to Washington state. Last show I saw then was the bands very last Cali show at Shoreline.....(sigh!)...
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17 years 7 months

I baked cookies today! :)
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Member for

17 years 2 months

can I has some?................drooooool.....slobber......
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Member for

16 years 10 months

If you choose not to regulate your self.their are plenty waiting and wanting to make more laws. And to regulate you. I my self thought Shake down was a Joke How many times do ya need to be Written by the Band Not to and Beware of what ya do. The Band and Friends caught the wrath . Because a few thought its more important for them to make money etc etc etc I went for the show I guess im one in 10,000. The parking lot after 85 was a joke prior just friends,and the lint ball rolled and grabbed many strange and selfish things. Self Regulation is the only way. Well time to Rake the colorful leaves up . Blessings to all. Enjoy the NOW Peace Smiley D Do For Other's you Will Feel Better!!! Guaranteed
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Member for

17 years 2 months

The music is what it was all about to begin with, not politics, not money, but the music..
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16 years 10 months

Not that i would have not said it anyways.How i feel. Many friends vended and disagree with me that's fine still America since I checked this morning:) Do For Other's you Will Feel Better!!! Guaranteed
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Member for

17 years 2 months

I have alot of stuff I've bought in the lot...each one holds a memory, and I really LIKE grilled cheese, but yeah, greed moved in, and people just there for the buck without any thought for the music. Some kind folk made a passable living moving from show to show, " follow the circus!!" but not everyone was kind.......and yes, it IS still America!!
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14 years 11 months

Im cheered up by you being cheered up by nutty things that nutty people say.......keep on rolling just a mile to go.
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Member for

16 years 3 months

Hey now, still looking to get hired helping out in the lot on tour. I want to spend my time more as a park ranger than an animal in the forrest. i consider Dead lot a national treasure and i would like the opportunity to be involved in keeping it going for years to come. There arent a lot of old schoolers out there desides me and a few. please consider my offer of services. mntnmark@yahoo.com
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15 years 6 months

i need help with some brief details about a show that I went to in New Haven, CT. I believe that it was in November, 1978. Everybody had gotten inside and we were waiting for the show to start. After a while, somebody came out on stage and said that we all had to leave and go home be cause Jerry got sick. That's all that I can remember. Can someone with a clear memory of what happened write me at halloweendeadhead@yahoo.com and let me knoe anything more? Date? Time passage from start-time to announcement? Who announced? Did we all hang-out or just leave in an orderly fashion? What went on in the parking lot afterward? I would really appreciate the feedback. Thank You, Jane H.
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15 years 6 months

Halloween 10/31/1980 on the way to my birthday show at Radio City, NYC
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14 years 2 months

Not a very inventive user name but a deadhead nonetheless. Fan since they were the Warlocks. I've never used a chatroom and figured this would be a good start.
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Member for

17 years 2 months

this a.m.........mworsoe has been welcomed in the chat and we both learned a few things.......
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Member for

17 years 2 months

really?........dang...please take care of yourself....wow....
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Member for

17 years 9 months

please describe the nature and source of the flashing... sorry I've been offline folks. Bit of an injury had me sidelined for a bit, but Im back.
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Member for

16 years 10 months

Thats what did it i think, Doc said same thing i described the pattern and said yes do not look. So ill be fine . Sorry was down with my headache i get after one this was kije 4 days then i lost one. But allis weel i had fun listening to those trying to give us the show. Do For Other's You Will Feel Better. Guaranteed!!!!
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16 years 10 months

It only from over load i disregarded the early signal. Its all good ty nothing needs to change i just wont stare at all the stuff . It was 2 day and all were playing NO BIGGIE WAS JUST WARNING OTHERS!! Smiley D Do For Other's You Will Feel Better. Guaranteed!!!!
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Member for

17 years 9 months

but in the meantime I'll see if I can find out easy ways for you (Smiley, and anyone else who prefers something a bit more tranquil) to turn it off so YOU don't see it (all the flashing stuff) while other people play with it. It is possible to customize what you see, but I haven't really delved into it too much.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Please fix it soon. Thanks!
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Member for

15 years 2 months

When you go to Chat Room and click on chat room in the upper left and watch how your browser is directed to attempt to get there, you might, as I have, seen B.scorecardrearch.com before your atempt failed. When I Googled that it came up with the following comment from this blogger (If you don't feel like reading the summation is that you need to get all of the fleas and ticks out of your computer -- yeah, you got'em and it'll cost you to get rid of 'em.) ***** ****** ***** For many of you who use the Firefox browser to access my blog Right Wing Nuthouse, you may have found reading it an impossibility over the last 10 days or so. I ask your pardon. I was unaware of the problem until a reader emailed me and mentioned it. I was having problems accessing the site myself but I thought it was specific to my computer and not a general problem with viewing the website in Firefox (IE and Google Chrome were unaffected.). It seems that an insidious, unwelcome, unasked for, should-be-criminal script was surreptitiously installed in the sidebar of my blog and was wreaking havoc with visitor’s computers. When clicking on the web address to The House, the site would appear briefly and then be redirected to something called B.scorecardresearch.com – except the script caused the site to hang forever leaving a blank page to look at. I tried to scrub it using every anti-spyware, anti-malware, anti-virus program I had – and some like Spybot I downloaded. Since I was unaware that the problem was a rogue, 3rd party script, the small piece of code laughed at my efforts to eradicate it. It sneered as I flailed about aimlessly, nearly weeping with frustration and anger, and vowing to take my revenge – if I ever managed to see my website again in Firefox. A search revealed that b.scorecardresearch.com was a webtracking company, carefully monitoring my keystrokes and website visits. I discovered upon visiting its website that I might opt out of participating in this gangster company’s information gathering. After clicking the “opt out” link, I was told the cookie would be inoperative. In this, they were correct – except the problem wasn’t with a cookie. The problem was that a script had been placed inside the blog infrastructure itself without my knowledge or permission. When I discovered that there were still problems with the site after opting out, I went to the Mozilla support forum and screamed for help. The good geeks at Mozilla came through in spectacular fashion. First, Gerv identified the problem: The sites which are having the problem include code from Technorati, which itself includes code from extreme-dm.com, which includes a reference to a script on the site b.scorecardresearch.com. For some reason, that script is not loading correctly, and it is not marked as inessential to the page, and so the page load is blocked. This is an example of why including scripts from a 3rd party site in your website is a dangerous thing to do. Do you trust everyone that the owner of that script trusts? So this is (probably) not a problem with Firefox. Then a good bit of luck; an expert in WordPress who had dealt with a similar problem on another website: WP Specialist: Had the same problem earlier with a client’s site. Do you have technorati called anywhere within your theme? Removing that from our site fixed the issue. From some reading I did, it’s apparently the latest update of FireFox causing the issue. (Which explains why it’s okay in IE and Chrome) Some “tracking scripts” are running wrong and causing the redirect. So, if you don’t have technorati going, trying disabling any of your java (i.e. twitter follow widgets) Please let me know if this helped (because I’m curious). Good luck! Sure enough, I accessed the blog innards and there it was – a script with “technorati” in the middle of it (I wish I had copied the script but was so excited to get rid of it I wasn’t thinking), sitting all by itself in my right hand sidebar, minding my business, not serving any purpose for the blog whatsoever. I removed it and all is well in blogland again. I have no idea how that script got there. I certainly wasn’t asked to participate in any kind of program that would monitor my surfing habits. Did Technorati place it there? My meager knowledge of how such scripts are installed makes that an open question. I know that it wasn’t there previously since I had occasion to work on the sidebar code from time to time over the last 5 years. It could have been there for months or, given the recent problems with accessing the site, just a matter of days. In the future, I will take no chances. I will no longer visit Technorati. And let this be a warning to everyone; no 3rd party scripts for your blog or browser. Unless you are absolutely sure what you are getting, it is best to steer clear of scripts from unknown sources. I learned that lesson the hard way. I hope you don’t have to. ***** ***** ****** After the recent news of the super malware out there right now it is frightening to see what these state-sponsored programs can do. How much more so these companies like Technorati & B.scorecardresearch.com & whoever else is out there.
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17 years 9 months

people are having a problem with the chat room regardless of what browser they're using, so this is not a Firefox problem specifically.
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Member for

13 years

Interesting to note that it isn't just Mozilla people are having problems with. I'm hoping that the problem will clear up some time, regardless of who is responsible. It is possible that since this blogger posted the mentioned offenders have found a way to corrupt IE & Chrome. If you can see how your browser is redirecting you should be able to note if there are uninvited parties in the process.
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16 years 4 months

is completely fudged up. Any interest in sept 72? Lets start a new list unless whoever has it comes forward
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Member for

17 years 6 months

doesn't seem to be working......
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Well, it`s dec30, and, as ussual, i loggon to make my dead.net appearance.just kidding, but, seriously, I really have made coming onto the dead.net chatroom a tradition, if you will. It is very important to me. I come to see old friends, who, tho i havent met them, in real life (and what is real?), i miss them, if i dont say high! at least once a year. Please bring back dead.net/chat thanks
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Member for

10 years 1 month

Just put in my mail order for July shows. How are people notified about filled requests? Or will tickets just show up? What kind of time frame are we looking at?
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Member for

10 years 2 months

When the chat crashes are only certain users able to restart it. I tried posting and it just stays blank. Not a big deal because someone always seems to restart it, just curious.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

yes. Send me a PM if it's crashng, but chances are someone else will get to it first.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

the chatroom really isn't working right now. In fact, it is resisting all my attempts to revive it. I've notified the tech folks, but in the meantime, it's broken and you're not imagining it or doing something wrong!
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16 years 3 months

Does anyone know if there are a limit on tix for mail order I'm not talking about per person I'm talking about over all like are their 10,000 for mail order 10,000 for presale and so on
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Member for

10 years 1 month

From the looking around I've done it seems like they will notify by email. The send dates for the mail in tickets are March-June but they want to let people know before the sales start happening! Still trying to figure out the whole presale thing?? I've signed up every where, that I wasn't already. Anyone know where we need to order them from?
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Member for

17 years 8 months

I think they cancelled the 2/12 presale because of the 60,000 envelopes they received. might not be through them all before 2/12 and/or might not have any seats left to presell I guess